Simon Baruch Middle School
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SimonSimon BaruchBaruch MiddleMiddle SchoolSchool
Staff Handbook Excelsior Table of Contents Section 1 General School Information MS 104 Mission, Vision, and Core Academic Program School Calendar Teacher Attendance Professional Responsibilities
Section 2 Policies and Procedures Schedule and Programs Daily Procedures Emergency Procedures Book Policy Lunch Policy Locker Policy Homework Policy Referral Forms Section 3 Discipline PBIS Discipline Policy Documenting Behavior
Parent Communication Welcome Back-to-School Letter Student Progress Notice Interim Progress Report Form Parent Contact Log Conference Summary Log Conference Guide Section 4 Trip and Event Guidelines Planning Trip Request Form In-School Event Request Form Trip Consent Forms Excelsior
Section 1:
General School Information Excelsior MISSION
Simon Baruch is committed to providing its students with a quality education that will empower them in their future. Through the combined efforts of administration, teachers, parents, and community, educational experiences will connect to student lives and allow reasoning in its highest order.
Simon Baruch Middle School is dedicated to providing all students with strong academic preparations. Our goal is to teach young people to think clearly, express themselves lucidly, value creative expression, understand mathematical and logical thoughts, the methods of science and technology and to appreciate their own cultures. Beyond that, Baruch aspires to impart, a sense that learning can engage the mind and spirit, a desire to take responsibility and learn independently and a commitment to serve others.
2010 – 2011 School Calendar (See WIKI to download calendar)
Teacher Attendance
ABSENCE Regularity in attendance is a staff member’s professional responsibility and personal obligation. It is understood that illness and personal business will cause occasional absences. However, please try to schedule appointments after school hours. Appointed teachers earn 10 days of paid sick leave per year. Teachers are required to notify the school of an absence prior to 7:15am. Out of those 10 sick days the professional staff is also allotted 3 personal days. Teachers must put in a request in writing to the principal at least five school days in advance.
LATENESS Teachers should arrive at school so that they are in classrooms to greet students by 8:00am Monday through Thursday and by 8:40 on Friday. All Excelsior staff must first report to the General Office to move their time card from “out to “in”. Latecomers must punch their card. Time must be allowed for tending to personal needs before the reporting time. Failure to do so will result in “lateness.” Minutes of lateness which total between 3 hours/20 minutes and one day will result in one day being deducted from the Cumulative Absence Record and will result in deduction of pay.
EXCESSIVE ABSENCES/LATENESS If a teacher has excessive lateness, the principal may ask that the teacher punch in each day to document arrival time All instances of absence/lateness count toward ratings. More than 10 self- treated absences (without medical documentation) and more than 15 days of lateness may result in a rating of “unsatisfactory” in a teacher’s Annual Performance Rating. If a teacher has excessive absences/lateness, the principal may take the following actions: Probationary teachers: consideration of discontinuance of service or denial of completion of probation Appointed teachers: unsatisfactory end of term rating
LEAVING THE SCHOOL BUILDING If you need to leave the building during a preparation period, please let an administrator know and sign the sign-out book located at the security desk.. The school administrators are Rosemarie Gaetani (Principal), Michael Daly (A.P.), Rocco Macri (A.P.), and Robin Goldstein (A.P.). Excelsior
Professional Responsibilities
TEACHERS Arrive at assigned post each day no later than 7:50am Tuesday-Wednesday- Thursday and 8:40 on Monday and Friday Dress professionally Monitor students in the hallways during class changes If you need to leave the building – sign out and let an administrator know. Perform lunch, recess, and detention duties as assigned; Arrive on time Follow schedule and be on time for classes and duties Put up and maintain bulletin boards Follow curriculum and prepare daily lessons Support students by addressing their needs and concerns Communicate with parents Take attendance at the start of each period Complete progress reports and report cards each semester Check office boards daily Teachers are expected to assist with school-wide behavior management by supervising students during class changes Students should not dismiss themselves, but are to wait for their teacher’s signal. Teachers should step into the hall to monitor students as they move to the next class. Teachers near stairways should check the flow of traffic there. Teachers near restrooms should check those areas between class periods. Teachers should review IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) of special needs students; Students may be entitled to certain modifications in class assignments and assessments; teachers are expected to utilize the strategies suggested, and keep copies of modified assignments, etc. Excelsior
STUDENT ATTENDANCE Teachers should get their attendance sheets from their mailboxes each morning. Complete and sign the attendance sheets in pencil and send to the office by 9am. You should retrieve attendance before homeroom. Attendance is also taken after lunch and scan sheets are sent to the Main Office. Any student who is late will be required to sign in and report to class with a late pass. ANY STUDENT WHO WAS PRESENT IN THE AM AND IS ABSENT AFTER LUNCH MUST BE REPORTED TO THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY.
BULLETIN BOARDS/DISPLAYS Each teacher should try and maintain a vibrant learning environment. Because the bulletin and boards and displays are a visible indication of our school climate and philosophy, please take the time to create effective, attractive displays The following are some hints for creating bulletin boards: Change displays frequently to reflect subject area, themes, and standards Include your name, the house represented, subject, captions, and standards Include a description of the unit and the objectives being addressed Collaborate with other faculty and students Make them colorful, creative, and informative (see Ms. Giraci if you need help with design) Teachers must have bulletin boards covered before the 1st day of school Bulletin boards must be complete by the end of the 2nd week of school Teachers should change displays regularly
Section 2:
Policies & Procedures Excelsior
AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES The After School Program offers students the opportunity to participate in clubs that enrich curriculum areas included in the school program, as well as opportunities to develop skills and interests by exploring areas that are not included in the regular school day. Program offerings include: sports, band, Theater/Drama, Homework Help, and Academic Intervention Services. Teachers interested in teaching a program should speak with Ms. Gaetani and look at postings in the Main Office. Staff members requesting students to attend other after school activities (such as tutoring, make-up work, yearbook planning, etc.) must notify the parent’s of the student before the commencement of the activity If you are working after school and cannot work on a specific day do not cancel the activity. Please try and arrange a substitute and/or notify an administrator.
VISITORS All visitors to the school must sign the registry book at the entrance; the security guard will issue a pass and the visitor will be directed to the main office The main office should be notified immediately if an unauthorized person is present in the building The schedule, and classroom instruction, should not be interrupted for extended conferences with parents; make arrangements to confer during professional periods or after school hours Staff members should not bring visitors (including their own children) to school during work hours without prior permission from Ms. Gaetani.
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Be sure that you are familiar with fire exits and that you review the procedures with your classes Excelsior Be sure to have your class rosters with you during emergency procedures During a fire drill, escort your class in an orderly manner to the designated exit and take roll when students have exited the building According to the safety plan there is an intruder alert announcement known only to staff members. This will be discussed at the first faculty conference. Feel free to see an administrator if you have any questions.
Fire Drills
Fire drills will be conducted regularly to familiarize staff and students with exit procedures. A chart in each room indicates the proper exit route. Silence and orderly conduct must be maintained throughout the drill. All staircases are "down" staircases during the fire drill. Everyone must leave the building during a fire drill. You may re-enter the building only after an "all clear" bell has sounded. In the event of a false alarm, a single bell will sound after the gongs to signal "all clear."
School-wide Participation
When the fire gongs ring you are to proceed as if there is a fire in the building. Every activity, regardless of its nature must be interrupted and everyone must leave the building immediately.
Warning Signals
At the sound of the warning signal for fire drills (three alerts four times) the teacher should direct the class to stand and form double columns at the side of the room. Books and papers are to be left in the room. A reliable student should lead the class to the proper exit when the second series of gongs is rung. The teacher should take up a position which will be most effective in insuring perfect order and speed of exit.
Classroom Doors and Exit Doors Excelsior When students are in a room, doors may be closed but never locked. The front and rear doors must be unlocked if pupils are in the classroom. During drills be certain that both doors are closed to prevent spread of fire. Use the stairway nearest your room and the building exit, which opens to the street. If an exit door is closed (blocked), or cannot be opened, direct class to the nearest exit.
Discipline During Drills
Complete silence should be insisted upon during the entire drill. Directions are to be given by the teacher only. The teacher must be vigilant throughout the drill to insure order and safety of students. If a student misbehaves in any manner, please file a report before you leave school that day. Students leaving the building are to walk to the school yard and line up by class. At the direction of the Principal and the A.P.’s students return to class. Students must march silently in close order and in columns of two.
Protocols for remaining in your school during a disaster or crisis that occurs outside of the school building: There will be times when the appropriate response to a disaster may require that emergency responders direct that your students and staff remain within the school building. This process which is often referred to as “sheltering–in” may require that you identify a location in your school where students and staff can congregate that is:
a. a hallway and away from windows and glass. b. an area that is isolated and where ventilation can be turned off, if needed c. an area that is lower than the first floor and away from the main entrance of your school. Excelsior
The determination that staff and students should remain inside during a disaster will be made by local law enforcement/ public safety officials. Once that decision has been made, school staff will be given particular directions as to where staff and students should be moved to (e.g. basement areas; gymnasium; in hallways) as well as the steps that need to be taken to ensure that the environment that you are asked to move to, remains free from the dangers outside of your school building.
The primary goal in a lockdown/Sweep situation is to ensure that all students are in a secured, safe place and accounted for. To accomplish this goal, the following procedures are to be followed:
1. A lock down procedure is indicated over the intercom system with one of the following statements:
“MS 104 is now in a Lockdown Procedure. All students should report to the nearest classroom immediately.” Or “MS 104 is now in a Sweep Procedure. Please lock your doors, students may not exit the classroom or be admitted to the classroom until further notice.”
2. Students in the hall will be directed by school security personnel. Teachers should take roll and then write down the names of any students who are not accounted for or are extra. 3. Classroom door and window shades must be open and all interior classroom windows must be sufficiently unobstructed at all times to allow for visual inspection. 4. Teachers should explain what the students should do in an actual lockdown and practice these procedures. In an actual lockdown we would expect that the classes are quiet and the students not moving around. 5. Teachers should then continue teaching. You will hear an announcement that the lockdown is over or receive instructions from a school administrator, police, or fire official. Do not release students until you have been instructed to do so – EVEN IF THE BELL RINGS!!! Excelsior
To PE staff: If outside, you will be notified by an administrator that we have entered a lock down situation. DO NOT COME BACK TO OR TOWARD THE BUILDING. Take your classes as far away from the building as possible – to the 2nd Avenue side of the yard.
When you are notifies that all is clear you may return to regular schedule
In the case of an actual emergency you may be directed to evacuate your students and take shelter at PS 40.
INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES Listen to news broadcasts in the event of delayed openings or school closings. Excelsior
Book Policy
This year, students will be issued books for many of their classes Books designated as “home copies” should NOT be brought to school for any reason When books are assigned, students should write their names in the inside cover, write the year used, and the condition in which the book was issued All books should be assigned a number All teachers should maintain Student Book Sign-Out Sheet (Excel form on WIKI) for all books assigned to students, including novels; Be sure to indicate student name and book number, indicating their acceptance of the book and understanding of the policies. At the end of the year, teachers are responsible for collecting books, calling parents to retrieve missing books, and submitting a list of missing books and the students who owes money for those books (upload to a Google Document.) Teachers should be cautious in allowing students to borrow copies of “classroom sets”; Please establish a sign-out procedure or keep them locked up Please review the book policies with students in homeroom; We lost many books last year and need to be more careful this year—book costs add up quickly Excelsior Student Book Rules:
1.Students must sign out all textbooks, workbooks, and novels with the appropriate teacher 2.Students should be sure that their book number matches that written on the Student Book Sign-Out Sheet (Excel form on WIKI); Students will be asked to double-check that information and initial the sheet; Students should also be sure to write their name and other information in the book 3.Students are expected to return ALL books and are responsible for the cost of replacing any books not returned; Students MUST return the book number assigned to them 4.Students may not write in books and should be careful to keep the books in good condition 5.Students who return books damaged or in poor condition may be responsible for replacing the book 6.Students should NOT share or lend books 7.Books designated as “home copies” should NOT be brought to school for any reason 8.Books borrowed from classroom libraries should be signed out and returned to the appropriate teacher 9.Books used in classes, as part of a “classroom set,” MAY NOT be taken from any classroom without permission from the teacher 10. Books, as property of our school, deserve care and respect. Excelsior
Lunch Policy
1. Students are to return to their homeroom in order to be escorted to the cafeteria by their official class teacher.
2. Students are to retrieve their outer garment from their homeroom and their leave their bags inside the classroom.
3. Teachers must remember to lock the classroom doors and closets before escorting their homeroom to the lunchroom.
4. No student should be left unattended in any classroom. If students are remaining with the teacher for tutorial during lunch, they follow the class down to the lunchroom and travel back upstairs with the teacher.
5. Once students arrive back to the homeroom class, student should put away their outer garments and retrieve their books for the remainder of the day.
6. PM attendance should be taken at this time. Afterward an attendance monitor should take the attendance to the Main Office.
7. Students will be required to maintain an appropriate noise level as they travel to and from lunch because classes are in sessions on other floors. Excelsior
Grading Policy
The grades assigned to a student’s work are simply indicators of progress. They are neither judgments nor evaluations of the student as a person. All children work at different levels. The school expects that students will work for the highest grade commensurate with their abilities and that they will seek help when needed. Parents will be provided with a copy of the grading policy which should be outlined as part of a teacher’s welcome letter.
Grading Policy – Simon Baruch follows a uniform grading policy. Our student’s cumulative averages are based on the following:
40% of a student’s overall average for the marking period will be based on their performance and completion of Homework and Class work.
50% of the student’s average will be based on their performance and the completion of activities like: o Major tests and Major quizzes o Projects o Presentations o Reports o Written papers
10% of the student’s average will be based on Class Participation based on the Class Participation Rubric (On WIKI.)
Guideline for Late work Late work will be accepted with penalty. Under normal circumstances students will have a maximum of one week to complete late assignments. Late work will be accepted one day late with a reduction of 15 points or two days late with a reduction of 30 points (and so on...) If late work is not handed in by the 5th school day a grade of zero is recorded in the grade book. Excelsior Guideline for Make-up Work Due to Student Absence Students shall have a time equal to the number of days absent from class to complete all missed assignments. For example, if a student is absent two days, he receives two extra days to complete the work missed during the two- day absence.
Progress reports All students will receive a progress report mid way through the 1st and 2nd terms. Progress reports and report cards will be signed by a parent and returned to school. Teachers shall call parents if reports are not returned signed within two days if the student average is below 70.
Report cards Three report cards will be issued during the year. No grade lower than 55 will be given on the report card for any course. Students with a failing average in a major subject at the end of the third marking period, or those that scored a level one on the standardized Math or ELA exams may be required to attend summer school Excelsior
Homework Policy
Homework can increase student learning if it is used appropriately for grade level and the ability of the student. It must be purposeful, motivational, and extended and enriching of class concepts. School boards and districts must establish a clearly articulated board policy on homework. The policy must be clearly communicated to all stakeholders. Homework, as an integral part of the curriculum, should be graded and returned promptly to inform students and parents of educational achievements. Idaho State University College of Education Intermountain Center for Education Effectiveness Our Primary Purposes of HW Reinforce what was taught in class Prepare the students’ for the next class meeting Evaluate students understanding of the work presented Learn how to take and manage responsibility for one’s own learning
MS 104 Homework Policy Students should have approximately 2 hours of homework each night If a student does not complete an assignment, she/he must hand in a note indicating that the assignment was not completed. Students who do not hand in a note will NOT be allowed to make up the assignment. All missed assignments must be turned in at the following class meeting. Homework assignments can be posted on our web page.
Teachers will call parents to inform them of missing homework assignments after at least 3 missing homework assignments Excelsior
ATTENDANCE Regular student attendance is important. Teachers should track the attendance of their students and make referrals as needed. If a student misses two or more consecutive days, the homeroom is responsible for contacting the child’s home to determine the reason for the absences and notify the secretary, Bonnie Doyle of the result of the conversation in writing, using the Attendance Referral Form (WIKI.)
GUIDANCE COUNSELOR REFERRALS Should any student need to speak with a guidance counselor for academic, social, or personal reasons, teachers can complete a Guidance Referral Form ( WIKI) for the student. Teachers can also use this form anonymously if they feel a student might need to talk with a counselor. Excelsior
Student Lateness
LATE TO CLASS Latecomers disrupt the learning of the rest of the class, give negative attention to the latecomer, disrupt the teacher's train of thought, often become disruptive talkers after they sit down, and then ask questions about what you just explained… Refer to Tip for Lateness on WIKI for some strategies on dealing with latecomers to your subject classes.
The following ladder of referral should be followed for students arriving late to class (without a pass.):
o After the first lateness, the student gets a warning. o After the second lateness the parent is called. o After the third a parent conference is requested. o If behavior does not change refer the student to the Dean with record of previous actions taken.
LATE TO SCHOOL Arrivals The school doors open at 7:30 a.m. for breakfast and homeroom begins at 8:40. Students mandated to the Morning Program will begin at 7:50 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Children are considered to be on time if they are in the classroom by 8:50 a.m. Children are late if they arrive in the classroom after 8:50 a.m.
There is supervision on the playground from 8:00 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. The playground doors are locked at 8:50 a.m. and all children who arrive after this time will need a late pass to enter the classroom.
Late Procedures Children who are late to school in the morning must receive a late pass before they are sent to class. Late passes are issued by Eudine at the front door of our school or from the school secretary. Children who are late are asked to enter the class quietly and to respect the fact that the class has begun and Excelsior will need to continue without interruption. Late passes are presented to the teacher on entry.
Students arriving to 1st period class without a pass should be sent to the Main Office where one will be issued and a record taken.
Consequences of Lateness The most serious consequence of lateness is borne by the student. Arriving late means that instructions are missed, groupings have been established, and learning is already taking place. A disconnection with the program of the class is a costly result of lateness.
All late arrivals will be recorded and students without a written excuse will have their parents notified upon the third infraction. Homeroom teachers will bring late students to the cafeteria for LATE DETENTION as they escort their homeroom classes out of the building at dismissal.
Parents and children will be contacted by the school should a pattern of lateness occur and meetings with the principal and teachers may be required.
Educational research points out a connection between lateness in the middle years of a child’s schooling and frequent absence in later years. The admissions departments of public and private schools take note of a child’s record of lateness. Excelsior
Section 3:
Discipline Excelsior Discipline
A useful definition of discipline is "the steps or actions, teachers, administrators, parents, and students follow to enhance student academic and social behavior success". As such, discipline is conceived as an instrument for success for all teachers, all students, and all settings. Instead of using a patchwork of individual behavioral management plans, schools are moving toward school-wide discipline systems that address the entire school, the classroom, areas outside the classroom (such as hallways, restrooms), and the individual student with challenging behavior, and that result in a continuum of positive behavior support for all students.
PBIS – Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
A major advance in school-wide discipline is the emphasis on school-wide systems of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments. PBIS is the vehicle that allows us to do that here at 104. There are several components to PBIS and they are as follows:
1. Creation of School-wide Expectations (primary) A. Be Ready B. Be Responsible C. Be Respectful
2. Defining and Teaching School-wide Expectations A. The matrix ( this defines what each expectation looks like in different areas of the school including classrooms, hallways, the cafeteria and yard, and the gymnasium) B. 3 lessons plans are provided for you at the beginning of your Advisory Curriculum. These are intended to teach the students what each expectation is and what it looks like (see Pacing Calendar on Flash- drive.)
3. Reinforcing Expected Behavior A. Baruch Bucks a. Baruch Bucks are cards that every staff member has a supply of and should be given out to students when they are “caught” being ready, responsible or respectful. 1. When you run out of Baruch Bucks, please tell your house Social Studies teacher who will get a refill from Mrs. Grochow b. When a staff member gives out a Baruch Buck he/she must write the student’s name on it and sign it as well. Excelsior c. Every homeroom will have a copy of the school store catalogue. On Fridays, during homeroom, students may redeem their Baruch Bucks for rewards. In order to do this, the homeroom teacher will collect the bucks, have the Reward Form (see WIKI) completed (by teacher or student) and give it to ______. ______will then give homeroom teachers student rewards by Monday for distribution. B. Gold Club – Golden Baruch Bucks are worth 5 regular Baruch Bucks each and are to be handed out students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement C. Celebration Days – each marking period, each grade will have a special assembly for those students who did not receive any referrals (activities TBA) D. Attendance Awards – the homeroom with the best attendance for the month is rewarded with a Golden Baruch Buck E. Teacher Incentives – this we’ll keep as a surprise, but it’s part of the program so you will be rewarded as well!
Secondary Level of Support (in the classroom) F. AIT (Academic Intervention Team) and PPT (Pupil Personnel Team) G. Small themed groups (anger management, social skills, bereavement, etc.) H. Check in and connect (mentor program)
Tertiary Level of Support (with individual students) a. Behavior Support Team b. Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA’s) c. Wraparound Teams
The goals of PBIS are to define, teach and support appropriate behaviors in a way that establishes a culture of competence within schools. PBIS is an application of a behaviorally-based systems approach to enhance the capacity of schools, families, and communities to design effective environments that improve the link between research-validated practices and the environments in which teaching and learning occurs. Attention is focused on creating and sustaining primary (school-wide), secondary (classroom), and tertiary (individual) systems of support that improve lifestyle results (personal, health, social, family, work, recreation) for all children and youth by making problem behavior less effective, efficient, and relevant, and desired behavior more functional. Excelsior
What is the Continuum of Behavior Support?
Students with Chronic/ Tertiary Prevention Specialized Individual Intense Problem Interventions Behavior (1-7%) (Individual Student System) Secondary Prevention Students At-Risk Specialized Group for Problem Interventions Behavior (At-Risk System) (5-15%)
Primary Prevention Universal Interventions Students (School-Wide System without and Classroom System) Serious Problem Behaviors (80-90%)
All Students in School (Horner, 1998) Excelsior DISCIPLINE POLICY
Please use the rubric on the next page so that we are treating students consistently
CLASS I INCIDENTS Should be handled by classroom teachers and teams. Each class will carry a Section Sheet, which includes space for: o Daily attendance o Space to indicate specific situations that arose during a class period o A space to rate each class’ behavior on a scale from 1 to 5, 5 being excellent, 1 indicating problematic behavior Homeroom teachers should select one student (and one alternate) to carry the sheet and get it signed by each teacher. Take the time to show students how to complete the sheet correctly. Homeroom teachers are responsible for indicating the absent students on the section sheet each day. Teachers should take time at the end of each class to complete the section sheet. Class I incidents should be noted At the end of each day, homeroom teachers should collect and check the section sheet and discuss any problems with the class. Homeroom teachers should consider setting up a system to reward the class for strong scores (e.g. all scores of 4 or better=15 minutes extra recess on Friday afternoon)
CLASS II INCIDENTS Teachers should follow the ladder of referral and fill out a SWIS Referral Form (WIKI) form for each intervention – this will be submitted to the Dean’s via email – [email protected].) If teacher interventions are unsuccessful Class II incidents should be reported to the Dean – teachers will submit SWIS Referral Forms (WIKI) that illustrates interventions. o Students should not be sent to the office for these infractions. Teachers who wish to remove students from their rooms should work out a plan with House teachers. o The teacher who witnessed the incident is responsible for reporting it, but Homeroom teachers should be aware when their students are involved.
CLASS III INCIDENTS Class III incidents should be reported immediately, sending the involved student(s) to the Dean, A.P.’s, or Principal. Teachers should complete a SWISS Referral Form and email it to the Deans by the end of the day. Students, however, should not be sent to the office without some written explanation or a phone call to the Dean. Excelsior Behavior and Consequences Rubric Behavior 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 1. Consuming gum/candy/food/drink outside the cafeteria Teacher Phone Call home Submit SWISS 2. Using inappropriate language conference (teacher) Referrals to 3. Talking, or yelling out excessively in Dean class Changing Suspension of 4. Using computers inappropriately seating privileges Detention 5. Going to closet at inappropriate time configuration 6. Refusing to comply with teacher **Removal from a Conference I
l request Alternate team should be w/Parent e
v 7. Getting out of seat at inappropriate intervention reserved as a last e time or sitting in wrong seat
L (Teachers resort – consult w/ Behavior 8. Leaving area/desk a mess choice) Activity Director or contract 9. Teasing, Mocking, Making fun of Coach another student SWISS **Repeated 10. “Playing” – physically or verbally Referral SWISS offenses may 11. Running in the hallways or stairwells (for teacher Referral result in 12. Arriving late to class without a pass file) (for teacher file) Teacher/Dean 13. Arriving to class unprepared Classroom Removal Detention Conference Coming to school out of dress w/ Parent Submit SWISS SWISS Referrals to Dean code Referral SWISS Talking back to, or arguing with a (for teacher Referral In-school suspension teacher file) (for teacher I I
l Walking out of class without file) Classroom Removal e Phone Call home v permission e or Certified Behavior contract L Hitting, slapping, pushing, Letter (school Parent/Student/ tripping* will provide) Teacher Using/taking property of someone else without permission Suspension of Conference w/ privileges Guidance Counselor Phone Call home Conference Formal report Fighting (teacher) Parent/Teacher and suspension Threatening filed with Submit SWISS Behavior contract District Writing graffiti Parent/Teacher
I Referrals to I
I Using hate speech (in coordination with Principal
l Dean
e Stealing Deans/Admin) intervention v
e *Class 1/Class 2 incidents that Suspension of L result in injury Conference w/ privileges Guidance Counselor In-school suspension/Class Removal Loss of privileges may include:
Loss of recess Loss of lunch with classmates Loss of club/activities/team participation After conference w/Activity Director/coach Excelsior PRINCIPAL’S SUSPENSION Students who fail to correct behavior, despite progressive discipline, will be given A Principal’s Suspension and/or a Classroom Removal for a number of days to be determined by the Principal, Assistant Principal or Dean. Teachers may request a Classroom Removal as part of their anecdotal documentation – provided other interventions were unsuccessful successful. Two classroom removals in a trimester will result in a suspension. Students will report to a designated room to serve their suspension During planning periods, teachers should make time to check in with students in in-school suspension to assist with assignments, directions, etc. Teachers, Deans, and administrators should keep each other informed by posting a Suspension/Removal Form (WIKI) in the Main Office or in the appropriate mailboxes. See SAVE ROOM Rules and Contract (WIKI).
CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE POLICIES All teachers are encouraged to develop and communicate a clear behavior management plan for their classroom, using progressive discipline to administer consequences.
For example: Classroom Expectations: In addition to the General School Rules: Students should remain in their seats and in their classrooms, unless given permission Students should maintain appropriate behavior and noise level for each classroom activity
Possible Classroom Consequences: 1st offense Warning 2nd offense Detention 3rd offense Phone call or note home 3 detentions Office Referral – parent conference
DOCUMENTATION OF BEHAVIOR It is crucial that teachers document the strategies they’re using in their classrooms to help students improve behaviorally and academically Develop a system to document behavior incidents and keep the information on file. The Classroom Behavior Log (WIKI) is a good means of recording this information on a regular basis. Some Houses are currently filing behavior log sheets in a binder – this can be helpful for both teachers and deans. Excelsior
Parent Communication
WELCOME LETTER Communication between parent and teacher is critical for the success of the student. Teachers will work together as a grade to develop a letter outlining: 1. grade level materials/supply lists 2. grading criteria (if there is consensus) 3. grade level behavior, homework, and make-up work policies 4. upcoming grade-level activities and events 5. grade-level requirements, policies, etc.
DOCUMENTATION Teachers should use the Parent Contact Log (WIKI) to keep a record of contact (written or verbal) made with parents throughout the year This documentation is important in providing support should problems arise with grades and behavior. Teachers should also use the Parent Conference Summary (WIKI) document content and issues discussed at any conferences held with parents
PROGRESS REPORTS Teachers should keep parents updated on students’ academic progress throughout the year. You must make them aware so that they can help. Report cards will be sent at the end of each semester, and Progress Reports will be sent mid-semester. If students are falling behind and you have concerns about their progress, teachers are responsible for sending out Student Progress Notices to keep parents informed. Excelsior WEBSITE We have a website - Your email password will be sent to you by Mr. Hinnant Teachers can post assignments, projects, quizzes, tests, etc. on a daily/weekly basis
PARENT CONFERENCES Teachers will hold at least two conferences with parents of their students over the course of the year. Be sure to keep a record of the following information: List of parents who attend (date and time) to document contact Issues discussed, strategies discussed, goals set Things for you to do, reminder for follow-up
The following are some helpful tips/guidelines for successful conferences: Make sure that bulletin boards look good and are up to date Clean up classrooms, your desk, files, etc. Send a notice to parents regarding your availability, or schedule conferences through notes home Have a welcome sign, sign-in forms, volunteer sign-ups, and copies of your grading, rules, etc. Set up a display, including books, student work, notebooks, etc. Keep your grade book, attendance records, and student folders handy Have materials to keep younger siblings occupied (crayons and paper) Provide magazines, handouts with “Tips for Parents,” etc. for parents who are waiting to meet with you Make arrangements to have a translator, if necessary Be prepared to discuss modifications you’re making for special needs and ESL students Begin and end conferences on a positive note Be patient, calm, respectful, and professional at all times If you’re uncomfortable with a parent, arrange to have another teacher attend the conference with you Don’t schedule conferences for when you’re the only one on the floor Set a time limit (10-15 minutes) If you have negative comments, make suggestions for improvement
This is a suggested outline to follow during a conference: 1. Welcome the parent and outline purpose for conference 2. Compliment student and discuss strengths 3. Briefly summarize areas needing improvement and offer strategies 4. Give parents time to question, share information, or make comments 5. Create a plan for improvement and follow-up 6. Summarize meeting and jot notes for follow-up Excelsior
Section 4:
Trips & Special Events Excelsior
Trip & Event Guidelines
PLANNING EVENTS Plan activities that are age- and content- appropriate Activities should relate to curriculum and contain educational value Discuss concepts, objectives to be studied With your students, list questions to be answered by trip or event Discuss appropriate conduct Plan classroom activities before and after the event that support the educational purpose Share informational materials and stories to get students interested
IN-SCHOOL EVENTS All events must receive approval from the Principal, regarding the calendar, content, location, and educational purpose Check the School Calendar before arranging dates/times Coordinate events with other teachers and grade levels Review behavior, audience etiquette, purpose before event Use the In-School Event Request Form (WIKI) when planning your trip
FIELD TRIP PROCEDURES All trips must receive approval from the Principal, regarding the calendar, content, location, permission slip and educational purpose Check the School Calendar with your floor coordinator before arranging dates/times All students must have written permission to attend a trip. Print the city- wide approved Trip Permission Slips from the (WIKI). Be sure to secure adequate supervision for the trip Consult Trip Planning Checklist (WIKI) before your trip.