Mr. Rodriguez English II Semester II Final Exam Study Guide

Julius Caesar Vocabulary Words: Know the definitions of each of these vocabulary words:  augmented  entreated  insight  interpretation  interred  manipulate  servile  stereotype  strife  universal

Julius Caesar Literary Terms: Know the definitions of each of these terms from the Introduction to the Drama section on pages 790-795 and from the beginning pages of each act of the play:  Drama:  Tragedy:  Comedy:  Dramatic structures:  Monologue:  Soliloquy:  Aside:  External Conflict:  Internal Conflict:  Shakespeare’s Tragedies:  Using Textual Aids:  Blank Verse:  Iamb:  Iambic pentameter:  Imagery:  Tragic hero:  Tragic flaw:  Shakespeare’s tragic heroes:  Foil:

Julius Caesar Characters: Know who each of these characters are and why they are important in the play:  Marullus:  Flavius:  Julius Caesar:  Brutus:  Cassius:  Antony:  Cicero:  Cinna (the Tribune):  Cinna (the Poet):  Calpurnia:  Portia:  Soothsayer:  Decius:  Casca:  Octavius:  Lepidus:  Artimidorus:  Lucius:  Titinius:  Volumnius:  Messala:  Pindarus:  Strato:

Julius Caesar Plot Questions: Know the answers to these important questions:  Who was put to silence and why?  What did Caesar deny three times and who offered it to him?  What are some examples that Cassius gives showing that Caesar is weak?  Why is the ides of March important and who warns Caesar about it?  What sneaky thing did Cassius do to convince Brutus that many people disliked Caesar?  Describe Calpurnia’s dream:  Who stabs Caesar first and last?  What are the conditions that Antony can speak at Caesar’s funeral?  What does Brutus say at the funeral about why Caesar was killed?  What does Caesar leave the Plebians in his Will?  Name the all the conspirators:  Name all the guys on Antony’s side:  How does Portia die?  What does Antony and Octavius disagree about in Act IV?  What does Brutus and Cassius disagree about in Act IV?  Who helps Cassius commit suicide?  Who helps Brutus commit suicide?  What superstitious signs does Cassius notice before the battle at Phillipi?  Who does Antony call the noblest Roman of all?  Who is the hero with a tragic flaw?

Julius Caesar Quote Identification: Know the character who spoke important lines in the play  Pay attention to what each important character tells the Plebians at Caesar’s funeral  Understand what the women of the play are telling their husband  Know who says what just before, during, and just after Caesar is killed  Know and understand the most important Soliloquys in the play  If you paid attention in class and marked your book when I pointed out an important speech, you will identify the quotes easily

MLA Formatting:  Know the correct order for an MLA heading  Know all the things an introduction should include  Know the three main parts of an essay  Know how to write the title of a novel vs. short story, and poem  Know what needs to be used to catch the reader's attention in the beginning of an essay  Know the correct MLA format for a date  Know the correct MLA format for an in-text citation  Know the correct order for the Jane Schaffer two chunk format  Know the general ratio of CD to CM in a Jane Schaffer paragraph  Know the minimum amount of sentences required in a Jane Schaffer Two-Chunk Paragraph  Know the how a concrete detail is different than a commentary  Know informal “no-no” words that are not allowed/appropriate in a formal essay

Other Stuff:  You will be asked to write a Jane Schaffer Two Chunk Paragraph in response to an important question about Julius Caesar and the tragic hero at the end of the play. You should know all parts of a Jane Schaffer Two Chunk Paragraph and the colors for each part.  Take your book and binder home so you have everything you need to study.  Use your Act-by-Act Summaries, Study Questions for Acts 1-5, and your Character Descriptions to help you prepare for the test.  There’s a good chance that you’ll see many quiz questions return on the test.  Study, study, study!!!  Bring a pencil, paper, blue pen, red pen, and a green pen.  Do not stay up till 2AM studying the night before the Final Exam—get sleep!  Study, study, study!