District Enrollment Management Committee (DEMC)

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District Enrollment Management Committee (DEMC)

District Enrollment Management Committee (DEMC) Wednesday, January 10, 2007 at 1:30 p.m. Executive Conference Room 114 Notes

Members Present: Patricia Alvano, Arleen Elseroad, Norman Fujimoto, Ann-Marie Gabel, Peter Hardash, Noemi Kanouse, Carl Jaeger, Erlinda Martinez, Sandra Mayo, Kathy Mennealy, Phuong Nguyen, Denise Pennock, Julie Slark, Christopher Truong, Joes Vargas, Juan Vazquez.

Members Absent: Paul Amorino, Mary Halvorson, John Hernandez, Sara Lundquist, Linda Miskovic.

Welcome: With Norman Fujimoto, VP of Academic Affairs, SAC, just one week on the job, Peter Hardash had all participants introduce themselves.

Approval of the Meeting Notes of September 21, 2006

A motion to accept the notes as presented was made by Kathy Mennealy and Jose Vargas seconded the motion.

Governor’s Proposed 2007-08 Budget

Peter Hardash reviewed the Governor’s budget as it pertains to the community colleges. Incidentally the January proposal is the only time the budget is required to be balanced. The Governor continues his commitment to the California Community College (CCC) system by proposing an increase from the previous year of approximately $377 million representing a 6.4% increase from this year’s record funding. The overall increase in Proposition 98 base funding for K-14 education is $1.8 billion. For the 2007-08 budget year, the community college share of Proposition 98 will be a new record at 11.06% compared with the current year’s budget act of 10.74%, the highest ever. CCC college fees for credit courses will remain at $20 per credit unit, unchanged from 2006-07. There will be a 2% enrollment growth for Apportionments allowing for additional 23,000 FTE (full time equivalent) students although this exceeds the 1.65% change in the adult population that is usually the basis for growth. With the potential availability of stability funding there is no concern that excess enrollment growth will cause the money to run out. Cost of living increase (COLA) is projected to be 4.04%, present year 5.92%, but April will determine the actual COLA by the Department of Finance based on fiscal year ending March 31. Categorical program growth includes $33.1 million to support Matriculation with $19.1 million set aside for counseling and tutoring students most at risk of failing to complete a program. Nursing programs will receive $9 million one-time current year funding and $9 million in ongoing funding to support additional nursing programs and services. There will be a $33.2 million increase to essentially offset the remaining fee reduction in student fees from $26 per unit to $20 per unit in the spring of 2007. There is no commitment so far on the second year enhanced enrollment program for noncredit. For capital construction funding, the Governor plans to place a $6 billion bond measure on the 2007-08 ballot for CCC projects with the overall need at $11.5 billion.

Review of P-1 Results and Targets

Carl Jaeger directed the participants to the packet of schedules containing the P-1 2006- 07 FTES TARGET as of January 4, 2007, the Log of FTES Changes to the 2006-07 Target, the year to year comparison with target of noncredit FTES, and the 2007 Spring Enrollment Update based on the third day of instruction.

For the 2006-07 FTES TARGET based on a combination of actual and estimated results together with target amounts, the year shows a below target amount of 237.95 FTES at January 4, 2007. Of that shortage, 200.19 FTES were transferred to 2005-06. Included in this result is the fall noncredit target with actual attendance still being collected beyond January 4th. Extended and late reporting classes are expected to meet or exceed the fall noncredit target. Another fall collection method in process is positive attendance providing to date a better than target amount of 128.90 FTES. January intersession is on target. Spring attendance is growing and based on January 9, 2007 SAC’s WSCH is 5% behind last year with SCC 0.6% ahead of last year.

Some comments regarding the performance to date:

 enrollment growth is 1.5% or better and efforts to date have been beneficial,  academies have two more contracts,  budget is based on target and consider the budget impact if target is not met together with one time dollars impacting budget,  noncredit enhancement funding now slated for June 2007,  SCC will be short by approximately 35 units for fall noncredit due to instructor vacancies in the jail program,  consider not to borrow FTES in the future, and the need for a reality check for the target to target projection,  more students, less units taken, lower FTES,  seek to offer the right programs and get more efficient when enrollment flattens out,  review programs, control what can be controlled in offerings, pursue popular classes that make money, and challenge the Deans on offerings,  review the anemic areas in positive attendance such as arranged hour classes,  consider marketing strategies such as post cards to avoid losing returning full time students; between 20-25% is the typical student drop out rate between fall and spring; review marketing programs; Julie Slark volunteered assistance in this area. Holiday Break Registration Report

Arlene Elseroad, Director of Admissions and Records, SAC, presented a comparison of on line registration transactions for spring 2007 and 2006. The comparison was from mid-November through New Year’s Day. Although the number of on line transactions was slightly below last year, the program is highly recommended and will be continued.


The flex factors for all credit methods of attendance collection were tentatively reviewed and the revisions appearing on the 2006-07 FTES TARGET schedule show the results of this review.

Next meeting.

The next DEMC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 15, 2007 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in the Executive Conference Room.

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