FY11-12 Strategic Planning Form GOALS, ACTION PLANS, ASSESSMENT

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FY11-12 Strategic Planning Form GOALS, ACTION PLANS, ASSESSMENT

FY11-12 STRATEGIC PLANNING FORM – GOALS, ACTION PLANS, ASSESSMENT School of Business, Technical and Program/Unit/Area: Preparer: Jaramillo Supervisor: Farley Herzak Workforce Education BTWE FY 2011-2012 Program Goal  Unit Goal College wide Goal  Area Goal X (Check Appropriate Box) Build upon the collaboration of new area responsibilities (PaCE, ATTEi and ATTE 1. Center) within the BTWE School. Lead the School’s activities focused on revision, update, and/or expansion of current and future School of BTWE credit 2. and not-for-credit courses and programs. Coordinate, facilitate or direct activities designed to create a seamless transition for CTE students from K12 through COD to 3. workplace or higher ed. Utilize grants to subsidize revenue, strengthen existing programs and enhance 4. student learning & access

Goal # Obj # Objectives Establish new mission and develop new 1. 1.1 goals for PaCE fee based offerings Continuously seek opportunities to use PaCE and EWD Centers as incubators for 1.2 new credit programs Expand “Cold Calling” marketing campaign 1.3 for CTD Revise Hospitality, Culinary and Golf 2 2.1 Management into new single program Establish Energy Systems Curriculum to 2.2 serve “Green Jobs” development Establish Engineering Technology or 2.3 Industrial Tech Program Establish an Energy Certificate program to 2.4 serve “Green Jobs” development Revise HVAC&R Certificate program into 2.5 Environmental Control Program Asses Applied Construction and Real Estate 2.6 Development Program Build upon small business program to 2.7 develop Entrepreneurial Program Continue to support academic program improvement of all School instructional 2.8 programs through assessment Expand number of Program/course 3 3.1 Articulation agreements 3.2 Participate in the CTE Cal PASS PLC 3.3 Finalize K12 – COD Articulation Handbook Continue to develop the role of Tech Prep 3.4 Specialist 4 4.1 Complete activities in SB70 Grants 4.2 Complete Activities in Dept. of Ag Grant Follow through on Perkins Five year Plans 4.3 for Perkins IV and Tech Prep Work with Grants Office to seek new grants 4.4 for new and existing program operations

Action Plan (What specific steps will you Obj # Action Plan # take to implement your goals and objectives) Create new mission statement and short 1.1 1.1.a and long term goals for PaCE Create Training Programs with/Credit – no- 1.2 1.2.a credit options Create, contract for and fund Program 1.3 1.3.a Developer services for PaCE Facilitate Faculty collaboration with COD, K12 and 4-year Colleges to update and 2.1 2.1.a revise program Seek curriculum from other state programs and facilitate discussion leading to curriculum development by program 2.2 2.2.a faculty Continue to coordinate with Math Division for new courses required for Engineering Technology and facilitate program/course Curriculum through Division to State 2.3 2.3.a approval 2.4 2.4.a Facilitate use of DEEC for credit courses Seek curriculum from other state programs and facilitate discussion leading to curriculum development by program 2.5 2.5.a faculty Facilitate curriculum development and discussion leading to curriculum approval while seeking resources from Advisory 2.6 2.6.a Board members to sustain program Partner with BIA and Habitat for Humanity to sustain Applied Construction Program by 2.6 2.6.b building homes Facilitate curriculum development and 2.7 2.7.a discussion leading to curriculum approval Engage Faculty in Program Review, Assessment and Development in all Program areas to focus on curriculum improvement/modernization, faculty 2.8 2.8.a professional development Engage Tech Prep Specialist to Facilitate Faculty led discussions on CTE Program 3.1 3.1.a Articulations Use existing K12 collaborative to develop a commitment from high schools to partner 3.2 3.2.a in a CTE PLC 3.3 3.3.a Use K12 Handbook to complete HS course Engage Tech Prep Specialist in SB70 3.4 3.4.a Coordination 4.1 4.1.a Fulfill Grant Requirements 4.2 4.2.a Fulfill Grant Requirements Assign Responsible individuals to ensure 4.3 4.3.a CTE Plans meet deadlines and Objectives Attend meetings and assist in writing and 4.4 4.4.a managing grants Action Plan # BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION FOR EACH ACTION PLAN - PLEASE COMPLETE 1. Why should this goal/objective/action plan be done? Will this goal/objective/action plan benefit other areas of the college? If so, how? Will this goal/objective/action plan impact or require accommodations from other areas? If so, how? Does this goal/objective/action plan fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? If so, how? Does this goal/objective/action plan address a safety issue? If so, how? Resources Requested Action Plans Action Staff/Faculty Operations Equipment Plan # Contract with 1 to 5 individuals for Program N/A JAJ/Dischinger Development for Community Education, 1.3.a Marketing Budget for PaCE Cover COD Contribution for Habitat JAJ/Hummer/Bitanga 2.6.b Partnership TOTAL REQUESTS $ 100,000

Assessment (how will you measure the “success” of your objective) and Indicators (the specific information that will be collected)

Action Plan # SOP Published 1.1.a Jaramillo August 2011 Approved Curriculum and scheduled Jaramillo Ongoing 1.2.a courses Contract created and approved for at least Jaramillo Aug 2011 1.3.a one Program Developer Approval of Degree/Certificates/ courses in Jaramillo June 2011 2.1.a Fall 2013 schedule Approval of Certificate/courses/ courses in Jaramillo June 2011 2.2.a Fall 2013 schedule 2.3.a Jaramillo Ongoing Approval of Degree/Certificates Courses Completed and Articulation Jaramillo January 2012 2.4.a approved Approval of Certificate/courses/ courses in Jaramillo June 2012 2.5.a Fall 2013 schedule Approval of Certificate/courses/ courses in Jaramillo June 2012 2.6.a Fall 2013 schedule Complete first house Jaramillo June 2012 2.6.b Approval of Degree/Certificates/ courses in Jaramillo Jan 2012 2.7.a Fall 2012 schedule # of approved Articulations or Pathways Jaramillo Ongoing 3.1.a Increase HS Faculty participation in PLC Jaramillo October2011 3.2.a Continue to build numbers of articulation Jaramillo/Simmons June 2012 3.3.a agreements through Tech Prep Specialist Crate training opportunities and Jaramillo Ongoing professional development for new 3.4.a employee Submit grants to appropriate funding Jaramillo Ongoing sources based on college’s goals and 4.1.a priorities Submit grants to appropriate funding Jaramillo Ongoing sources based on college’s goals and 4.2.a priorities Submit grants to appropriate funding Jaramillo Ongoing sources based on college’s goals and 4.3.a priorities Submit grants to appropriate funding Jaramillo Ongoing sources based on college’s goals and 4.4.a priorities

For CPC use only: CPC Initials ______

Approved contingent on available funding Approved w/no funding Re-submit with noted changes Not approved


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