North Marston Parish Council

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North Marston Parish Council

Hardwick Parish Council Clerk to the Council Mrs Ann-Marie Davies

Minutes of the meeting of Hardwick Parish Council which took place on Tuesday 12 July 2016 at 7pm in the John Bridles Hall

Present: Chairman Richard Blacklock Vice Chairman Garth Bickerton Councillor Carole Wright Councillor Amanda Tofield Councillor Trevor Bowman-Shaw

County Councillor Netta Glover District Councillor Ashley Bond Plus 1 resident

1. To receive apologies for absence – None.

2. To receive official reports from County and District Council Members – Both County Councillor Netta Glover and District Councillor Ashley Bond read their respective reports to the audience. County Councillor Netta Glover suggested Councillors look at the audio link by Keith Holland on the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) as it’s very informative.

3. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: to declare any interests and agree any dispensation requests – None received.

4. Open Forum: (adjournment) – The resident highlighted the growing proximity of the Berryfields development to Hardwick village. Discussion around planned development in Hardwick took place. The VALP calls for only one further dwelling to be supplied in Hardwick over the next 20 years. The Chairman asked District Councillor Ashley Bond to investigate the appeals procedure and lack of notification to Parish Councils and also to request that slides from the Planning presentation held 6 weeks ago were forwarded to attendees. The resident also wanted to place on record his view that a further light to the outside of Post Cottage was unnecessary. The Chairman thanked him for his comments and said it would be taken into consideration later on in the agenda under item Street lighting.

5. To agree the minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 10 May 2016 – The minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record.

6. To update on matters arising – The Clerk advised Councillors that she was continuing to chase Matthew Clifton, the lead for Aylesbury Vale Broadband in the District. (Following the meeting and representations by the Parish Council, it has been confirmed that Hardwick will receive Superfast Broadband to the village in June 2018).

7. To consider correspondence and other communication received since the last meeting. a) To discuss email received regarding damage to property on the Green

Councillors referred to the email received regarding damage to a property on the green from a football. It was noted that older children and adults were seen to be practising football skills. Councillor Carol Wright asked for assurance that there was no business being carried out here. Councillors assured Councillor Wright that this was not the case, and only football

8 Station Road

Stoke Mandeville Email [email protected] Aylesbury Bucks. HP22 5UL Hardwick Parish Council Clerk to the Council Mrs Ann-Marie Davies training was taking place. Councillors agreed that the damage issue had been resolved and that there was no further action from the Council at this time.

b) To discuss and consider making an application to Heart of Bucks and/or next steps towards a children’s play area on the small Green.

To move this item forward in any way Councillors decided they needed to first consult local residents to see if there was support for the provision of play equipment. The Clerk was asked to liaise with the Chairman to put together a simple questionnaire. This would be delivered to every household in the next fortnight. ACTION: AMD/RB

8. Planning: To discuss planning applications and make recommendation, and to include those planning applications received after this agenda is published, if urgent: None received. The Clerk was asked to check the progress of the planning application for Graffam House and feedback to Councillors. ACTION: AMD

9. Highways, Footpaths and Footways a) To report and update on issues and repairs The Clerk was asked to contact the Local Area Technician to let him know that the vision splay to the southern exit of the village on the northern side behind the bungalow was badly overgrown and in need of cutting back. ACTION: AMD

b) To discuss drainage issues on Lower Road The Chairman referred to email correspondence about this drain and confirmed that Transport for Buckinghamshire were aware and confirmed they would deal with it.

Other issues discussed were the continued presence of the skip outside Rectory Cottage despite the owner’s assurance that it would be moved some weeks ago. The Clerk was asked to draft a letter for the Chairman to sign asking that it was now moved to inside the owner’s boundary as soon as possible and that the verge was reinstated back to its former standard. ACTION: AMD

The Chairman also referred to a black Chrysler car, registration Y815 TMO which had flat tyres and had been parked in the village for some time and hadn’t moved. Councillor Tofield agreed to put a note on the Hardwick Village Association website asking for the owners of the vehicle to come forward and take steps to either repair or remove it. The Clerk would prepare a note for Councillor Tofield. ACTION: AMD

The Chairman told the group he was still waiting on the quotes from J&S Contractors for kerbing in the village. The Chairman and the Clerk would continue to chase. ACTION: AMD

Councillor Tofield mentioned the situation with overflowing bins in the village. The frequency

of the bin emptying schedule was discussed. The Clerk offered to contact AVDC to confirm the schedule. ACTION: AMD

10. Street lighting a) To report and update on issues and repairs – No lights reported out at the present time.

8 Station Road

Stoke Mandeville Email [email protected] Aylesbury Bucks. HP22 5UL Hardwick Parish Council Clerk to the Council Mrs Ann-Marie Davies b) To discuss the cost of installing a new light to the outside of Post Cottage – The installation costs received from UKPN was £4393.00! Councillors unanimously agreed this figure was unacceptable and the project would not now go ahead.

c) To discuss and consider the inventory received from UKPN – Details had been received from UKPN regarding ownership of lighting in the village. The Chairman took the inventory away, would check details and report back. ACTION: RB

11. Finance a) To agree the accounts for the month ending June 2016 – the accounts were agreed as a correct record.

b) To draw cheques.

The Council resolved to draw the following cheques:-

Came & Company chq 541 £351.65 (signed between May and July meeting) Ann-Marie Davies chq 542 £452.28 Garden Master chq 543 £1320.00 NBPPB chq 544 £20.00

The Chairman advised the group that, following complaints and particularly bad weather and fast growth he had instructed the grass cutting contractor to carry out a weekly cut. He asked Councillors if they were happy to return to the fortnightly cut. This was unanimously agreed.

Finances of the Parish Council were discussed and future projects were put forward. The Chairman suggested the three large trees at the bottom of the big village green could do with a trim around Autumn time. Also the footpath area between Rectory Cottage and the Bungalow had become overgrown and also the area between Parrish Piece and North View. The Clerk was asked to speak to Terry Lynch about all three areas of work. ACTION: AMD

Councillor Tofield agreed to buy bulbs for planting in the village. A budget of £300 maximum was agreed.

The Chairman thanked the resident in attendance for keeping the area of parish land next to his property in such good order.

The Chairman would inspect the roof to the bus stops to check current state of repair. ACTION: RB

In terms of future projects, Councillors were asked to come back to the September meetings with suggestions. ACTION: ALL

The state of weeds to roads in the village was discussed. The Chairman would give some thought as to how this could be dealt with and come back to the next meeting with options. ACTION: RB

The Chairman asked the Vice Chairman if he could update the Parish Plan before the next meeting if time permitted. ACTION: GB

8 Station Road

Stoke Mandeville Email [email protected] Aylesbury Bucks. HP22 5UL Hardwick Parish Council Clerk to the Council Mrs Ann-Marie Davies

12. To report on meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council

a) Winslow Local Area Forum – No meeting held.

13. To agree the date of the next meeting – date of the next meeting would be Tuesday 13 September at 7pm in the John Bridles Hall.

Signed: Date

8 Station Road

Stoke Mandeville Email [email protected] Aylesbury Bucks. HP22 5UL

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