Water Conservation/Water Demand Management

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Water Conservation/Water Demand Management

Water Conservation and Demand Management




Name Jones Mnisi

Organisation Johannesburg Water

Telephone 011 688 1481 Fax 011 688 1576 e-mail [email protected] Gender M Years of Experience 10+

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2.1 How do you rate your knowledge of Water Good Fair Poor Conservation/Demand Management? 2.2 What has been the source of Word of Mouth Media Training Reading your knowledge of the Workshop concepts of WC/DM? Other: Waters Services Development Plan (WSDP)

2.3 Do you think there is a difference between Water Yes No Conservation and Water Demand Management: 2.4 What is your understanding Water Conservation: of these concepts? (Brief Is minimizing the wastage of water and maximizing the Overview) sustainable use thereof

Water Demand Management: Optimizing the use or demand of water

2.5 In your opinion, what are Ensuring the public is aware of the financial and environmental the most important features value of water of the concepts of WC/WDM? 2.6 In your opinion, what are None the least important features of the concepts of WC/WDM? 2.7 What can be done to Training Awareness Reading Regular Public increase your (officials) campaigns information meeting knowledge of WC/WDM? update Other:

2.8 What can be done to Awareness campaigns increase communities’ Public meetings knowledge of WC/WDM?

2.9 Do you think the Yes, JW has structures in place. (See Annexure A). municipality has the capacity to implement the necessary interventions (as proposed in 3.8) for communities? 2.10 Are you aware of the Yes No WC/WDM requirements It is not clear what is referred specified in the guidelines to as “guidelines” for various role players? 2.10.1 If yes, what are the specific _ requirements related to your

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particular sector/institution?

2.11 Comments _


3.1 What is your attitude towards Water Appropriate Conservation/Demand Management? 3.2 Do you think there is a need for Yes WC/WDM? No

3.3 Do you think your involvement in Yes WC/WDM is necessary? No 3.4 Do you think WC/WDM has anything Yes (motivate) To minimize the cost of water. to do with where one lives? To maximize sustainable use of water and availability

No (motivate)

3.5 Do you think understanding and Yes (motivate) Basis for strategic planning appreciating WC/WDM is absolutely necessary to manage and sustain No (motivate) future water supply? 3.6 Do you have any personal Yes (specify) Cost increases of water kept under expectations from the implementation control and deferment of augmentation of WC/WDM? schemes. No 3.7 Comments None


4.1 In your opinion what does WC/DM Water resources, financial and environmental seek to achieve? sustainability

4.2 In your opinion, will WC/WDM be Yes (state why) Improve financial stability of water of benefit to you? sector in the City of Joburg (CoJ). Assist environmental sustainability. No (state why)

4.3 In your opinion, what are the Public apathy. Much of the public do not see the link common constraints to between their own consumption of water and their implementation of WC/DM? environmental “footprint”

4.4 In your opinion, what are the Statutory support to improve the public’s attitude towards opportunities presented by the valuable resource of water WC/DM? 4.5 Comments None

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In order to assist the municipalities in the development of business plans for Water Conservation and Demand Management, it is necessary that an assessment of their general knowledge and capacity to deal with these concepts be undertaken. This document serves as an assessment instrument covering four main areas that are in line with the National Capacity Building Framework. These areas are:

(i) Institutional capacity (ii) Human resource capacity (iii) Skills Capacity (iv) Systems capacity


5.1 The institution is better Yes (explain why) No (explain Not sure placed to develop a CoJ has overall responsibility as the why) WC/WDM Business Plan. Water Services Authority. Johannesburg Water has the water service providers’ expertise. JW develops business plans on an annual basis which amongst other interventions addresses WC and WDM.

5.2 Which section or department At CoJ level the Environmental Planning and Management is involved in the department is involved, and within JW all departments are development of a WC/WDM involved. (Please see Annexure A: Johannesburg Water Business Plan? Functional Report) 5.3 Do you think this is the relevant department or Yes (explain) No (explain) section to carry out this Elements of WC and WDM are responsibility? distributed amongst all departments and thus it makes more business sense for all departments to be involved.



6.1 Has the institution ever compiled a WC and WDM plans are encompassed within JW WC/WDM Business? business plan as well as the WSDP. 6.2 Who is responsible for compiling All departments WC/WDM Business Plan?

6.3 Do you think there is enough Yes (state JW has adequate staff in all departments personnel/staff to compile WC/WDM why) Business Plan? No (state why)

6.4 Do you think there should be an Yes (state why increase in the number of people and how)

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involved in the development of No (state why WC/WDM Business Plans? and how)

6.5 COMMENTS 6.4 It depends on the number of times the plan formats are amended. Too many a times the format of plans is changed with no value added.


7.1 What are the core skills needed to Engineering, accounting and & sociology skills compile WC/DM Business Plan?

7.2 In your institution are there adequate Yes skills to compile WC/WDM Business Plan?

7.3 If no, what can be done to acquire those skills?

7.4 In your opinion, are the Business Explain Plan Development skills crucial to Yes, Planning is vital the success of WC/WDM strategy? 7.5 Does the municipality have a Within JW skills transfer is managed through mentorship structured skills transfer programme programmes. Budget is allocated for training and for new officials to adequately development of staff on a continual basis. understand and manage the WC/WDM concepts in the future 7.6 COMMENTS


8.1 Does the municipality have a There is a template used for the Business plan standard template/computer programme/tool for compiling WC/WDM Business Plan?

8.1.1 If yes, what are the main Core business and strategic objectives components of that template? Analysis of current performance Risk Assessment Balance scorecard Programmes and Project Initiatives The resource plan

8.1.2 If no, how does the municipality _ compile Business Plans?

8.2 In your opinion, what systems are Good sources of reliable data needed to compile a WC/WDM Business Plan by the municipality?

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COMMENTS  It can rightly be argued that the level of knowledge is satisfactory, with the ability to distinguish the concepts and each stands to achieve  The perception held, namely, that WC/WDM is about water resources, financial and environmental protection goes a long way in confirming the level of knowledge at this municipality  The CoJ has the necessary capacity to develop and implement WC/WDM Business Plans and the planning process is extremely well coordinated that all relevant departments are involved.  Staffing is not an issue as all posts are filled, with appropriately qualified staff.  There is a systematic process for the development of the business plan.

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