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2017 Newsletter ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST The Reverend Linda Lennon 4 North Main Street, P.O. Box 356 Richlandtown, PA 18955 215-538-0875
Church Contact Phone Numbers, Email, Website The Reverend Linda Lennon—(cell) 484-515-2073 Pastor Linda’s E-Mail—[email protected] Lori Carney—Council President—215-529-5414 Larry Benner–Organist Choir Director—215-536-2791 David Williams–Custodian—267-377-5610 Office Telephone Brenda Kucharik—Secretary—215-538-0875 Church E-Mail—[email protected] Church Website— Church Office Hours: 10:00AM to 3:00PM Tuesday through Thursday GREETINGS FROM THE PASTOR...
Are you afraid of change?
By now you know that we are in for a lot of change. Knowing that, I recently ask that question of myself time and time again. Change is unsettling – we crave the familiar. We like to return to our favorite vacation spots and are upset if they do not look like we remember. We like to have our kitchens stay organized the way we like them to be. Robert Sapolsky of Stanford University has found from his research that if you have not learned to like certain foods by your early thirties, chances are you will never like them (that’s why I STILL don’t like Beets).
And the music you will enjoy most throughout your life will be the music you listened to in your twenties (for me that’s James Taylor, Carol King; Billy Joel; The Beatles, John Denver, Chicago; and Elton John).
According to science, all living creatures crave homeostasis –when things remain the same. It is a lot more efficient to be able to do things the way you have always done them – without having to think about it. (Think of suddenly encountering a detour on your way home from work.) So it is no wonder that we tend to resist change even when change would seem to be for our benefit.
Change makes us uncomfortable – change means loss of control – yet...change is inevitable. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said 2,000 years ago that “nothing endures but change.” The Buddha taught his disciples to prepare for change by saying to themselves, “Everything I hold dear will one day change and be taken from me.” So if change is going to happen anyway, wouldn’t it make more sense – and make our lives easier – for us to get over our fears and learn to accept the inevitability of change – even to welcome it?!!
Because think about it – do we really want our children to remain six years old and never grow up? Change happens and will continue to happen – so what we really need to consider is whether we will fear it or embrace it.
So I’ll ask again – are you afraid of change?
Be more afraid of being unable to change – that is truly the scary part. Author Bruce Barton warns that “when you are through changing – you’re through.” Change is a law of life. And the truth is we can’t hold back the tide of change any more than we can keep the sun from setting or the seasons from changing.
All we can control is how well we respond to the changes and on that question the Bible offers us the answer – God’s promise, “Do not be afraid, I am with you.”
Blessings, Pastor Linda
Schedule October 1 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time World Communion Sunday Matey’s Pizza Pick up 4 7PM Choir 5 6:30PM NA Mtg. 8 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 11 7PM Choir 12 6:30PM NA Mtg. 15 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 18 7PM Choir 19 6:30PM NA Mtg. 22 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 24 7PM Council 25 7PM Choir 26 6:30PM NA Mtg. Quakertown Food Pantry 7PM Budget & Finance Meeting 29 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 31 Happy Halloween! Thanks to Judy Guise for organizing our 2nd Annual Mini Golf Tournament. We had 20 contestants. Sarah Ackerman won a metal in the 12 and under category and Jerry Lennon won a metal in the 12 and over category! Thanks to Putt U for hosing St. John’s UCC.-
Fall crafts with friends at Meadow Glenn will be held October 5th at 1:30PM. If you care to join us meet in the lobby of Meadow Glenn at 1:20PM on Thursday, October 5th!
Prayer Chain Don’t focus on the size of your problem. Focus on the greatness of God instead. When the Prayer Chain prays according to God’s will. He will answer. Our prayer chain people know this and are here to use the power of prayer for you. Call Marcella Kulp (215-536-5625)
An exhibit of George Sotter's paintings is opening at the Michener Museum in Doylestown on Friday and will run until December 31. He is the artist who did our stained glass windows. More information is located on the lower bulletin board in the Narthex.
Have you remembered St. John’s U.C.C. in your will? A Different Kind of Bucket List We will be collecting items through October 29th.
The idea that life is short is found throughout the Scriptures, and it’s the animating principle behind the so-called “bucket list,” that compendium of things, places, and experiences people wish to do or see or have before they die.
In response to Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, the UCC churches are putting together a different kind of bucket list. We’re collecting the following items needed by clean-up teams in the wake of Harvey and Irma. The following list details the contents of one clean-up bucket:
One five-gallon bucket with resealable lid (If bucket has been used, clean well but do not use if it has held chemicals of any kind.) Four scouring pads Seven sponges, including one large One scrub brush Eighteen reusable cleaning towels (e.g. Easy Wipes) One 50 oz. or two 25 oz. bottle(s) of liquid laundry detergent One 16-28 oz. bottle of liquid disinfectant dish soap One 12-16 oz. bottle of household cleaner that can be mixed with water (no spray bottles) One package of 48-50 clothespins Clothesline, two 50 ft. or one 100 ft. Five dust masks Two pairs nonsurgical latex gloves One pair work gloves, cotton with leather palm or all leather 24-28 heavy duty or contractor type 30-45 gallon trash bags on a roll and removed from carton One 6-9 oz. bottle of non-aerosol insect repellent
All cleaning items must be new – all liquid items must be capped and securely tightened. When collected, we’ll place the cleaning items into the buckets, making sure they are packed securely to avoid damage during shipment, and we’ll deliver them to Church World Service collection depots to be distributed to clean-up teams in the communities affected by these storms.
Life may be short, but the work we do as the hands and feet of Christ is lasting. In a world were so much attention is paid to fleeting things, to what the writer of Ecclesiastes calls vanities and vapors, we’re making a different kind bucket list focused on helping people recover, rebuild, and live. Please help these efforts by sharing this post with family, friends, neighbors, and co- workers, and by donating whatever items (many are available at local Dollar Stores) you can. OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 2 Nicholas Lapinski 3 Mark Fournier Lori Carney 4 Gerard Freed 13 Erica Spotts 14 Carla Spotts 16 George Spotts 17 Cheryl Farber 19 Shalon Lane 20 Stefanie Heimbach 22 Katie Yerger Scott Yerger 25 Susan Funk 30 Bruce Funk 31 Linford Haas, Jr.
Is your birthday missing from the list, please call the church office at 215-538-0875 or email at [email protected]. We will be glad to add it to the birthday list.
Remember our Shut-ins with your prayers and cards
Sue Gross Barbara Afflerbach 1965 Route 212 Cornwall Manor Health Center Quakertown, PA 18951 1 Boyd Street, Rm 326 Cornwall, PA 17016-0125 LuAnn Kramer PO Box 134 Lori Fetterman Richlandtown, PA 18955 555 North Broad Street Apt A118 Charles Mundy Doylestown, PA 18901 304 East Montgomery Avenue North Wales, PA 19454-2950 Scheduled to Serve this Month
Lectors October 1 Lisa Filippi 8 Tracey Clemmer 15 Katie Yerger 22 Marcella Kulp 29 Lisa Filippi Greeters & Ushers October 1 David & Ruth Ackerman 8 Linda Lindsay & Kerry Schaffer 15 David & Gail Williams 22 Kenneth & Barbara VanAcker 29 George & Carla Spotts Offering Processing October 1 Karen Bilger, Lori Carney 8 Scott Yerger, Marge Schaffer 15 Lori Carney, Marcella Kulp 22 Jerry Freed, Courtney Muck 29 Lori Carney, Marcella Kulp Altar Guild Schedule—Shannon Plunkett, Lauren Plunkett Communion Servers—Lori Carney, Marcella Kulp, Karen Bilger
Please sign up to be a Bulletin sponsor and a Flower sponsor on the bulletin board.
Pizza pick up is after church on October 1st. Thanks for supporting the St. John’s UCC Pizza sale.
All Saint’s Day is November 1st Sunday, November 5th, we will be remembering members of the congregation, family and friends who have been received into God’s eternal kingdom. If you have someone who you would like to be remembered during this service please fill out the following and place it in the offering plate.
I, ______, would like to have the following person(s) remembered on All Saint’s Sunday, November 5th.
**************************** Veterans Day is November 11th We would like to recognize, honor & thank those who have served the United States of America on Sunday, November 12th. Please fill in the form and return it in the offering plate during our Sunday Worship Services or mail it into the Church Office. ------For updated VETERANS INFORMATION
Name______Branch of Service______Served From______To______Duty Stations______Awards or Medals______