THE HOLLOW MEN Mini-group project

What signs of hope are they in the poem? What are they? Are hollow men capable of saving themselves? Is there any salvation for them? Prove your answer from poem citations.

THE HOLLOW MEN Mini-group project

People who are too timid to do bad things but only look out for themselves are more despicable than people who actually evil things. What’s the difference between the two forms of “badness?” Prove your point from poem citations.

THE HOLLOW MEN Mini-group project

Is it offensive or arrogant of Eliot to judge people so harshly? Does the fact that he does it in a literary “arena” make a difference? DEFEND HIM or PROVE HIM WRONG. THE HOLLOW MEN Mini-group project

What does the Shadow do that keeps the hollow men from acting? What does this mean? EXPLAIN, citing the poem.

THE HOLLOW MEN Mini-group project

Are the hollow men fully human – part human – or not human at all? EXPLAIN. What does it mean to be human? DEFINE. What do the hollow men lack? EXPLAIN FULLY, citing poem

THE HOLLOW MEN Mini-group project

What happened to the hollow men’s eyes? Why are they afraid to look at they “eyes?” What would happen if they were exposed to “eyes?” EXPLAIN, citing poem. THE HOLLOW MEN Mini-group project

How much do the hollow men know of their own condition? Do they recognize their own unhappiness? Does this help them or hurt them? PROVE IT, citing poem.

THE HOLLOW MEN Mini-group project

Why wouldn’t Hell welcome the hollow men? Isn’t hell for the worst people? Don’t they belong there? Why don’t “heavenly souls” take pity on the hollow men? Do you agree with the poem’s vision of justice? EXPLAIN, citing poem.