Chapter 15 Review Sheet The Nation Breaking Apart 1. No slavery allowed in any territory that the U.S. would acquire as a result of the Mexican American War…Wilmont Proviso 2. Senator form Illinois that ran against Lincoln in the 1858 senate race….STEVEN A. DOUGLAS 3. List the four parts of the Compromise of 1850 (short notes acceptable)..CALIFORNIA – FREE, NO SLAVERY IN D. C. , STRONG FUGITVE SLAVE LAW, POP. SOV. IN UTAH AND NEW MEXICO TERRITORY 4. What was the most controversial part of the Compromise of 1850? FUGITIVE SLAVE ACT 5. Who authored the Comp. of 1850 ? HENRY CLAY 6. What political party was formed in 1854 to oppose the spread of slavery? REPUBLICAN 7. Whose lawsuit to gain freedom was denied in a landmark Supreme Court decision? DRED SCOTT 8. Which bill settled whether slaver would be in California and the rest of the Mexican Cession? COMPORMISE OF 1850 9. Which bill organized Kansas and Nebraska? KANSAS- NEBRASKA ACT What was so important about this bill? POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY 10. Why did Kansas bleed? PRO SLAVERY AND ANTI-SLAVERY PEOPLE FOUGHT 11. Who led the slave revolt at Harpers Ferry? JOHN BROWN 12. Did the South view the leader of the revolt as a hero or a villain? VILLAIN 13. Who invented the cotton gin? ELI WHITNEY 14. What latitude line was used in the Missouri Compromise? 36 30 15. 1831 who led the slave revolt? NAT TURNER 16. Why was Uncle Tom’s Cabin important? SHOWED THE CRULITY OF SLAVERY 17. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? HARRIET BEECHER STOWN 18. Who fired the first shots of the Civil War? North or the South…THE SOUTH STARTED THE WAR.. Where ?? CHARLESTON HARBOR , SOUTH CAROLINA 19. Why did the South leave the union? THE ELECTION OF LINCOLN 20. What legal idea did the South Carolina use when they left the union? STATES RIGHTS 21. Who was the Senate seat in Illinois in 1858? STEVEN A DOUGLAS 22. According to the Supreme Court Dred Scott was to be considered…PROPERTY 23. Who was our nations 16 president? (the year was 1860) LINCOLN 24. The idea that the people of the state should vote on the issue of slavery…POPULAR SOVERIGINTY 25. There was blood in the Senate when ______CHARLES SUMNER ______hit_____PRESTON BROOKS ______26. What farm crop was King in the South? COTTON 27. Who was Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court during the Dred Scott Case?ROGER TANEY 28. A statement of beliefs of a political party is their……………PLATFORM 29. Who was president of the South?JEFFERSON DAVIS 30. What was the official name of the South? You can use the initials if you know what they mean.CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA 31. What state was Lincoln born in ?KENTUCKY 32. Stephen A. Douglass wanted to organize the Kansas and Nebraska Territories because he wanted what to be built? RAILROAD 33. 34. What is the name of the angry looking man from South Carolina? JOHN C. CALHOOUN 35. What was the name of the ruling nullified the Missouri Compromise? KANSAS – NEBRASKA ACT 36. Was John Brown a terrorist? YES