Administrative Appointments

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Administrative Appointments

Louis S. Albert, Ph.D.


1. President (June, 2003 to September, 2015 – retired), Pima Community College West Campus, Tucson, Arizona

2. Vice Chancellor for Educational Services (1998 to 2003), San Jose/Evergreen Community College District, San Jose, California

3. Vice President (1988-98), Interim President (January 1997 to July 1997), Director of Professional Services (1982-88), American Association for Higher Education, Washington, DC

4. Assistant to the Director (1981-82), The Institute for Research in Higher and Adult Education, University of Maryland, College Park

5. Dean of the College, Villa Julie College, Stevenson, Maryland (1980-81)

6. Dean of Instruction (1978-80), Assistant Dean of Instruction (1977), Allied Health Division Chair (1971-77), Acting Associate Dean of the College (1975-76), Coordinator of Allied Health Curricula (1971), Essex Community College, Baltimore County, Maryland


1. Faculty Affiliate, Oregon State University, College of Education, Community College Leadership Program (2012 to 2014)

2. Guest Lecturer in Higher Education (1991 and 1993), College of Education, The University of Denver

3. Visiting Professor in Higher Education (1987 and 1989), Division of Professional Studies, College of Education, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

4. Guest Lecturer in Higher Education (1984 to 1988), Guest Instructor in Higher Education (1982), Department of Educational Policy, Planning, and Administration - Higher Education Program, University of Maryland, College Park

5. Associate Professor of Biology and Allied Health (1973-80, tenured in 1973), Assistant Professor of Biology (1969-73), Essex Community College, Baltimore County, Maryland

6. Lecturer (1974-77), School of Health Services, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

7. Lecturer in Zoology (1968-75), University of Maryland, University College at Baltimore

8. Lecturer in Zoology (1966-69), University of Maryland, College Park

9. Graduate Assistant in Zoology (1964-66), University of Maryland, College Park


1. Doctor of Humane Letters (Honoris Causa), Cuttington University College, Liberia (2001) 2. Ph.D. in Higher Education, University of Maryland (1982) 3. M.S. in Physiology, University of Maryland (1967) 4. B.S. in Biology, Loyola College of Maryland (1964)


1 1. Founding Member and Vice Chair, Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Foundation (2012 to present)

2. Member, Board of Directors, United Way of Tucson (2009 to present); Chair Elect (2013-14); Chair (2014-15), Past Chair (2015-16)

3. Member, Community Advisory Board, United Way of Tucson (2008-2009)

4. Member, Board of Directors, The John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education (2007 to present)

5. Member, Board of Directors, Campus Compact (2004-2010)

6. Member, Board of Directors, Tucson Metropolitan Education Commission (2004 to 2015); Vice Chair (2005-2007); Chair (2007 to present)

7. Member, Board of Trustees, The International Partnership for Service Learning (1990 to 2007); Trustee Emeritus (2007 to present); Chair (1996-2003); Treasurer (1991-96)

8. Member, Advisory Board, Campus Compact: The Project for Public and Community Service (1999-2001)

9. Member, Advisory Board, The Center for the Study of Diversity in Teaching and Learning, DeAnza College (1999 to 2003)

10. Member, Advisory Board, Public Allies of Silicon Valley (1998-2003)

11. Chair, Advisory Board, Pew Problem-Based Learning Project, Samford University (1998-- 2000)

12. Member, Advisory Board, Community College Career Corridors for Teacher Recruitment, a national study conducted by Recruiting New Teachers, Inc. (1998 to 2000)

13. Member, Advisory Board, The Center for the Study of Higher Education, The Pennsylvania State University (1990-97)

14. Chair, Advisory Board, The National Center for Post-Secondary Teaching, Learning and Assessment (a consortium based at The Pennsylvania State University that included Syracuse University, Arizona-State University, and the University of Illinois at Chicago) (1991-96)

15. Chair, Information Resources Advisory Board, Towson State University (1995-96); Member (1993-95)

16. Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Community College Journal, a publication of the American Association of Community Colleges (1993-96)

17. Member, Steering Committee, "Articulation and Achievement: The Challenge of the 1990's in Foreign Language Education," a project of The College Board, the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, and the New England Network of Academic Alliances in Foreign Languages (1992-96)

18. Co-Chair, Colloquium on National and Community Service, sponsored by AAHE and Campus Compact, Washington, D. C. (1995)

19. Member, Advisory Board, Friends of Cuttington University College (Liberia) (1991-96)

20. Member, Advisory Council, Center for Alliances for Science, Technology, and Mathematics 2 Education (CASTME), a project of the Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education (1992-93)

21. Member, Review Panel, ASHE/ERIC Education Report Series (1992 to 1998)


1. “Reflections on Leadership and Management,” a Webinar presented for faculty and staff of the Medical University of South Carolina’s College of Health Sciences (2013)

2. “Mobilizing Community Support for College Access,” presented at NISOD Conference, Austin, Texas (2013)

3. “Higher Education’s Civic Mission,” presented at Pima Community College West Campus Convocation, Tucson, Arizona (2013)

4. “Educating Citizens, Building Communities: Reflections on the Future of Service-Learning and the Community College Movement,” keynote address the Regional Service-Learning Workshop sponsored by the Missouri, Illinois and Oklahoma Campus Compacts and by St. Louis Community College, St. Louis, Missouri (2008)

5. “Leadership and Team Building: A Case Study,” co-presented with John Crnokrak and Charlotte Fugett at the American Association of Community Colleges Annual Convention, Tampa, Florida (2007)

6. “ Service-Learning and Leadership,” Keynote address at the National Conference on Service- Learning sponsored by the Texas Campus Compact, Austin, Texas (2007)

7. “ Transformative International Education Practices: Models for Instructional Linkages Across the United States-Mexico Border Region,” co-presented with Henry Ingle, Jaime Romo, and Cynthia Schubert at the annual College Board Forum, San Diego, California. (2006)

8. “Using International/Intercultural Experiences to Educate A Next Generation of Leaders,” keynote address presented at the California Colleges for International Education Conference, Fremont, California. (2004)

9. “ Campus Collaborations on Service-Learning and Learning Community Programs,” co-presented with Maria Hesse at a conference sponsored by the Arizona Chapter of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Phoenix, Arizona (2004)

10. “ Theory and Practice of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement,” keynote address presented at a summer Institute on Service-Learning sponsored by Mesa Community College, Mesa, Arizona (2002)

11. “ Pedagogies of Engagement: Strengthening the Vital Connection between Education and Societal Development,” opening plenary address presented at the 20 th Anniversary Conference of the International Partnership for Service-Learning, Prague, The Czech Republic. (2002)

12. “Helping Students Make Connections that Lead to Meaning,” keynote address presented at The Arizona Academic Advising Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona. (2002)

13. “Creating an Infrastructure of Support for Learning Communities,” co-presented with a team from the San Jose/Evergreen Community College District at the Southwest Regional Learning Communities Conference: “Building Communities of Active Learners,” Tempe, Arizona. (2002)

14. “ The New Rules: Promotion and Tenure at an Engaged Institution,” moderator and presenter at the 10th AAHE Forum on Faculty Roles and Rewards, Phoenix, Arizona. (2002)

3 15. “Service-Learning in the Disciplines,” a workshop presented for the faculty of Diablo Valley College, Concord, California. (2001)

16. “Service-Learning in the Disciplines,” presented at the San Jose State University Service- Learning Colloquium, San Jose, California. (2001)

17. “Powerful Pedagogies,” presented to the members of the faculty and staff of The National Hispanic University, Los Altos, California. (2001)

18. “ Service-Learning in the Disciplines,” presented at the California Community College Chancellor’s Mega-Conference, Costa Mesa, California. (2001)

19. “Learning Communities: Some Early Lessons,” presented at a Maricopa Community College District conference on Learning Communities, Phoenix, Arizona. (2000)

20. “Expanding Context for Service-Learning,” keynote address delivered at a conference for service-learning faculty sponsored by California Campus Compact, San Jose, California. (2000)

21. “Linking Citizenship and Scholarship Through Service-Learning: A National Imperative,” panelist for a national teleconference sponsored by the National Resource Center for The First- Year Experience and Students in Transition, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina. (2000)

22. “Connecting Students, Faculty, and Community,” address to the faculty of Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado. (2000)

23. “Strategic Planning and Faculty Development: A CAO Panel Discussion,” presented at the AAHE Forum on Faculty Roles and Rewards, New Orleans, Louisiana. (2000)

24. “Service-Learning: Education with a Difference, Making A Difference,” presented at the 18th Conference of the International Partnership for Service-Learning, Guayaquil, Ecuador. (2000)

25. “Placing Learning at the Core,” presented as a member of the faculty of Leading Institutional Change: A National Workshop for College and University Teams, sponsored by The National Academy for Academic Leadership, St. Petersburg, Florida. (2000)

26. Creating Connections between Students, Faculty, and Community,” keynote address presented at the Sixth National Conference on Students in Transition, St. Louis, Missouri. (1999)

27. “The Role of Service-Learning in Higher Education, “ co-presented at the 10th Annual National Service-Learning Conference sponsored by the National Youth Leadership Council, San Jose, California. (1999)

28. “Youth Perspectives on Leadership for the 21st Century,” co-presented at the 10th Annual National Service-Learning Conference sponsored by the National Youth Leadership Council, San Jose, California. (1999)

29. “Developing Intercultural Skills Through Service-Learning,” presented at the 1999 National Conference on Diversity in Teaching and Learning, San Diego, California. (1999)

30. “Community-Based Scholarship: A New Context for Student Learning and Faculty Work,” keynote address presented at the Sixteen Annual Academic Chairpersons Conference, Orlando, Florida. (1999)

31. “Connecting Campus and Community Through Service-Learning,” presented at the Spring, 1999 convocation of the Cerritos College faculty, Los Angeles, California. (1999)

32. “Service-Learning,” keynote address for a meeting of the California Campus Compact, San Diego, California. (1999) 4 33. “Learning and Today’s College Student,” keynote address presented at a retreat for the faculty of the College of Human Development, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. (1998)

34. “A Road-Map to Assessing Student Learning,” presented at the California Research and Planning Officers Meeting, San Diego, California. (1998)

35. “Service-Learning in the Disciplines,” presented at the California Community Service- Learning Conference, Long Beach, California. (1998)

36. “Experiential Education in 2000 and Beyond,” moderator and presenter at the annual meeting of the National Society for Experiential Education, Norfolk, Virginia. (1998)

37. “Assessing General Education Outcomes,” presented at the California Assessment Institute, Monterey, California. (1998)

38. “The Engaged Campus: A New Context for Student Learning and Faculty Work,” keynote address for the annual Provost’s Lecture, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. (1998)

39. “Civic Responsibility and Higher Education,” closing plenary panelist at the American Council on Education Conference on Civic Responsibility and Higher Education, Tallahassee, Florida. (1998)

40. “Strengthening Service-Learning in the Disciplines through Research and Publication,” keynote address presented at the Northwest Regional Campus Compact Service-Learning Institute, Snoqualmie, Washington. (1997)

41. “Some Food For Thought ... About Mission, About Service, About Learning, and About Community,” keynote address presented at the California Community Colleges CEO Academy, Marconi Center, Point Reyes, California. (1997)

42. “Service-Learning in the Disciplines: Toward An Expanded Faculty Role,” keynote address presented at the Sixth National Conference of the Campus Compact National Center for Community Colleges, Phoenix, Arizona. (1997)

43. “Higher Education and Service-Learning in Our Nation and World,” presented at the 14th Annual International Conference of the International Partnership for Service-Learning, Kingston, Jamaica. (1997)

44. “Combining Service-Learning and Study-Abroad: A Case Study,” presented at the 1997 Freshmen Year Experience Conference (West), Costa Mesa, California. (1997) 45. “Service-Learning in Another Culture,” co-presented with Linda Chisholm at the 1996 annual meeting of the National Association of Academic Advisors (NACADA), Washington, DC. (1996)

46. “Learning to Serve, Serving to Learn,” presented at an all-college convocation, Trinity College of Quezon City, Quezon City, The Philippines. (1996)

47. “New Challenges and Opportunities for Higher Education: A View from the Association World,” presented at the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Diversity Project 2000 Summer Institute, Toronto, Canada. (1996)

48. "Networking and the Role of Professional Organizations," co-presented with Deborah Carter, at the Administrative Development Institute for Asian Pacific Americans: Pathways to Academic Affairs Administration, San Jose, California. (1996)

49. “Service-Learning: A Matrix Approach to Assessment," co-presented with Edward Zlotkowski, at the 11th AAHE Conference on Assessment and Quality, Washington, DC. (1996)

5 50. "Information Literacy: Revolution in the Library," co-presented with Althea Jenkins and Elaine Didier at the National Conference on Higher Education, Chicago, Illinois. (1996)

51. "Service-Learning in Another Culture: What It Means for American Students, Institutions and Society," co-presented with Howard Berry at the National Conference on Higher Education, Chicago, Illinois. (1996)

52. "Preparing Students for the New World Through Service-Learning," closing reflections presented at the 13th International Conference of the Partnership for Service-Learning, Guadalajara, Mexico. (1996)

53. "Preparing Students for the New World Through Service-Learning," presented at the 13th International Conference of the Partnership for Service-Learning, Guadalajara, Mexico. (1996)

54. "Service-Learning: The Freshmen Year and Beyond," presented at the 15th National Conference on the Freshmen Year Experience, Columbia, South Carolina. (1996)

55. "Rewarding Faculty in Service-Learning," co-presented with Edward Zlotkowski at the Fourth AAHE on Faculty Roles and Rewards, Atlanta, Georgia. (1996)

56. “The Partnership Terrain: Building Connections Between Schools and Universities,” presented as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series sponsored by the School of Education, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. (1995)

57. “The Campus/Community Connection,” presented at the Symposium for Social Change, George Washington University, Washington, DC. (1995)

58. “Service-Learning, Experiential Education, and Coalition Building,” co-presented with Edward Zlotkowski at the annual meeting of the National Society for Experiential Education, New Orleans. (1995)

59. “Extending the Reach of Reform,” presented at a seminar sponsored by the US Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, and the National Center for Post- secondary Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Washington, DC. (1995)

60. “Creating Space Between the Rock and the Hard Place: New Priorities for Academic Leaders,” presented at the annual meeting of the Maryland Council of Community College Instructional Deans,” Ocean City, Maryland. (1995)

61. “The Colloquium on National and Community Service: What’s Next?”, presented at the annual convention of the American Association of Community Colleges, Minneapolis, Minnesota. (1995)

62. “Toward A Research Agenda for Service-Learning,” presented at the 12th Annual Conference of The Partnership for Service-Learning, New York, New York. (1995)

63. “The National Movement in Service-Learning,” plenary panel moderator at the 12th Annual Conference of The Partnership for Service-Learning, New York, New York. (1996)

64. “Service-Learning: Expanding and Redefining Traditional Concepts,” workshop co- presented with Edward Zlotkowski at the Third AAHE Conference on Faculty Roles and Rewards, Phoenix, Arizona. (1995)

65. “Family, Career, and Service: A Message to the Class of December 1994,” commencement address delivered to the December 1994 University of Michigan-Dearborn graduating class, Dearborn, Michigan. (1994)

66. “The School/College/University Partnership Terrain,” keynote address delivered at the annual meeting of the Consortium for Excellence in Educational Partnerships, Jiminy Peak,

6 Massachusetts. (1994)

67. “Service-Learning in Another Culture,” plenary presentation at the Service-Learning and Study Abroad Conference, St. Augustine’s College, Raleigh, North Carolina. (1994)

68. “Beyond Voluntary Service: Integrating Service-Learning Into the Curriculum,” plenary presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association of Academic Affairs Administrators, Northeast Region, Washington, DC. (1994)

69. “Assessing Service-Learning Outcomes,” co-presented with Edward Zlotkowski at AAHE’s 9th National Conference on Assessment in Higher Education, Washington, DC. (1994)

70. “National Service and Service-Learning: Where Do We Go from Here?” closing plenary presentation at the Eleventh Annual International Conference of the Partnership for Service- Learning, Arlington, Virginia. (1994)

71. “Information Literacy: Empowering All Students for Lifelong Learning,” co-presented with Patricia Breivik at the Association of American Colleges 80th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. (1994)

72. “Faculty Roles and Rewards: Priorities at Historically Black Colleges and Universities,” moderated a panel at AAHE’s Second Conference on Faculty Roles and Rewards, New Orleans. (1994)

73. “Changing the System: Getting Policymakers, Academics, and Community Leaders Behind Project 2061 Reform,” co-presented with Carol Stoel at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco. (1994)

74. “Science for All Americans: Recommendations for Higher Education,” (a task force of Project 2061 sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science), co- presented with Carol Stoel at AAHE’s Fourth National Conference on School/College Collaboration, Pittsburgh, PA. (1993)

75. “Academic Alliances in the Life Sciences: Learning Communities for K-Graduate School Faculty,” keynote address presented at the DC Area School/College Life Science Alliance Conference and Workshop, George Washington University, Washington, DC. (1993)

76. “Connecting Service to Public Schools: Obstacles, Opportunities, and Strategies for Change,” presented at a conference on national service organized by the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. (1993)

77. “From Old Assumptions to New Visions: The Future of Higher Education,” keynote address presented at The National League for Nursing Institute, Palm Beach, Florida. (1992)

78. “Information Literacy: Knowledge Skills for a New World,” co-presented with Steve Gilbert at the annual conference of the Virginia Library Association, Richmond, Virginia. (1992)

79. “Information Literacy: Linkages to Promote Information Technology,” co-presented with Patricia Breivik at EDUCOM ’92, Baltimore, Maryland. (1992)

80. “Teachers As Leaders: Saluting Ten Years of Academic Alliances,” presented at the National Conference on School/College Collaboration, San Diego, California. (1992)

81. “From Old Assumptions to New Visions: Paradigm Shifts in Higher Education,” keynote address presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Washington, DC. (1992)

82. “Strengthening Community Trust Through Service-Learning,” panel moderator at AAHE’s 1992 National Conference on Higher Education, Chicago, Illinois. (1992)

7 83. “Reclaiming the Public Trust: Costs, Quality, Commitments,” keynote address presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Faculty for Advancement of Community College Teaching, Baltimore, Maryland. (1992)

84. “Higher Education and School Reform: The Role of School/College Partnerships,” keynote address presented at SUNY’s Best Academic Alliance Advisory Committee Meeting and Partnership Recognition Luncheon, New York, New York. (1991)

85. “Academic Alliances and Their Application to Health Education,” presented at a conference sponsored by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc., and the McKinney Foundation, Beverly, Massachusetts. (1991)

86. “Building Productive Multi-Institutional Collaboration,” moderated a panel at the Second AAHE National Conference on School/College Collaboration, Atlanta, Georgia. (1991)

87. “Collaboration 101: Starting and Maintaining A Successful School/College Partnership, workshop conducted at the Second AAHE National Conference on School/College Collaboration, Atlanta, Georgia. (1991)

88. “Academic Alliances and the New Partnership Terrain,” presented at a conference hosted by the Kalamazoo Academic Partnership, Kalamazoo, Michigan. (1991)

89. “How to Start and Maintain an Academic Alliance,” a workshop conducted at a conference hosted by the Kalamazoo Academic Partnership, Kalamazoo, Michigan. (1991)

90. “The American Community College Model in the South African Context,” co-presented with John Stevenson at a seminar sponsored by the Academy for Educational Development on the occasion of a visit by Dr. Silas Zuma of the Durban-based Education Foundation, Washington, DC. (1991)

91. “Academic Alliances in Science and Mathematics,” a workshop conducted on behalf of the Virginia State Council on Higher Education, Charlottesville, Virginia. (1991)

92. “Academic Alliances in History and the Social Sciences,” presented at a meeting of history and social sciences educators, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky. (1991)

93. “Academic Alliances in Science,” presented at a meeting of science alliance educators, Moorhead State University, Moorhead, Minnesota. (1991)

94. “Challenges for Education: Common Assumptions, Uncommon Responses,” presented at the Eight Annual International Conference of the Partnership for Service-Learning, St. Louis, Missouri. (1991)

95. “Academic Alliances in Foreign Languages: A National Perspective,” presented at a meeting of the Georgia Network of Foreign Language Alliances, Macon, Georgia. (1991)

96. “Academic Partnerships,” keynote address presented at a conference co-sponsored by the South Carolina Commissioner of Higher Education and Commissioner of Education, Columbia, South Carolina. (1991)

97. “Academic Alliances and the Partnership Terrain,” presented at the annual meeting of the California Academic Partnership Program, Los Angeles, California. (1990)

98. “Professional Development for Teachers of Mathematics and Science,” presented at a Symposium for the Encouragement of Women in the Mathematical and Natural Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. (1990)

8 99. “The Science Alliance: A Common Ground for Science Education,” presented at Catawba College, Salisbury, North Carolina. (1990)

100. “Academic Alliances: A Common Ground for K through College Faculty,” presented at a meeting of the New England Network of Academic Alliances in Foreign Languages, Boston, Massachusetts. (1990)

101. “ The Partnership Terrain,” presented at a Conference on School/College Collaboration sponsored by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Worcester, Massachusetts. (1990)

102. “Strategies for Collaboration,” presented at a meeting of the Commonwealth Center for the Education of Teachers, Virginia Beach, Virginia. (1990)

103. “Sharing Information for Better School Outcomes: The Role of School/College Collaborations,” moderated a panel at the Fifth AAHE National Conference on Assessment in Higher Education, Washington, DC. (1990)

104. “ Assessment at the Community College: Lessons from Two States,” panel moderator at the Fifth AAHE National Conference on Assessment in Higher Education, Washington, DC. (1990)

105. “Higher Education for A Post-Apartheid South Africa: The Problems and the Promise,” co-presented with John Stevenson at the National Conference on Higher Education, San Francisco, California. (1990)

106. “The Role of the Community College in Tertiary Education in North America,” presented at a Conference on Educational Development in South African Universities, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa. (1989)

107. “Tomorrow’s Professoriate: An Employer’s Perspective,” presented at the Second National Conference on the Training and Employment of Teaching Assistants, Seattle, Washington. (1989)

108. “Academic Partnerships: New Roles for the Faculty,” presented at a meeting of the Appalachian College Program Deans, Lexington, Kentucky. (1989)

109. “The Academic Partnership Movement,” presented at the 6th National Symposium on Partnership in Education, Arlington, Virginia. (1989)

110. “The Changing Professoriate: Future Roles of Part-time Faculty,” presented at a professional development colloquium sponsored by Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York. (1989)

111. “Today’s Freshmen, Tomorrow’s Professoriate,” presented at the National Conference on the Freshmen Year Experience, Denver, Colorado. (1989)

112. “Academic Alliances in the Sciences,” presented at a meeting of the Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education, Vail, Colorado. (1989)

113. “General Education in the Community College: Presidents Look At Outcomes That Matter,” moderated a panel of community college presidents at the Fourth National Conference on Assessment in Higher Education, Atlanta, Georgia. (1989)

114. “Academic Alliances,” presented at a meeting of the Baltimore Academic Alliance, Towson State University, Towson, Maryland. (1989)

115. “How to Start an Academic Alliance,” workshop conducted for the Council of Independent Colleges Faculty Institutes, Omaha, Nebraska. (1989)

116. “How to Start an Academic Alliance,” workshop conducted for the Council of Independent Colleges Faculty Institutes, Chicago, Illinois. (1989)

117. “Post-Assessment: What Works, What Doesn’t,” presented at a meeting sponsored by the

9 Maryland Community College Deans of Students, Montgomery College, Takoma Park, Maryland. (1988)

118. “Academic Alliances: A New Form of School/College Faculty Collaboration,” presented at a meeting of the National Humanities Alliances, Washington, DC. (1988)

119. “Two New Efforts to Strengthen the Teaching Profession,” presented at the U.S. Department of Education’s Title III Workshop, Washington, DC. (1988)

120. “Teaching Assistants: A National Perspectives,” presented at a workshop on the Design and Evaluation of An Orientation and Training Program for Teaching Assistants, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. (1988)

121. “Academic Alliances in the Sciences,” presented at the 5th National Symposium on Partnerships in Education, Arlington, Virginia. (1988)

122. “Academic Alliances and the New Professionalism in Teaching,” presented at the annual meeting of the California Academic Partnership Program, Monterrey, California. (1988)

123. “Assessment: The Promises and the Pitfalls,” presented at a conference sponsored by the Regional Education Service Agency, Allegheny Community College, Cumberland, Maryland. (1988)

124. “Outcomes Assessment in Community Colleges,” presented at the Third National Conference on Assessment in Higher Education, Chicago, Illinois. (1988)

125. “Assessing Student Outcomes,” presented at the National Alliance of Community and Technical Colleges, Burlington, Vermont. (1987)

126. “Strengthening Our Roles as Educator/Citizens,” keynote address presented at the inaugural meeting of the Puerto Rican Association for Higher Education, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (1987)

127. “Hispanics in Higher Education: Some Thoughts About the Future,” presented at the Council of Hispanic Community College Presidents, Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, Florida. (1987)

128. “Curricular Reform and Faculty Vitality,” presented at the annual joint meeting of the Iowa Community College Trustees and Presidents Organization, Ames, Iowa. (1987)

129. “Citizenship in A Nuclear Age,” co-presented with Eugene Sullivan (ACE) at the annual convention of the American Association of Community and Junior College, Dallas, Texas. (1987)

130. “High School/College Collaboration,” presented at the National Education Association’s Higher Education Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. (1987)

131. “Academic Alliances: A New Form of High School/College Collaboration,” presented at a meeting of the Towson State University Chapter, Phi Delta Kappa, Baltimore, Maryland. (1987)

132. “Using Telecommunications to Teach,” co-presented with Dean Bornheimer (NYU) at the National Conference on Higher Education, Chicago, Illinois. (1987)

133. “Moving from Rhetoric to Genuine Reform,” presented at a professional development day sponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Campus Ministry Program, Chicago, Illinois. (1986)

134. “Selecting Telecommunications As Strategy: Association, Statewide, and Institutional Perspectives,” presented via audio-teleconference at the American Educational Research Association/Association for the Study of Higher Education Conference, San Francisco, California. (1984)

135. “Corporate Training Applications of Audio-conferencing,” presented at the annual meting of the International Teleconferencing Association, Madison, Wisconsin. (1984)

136. “The AAHE Audio-Workshop Program,” presented at the National Conference on Higher Education, Chicago, Illinois. (1984) 10 137. “Linking With the Health Care Industry,” presented at a conference sponsored by the Center for the Study of Community Colleges, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York. (1983)

138. “Part-time Faculty Policies, Practices, and Incentives in Maryland’s Community Colleges, presented at a conference sponsored by the Institute for Research in Higher and Adult Education, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. (1982)

139. “A Review of Part-time Faculty Policies in Community Colleges,” presented at a regional meeting of the National Council for Staff, Program and Organizational Development, Prince Georges Community College, Largo, Maryland. (1982)

140. “The Development of Videotape Modules for Part-time Faculty Development,” panelist/discussant at a presentation made by members of the staff of Hagerstown Junior College at the annual meeting of the National Council for Staff, Program and Organizational Development, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (1981)

141. “Structuring General Education Programs,” presented at a Conference on Liberal Arts in Higher Education sponsored by Hood College, Frederick, Maryland. (1979)

142. “Health Care Trends and Challenges,” presented at a health careers day sponsored by the Auxiliary to the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, Frank Square Hospital, and Essex Community College, Baltimore, Maryland. (1978)

143. “An Administrative Case Study on Developing and Operating an Education Program in Nuclear Medicine Technology,” presented at the National Conference on Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology, Rockville, Maryland. (1978)

144. “Planning for New Career Programs: A Decision Model,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Allied Health Professions, Dallas, Texas. (1977)

145. “An Interdisciplinary Approach to Continuing Education: The Community Center for Continuing Education,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Allied Health Professions, Dallas, Texas. (1977)

146. “Allied Health Programs at Essex Community College,” presented at a meeting of the Maryland Consortium of Biological Scientists, Baltimore, Maryland. (1977)

147. “Health Careers for Women,” guest speaker on a radio program called “Women at the Crossroads,” sponsored by the Baltimore Center for Displaces Homemakers and WCAO Radio, Baltimore, Maryland (1977)

148. “Productivity in the Health Sciences,” presented at the American Technical Education Associations’ 13th Annual Meeting, Rochester, New York. (1976)

149. “Careers Ahead,” guest panelist on a television production of the Maryland Center for Public Broadcasting, Owings Mills, Maryland. (1975)

150. “Team Relationships in the Allied Health Professions,” presented at the District VII meeting of the Maryland Nurses Association, Elkton, Maryland. (1975)

151. “Training for Human Services, presented at the annual meeting of the Junior College Council of the Middle Atlantic States, Atlantic City, New Jersey. (1972)


1. Member, Campus Compact Standards Committee (2013 to 2014)

11 2. Member, Doctoral Dissertation Committee for Stephen Fomeche, Northern Arizona University (2011- 2014)

3. Member, Doctoral Dissertation Committee for Heather Kruse, Northern Arizona University, (2011 to 2014)

4. Member, Doctoral Dissertation Committee for Edward Ramirez, Oregon State University. (2012 to 2014)

5. Member, Doctoral Dissertation Committee for Nancee Sorenson, University of Texas – Austin. (2009-11)

6. Member, Doctoral Dissertation Committee for Shelley Fortin, University of Massachusetts at Boston. (2006-07)

7. Member, Executive Director Search Committee, Arizona Community College Association (2005)

8. Consultant, Active Learning Strategies, Center for the Support of Teaching and Learning, Syracuse University (2002)

9. Member, Doctoral Dissertation Committee for Paula Vaughn, Arizona State University, College of Education, Tempe, Arizona. (2001-02)

10. Consultant on “Pedagogies of Engagement,” The Atlantic Philanthropies, Palo Alto, California. (2002)

11. Consultant, Pew Forum on Undergraduate Learning, Washington, DC. (2001-02)

12. Consultant, University of South Carolina, Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, Columbia, SC. (1999-2000)

13. Consultant, Pew Project on Problem-Based Learning, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama. (1998-2000)

14. Representative and Evaluator, the International Partnership for Service-Learning. Conducted site-visits to and evaluations of Partnership programs in England (1997), The Philippines and South Dakota (1996), Ecuador (1994), Mexico (1993), and Jamaica (1990).

15. Delegate, American Association for Higher Education and AAHE Black Caucus Study Tour to Zimbabwe (1995)

16. Delegate and co-organizer, American Association for Higher Education and AAHE Black Caucus Educational Study Tour to Ghana (1990)

17. Advisor, Middle States Association Self-Study, Committee on Administration, Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C. (1990)

18. Consultant, The University of Natal, Durban, South Africa. Advised the University on its support programs for under prepared students and its plans to establish an "Intermediate Tertiary College." (1989)

19. Consultant, Five Colleges, Inc. Advised the consortium (Amherst College, Hampshire College, Smith College, Mount Holyoke College, and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst) regarding its partnership with area public schools. (1989)

20. Consultant, Dundalk Community College, Baltimore, Maryland. Advised the College regarding its "Study of Learning Excellence." (1987-88)

21. Consultant, Maharishi International University, Iowa. Reviewed institutional policies and practices in the offices of the Dean of Faculty and the Director of Planning and Evaluation. (1987) 12 22. Consultant, Southern Regional Education Board. Provided advice regarding the role of high school and college faculty collaboration in preparing students for college. (1986)

23. Consultant, American Council on Education. Participated in an evaluation of the Federal Emergency Management Agency Radiological Science Training Program, Emmittsburg, Maryland. (1985)

24. Consultant, University of North Carolina at Asheville. Evaluation of the University's Kellogg Foundation-sponsored Health Promotion Program. (1985)

25. Consultant, American Council on Education. Participated in an evaluation of the Naval School of Health Sciences Physician's Assistant Program, Norfolk, Virginia. (1985)

26. Member, Doctoral Dissertation Committee for Toby Milton, University of Maryland College Park (1983-85)

27. Member, Doctoral Dissertation Committee for Richard Lilley, University of Maryland College Park (1984-85) 28. Consultant, American Council on Education. Participated in a three-day evaluation of the credit equivalency of courses offered by the Naval School of Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland and San Diego, California. (1983)

29. Consultant, Maharishi International University, Iowa. Worked with the graduate dean, the dean of faculty, and director of planning and research in refining institutional policies and practices, Fairfield, Iowa. (1983)

30. Consultant, Dundalk Community College, Baltimore, Maryland. Worked with the instructional dean's staff in reviewing part-time faculty policies and practices. (1982)

31. Consultant, The Institute for Research in Higher and Adult Education, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. Organized a regional conference for community college administrators on the relationship between specialized accreditation and academic program quality. College Park, Maryland. (1982)

32. Member, Maryland Independent College and University Academic Deans' Group (1980-81)

33. Member, Maryland Community College Academic Deans' Group (1978-82)

34. Site Visitor for the American Medical Association and the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs for the Assistant to the Primary Care Physician (1975-81)

35. Member, Task Force on Recruitment and Retention, Maryland Commission on Nursing (1975-81)

36. Consultant, Southern Regional Education Board, Mental Health Associate National Faculty Development Project. Atlanta, Georgia. (1976)

37. Member, Advisory Committee on Optometric Manpower, Maryland Council for Higher Education (1975-76)

38. Member, Joint Practices Committee, Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland [Maryland Medical Society] (1974-75)

39. Consultant, Luzerne County Community College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Conducted a feasibility study for the implementation of a Physician's Assistant Program. (1973)

40. Consultant, Morgan State College, Baltimore, Maryland. Assisted in a feasibility study for the formation of an Allied Health Sciences Division. (1973)


1. Albert, Louis S., “Presidential Support for Civic Engagement and Leadership Education,” in Ethical Leadership in the Community College, Anker Publishing Company, 2007, pp. 145-153.

2. Albert, Louis S., “What We Seek in Today’s Graduates,” in Knowing and Doing: The Theory and Practice of Service-Learning, The International Partnership for Service-Learning and Leadership, 2005, pp. 141-144.

3. Albert, Louis S., “Doing Well and Doing Good: Community Colleges and the Civic Engagement Movement,” Change (The Magazine of Higher Learning), November/December 2004, pp. 42-46.

4. Albert, Louis S., “San Jose City College: What Community College Chief Academic Officers Need to Know About Service-Learning.” In Public Work and the Academy, Anker Publishing Company, 2004, pp.197-210.

5. Albert, Louis S., “A Review of The Learning Paradigm College” (by John Tagg), in The Department Chair, Winter 2004, Volume 14, Number 3, Anker Publishing Company, 2004, pp. 28-29.

6. Albert, Louis S., “Position-Specific Issues for Academic Leaders: Presidents and Chief Academic Officers of Community Colleges.” In Field Guide to Academic Leadership, Jossey-Bass, 2002, pp. 413-424.

7. Albert, Louis S., “Expanding the Context for Service-Learning,” Service-Learning: Engaging Colleges and Communities, Chancellor’s Office Newsletter, California Community Colleges, Volume Two/Number Three, May-June, 2000.Albert, Louis S., “Connecting Students, Faculty, and Community for Better Learning,” The Department Chair, Volume 10, Number 4, Spring, 2000.

8. Albert, Louis S., “Taking Learning Seriously,” AAHE Bulletin, Volume 50, Number 1, September, 1997.

9. Albert, Louis S. and Linda Chisholm, "Out of Africa: A Model for Others," AAHE Bulletin, Volume 48, Number 8, April, 1996.

10. Albert, Louis S., "'Motor Voter': How the New Law Can Help Colleges Promote Civic Engagement," an interview with NAICU President, David Warren, AAHE Bulletin, Volume 48, Number 9, May, 1996.

11. Albert, Louis S. and Franklin Wilbur, "The Partnership Terrain: An Overview of the 1994 National Survey Data," AAHE Bulletin, Volume 48, Number 7, March, 1996.

12. Albert, Louis S. and Franklin Wilbur, "The Partnership Terrain: An Overview of the 1994 National Survey Data." In Linking America's Schools and Colleges: Guide to Partnerships and National Directory, Second Edition (by Franklin Wilbur and Leo Lambert), American Association for Higher Education, 1995, pp. 1-9.

13. Albert, Louis S., "A Trustee's First-Hand Observations of Service-Learning in Ecuador." In Action/Reflection, a publication of The Partnership for Service-Learning, Winter, 1995, pp. 6-7.

14. Albert, Louis S., "Beyond Ourselves," an interview with AAHE Board Chair, Helen Astin, AAHE Bulletin, Volume 47, Number 1, September, 1994.

15. Albert, Louis S. and Brian Harward, "Service and Service-Learning: A Guide for Newcomers," AAHE Bulletin, Volume 46, Number 6, February, 1994.

16. Albert, Louis S. "The Partnership Terrain." In Beyond the Handshakes: An Examination of University-School Collaboration, (Thomas Karwin, Editor), published by the California Academic Partnership Program, California State University, Long Beach, 1992, pp. 37-42.

14 17. Albert, Louis S., "Reclaiming the Public Trust," an interview with Kay McClenney and Frank Newman of the Education Commission of the States, AAHE Bulletin, Volume 44, Number 1, September, 1991.

18. Albert, Louis S. and Judith Corcillo, "Joining Is Just the Beginning: AAHE and Its Members," AAHE Bulletin, Volume 43, Number 10, June, 1991.

19. Albert, Louis S., "The Partnership Terrain," AAHE Bulletin, Volume 43, Number 8, April, 1991. Albert, Louis S., "Introduction and Overview of the Partnership Movement: The Partnership Terrain." In Linking America's Schools and Colleges: Guide to Partnerships and National Directory (by Franklin P. Wilbur and Leo Lambert), American Association for Higher Education, 1991, pp. 1-4.

20. Albert, Louis S., "Difficult Dialogues," an interview with Beverly-Guy Sheftall, Michael Hooker, and Alison Bernstein, AAHE Bulletin, Volume 43, Number 1, September, 1990.

21. Albert, Louis S. and Theodore J. Marchese, "Office Implementation: A Case Study." In Making Computers Work for Administrators, (K. C. Green and S. W. Gilbert, Editors), New Directions for Higher Education, No. 62, Jossey-Bass, 1988, pp. 65-69.

22. Albert, Louis S., "Elevating the Profession: Bob McCabe's Bold Plans for Effective Teaching," an interview with Robert McCabe, President of Miami-Dade Community College, AAHE Bulletin, Volume 39, Number 1, September, 1986.

23. Albert, Louis S., A review of In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best Run Companies (by Thomas Peters and Robert J. Waterman), Community/Junior College Quarterly, 8:311-347, 1984.

24. Albert, Louis S. and Rollin J. Watson, "Mainstreaming Part-time Faculty: Issue or Imperative?" In Using Part-time Faculty Effectively (Michael Parsons, Editor), New Directions for Community Colleges, No. 30 Jossey-Bass, 1980, pp. 73-80.

25. Albert, Louis S. and Rollin J. Watson, "Mainstreaming Part-time Faculty: Issue or Imperative?" Maryland Association for Higher Education Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, Summer, 1979, pp.16-23.

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