------REVISED AS OF January 25, 2018------United States Department of Guide to Agriculture Forest Service Forest Service Washington, DC Directives xxxx 201x Table of Contents


Introduction ...... 1

Overview of Directive System ...... 2

Electronic Access and Retrieval of Service-wide Directives ...... 7

Access for Forest Service Employees ...... 7

Access for Public Through Internet ...... 8

Forest Service Manual (FSM) and Service-wide Handbooks (FSH) by Code and Captions...... 9

Unit Handbooks ...... 47

Copies and Comments This guide was prepared by the Directives and Regulations Branch, Office of Regulatory and Management Services, Washington Office. To obtain additional copies or to provide comments on the guide, employees may send an electronic message on the Intranet to: wo Directives. On the Internet, send the electronic message to: [email protected].

First issuance, August 1994 Revised, September 2010 Introduction

This guide serves as a ready reference for users of the Forest Service Directive System. This guide contains an overview of the Directive System; lists of the codes and captions that comprise the system; and instructions on electronic retrieval of directives. This guide is updated periodically to reflect changes in the Directive System.

For direction on the Directive System, see Forest Service Manual (FSM) Title 1100, Directive System; and Forest Service Handbook (FSH) 1109.12, Directive System Handbook.

1 Overview of Directive System

1. What is the Forest Service Directive System?

The Forest Service Directive System consists of the Forest Service Manual (FSM) and Handbooks (FSH), which codify the agency's policy, practice, and procedure. The system serves as the primary basis for the internal management and control of all programs and the primary source of administrative direction to Forest Service employees. New or revised continuing direction is issued by amendment; short-term direction is issued by interim directive; and direction supplementing that issued by an external or higher level is issued by supplement.

2. How do employees and the public obtain access to directives?

Internally, FSM amendments are stored and issued electronically. Most handbooks are also available electronically. Employees can access directives electronically through the Intranet (FS Web) or the Internet (World Wide Web) and the public can access directives electronically through the Internet (World Wide Web). See pages 7 and 8 for instructions.

A master set is also maintained in paper form at the Washington Headquarters, Region, Station, Area, Institute, and Forest offices. Both employees and the public may inspect paper master sets of directives at Forest Service offices.

3. What is the difference between direction issued in the Manual and that issued in Handbooks?

Directives are issued to either the Manual or Handbooks depending on the scope of the direction and the intended audience.

2 Forest Service Manual (FSM). The FSM contains legal authorities, objectives, policies, responsibilities, instructions, and guidance needed on a continuing basis by Forest Service line officers and primary staff in more than one unit to plan and execute assigned programs and activities.

Forest Service Handbooks (FSH). Handbooks are the principal source of specialized guidance and instruction for carrying out the direction issued in the FSM. Specialists and technicians are the primary audience of handbook direction. However, some FSH's include significant procedural direction needed by line officers and/or primary staff officers; examples include handbooks on land management planning, appeals, litigation, and environmental analysis. Handbooks may also incorporate external directives (such as the Federal Property Management Regulations in FSH 6409.31) with related USDA and Forest Service directive supplements.

4. Is Manual or Handbook direction more binding on employees?

The words used to issue direction, not whether the direction is located in the manual or handbook component of the Directive System, determine how binding the direction is on Forest Service employees. The use of the helping verbs "must" and "shall" or imperative mood (where the subject "you" is understood) convey mandatory compliance; "ought" and "should" convey required compliance, except for justifiable reasons; and "may" and "can" convey optional compliance.

In general, the manual contains the more significant policy and standards governing Forest Service programs, and thus the consequence of not complying with manual direction is generally more serious than noncompliance with handbooks. However, procedural direction in a number of handbooks is often equally important.

3 5. Who can issue direction? Line officers at most administrative levels have authority to issue direction. * At the National level, Deputy Chiefs and Associate Deputy Chiefs have delegated authority to issue most Service-wide direction for programs under their jurisdiction. Service-wide direction of a precedent- setting or especially sensitive nature, however, is referred to the Chief for approval. In paper form, Service-wide direction is printed on white paper. * Regional Foresters and Forest Supervisors may supplement the Service-wide direction. In paper form, regional supplements are printed on blue paper and forest supplements are printed on green paper. Supplements may be more restrictive than parent material, but cannot expand the authorities or relax restrictions unless approved in writing by the next higher official. * Research Station Directors, the Northeast Area Director for State and Private Forestry, and the Director of the International Institute of Tropical Forestry also may supplement Service-wide direction. These supplements also are printed on blue paper. * District Rangers and Research Project Leaders do not have authority to issue supplements. 6. How are directives integrated with other Forest Service records? The architecture of codes and captions established in the Forest Service manual is the cornerstone of the agency's integrated records management system; all directives, forms, reports, files, and correspondence on a particular subject carry the same basic codes and captions. Additionally, any prospective directive must be reviewed for impacts on forms, reports, and other information requirements, records management, and Privacy Act systems of records. The Directive System architecture and the full

4 integration of directives issuance with other administrative systems have long made the Forest Service Directive System a model within the Federal Government. The system's reputation, currency, and accessibility have been further strengthened in recent years as a result of automating issuance and retrieval of the manual and most handbooks.

7. What is the legal basis for directives?

The basic authority for the Chief to issue directives concerning Forest Service operations is Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations, section 2.7 (7 CFR 2.7). The Federal Property Management Regulations (41 CFR 101-11.209; FSH 6409.31 - FPMR 101-11.209) set Government-wide standards and guidelines for Federal agencies in establishing and managing effective directive systems. The Federal Information Resources Management Regulations (41 CFR 201-6.002(k)) require agencies to "control the creation and distribution of agency directives to eliminate duplicative, conflicting, or confusing instructions to agency personnel, and to ensure proper documentation of agency policies and procedures."

8. How do directives fit in the hierarchy of laws, regulations, and other direction?

Following is a simplified illustration of this legal hierarchy.

5 CONSTITUTION Article 1 Article II Article III Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch Authorizes Congress Authorizes President to execute laws Authorizes courts to to make laws interpret laws LAWS EXECUTIVE ORDERS LEGAL (U.S. Statutes and (Issued by President; codified in Title DECISIONS U.S. Code) 3, Code of Federal Regulations (Case Law) (3 CFR)) REGULATIONS (Issued by Federal agencies; published in Federal Register and codified in CFR) ADDITIONAL GOVERNMENT- WIDE GUIDANCE INTERNAL AGENCY POLICY AND PROCEDURES

Department of Agriculture - Departmental Manual (DM) - Departmental Regulations (DR)

Forest Service: - Issues regulations at 36 CFR chapter II - Issues internal policies and procedures in Forest Service Manual (FSM) and Forest Service Handbooks (FSH) - Negotiates master agreement with union

6 Electronic Access and Retrieval of Service-wide Directives

Access for Forest Service Employees

Employees may access and retrieve Service-wide directives electronically from the Intranet (FS Web) or the Internet (World Wide Web) Directives Home Page as follows:

Intranet Addresses

Forest Service Washington Office FS Web Home Page:


From here, select the link for Directives.

Internet Addresses

1. USDA Forest Service National Headquarters Home Page (World Wide Web):


From here, select the link for Forest Service Manual and/or Handbooks.

2. Forest Service Directives Home Page (World Wide Web):


Information and Assistance

For further information and assistance concerning Service-wide directives, contact your unit Directive Manager.

7 Access for Public Through Internet

The public may access and retrieve Service-wide directives electronically from the USDA Forest Service National Headquarters Home Page on the World Wide Web.

Internet Addresses

1. USDA Forest Service National Headquarters Home Page (World Wide Web):


From here, select the link for Forest Service Manual and/or Handbooks.

2. Forest Service Directives Home Page (World Wide Web):


Information and Assistance

For further information and assistance concerning Service-wide directives, send an electronic message to [email protected].

8 Forest Service Manual (FSM) and Service-wide Handbooks (FSH) by Code and Captions

Series 1000 - Organization and Management Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 1010 Laws, Regulations, and Orders 1020 Forest Service Mission 1100 Directive System Zero Code 1110 Directive System Structure and Standards 1120 Directive Writing, Preparation, and Clearance 1130 Directive Distribution, Maintenance, and Access 1109.12 Directive System Handbook Zero Code 10 Writing 20 Coordination and Approval 30 Format Standards 40 Access, Distribution, and Maintenance 50 Directive System Codes, Captions, and Index 1200 Organization Zero Code 1220 Organization and Position Management 1230 Delegations of Authority and Responsibility 1240 Organization Standards 1300 Management Zero Code 1310 Methods of Doing Business 1320 Technology Transfer 1330 Management Systems 1340 Management Improvement Administration 1350 Committee Management 1360 Meetings Management 1370 Forms Management 1380 Information Collection Activities: Collection of Information From the Public 1390 Knowledge Sharing and Conservation

9 Series 1000 - Organization and Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 1309.13 Honor Guard Handbook Zero Code 10 Membership 20 Events 30 Uniforms and Equipment 40 Forest Service Honor Guard Drill and Ceremony Guide 50 Administration 1309.14 Information Requirements Handbook Zero Codeo 10 Forms 20 Reports 30 Data Bases 40 Public Information Collections 1309.19 Forest Service Death and Serious Injury Handbook Zero Code 10 Activities for the Hours and Days Following Initial Incident 20 Key Employees’ Coordination Activities 30 Serious Injury and Medical Emergency Administration 40 Death in the Line of Duty Administration 50 Death Not in the Line of Duty Administration 60 Award Ceremonies, Monuments, and Donations 1400 Controls Zero Code 1410 Management Reviews 1420 Government Accountability Office Audit 1430 Office of Inspector General Audits 1440 External Accounting and Review 1450 Special Audits, Reviews, and Investigations 1460 Cooperative Forestry Assistance Reviews 1470 Research Reviews 1480 Environmental Compliance Program 1490 Performance Accountability

10 Series 1000 - Organization and Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 1409.11 Fiscal Review and Analysis Handbook 000 General 100 Organization and Management 200 National Forest Resource Management 300 State and Private Forestry 400 Research 500 Protection and Development 600 Management Services 700 Engineering 1409.15 Auditing Concessions Handbook Zero Code 10 Graduated-Rate Fee System 20 Audit Survey 30 Audit Program 40 Audit Working Papers and Reports 1409.18 Management Controls Handbook Zero Code 10 Internal Controls 1500 External Relations Zero Code 1510 Legislative Affairs 1520 Public Service Program 1530 Interdepartmental 1540 Intradepartmental 1550 International Organizations; International Travel 1560 State, Tribal, County, and Local Agencies; Public and Private Organizations 1570 Appeals and Litigations 1580 Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements 1590 Defense and Emergency Operations 1509.11 Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements Handbook Zero Code 10 Grants & Agreements Administration 20 Federal Financial Assistance (Grants and Cooperative Agreements)

11 Series 1000 - Organization and Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 1509.11 (cont.) 30 Cooperative Law Enforcement, Forest Road, and Fire Protection Agreements 40 Collection Agreements 50 Interagency Agreements 60 Memorandum of Understanding 70 Partnership Agreements 80 Debarment and Suspension 90 Standard and Discretionary Provisions and Assurances 1509.12 36 CFR 215 Appeals Handbook Zero Code 10 Notice, Comment, and Decision 20 Appeal Filing, Contents, and Timing 30 Appeal Processing 40 Appeal Record 1509.13 American Indian and Alaska Native Relations Handbook Zero Code 10 Consultation With Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Corporations 20 Repatriation and Reburial Documentation 30 Voluntary Closures 1600 Information Services Zero Code 1610 Plans 1620 Public Involvement Programs 1630 Publishing and Related Activities 1640 Audiovisual Information 1650 Media Relations Program 1660 Web Content and Format 1670 Library 1680 History Program 1690 Internal Communications

12 Series 1000 - Organization and Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 1609.11 Publications Management Handbook Zero Code 10 Requirements Applicable to All Publications 20 Distribution 30 Special Requirements 40 Manuscript Preparation 50 Publishing Procedures in the Washington Office 60 Publishing Procedures in Field Offices 1700 Civil Rights Zero Code 1710 Civil Rights Program Management 1720 Public Notification 1730 Civil Rights Impacts 1740 Civil Rights Training 1750 Civil Rights Reports 1760 Equal Employment Opportunity 1770 Federal Financial Assistance Programs 1780 Direct Programs 1790 Socioeconomic Programs 1709.11 Civil Rights Handbook Zero Code 10 Civil Rights Program Management 20 Public Notification 30 Civil Rights Impact Analysis 40 Civil Rights Training 50 Reports [Reserved] 60 Equal Employment Opportunity 70 Federal Financial Assistance Programs 80 Direct Programs 90 Socioeconomic Programs 1800 Volunteers and Service Zero Code 1810 Service Programs 1820 Public Lands Corps 1830 Volunteers and Service Programs 1840 Youth Conservation Corps 1850 Job Corps Civilian Conservation Corps

13 Series 1000 - Organization and Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 1809.12 Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center Handbook Zero Code 100 Civilian Conservation Center Management 200 Job Corps Training Program 300 Job Corps Property Management 400 Job Corps Financial Management, Planning and Claims 500 Job Corps Vocational Skills Training Projects 600 Civilian Conservation Center 1900 Planning Zero Code 1910 National Resource Planning 1920 Land Management Planning 1930 Program Development and Budgeting 1940 Inventory, Monitoring, and Assessment Activities 1950 Environmental Policy and Procedures 1960 Policy Analysis 1970 Economic and Social Analysis 1990 Special Plans and Studies 1909.12 Land Management Planning Handbook Zero Code 10 Assessments 20 Land Management Plan 30 Monitoring 40 Public Participation 50 Objection Process 60 Forest Vegetation Resource Planning 70 Wilderness Recommendation 80 Wild and Scenic River Evaluation 90 References 1909.13 Program Development and Budgeting Handbook Zero Code 10 Program Budget Formulation and Participation Budget Presentation 20 Budget Execution [Reserved] 30 Overhead Assessment 40 14 Series 1000 - Organization and Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 1909.13 Program Development and Budgeting Handbook 50 Accountability 60 Annual Report of the Forest Service 70 Land Management Planning Report to Congress 80 Budget Information Management 1909.14 Resource Inventory Handbook Zero Code 10 Inventory Planning, Designs, and Documentation 20 National Inventory Information Specifications 30 Resource Inventory Definitions, Measurements, and Standards [Reserved] 40 Resource Monitoring [Reserved] 1909.15 National Environmental Policy Act Handbook Zero Code 10 Environmental Analysis 20 Environmental Impact Statements and Related Documents 30 Categorical Exclusion From Documentation 40 Environmental Assessments and Related Documents 50 Implementation and Monitoring 60 References 70 Oversight and Quality Assurance 1909.17 Economic and Social Analysis Handbook Zero Code 10 Evaluating Economic Efficiency 20 Economic Impact Analysis 30 Social Analysis

15 Series 2000 - National Forest Resource Management Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 2020 Ecosystem Restoration 2030 Large Scale Event Recovery (LASER) 2060 Ecosystem Classification, Interpretation, and Application 2070 Vegetation Ecology 2090 Handbooks 2090.11 Ecological Classification and Inventory Handbook Zero Code 1 Ecosystem Classification 2 Classification of Potential Natural Communities 3 Ecological Unit Inventories 4 Interpretations and Applications 5 Classification of Aquatic Types [Reserved] 6 Data Analysis [Reserved] 7 Reporting [Reserved] 2100 Environmental Management Zero Code 2130 Solid Waste Management 2150 Pesticide-Use Management and Coordination 2160 Hazardous Materials Management 2170 Energy Management 2109.14 Pesticide-Use Management and Coordination Handbook Zero Code 10 Planning 20 Risk Assessment 30 Project Type and Personnel 40 Storage, Transportation, and Disposal 50 Quality Control Monitoring and Post- Treatment Evaluation 60 Spills, Incidents, and Accidents 70 Forms, Reports, and Publications

16 Series 2000 - National Forest Resource Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 2200 Range Management Zero Code 2210 Rangeland Management Planning [Reserved] 2230 Grazing and Livestock Use Permit System 2240 Range Improvements 2250 Range Cooperation 2260 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros 2270 Information Management and Reports 2209.13 Grazing Permit Administration Handbook Zero Code 10 Permits With Term Status 20 Grazing Agreements 30 Temporary Grazing Permits 40 Livestock Use Permits 50 Other Permits 60 Records 70 Compensation for Permittee Interest in Range Improvements 80 Grazing Fees 90 Rangeland Management Decisionmaking 2209.15 Range Management Annual Reports Handbook Zero Code 10 Data Collecting and Input for Annual Reports 20 Forest Level Reporting 30 Region Level Reporting 2300 Recreation, Wilderness, and Related Resource Management Zero Code 2310 Planning and Data Management 2320 Wilderness Management 2330 Publicly Managed Recreation Opportunities 2340 Privately Provided Recreation Opportunities 2350 Trail, River, and Similar Recreation Opportunities 2360 Heritage Program Management 2370 Special Recreation Designations 2380 Landscape Management 2390 Interpretive Services

17 Series 2000 - National Forest Resource Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 2309.12 Heritage Program Management Handbook

10 Coordination and Consultation 20 Planning 30 Identification, Evaluation, and Allocation to Management Use Categories 40 Protection and Stewardship 50 Public Education and Outreach 60 Management of Heritage Collections 70 Permits, Agreements, and Contracts 80 Information Management and Reporting 2309.13 Recreation Site Handbook Zero Code 10 Planning and Design of Developed Recreation Sites and Facilities 30 Recreation Fees 2309.18 Trails Management Handbook Zero Code 1 Trail Planning 2 Trail Development 3 Trail Preconstruction and Construction 4 Trail Operation and Maintenance 5 Construction and Maintenance Exhibits 2400 Timber Management Zero Code 2410 Timber Resource Management Planning 2420 Timber Appraisals 2430 Commercial Timber Sales 2440 Designating, Cruising, Scaling, and Accountability 2450 Timber Sale Contract Administration 2460 Uses of Timber Other Than Commercial Timber Sales 2470 Silvicultural Practices 2480 Protection of Timber Sale Areas and Timberlands [Reserved] 2490 Timber Management Information System 2409.11 National Forest Log Scaling Handbook Zero Code 10 Theory and Principles of Scaling 18 20 Defect-Deduction Methods 30 Log Defects and Deductions

19 Series 2000 - National Forest Resource Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 2409.11 National Forest Log Scaling Handbook (cont.) 40 Special Scaling Problems 50 General Scaling Requirements 60 Check Scaling 70 Use of International Log Rules 80 Other Forms of Measurement Appendix 2409.11a National Forest Cubic Scaling Handbook Zero Code 10 General Scaling Requirements 20 Cubic Log Scaling Rules 30 Measuring Methods for Other Wood Products 40 Utilization Assessment 50 Sample Scaling 60 Appendixes 2409.12 Timber Cruising Handbook Zero Code 10 Principles of Measuring Trees 20 Estimating Tree Volume and Weight 30 Cruising Systems 40 Cruising Planning, Data Recording, and Cruise Reporting 50 Area Determination 60 Quality Control 70 Designating Timber for Cutting 80 Weight Factor Determination 90 Miscellaneous Tables 2409.12a Timber Volume Estimator Handbook Zero Code 10 Field Sampling Procedures 20 Data Storage and Maintenance 30 Analysis of Data 40 Validation and Calibration 50 Application 60 Fitting

20 Series 2000 - National Forest Resource Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 2409.12b Timber and Forest Products Trespass/Theft Procedures Handbook Zero Code 10 Prevention, Legal Considerations, and Reporting 20 Measurements 30 Valuation 40 Sale and Disposal 2409.13 Timber Resource Planning Handbook Zero Code 10 Timber Inventory Data and Information Collection 20 Timber Resource Land Suitability Process 30 Timber Sale Scheduling 40 Planning Documentation 50 Monitoring and Evaluation 2409.13a Timber Permanent Plot Handbook Zero Code 10 Permanent Plot Planning and Installation 20 Core Information 30 Data Handling And Maintenance 2409.14 Timber Management Information System Handbook Zero Code 10 System Overview 20 Timber Inventory and Planning 30 Timber Sale Information 40 Timber Harvest Information 50 Nurseries and Genetics [Reserved] 60 Reforestation and Timber Stand Improvement 70 Glossary 80 Codes 90 Timber Reports 2409.15 Timber Sale Administration Handbook Zero Code 10 Fundamentals of Timber Sale Contracting 20 Measuring and Accounting for Included Timber Changes in Status of Contracts 30

21 Series 2000 - National Forest Resource Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 2409.15 Timber Sale Administration Handbook (cont.) 40 Payments 50 Specified Transportation Facilities 60 Operations and Other Provisions 70 Contract Claims and Disputes 80 Other Than Commercial Timber Sales [Reserved] 90 Working Tools [Reserved] 2409.17 Silvicultural Practices Handbook Zero Code 1 Harvest Cutting [Reserved] 2 Reforestation [Reserved] 3 Forest Tree Nurseries [Reserved] 4 Tree Seed [Reserved] 5 Forest Tree Improvement 6 Timber Stand Improvement [Reserved] 7 Collection and Use of Deposits for Sale Area Improvement [Reserved] 8 Silvicultural Examinations, Prescriptions, and Evaluations 9 Stocking Guides and Growth Predictions 2409.18 Timber Sale Preparation Handbook Zero Code 10 Sale Program Development - Gate System 20 Timber Sale Project Development - Gate 1 30 Project Analysis and Design - Gate 2 40 Sale Plan Implementation (Gate 3) and Appraisal 50 Final Package Preparation, Review, Appraisal and Offering - Gate 4 60 Bid Opening - Gate 5 70 Sale Award - Gate 6 80 Uses of Timber Other Than Commercial Timber Sales Special Forest Products – Forest Botanical Products

22 Series 2000 - National Forest Resource Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 2409.19 Renewable Resources Handbook Zero Code 10 CWKV Project Planning 20 CWK2 Project Planning 30 CWKV Collections, Costs, and Accounting 40 Brush Disposal Fund Collections, Costs, and Accounting 50 Timber Sale Pipeline Restoration Fund 60 Stewardship Contracting 70 Salvage Sale Fund Collections, Cost and Accounting 90 Budget and Finance Procedures for K-V, BD, and SSF Collections 2500 Watershed and Air Management Zero Code 2510 Watershed Planning 2520 Watershed Protection and Management 2530 Water Resource Management 2540 Water Uses and Development 2550 Soil Management 2580 Air Resource Management 2590 Weather Program 2509.13 Burned-Area Emergency Rehabilitation Handbook Zero Code 10 Burned-Area Survey Team Organization 20 Burned-Area Survey and Emergency Treatment Strategy 30 Cost-Risk Analysis and Evaluation of Alternatives for Emergency Rehabilitation 40 Burned-Area Report 50 Emergency Treatment Implementation 60 Monitoring and Evaluation 2509.16 Water Resource Inventory Handbook Zero Code 1 Water Resource Inventory Process 2 Issues, Concerns and Opportunities [Reserved] 3 Specific Questions to Be Resolved [Reserved] 4 Evaluation Techniques [Reserved] 5 Data Requirements [Reserved] 23 Series 2000 - National Forest Resource Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 2509.16 Water Resource Inventory Handbook (cont.) 6 Data and Information Search [Reserved] 7 Analysis and Interpretation of Data [Reserved] 8 Document Findings and Conclusion [Reserved] 9 Application of Results and Monitoring [Reserved] 2600 Wildlife, Fish, and Sensitive Plant Habitat Management Zero Code 2610 Cooperative Relations 2620 Habitat Planning and Evaluation 2630 Management of Wildlife and Fish Habitat 2640 Stocking and Harvesting 2650 Animal Damage Management 2670 Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Plants and Animals 2609.13 Wildlife and Fisheries Program Management Handbook Zero Code 10 Program Administration [Reserved] 20 Hydropower Development Coordination [Reserved] 30 Management of Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Species [Reserved] 40 Management of Wildlife and Fisheries Habitat [Reserved] 50 Timber Sale Area Improvement for Wildlife and Fisheries (Knutson-Vandenberg) 60 Wildlife Damage Control [Reserved] 70 Analysis of Economic Efficiency of Wildlife and Fisheries Projects 80 Wildlife Monitoring at Wind Energy Sites 2700 Special Uses Management Zero Code 2710 Special-Use Authorizations 2720 Special Uses Administration 2730 Road and Trail Rights-of-Way Grants 2760 Withdrawals 2770 Federal Power Act Projects 24 Series 2000 - National Forest Resource Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 2700 Special Uses Management (cont.) 2780 Terms and Conditions 2790 Special Uses Data Systems 2709.11 Special Uses Handbook Zero Code 10 Application and Authorization Processing 20 Cost Recovery 30 Fee Determination 40 Special Uses Administration 50 Standard Forms and Supplemental Clauses 60 Special Uses Data Systems 70 Wind Energy Uses 90 Communications Site Management 2709.12 Road Rights-of-Way Grants Handbook Zero Code 10 Application Processing 20 Department of Transportation Easements 30 Forest Road and Trail Act Easements 40 Federal Land Policy and Management Act Authorizations 50 Wilderness Act Rights-of-Way Authorizations 60 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act Rights-of-Way [Reserved] 70 Records and Reports 2709.14 Recreation Special Uses Handbook Zero Code 10 Organizational Camps and Other Privately Owned Improvements Authorized For Groups 20 Recreation Residences and Other Noncommercial, Privately Owned Improvements Authorized to Individuals 30 Resorts and Other Concessions Involving Privately Owned Improvements [Reserved] 40 Concession Campgrounds and Other Concessions Involving Government-Owned Improvements [Reserved] 50 Outfitting and Guiding and Other Concession Services

25 Series 2000 - National Forest Resource Management (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 2709.14 Recreation Special Uses Handbook (cont.) 60 Winter Recreation Resorts and Other Concessions Involving Winter Sports 70 Target Ranges and Other Outdoor Recreation Improvements 80 Recreation and Other Temporary Events [Reserved] 90 Noncommercial Group Use [Reserved] 2709.15 Hydroelectric Handbook Zero Code 10 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Procedures 20 Forest Service Procedures 30 Environmental Process 40 Project Agreements 50 Section 4(e) and Other Reports 60 Special-Use Authorizations 70 Special-Use Authorization Terms and Conditions 80 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Standard Form License Articles [Reserved] 2800 Minerals and Geology Zero Code 2810 Mining Claims 2820 Mineral Leases, Permits and Licenses 2830 Mineral Reservations and Outstanding Mineral Rights 2840 Reclamation 2850 Mineral Materials 2860 Forest Service Authorized Prospecting and Minerals Collecting 2880 Geologic Resources, Hazards, and Services 2890 Certification 2809.15 Minerals and Geology Handbook Zero Code 10 Surface Use Determinations 20 Minerals and Geology Safety Practices 2900 Invasive Species Management Zero Code 26 Series 3000 - State and Private Forestry Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 3010 Authorities 3020 Objective 3030 Policies 3040 Responsibilities 3050 Definitions [Reserved] 3060 Technology Transfer 3070 External Coordination 3080 Grant and Cooperative Agreement Administration 3090 Handbooks 3090.11 State and Private Accomplishment Reporting Handbook Zero Code 10 System Description 20 Reporting Procedures 30 Management Attainment Reporting 40 Data Processing [Reserved] 3100 Cooperative Fire Protection Zero Code 3110 Cooperative Forest Fire Prevention 3120 Fire Equipment and Supply Management 3130 Cooperative Rural Fire Prevention and Control Program 3140 Extreme Fire Situation Programs 3150 Rural Community Fire Protection Program 3170 Cooperation 3180 Records, Reports, and Management Control 3109.12 Property Acquisition Assistance Handbook Zero Code 10 Acquisition of Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) 20 Management and Use of Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) 30 Disposal of Federal Excess Personal Property(FEPP) 40 Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) Aircraft and Parts

27 Series 3000 - State and Private Forestry (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 3109.12 Property Acquisition Assistance Handbook (cont.) 50 Review of Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) Program 60 Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) Forms, Formats, and Reports 3200 Rural and Urban Forestry Assistance Zero Code 3210 Forest Management Assistance 3220 Cooperative Nursery Production 3230 Cooperative Tree Improvement 3240 Utilization and Marketing 3250 Forest Soil and Water Management 3260 Urban Forestry Assistance 3300 Forestry Incentives Zero Code 3310 Cost-Sharing 3320 Taxation 3350 Conservation Reserve 3400 Forest Health Protection Zero Code 3410 Detection, Monitoring, and Evaluation 3420 Management 3430 Program Funding and Accomplishment Reporting 3440 Special Forest Health Protection Projects [Reserved] 3450 Forest Health Protection Administration [Reserved] 3409.11 Forest Health Protection Handbook [Reserved] 3500 Cooperative Watershed Management Zero Code 3510 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Program 3520 River Basin Program 3530 Flood Prevention Program 3540 Emergency Watershed Protection 3560 Interagency Programs 3570 Hydrologic Surveys and Analyses

28 Series 3000 - State and Private Forestry (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 3600 Rural Resource Conservation and Development Zero Code 3610 Rural Development 3620 Resource Conservation and Development Program 3700 Organization Management Assistance Zero Code 3900 Statewide Forest Resources Planning Zero Code

29 Series 4000 - Research and Development Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 4020 Objectives 4030 Policies 4060 Research Facilities and Areas 4070 Research Program Formulation and Documentation 4080 Research Administration 4090 Handbooks 4090.13 Good Laboratory Practices Handbook Zero Code 10 Compliance With Good Laboratory Practices 20 Personnel 30 Facilities 40 Equipment 50 Facility Operation 60 Protocol and Conduct of a Study 70 Records, Reports, and Archiving 80 Quality Assurance Unit 90 Inspections and Audits 4100 Vegetation Management and Protection Research 4200 Wildlife, Fish, Water, and Air Research 4209.11 Wildlife, Fish, Water and Air Research Handbook Zero Code 10 Diving and Snorkeling Safe Practices 4809.11 Forest Survey Handbook Zero Code 10 Operational Procedures 20 Subject-Matter Standards and Standard Statistical Tables 30 Survey Design [Reserved] 40 Inventory Field Procedures 50 Data Processing [Reserved] 60 Analyses Systems [Reserved] 70 Codes

30 Series 5000 - Protection and Development Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 5100 Wildland Fire Management Zero Code 5110 Wildfire Prevention 5120 Preparedness 5130 Wildfire Response 5140 Hazardous Fuels Management and Prescribed Fire 5160 Fire Management Equipment and Supplies [Reserved] 5170 Fire Management Cooperation [Reserved] 5180 Fire Reports 5109.16 Fire Management Equipment, Supplies and Chemicals Handbook 10 Fire Management Equipment 20 Fire Management Chemicals 30 Emergency Lighting and Siren Equipment 5109.17 Fire Aviation Management Qualifications Handbook Zero Code 10 National Interagency Incident Management System [Reserved] 20 Qualifications and Certification [Reserved] 30 Equivalency Courses [Reserved] 40 Fire and Aviation Management Position Competencies [Reserved] 5109.18 Wildfire Prevention Handbook Zero Code 10 Wildland Fire Prevention Planning 20 Smokey Bear Program 30 Wildland Fire Prevention and Wildland Fire Education 40 Wildland Fire Prevention Engineering 50 Wildland Fire Prevention Enforcement and Fire Investigation 60 Coordinated Wildland Fire Prevention 70 Wildland Fire Prevention and Fire Education Teams 80 Wildland Fire Prevention and Communications Training

31 Series 5000 - Protection and Development (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 5109.19 Fire Management Analysis and Planning Handbook – Deleted on January 5, 2015 5109.31 Wildfire Cause Determination Handbook (NWCG Handbook 1) 5109.32a Fireline Handbook (NWCG Handbook 3) 5109.34 Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook (NWCG Handbook 2) 5300 Law Enforcement Zero Code 5310 Planning 5320 Investigation 5330 Law Violations 5340 Reports 5350 Procedures 5360 Cooperative Law Enforcement 5370 Suitability Requirements, Training, and Standards 5380 Law Enforcement Equipment 5390 Damage Appraisal and Claims [Reserved] 5309.11 Law Enforcement Handbook Zero Code 10 Planning 20 Investigative Procedures 30 Violations 40 Reports and Forms 50 Actions and Procedures 60 Cooperative Agreements and Memorandums of Understanding 70 Training 80 Equipment

32 Series 5000 - Protection and Development (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 5400 Landownership Zero Code 5410 Appraisals 5420 Land Purchases and Donations 5430 Exchanges 5440 Partial Land Interests, Except Rights-of-Way 5450 National Forest System Modification 5460 Right-of-Way Acquisition 5470 Reservations and Outstanding Rights 5480 Condemnation 5409.12 Appraisal Handbook Zero Code 10 Principles and Process 20 Whole Property Appraisals 30 Partial Interest Appraisals 40 Market Surveys 50 Appraisal Reports 60 Appraisal Contracting 70 Appraisal Review 5409.13 Land Acquisition Handbook Zero Code 10 Land Purchase 20 Donations 30 Land Exchange 40 Partial Land Interests 50 Title Evidence 60 Reservations and Outstanding Rights 70 Condemnation 5409.17 Rights-of-Way Handbook Zero Code 10 Acquisition Procedures and Documents 20 Title Clearance and Approval 30 Closing Easement Acquisitions 40 Related Miscellaneous Actions 50 Special Types of Rights-of-Way 60 Road Right-of-Way Construction and Use Agreements 70 Rights-of-Way Accomplishment Reporting

33 Series 5000 - Protection and Development (continued) Series FSM or Zero FSH Code Title Chapter Caption 5500 Landownership Title Management Zero Code 5510 Title Claims and Encroachments 5520 Encumbrances 5530 Partial Interests [Reserved] 5540 Use Restrictions [Reserved] 5550 Native American Claims [Reserved] 5560 Administration [Reserved] 5570 Sales, Grants, Special Acts 5580 Reports and Records 5590 Landownership Status 5509.11 Title Claims, Sales, and Grants Handbook Zero Code 10 Title Claims and Encroachments 20 Sales 30 Grants 40 Special Acts 50 Mining Claims 60 Encumbrances 5509.12 Land Status Records System Handbook 10 Land Status Records Data Management 20 Land Ownership 5700 Aviation Management Zero Code 5710 Administration 5720 Aviation Safety Program 5709.16 Flight Operations Handbook Zero Code 10 Administration 20 Employee Pilots - Qualifications and Training 30 Aircraft Operations 40 Aircraft Airworthiness Standards, Inspections and Maintenance 50 Pilot Standardization [Reserved] 60 Aviation Security

34 Series 6000 - Management Services Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 6100 Personnel Management Zero Code 6130 Employment and Status Changes 6140 Performance, Training, Awards 6150 Classification and Pay Administration 6160 Attendance, Leave, and Telework 6170 Personnel Relations 6180 Insurance and Annuities 6109.11 Pay Administration, Attendance and Leave Handbook Zero Code 10 Pay Administration 20 Hours of Duty (Work Schedules) 30 Absence and Leave 50 Maximum Payable Rates 60 Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime and Law Enforcement Availability Pay 6109.12 Employment and Benefits Handbook Zero Code 10 External Recruitment 20 Internal Placement 30 Injury/Illness Compensation 40 Retirement 50 Student Educational Employment Program 60 Temporary and Term Employment 70 Insurance 6109.13 Performance, Training, and Awards Handbook Zero Code 10 Performance Management Program 20 Employee Development Program 30 Incentive Awards 6109.15 Position Classification Handbook Zero Code 10 Forest Service Classification Principles, Practices, and Techniques 20 Position Description Preparation and Requirements

35 Series 6000 - Management Services (continued) Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 6109.15 30 Classification of Positions Under the Scientist (cont.) 40 Career Plan 50 Caption Standard Position Description System Classification of Positions Using Impact-of-the- Person-on-the-Job Concept 6109.16 Demonstration Project Handbook Zero Code 10 Recruitment, Candidate Evaluation, and Selection 20 Extended Probationary Period 6109.41 Department Personnel Manual (USDA) 6200 Office Management Zero Code 6220 Correspondence 6230 Records Management Program 6250 Mail Management 6270 Availability of Records 6209.11 Records Management Handbook Zero Code Scheduling Records 10 Records Creation and Maintenance 20 Records Disposition 30 File Designations and Disposition 40 Records Management in Emergency Operations 50 Management of Special Records 60 Litigation Retention 70 6209.12 Correspondence Handbook Zero Code 10 Noncontrolled Correspondence 20 Special and Controlled Correspondence 30 Correspondence Format, Standards, and Reviews 40 Writing Tips and Style Practices 50 Preparing and Filing Correspondence 60 Electronic Correspondence Database [Reserved]

36 Series 6000 - Management Services (continued) Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 6209.13 Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act Handbook Zero Code 10 Freedom of Information Act 20 Privacy Act of 1974 6209.14 Mail Management Handbook Zero Code 10 Mail Program Administration 20 Incoming Mail Operations 30 Outgoing Mail Operations 40 Classes of Mail 50 Payment System 6300 Procurement Management Zero Code 6310 Small Purchases 6320 Contracting 6330 Specifications, Standards, and Qualified- Products Lists 6350 Transportation of Things 6309.11 Contract Administration Handbook Zero Code 10 Control of Work 20 Methods of Work 30 Measurement and Payments 40 Contract Modifications and Terminations 50 Records and Reports 6309.32 Federal Acquisition Regulation (GSA) 6400 Property Management Zero Code 6410 Personal Property Management 6420 Stores and Cupboard Stock Management 6540 Real Property Management 6450 Property Management Inspection [Reserved] 6460 Waste Prevention, Recycling, Acquisition, and Green Purchasing 6470 Commuter Choices Subsidy Benefits Programs

37 Series 6000 - Management Services (continued) Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 6409.11 Quarters Rental Handbook Zero Code 10 Base Rental Rate Determination 20 Adjustment to Base Rental Rates 30 Monthly Rental Charge Determination and Implementation 6409.12 Leasing Officers' Handbook Zero Code 10 Real Property Leasing Officer Warrant System 20 Planning For a Lease Acquisition 30 Issuing a Request For Lease Proposals 40 Evaluating Offers, Negotiating and Awarding Lease 50 Continued Space Requirement 60 Lease Administration 6409.31 Federal Property Management Regulations (GSA) 6500 Finance and Accounting Zero Code 6510 Appropriations and Funds 6520 Financial Management 6530 Billings and Collections 6540 Payments 6550 Accounting 6560 Bonding Administration 6570 Claims 6580 Working Capital Fund 6590 Property, Plant, and Equipment 6509.11f Working Capital Fund Accounting Operations Handbook Zero Code 10 Accounting System [Reserved] 20 Capitalization of Assets 30 Fleet Program 40 Aircraft Program 50 Supply Service [Reserved] 60 Nursery Service 70 Adjustments [Reserved] 80 Report And Management [Reserved] 90 Data-Entry System [Reserved] 38 Series 6000 - Management Services (continued) Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 6509.11g Service-wide Appropriation Use Handbook Zero Code 10 Forest and Rangeland Research 20 State and Private Forestry 30 National Forest System 40 Capital Improvement and Maintenance and Land Acquisition 50 Wildland Fire Management 60 Permanent Appropriations 70 Trust Funds 80 Transfer and Reimbursable Programs and Activities 90 All Other Appropriations and Funds 6509.11h Service-wide Claims Management Handbook Zero Code 10 Incident Investigations 20 Administrative Claims for the Government 30 Administrative Claims Against the Government Employee Claims 40 Litigation [Reserved] 50 References [Reserved] 60 6509.11k Service-wide Finance and Accounting Handbook Zero Code 20 Financial Management 30 Collections 40 Payments 50 Accounting 80 Bond Administration, Security, and Requirements 90 Reports [Reserved] 6509.11m Service-wide Accrual Handbook Zero Code 10 Accruing Earned Revenue 20 Accruing Liabilities for Daily Operations Expenses 30 Accruing Environmental and Disposal Liabilities 40 Accruing National Level Liabilities 39 Series 6000 - Management Services (continued) Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 6509.13b Imprest Fund Payments Handbook Zero Code 0100 Definitions 0200 Authorization and Designation 0300 Securing Cash for Disbursing Purposes 0400 Safekeeping Facilities 0500 Responsibilities for Funds of Cashiers 0600 Advancing and Transferring Funds 0700 Purchases and Miscellaneous Cash Payments 0800 Payment Of Payrolls and Vouchers 0900 Replenishments and Liquidations 1000 Accountability Reports and Verification of Funds 1100 Acting as Cashier for Payment of Specified Payrolls 1200 Cashiers on Foreign Service 1300 Accommodation Exchange 1400 Communications 1500 Supervision 1600 Legal Citations 6509.14 Collection Officer Handbook Zero Code 10 Collection Activities 6509.15 Collection and Analysis of Timber Purchasers' Cost and Sales Data Zero Code 10 Survey Program 20 Collection and Analysis 30 Accountants Report 6509.17 Automated Timber Sale Accounting Handbook Zero Code 10 Data Conversion 20 Reports 6509.18 Financial Analysis Handbook Zero Code 10 General Analysis Techniques 20 Timber Sales 30 Special Uses 40 Land Uses [Reserved] 50 Procurement Contracts [Reserved] 40 Series 6000 - Management Services (continued) Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 6509.19 Asset Financial Management Handbook Zero Code 10 General Fund Personal Property 20 Real Property 30 Internal Use Software 6509.33 Federal Travel Regulation (GSA) 6600 Systems Management Zero Code 6610 Computer Technology Management 6620 Computer Software Management 6640 Telecommunications 6680 Security of Information, Information Systems, and Information Technology 6609.11 System Management Handbook Zero Code 10 Access Management 20 System Resources Management 30 System Standards and Conventions 40 Electronic Mail Services 50 Coordination, Product Familiarity and User Assistance 6609.12 ADP Technical Approval Handbook Zero Code 10 Automated Data Processing Sources 20 Required Action and Documentation 6609.13 Application Developer's Handbook Zero Code 10 Developers Guidance 20 Development Procedures 30 Documentation 40 Guidelines for Use of the FS Network by an Application [Reserved] 50 Screen Interface Guidelines 60 Application Security Certification 70 Exhibits 6609.14 Telecommunications Handbook Zero Code 10 Planning and Acquisition 20 Technical Approvals 30 Standards 41 Series 6000 - Management Services (continued) Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 6609.14 Telecommunications Handbook (cont.) 40 Radio 50 Voice 60 Data 70 Video 80 Universal Wiring 90 Federal Telecommunications System 2000 (FTS2000) 6609.15 Standards for Data and Data Structures Handbook Zero Code 10 Database Naming Standards 20 Standard Terms and Definitions 30 Geographic Information System (GIS) Core Data Structure Standards 40 Geospatial Metadata Standards 6700 Safety and Health Program Zero Code 6710 Safety and Occupational Health Program Administration 6720 Occupational Health Program 6730 Accident Reporting and Investigation 6740 Radiation Safety 6709.11 Health and Safety Code Handbook Zero Code 10 Travel 20 Work Projects and Activities 30 Facilities 40 Equipment and Machinery 50 Employee Safety, Security, and Health 60 Hazardous Materials 70 Job Hazard Analysis (Form FS-6700-7) and Personal Protective Equipment Glossary Index

42 Series 6000 - Management Services (continued) Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 6709.12 Safety and Health Program Handbook Zero Code 10 Safety and Health Program Administration 20 Occupational Health Program 30 Accident Investigation and Reporting 40 References 6800 Information Management 10 Information Management Standards 20 Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Compliance

43 Series 7000 - Engineering Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 7100 Engineering Operations Zero Code 7110 Engineering Management 7120 Equipment Development 7130 Fleet Equipment Management 7140 Geometronics 7150 Surveying 7160 Signs and Posters 7170 Geotechnical and Materials Engineering 7180 Internal Energy Conservation 7109.13a Geometronics Handbook Zero Code 10 Map Standards 20 Remote Sensing 30 Geometronics-Related Development Project Proposals and Study Plans 40 Automated Cartography 7109.14 Geographic Names Handbook Zero Code 1 Board on Geographic Names 2 Forest Service Procedures 7109.17 National Construction Certification Handbook Zero Code 10 Construction Certification Program 20 Certification Examinations 30 Port Certification 7109.19 Fleet Equipment Management Handbook Zero Code 10 Acquisition, Identification, and Classification 20 Equipment Utilization 30 Use and Storage 40 Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair 50 Equipment Disposal 60 Qualification, Training, and Testing of Motorized Fleet Equipment Operators

44 Series 7000 – Engineering (continued) Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 7109.52 Engineering Activities Evaluation Handbook Zero Code 1 Activity Evaluation Standards 2 Evaluation Reports 7300 Buildings and Other Structures Zero Code 7310 Buildings and Related Facilities 7320 Passenger Ropeways: Tramways, Funiculars, Ski Lifts, Conveyors, and Tows 7330 Aerial Adventure Courses and Natural Resource-Based Recreation Facilities 7309.11 Buildings and Related Facilities Handbook Zero Code 10 Facilities Management Process 20 Planning 30 Development 40 Management 50 Special-Use Facilities 60 Records and Reports 70 Sustainable Buildings 7400 Public Health and Pollution Control Facilities Zero Code 7410 Administration 7420 Drinking Water 7430 Wastewater 7440 Effluents 7460 Solid Waste Systems 7490 Food Service 7409.11 Sanitary Engineering and Public Health Handbook Zero Code 10 Planning 20 Drinking Water Quality 30 Food Service 40 Drinking Water System Design and Construction

45 Series 7000 – Engineering (continued) Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 7409.11 Sanitary Engineering and Public Health (cont.) Handbook 50 Wastewater 60 Pumps, Controls, and Flow Measurement 70 Operation and Maintenance of Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems 80 Solid Waste Management 90 Records and Reports 7500 Water Storage and Transmission Zero Code 7510 Project Administration 7520 Dam Planning, Investigation, and Design 7530 Construction 7509.11 Dams Management Handbook Zero Code 10 Records and Files 20 Operation and Maintenance Plans 30 Operation and Maintenance Inspections 40 Safety Inspections and Hazard Assessments 50 Emergency Action Plans 60 Failure Investigation and Reports 70 Management of Special-Use and Other Non- Forest Service Projects 80 Planning and Design 7600 Electrical Engineering 7610 Electrical Systems 7620 Electrical Transmission [Reserved] 7630 Electrical Utilization Equipment [Reserved] 7700 Travel Management Zero Code 7710 Travel Planning for Designations 7720 Transportation System Development 7730 Transportation System Operation and Maintenance 7740 Federal Lands Highway Programs 7709.55 Travel Planning Handbook Zero Code 10 Travel Planning for Designations 20 Travel Analysis 30 Engineering Analysis 46 Series 7000 – Engineering (continued) Series FSM or Chapter Caption Zero FSH Code Title 7709.56 Road Preconstruction Handbook Zero Code 10 Preconstruction Decisions 20 Road Location 30 Engineering Survey 40 Design 50 Traffic Control [Reserved] 60 Landscaping [Reserved] 70 Plans, Specifications, and Estimates 7709.56b Transportation Structures Handbook Zero Code 1 Planning 2 Structure Location 3 Site Surveys 4 Preliminary Design 5 Hydrology 6 Hydraulics 7 Structural Design 8 Operation 9 Construction 7709.57 Road Construction Handbook Zero Code 1 Project Preparation and Planning 2 Controls 3 Compliance With Drawings and Specifications 4 Contract Changes 5 Measurement and Payment 6 Claims and Disputes 7 Records and Reports 7709.59 Transportation System Operations Handbook Zero Code 10 Road Management 20 Traffic Management 30 Investment Sharing of Road Construction and Reconstruction Costs 40 Highway Safety Programs 50 Traffic Studies and Other Road Operation Considerations 60 Road Maintenance Series 8000 - International Forestry [Reserved] 47 Unit Handbooks

Field units may issue their own unit handbooks when codes for such unit handbooks are established in the zero code chapter of the respective manual title (for example, the FSM 1500 zero code chapter contains the code for FSH 1509.21, Litigation Support Handbook). Field unit handbook codes always have a "2" following the decimal point.

A list of the authorized codes and titles for which field units have issued unit handbooks begins on the next page. Not all field units have issued unit handbooks at these codes. A few unit handbooks have been issued jointly by two or more units.

Key to Field Unit Acronyms

Research Units and State & Private Forestry Area Regions

FPL *Forest Products Laboratory R-1 Northern Region IITF *International Institute of R-2 Rocky Mountain Tropical Forestry R-3 Southwestern Region NA Northeastern Area State R-4 Intermountain Region and Private Forestry R-5 Pacific Southwest Region NRS Northern Research Station R-6 Pacific Northwest Region PNW *Pacific Northwest Station R-8 Southern Region PSW *Pacific Southwest Station R-9 Eastern Region RMRS *Rocky Mountain Research R-10 Alaska Region Station SRS *Southern Research Station

______* Units that have not issued any unit FSH's

48 Unit Handbooks

Unit FSH Unit FSH Title Field Units That Code Issue Unit FSH 1509.21 Litigation Support Handbook R-2 1609.21 Photography Management Handbook R-2 2090.21 Aquatic Habitat Management Handbook R-10 2209.21 Range Analysis and Management Handbook R-1, R-3, R-4, R-5 R-6, R-8 2209.21a Range Management Vegetation Scorecard R-3 Handbook 2209.22 Structural Range Improvement Handbook R-1, R-6, R-8 2209.23 Nonstructural Range Improvement R-1, R-3, R-6 Handbook 2309.22 Landscape Management Handbook R-6, R-8 2309.23 Recreation Site Development Planning R-2, R-10 Handbook 2309.24 Cultural Resources Handbook R-3 2409.21e Timber Management Control Handbook R-1, R-3 2409.21h Timber Management Data Handbook R-1 2409.22 Timber Appraisal Handbook R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, R-10 2409.26 Silvicultural Practices Handbook R-2, R-5 2409.26b Reforestation Handbook R5, R-6 2409.26c Timber Stand Improvement Handbook R-6

49 Unit Handbooks (continued) Unit FSH Unit FSH Title Field Units That Code Issue Unit FSH 2409.26d Silvicultural Examination and Prescription R-2, R-4, R-8, Handbook R-10 2409.26e Nursery Handbook R-4 2409.26f Seed Handbook R-1, R-2, R-4, R-6 2409.26g Tree Improvement Handbook R-1, R-2, R-4, R-5, R-6, R-8 2509.21 National Forest System Water Rights R-2, R-5 Handbook 2509.22 Soil and Water Conservation Handbook R-1/R-4, R-3, R-5, R-10 2509.23 Riparian Area Handbook R-3 2509.24 National Forest System Watershed Codes R-5, R-6 Handbook 2509.25 Watershed Conservation Practices Handbook R-2 2609.21 Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Handbook R-6 2609.22 Animal-Damage Control Handbook R-1, R-6 2609.23 Fisheries Habitat Evaluation Handbook R-5, R-6 2609.24 Wildlife and Fisheries Habitat Management R-4 Handbook 2609.25 Threatened and Endangered Plants Program R-4, R-5 Handbook 2609.26 Botanical Program Management Handbook R-5 6509.21 Regional Collection Officer Handbook R-2, R-4 6509.22 Fire Damages and Cost Recovery Procedures R-5 7109.21 Geotechnical and Materials Engineering R-1 Handbook