Procurement Plan Template

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Procurement Plan Template

91434 GOC/WB/GEF China: Urban-Scale Building Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project (P130786)


Submitted to: The World Bank

Prepared by:

Project Management Office (PMO) MOHURD Incorporating with PMO BHURDC NHURDC BDRC People’s Republic of China

1/6/2014 Contents

Basic Information______3 1. Brief and Summary______3 1.1 Project Introduction______3 1.2 Budget and Disbursement Plan______3 1.3 Performance Indicators______6 1.4 Project Management______7 2. Annual Plan by Four PMOs______9 2.1 Annual Plan for subcomponent, activities by MUHURD PMO______9 2.2 Annual Plan for subcomponent, activities by BHURDC PMO______10 2.3 Annual Plan of subcomponent, activities by BDRC PMO______10 2.4 Annual Plan of subcomponent, activities by NHURDC PMO______11 Appendix 1. Procurement Plan______13 Appendix 2. Procurement Management Report-Goods and Consultant ______16 Appendix 3. Procurement Management Report-Workshop, Training, and Study tour______17

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Basic Informationi

s g i v n i r t r e o

Projectp Name: China: Urban-Scale Building Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project (P130786) p u

Country:s e People’s Republic of China Executing Agency: r

n GEF Amount:d $12 million Grant Number: LXXX –PRC o i n t a a

Date of Loan Effectiveness: August 26,2013 Closing Date: December 31, 2018 t g n

Annual Plann for the Year of: 2014 Date of this Report Submission: MM/DD/YY i e r m o t i e l n p 1. Briefo and Summary m I m

This is Annul Plan of year 2014 for the China: Urban-Scale Building Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project (the Project), prepared by four PMOs, to cover the period of 01/01/14 to 12/31/14. The Project 2014 Annual Plan included the activities which already planned in PIP, which included the first year plan, but not committed yet, and the activities which are new planned to implement in 2014. From the budget and disbursement plan aspects, the budget for 2014 presented including the budget planned in PIP but not be committed and 2014 new planned budget, and disbursement plan shows the expected disbursement from SA.

1.1 Project Introduction

The objective is to improve selected national and city-level policies for (1) the promotion of low-carbon, adaptive and livable urban forms; (2) an increase in energy efficiency in public and commercial buildings; and. (3) the scale-up of commercially viable rooftop solar PV deployment. There are three components including: 1) Component 1: Promoting Low-carbon, Adaptive and Livable Urban Forms 2) Component 2: Improving Energy Efficiency in Public and Commercial Buildings 3) Component 3: Scaling-up Commercially Viable Rooftop Solar PV Deployment in Beijing 4) Component 4: Project Management

The project implementation duration is 5 years with total GEF grant of US$ 12 million. The Project is implemented and managed by MOHURD, incorporating with BHURDC, BDRC, and NHURDC for correspondingly.

The general line of responsibility of each government PIU through its PMO is depicted in the matrix below.

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 4

MOHURD NAC 1A 2A PMO BHURDC 1B 2B PMO NHURDC MAG 1C 2C PMO Activities: (a) BDRC PMO (b) (c) (d)

1.2 Budget and Disbursement Plan The summary of budget and disbursement plan for 2014 by category and component/subcomponent are as table 1-1 and table1- 2.

Table 1-1. Summary of Budget and Disbursement Plan by Category for 2014 No. Category GEF Budget Commitment by Disbur Additional Commitment Disbursemen Remarks Grant For 2013 the end of 2013 sed by Budget by end of t plan for the for 2014 2014 2014 end of 2013 (1) MOHURD implemented 4,000 1105 activities(Subcomponents 1A 25,680RMB 0 220 1325 519.5 and 2A, Component 4) (a) Consultant services, training, 3,600 925 workshops 0 0 200 1125 319.5 and study tours (b) Operating costs 400 180 25,680RMB 0 20 200 200 (2) BHURDC implemented activities 2,500 1,280 0 0 380 1,580 530 (Subcomponents 1B and 2B) Consultant services, training, 2013 年采 workshops and 购计划中 study tours 的培训 (4 万美 元)使用 配套资金 支付,因 此在 2014 年 add budget 中 扣除, 2013 年市 长培训团 2,500 1,280 0 0 380 1,580 530 (2 万美 元)因建 设部未组 织,顺延 至 2014 年,加上 2014 年的 2st 培训 团预算, 总计 4 万 美元, 2014 年预 计支付比 例为 30% (3) BDRC implemented 2,000 10 activities (Component 3) 10 0 1760 1770 900

Consultant services, training, 2,000 10 workshops , and 10 0 1760 1770 900 study tours, goods and equipment (4) NHURDC implemented 3,500 1,700 activities 0 0 1,600 2,880 732.5 Unit: ,000US$ Table 1-2. Summary of Budget and Disbursement Plan by Component/Subcomponent for 2014

Unit: ,000US$ GEF Grant Budget Commitment Disbursed Additional Commitment Disbursemen Remarks For 2013 by the end of by the end Budget for by end of t plan for 2013 of 2013 2014 2014 2014 1. Promoting Low-carbon, 4250 Adaptive and Livable Urban 1875 0 0 0 1875 657 Forms National support for the 1A development of LOCAL 3,000 urban form 825 0 0 0 825 289.5 1B Beijing studies and analyses 450 250 0 0 0 250 75 1C Ningbo studies and pilots 800 800 0 0 0 800 292.5 2. Improving Energy Efficiency in Public and Commercial 5250 2130 0 0 1760 3610 915 Buildings National support for 2A EPB&D for large public and 600 200 0 0 200 200 20 commercial buildings 1,030 2013 年培训 (4 万美元) Improving policies and 使用配套资 2B implementation capacity in 2,050 0 0 380 1,330 455 金,已从 Beijing 2014 年 add budget 中扣 除 Improving policies and 900 0 0 1,180 2,080 440 2C implementation capacity in 2,600 Ningbo 3. Scaling up Commercially Viable Rooftop Solar PV 2,000 10 10 0 1760 1770 900 Deployment in Beijing 4. Project Management 500 180 25,680RMB 0 20 200 200 Total Project 12,000 3,380 10+25,680RMB 0 4600 7105 2562.5

Each PMO will prepare the budget and disbursement plan by component, subcomponent, and activities as Table 1-3

Table 1-3: Budget and Disbursement Plan by Component/Subcomponent/Activity Unit: ,000US$ Ref.No. Name of GEF Budget Commitme Disbursed by Additional Commitme Disbursement Remarks Component/Subcomponent/A Grant for nt by the the end of Budget for nt by end of plan for 2014 ctivity 2013 end of 2013 2013 2014 2014 1-A-CS-001- Urban planning consultant 15 15 15 to develop the program PIN 0 0 0 1.5 design and quality assurance 1-A-CS-002- Urban economy consultant to develop the program PIN 15 15 0 0 0 15 1.5 design and quality assurance 1-A-CS-003- Urban transportation consultant to develop the PIN 15 15 0 0 0 15 1.5 program design and quality assurance 1-A-CS-004- Green building consultant to develop the program PIN 15 15 0 0 0 15 1.5 design and quality assurance 1-A-CS-005- Building energy efficiency consultant to develop the PIN 15 15 0 0 0 15 1.5 program design and quality assurance 1-A-CS-006- Urban planning consultant to develop the program PIN 20 20 0 0 0 20 2 design and quality assurance 1-A-CS-007- Urban form study and 150 150 150 PIN LOCAL urban planning pilots of city A through TA 0 0 0 15 grants (in addition to Beijing and Ningbo) 1-A-CS-008- Urban form study and 150 150 150 PIN LOCAL urban planning pilots of city B through TA 0 0 0 15 grants (in addition to Beijing and Ningbo) 1-A-CS-009- Suggestion on revisions of 200 200 200 PIN national statutory urban 0 0 0 20 planning regulations and standards 1-A-CS-010- 1st national consultation 50 50 0 0 0 50 50 PIN workshop 1-A-CS-011- 1st training before the 30 30 0 0 0 30 30 PIN overseas study tour 1-A-CS-012- 1st overseas study tour 150 150 0 0 0 150 150 PIN 2-A-CS-001- Develop methodology and 750 750 draft guidelines on energy (includi RFP (includin performance ng g benchmarking for public 100fro 0 0 0 100 10 100from and commercial buildings m MOHUR MOHU D) RD) 2-A-CS-002- promote disclosure 200 200 200 PIN mechanism on energy performance for large 0 0 200 20 public and commercial buildings 4-A-CS-001- 3 consultants of PMO staff 180 180 180 0 0 0 180 PIN 1-B-CS- Beijing urban form study 250 0 0 250 250 75 In charge of 2013-001 the contract by MOHURD ,contract sign by each PMO Pilot EPB&D program for 450 0 0 450 450 135 In charge of large public and the contract commercial buildings by MOHURD, follow the contract number of MOHURD 2-B-CS- Research on amending 80 0 0 80 80 24 Evaluation 2013-001 Beijing Building Energy report Conservation Regulations available Progress ongoing 2-B-CS- Investigation and Research 80 0 0 80 80 24 TOR available, 2013-002 for revising Beijing’s Procurement Energy Efficient Design Progress Standard for Public and ongoing Commercial Buildings Waiting WB NOL 2-B-CS- The investigation and 80 0 0 80 80 24 TOR available, 2013-003 development of 'Beijing Procurement Code for acceptance of Progress green building ongoing construction' Waiting WB NOL 2-B-CS- Establishment of green 200 0 0 200 200 60 Consultant 2013-004 building evaluation and selection certification platform and report provision of related available, training already Request for NOL 2-B-CS- international green 20 0 0 20 20 6 Expert 2013-005 building and building selection energy efficiency report consultant available, already Request for NOL Regular trainings of green 40 $0 $0 0 0 0.0 Finished, used building evaluation (4 Co-financing times). Seminars and investigation (green building) (more than 1) Oversea study tour(green 60 0 0 60 0 0 Finished, 由于 building) 财政局未建立 专用账户,资 金回补程序较 为繁琐,已使 用配套资金支 付 1st training class for 20 0 0 20 20 20 2013年市长培 mayors (participation of 训团(2万美 training MOHURD will 元)因建设部 organize) 未组织,顺延 至2014年 2-B-CS- Amendment of ‘Evaluation 0 0 0 80 80 24 TOR available 2014-001 standard for green building’ for Beijing DB11/T 825-2011 2-B-CS- Atlas of Universal 0 0 0 80 80 24 TOR available 2014-002 Prefabricated Units for Assembly Integral Type Shear Wall Housing 2-B-CS- Study on the indoor major air 0 0 0 80 80 24 TOR available 2014-003 pollutant control technology Terms of Reference 2-B-CS- Key Variety, Technical Guide 0 0 0 80 80 24 TOR available 2014-004 and Management Measures for Promotion and Application of Green Building Materials in Beijing 2-B-CS- international green 0 0 0 20 20 6 TOR available 2014-005 building and building energy efficiency consultant 2-B-TR- Regular trainings of green 0 0 0 40 40 40 using Co- 2014-001 building evaluation (4 financing times). Seminars and investigation (green building) (more than 1) 2st training class for 0 0 0 20 20 20 mayors (participation of training MOHURD will organize) 1 3(a).1.1: TA on RESCO 450 0 0 0 450 450 50 Operation and Business Development 2 3(a).1.2: Domestic and 50 0 0 0 50 50 50 international twin-training study tours 3 3(a).2.1: Project 6 6 6 0 0 6 6 monitoring and evaluation advisor 4 3(a).2.2: Independent 280 0 0 0 280 280 40 M&E of project implementation and results 5 3(a).2.4: On-line 4 4 4 0 0 4 4 monitoring system design review and quality control 6 3(b).1: Two-way metering 260 0 0 0 260 260 50 pilot 7 3(c): Solar energy 300 0 0 0 300 300 300 information portal 8 3(d).1.1: Planning and 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 design of renewable energy education teaching laboratories 9 3(d).1.2: Equipment for 300 0 0 0 300 300 300 renewable energy education teaching laboratories 10 3(d).2: Training tour 140 0 0 0 60 60 60 11 3(d).3: TA on New and 50 0 0 0 50 50 30 Renewable Education Platform. NHURDC_CS.1 Urban form study 250 250 0 0 0 250 100 NHURDC_CS.2 National and international advisors on Damuwan pilot 100 100 / / / 100 35 and Ningbo urban form study

NHURDC_CS.3 Damuwan transport system 450 450 / / / 450 157.5 planning and concept design NHURDC_CS.4 EPB&D pilot 150 150 / / / 150 60 NHURDC_CS.5 EPB&D pilot local consultant 290 290 / / / 290 100 NHURDC _CS.6 Be advanced to Green building policy study 200 / / / 200 200 100 2014 NHURDC _GE On-line monitoring system To be delayed 360 360 / / -360 / / equipment until 2015 NHURDC_SG Output-based Bioclimatic and cost-optimal 1,400 / / / 1,400 1,400 140 cost-sharing sub- green building demonstration grants NHURDC_TS Improving Implementation 200 100 / / -60 40 40 Capacity Workshop on low-carbon urban forms Promotion Be advanced to 1 20 20 / / / 20 20 of the development of the 2014 low-carbon urban forms

Home study tour: 2 Building energy saving 20 / / / 20 20 20 and green buildings 3 Overseas training: Low- carbon urban planning Be delayed until 80 80 / / -80 / / and green buildings 2015 Detailed implementation plan by component, subcomponent, and activity for 2014 will be described in following chapters.

1.3 Performance Indicators

The Work Plan for the Key project performance indicators for 2014 are in accordance with Results Framework and Monitoring as Table 1-4. The review of progress of result indicators by subcomponent and Intermediate Results is as following Table 1-5.

Table 1-4. Work Plan for Results Framework and Monitoring

Target (by Y3) Target (by Y5) Progress by Worl Plan Responsibility PDO Level Results Baseline the end of for 2014 for Data Indicators* 2013 Collection  Official Indicator One: motion on Evidence that  Recommendations adoption of LOCAL urban on revisions and specific revisions planning and design improvements of statutory in statutory urban NOL for TOR contact principles are being urban planning standards planning standards from the MOHURD signed, the incorporated into None and regulations made and regulations World Bank, PMO assignment national policy and made EOI is  Draft national commences regulatory guidelines on development  Official published. framework for of LOCAL urban form national guidelines statutory urban prepared on development of planning. LOCAL urban form issued  Official national guidelines Indicator Two: on EPB&D for Energy public and  Pilots of EPB&D performance commercial for large public and benchmarking and buildings issued commercial buildings disclosure completed in Beijing and  Beijing, contact (EPB&D) program MOHURD Ningbo Ningbo and two signed, the for large public and None additional cities TOR drafted PMO  Pilots of EPB&D assignment commercial issued official for large public and commences buildings developed ordinance on commercial buildings at the national level adopting launched in 2 additional and mandatory mandatory cities adoption by select EPB&D for large cities public and commercial buildings Indicator Three: Grid-connected rooftop solar PV capacity in Zero 50 MW 100 MW BDRC PMO Beijing’s public schools and colleges Indicator Four:

CO2 emissions BDRC PMO reduction Zero To be determined To be determined MOHURD associated with PMO GEF assistance

Table 1-5. Work Plan for INTERMEDIATE RESULTS Indicator baseline Target (YR 2) Progress Remarks responsible Intermediate Result (Component One): Understanding of the issues and options in development of LOCAL urban form enhanced, decision-making on improvements of statutory urban planning standards and regulations informed, national consensus on necessary actions increased. Intermediate Result indicator One: MOHURD None Reports from consultants urban form studies completed PMO Intermediate Result indicator Two: Training program records, MOHURD mayors and city planning officials None feedback from participants PMO trained Intermediate Result indicator Three: Discussions with involved MOHURD None cities, reports from city pilots of LoCAL urban planning PMO and design completed consultants Intermediate Result (Component Two): Methodology for BEP&D for large public and commercial buildings developed and piloted, building EE and green building policies and implementation capacity improved in Beijing and Ningbo Intermediate Result indicator One: Discussions with involved Beijing and Ningbo MOHURD national and city BEP&D pilot None cities, reports from pilots launched PMO programs implemented consultants Intermediate Result indicator Two: Discussions with city Selected building EE and green BHURDC None officials ad reports from PMO building policies in Beijing improved consultants and new policies informed Intermediate Result indicator Three: outreach to local stakeholders and Minutes and/or proceedings BHURDC Zero 400 training of local trades in Beijing of workshops PMO (number of people trained) Intermediate Result indicator Four: 2012 Green building certification BHURDC number of green build certificates number registry PMO issued in Beijing Intermediate Result indicator Five: Designs finalized bioclimatic and cost-optimal green NHURDC None and construction Designs tendering Procurement documents building designs demonstrated in PMO started Ningbo Ningbo green Intermediate Result indicator Six: Discussions with city building design NHURDC green building policies in Ningbo TOR drafted officials, reports from guidelines PMO improved and new policies informed consultants drafted Intermediate Result indicator Seven: outreach to local stakeholders and Minutes and/or proceedings NHURDC Zero 200 Under taking training of local trades in Ningbo of workshops PMO (number of people tranined) Intermediate Result (Component Three): RESCO business model for large-scale rooftop solar PV deployment in public buildings demonstrated and lessons and experiences disseminated, local market development support strengthened, and renewable energy education at local public schools enhanced Intermediate Result indicator One: BDRC Zero 30 Project documents viability of RESCO business model PMO (contracts signed with schools) Intermediate Result indicator Two: improved knowledge of local grid Two-way metering Reports from consultants, BDRC company about handling grid- pilot launched workshop proceedings PMO connected rooftop PV systems Intermediate Result indicator Three: Work on on-line Discussions with BDRC establishment of Beijing solar energy monitoring system implementation entity, PMO information portal launched reports from consultants Intermediate Result indicator Four: Discussions with renewable energy education delivery BDRC implementation entity, PMO in public schools enhanced (number reports from consultants of demonstration schools established)

1.4 Project Management  Reporting

Table 1-6 lists the management reports the PMO will prepare in 2014. The Table includes also delivery dates and main responsible person for delivering each report

Item Due time other PMOs Due time from submit to the MOHURD MOHURD PMO to PMO WB 1 Project Annual Plan 2014 Before Oct. 15, 2013 Before Oct. 31, 2013 Including Procurement Plan for 2014 (as Appendix 1)

2 Annual Progress Reports 2013 Before March 15, 2014 March 31, 2014 Including: Procurement Management Reports (Procurement & Management Report-Goods and Consultant as Appendix 2 & Procurement Management Procurement Management Report-Workshop and Training Reports will be avaiable for WB and Study Tour, as Appendix 3) supervision missions 3 Semi-annual Progress Reports 2014 (table) Before Aug. 15 2014 Before Aug.30, 2014 including Procurement Management Reports & Procurement Management (Procurement Management Report-Goods and Consultant as Reports will be avaiable for WB Appendix 2 & supervision missions Procurement Management Report-Workshop and Training and Study Tour, as Appendix 3) 4 Project Annual Plan 2015 Before Oct. 15, 2014 Before Oct. 31, 2014 5 Procurement Plan for 2015(as appendix of Annual Plan) Before Oct. 15, 2014 Before Oct. 31, 2014 6 Contract award tables for publishing in UNDB online and For QBS and QCBS contracts, dgMarket will be public timely; For other contracts: 1st table: by 30 April, 2014 2nd table : by 31 July, 2014 3rd table: by 30 October, 2014 4th table: by 31 March, 2014

 World Bank Supervision

Two World Bank supervision missions are foreseen annually. To make these supervision missions effective the PMO will prepare these missions well and make sure that all PMO staff is present during these supervision missions. In order to allow sufficient time for preparing these missions, the World Bank will inform the PMO of their plan for supervision mission at least 6 weeks before the mission. The PMO will check internally and with EA if the proposed timing is convenient. If not, the PMO will propose alternative dates.

 Procurement Plan

The Procurement Plan dated MM/DD/YY for the period of January 1 to December 31, 2014 is as Appendix 1. 2. Annual Plan by Four PMOs

The annual plan for four components, subcomponents, and activities managed by each PMO will be summarized as:  MOHURD PMO: Subcomponents 1A and 2A, Component 4  BHURDCPMO: Subcomponents 1B and 2B  BDRC PMO: Component 3  NHURDC PMO: Subcomponents 1C and 2C, Component 4

2.1 Annual Plan of subcomponent, activities by NHURDC PMO

In the year 2014, work plan of activities both committed and planned are summarized as Table 2-4:

Table 2-4 Summary of 2014 Year Activities Component/Subco GEF grant Activity Number & Name Work Plan Remarks mponent allocation (‘000USD) Component 1: 3,000 1-A-CS-001 Urban planning consultant to contact signed, the Promoting Low- develop the program design and quality assignment carbon, assurance commences 1-A-CS-002 Urban economy consultant to contact signed, the Adaptive and develop the program design and quality assignment Livable Urban assurance commences Forms 1-A-CS-003 Urban transportation consultant contact signed, the to develop the program design and quality assignment assurance commences 1-A-CS-004 Green building consultant to contact signed, the develop the program design and quality assignment assurance commences 1-A-CS-005 Building energy efficiency contact signed, the consultant to develop the program design and assignment quality assurance commences 1-A-CS-006 Urban planning consultant to contact signed, the develop the program design and quality assignment assurance commences 1-A-CS-007 Urban form study and LOCAL contact signed, the urban planning pilots of city A through TA assignment grants (in addition to Beijing and Ningbo) commences 1-A-CS-008 Urban form study and LOCAL contact signed, the urban planning pilots of city B through TA assignment grants (in addition to Beijing and Ningbo) commences 1-A-CS-009 Suggestion on revisions of contact signed, the national statutory urban planning regulations assignment and standards commences 1-A-CS-0101st national consultation Conference workshop on Urban contact signed, the Developmen assignment t and commences Planning in June or July,2014 1-A-CS-011 1st training before the overseas contact signed, the study tour assignment commences 1-A-CS-012 Consultant of training program contact signed, the assignment commences 1-A-CS-0131st overseas study tour contact signed, the assignment commences 450 (1) 1-B-CS-2013-001(TDB) 2013 Annual Plan MOHURD Beijing urban form study  Request for the PMO NOL for TOR in TOR available Dec.2013  Sign the contract in May 2014  Finish the contract in May. 2016 contact signed, the 800 NHURDC_CS.1 Urban form study assignment commences NHURDC_CS.2 National and international contact signed, the advisors on Damuwan pilot and Ningbo urban form assignment commences study NHURDC_CS.3 Damuwan transport system contact signed, the planning and concept design assignment commences Component 2: 600 2-A-CS-001-RFP Develop methodology and contact signed, the Improving draft guidelines on energy performance assignment commences Energy benchmarking for public and commercial buildings Efficiency in promote disclosure mechanism on energy Public and performance for large public and commercial contact signed Commercial buildings Buildings (1) 1-B-CS-2013-002(TDB) 2013 Annual Plan In charge of Pilot EPB&D program for large public and the contract 2050 commercial buildings by MOHURD (2) 2-B-CS-2013-001 2013 Annual Plan Evaluation Research on amending Beijing Building Energy  Request for the Report Conservation Regulations NOL for available evaluation report in Dec 2013  Sign the contract in Mar 2014 Finish the contract in Mar 2015 (3) 2-B-CS-2013-002 2013 Annual Plan TOR available, Investigation and Research for revising Beijing’s  Request for the Energy Efficient Design Standard for Public and NOL for REOI in Commercial Buildings Dec 2013  Request for the NOL for evaluation report in Jan 2014  Sign the contract in Mar 2014 Finish the contract in Mar 2015 (4) 2-B-CS-2013-003 2013 Annual Plan TOR available, Establishment of green building evaluation and 2013 Annual Plan certification platform and provision of related  Request for the training NOL for REOI in Dec 2013  Request for the NOL for evaluation report in Jan 2014  Sign the contract in Mar 2014 Finish the contract in Sep 2015 (5) 2-B-CS-2013-004 2013 Annual Plan TOR available, The investigation and development of 'Beijing  Request for the Code for acceptance of green building construction' NOL for REOI in Dec 2013  Request for the NOL for evaluation report in Jan 2014  Sign the contract in Mar 2014 Finish the contract in Mar 2015 (6) 2-B-CS-2013-005 2013 Annual Plan Consultant International green building and building energy  Request for the selection efficiency consultant NOL for report evaluation report available, in Dec 2013 already  Sign the contract Request for in Feb 2014 NOL Finish the contract in Oct 2015 Regular trainings of green building evaluation (4 2013 Annual Plan Finished, times). Seminars and investigation (green building) used Co- (more than 1) financing (7) 2-B-ST-2013-001 2013 Annual Plan Finished, 由于 Oversea study tour(green building) 财 政 局 未 建 立 专 用 账 户 资 金 回 补 程 序 较 为 繁 琐 已 使 用 配 套 资金支付 (8) 2-B-ST-2013-002 2013 Annual Plan 2013年市长 1st training class for mayors 培 训 团 ( 2 万美元)因 建设部未组 织,顺延至 2014年 2-B-CS-2014-001 2014 Annual Plan TOR available Amendment of ‘Evaluation standard for green  Request for the building’ for Beijing DB11/T 825-2011 NOL for TOR in Mar 2014  Request for the NOL for REOI in Apr 2014  Request for the NOL for evaluation report in May 2014  Sign the contract in Jul 2014 Finish the contract in Jul 2015 2-B-CS-2014-002 2014 Annual Plan TOR available Atlas of Universal Prefabricated Units for  Request for the Assembly Integral Type Shear Wall Housing NOL for TOR in Mar 2014  Request for the NOL for REOI in Apr 2014  Request for the NOL for evaluation report in May 2014  Sign the contract in Jul 2014 Finish the contract in Jul 2015 2-B-CS-2014-003 2014 Annual Plan TOR available Study on the indoor major air pollutant control  Request for the technology NOL for TOR in Mar 2014  Request for the NOL for REOI in Apr 2014  Request for the NOL for evaluation report in May 2014  Sign the contract in Jul 2014 Finish the contract in Jul 2016 2-B-CS-2014-004 Key Variety, Technical Guide 2014 Annual Plan TOR available and Management Measures for Promotion and  Request for the Application of Green Building Materials in Beijing NOL for TOR in Mar 2014  Request for the NOL for REOI in Apr 2014  Request for the NOL for evaluation report in May 2014  Sign the contract in Jul 2014 Finish the contract in Jul 2015 2-B-CS-2004-005 2014 Annual Plan TOR available International green building and building energy  Request for the efficiency consultant NOL for TOR in Mar 2014  Request for the NOL for evaluation report in May 2014  Sign the contract in Jul 2014 Finish the contract in Jul 2015 2-B-TR-2014-001 Regular trainings of green 2014 Annual Plan Work plan building evaluation (4 times). Seminars and available investigation (green building) (more than 1) contact signed, the 2,600 NHURDC_CS.4 EPB&D pilot assignment commences contact signed, the NHURDC_CS.5 EPB&D pilot local consultant assignment commences contact signed, the NHURDC_CS.6 Green building policy study assignment commences NHURDC_SG Bioclimatic and cost-optimal green Designs finalized Output-based cost-sharing building demonstration sub-grants A Workshop and a NHURDC_TS Improving Implementation Capacity home study tour will be conducted Component 3: (a) RESCO 90 3(a).1.1: TA on RESCO To sign the TA Scaling-up capacity Operation and Business contract and conduct development Development training tours. Commercially 3(a).1.2: Domestic and Viable Rooftop international twin-training Solar PV study tours Deploymentin 3(a).2.1: Project monitoring With the assistance of Beijing and evaluation advisor the individual 3(a).2.2: Independent M&E of consultant, to select project implementation and the M&E firm, sign results the contract and 3(a).2.4: On-line monitoring commence contract system design review and implementation. quality control To confirm that the expert’s review comments are implemented in the online monitoring system construction and complete the payment to the expert. (b) Two-way 30 3(b).1: Two-way metering pilot To select the metering pilot consultant and start the study. (c) Solar 30 3(c): Solar energy information To complete the information portal system establishment. portal (d) Renewable 50 3(d).1.1: Planning and design To design the energy of renewable energy education laboratories, establish education teaching laboratories all the laboratories, 3(d).1.2: Equipment for conduct the training renewable energy education tour, and sign the teaching laboratories contract with an 3(d).2: Training tour individual consultant 3(d).3: TA on New and to start with the Renewable Education Platform. construction of New and Renewable Education Platform. Component 4: 400 4-A-CS-001-PIN 3 consultants of PMO staff contact signed Project 100 Project management Management

Following are work plan for the activities newly planned in MOHURD. 1. 2-A-CS-002-PIN: promote disclosure mechanism on energy performance for large public and commercial buildings  Background The information disclosure system of building energy consumption has not been established yet in China. There is no clear requirement for the energy consumption data in terms of the release subject, scope, approach, procedure and safeguard mechanism etc. The building energy consumption data cannot give a full play to its supporting role due to lack of standardization on the release of energy consumption information. Many problems appear that, for instance, the relevant departments and the public have no strong awareness about the importance of information disclosure. The quality and quantity of the released information needs to be improved. The supervision mechanism is unsound as well as the whole system is still not complete. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out the work on the energy consumption information disclosure and popularization mechanisms research. Meanwhile, the propulsion of building energy efficiency evaluation is currently based on the government led. The pilot and demonstration projects of energy efficient buildings mainly rely on the state financial support. There are a relatively small number of voluntary projects and the public is not actively motivated. The building energy efficiency evaluation system is still at the exploratory stage. The market value and the incentives remain to be investigated. The promotion model is not fully developed either.

 Objectives 1) To propose scientific and feasible technology guideline for building energy consumption information release, through research and analysis on the current release state of domestic and foreign building energy consumption, as well as drawing fully on the information release system of the relevant domestic industries; 2) To analyze and summarize the administration framework, operational mechanism, provincial and municipal development status and technology standard system of the implement building energy efficiency evaluation system at the pilot stage. To offer suggestions and measures for improving the building energy efficiency evaluation system in China; 3) To offer references to the domestic incentives for the building energy efficiency identification through research and analysis on the incentives of building energy saving and efficiency in the United States, the European Union, as well as in China.  Contract packages 1) The Technology Guidelines for Disclosure of Public Building Energy Consumption Information 2) Disclosure and Popularization and Application Research on Public Building Energy Consumption Information 3) Popularization Mechanism Research on Building Energy Efficiency Evaluation Identification  Budget 0.20 Million US$  Expected deliverables 1) Assessment report on implementation of building energy efficiency evaluation system 2) Analysis report on building energy efficiency identification projects 3) Research report on domestic and foreign incentives for building energy saving and efficiency identification  Risk migration and quality control Interim work report, expert consulting and discussion  Implementation plan:  PMO Responsible staff PMO specialized technicians will supervise the implementation of the project  Implementation time framework (ToR, advertisement, contract) procurement contract in Sep, 2014  Disbursement schedule To disburse in Dec, 2014 Following are work plan for the activities newly planned in Beijing HURDC.

1. 2-B-CS-2004-001 Amendment of ‘Evaluation standard for green building’ for Beijing DB11/T 825- 2011

 Background 2011 version of Beijing standard ‘green building evaluation criteria’ was compiled based on the 2006 version. Further revision of local standard ‘green building evaluation criteria’ based on the local characteristics is needed to achieve mutual echo, and docking to the national standard, for a wider range, more stringent provisions constraints, management more standardized version of local standards, adapt to green building development plan and situation in Beijing, and guide comprehensively promotion of green building projects.

 Obejctives analyze the defect of existing local standard and differences between existing local standard and the new national standard, analyze problems in the existing green building certification process in Beijing, and finally revise the 2011 version of local standard ‘green building evaluation criteria’ in Beijing combined with regional features and architectural characteristics in Beijing and docking to the new version of national standard.

 Budget USD80,000

 Implementation plan:

Duration Item Remark 2013.10.1-2013.12.20 Finish the preliminary research, format work plan 2013.12.21-2013.12.31 Make specific plan for compiling standard, hold kick-off meeting for associated subject units 2014.1.1-2014.4.15 Finish the preliminary version 2014.4.16-2014.5.15 Organize exports forum, finish exposure version 2014.5.16-2014.6.3 Finish exposure work, deliver the trail version to Beijing municipal administration of quality and technology supervision 2014.7.1-2014.8.31 Finish examination work, deliver the approval version 2014.9.1-2014.11.30 Propagandize standard

 PMO Responsible staff Zhang Jun

2、2-B-CS-2004-002 Atlas of Universal Prefabricated Units for Assembly Integral Type Shear Wall Housing  Background For local standard Assembly Type Concrete Structure Construction and Quality Acceptance Regulations, opinions have been sought for and the preparation before review is made. Other national, industrial and local standards related to housing industrialization are positively established. However, many designing institutes are not familiar with assembly integral type shear wall structure technology and construction drawings, especially scientific separation technology of prefabricated units and detail drawings of prefabricated units. A set of standard atlas including standard fabricated units for standard house type of public rental housing and universal fabricated units for typical house type of commercial housing should be established urgently, which can not only guide design, but also guide the production of components in component factory.

 Obejctives Use this to guide the design of designing institute or be directly used by designing institute and can also guide the production of prefabricated component factory.

 Budget USD80,000

 Implementation plan:

Duration Item Remark 2014.1-2014.3 complete the organization of basic data. 2014.3-2014.7 complete achievements of communication edition. 2014.7-2014.9 conduct interim review of the project and complete achievements of the second edition according to review comments and communication result. 2014.9-2014.12 complete modification, submit it to the construction committee, complete expert review and deliver it for type setting and printing.

 PMO Responsible staff Zhang Jun

3. 2-B-CS-2004-004 Study on the indoor major air pollutant control technology 建筑室内主要空气污染物控制技术研究

 Background Currently in China, the methods to improve indoor environment quality and control indoor pollution are by use of green building materials, ventilation, air conditioning, Indoor air purifier and room greening. However, ventilation and air conditioning technologies are contradictory with building energy efficiency in a certain extent. Therefore, those questions like how to achieve the best energy saving effect and good indoor air quality by use of the minimum air changes and effective ventilation airflow organization form and how to purify the air polluted by PPs and PCPs in air conditioning system are the research focus and hot topics in the future.

 Objectives Depending on the developing situation of building indoor environment in China, survey and analysis the current situation of building indoor PPs and PCPs and physical environment in different types of buildings. Study the correlation characteristics between the particulate pollution and building physical environment. Carry out the research of building indoor PPs and PCPs control technology systematically, put forward building indoor environment design optimization technology. Expected result of this project is a survey report of main pollutions and associated factors research in building indoor environment, and basing on the study results, write technology guide of building indoor environment optimization design. The aim of these expected results is to provide technical guidance to comprehensive improve building indoor environment.

 Budget USD80,000

 Implementation plan:

Duration Item Remark 2014.01 Project start-up phase. Set up project team and organize related units and experts to hold a kick-off meeting. 2014.01 ~ Survey of current situation and influencing factors of indoor PMs and PCPs in typical 2014.12: cities and different types buildings in southern and northern China. Write survey report of main pollutions and associated factors research in building indoor environment. 2015.01 ~ Survey of the implementation effect of passive and active technologies for indoor PMs 2015.12: and PCPs prevention and control, and summarize related problems and optimization and improvement measures. 2016.01~ Based on survey results, screen main passive and active technologies of indoor PMs and 2016.12: PCPs prevention and control and summarize the design method of PMs and PCPs control technology. 2017.01 ~ Draft technology guide of building indoor environment optimization design. 2017.06: 2017.07 ~ Organize experts to make an argument of technology guide of building indoor 2017.10: environment optimization design (draft). Then revise and perfect this draft depend on the expert opinions and form the formal draft. 2017.11 ~ Organize project research results and ready for acceptance. 2017.12:

PMO Responsible staff Zhang Jun

4. 2-B-CS-2004-005 Key Variety, Technical Guide and Management Measures for Promotion and Application of Green Building Materials in Beijing

 Background During "12th Five Year Plan", Beijing will fully implement "green Beijing" strategy; and development of green buildings is an important element of the "green Beijing" strategy. Development of green buildings can't be independent of green building materials, which will provide important support for realization of green building function objectives. Therefore, selection of building materials greatly determines "green" degree of buildings. At present, the entire green building material industry in Beijing is still in its infancy with small application scope, low proportion and relatively weak industry base. through study on this subject, define key variety for promotion and application of green building materials in Beijing and technical requirements, develop management measures and accelerate promotion and application of green building materials in Beijing.

 Objectives

This project focuses on key problems regarding promotion and application of green building materials in Beijing to, by establishing multi-dimensional model, study variety of building materials with the most prominent supporting role on energy-saving, water-saving, material-saving and environmental protection of green buildings in Beijing as key variety; refine concept of green buildings, investigate cutting-edge technology and advanced standards at home and abroad, combine actual conditions and define technical requirements of green building material products; study management measures for green building materials (including assessment implementation rule, management methods and encouragement policies) and encourage to give priority to green building materials in green buildings, green and ecological urban area and development projects with government investment and financial funds.

 Budget USD80,000

 Implementation plan:

Duration Item Remark 2013.12 project initiating. The project is to be initiated and symposia involved with relevant committees, offices and bureaus, enterprises and institutions, experts and representative is to be organized; 2014.1 ~ "Study Report on Key Variety for Promotion and Application of Green Building Materials 2014.3 in Beijing" is completed; through expert demonstration, key variety of building materials to be promoted and applied is to be defined; 2014.4 ~ based on the study achievements in the previous stage, assessment index system for key 2014.9 variety of building materials is to be studied and established; 2014.1 ~ management measures for promotion and application of green building materials in 2014.9 Beijing are investigated and demonstrated, and specific and systematic measures and suggestions are to be proposed; 2014.10 based on the study achievements in the previous stage, "Technical Guide for Assessment of Green Building Materials in Beijing (Key Variety for Promotion and Application)" and "Study Report on Management Measures for Promotion and Application of Green Building Materials in Beijing" are to be completed; 2014.11 ~ the project is to be summarized and acceptance is to be organized. 2014.12

 PMO Responsible staff Zhang Jun

5、2-B-CS-2004-005 International green building and building energy efficiency consultant  Background One international expert of Green Building is typically supported for a certain number of days over the longer period, and PMO is to sign first year contract with each of them, and the contract could be extended over implementation period. Normally time based contracts are used.

 Objectives a) Prepare and draft ToRs of relevant assignments/ studies as PMO required; b) Review deliverables of relevant assignments/ studies as PMO required; c) Provide comments and suggestion on activities/ events organization if necessary; d) Participate seminars/ workshops/ meetings as required by organized PMO; e) Others

 Budget USD20,000

 PMO Responsible staff Zhang Jun

2-B-TR-2014-001 Regular trainings of green building evaluation (4 times). Seminars and investigation (green building) (more than 1)

 Background Outreach and training of local construction trades to meet new or revised policy and regulatory requirements This activity will include: Regular training; Seminars and investigations.

 Objectives Regular training: PMO will submit relevant plans to WB to apply for approval before each activity, including activity time, members, contents, schedules, and budget. Seminars and investigations: PMO will submit relevant plans to WB to apply for approval before each activity, including activity time, members, contents, schedules, and budget. Oversea study tour: If PMO is to assign a consultant firm to provide service of organization of study tour, the implementation schedule is as: Steps to be completed Month after start 1. Prepare the ToRs 0.5 2. WB NOL on consultant selection 2 3. Completion of the assignment 8

 Budget USD40,000

 PMO Responsible staff Zhang Jun

Subcomponent 2C. Name: Improving Policies and Implementation Capacity in Ningbo

 Activity Number and Name: NHURDC_CS.6 Green building policy study

 Background 发展绿色建筑,提升建设领域绿色发展水平,是加强节能减排,应对全球气候变化,建 设生态文明的重大举措,有利于提高资源能源使用效率,缓解资源能源供需紧张的矛盾;有 利于降低社会总能耗,减少污染物排放,确保完成节能减排硬任务;有利于推进住宅产业现 代化,提高住宅产业科技含量和产业附加值,加快建筑业和房地产业转型升级;有利于提高 建筑空间健康、舒适程度,改善人居环境,实现全面小康目标;有利于在全社会促进形成节 约资源、保护环境的生产生活方式和消费模式,加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会。为 加快推进我市绿色建筑工作,全面提升建筑节能水平,切实降低建筑能耗,根据财政部、住 房和城乡建设部《关于加快推动我国绿色建筑发展的实施意见》(财建〔2012〕167 号)、 《关于推进夏热冬冷地区既有居住建筑节能改造的实施意见》(建科〔2012〕55 号)和《浙 江省人民政府关于积极推进绿色建筑发展的若干意见》(浙政发〔2011〕56 号)等文件精神, 我市已具备了一定的绿色建筑发展基础,但发展步伐还不够快,因此,极有必要开展规模化 推进绿色发展课题研究,促进绿色建筑快速发展。

 Obejctives 在“十二五”期间,建立完善我市绿色建筑建设及评价的政策法规、技术标准、产业发 展、科技支撑等四大工作体系,出台加快推进我市绿色建筑发展文件、宁波市的地方绿色建 筑设计评价实施细则和绿色建筑示范补助政策文件等,大力推动绿色建筑技术支撑体系建设, 开展绿色建筑关键适宜技术的研究,积极培育绿色建筑相关地方产业发展,加强社会宣传和 知识普及,使绿色建筑理念成为全社会的广泛共识,促进宁波市绿色建筑规模化发展。 1、政策法规体系:宁波已经出台了《宁波市节约能源条例》、《宁波市民用建筑节能管 理办法》等法规和政策。这是一个良好的开始。然而,这些规定或政策未专门针对绿色建筑, 没有系统的推动政策体系支撑。在目前绿色建筑尚未成为像节能建筑一样强制性要求之前, 需要专门开展研究制定长期政策和计划,在强有力的政策指导下,有步骤有计划地推动绿色 建筑规模化发展。这些政策包括财政、税收等经济激励政策,也包括与房产公司、施工单位 等资质或评优相挂钩,与项目的招投标加分相挂钩的政策。同时,还要与现有宁波市开展的 民用建筑节能评估工作对接,使大型公建和政府投融资的项目在完成节能评估的同时,也确 保达到一星级绿色建筑的要求。 2、科技支撑体系:目前,宁波市绿色建筑发展刚刚起步,相关的技术储备还不够,对各 类技术的经济适用性分析和验证还不足。鉴于国家南北气候差异大,绿色建筑技术适用性差 别较大。为此,要开展适合我市的绿色建筑技术支撑体系建设。从绿色建筑的四节一环保入 手,针对我市气候特点和经济社会文化发展现状,并结合我市现有的节能政策导向,提出适 合我市的绿色建筑技术体系和应用策略。并通过调研国内外相关工程的实践经验以及宁波大 学新建办公楼和既有绿色建筑改造工程为示范点,筛选出经济合理的绿色建筑技术,促进低 成本高性能绿色建筑发展。 3、产业发展体系:尽管我市节能建材和可再生能源企业已初具规模,但绿色建筑涉及四 节一环保,四节即节能、节地、节水、节材,也就是说相关的材料和产品要比节能建筑多得 多。因此,绿色建筑发展相配套的产业体系要加快发展。在规模化推进绿色建筑的过程中要 带动四节一环保材料和产品产业的蓬勃发展。在课题报告中要充分调研我市现有四节一环保 材料和产品产业的现状,存在的问题,结合我市的绿色建筑发展趋势,提出产业优化发展的 意见和建议。 4、技术标准体系:目前,国家已出台了全国性的绿色建筑评价标准,但总体上较为笼统, 操作性还有待提高。为此,有必要在国家绿色建筑评价标识的基础上提出我市绿色建筑评价 的相关细则,并对我市民用建筑节能评估的中有关绿色建筑评价项目需要达到的哪些条款做 出科学规定。 5、宣传培训体系:绿色建筑需要设计人员、评价人员具有专业知识,特别是评价人员需由住 建部颁发的资格证书,因此,要建立宣传培训体系,全面提高全大市专业人员的技能,并获 得住建部绿色建筑专家资格证。此外,要构建全方位多层次的宣传体系,对社会大众进行绿 色建筑的科普,提高全社会对绿色建筑的认识。

 Contract packages: Green building policy study (Selection Method: CQS)

 Budget: Total budget is US$200,000 of GEF grant

 Expected deliverables:

任务 1:政策和监管体系研究 (1)完善的宁波市绿色建筑组织机构策略和监管体系。 (2)建议市政府出台的绿色建筑发展的政策文件。 (3)建议市政府出台的既有建筑节能改造文件。 (4)从项目立项-节能评估-施工图审查-施工-验收闭合体系的全过程监管机制策略的政 策文件。

任务 2:科技支撑和技术标准体系研究

(1)科技支撑研究报告。 (2)绿色建筑技术体系和策略课题报告。 (3)绿色建筑评价的完善标准体系课题报告及相关细则。 (4)宁波市绿色建筑在线申报系统。

任务 3:产业发展和宣传培训体系研究

(1)宁波市现有绿色建筑产业发展存在的问题及下一步的优化发展方向和建议。 (2)建议市政府出台的绿色建筑产业化发展的政策文件送审稿。 (3)我市绿色建筑宣传培训体系建设报告,建议市政府出台的绿色建筑宣传培训类政策 文件送审稿。

 Implementation plan:  Implementation time framework (ToR, advertisement, contract)

Activities to be completed Month after start 1. Prepare the ToR and submit to WB for NOL 1 2. Advertising 1 3. Collect and evaluate EOIs, submit the evaluation report and RFP to 1 WB for NOL 4. Issue the RFP to the selected firm and get a combined technical and 1.5 financial proposal 5. Negotiate and sign the contract 0.5 6. Completion of the assignment 18

 Disbursement schedule

Disbursement percent Disbursement milestone of the contract price on the commencement date 15% Completion of task 1-(1),(3),(4); 2-(4); 3 30% Completion of task 1-(2); 2-(1),(2),(3) and the submission of the 35% draft final report. approval of the final report by the World Bank 20% .  Activity Number and Name: NHURDC_TS Improving Implementation Capacity

 Background Nowadays, the studies in Ningbo are overall at an initial stage on the low-carbon urban form and green buildings and the related integrated studies and practical applications are few on the whole, while some other cities in China have taken the lead in the exploration and achieved good results. In addition, some countries raised the concepts of low carbon city and green buildings several decades ago and have been implementing such concepts since then. These countries have carried out a large number of proactive researches on low-carbon urban planning, low-carbon eco-housing construction, renewable energy use for buildings, design of low-cost EE buildings and eco-system development; moreover, their theories and practical applications are mature, which provide successful models.

 Objective With this activity as channel, through special workshops and forums, to organize activities of domestic and overseas training and study tour on low-carbon urban planning, EE and RE of buildings so as to improve the expertise of the staff concerned, introduce advanced concept and heighten the level of the sector in Ningbo. In addition, to strengthen the management capacity of project management agencies and raise the professional level of managerial staff to ensure successful implementation and effective management of the project.

 Assignments: Event 1. Workshop on low-carbon urban forms Promotion of the development of the low-carbon urban forms Event 2. Home study tour: Building energy saving and green buildings

 Budget: Total budget is US$200,000 of GEF grant and the budget in 2014 is US$40,000

 Expected deliverables Through 2014’s activities, to enable the professionals of the entities concerned: To create innovative concepts, widen their visual fields and heighten their technical levels; To enhance communications and increase their knowledge bases.

 Implementation plan: Budget Implementation Event location Duration (USD Participants schedule 10000) Workshop on low-carbon urban forms Promotion of Q2, 2014 Ningbo 2 days 2 NHURDC (PMO), NDRC, the development of the NFB, urban planning low-carbon urban forms agency, Damuwan and Ningbo University, 25 persons in total Home study tour: Building energy saving and green Q4, 2014 Domestic 7 days 2 NHURDC (PMO), NFB, buildings cities Damuwan and Ningbo University, 10 persons in total. One month before the each event, PMO will prepare a detailed plan to describe how to implement, such as proposed date, agenda, participants, budget, etc, submit to WB for no objection. Appendix 1. Procurement Plan

Consultant Services, Training, Workshops and Study Tours

Serial Description of assignment Firm or Internationa Estimated Selection World Expected Expect Remark No. Individ l or national amount of method Bank date of TOR ed ual contract(US (QSBC, CQ, review submission duratio D) IC, SSS) prior or n of post contrac t (month ) MOHURD PMO

1-A-CS- Urban planning consultant to develop the Individ National US$15,000 IC prior Oct. 31, 12 001- program design and quality assurance ual 2013 PIN 1-A-CS- Urban economy consultant to develop the Individ Oct. 31, 002- National US$15,000 IC post 12 program design and quality assurance ual 2013 PIN 1-A-CS- Urban transportation consultant to develop Individ Oct. 31, 003- National US$15,000 IC post 12 the program design and quality assurance ual 2013 PIN 1-A-CS- Green building consultant to develop the Individ Oct. 31, 004- National US$15,000 IC post 12 program design and quality assurance ual 2013 PIN 1-A-CS- Building energy efficiency consultant to Individ Oct. 31, 005- develop the program design and quality National US$15,000 IC post 12 ual 2013 PIN assurance 1-A-CS- Urban planning consultant to develop the Individ Oct. 31, 006- International US$20,000 IC post 12 program design and quality assurance ual 2013 PIN 1-A-CS- Urban form study and LOCAL urban Firm national $150,000 CQ prior Draft 24 007- planning pilots of city A through TA grants submitted in PIN (in addition to Beijing and Ningbo) July 2013 1-A-CS- Urban form study and LOCAL urban Firm national $150,000 CQ Post Draft 24 008- planning pilots of city B through TA grants submitted in PIN (in addition to Beijing and Ningbo) July 2013 1-A-CS- Suggestion on revisions of national Firm national $200,000 CQ post Nov. 30, 12 009- statutory urban planning regulations and 2013 PIN standards 1-A-CS- Firm Planned for 010- 1st national consultation workshop national US$50,000 CQ post March 2014 PIN 1-A-CS- Planned for 011- 1st training before the overseas study tour Firm national US$30,000 CQ post November PIN 2013 1-A-CS- Planned for 012- 1st overseas study tour Firm national US$150,000 CQ post November PIN 2013 2-A-CS- Develop methodology and draft guidelines Firm National US$750,000 QCBS 001- on energy performance benchmarking for and/or (including (Joint Draft RFP public and commercial buildings International $100,000 tender: prior submitted in 30 from MOHURD July 2013 MOHURD) , BJ & NB) 2-A-CS- promote disclosure mechanism on energy Firm national US$200,000 SSS prior Planned for 24 002- performance for large public and March 2014 PIN commercial buildings 4-A-CS- 3 consultants of PMO staff Firm national $180,000 CQ prior for Nov.30. Annual, 001- first 2013 renewa PIN contract ble BHURDC PMO 1-B- Beijing urban form study firm national $250,000 CQ prior 2013 24 In charge of CS- the contract 2013- by 001(TD MOHURD B) ,contract sign by each PMO 1-B- Pilot EPB&D program for large public and firm National $450,000 QCBS prior 2013 In charge of CS- commercial buildings and/or the contract 2013- international by 002(TD MOHURD, B) follow the contract number of MOHURD 2-B- Research on amending Beijing Building Energy firm national $80,000 CQ Prior Sept,2013 12 EVALUATIO CS- Conservation Regulations N REPORT 2013- AVILABLE 001 Progress ongoing 2-B- Investigation and Research for revising Beijing’s firm national $80,000 CQ post Sept,2013 36 TOR CS- Energy Efficient Design Standard for Public and available, 2013- Commercial Buildings Procuremen 002 t Progress ongoing WAITING WB NOL 2-B- The investigation and development of 'Beijing firm national $80,000 CQ post Oct 31, 2013 12 TOR CS- Code for acceptance of green building available, 2013- construction' Procuremen 003 t Progress ongoing WAITING WB NOL 2-B- Establishment of green building evaluation and firm national $200,000 CQ Post Sept,2013 18 Consultant CS- certification platform and provision of related selection 2013- training report 004 available, already Request for NOL 2-B- international green building and building energy individu international $20,000 IC prior Oct, 2013 12 Expert CS- efficiency consultant al selection 2013- report 005 available, already Request for NOL Regular trainings of green building evaluation (4 firm national $40,000 CQ prior Oct, 2013 Finished,, times). Seminars and investigation (green used Co- building) (more than 1) financing 2-B-ST- Oversea study tour(green building) $60,000 Nov 2013 Finished, 2013- wait the 001 special account payment 2-B-ST- 1st training class for mayors (participation of $20,000 Cancelled, 2013- training MOHURD will organize) MOHURD 002 didn’t organize relevant activities 2-B- Amendment of ‘Evaluation standard for green firm national $80,000 CQ prior Jan, 2014 12 TOR CS- building’ for Beijing DB11/T 825-2011 available 2014- 001 2-B- Atlas of Universal Prefabricated Units for firm National $80,000 CQ post Jan,2014 12 TOR CS- Assembly Integral Type Shear Wall Housing available 2014- 002 2-B- Study on the indoor major air pollutant control firm national $80,000 CQ post Jan,2014 24 TOR CS- technology available 2014- Terms of Reference 003 2-B- Key Variety, Technical Guide and Management firm national $80,000 CQ post Jan,2014 12 TOR CS- Measures for Promotion and Application of available 2014- Green Building Materials in Beijing 004 2-B- international green building and building energy individu international $20,000 IC post Oct ,2014 12 CS- efficiency consultant al 2014- 005 2-B- Regular trainings of green building evaluation (4 firm national $40,000 NA post Jun-Dec, 2014 5 times TR- times). Seminars and investigation (green 2014- building) (more than 1) 001 2-B- 1st training class for mayors (participation of firm national $20,000 NA post Jun-Dec, 2014 1 times TR- training MOHURD will organize) 2014- 002 NHURDC PMO 1-C-CS001 Urban form study firm national $250,000 CQ prior Draft 24 submitted in July, 2013 1-C-CS002 National and international advisors on individ national $40,000 IC Prior for Oct 31, 2013 12 Damuwan pilot and Ningbo urban form ual international $60,000 first study contract 1-C-CS003 Damuwan transport system planning and firm international $450,000 QCBS prior Draft 12 concept design submitted in July, 2013 2-C-CS001 EPB&D pilot firm national $150,000 QCBS Prior Draft 30 and/or (joint submitted in international tender July, 2013 with MOHURD and BHURDC) 2-C-CS002 EPB&D pilot local consultant firm national $290,000 CQ Prior Draft 30 submitted in July, 2013 2-C-CS003 Green building policy study firm national $200,000 CQ Prior Oct 31, 2013 18 4-C-CS001 Workshop on low-carbon urban forms $20,000 Q2,2013 2 days Promotion of the development of the low- carbon urban forms Home study tour: Building energy saving $20,000 Q4,2013 5 days and green buildings BDRC PMO 3-D- Capacity building and business development firm International $450,000 QCBS Prior ToR 36 CS- of Yuanshen completed. 001- REOI to be REI published by Jan. 5, 2014. Dec. 2013. 3-D- REOI to be CS- Independently M&E of project Firm National $280,000 CQS Prior published in 60 002- implementation and results early Jan. REI 2014 3-D- Two-way metering pilot firm National $260,000 CQS Prior Dec. 2013. 24 CS- REOI to be 003- published in REI early Jan. 2014 3-D- On-line monitoring system design review individ national $4,000 IC Prior Contract 2 CS-004 and quality control ual signed. 3-D- Program monitoring and evaluation advisor individ national $6,000 IC Prior ToR 4 CS-005 ual completed. Consultant to be selected by Dec. 20, 2013. 3-D- Two-way metering pilot quality control Individ National $15,000 IC Post May be 26 cancelled if the need is weak considering CS-006 ual the consultant team composition 3-D- Planning and design of renewable energy Individ national $10,000 IC Post ToR 15 CS- education teaching laboratories ual completed. 007- Consultant a/b/c to be selected by the end of 2013 3-D- TA on New and Renewable Education Individ national $50,000 IC Prior Jun. 2014 16 CS-008 Platform ual Appendix 2. Procurement Management Report-Goods and Consultant

Goods and Equipment Ref. No. Contract (Description) Estimated Cost Procurement Review by Bank Expected Bid- Comments (USD) Method (Prior / Post) Opening Date NHURDC PMO NHURDC_GE On-line monitoring $360,000 NCB prior Mar. 2014 system equipment BDRC PMO 3-D-G-001-IFB On-line monitoring $300,000 NCB prior March 2014 system equipment 3-D-G-002-IFB Demonstration $300,000 TBD TBD TBD laboratories equipment Appendix 3. Procurement Management Report-Workshop, Training, and Study tour

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