Kamloops District Licensee Meeting Agenda s1

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Kamloops District Licensee Meeting Agenda s1

Okanagan TSA Steering Committee Agenda Okanagan Shuswap Forest District 9:00 – AM – 12:00 Noon, June 15, 2006 TOLKO Armstrong Meeting Room. Chair: Brian Bedard, BCTS. Scribe: Rich Toperczer, Ministry of Forests

Attendees: Brian Bedard; Luke Gubbels; Jeff Fukumoto; Bob Pointer; Rob Udy; Paul Knowles; Gord Sluggett; Grant Thompson; Cam Leadbeater; Rick Smith; Greg Hislop; Craig Tilander; Bernie Kaplun; Kerry Rouck; Mike Copperthwaite; Dave Gill; Richard Toperczer.

Old Business

Topic Discussion Description Meeting Notes Lead Professional All Standing topic at meetings.  New Revenue Bulletin re: Prof Rel and appraisals. reliance I-Team Rick Smith Standing topic. Update on issues that I-team is  FSP – Measurable/Verifiable R&S was supported. “Weasel” dealing with. words not appropriate. Alternative R&S required for FH issues, not a blanket out. Describe what you will do for VQO under FH issues, rather than amend the order.  FDP amends should be submitted to DOS by Sept to support CP issuance process prior to Dec 31.  Repetition of “practicable” throughout FSPs. The use of this word will be further investigated by Craig Sutherland.  DOS will consult will gov’t agencies to see if they want a FSP referral. ACTION: Bernie to follow up.  Joint MoFR FSP reviews are supported for consistency.  60 Day FSP consultation period for FN, longer if plan is in litigation areas due to AG consultation. May be an issue for BCTS and Tolko.  Sec 7 concerns raised. Ken Cunningham and Archie McDonald will investigate and provide clarity. FSP’s, issues etc. All This is now a standing topic on the Steering  For consistency, value in having all lead reviewers and Committee agenda. licensees together to discuss issues such as sec 7, SS. Licensees to pick topics of concern for an open ACTION: Rick/Bernie to organize disucssion  Concerns raised around FDP stocking standards and conversion to FSP stocking standards with or without changes. RESULTS creates problems with small changes requiring a new SS ID. FDP approved may not be FSP approved. Guidebooks are baseline, better info than guidebook is relevant. Greg proposed licensee group to discuss stocking standards. Bernie distributed reference for the evaluation of stocking standards under FRPA. First Paul The District is proposing a First Nations/Steering  Concern about the expectation of funding by the licensees. Nations/Steering Knowles Committee Forum designed to enable a None expected. Committee communication link with members of the Steering  Is the forum part of consultation? No. Increase of FN communications Committee and local First Nations representatives. involvement in forest economy. Need to increase tie b/w FN, forum Lic and MOF. Forum is outside of operational day to day business (ie approvals of FDP amends, etc) to build relationships.  Action: Paul to seek FN interest, and to provide interested parties with a draft terms of reference to work on at the first meeting. how to deal with Rick Smith From the appraisal definition that red is 8 to 12 months  Brad Kemp will be leading this initiative. re-cruising for after attack ( rather than RED needles) are we able to  Will provide update for next meeting. MPB damage do an "office change" and is everyone in agreement - codes or will we have to re cruise it all.

Action: Rick was to organize a meeting with regional staff and interested licensees to discuss and clarify. Association Paul Standing Topic  Executive Director is retiring. New person by late fall. Update Knowles  Softwood newsrelease. Focus was agreement language would impact forest policy, concerning.  Assn is using radio ads etc to recruit new members.  New election with many council openings, contact Heather Rice if interested.  A few concerns over having a non-member as an Exec. Dir. 

New Business

Topic Discussion Description Meeting Comments Lead FDP amendment Peter Love Concerns expressed regarding timing and  Large vol of layout not FDP approved to address MPB. Level processing requirements for FDP approval processes. of site detail requested would not be available normally. Concern echoed by LP from last amend, but a resolution was found.  Each approval is stand alone and not rubber stamped. Early communication b/w lic and MOF is key. Reallocation of Rob Kennett Licensees have been identifying their budget  Request to re-allocate ERR when operating areas shift. Enhanced requirements for ERR. Bill 28 has changed the total  Licensees are responsible for this allocation. SOFA was the Riparian Reserve amount that each licensee must contribute. lead for the last allocation. Each licensee could calculate for budgets themselves. This topic is on the next LRMP meeting agenda. ACTION: Dave Gill to report out LRMP meeting clarity. NORD Update Peter NORD update requested by Peter.  MoF has found community salvage licenses not to be a viable Love/Rick tenure. Smith  NORD has surrendered the license. Two active permits will be transferred to FLTC.  This area will be open to salvage applications.  New SNRFL will be advertised soon. Licensee Rich Last meeting, Licensees were asked to review  Licensees will contact Daryl Flindt for changes. operating area Toperczer operating area map and report any errors. map. Grade change Bernie Requested by Kerry  Block surrender policy is for grade change only and must be surrender and Kaplun rationalized to the DM. supporting information requests FSP Section 7 Greg Hislop Would like to see some discussion around the Section  See FSP issues above notices/comment 7 notices and preliminary comments regarding s related to stocking standards. Stocking Stds. MOF/Licensee Peter Love  ACTION: Peter Love will arrange coordination of 9 holes golf afternoon to follow next meeting, after lunch. Large Block Bernie  MOF will ask licensees to identify the 4 largest CC blocks Review Kaplun logged in the last few years. Purpose will be to look at characteristics of natural disturbance, retention, operational constraints.  Suggestion to include two salvage and two non-salvage blocks. Also to have logging supervisor on site.  Contact Glenn Hill re: questions. CP Extention Greg Hislop  How long can CP be extended if pre-2003? ACTION: Rick Smith to look deeper and provide clarification.  Interior wetbelt working group is looking into Hw and other wetbelt issues.  

Future meeting August 17, 2006 Schedule

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