NNPS Curriculum Pacing Guide VA and US Government

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NNPS Curriculum Pacing Guide VA and US Government

NNPS Curriculum Pacing Guide – VA and US Government

NNPS Curriculum Pacing Guide

VA and US Government Grade 12

Course Description

This course will provide students with the knowledge of Virginia and United States Government that will enable them to participate effectively in civic life in America. Students will examine fundamental constitutional principles, the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, the political culture, the policy-making process at each level of government, and the operation of the United States market economy. They will examine primary and secondary sources and practice the intellectual skills required for responsible citizenship as they extend their understanding of the essential knowledge defined in the VA standards of learning for this course.

Through their study of United States and Virginia government, students will better understand the personal character traits that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in the civic life of an increasingly diverse democratic society.

(Adapted from the VDOE document History and Social Sciences Standards of Learning: Virginia and United States Government)

Revised on: 7/31/2012 1 NNPS Curriculum Pacing Guide – VA and US Government

1st Marking Period

Estimated Time Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Topics Standards Unit 01: Foundations of Government and Citizenship

8 block lessons  Significant historical events and  How did the ideas of European  Influences on American government GOVT. philosophies derived from political thinkers shape the ▪ Athens and Rome 1a-g western heritage have influenced American government? ▪ Magna Carta, English Petition of Rights, and 2a-f the origins and foundations of  What concepts define the meaning English Bill of Rights 3a-e American Government. of democracy as expressed in the ▪ Locke, Hobbes, Montesquieu, Rousseau 13a-c  Concepts of democracy define United States constitutional ▪ Charters of the Virginia Company of London 17a-f 18a-g and shape the meaning of U. S. system?  Role of Mason, Jefferson, Madison in securing 19a-d citizenship.  How do different political systems liberties of the Bill of Rights  Political systems are organized in vary in the way they distribute  Fundamental concepts of democracy a manner that serves the power?  Federal and unitary systems of government fundamental purposes for which  What kinds of things do “good”  Citizenship the government is established. citizens do? ▪ Becoming a citizen  Thoughtful and effective ▪ Characteristics of a good citizen participation in civic life depends ▪ Participation in civic life upon the exercise of good citizenship, which is essential to the nation’s well-being. Unit 02: The Constitution and Federalism

10 block lessons  The debates over ratification of  How did the amount of power  Ratification of the Constitution GOVT. the Constitution of the United given to the national government 1a-g States focused on powers given polarize the ratification debates?  The US Constitution 4a-e to the national government.  How do fundamental principles . Purposes of government in the Preamble 5a-d  The Constitution of the the shape American government? . Fundamental principles of government United States is based on  How is the US government . Structure of government (Articles I, II, and III) fundamental principles. organized under the federal . Powers of the national government  The Constitution provides for a system? How does the federal sytem of government in Constitution organize the national  Amending the Constitution which power is shared between government? the states and the national  How has the Constitution lasted government and the national through changing times? government consists of three co- equal branches.  The unique foundational principles of the U.S.

Revised on: 7/31/2012 2 NNPS Curriculum Pacing Guide – VA and US Government

Estimated Time Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Topics Standards Constitution and the amendment process have created a stable government with the ability to be responsive to the needs of a changing nation. Review and Administer Quarter 2 block lessons 1 Test

2nd Marking Period

Estimated Time Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Topics Standards Unit 03: Political Process

 Voter participation in the electoral process  How fair and effective is  Political parties GOVT. 10 block lessons is a significant expression of public the electoral process? 1a-g  Nomination and election processes opinion and the process greatly influenced  How do citizens 6a-i by the political party system. (individually and  Campaign financing 9a, 9e  Individual citizens, interests groups, and collectively) and the  Elections the media influence the political process media influence the Influences (media coverage, campaign advertising, in a variety of ways. politcal process? . polling, and communication via the Internet)  Individuals have different opinions about  How do individuals the role of government in shaping public differ in their opinions . Role of interest groups and PACs policy. about the role of . Student participation government? . Impact of redistricting and reapportionment  Voting . Amendments to the Constitution . Voter participation and turnout  Political Ideology ▫ Impacts on public policy Unit 04: Legislative Branch

Revised on: 7/31/2012 3 NNPS Curriculum Pacing Guide – VA and US Government

Estimated Time Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Topics Standards

9 blocks  The U. S. Constitution establised a  How does the U. S.  Characteristics GOVT national government with three co-equal Constitution organize the 1a-g  Organization branches. The Legislative Branch national government? 7a-c represents citizens in setting public  How does the U. S.  Powers policy and making laws. Constitution protect  Checks and balances  A constitutional system of checks and against abuse of power balances gives each of the three by any one branch of government? branches of government ways to limit the powers of the other branches.

Review and Administer Semester 2 block sessions 1 Exam

3rd Marking Period

Estimated Time Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Topics Standards Unit 5: Executive Branch 10 blocks  The U. S. Constitution establised a  How does the U. S.  Organization and responsibilities GOVT national government with three co-equal Constitution organize  Checks and balances 1a-g branches. The Executive Branch the national  Influencing the public agenda and shaping public 7a, 7b provides the leadership role in government? policy 9b, 9d enforcing all governmental policies,  How does the U. S.  Bureaucracies 12a, 12b, Constitution protect domestic and foreign.  Foreign policy and national security 12d  A constitutional system of checks against abuse of power by any one branch of  US trade agreements and balances gives each of the three government? branches of government ways to  How do bureaucracies limit the powers of the other implement public branches. policy?  Public policy is primarily implemented  How does the by bureacracies at the national, state, government influence and local levels. the public agenda and  The governmental decision-making shape public policy?

Revised on: 7/31/2012 4 NNPS Curriculum Pacing Guide – VA and US Government

Estimated Time Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Topics Standards

process is influenced by public opinion,  How should the mass media, and interest groups. government interact  American foreign policy consists of the with other countries? official positions and actions that the national government takes in its relationships with other countries. Unit 6: Federal Court System 5 blocks  The U. S. Constitution establised a  How does the U. S.  Structure and jurisdiction of federal courts GOVT. national government with three co- Constitution organize  Checks and balances 1a-g 7a, 7b equal branches. The Judicial Branch, the national  Marbury v. Madison (1803) comprised of the federal court system, government? 10a-e  Process used by the Supreme Court to decide case interprets all government processes,  How does the U. S.  Judicial activism vs. judicial restraint ensuring the protection of civil Constitution protect liberties. against abuse of power  Power of judicial review  A constitutional system of checks by any one branch of and balances gives each of the three government? branches of government ways to  How are Supreme limit the powers of the other Court Cases decided? branches.  How does the federal  The Supreme Court hears cases and judiciary protect makes decisions based on the citizens against unfair opinions of the majority of the governmental actions and laws? justices.  The U. S. Supreme Court defines the limits of government power and protects individual rights from governmental abuse. Unit 7: Individual Rights and Civil Liberties

5 blocks  The Bill of Rights protects the ciivl  How does the U. S.  1st Amendment freedoms and limitations of rights GOVT. liberties of Americans. Constitution protect the  Due Process 1a-g  The 5th and 14th Amendments to the U. rights of citizens? ▪ Types: procedural, substantive 11a-e S. Constitution prohibits the national  How does the U. S. ▪ 5th and 14th Amendments government and state and local Constitution protect due  Incorporation of the Bill of Rights through the due governments from acting in a unfair or process of law? process clause arbitrary manner.  How does the public  Limitations of rights  The protection of civil liberties and civil interest influence the  Equal protection under the law rights, as guaranteed by the U. S. liberties and rights of

Revised on: 7/31/2012 5 NNPS Curriculum Pacing Guide – VA and US Government

Estimated Time Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Topics Standards Constitution, is balanced by compelling individuals? public interest.  How does the equal  The equal protection guarantee of the protection clause affect 14th Amendment provides the basis for civil rights? the safekeeping of civil rights.

Review and Administer 2 block lessons Quarter 3 Assessment

4th Marking Period

Enduring Estimated Time Essential Questions Topics Standards Understandings Unit 8: Economics

Revised on: 7/31/2012 6 NNPS Curriculum Pacing Guide – VA and US Government

Enduring Estimated Time Essential Questions Topics Standards Understandings

13 blocks  Every society must  What are the basic economic questions  Basic economic questions GOVT. answer three basic every society must answer?  Types of economic systems 1a-g economic questions.  Why don’t all societies have the same  Economic freedoms of an individual 14a-e  Different types of type of economic system? 15a-f  Relationship between economic freedom and political 12c economies have different  How do households, entrepreneurs, freedom degrees of government 16a-d businesses, and the government interact  Indicators of economic of performance involvement reflecting to influence the US economy? 13d  Entrepreneurship in market economies the degree to which  Why do nations trade? governmental power is  Types of business structures  What is the nature of the relationship of limited in a country.  Factors of production the US to the global economy?  Households,  Supply and demand entrepreneurs,  Role of circular flow of economic businesses, and the  Globalization and international markets government interact to influence the US  Relationship of Virginia and the U. S. to the global economy . economy  Because resources are  Role of government limited and no nation has ▪ monetary policy and fiscal policy all the resources it needs, ▪ public goods and services and nations rely on trade ▪ protecting free market with other nations to  taxation obtain resources and  Comparing economic systems goods they want and do not have or produce.  The U. S. economy depends on resources and markets around the world for the production and sale of goods and services. Unit 9: State and Local Government

5 blocks  The Constitution of  How are the three branches of the state  Structure and functions of branches of VA government GOVT. Virginia provides for government organized, and what are their  Structure and functions of state and local government in 1a-g legislative, executive, essential duties? VA 8a-e and judicial branches to  How are local governments organized in  Relationship between state and local governments 9c, f carry out the functions of Virginia?  Ways individuals and groups influence public policy at government.  What is the relationship between state the state and local level  Virginia local and local governments in VA?  Skills and knowledge students need to influence public governments vary in  How do individuals , groups, and, and policy Revised on: 7/31/2012 7 NNPS Curriculum Pacing Guide – VA and US Government

Enduring Estimated Time Essential Questions Topics Standards Understandings type, form of state and local governments influence the organization, and public agenda and shape public policy in responsibilities. VA?  All power of local  How can students influence public governments in Virginia policy? is derived from the Virginia Constitution and the state government.  In Virginia’s state and local governments, the public agenda is shaped by elected officials, political leaders, interest groups, the media, and individual citizens.  Students acquire the knowledge and skills required to influence public policy by studying how others address issues of interest in their community or state. Review and Administer Semester 2 block sessions 2 Exam

Revised on: 7/31/2012 8

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