Proverbs 1 Through 21 Study Questions

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Proverbs 1 Through 21 Study Questions

ReNew Groups Proverbs 1 through 21 Study Questions

Introduction Week  What is the five-fold purpose of the Book of Proverbs found in Chapter 1?  Define “wisdom”  What are the 3 “character types” in Proverbs?

Proverbs 1:1-33  What is the fear of the Lord?  Why is the fear of the Lord the beginning of knowledge and wisdom?  What do sinners use to entice you to join them?  Why shouldn’t you succumb to the enticement of sinners?  How does Wisdom still cry aloud in the streets?  What are the dangers of rejecting wisdom?

Proverbs 2:1-22  Where can we search for and find wisdom?  Who gives wisdom? How?  What four things will be understood by the wise?  In what ways does the evil man walk? In what does he rejoice and delight?

Proverbs 3:1-35  How would you summarize vv.5-7 in your own words?  How is vv.9-10 the opposite of what most people think?  What does it mean when the Lord disciplines us?  How does finding wisdom bring blessing?  What six things does wisdom supply, according to vv.16-18??  What six things does focusing on wisdom bring, according to vv.22-24?

Proverbs 4:1-27  Describe the legacy of wisdom according to this chapter. Who is passing on wisdom? Where did he receive it? Who receives it next?  What happens if you exalt wisdom in your life?

Proverbs 5:1-23  What are the enticements of the adulterous woman?  What are the hidden dangers of an adulterous woman?  What will be the result of an immoral life, according to vv.9-14?  How should a man avoid adultery, according to vv.15-20?  What are the implications of the omniscience (all-knowing) of the Lord?

Proverbs 6:1-35  What do vv.1-5 have to say about debt?  What is a sluggard? What can he learn from the ant? Page 2 of 4  What are six things that the Lord hates, according to vv.16-19?  What is the role of godly instruction in a person’s life?  From a worldly view, how is adultery worse than theft?

Proverbs 7:1-27  What benefits mentioned are intended for those who choose wisdom and obedience?  What qualities are we to seek, and how are we instructed to apply them?  Write the contrasting qualities of a wise person with the ones of a foolish person.  Now focus on what scripture tells us of an adulteress, and list her qualities. Make special note of the great effort she’s undertaken (chapter 7) to entice her prey, to ensure she wouldn’t get caught by the “intrusion” of her own husband, and in verse 18, she calls this “love.” No doubt she contemplated probable consequences to have gone to such great lengths to ensure her secret wouldn’t be revealed.  For the one who chooses to submit to the adulteress’ temptations, what choices do these simple people make to play out their temptation, and when do they choose to act upon it? Contrast these choices with the instruction given in Proverbs 5:8.  Compare the qualities listed in verses 11 and 12 (the adulteress) with Proverbs 1:20-21 (the lady of wisdom). What is the purpose of their speeches?  What is the “reward” for the one who has given in to the adulteress?  The fact that the adulteress and her prey operate under the cover of darkness is not only literal, but symbolic of sin, and speaks to the character of those who choose it.

Proverbs 8:1-36  How does this passage of scripture tell us to achieve wisdom, and how are we to regard it?  What value does the writer assign to wisdom?  Exactly when was wisdom revealed, and where did it originate?  List the rewards scripture gives: o For the wise, obedient person: o For the fool:

Proverbs 9:1-18  List the qualities described of the woman of wisdom:  To whom is she calling in verse 4, and why?  What invitation is extended to those who heed the teaching of the woman of wisdom?  What result is achieved by those who accept her invitation?  List the qualities described of the woman of folly:  To whom is she calling in verse 16, and what invitation is she extending?  What result is achieved by those who accept her invitation?  What conclusions do you make when you consider the character of each woman – which woman is of desirable character, and how does the character of each speak to their love for others?  What does this passage teach us about the beginning of wisdom, and about insight?

Proverbs 10:1-32  Verse 7: Give some thought to the relationships in your life. Will your memory be a blessing to those who remember you?  Verse 8: How well do you receive commandments?  Verse 32: According to scripture, what is “acceptable”? See Philippians 4:8, Ephesians 4:29, and Ephesians 5:4.

ReNew Proverbs Study Questions First Baptist Church of Ocala Women’s Ministry 2012 Page 3 of 4

Proverbs 11:1-31  Verses 9-12 talk about the impact of the righteous or wicked on our neighbors and city (in modern terms, our community). According to Luke 10:29-37, who is your neighbor?  Focus on verse 12. Does what comes out of your mouth make you look righteous or senseless?  Verse 14: Who are your counselors? Based on what you have learned in Proverbs so far, are they “righteous” or “wicked”?  Verse 22: discretion – to be prudent; to be modestly unobtrusive, judicious in conduct or speech.  How can we encourage each other not to be a gold ring in the pig’s snout? How can we encourage those younger than us (students, daughters, etc.) to use discretion? Discuss discretion from the standpoint of physical beauty AND internal beauty.

Proverbs 12:1-28  Compare verse 1 to 10:8 and 10:17. If God felt it deserved repeating, maybe we should listen. Do you love discipline, or are you stupid (God’s words)?  Verse 15: Do you have a tendency to think you are always right? What needs to change? See verse 1.  Verses 16-23: Proverbs has a lot to say about what should and should not come out of our mouths. What are some examples from this chapter of how a righteous mouth should be different from a wicked mouth? Which one do you default to?  Verse 20: What are some steps you can take to “plan peace” into your days? Most of us have a good idea what our challenges will be in the next few days. Some planning ahead can result in peace (and therefore, joy).

Proverbs 13:1-25  What are two ways this chapter outlines to gain wisdom?  What does verse 11 say about our American culture today? Does this verse affect your perspective of wealth?  Have you received an inheritance? What type of inheritance do you hope to leave?

Proverbs 14:1-35  What is God saying about our behavior in verse 1?  Are you sometimes tempted to be lazy? What does verse 4 instruct us in that situation?  Restate verse 23 in your own words.  How do we see verse 29 played out in our own lives?

Proverbs 15:1-33  List all of the things that this chapter says comes out of the mouth of the wise.  Which part of verse 1 are you more likely to demonstrate in your home life?  What is the fear of the Lord?  What form does discipline come in?

Proverbs 16:1-33  What are some ways you thought were pure but were corrected by the Lord?  When have you had a prideful or haughty spirit? What was your wake-up call to change this?  How much thought do you give to God's word? How much do you really trust the Lord?

ReNew Proverbs Study Questions First Baptist Church of Ocala Women’s Ministry 2012 Page 4 of 4  When have you given/received gracious words, and what did God reveal to you through those words?

Proverbs 17:1-28  How has the Lord tested your heart? How did you handle it? In what ways did He strengthen your relationship with Him?  When has your spirit been crushed, and what did the Lord do to restore your joy?  The discerning seek wisdom, the foolish seek the world's ends; in what ways do you find yourself being foolish? discerning?

Proverbs 18:1-24  Why is it so important that we build/maintain relationships with other believers?  What is the difference between "gossip" and "news"? Who/what does gossip destroy?  What fruit does your mouth produce?

Proverbs 19:1-29  What are three themes that run through Chapter 19?  Which one speaks into your life the most right now?  Share a verse that spoke to you.  Define prudent.  Reread vv. 13 & 14. If married, would your spouse consider you a constant drip or a blessing from God? If not married, what are some ways you can be prudent?

Proverbs 20:1-30  Choose (3) verses that God spoke to you through this week. Be ready to discuss them (What does it mean? How did God use it to speak to you?). You’ll share only one, but try not to use one that someone else does if possible.  Read vv. 24; 27; and 30. How do they relate?  What does v. 30 mean?

Proverbs 21:1-31  How are vv. 2; 30; and 31 related?  Reread vv. 9 & 19. OK ladies – How are we doing on the ‘no-drip’ policy? Are you quarrelsome? (Keep in mind, Solomon isn’t picking on us, he just had eleventy billion wives, so he knows of what he speaks!)

Closing Assignment: Of all of the 21 chapters you’ve read, which one proverb spoke to you the most? Please memorize it and be ready to share it with your group.

ReNew Proverbs Study Questions First Baptist Church of Ocala Women’s Ministry 2012

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