Please Read in Advance of Facilitating at the Northumbria Staff Conference

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Please Read in Advance of Facilitating at the Northumbria Staff Conference

Facilitator Handbook Please read in advance of facilitating at the Northumbria Staff Conference

City Campus East

1 Contents

Please find enclosed information regarding:

 General Housekeeping Page 3

 IT Information Page 4

 Fire Safety Information Page 6

 Health and Safety Briefing Page 6

 Risk Assessment Page 9

General Housekeeping

This handbook is designed to assist those who facilitate at the Northumbria Staff Conferenced held in the City Campus East. 2 Room Layout Rooms will have been laid out to match the requirements of the facilitator. Some sessions will revolve around the main lecture theatres in CCE1 – namely CCE1-001 (400); CCE1-002 (250); and CCE1-003 (200). These are all on the ground floor. The Harvard Lecture theatres on the 4th floor may be used. Other seminar rooms and will also be used.

Toilet Facilities Toilets are available on all floors. Please see the diagrams on page 6.

The Foyer The foyer area, ground floor, is used for networking and refreshments between sessions. The only catering provided for individual rooms will be water for the facilitators.

First Aid If you require urgent first aid assistance please dial 0191 227 3200 (Security) who will coordinate a member of staff trained in first aid to attend.

Organisers People Development Contacts Jeremy Willoughby 0191243(7575) Angela Cheetham 0191227(4597) Erin Donnelly 0191227(4523) Clare Kenny 0191227(4405) Donna Smith 0191227(4627)

Security office 0191227(3200)

IT Information


All the PC’s in the rooms in use will have presentations that have been submitted in advance on the desktop. The PC’s will be switched on and set up for use with the built in projector for your use.

If you have any video links that you wish to use during your session please let the conference team know in advance to ensure the IT team can be available to assist you.

3 Do not insert any pen drives or discs into the PC until after the anti-virus banner page has been displayed.

The following may be of use should you experience any problems:

Projector  The projector and audio system are switched on using the 8 button control panel which is located on the lectern.  On the panel press the ‘On’ button (top LHS). The projector will start up and should default to the PC (please note this takes about 45 seconds to warm up indicated by a small flashing light on the projector).  If you have several presentation documents to show you can copy these onto the temp drive by double clicking on the ‘My Computer’ icon on the desktop, otherwise just run them from your pen drive or CD / DVD.

Laptop  If you are using a laptop, please switch on the PC and Projector first to confirm that the room system is working normally.  There are two cables on the lectern for laptop connection. Please connect these before you switch on the laptop as your laptop should then be able to detect that you have a projector connected and automatically go into two-screen mode.  Press the laptop button on the 8 button control panel on the lectern when the laptop has booted-up, if the laptop screen is not displayed you may have to press and hold down the FN key on the laptop keyboard and at the same time press the F5 key (Toshiba) to alter the screen display to output the desktop image to the projector.  Adjust the volume by the volume up and down buttons on the 8 button control panel (RHS) to the desired level (you should not need to alter the volume settings on the PC as these should all be left on full).

Logging Off Please do not log off the PC but leave it live for the next facilitator

If you require any further help please contact one of the Student Marshals who will be on each floor, wearing distinctive T shirts, who will if need be contact the IT technicians in the building.

Fire Safety

Please note as a facilitator, all delegates should have attended the formal opening, where they will have seen a Health and Safety briefing.

Facilitators responsibilities Your only role in the event of the fire alarms going off, is to ensure all delegates get out of the room quickly and safely.

Appended below is a copy of the Risk Assessment and Health and Safety briefing.

Action to be taken on discovering fire:  Sound the fire alarm by breaking the glass panel. 4  Dial ext 3200 and report the location and extent of the fire to the Security Office personnel who will summon the Fire Brigade.  Proceed quickly via the nearest fire exit route to the assembly point.

Action to be taken on hearing the fire alarm:  Close all doors and windows.  Proceed quickly via the nearest fire exit route to the assembly point.  Do not stop to collect personal belongings.  Do not use the lift.  Do not re-enter the building until authorised to do so.

Tackling the fire:  Only tackle the fire if it is possible to do so without endangering yourself.  Use the fire-fighting equipment provided.

Fire exit routes:  Escape routes to Fire Exits are indicated by green/white signs and direction arrows.  Make yourself familiar with all alternative routes.

5 6 7 8 Northumbria University General Risk Assessment Form for Northumbria Staff conference 2013

DATE: March 2013 ASSESSOR: Jeremy Willoughby LOCATION: City Campus East 1; all floors* ASSESSMENT: Northumbria Staff conference 2013

AREA/ACTIVITY: This is a Risk Assessment to manage the expected numbers (400 +) throughout the duration of the conference from 08.15 to 17.00 on the day of the event. This conference will take place in a period when most teaching is finished. We anticipate certain numbers of research/post graduate students still to be using this part of the campus. In addition some academics and support staff will be in the building who will not be attending the conference.

Please refer to the Health and Safety PowerPoint that is used at the conference together with the layout diagrams for the building.

*Key to Result: T = Trivial risk; A = Adequately controlled; N = Not adequately controlled; U = Unable to decide

Risk Rating: H 20 - 36; M 12 – 18; and L 1 – 10

. d * y o t t

o Risk i l N r o



h Rating s i v l m e e e e R k t S i

I l

L H 20- Activity/equipment/ma Persons a n

Hazard 36 Mitigation to reduce risks to manageable levels i terials, etc. at risk M 12- F 18 L 1-10

1 Managing Congestion, discomfort, All 3 5 15 (M) Care in asking people to move around, and A 400+persons in the injury from collision etc. present allow time for persons to move from one area to space available another. 2 Registration Numbers of persons in a All 3 4 12 (M) The registration process will be managed as A restricted area present follows: -  Badges will be distributed via 4 queues on an A – Z basis.  Presenters will receive their badges from a separate queue.  Registration will take place from 08.15.  Part day delegates will receive their

08ad16442c175bcf667d70c60b189a57.doc badges from the main reception desk, after 10.00 3 Movement of Moving 400+ staff into the All 3 6 18 (M) Management of the flow will be aided by: - A delegates into main lecture theatres present  Using student marshals. CCE1-001  Allowing sufficient time to move all present through the access doors into the lecture theatres. Note 1 4 Refreshments Risk of scalding All 3 4 12 (M) We will reduce the risks by: - A Risk of spillage present  Using multiple serving points as shown on the diagram to maximise throughput  All hot drinks will be served in cups with sip tops.  Disposal bins will be placed across the ground floor. Delegates will be encouraged to consume all drinks on the ground floor.  Where unfinished drinks are left in the foyer, these will be collected up by catering staff and disposed of before the foyer fills again.  Marshals and catering staff will be asked to monitor spillages and report/clean these up as soon as possible.  The flooring is mostly carpet in the foyer, so there is little risk of slips. 5 Domestic Evacuation process and All 3 4 12 (M) Health and safety information: - A arrangements similar H & S events, present  Will be projected onto CCE1-001 screens including those with prior to the start of the opening address. disabilities  If 2 or more lecture theatres are needed at any time, the information will be projected in all areas.  Information on disabled delegates will be communicated to the duty caretakers and marshals.  Information on evacuation procedures will also be passed to all presenters in advance.  If any delegates are subject of a PEEP,

08ad16442c175bcf667d70c60b189a57.doc we will clarify with the person if they want the information communicated to Caretakers/presenters. Note 2  CCE1 normally handles far more persons on a normal day than will be in the building on 04/07/13. The evacuation process is well drilled in this building. Note 3 Note 4 Note 5 6 Ensuring delegates Need to avoid delegates All 3 4 12 (M) All delegates and presenters: - A go to the correct and presenters going to present  Will receive a badge that shows where rooms for their the wrong locations they should be at a given time. workshops  Those using floor 2 and above will be asked to use the lifts, and floor 1 will be asked to use the stairs. This will be communicated during the H & S briefing. Note 6 7 Marshaling the Ensuring we get all All 3 4 12 (M) Student marshals will: - A delegates involved to the right place present  Have a white (?) T shirt, with the at the right time, avoiding conference logo on the front/sleeve, and rush and stress. ‘Marshal’ on the reverse.  Dect phones will be available for them on each floor in order for the coordinator to keep in touch with the marshals or vice a versa. 8 Equipment in the Having the correct All 3 4 12 (M) The supporting services: - A rooms layouts in the rooms for present  Caretakers will be notified in advance each session. through a spreadsheet of any room Having equipment in the layout changes, in order that we correct place, avoiding minimise problems with re-arranging last minute effort and rooms at short notice. disturbance  Similarly all rooms in use will be notified to the caretakers in advance to ensure that the rooms are open.  ITS will be advised in advance of rooms where any flip charts etc. are required. Note 7 Note 7a 08ad16442c175bcf667d70c60b189a57.doc 9 Lunch Coping with in excess of All 3 4 12 (M) Catering arrangements will be as follow: - A 400 persons for lunch. present  There will be 2 servings for lunch. All Coping with staff / involved will show either 1st or 2nd lunch students not involved in on their badges. There will be multiple the conference serving points plus one for vegetarian/vegan (Check). See diagram.  Dining space will include some people using tables outside CCE1 under the building overhang.  Staff/students who are not involved will be directed to the Starbuck’s Coffee shop where they will serve a selection of sandwiches for that day.

10 Lunch queues Risk of queues and All 4 3 12 (M)  Racks will be provided to collect plates A delays in serving lunch. present from diners who have finished and to try and move those who have eaten as quickly as possible.  The catering manager has approved the arrangements in place.  Extra staff will be on hand to try and make sure the process is as smooth as possible 11 Room temperatures Rooms temperatures All 2 3 6 (L)  In previous usage we found the main A present lecture theatre too cold, but with change of date, lecture theatres etc. may be too warm. We will be asking for the air conditioning to be adjusted. 12 First aiders In case of minor All 2 3 6 (L)  The caretakers on duty in CCE1 are all A accidents present qualified first aiders, as is the security staff. 13 Staff issues Staff / students wanting Any 3 4 12 (M)  Where individual staff, not attending the A full access to catering staff / conference will be handled on a one to students one basis. JW will brief the marshals. using the building

08ad16442c175bcf667d70c60b189a57.doc NOTES 1 If more than 400 chose to attend lecture theatre sessions, will 6 We will need to make sure that the Smartcard system is need to consider streaming session into secondary lecture released from all doors in the areas being used for the theatres. Marshals will require briefing conference. 2 If any delegates have any disabilities, and impact on H & S, the 7 Order marker pens; flip chart paper; caretakers will need to be briefed, 3 Will need to ensure that no fire drills are booked for July 4th. 8 Order coat rails via caretakers 4 Will need to circulate all presenters with basic H & S and 9 domestic arrangements 5 Re H & S, how do we cater for those who are only attending in 10 the afternoon?

08ad16442c175bcf667d70c60b189a57.doc Human Resources – Risk Assessment Form for Northumbria Staff Conference 2013

To be completed by the Manager undertaking the risk assessment

Name: Job Title:

Signature: Date:

To be completed by the Senior Manager

I consider this risk assessment to be suitable and sufficient to control the risks to the health & safety of both employees undertaking the tasks and any other person who may be affected by the activities.

Name: Job Title:

Signature: Date:

NB – If Senior Managers do not agree that the risk assessment is suitable and sufficient then the assessment must be reviewed.


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