Chapter Two : the Study

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Chapter Two : the Study

Can intervention help make speeches better?

Graduation Thesis

Presented to

The Faculty of the Department of

English Language and Literature

Notre Dame Seishin University

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for the Degree

Bachelor of Arts


Ayaka Yamamoto

2008 Contents Chapter One: Introduction to speech activity Abstract i 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Speeches 1 1.2.1 Introduction 1 1.2.2 Difference between a speech and a talk 2 1.2.3 Type of speeches 3 Memorized speech 3 Extemporaneous speech 4 Impromptu speech 4 1.2.4 Speech style 4 Informative speech 5 Persuasive speech 5 Ceremonial speech 5 Entertaining speech 5 1.2.5 Tone of speeches 6 1.2.6 The organization of a speech 7 1.2.7 Conclusion 8 1.3 The elements of a good speech and speech training 9 1.3.1 Introduction 9 1.3.2 Coherence and cohesion 9 1.3.3 Grammar 9 1.3.4 Contents 9 1.3.5 Structure 10 1.3.6 Title 10 1.3.7 Vocabulary 10 1.3.8 Eye contact 11 1.3.9 Pronunciation and Intonation 11 1.3.10 Gesture 11 1.3.11 Memorization 12 1.4 Speech strategies 12 What strategies training do we have? 1.5 Research Question 13 Can strategy training help a speaker perform better? 1.6 Summary 14

Chapter Two: The Study 2.1 Introduction 15 2.2 Method 2.2.1 Aim 15 2.2.2 Subjects 15 2.2.3 Instruments 16 Check list 16 Structure exercise sheet 16 Vocabulary exercise sheet 16 2.2.4 Procedure 17 2.3 Results 17 a) Subject A 17 b) Subject B 21 2.4 Summary 23

Chapter Three: Discussion 24 3.1 Introduction 24 3.2 Discussion of the results 24 3.2.1 Overall results 24 3.2.2 Discussion of the results 24 a) Subject A 24 b) Subject B 25 c) Findings from both subjects 26 d) What I could teach or not 26 3.3 Limitation of the experiment 28 3.3.1 Introduction 28 3.3.2 Only two subjects 29 3.3.3 No audience 29 3.4 Implications for speech making 29 3.5 Conclusion 30

References 32 Appendices 33 Abstract In this thesis, I talked about speeches, and two subjects cooperated with this experiment and gave four speeches each. Then, I analyzed their improvements. I chose this topic, because I was a member of ELAS (English Language Appreciation Society). In ELAS, we learn English through various activities, like easy English games, speeches, discussions, debates and so on. I was very interested in giving speeches. I researched about the types and styles of speeches, tones, specific elements for speech making, instructional strategies and so on in Chapter One. Speeches can be divided into three types and four kinds of styles. Speakers give speeches with various tones depended on the content or speakers’ feelings. In speech making in general, there are special elements to pay attention to. They are coherence and cohesion, grammar, contents, structure, title, vocabulary, eye contact, pronunciation, intonation, gesture and memorization. There are five kinds of instructional strategies in language learning. They are Direct Instruction strategies, Indirect Instruction strategies, Independent Study strategies, Experiential Learning strategies, and Interactive Instruction strategies. In Chapter Two, the subjects gave four speeches each, and I recorded all their speeches on the video. Then, I gave scores from one to five in each element for each speech of the subjects. In Chapter Three, I analyzed what the data in Chapter Two meant. I found that two similarities and two differences of the subjects. Both subjects wrote the speeches in Japanese first and then translated them into English, and they had structure problems after the first version. On the other hand, they had different style of gestures and eye contact. Besides, I found my advice were effective in terms of grammar, vocabulary, structure, eye contact, gesture and memorization, but not so much effective in terms of coherence, cohesion, title, pronunciation and intonation. Chapter One : Introduction to speech activity

1.1 Introduction We can see many kinds of communication styles between people. For example, talking with each other face to face, talking on the phone, writing, seeing by only eyes or sign language, and so on. A speech is one of the ways to communicate with each other socially. Speech has a long history. In Athens during the sixth century B.C. boys of sixteen attended public gymnasiums, and listened to adult discussions, and imitated the speeches as part of their preparation for citizenship. During the Middle Ages, the rise and growth of universities established the custom of lectures. The backbone of education ever since has been a teacher speaking to an audience of students. Public speaking is also essential to government and affairs of state. It is shown by the fact that some of the world’s greatest speakers: like Demosthenes, Cicero, Edmund Burke, Daniel Webster, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Sir Winston Churchill, and John F. Kennedy. Now, many Japanese people studying English give speeches in various situations, because making speeches in a target language is a good practice for them. By making speeches, they can practice both writing and speaking, acquire the correct intonation and pronunciation. Moreover, they can give their feelings or opinions to the audience in foreign language, and they can also get confidence to speak in front of people. That’s why speech making can play an important role in learning English as a foreign language.

1.2 Speeches 1.2.1 Introduction In this section, I will talk about the difference between a speech and a talk, three speech types about style, four types about content, and some basic points of a speech. There are various kinds of speeches, because the speeches are different due to what the speaker wants to talk about, what the audience wants to listen to, the English ability of the speaker, the situation, and so on. So, when speakers want to give a speech, they need to know various types of speeches and the speech styles.

1.2.2 The difference between a speech and a talk A speech and a talk are different. A speech is done in a formal situation like a speech contest. On the other hand, a talk can be given everywhere, and is also casual and informal. A speech has some specific elements rather than talking. There are clear purposes for any speech, speakers convey their feelings, problems and solutions. Those purposes are as follows; (1) To inform or instruct (2) To convince (3) To move to action (4) To impress (5) To entertain

(1) Speaking to inform or instruct An informative speech seeks to convey knowledge, to the current facts and ideas so that listeners will have a better understanding of them. When speakers speak to inform, they analyze, define and sometimes illustrate using examples and analogies. They use various symbol systems such as a tape recording, chart, graph, diagram, or scale model to clarify the ideas they want their listeners to understand.

(2) Speaking to convince These speeches have some effects to convince audience through speakers’ opinion or suggestion.

(3) Speaking to move to action These speeches convey the speakers’ strong message and opinion to the audience, so it will make them action. Especially, when the speaker talks about a serious problem and the solution, the audience can realize how serious this problem is, and what they can do to solve this. Then, if the audience can notice the seriousness of the problem and take action, we can say that the speaker’s meaning reached the audience.

(4) Speaking to impress Speakers need to impress the audience. This is one of the big differences from a talk. There are various purposes of speeches, but every speech has elements to impress people.

(5) Speaking to entertain This is also one of the important elements of speeches. The audience wants to enjoy listening to speeches, so speakers need to make it entertaining.

1.2.3. Types of speeches There are three different styles of speech at speech contest. They are Memorized speech, Extemporaneous speech and Impromptu speech. In this section, I will talk about these types of speeches. The speeches like famous politicians’ or leaders’ are free style, so I will talk about them in the next section. Especially, impromptu speech makers are required to have high English ability. So, speakers can choose the style of speech depended on the purpose and their language levels. Memorized Speech Memorized Speech is committed to memory from a written speech word for word. Speakers make a manuscript in advance, and have to memorize it. This type of speech is often used at speech contests. For example, the speech made by Abraham Lincoln is example of memorized speeches. The purpose of memorized speech is to convey what the speaker wants to say to the audience certainly. As for this style of speech, the speakers have a lot of time to think about the content, and can consider the most important part or detailed data they researched. Extemporaneous Speech Extemporaneous Speech is a speech given with little preparation. At the beginning of any round of this speech, speakers are given usually a set of questions relating to current events, and have to choose one to prepare a speech on. Then, they write a speech in about thirty to forty-five minutes, and present it for about seven minutes. Impromptu Speech In Impromptu Speeches, speakers are given a topic, usually a single word or phrase, which may be a person, thing, quotation or an object. They then compose a speech based on the prompt. Impromptu Speeches generally take about four to six minutes, with anywhere from 15 seconds or three minutes of preparation time. However, at many other contests, there is neither a set limit to how much time they may use to prepare nor a minimum of how long one speaks. So, I can say that the big difference of extemporaneous speech and impromptu speech is the time limit for preparation and presentation.

1.2.4 Speech Style There are four kinds of speech styles. They are Informative speeches, Persuasive speeches, Ceremonial speeches, and Entertaining speeches. Speaker’s purpose varies in each situation and with the audience. So, the speakers have to understand what style of speech they should give. Informative Speech An informative Speech is a speech whose purpose is to offer information and knowledge the audience don’t know. For example, the introduction of new products in a company. Also, at the speech contest at a basic level, we can listen to some titles like “My Hobbies” or “My Dream”. These are also kind of Informative Speeches. Persuasive Speech A Persuasive Speech is a speech which speakers state their opinion and try to create changes attitudes of the audience, and sometimes urge them to take some actions. For example, in a speech about stopping smoking, this is an example of persuasive speeches if there are some strong proposals of the speaker like “If you continue to smoking, your smoking will effect to your body so badly, and also people around you. So, please stop smoking as soon as possible.” Ceremonial Speech A ceremonial Speech is made at ceremonial occasions, for example, graduation ceremonies, awarding ceremonies, wedding parties, funerals and so on. In these speeches, the speakers try to create close feelings among the members of their audience. The speech topics have to express appreciation and evoke emotion in such a way that the listeners are able to identify themselves with the features of the event, place, group or person. For example, the speeches given at funerals and wedding ceremonies are kind of Ceremonial Speech. Entertaining Speech The main purpose of this kind of public speaking is to entertain the audience. That doesn't mean the speaker has to avoid serious topics. The speaker’s second goal is to present serious information or to persuade. Many famous after dinner speakers have covered the most serious topics. This type of speech is frequently given after the listeners have eaten, although it's possible to speak before and during lunch or dinner. The Speakers’ tone has to be lighthearted, their topic has to be relevant and the presentation of their after dinner speech topics should be funny. After dinner speaking is performing and serious public speaking at the same time.

1.2.5 Tone of speeches When speakers give a speech, they are trying to convey their feelings to the audience. The feeling depends on the contents of the speech. For example, these are some human emotions we can find in speeches.

Anger Surprise Sadness Boredom Happiness Stress Fear Contempt Disgust Dissatisfaction Joy

In Informative Speeches, we can feel the emotions of the speaker directly, because this type of speech offers information and knowledge the audience doesn’t know. Speakers can show their feelings through experiences, and the audience can be also influenced, and feel surprised, happiness, stress and so on. In Persuasive Speeches, speakers try to give their own solutions or ideas, so the audience can perceive their energy and strong feelings like anger, dissatisfaction, sadness, etc. Also, their strong opinion contains positive aspect, so the audience can feel the speaker’s positive emotions like joy, happiness and so on. In Entertaining Speeches, the purpose is to make people interest. The speakers’ tone should be vigorous through the feelings of joy or their happiness. In Ceremonial Speeches, speakers’ tones are different from situation to situation. They have to understand the situation and what they have to say and must not say. For example, at funerals, they should not speak merrily, and use auspicious words. On the other hand, at the wedding party, a speech maker needs to speak cheerfully, and show congratulatory feelings.

1.2.6 The organization of a speech Generally, a speech is composed of three parts. These are the Introduction, Body and Conclusion. Here is the explanation of three components. Introduction Introduction is the first paragraph in a speech. Mainly, there are three purposes here, (1) to catch the audience’s attention, (2) to raise interest in the speech, (3) to lead audience to the main issue. This part is the first step for the audience, so the speaker needs to catch their attention, draw them into the main point, and state the problem. In this time, the hook is important in the Introduction. The hook appears in the first sentence in a speech. This is a key sentence, because the hook can make the audience interesting, but sometimes make them bored. For example, Nelson Mandela gave a speech “I am Prepared to Die”. This is his statement from the dock at the opening of his defense in the 1964 trial. In this speech, his first sentence is like this; I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Arts and practised as an attorney in Johannesburg for a number of years in partnership with Oliver Tambo. The listeners cannot expect what he will say next, and they are therefore interested in it. This is an example of a good hook. The hook leads to some problems. And, in the problem paragraph, there is also a key sentence like “these are the problems, but there are three reasons.” Next, the speakers talk about the reasons, also the problems, harm and solutions in the body. Body The main ideas are expressed in the body. Speakers explain the issue and develop their opinions. The Body can be divided into four elements. They are the present condition, harm / problem, cause and solution. In problem-solving type speeches, the speech will be composed logically if the speaker puts these elements in each paragraph. These four elements play roles like this; Present condition…mention what people are thinking about this problem, how serious this problem is, and so on. For example, in a speech about stopping smoking, the speaker says that there are many smoking people, but smoking is very harmful to the human body. Harm…what damage people have had or will receive For example, smokers get cancer and other illness, and also non-smokers can be the passive smoker and get bad influence. Cause…what the reason is and why this problem happened For example, people don’t stop smoking, because they rely on smoking, or some young people under 20 are interested in it, and then they start to smoke though they don’t know the danger of it. Solution…what each people or the government should do to solve this problem. For example, I have three solutions to this problem. First, let’s inform smokers around you the danger of smoking. Secondly, teach students the importance of health in schools. Thirdly, Japanese government should restrain of young people’s smoking.

Conclusion In the conclusion, the speaker needs to go back to the introduction, and remind the audience of the issue of the speech. This is done by paraphrasing the main points of the presentation. Here, the audience can think about this problem deeply and seriously again, and may even feel like acting to solve the problem.

1.2.7 Conclusion In the conclusion, speeches have to let the audience know what the speakers think. Speeches have various styles, and they depend on the situation or the audience. A talk between people doesn’t have these purposes such as to inform or instruct, to convince, to move to action, to impress, to entertain. A speech has more clear purposes than a talk. 1.3 The elements of a good speech and speech training 1.3.1 Introduction In speech training, speakers need to pay attention to both English itself and the delivery. In this section, I will talk about some important elements that Japanese people who studying English speech should know. The elements are coherence and cohesion, grammar, contents, structure, title, vocabulary, eye contact, pronunciation, intonation, gesture and memorization.

1.3.2 Coherence and Cohesion Speakers need to talk about the topic logically, because if they have a good, clear and strong message to audience, they cannot tell their feelings because of problems with coherence or cohesion. For example, in a speech about stopping smoking, if a speaker gives the solution first, the cause second, the problem third, and the present condition fourth, the audience cannot understand what he or she is talking about. So, speakers should think about the connection between sentences and between paragraphs. To avoid the problems, it’s important for them not to translate the speech from their first language to English. If they do so, there will be appear some differences of meaning because of the structure of their first language, and this leads to misunderstanding for audience.

1.3.3 Grammar This is one of the most difficult things for people who make a speech in second language. Especially, for Japanese people, it’s difficult to write about their topic in English, because the grammar of English is quite different from their own one. So, they should take care of some grammar points. Having a check from the native speakers is one of good ways to improve grammar.

1.3.4 Contents The most important thing of speech is the content. Good speeches will not be decided by only way of speaking but also the contents. A good speech has one topic or one strong message, because if there are so many different subjects in a speech, the audience can’t understand what the speakers focus is. So, she has to think about one topic deeply, research about it well and mention it logically.

1.3.5 Structure A good speech is not a mass of ideas and details but an organized whole. A good speech should have divisions and at the same time it should have unity. The division of a speech into introduction, body, and conclusion implies unity. This basic form has endured through the centuries because it is simple, easy to understand, adaptable to all purposes, and workable.

1.3.6 Title The title of the speech should be catchy. In a speech contest, the title is announced by the chairperson one by one, so the title is one of the key points which interest the audience or not. So, what is a good title? Good titles are not too straight to the contents, but not too far from that. For example, speech about smoking, if the title is “Stop smoking!”, the audience can know the content of speech at the same time, and they may suddenly be bored to listen to the speech. However, if the title is “The dangerous routine”, the audience feel “What will she talk about? I’m interested in it. I’d like to listen to the speech.” Good titles make the audience guess the contents of the speech after listening to the title.

1.3.7 Vocabulary Speakers need to choose suitable words for each situation. For example, in a presentation for doctors, you can use technical medical words. However, in a speech contest for university students, you can’t use such words, because they are not familiar with those words. So, speakers have to use words depending on the audience.

1.3.8 Eye contact A good speaker can see the response of the audience. Eye contact is one of the communication tools between the speaker and audience, because the eyes will also tell the speaker’s feeling to them, so speakers must see them. However, this is difficult at first. The beginners are likely to be more conscious of themselves. It’s very important for her to feel that they are talking directly to an individual member of the audience. To do this, they needs to notice that she has to look over the room, not to be focused on only one side or one point.

1.3.9 Pronunciation and Intonation It’s so difficult for Japanese people to master the sounds of English. There are so many differences between Japanese pronunciation and English one about vowels, consonants, connections like liason, elision, and assimilation, and so on. Liason means that two words are connecting like “Take it easy.” The pronunciation of this sentence is not [teik it i:zi:] but [teikiti:zi:], because when there are two words and the last sound of the former is consonant and the first sound of the latter is vowel, two sounds are connected. Elision means the disappearance of a sound when two words are connecting like “What time is it now?” In this case, the sound “t” disappears in time and it. Assimilation means that how sounds modify each other when they meet, usually across word boundaries, but within words too, two words are connecting, like “Would you” or “Could you” become the sound [ju:]. Japanese intonation is monotonous, but English is inflective. So, for speakers who are practicing English sounds, it’s effective to record native speakers’ voice of her speech on a tape, and to listen it everyday. By imitating the way of speaking of native speakers, they can understand the difference between native speakers’ English and theirs.

1.3.10 Gesture A gesture is a motion of any part of the body made to convey or reinforce meaning. It usually refers to movements of hands, arms, shoulders, head, and eyes, as opposed to general bodily movements. The purpose of all gestures is to give immediacy and conviction to the oral message. The effective speakers keep their arms relaxed and available to convey their ideas.

1.3.11 Memorization In a memorized speech, memorization is one of the key points for audience and also judges. If the speaker cannot memorize the speech, sometimes she forgets words and stops the speech each time, the audience cannot concentrate on her speech. On the other hand, if she can memorize her speech completely and she doesn’t make any mistakes, the audience can feel her sincerity for the speech, and catch her feeling and opinion for this problem easily.

1.4 Speech strategies What strategies training are there? There are five kinds of instructional strategies in language learning. They are Direct Instruction strategies, Indirect Instruction strategies, Independent Study strategies, Experiential Learning strategies, and Interactive Instruction strategies. Direct Instruction strategies are effective for providing information or developing step-by-step skills, for example, teaching students what they don’t understand beside them, teachers’ demonstrations what the students need, drill and practice, and so on. It means teachers teach students directly. Indirect Instruction strategies happen when the teacher is a facilitator or a supporter of the students and provides some opportunities for students involvement, for example, investigating, drawing inferences from data, and so on. Teachers can give opportunities and help students by giving some hints when they really need them. Independent Study strategies are purposefully provided to foster the development of individual student initiative, self-reliance, and self-improvement. In addition, independent study can include learning in partnership with another person or as part of a small group. For example, journals, research projects like discussing a problem, and sharing ideas with group members, and so on. Experiential Learning strategies are learner-centered and activity oriented, like narratives and role playing which our own experience is presented, and so on. Interactive Instruction strategies are that students can learn from friends and teachers to develop social skills and abilities to organize their thoughts, and to develop rational arguments, like discussion, debates, and interviewing. It is important for the teacher to outline the topic, the amount of discussion time, the composition and size of the groups, and reporting or sharing techniques. As for speech activities, especially in my experiment, Direct Instruction strategies, Indirect Instruction strategies, and Independent Study strategies are important, because there are no interactive activities between subjects like discussion, and they didn’t need to talk about their experiences. I think language learning strategy training include speech training, and these strategies training influence speech making more or less, so I talked about them here.

1.5 Research Question The research question for this thesis is whether strategy training can help a speaker perform better. In this thesis, I asked one research question. As I mentioned in 1.4, there are some strategy training methods in language learning. Strategy training is effective for language learning, and for speech training too. I will research how the subjects developed their performance. During speech making, I’d like to know how my advice effect to their speeches, and how their speeches become better. So, what I’d like to know is how the strategy effects the quality of the subjects’ speech making. Especially, Direct Instruction strategies, Indirect Instruction strategies, and Independent Study strategies influence to the subjects, so the question is when the strategies work during speech creation, and whether the strategies help them perform better or not.

1.6 Summary In this chapter, I talked about speeches themselves, some different kinds of speeches, the components of speeches, and so on. There are various types and styles speeches have, so the speakers should think about what speech style they want to do according to the audience, the situation, their English ability, and so on. Then, they should organize their ideas and thoughts they want to tell the audience logically. Of course, they need to know the difference between a speech and a talk, especially some specific effect and purpose of speeches. In next chapter, two subjects cooperated to my experiment, and they made speeches four times. I analyzed their speeches and development. Chapter Two : The Study

2.1 Introduction In Chapter One, I talked about what a speech is, and the structure and elements of a good speech. In this chapter, I analyzed the steps that the subjects took during speech making. Subjects made speeches four times each, and I taught them each time.

2.2 Method I asked two subjects to make speeches four times, because I wanted to examine the speech development of the subjects. For example, what elements they could develop or not, how they could overcome the difficulties and so on. Each time, I analyzed their speech, kept scores, gave feedback to them, and they made next version. The evaluation of each speech was made by the check list in Appendix 1.

2.2.1 Aim In this thesis, I’d like to find out the speakers’ development of making speeches. I have two aims for this section. One is to know that how the subjects are making speeches and how my advice effect to them. The other is to study what the effective teaching for writing and speaking is.

2.2.2 Subjects There were two speakers in this experiment. Both subjects voluntarily agreed to participate. They were majoring in English literature at English department in Notre Dame Seishin University. One was a junior student at ELAS (English Language Appreciation Society) in this university, and the other was a sophomore student. They had been learning English for eight or nine years. They made their speeches, and rewrote them four times.

2.2.3 Instruments In this experiment, I used three instruments. They are check list, structure exercise sheet, and vocabulary exercise sheet. These instruments are used for the subjects during speech making. They are in Appendix 1, 2, and 3. Check list I used the check list to make scores of the speeches in Appendix 1. To know the development of subjects’ speech, I decided to use this check list. This check list has some items to check like coherence and cohesion, grammar, contents, structure, title, vocabulary, eye contact, pronunciation, intonation, gesture and memorization. I chose these items, because they are basic elements composing speech, and they are important for speech making. We can say that a speech which has these elements with high level is a good speech. Each item is divided into five different grades. The scores were given from one to five. One is the lowest, and five is the highest score. Structure exercise sheet I used the structure exercise sheet in Appendix 2. This is for checking speech structure. This sheet says that what a good speech structure is. This has an example too. The subjects could use this when they checked their own speech structure. This is used after the first speech, because both subjects have grammatical structure problems. For example, they had some images they wanted to say, but their ideas spread everywhere in their speech, and the ideas didn’t connect to the next paragraph. So, I gave them this sheet, and explained how they should have composed their speech. After that, they made second speech with using this sheet. Vocabulary exercise sheet I used the vocabulary exercise sheet in Appendix 3. This is for checking vocabulary. This sheet says that some rules for writing essays, but I thought this is useful for speech making too. The subjects could use this when they checked their vocabulary and grammar of the speech. This is used after the second speech, because I thought they should find and correct their grammar and vocabulary mistakes by themselves. In this sheet, there are some grammar and vocabulary rules. After the second speech, the subjects looked back their own speech, and check their English using this sheet.

2.2.4 Procedure In this experiment, the subjects made speeches four times in all. First, they made a speech, and then, I checked and analyzed the speeches. I thought both of them needed to consider the structure, so I taught them what the speech structure is, showing structure exercise sheet. Next, they made the second speech. Here, they could change the structure. Before making the third speech, they checked their English using vocabulary exercise sheet to find out and correct some grammar and vocabulary mistakes. Then they made the third speech based on the exercise. Lastly, I corrected their grammatical mistakes, and they made their speeches.

2.3 Results In this section, I’ll present the results of this study. I gave scores to their each speech for coherence and cohesion, grammar, contents, structure, title, vocabulary, eye contact, pronunciation, intonation, gesture and memorization. The scores have five grades, that is, five is the highest and one is the lowest score based on the check list. Then, I stated about their speeches, my advice to them and changes compared to a previous one.

a) Subject A This is the scores and the results from the first speech to the fourth speech of subject A. She wrote a speech about human relationship.

Table 1: Scores of speeches of Subject A for the four speech versions 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Difference 1st to 4th Coherence 2 3 3 4 +2 and cohesion Grammar 3 3 3 4 +1 Contents 2 3 4 4 +2 Structure 2 4 4 4 +2 Title 3 4 4 4 +1 Vocabulary 3 3 3 4 +1 Eye Contact 2 4 4 4 +2 Pronunciation 4 4 4 4 0 Intonation 3 4 4 4 +1 Gesture 2 4 4 4 +2 Memorization 2 3 2 4 +2 Total 28 39 39 44 +16 We can see her full speech in Appendix 4. She made a speech about human relationship, but her topic was fuzzy, because there were so many different ideas in her speech. For example, in the first paragraph in her speech she talked about people worrying about their existence. In the second paragraph she talked about suicide problem, the third paragraph was about the movie “Ameagaru”, directed by Akira Kurosawa, it said that people who are poor are also happy. In the next paragraph, she suggested that people should have calm time, in the next paragraph people should not work too much. Her main topic was human relationships, but there were so many different ideas, and she emphasized the negative aspect of that, the main topic was not clear. For example, she said in her first paragraph, In fact, people in such a small country always worry about something, their existence. But, in the second paragraph, she talked about social problems such as suicide, like When it considers a social issue of suicide problem represent one of harm. Each idea didn’t connect logically like this, so I advised her to make her topic clear, and a speech has a logical structure, so you had to think and talk logically. As for the delivery, she depended on the paper, as she couldn’t memorize the speech, and take gestures and eye contact into consideration. Her gesture was not so natural, because she seemed to be remembering the next words. Then, she could compose her ideas in terms of the advantages and disadvantages of human relationships. However, her purpose was to persuade the audience and make them understand her idea. By only referring to good points and bad points of relationship, audience cannot understand what she really wanted to tell, and it’s not a persuasive speech. She needed to pay attention to the structure to make her speech persuasive. In the second version, she changed the content a lot. She talked about the relationship between parents and children. Her message was as follows; recently, sometimes we can hear the stories like some children killing their parents. She thought this was because of lack of communication and too much time to work of parents. Her message was clear at first, but gradually, focused on working, for example, in the paragraph five, six and seven in Appendix 4, her second version. And, sometimes there were grammatical mistakes, for example, How to know their expression way? in the second paragraph, and Isn’t it sadness when you have something talk to you parents, but no one at home? in the fourth paragraph. She needed to be careful of the grammar. Her speech structure became better and clear, because her ideas were connected, like she talked about case of murder in the first paragraph, the reasons in the second, her own experience when she felt communication in the fourth, and so on. On the other hand, her delivery was fine. She was dignified from the beginning to the end. Her eyes were strong, and she could convey her feelings. Her voice did it too, and she did some gestures properly. She could memorize the speech somewhat, but she couldn’t leave the paper alone. Before the third version, I gave her a Vocabulary exercise sheet, and she corrected some mistakes using it. In her third version, for example, in the fourth paragraph, she changed the sentence “How to know their expression way?” to “How do they improve communication skill?” Her delivery didn’t change so much, but she couldn’t memorize the speech well this time. She looked at the paper double the previous one. But, she could speak more quietly than in the second speech. In her fourth speech, her coherence and cohesion problems were almost corrected. Before the fourth speech, I corrected some grammatical and vocabulary mistakes, and told her what I didn’t understand in her speech, so she corrected these mistakes. For example, I pointed out the mistake of preposition like of to with. She also added some sentences, for example, in the third speech, she added this sentence “There is one example of communication I think, because jester, expression, voice tone are important.” This sentence made the content more clear for the audience. Her delivery was fine. She spoke nobly, and her facial expression was nice. It conveyed her feelings effectively. I heard some katakana English, but they were acceptable. Her memorization was good. In the previous speech, she couldn’t memorize well, but this time, she could do. b) Subject B Table 2 has the scores and the results from the first speech to the fourth speech of subject B. She wrote a speech about riding bicycles.

Table 2: Scores of speeches of Subject B for the four speech versions 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Difference 1st to 4th Coherence 3 3 3 3 0 and cohesion Grammar 3 3 4 4 +1 Contents 3 3 4 4 +1 Structure 2 4 4 4 +2 Title 1 1 3 3 +2 Vocabulary 3 3 3 3 0 Eye Contact 1 2 3 4 +3 Pronunciation 3 3 3 3 0 Intonation 2 2 3 4 +2 Gesture 1 1 3 4 +3 Memorization 1 3 3 4 +3 Total 24 28 36 40 +17 She made a speech about riding bicycles which is in Appendix 3, but the first version seemed that she didn’t have one strong message. She could state her own ideas, but I couldn’t catch her message directly. I could understand that she researched for this topic well, because she told about bicycles accidents according to a news paper, one of the solutions for this problem from Munster in Germany and some effort in her city to solve bicycles problems, but her speech seemed to be focused on some movements which had been taken recently, and it looked like a kind of a report. She needed to reveal the problem of bicycles, and tell that seriously. Then, she wrote a plan for the second version, she could make her ideas clear. She could decide what she said in each paragraph, for example the advantages of bicycles in the first paragraph, the problem in the second and the solution in the third one. I could see that then she knew what she wanted to say, so I advised her to pay attention to the structure. As for the delivery, she depended on the paper, so she couldn’t memorize the speech, and afford to take gestures and eye contact into consideration, but in the second version, it was expected that her structure would be fine. Then, the surface of the speech such as grammar and the delivery would be changed. She didn’t have a title, so she got 1 on title. In the second version, she changed the structure. She knew the speech structure meant that a speech had introduction, body (problem, harm, cause, solution, etc.) and conclusion. She seemed to have some vocabulary and grammar problems, for example, she often used the word “walkers” which she should have used “pedestrians”, but they were acceptable. However, I thought audience might not feel her message strongly and clearly, so she needed to make her idea more clear and try to tell her message powerfully. As for the delivery, she could memorize her speech well, but her eyes couldn’t focus on the audience. She didn’t have any gestures. So, she needed to have some gestures to convey her message to the audience more effectively. Her pronunciation and intonation were good, but somewhat monotonous, so she needed to make the point she wanted to emphasize clear. Before the third version, I gave her the Vocabulary exercise sheet. In her third version, she checked her grammar and rewrote the speech using it. She found some mistakes and changed them. For example, she changed “it” to “they” and she often used the word “bicycles”, but came to use pronouns like “they” or “them”. So, she corrected those mistakes, which made the content more clear. This time, she decided the title of the speech “The advice of enjoyable life”. This was good, so I gave 3 points. When she was speaking at this time, her delivery became better, because her eye contact was good. She could see the audience more slowly and carefully than previous speech and tried to look at individuals in a group. She did some gestures. However it seemed to be done as she decided where and which gestures she made. Her intonation was fine, because she could speak more emotionally. Before the fourth version, I corrected her grammatical mistakes and told her some coherence and cohesion mistakes, but I didn’t correct all the mistakes. It means that I corrected some mistakes of her speech, but others were remained to be found by herself. Then, she rewrote the fourth version. However, she was still careless about vocabulary, especially part of speech. For example, in the first line and in the last paragraph, she used this phrase “an enjoy life”. The word “enjoy” is a verb, so it should have been “an enjoyable life”. She wrote the last version referring to my advice. She could correct some grammatical or vocabulary mistakes, but she had some another problems. Sometimes some sentences which I told her to correct became worse than before. For example, I told her to correct this sentence, “I come to ride a bicycle, I couldn’t think of life without it” in the third version, but she rewrote it “I meet bicycle, I couldn’t think of life without it” in the fourth version. I thought it became more difficult to understand. On the other hand, her presentation became quite good, because she could speak more quietly than the previous version, and she could watch the audience. It seemed that she was gradually used to give speeches. However, there were not so many changes in her pronunciation and intonation.

2.4 Summary In this chapter, I recorded the video of speeches four times of each subject. The two subjects gave speeches, and I gave the scores for each speech according to the check list. I could find their improvement in both writing and speaking through this experiment. In Chapter Three, I will analyze those speeches carefully, and talk about the results of this experiment. Chapter Three: The Results

3.1 Introduction In Chapter One, we discussed what kinds of speeches there are, what the speech structure is, the difference between a speech and a talk, and special elements of speeches. In Chapter Two, the two subjects made four speeches each, and I analyzed and gave scores to them. In this chapter, I will talk about the results of the experiment. I will discuss how the subjects developed their speeches, and the similarities and differences of them.

3.2 Discussion of the results 3.2.1 Overall Results In this experiment, I found the improvement of the two subjects. They could develop their speeches in various elements, especially structure, eye contact, gesture and memorization. On the other hand, it was difficult for me to teach them coherence and cohesion, content, pronunciation and intonation. Their own strong points and weak points were different, and there were similarities and differences between two subjects.

3.2.2 Discussion of the results a) Subject A She gave speeches about the relationship between parents and children. In her first version, there were too many different ideas. It seemed that she had many things what she wanted to say, and she couldn’t put together those ideas well, so her structure score changed 2 to 4. Also, she wrote the speech in Japanese first, and then translated it into English, so she got 2 points in coherence and cohesion section in the first version. But from the second version, she decided to focus on the relationship between parents and children, and her message became clearer. She was sometimes careless about using articles and prepositions, because she often dropped articles before nouns, or made mistakes with the prepositions. She had some grammatical mistakes. For example, sometimes she had no verbs or subjects in a sentence and something like that. On the other hand, her delivery was fine from the first version. She could spoke emotionally, and give some gestures. Her pronunciation and intonation were also good. These were not so much katakana English, and I could understand what she wanted to emphasize. But it was not so good that she had the paper in her hand. She couldn’t leave it until third version. By the fourth version, she could speak without the paper, so she finally got 4 points in the memorization section. She got 3 in second and 2 in third speech in memorization section, because in third version, she depended on the paper so much time. But in fourth version, she could get 4. b) Subject B She gave speeches about riding bicycles. She suggested that cyclists should identify the bad manners themselves, and people should use bicycles more often to save the environment. From the first version to the fourth version, she made some changes from various aspects. For example, she could gradually make what she wanted to tell clear. At first, it was not clear what she focused on, but later, I could catch the important points to listen to. She could find the grammatical, structural and vocabulary mistakes with using both of structure exercise sheet and vocabulary exercise sheet. So, it means her speech became better. Her score in structure and vocabulary section showed this improvement. She also made an effort for delivery. In first version, she got 1 or 2 points and sometimes 3 points in delivery part, because she couldn’t leave the paper, memorize the speech, look at the audience, and have any gestures. But gradually, she could speak without the paper, try to convey her feelings to the audience with various tones and gestures. Her drastic improvements were eye contact and gesture. She wasn’t good at showing her feelings using hands and body, but gradually, she got used to making speeches, and she could try to convey her feelings with gestures and effective eye contact. At first, she couldn’t look at the audience, but in the last speech, she tried to speak to each person. This can be seen in her intonation, because her voice was monotone in first version, but her tone became different in last version. So, the scores changed from 1 to 4 in gesture and eye contact, from 1 to 4 in intonation.

c) Findings from both subjects I found some similarities and differences of both subjects through this experiment. There are two similarities. First, both subjects wrote the speeches in Japanese first, and then translated them into English. They did it, which created coherence and cohesion problems. Especially subject A has many problems with this. When I read her speech, I couldn’t understand what she wanted to say. However, when I translated it into Japanese, her speech made sense somewhat. Second, they had structural problems. In both first versions, some different ideas spread in a speech, and they seemed that they couldn’t put together them logically. So, I gave them Structure exercise sheet after first version. Then, they could consider the structure carefully. On the other hand, there are two differences. The first is their gestures. Subject A tried to convey her feelings by using her hands and body from her first version, but subject B was not good at gestures. She had no idea how to make good gestures at first, but in the final version, she can make gestures naturally. Second, the way of eye contact of both was different. Subject A moved her body and her eyes powerful, but subject B couldn’t do like that. She spoke monotonously and calmly, and had no gestures at first. It seemed that subject A is good at showing her feelings in appearance, but subject B is not, and she is a type of showing her feelings in sentences. d) What I could teach or not Through this experiment, I found the subjects could improve their speech by my teaching in some sections, and they couldn’t do it or there were some difficulties to teach in other sections. This means I noticed the limitation of teaching from me. Especially, they could develop in grammar, structure, eye contact, gesture, and memorization section. I’ll discuss each section and why they could do this.

i) Grammar and vocabulary Gradually, they found their grammatical and vocabulary mistakes. Especially after I gave them Vocabulary exercise sheet, they re-checked their speech by themselves, and then they could find some mistakes and corrected them. I can say that the Vocabulary exercise sheet worked effectively. ii) Structure Both subjects didn’t have a good structure at first, and they got 2 points. Before the second speech, I gave them Structure exercise sheet, and they could use it effectively, and they could put together their ideas well in the second versions. So, they could get 4 point in the second versions. iii) Eye contact Eye contact depends on how much they memorize the speech, but they could improve eye contact skill. Subject A was good at looking at the audience comparatively, but subject B changed considerably. I taught her that it’s effective to look through the room slowly, like to convey feelings to individuals. At first she always depended on the paper and couldn’t afford to look the audience, but in next version she memorized the paper and tried to look the audience carefully. iv) Gesture The two subjects were different about gesture. Subject A tried to show her feelings with gestures so much, so she could make gestures effectively, but subject B didn’t make any gestures at first. In the next version, she did a few, but it looked like she decided where and which gesture she used. Then, I advised her to use gestures to show her feeling and to make the audience understand easily what she wanted to say, by using her hands and body. In the last version, she gave gestures naturally. v) Memorization In the first version, both subjects didn’t memorize the paper, so the eyes always concentrated on the paper. I told them that if the speakers cannot memorize their own speech and depend on the paper, the judges may think that they have no enthusiasm for memorization, even for the speech, so memorization is required for the speakers at least. Then, they tried to memorize the speech. On the other hand, they couldn’t develop so much in coherence and cohesion, title, vocabulary, pronunciation and intonation section. I’ll discuss each section and why it’s difficult to teach. i) Coherence and cohesion It’s very difficult to teach the coherence and cohesion mistakes. Both subjects wrote the speech in Japanese first, so I made an effort to tell them the difference of nuance between English and Japanese. I asked them to write in English in second speech first, and then they did it. I pointed out only where there were the problems and where I had difficulties to understand what they meant, and they corrected them. Then, they could think about the connection between sentences carefully. ii) Title I didn’t have clear idea how to teach title. So, I couldn’t teach them how to decide the good title well, but I gave general advice. iii) Pronunciation and intonation They did well, but I felt the limitation to teach pronunciation and intonation, because I am not a native speaker of English. If they had a chance to be taught by native speaker, their pronunciation and intonation might change.

3.3 Limitation of the experiment 3.3.1 Introduction There are three limitations with this experiment. This experiment was given by only the two women, and we didn’t have an audience. If some men cooperated to this experiment, and we had the audience, subjects performance and speech contents would be different.

3.3.2 Only two subjects In this experiment, only two subjects cooperated. So, I couldn’t get various data from various subjects. If I had more subjects, I could get more information about topics and about speech performances.

3.3.3 No audience The two subjects made speeches four times each, but there were no audience all the time. I talked about eye contact and gestures to the audience so far, but it was difficult for me to bring together all in eight versions. So, the subjects gave the speeches as if there were the audience in the room. If there were some people to listen to the speeches, the speaker would give different speeches. It means that the speakers may be nervous and sometimes forget the words, or may deliver with their whole heart. 3.4 Implications for speech making In this section, I will answer to the research question. My research question asked whether strategy training can help a speaker perform better, especially about Direct instruction strategies, Indirect instruction strategies and Independent instruction strategies. As one of the Direct instruction strategies, I taught the subjects how to do gesture, eye contact and some grammatical and vocabulary mistakes. When the subjects had some difficulties with gestures, I demonstrated using hands, shoulders and body. By doing so, they could know some examples of gestures, and they came to think about their own gesture. About eye contact, I told them to look through the classroom slowly and look individual audience as possible as they can. About grammatical and vocabulary mistakes, I adopted both Direct instruction strategies and Indirect instruction strategies. Before third speech, I gave them Vocabulary exercise sheet. I didn’t tell them where they had the problems, but I gave the sheet and they found and corrected the mistakes by themselves. So, it is a kind of Indirect instruction strategy. And then, they made the third version. Before the fourth version, I corrected some mistakes, and I gave them the corrected speech. At that time, they could notice the mistakes which they hadn’t noticed before third speech. I think this is one of Direct instruction strategies. When they think about the content, they have to research the problems or solutions of the topic, and before they get my advice of intonation, pronunciation, structure, gesture and so on, they have to think about these by themselves. They should have decided the topic, the structure of the speech, vocabulary they use, gestures they make and so on. It is a kind of independent instruction strategies. Therefore, I can say that these strategies trainings work better for subjects in different parts.

3.5 Conclusion In Chapter One, I talked about speeches, for example, what a speech looks like, the difference between a talk and a speech, type of speeches, speech styles, different speech tones, the elements of a good speech and speech training, and speech strategies. These are important things for Japanese people studying English speeches. In Chapter Two, the two subjects gave speeches. They rewrote the speeches four times. I analyzed them, and gave some advice to each subject each time. For instance, I pointed out the structure problems, memorization, eye contact and so on. I gave the scores one to five in each elements, that is, coherence and cohesion, grammar, contents, structure, title, vocabulary, eye contact, pronunciation, intonation, gesture and memorization. In Chapter Three, I discussed what the data Chapter Two shows. Both subjects could improve their speech, and I noticed the similarities and differences of them. At the same time, I could find what element they could improve well or not, that is to say, in what elements I have some difficulties or not so much. Also, I could know that how the subjects developed making speeches. There are various strategies in language learning and speech making, but all strategies don’t always have an effect on all steps in speech making. It means, for example, the subjects couldn’t get good ideas to give gestures or eye contact by themselves, but my direct demonstration of teaching was effective. So, I found that speech trainers need to use various strategies properly. They should analyze the student’s speech carefully, think about his or her ability of both writing and speaking, understand what the student really needs, and then, they can teach making speeches. References Baird, A. Craig and Knower, Franklin H. Essentials of general Speech. McGraw-Hill Company. Brooks, D. William and Heath, W. Robert. Fifth Edition Speech Communication. Iowa. Wm. C. Brown Companies. 1985. Capps, Randall and O’connor, Regis J. Fundamentals of Effective Speech Communication. Massachusetts. Winthrop Publishers. 1978. Herde, G. Wilhelmina and Brigance, Norwood William. The New American Speech Revised Edition. New York. J.B. Lippincott Company. 1963. Loganbill, G. Bruce and Kawashima Takehide. English Speech Communication Series Vol. 1 The Bases of Voice, Articulation and Pronunciation. Tokyo. Sansyusya. 1980. Mudd, Charles S. and Sillars Malcolm O. Speech: Content and Communication. San Francisco. Chandler Publishing Company. Ross, Harold R. Public Speaking: And Other Forms of Speech Communication Second Edition. New York, 1981. SaskED. Instructional Handbook. Retrieved from Accessed on 2007/9/28 The History Place, Great Speeches Collection. Accessed on 2007/10/24 Wagner, A. Joseph and Kawashima Hidetake. An Introduction to English Speech. Tokyo. Eichocha company. 1973. トミー植松著 『英語のスピーチ実例集』 東京:創元社、1991 年。 『英語スピーチ虎の巻』 東京:毎日新聞社、1982 年。 Appendix 1 CoherenceandCohesion grammar contents structure title vocabulary

5 very understandable Perfect She has strong, Well The title is She has a lot of No clear and her structured appropriate vocabulary, grammar own idea. speech and and can use mistakes Well attractive these organized appropriately. Very logical 4 Sentences are well I can find a She can convey The The title is Spelling errors arranged. few her ideas structure is good, but may occur, but errors, but properly. available, not so they are not she but appropriate. intrusive. knows most sometimes grammatical listeners rules. may be not able to understand her idea a little. 3 Well managed There are Her message is Some The title Vocabulary is coherently, but some understandable, necessary expresses adequate and cohesion sometimes mistakes, but components the content appropriate, but may be faulty with but not so clear. are given, of the listeners may misuse. these are but not so speech feel the use of a acceptable. clear. directly, or restricted is far from range. it. 2 Both coherence and She Her message is The speech She needs Some words cohesion may be faulty doesn’t ambiguous. is to think are used understand She needs structured about it inappropriately. basic more details. too simply more grammatical or too carefully, to rules. complexly. match the content. 1 The message is There are so She needs to It’s The title is There are so difficult to follow. many have her own required not clear many grammatical ideas. that she and inappropriate mistakes. thinks more unsuitable words. logically. to the The range of content of vocabulary is the speech. often limited.

Eye contact pronunciation intonation gesture

memorization She can watch Nice So naturally She can use proper Perfect. audience pronunciation Easy to listen gestures in proper She doesn’t properly. Close to native Close to native situation. forget 2 level. level. and mistake words. She tries to She can Fine. Good gestures, but Fine. watch pronounce She doesn’t if she Some of her A audience, but most of words have thinks about mistakes are p doesn’t focus appropriately. difficulties so gestures acceptable. 1 on listeners much. more carefully, the p individually. speech will be e better. n She watches She sometimes She sometimes Her gestures are She sometimes audience at still uses katakana still speak OK, but not so depends on di very high/low English. unnaturally. naturally. paper, but better x speed. than 2. 2 She tries to She doesn’t get She has some She should She should watch real pronunciation problems for understand understand the audience, but so much intonation. the necessity of importance of depends on the and depends on She needs to gestures. memorization. paper yet. katakana. know about English intonation more carefully. Eyes always Not good use No stress and No gestures or too She doesn’t on the paper. katakana English monotone. much memorize her She doesn’t so much inappropriate speech. watch any gestures. She always audience. depends on the paper.

Structure exercise sheet Planning an Essay

All essays need planning. Planning is important because it can help you to put ideas together and to see where you are going. Planning an essay is like planning a trip. Before you go on a trip to a new place, you usually look at a map and plan the way to get there. Planning essays is the same. There are several important steps to follow when writing an essay. 1. Think about the topic which you will write about 2. Collect ideas 3. Organize these ideas 4. Make a basic plan 5. Add more information and detail to the plan 6. Write the essay. Think about the topic Sometimes you have to think of a topic for your essay and sometimes the teacher will give you a topic to write about. Usually the topic that the teacher will you will an essay title. For example:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job?

You have to look at the title and decide the topic and decide what you will write about.

Collect ideas Before you can write an essay you have to think about the topic. You have to collect many ideas before you can write an essay. Thinking of ideas can take a long time.

Organize the ideas After you have collected some ideas, you need to organize them in some way. First you have to group similar ideas together. Then you have to decide which is the most important idea. Then you choose the second most important point and so on.

Make a basic plan When you have organized your ideas you have to write a basic plan. You need an Introduction, a body and a Conclusion in every essay. The most important ideas go first in the body of the essay

Add more information, examples and detail to the basic plan When you have a basic plan, you have to add more information and examples to the plan. This makes plan better. Write the essay. Finally you can write the essay using the plan you have made. An example of how to plan an essay 1 Look at the topic and title What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job?

This means you have to write about the good and bad points of having a part-time job. This title does not mean you can write about your part -time job, because the question asks you to write about having a part-time job in general.

2 Collecting many ideas: Write notes about the ideas you have. You do not need to write sentences. Here is an example.

Advantages Disadvantages get new experiences takes time can learn manners no holidays can learn about working no time for study and friends make new friends boss may be strict become independent low pay can help your parents long hours can grow into an adult may not be good easy work get money become tired be part of normal society may be far from home work is hard life will be harder

3 Organizing ideas: here you a) group ideas together and then b) put the ideas into order. The most important ideas are first. Put ideas together, or cut out some ideas

Advantages Disadvantages 1 money 1 takes time - busy can help your parents work and play is difficult no holidays 2 new experiences no time for study and friends new friends 2 life will be harder 3 become independent low pay long hours 4 be part of normal society boss may be strict learn about work learn manners 3 tired

4 may not be good easy work 4 Basic Plan for the essay

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job?


- Many young people today worried whether they should have a part-time job.

- There are many advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job.

First paragraph (advantages of having a part-time job)

1 they will get a lot of money.

2 they will get many new experiences.

3 they can learn to become independent.

4 they will become a part of normal society.

Second paragraph (disadvantages of having a part-time job).

1 they will be busy all the time

2 Life can be much harder

3 become tired easily

4 very hard to find a good part-time job


- good thing for college students

- one step on the way to becoming an adult and becoming a full member of society. 5 Adding details to the plan: here you add more information to the basic plan.

Introduction - Many young people today worried whether they should have a part-time job. - There are many advantages and disadvantages.

First paragraph (advantages of having a part-time job) 1 they will get a lot of money. money is important for books, going out living alone is expensive can help your parents 2 they will get many new experiences. new experiences are important make many new friends form many different backgrounds can learn about working life 3 they can learn to become independent. too many people depend on their parents can be free - no one to tell them what to do 4 they will become a part of normal society. school life is not like real life important to be a normal person in society learn manners

Second paragraph (disadvantages of having a part-time job). 1 they will be busy all the time must study and work no time for friends and going out no vacation busy most weekends no time for shopping even!!!! 2 Life can be much harder pay is often low long hours or work work till late at night sometimes the boss is strict the job may not be interesting 3 become tired easily may be fall asleep in class some people are lucky and get a good job 4 very hard to find a good part-time job good jobs are interesting

Conclusion - good thing for college students - one step on the way to becoming an adult and becoming a full member of society. 6 The essay:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job?

Many young people today worry about whether they should have a part-time job. It is often a big decision that takes a lot of time to consider. There are many advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job.

One of the main advantages of having a part time job is that they will get a lot of money. Money is very important for students because they need money for books, to go out and buy many things they need. If a student lives away from home, money becomes very important because living alone is very expensive. Secondly, people who work will get many new experiences. These experiences that the person will get, are very important. They have a chance to learn to make many new friends with people from many different backgrounds and learn a little about what working life is like. Thirdly, they will probably learn to become independent. Recently too many people depend on their parents for money, a place to live and so on. If a person works part-time they can be independent and do what they like without worrying what other people say, in a sense they can have more freedom. Lastly, they will become a part of normal society. School life is not like real life. In real life people have to learn how to live in the real world away from the safety of organized school. It is important to be a normal person in society.

However, there are also several disadvantages of having a part-time job. Firstly, if they have a part-time job they will be busy all the time because they must study and work. This will leave them very little time to go out with friends, go on vacation, and to study. They will be busy most weekends and have little time for themselves - even to go shopping with the money they get from their job! Secondly, often the pay is low and they have to work long hours until late at night. Also the job may not be interesting and sometimes the boss is very strict. Life can be much harder if they have a part-time job. Thirdly, sometimes the work is hard and they will become tired easily and may fall asleep in class the next day. However some lucky people can find easy jobs. Lastly, it is very hard to find a good part-time job where the work is easy and interesting. Often the boss will not let them have time off work for holidays and so on.

Having a part-time job is a good thing for college students because they can learn about life, get some money and learn to become independent. Having a part-time job is one step on the way to becoming an adult and becoming a full member of society.

Let’s look carefully at how the essay is designed.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job?

Many young people today worry about whether they should have a part-time job. It is often a big decision that takes a lot of time to consider. There are many advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job.

One of the main advantages of having a part time job is that they will get a lot of money. Money is very important for students because they need money for books, to go out and buy many things they need. If a student lives away from home, money becomes very important because living alone is very expensive. Secondly, people who work will get many new experiences. These experiences are very important. They can learn to make many new friends with people from many different backgrounds and learn a little about what working life is like. Thirdly, they can learn to become independent. Recently too many people depend on their parents for money, a place to live and so on. If a person works part-time they can be independent and do what they like without worrying what other people say, in a sense they can have more freedom. Lastly, they will become a part of normal society. School life is not like real life. In real life they have to learn how to live in the real world away from the safety of organized school. It is important to be a normal person in society.

However, there are also several disadvantages of having a part-time job. Firstly, if they have a part-time job they will be busy all the time because they must study and work. This will leave them very little time to go out with friends, go on vacation, and to study. They will be busy most weekends and have little time for themselves and even to go shopping with the money they get from their job! Secondly, often the pay is low and they have to work long hours until late at nigh. Also the job may not be interesting and sometimes the boss is very strict. Life can be much harder if they have a part-time job. Thirdly, sometimes the work is hard and they will become tired easily and may fall asleep in class the next day. However some lucky people can find easy jobs. Fourthly, it is very hard to find a good part-time job where the work is easy and interesting. Often the boss will not let they have time off work for holidays and so on.

Having a part-time job is a good thing for college students because they can learn about life, get some money and learn to become independent. Having a part-time job is one step on the way to becoming an adult and becoming a full member of society.

Appendix 3 Vocabulary exercise sheet In this essay there are many grammar and vocabulary mistakes. Please find the mistakes and correct them.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living away from home?

Now, many people lives away from home. They live away from home. Because they are students. Or they 14 1 work in another city. Living away from home is a big decision that takes a lot of time to consider. There is many advantages and disadvantages of living away from home.

There is several advantage of living alone. The first advantage is that they are free. Free is very happy because they can be independent. For example, invite friends home, stay up late, watch any TV show they want and so on. Also they are not angry from someone and nobody disturb them. They can anything. Second, they will a chance to grow mentally. They are possible to learn cook and shop and manage money and deal with loneliness. And, they can self-control and they will help them grow.

Thirdly, living alone allows them to get many new experience and be wisdom. For example, get a part time job, they can enjoy making new friends, and learn about living in society. Almost people will enjoy this new life. However, it has disadvantages too. Firstly, if they living away from home they will be harder because they must cooking, and have to eating alone, and washing clothes. Each people have to take care theirself and learn to not depend on their parents. They have to learn how to cleaning and how cook theyselves. It needs much time. Secondly, to live alone is very lonely for many peoples. They may missing they mother’s cooking. And if they are sick, no one can to help their. The third, they cost a lot of money. They must to pay the rent, the food, gas and electric too. So, they will needs a part time job and they will tired. Fourthly, living away from home is danger. Maybe they will not be safety and they must taking care.

Although, bad point is a lot, and good point is small, living alone is good things. If they are live away from home they will many experiences. Most of students want to living away from home. Noun = 名詞 Adjective = 形容詞 Verb = 動詞 Subject = 主 語 Object = 目的語

1. Do not cut because sentences in half. Keep the two parts together. NOT I like English. Because it is fun use I like English because it is fun.

2. Try not to start sentences with or¸ because or and.

3. Don’t make mistakes like this. NOT There is many book write There a re many books.

4. Don’t use a noun when you should use an adjective. He is safe not He is safety for


5. Don’t use an adjective when you should use a noun. For example, Free is important should be Freedom is important. And It is safe NOT It is safety, for example.

6. When you use the verbs can, should, may, must, might and so on, use then correctly. Use ….. He can sing NOT He can singing NOT He can sings NOT He can to sing NOT He is possible to sing Also use the main verb too. They will get many friends NOT They will many friends.

7. Use the correct verb with he, she it or there. Use …… He is tall NOT He are tall There is a book on the table NOT There are a book on the table


8. Don’t forget the subject in a sentence. Use …… For example, they have to cook. NOT For example, have to cook.

9. Say learn how to clean NOT learn how to cleaning and NOT how clean NOT learn


10. Use the correct form of the verb. Say They are livi ng or They live NOT They living or

They lives

11. Say their mother NOT they mother, and say themselves NOT theyselves, theirselves etc. 12. Use secondly and thirdly NOT second, the third. For the last one you use lastly not fourthly.

13. Use the correct word. Use many people and several children, NOT many peoples or several childs

14. Do not use now or today at the start of an essay. Use recently or nowadays.

15. Be careful with much. We use it with not or in questions. It takes a lot of time NOT It takes much time I have a lot of money NOT I have much money How much money …..? I don’t have much money

16. Adjectives need the be verb. He will be happy NOT He will happy.

17. We use each with a singular verb and subject. Each person is .. NOT Each people are …

18. Be careful with most, most of and almost. We say most people, most of the people and

almost all people NOT most of people, NOT almost people.

19. We say living alone is good (it is good) NOT To live alone is good. Use the


20. Be careful of the meanings. Check what you write is what you mean. Use the correct subject. Say .. Rent costs a lot of money NOT They cost a lot of money This experience will help them grow. NOT They will help them grow They needs time NOT It needs time Appendix 4 Subject A’s speeches

Blue means corrected words Red means problems part in grammar U nderline means cohesion and coherence problems part

First version July 9th, 2007 “One is All” I didn’t know where a country is and Tokyo, Hokkaido and all the other prefectures. I relearned about a world map. The middle of the map is Japan; because of it is Japanese map. I understood how small Japan. In fact, people in such a small country always worry about something, their existence. The situation is in chaos. A lot of people lose their position as they don’t where a country is. I’d like to tell you what you are important. If you don’t think that you are pity to exist, your daily life become boring. All of things seem to be same. Your face looks tired instead of happy. You can’t enjoy at the present. When it considers a social issue of suicide problem represent one of harm. About more 30,000 people commit suicides in a year. The figure is the top of the world and straight 8 years. The reasons are follows that loneliness and giving up their live to relive the pain. The pain is kind of sick, and falls into a depression. What is worse, it makes people be negative. Above all, people tempt to forget their value. One day, I watched a movie which seeks to change the situation in one of classes. The title was “Ameagaru” and the director was Akira Kurosawa. In the movie, people lived and cooperated together. They smiled even they are poor. I didn’t think they are unhappy. The movie taught me that it is important to help each other. Once people communicate and helped each other closely. Old people advise to young people. It was usual. These days relationships between people become thin. Lacking of relationship among people is concerned the figure of suicide, I think. Where is the happy face? Everyone has a deep issue about them selves and don’t afford to take care of the other. All of them are lack of room of heart. As I learned how important relationship of people from the movie, I would like to suggest three solutions. First, I’d like to recommend you to have a calm time. What do you think is it a waste of time to do nothing? I don’t think so, because all time so far consist me now. I often look up sky, to feel free and see a world. You may see your steps which you are going to go and have stoops slightly. How about up your head toward sky? A sunny sky and brilliant night will tell you what you live on the big earth as part of it. Take a room in your heart to relax, and you come to get a room to think about people. Then, you have a job, maybe and you are busy to do that, but too much work will make you feel bad. What is worse, you may lose yourself and blind your eyes. You can give their hands when you have a room to think about yourself, so second, I’ll advice to have time on your side. It is really important to you and for people. Finally, I’ll invite you to unfold a world map. You can see where Japan is and what size it is. In addition, a lot of country which is formally 192 countries is existed on the map. You don’t have to remember correctly but you should know about where a country is. You maybe think that world is structured a lot of continents, though. Then, after the work, see it a globe. On a globe there are consisted countries as if a large number of puzzles were set. An astronaut said, “The first day or so, we all pointed to our countries. The third or fourth day, we were pointing to our continents. By the fifth day, we were aware only of on Earth.” I really love this line. I think such a thought is necessary for us now. One is all, and all is one. Everyone who lives on the earth is eventually equal. As for each of us do not lose yourself, we can help each other. None of them don’t need in the world, and when we noticed that a suicide people and difficult issues will decrease and sad face will change happy face. It is time to conscious that we are member of Spaceship Earth. Our mind can change with adjustment.

Second version October 9th, 2007 “Chick and Hens”

A girl killed her father with an ax. The girl told that she could not stand her father’s relationship with women. I don’t know exactly what she was, but maybe I can understand her sadness. It was lack of affection from her father. If the father gave his love to only one woman, his wife, and gave it to his daughter a lot, the accident would not happen. These days we see a lot of sad news about relationship between children and parents. Such accident may be a few in Japan, but if it is few, the problem should be decreased. I think that sad things due to the lack of communication between them. Communication is the process of exchanging information or ideas by speaking, or writing. Children start to learn it in their family at first. Some parents, however, may have no time to communicate their children. Both of mother and father come back at late and aren’t at home when children come back. On the table in the kitchen, some dishes places and a paper. It is written some words “Please be hot and eat it.” Children eat it at silence and watch TV. Without conversation, how improve communication level? How to know their expression way? It is serious issue recently. Is it problem only their school? I don’t think so. I think that family is the key point to be better this situation. Family is home where everyone comes back. In my case, when I get to my house, I relax and eat sweets a lot. My mother asks my day events. She sometimes doesn’t understand in some parts, but she hears comfortable as I’m talking. I think it is communication. Even the content is trivial; we enjoy such a talking with family and friends. We rarely talk about difficult thing in daily life. We are happy to stay with there. If a person wants to talk to someone, it is necessary another person. Isn’t it sadness when you have something talk to you parents, but no one at home? This is difficult to change our society principle. To earn money is middle part of our life. I think trying to change your mind is important part to improve this situation. There are a lot of things in Japan, so we can buy what we want. Is it the most important thing to earn money to buy something? Some people may think so but others may forget the aim due to their busy life. Working harder gave us no time to think about ourselves and others. This is one of worse points I think. People who can earn a lot of money, they have to work harder and no time even go shopping. Can you say it is happy? In Nepal, for example, people live with time, although their country is not so rich. Schools start at 10:00. A man who I know goes to his office at 11:00 and comes back his house at around 6:00. During stay his house, I watched their daily life. Their most important thing is family. I could understand it. It was like an old Japanese life style which we almost forget. Parents really appreciate to be their children. They gave their deeply love. Concluding such an enough affection, they enjoy everyday and their slowly life. How about Japan? People are been chasing time and walk first. Every day we can watch and here an awful accident about murder especially a child kills the parents. People can’t live without people. Children especially need parents to communicate. If they stay together at peace, they are easily to communicate with them. Parents should understand their children feeling and thought. Children should talk with their parents. Communication teaches us each idea and thought. We need to take more time to do that. It is good time to eat together in evening. Let’s try to say this phrase everyday. “Dinner is ready!” “OK, I’m coming!”

Third version October 11th, 2007 A girl killed her father. She told us that she could not stand her father’s relationship of with women. I don’t know exactly what she was thinking, but maybe I can understand her sadness. It is The cause was of a lacking of affection from her father. If he gave had given his love to only his wife and daughter, the accident would not have happened. These days we see a lot of sad news about the relationship between children and parents. Such cases may come up from time to time a few, but even it is there are a few, the number of cases should be decreased. I think that one reason the sad things occurred was were due to the lack of communication between children and parents. Communication is a process of exchanging information or ideas by speaking or writing. Children start to learn it in their family at first. Some parents, however, may have no time to talk with children and they aren’t at home when their children return. On the table in the kitchen, some dishes and a paper are left for them placed. It is written by some words, “please heat and eat it.” Children eat it in silence silently and watch TV. Without having a conversation, how do they improve communication skills? How do they learn a way of expression expression way? Is it only a problem in only their school? I don’t think so. I think that family is the key point to make be better this situation.better. A family is home where we come back. In my case, when I get home to my house, I can relax and eat sweets a lot. My mother asks me about my day’s events. She sometimes doesn’t understand but she looks comfortable as I’m talking. I think this it is communication. Even if the content is trivial, we enjoy talking. We rarely talk about difficult thing s in daily life. We are happy to communicate with someone. If a person wants to talk to someone, it is necessary that there be another to communicate with. If you have something to talk about to your parents, but no one is at home. Don’t you feel anything? In Nepal, for example, people live with time although the country is not so rich. The school starts at 10:00. A man who I know goes to his office at 11:00 and he comes back to his house at around 6:00 in the evening. During the stay at his house while at his home, I watched their daily life. What I learned their most important thing for them was family. It was like an old Japanese style which we almost forget. Parents have really cherished their children. They have given gave their deeply love. Thanks to their affection they enjoy every day and a slowly life. How about Japan? People have been chasing time and walk fast. Every day we see awful news about murder especially children kill their parents. This is difficult to change our social principle. To earn money is the middle central part of our life. There are a lot of things in Japan, and we can almost buy what we want. I’m wondering what about the is importance thing to of work. Is it the most important thing to earn money to buy something? Some people may think so but the others may forget their aim because of for their busy life. Working hard gives us no time to think about ourselves and the others. This is one of weak points, I think. People who can earn a lot of money, they have to work busily and they are have no time even to go shopping. Can you say it is happy? Trying to change our mind is important to improve this unhealthy such a not good situation. People can’t live without others people, and it can say be said about children and parents. They are a partners in life and they should help each other. Exchanging each information and ideas with each other is a step to make more deeply relationship. Joyful, anger, sadness, and fun are is communication, too and those are that is necessary for us. We need to take more time to communicate so we can get to know each other, not only children and parents but also the others. It is good time to talk together in the evening. Let’s try to have take such a conversation. “Dinner is ready!” ”I’m coming mom! ”How was it today dear?” ”It was… great!”

Fourth version October 23rd, 2007

A girl killed her father. She told us that she could not stand her father’s relationship with women. I don’t know exactly what she was thinking, but maybe I can understand her sadness. The cause was a lack of affection from her father. If he had given his love to only his wife and daughter, the accident would not have happened. These days we see a lot of sad news about the relationship between children and parents. Such cases may come up from time to time, but even there are a few, we have to pay attention. I think one reason the sad things occurred was due to the lack of communication between children and parents. Communication is a process of exchanging information or ideas by speaking or writing. There is one example of communication I think, because jester, expression, voice tone are important. Children start to learn it in their family at first. Some parents, however, may have no time to talk with children and they aren’t at home when their children return. On the table in the kitchen, some dishes and a paper are left for them. A paper is written that, “please heat and eat it.” Children eat it silently and watch TV. Without having a conversation, how do they improve communication skills? How do they learn a way of expression? I think that family is the key point to make this situation better. In my case, when I get home, I can relax and eat sweets a lot. My mother asks me about my day’s events. She sometimes doesn’t understand but she looks comfortable as I’m talking. I think this it is communication. With Communication, we see face each other and understand what they want to say. In Nepal, for example, people enjoy their slow life although the country is not so rich. The school starts at 10:00. A man who I know goes to his office at 11:00 and he comes back to his house at around 6:00 in the evening. While at his home, I watched their daily life. It was like an old Japanese style which we almost forget. Parents really cherished their children. They gave their deep love. Thanks to their affection they enjoy every day and a slow life. How about Japan? People have been chasing time and walk fast. Why people so busy? There are a lot of things in Japan, and we can almost buy what we want. I’m wondering about the importance of work. Is it the most important thing to earn money to buy something? Some people may think so but the others may forget something because of their busy life. Working hard gives us no time to think about ourselves and the others. This is one of weak points, I think. People who can earn a lot of money, have to work busily and they have no time even to go shopping. Trying to change our mind is important to improve this unhealthy situation. People can’t live without others, and it can be said about children and parents. They are partners in life and they should help each other. Exchanging information and ideas with each other is a step to make more deep relationship. Joy, anger, sadness, and fun are is communication, too and those are necessary for us. We need to take more time to communicate so we can get to know each other, not only children and parents but also the others. It is good time to talk together in the evening. Let’s try to have such a conversation. “Dinner is ready!” ”I’m coming mom! ”How was it today dear?” ”It was great day. Please listen!” “O.K. Tell me what.” Appendix 5 Subject B’s speeches

First version July 6th, 2007 Do you lead a enjoy life? My answer is yes. Everyone has enjoyment in different ways, but I suggest that we would spend time with bicycles. I like riding a bicycle because I get a great feeling from catching breezes. As well as that I am excited to curiosity which comes to take the unknown road. Before I used a bicycle, I could do without it. However, now I couldn’t think the life without it. Bicycles are wonderful vehicles; besides they make our life fun. Therefore, I recommend the life of bicycle. It has a lot of advantages. First, we can expand our range with bicycles. If we go far on foot, by train or by bus, we are tired and it needs some money. In contrast, it is easy to go far on bicycles and doesn’t cost any money. Thanks to a bicycle, I have found beautiful cityscapes in Okayama and a lot of lovely shops and cafés. Next, it is good for the environment. It is obvious that we compare bicycles with cars. Cars discharge the toxic substances like CO2. It causes the global warming. On the other hand, bicycles don’t have such bad substances. Moreover, bicycles just consume the least energy to move than any vehicles. It can move only thirteen hundredth energy of cars. Hence, bicycles are friendly to the environment. Finally, they benefit our health. While we are pedaling a bicycle, we can exercise our thighs of both legs. By the series of action, we can improve heart-lung system and do increase metabolism. We can get slim as well. In addition, they don’t strain our born and joints. We can continue doing reasonably for a long time. In a hospital, diabetic patients are recommended this exercise by the doctor. In this way, there are a lot of advantages in bicycle. However, it contains a serious problem. We have to ride bicycles on our left side on the roadway since they are vehicles just as cars. Nevertheless, the rule isn’t much known for users. Bicycles run the road as if they owned the space. That is why some roads exceptionally allow us to use side walk. Then, this bad thought spread from everywhere in Japan, we have misunderstood that bicycles could ride anywhere we want. Some riding people cross roadways and feel free to run sidewalks. It causes accidents with cars or walker. In fact, the asahi newspaper said that bicycles accidents increase 1.3 times more from 1995 to 2005. When I walked along the sidewalk, I heard riding people was ringing the bell. Then, I apologized to her although I didn’t have to do so. Bicycles weren’t prohibited sidewalks normally. Sadly, such bad manners become everyday events. Why do users behave so badly? I think that now bicycles positions are fuzzy in the road. For example, if we ride on them on roadways, it is regarded as barriers for cars because bicycles don’t have enough space to run, while they run on sidewalks, they have to care about walkers and can’t run as they expect. Thus, bicycles have nowhere to go so that they are hard to understand bicycles attraction. Riding people get to think it is not useful; they break a rule in the road. How can everyone ride on bicycles joyfully, comfortably? Some people say that bad -mannered users should be only punished. However, in my opinion, there is no point to tighten up the rules unless we bring about the better bicycles acknowledgment. I strongly feel that we need to reveal the bicycle’s position. We draw upon solution about this problem from Münster in German. Munster is one of the advanced cities of bicycles. There are bike lanes that are special bicycle roads in the town; on the other hand, cars are limited to run only 30kilometers per hour and forced to pass through one-way routes. The government tried to ensure bike’s position and get citizen familiar with bicycles. As a result, a book “Jitensya to Machizukuri” said that people who lived in Munster used bicycles four times more in 1991 than 1972. I think that the policy succeeded that people defined bicycles were neither walker nor car. German people treated them as precious vehicles. To tell the truth, in Japan, we have learned the good policy from Munster. We are trying to do something for bicycles. We review the law about bicycles in 2007; it explains that we have to establish the bike lane on the road, and separate from sidewalks and roadways. We are making bicycles situation clear. Also my hometown Okayama, the city built the bike lane from Okayama station to Okayama University in Tsushima area in 2005. I often use this road to bike to school. This area is always crowded by walkers, bicycles and cars in the morning. There was some possibility of crushing. However, I think this bike lanes enable riding people to ride a bike safely as well as walking people or driving people. According to the survey from the Ministry of Land in 2005, the effective of walkers satisfaction in this road increased from 20% to 70%. Little by little, we improve the law for using bicycles and people around them. After all, the most important thing is to understand what bicycle is. We are apt to forget bicycles since they are too popular. Despite they have a lot of good points; we create the barrier that bicycles are not practical in the mind. Please break the wrong image. I hope that we know and think about the bicycle’s merit and demerit. Furthermore, when we ride a bicycle, we must be conscious of riding it and obey the rule as a member of society. I believe that those accumulations get a better feeling about bicycles. In my case, I often check the brakes whether it works or not. In the rainy day, I make an effort not to put up an umbrella instead of raincoat. My bicycle life comes to be fun through these labors and efforts. Bicycles are very interesting. They have many attractions that we don’t know at first glances. We have to try to be aware of them and love them. Why don’t you going out on lovely bicycle?

Second version September 10th, 2007 The advice of enjoyable life Do you lead a enjoy life? My answer is yes. Everyone has enjoyment in different ways, but I suggest that we would spend time with bicycles. I like riding a bicycle because I get a great feeling from catching breezes. As well as that I am excited to curiosity which comes to take the unknown road. I come to ride on a bicycle, I couldn’t think the life without it. Bicycles are wonderful vehicles; besides they make our life fun. However, it contains a serious problem. The problem is that bicycle’s users don’t obey the rule on the road. We have to ride bicycles on our left side on the roadway since they are vehicles just as cars. Nevertheless, the rule isn’t much known for users. Bicycles run the road as if they owned the space. That is why some roads exceptionally allow us to use side walk. Then, this bad thought spread from everywhere in Japan, we have misunderstood that bicycles could ride anywhere we want. Some riding people cross roadways and feel free to run sidewalks. It causes cars and walkers accidents. In fact, the asahi newspaper on May 2007 said that bicycles accidents increase 1.3 times more from 1995 to 2005. Sadly, riding people remains bad-mannered. Why do users behave so badly? The reason is that they don’t realize bicycle’s attraction; it has a lot of advantages. For example, we can expand our range. Since bicycles have small turning circle, we can go everywhere. Thanks to a bicycle, I have found beautiful cityscapes in Okayama and a lot of lovely shops and cafés. Next, it is good for the environment. It is obvious that we compare bicycles with cars. Cars discharge the toxic substances like CO2. It causes the global warming. On the other hand, bicycles don’t have such bad substances. Moreover, bicycles just consume the least energy to move than any vehicles. It can move only thirteen hundredth energy of cars. Finally, they benefit our health. While we are pedaling a bicycle, we can exercise our thighs of both legs. By the series of action, we can improve heart-lung system and do increase metabolism. We can get slim as well. In addition, they don’t strain our born and joints. We can continue doing reasonably for a long time. In a hospital, diabetic patients are recommended this exercise by the doctor. In this way there are a lot of advantages, but I think we pass over the merit. Behind the trend is the fact that I think now bicycles positions are fuzzy on the road. For example, if we ride on them on roadways, it is regarded as barriers for cars because bicycles don’t have enough space to run, while they run on sidewalks, they have to care about walkers and can’t run as they expect. Thus, bicycles have nowhere to go so that riding people get to think it is not useful. How can everyone ride on bicycles joyfully, comfortably? Some people say that bad -mannered users should be only punished. However, in my opinion, there is no point to tighten up the rules unless we bring about the better bicycles acknowledgment. I strongly feel that we need to reveal the bicycle’s position. To tell the truth, we are trying to do something for bicycles. We review the law about bicycles in 2007; it explains that we have to establish the bike lanes that are special bicycle road and separate from sidewalks and roadways. We are making bicycles situation clear. Also my hometown Okayama, the city built the bike lane from Okayama station to Okayama University in Tsushima area in 2005. I often use this road to bike to school. Before that it involved the risk of accident between bicycles and walkers, because this area is always crowded by walkers, bicycles and cars in the morning. However, I think this bike lanes enable riding people to ride on bicycles safely. Also walker and driver can avoid danger from bicycle. According to the survey from the Ministry of Land in 2005, the effective of walkers’ satisfaction in this road increased from 20% to 70%. Little by little, we improve the law for using bicycles and people around them. After all, the most important thing is to understand what bicycles are. We are apt to forget bicycles since they are too popular. Despite they have a lot of good points; we create the barrier that bicycles are not practical in the mind. We need to break the wrong image. Furthermore, when we ride a bicycle, we must be conscious of riding it and obey the rule as a member of society. I believe that those accumulations get a better feeling about bicycles. Bicycles are very interesting. They have many attractions that we don’t know at first glances. We have to try to be aware of them and love them. Why don’t you going out on lovely bicycle?

Third version October 2nd, 2007 Advice of enjoyment Do you lead an enjoy life? Everyone has gets enjoyment in different ways, but I suggest that we would should spend time with bicycles. I like riding a bicycles because I get a great feeling from catching the breezes. As well as that I am excited to curiosity curious which comes to take the unknown road. I come to ride a bicycle, I couldn’t think of life without it. Bicycles are wonderful vehicles; besides they make our life fun. However, it contains there is a serious problem. The problem is that bicycle’s users don’t obey the rules on of the road. We have to ride bicycles on our left side on the roadway because they are vehicles just as like cars. Nevertheless, the rule isn’t much known for by users. Bicycles run on use the road as if they owned the space. That is why some roads exceptionally allow us to use sidewalks. Then, So, this thought thinking spreads from everywhere in Japan, and we have misunderstood that bicycles people could run anywhere we they want. Some bicycle’s users cyclists cross roadways and feel free to go to the sidewalks. It causes bicycle’s accidents; in fact, the Asahi newspaper on May 2007 said that their bicycle accidents have increased 1.3 times more from 1995 to 2005. Sadly, bicycle’s users cyclists still remains bad-mannered. Why do bicycle’s users behave so badly? The reason is that they don’t realize bicycle’s attraction; it has a lot of advantages. For example, we can expand our range. Since bicycles have small turning circle, it is easy to go everywhere even if we pass narrow roads. Thanks to a my bicycle, I have found beautiful cityscapes, a lot of lovely shops and cafés. Next, they are good for the environment. Compared to cars, they discharge the toxic substances like CO2 that causes the global warming. On the other hand, bicycles don’t have such bad substances. Moreover, bicycles just consume the least energy to move in the vehicles. They can move only thirteen hundredth energy of cars. Finally, they benefit our health. While we are pedaling a bicycle, we can exercise our thighs of both legs. By the series of action,So we improve our heart-lung system, then we can do increase our metabolism and get slim. In addition, they don’t strain our born bones and joints. We can continue doing reasonably for a long time. In a hospital, doctors recommended diabetic patients to do this diabetic patients are recommended this exercise by the doctor. In this way there are a lot of advantages, but I think we pass over the merit. Behind the trend is the fact that I think bicycles positions nowadays are fuzzy on the road. For example, if we ride on them on roadways, they are regarded as barriers for cars because they don’t have enough space to run, while if they run go sidewalks, they have to care about walkers pedestrians and can’t run move as they expect. Thus, bicycles have nowhere to go so that bicycle’s users cyclists get to think it is not useful. How can everyone ride on bicycles joyfully, and comfortably? Some people say that bad -mannered users should be only punished. However, in my opinion, there is no point to tighten up the rules unless we bring about the better bicycles acknowledgment. I strongly feel that we need to reveal the bicycle’s position. To tell the truth, we are trying to do something for bicycles. We reviewed the law about them in 2007; it explains that we have to establish the bike lanes that are special bicycle’s road and separate them from sidewalks and roadways. We are making bicycles’ situation clear. Also in my hometown, Okayama, the city built the bike lane from Okayama station to Okayama University in Tsushima area in 2005. I often use this road to bike to school. This road involved There was a the risk of accident between bicycles and walkers pedestrians before the bike lane was made, because this area was always crowded by walkers pedestrians , bicycles and cars in the morning. However, I think this bike lanes enables riding people cyclists to ride on bicycles safely. Also walker pedestrians and driver can avoid danger from bicycle. According to the survey from the Ministry of Land in 2005, the effective of walkers’ pedestrians satisfaction in this road increased from 20% to 70%. Little by little, we improve the law for using bicycles and people around them. After all, the most important thing is to understand what bicycles are. We are apt to forget bicycles since they are too popular. Despite they have a lot of good points; we create the wall that bicycles are not practical in the mind. We need to break the wrong image. Furthermore, when we ride a bicycle, we must be conscious of riding it and obey the rule as a member of society. I believe that those accumulations get a better feeling about bicycles. Bicycles are very interesting and they have many attractions that we don’t know at first glances. We have to try to be aware of them and love them. Why don’t you going out on a lovely bicycle? Fourth version October 15th, 2007 Do you lead an enjoy life? Everyone gets enjoyment in different ways, but I suggest that we should spend time with bicycles. I like riding bicycles because I get a great feeling from catching the breezes besides I am curious when I take the unknown road. I meet bicycle, I couldn’t think of life without it. Bicycles are wonderful vehicles; besides they make our life fun. However, there is a big problem. The problem is that bicycle’s users don’t obey the rules of the road. We have to ride bicycles on left side on the roadway because they are vehicles just like cars. Yet this rule isn’t much known by users. Bicycles use the road as if they owned the space. That is why some roads exceptionally allow us to use sidewalks. , So, this thinking spreads everywhere in Japan, and we have misunderstood that people could run anywhere they want. Some cyclists cross roadways and feel free to go to the sidewalks. It causes bicycle’s accidents; in fact, the Asahi newspaper on May 2007 said that bicycle accidents have increased 1.3 times from 1995 to 2005. Sadly, cyclists still remains bad- mannered. Why do bicycle’s users behave so badly? The reason is that they don’t realize bicycle’s attraction; it has a lot of advantages. For example, we can expand our range. Since bicycles have small turning circle, it is easy to go everywhere even if we pass narrow roads. Thanks to my bicycle, I have found beautiful cityscapes, a lot of lovely shops and cafés. Next, they are good for the environment. Compared to cars, they discharge the toxic substances like CO2 that cause the global warming. On the other hand, bicycles don’t have such bad substances. Moreover, bicycles require the least energy in the vehicles for a person move to locations. They can run only hundredth and thirtieth of car’s energy. Finally, they benefit our health. While we are pedaling, we can exercise our thighs. Thereby we improve our heart-lung system, and then we can increase our metabolism and get slim. In addition, they don’t strain our bones and joints. We can continue doing reasonably for a long time. In a hospital, doctors recommended diabetic patients to do this. In this way there are a lot of advantages, but I think we don’t find the merit about bicycles. Behind the trend is the fact that I think nowadays bicycle’s positions is obscure on the road. For example, if we ride on them on roadways, they are regarded as barriers for cars because they don’t have enough space, if they go sidewalks, they have to care about pedestrians and can’t move as they expect. Thus, bicycles have nowhere to go so that cyclists think it is not useful. How can everyone ride bicycles joyfully, and comfortably? Some people say that bad -mannered users should be only punished. However, in my opinion, there is no point to tighten up the rules unless we bring about a better understanding about bicycles. I strongly feel that we need to define the bicycle’s position. To tell the truth, we are trying to do something for bicycles. We reviewed the law about them in 2007; it explains that we have to establish the bike lanes that are special bicycle’s road and separate them from sidewalks and roadways. We are clarifying bicycles’ position. Also in my hometown, Okayama, the city built the bike lane from Okayama station to Okayama University in Tsushima in 2005. I often use this road to bike to school. There was a risk of accident between bicycles and pedestrians before the bike lane was made, because this area was always crowded by pedestrians, bicycles and cars in the morning. However, I think this bike lanes enables cyclists to ride on bicycles safely. Also pedestrians and driver can avoid danger from bicycle. According to the survey from the Ministry of Land in 2005, the effective of pedestrians’ satisfaction level in this road increased from 20% to 70%. Little by little, we improve the law for using bicycles and people around them. After all, the most important thing is to understand what bicycles are. We seem to be familiar with bicycles since they are by us, but we don’t know them so much. We create the wall that bicycles are mare vehicles. We need to break the wrong image. Furthermore, when we ride a bicycle, we must be conscious of riding it and obey the rule as a member of society. I believe that those efforts bring us an enjoy life. Bicycles are very interesting and they have many attractions that we don’t know at first glances. We have to try to be aware of them and love them. Why don’t you going out on a lovely bicycle?

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