UN Regional Thematic Group on Noncommunicable Diseases and Social Determinants of Health

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UN Regional Thematic Group on Noncommunicable Diseases and Social Determinants of Health


UN regional thematic group on Noncommunicable diseases and Social Determinants of Health Workplan 2015/21

Output Activity Geographi Deliverable Lead Partner Follow-up discussed on 23 Jan 2015 cal focus Outcome 1: Enhanced and better coordinated support to Member States

Global Follow-up on 2014 global Belarus Joint follow-up and WHO UNICEF -WHO will share recommendation of BLR recommendations of missions to Belarus and (2014) assistance to UNDP UNFPA mission with TF members; please provide the 2014 NCD Turkey. Turkey countries in the ideas on how to implement them. related country (2015) implementation. -WHO and UNDP will initiate discussion missions with Gov’t and respective Country Offices on implemented best timing for TUR country mission -WHO to review health system guide to ensure appropriate inclusion of SDH issues

Regional Identification of additional 4 regional Regional WHO UNICEF -Countries will be invited to submit a request recommendations for priority countries priority recommendations UNFPA for a mission priority countries countries for each priority -TF will define offline criteria to select the drafted and Conduct joint missions for (tbc) country priority countries, e.g. epidemiological and implemented each priority country demographic criteria in line with the global monitoring framework, UNDAF priorities, need for increased coordination, health system assessment

Enhanced UN agencies inform each coordination on other and coordinate Regional Identification of UNDP/ UNICEF -WHO and UNDP will revert to the group social, economic and around on-going SEEDS joint actions and WHO with concrete deliverables environmental related activities and make joint advocacy. Other TF members – please highlight -Initial suggestions: consider more strategic determinants of use of existing synergies, interest advocacy, e.g. intersectoral action for health, health (SEEDS) following the work of the joint platforms with education, labor and ad hoc working group on social affairs, bringing together life-course SDH (Report of June 2014) approach and SDH 2

Outcome 2: Better information exchange

Increased Development of a common Regional IT Tool WHO (as Other TF members to post -UNECE will explore the possibility of using information IT tool TF information the forthcoming RCM sharepoint. exchange on NCDs Shared work space secretaria -UNFPA will explore the possibility to use and SEEDS among Development of a shared t) the existing PSG sharepoint. UN agencies in the work space -Alternative: use dropbox or google drive ECA Region

Outcome 3: Increased resources for the implementation of national efforts and agreed activities

National capacity to Developing a business case Regional Business case WHO/ UNFPA - Purpose: to motivate the MoFIN and others follow-up of the for the follow-up of the UNECE to look at NCD related issues and their recommendations of recommendations of the (tbc) Other TF members – please highlight economic implications. the global and global and regional NCD interest -TF members agreed to start from the regional NCD country missions regional level, highlighting examples such as country missions Tobacco Control, UN Country Offices will lead on following up at country level - UNECE will investigate with technical experts on what UNECE can offer and will report back

Increased national Develop briefing sheets on Regional, Briefing sheets WHO & UNICEF -WHO will circulate the briefing note on capacity to work intersectoral collaboration in priority other education and health & the list of briefings in across sectors & disseminate countries members Other TF members – please highlight the pipeline and is seeking input dependin interest -TF members, please suggest additional g on topics topic - Joint branding, different partnership for 3

each Outcome 3: Raise the priority of NCDs, governance of health and SDH and ensure the inclusion in UNDAF processes

Increased awareness Organize webinars Regional 2 webinars per year UNDP -Webinar on UNDAF lessons learned with and capacity of regards to NCDs and SDH (UNDP) UNCT and partners WHO UNECE -Webinar on Business case (WHO) - Participants to propose additional topics

Outcome 4: Joint reporting

RCM ownership of Regular report to the RCM Regional Group update at WHO as All other TF members the outcomes of the each RCM secretaria working group t

Joint ECA input and UN agencies work together Regional Joint report ?? All other TF members -Discuss details at the next RCM. visibility in relation on a joint regional report to -Possibilities are: A joint regional report, also to the 2016 review of the UNGA in 2016 Regional event linked to the MDG work and SDG agenda, a the implementation joint event at the UNGA of the global NCD Joint organization of a Action Plan. regional event

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