Quality in Resocialization Centers for Drug Users and Other Dependencies

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Quality in Resocialization Centers for Drug Users and Other Dependencies



Bratislava April 2008


EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons 1 addicted to psychoactives substances Association of social reintegration centres: Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and - Dolák Jaroslav (Návrat ´Return´) Family of SR: - Gábriš Ľubomír (Komunita Ľudovítov) - Pipišková Iva - Kapustová Karin (Čistý deň ´Clean Day´) - Krajčovič Jaroslav (Teen chalange Slovakia) Ministry of Justice of SR: - Letanovská Helena (COR centrum) - Mrázek Peter - Žemličková Jana (AT Sanatórium)

Academic community: Social reintegration centers: - Mydlíková Eva - Šulák Peter (Retest) - Pavelová Ľuba - Zemančík Marcel (Z-Návrat centrum ´Z- - Tvrdoň Miroslav Return Centre´)

PPP/Rača Self-governing regions: - Špaleková Marta - Cirová Silvia (Trnava - Štefanová Eva (Košice) Foreign experts: - Bukowska Bogusia (Poland) General Secretariat, Board of Ministers for - Grimaldi Yvan (France) Drug Dependencies and Drug Control, - Kotovirta Elina (Finland) Office of Government of SR: - Pliez Eric (France) - Miková Zuzana - Jablonický Miroslav Twinning team: - Chalumeau Matthieu (RTA) Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and - Jelenková Zuzana (Project Manager) Family of SR: - Novotová Jana (RTA assistant) - Mrázková Ivana - Brennerová Renata - Czúczorová Eva

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons 2 addicted to psychoactives substances TABLE OF CONTENTS





I 1. Description of the Social Reintegration Centre 14

I 2. Working together with Other Stakeholders 15

I 3. Admission Conditions 16

I 4. Diagnosis 18

I 5. Personal Records 19

I 6. Individual Social Reintegration Plan of the Client and Provision of the Social Reintegration Centre Services 20

I 7. Termination of the Social Reintegration Programme, Direction and Follow-up Care 21



III 1. Living Conditions 24

III 2. Diet 25

III 3. Human Rights and Freedoms of the Client and Privacy 26



V 1. Children 28

V 2. Court Decisions 29



EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 3 persons addicted to psychoactives substances


Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic

The original idea of implementation of the Twinning project titled: “Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialization and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactive substances” was to improve and broaden the field of re-socialization care based on the current standards and its provision within the territory of the European Union. Due to the aforementioned reason this comprehensive document titled “Quality of re-socialization centers for drug and other addictions – standards and good practices” (hereinafter referred to as “the document”) was prepared within the framework of the project.

The expert work group prepared the document. This group made up of Slovak, French, Finish and Polish experts that actively work in the field of re-socialization care was in compliance with application of mainstreaming method. We believe that the active participation of the experts working in the direct contact with the clients was very significant. These experts voiced the current opinions and expectations of their clients, during the re-socialization process. Thus the document reached very realistic dimension, which is in accordance with support of the engaging of groups threatened by the social exclusion into the decisions and processes that affecting them.

The fact that the document might be used in various ways secures feedback to re- socialization centers as regards current quality of performance of their activities and optimal manual for natural or legal persons intending to establish such a center. It also allows the public to acquire up-to-date information regarding the re- socialization care provision. In accordance with the applicability of the document, we would like to emphasize that the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic included its content into the Act no. 305/2005 Coll., on social and legal protection of children and social guardianship as amended. We consider, among the most significant amending points concerning the re-socialization process, improvement of the re-socialization center with the responsible institutions, compulsory supervisions and the emphasis laid on the quality work with client’s family, which must be a highly developed professional concept of social work aimed at supporting social inclusion of a client. The further use of the document is planned in form of making public example of good practices related to the detailed description of the implementation of this project in National report on social protection

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 4 persons addicted to psychoactives substances and inclusion for 2008 – 2010, which supports dissemination of good practices among the European Union countries.

Finally, let me express my gratitude to all members of the expert work group for their active participation and cooperation in order to achieve common objective of improving and making more effective the re-socialization center work, which in return increases the probability of full inclusion of the client into the social structures.


EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 5 persons addicted to psychoactives substances M. Chalumeau Matthieu – RTA

Methods, contents and outcomes

The elaboration of the standards presented in this document was carried out in the framework of the Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02 – activity 2.1.1.

The necessity for having national standards for re-socialization care was emphasized by all the relevant stakeholders: General Secretariat, MLSAF, Regions and re- socialization centers (RCs) themselves.

The aim of this work is to support the process of development and improvement of service quality delivered by RC. Quality standards shall play key role in the process of increasing the effectiveness of services deliverd to people in need of resocialisation due to their psychoactive dependency.

This document can be useful for therapists and staff members working in RCs and concerned in increasing the effectiveness of their services as well as for policy-makers at national and local level to strenghten their political, institutional and financial support to the RCs based on quality criteria.

These standards and professional good practices statments have been drafted by a national expert group (see the composition in apendix) between November 2007 and March 2008. This work has been elaborated thanks to the multidisciplinary expertise of the group and leaning on the outcomes of the previous activities having as follows:

- A report on the national situation regarding the resocialization care in Slovak Republic ; - An EU report on the social re-integration responses fo drug addicts in 11 EU countries – National and local responses, quality recommendations and good practices. - Two study visits in France and Finland, including meetings with national and local authorities as well as health and social facilities dedicated to the support of drug addicted persons.

Furthemore, EU experts have actively participated in the elaboration of the standards in sharing their own experiences and pratices concerning the implementation of qualitative standards at national level and good practices in re-socialization activities and programs. Different international standards manuals have been analysed in the purpose of this activity, as references (UK, Poland, France, Finland, Canada, EU with the ERIT project…).

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 6 persons addicted to psychoactives substances Five seminars of two days have been held in order to draft these national standards. Following the fourth seminar, the draft standards manual has been sent to a large audience (the Slovak national RCs network, the Regions, the MLSAF and other experts) for rating and peer review. It has been also sent to diffrents RCs in France, Finland and Poland to monitor, from their professional point of view, the relevancy and applicability of the various statements.

Finally, the experts group adopted the final document version during its fifth meeting (March 17 and 18) taking into account the provided comments and remarks.

The document contains six main chapters :

1. Core care activities 2. Human ressources and management 3. Material conditions 4. Financial conditions 5. Target groups 6. Performance and monitoring

In April 11 2008, the document was presented and discussed in the framework of a national seminar held in Bratislava. The Standards manual should be considered as a starting point in the process of standard developing and improving the quality of the provided services dedicated to persons with addicted behaviours.

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 7 persons addicted to psychoactives substances Preface

PhDr. Jana Žemličková, PhD., RC Sanatory AT, Bratislava Association of re-socialisation centres and post re-socialisation services in Slovakia

A few introductory words

If we say a term standards, the first thing that comes to the mind are exactly delimited specification, which are supposed to characterize the rules for the game. However this might not hold true for many cases. There are contexts in which the word standards rather stands for the objective that we are trying to pursue. This is especially true in the field of care for drug addicts, when many variables are present and sometimes they intrude in a way that jeopardize all our endeavours. As there is neither universal social worker nor universal client not even universal environment, we have to ponder over very well such an important thing as standards that influence re-socialization process of persons addicted to psychoactive substances.

Before we go into more details into other things, it is important to clarify the term re- socialization. This term covers broadly the meaning of reconstruction of psyche and behaviour of addicted individual and represents return of such a person back to the society and family with wiser modus vivendi. Such an individual should live without conflicts with morality and law in the respective social environment, which displays its ethnic, religious, ideological, historical, trans-cultural and social-legal specifics and strict rules. In this respect, the origin of the addiction is perceived as having a direct link with behavioural disorders as classified in ICD (International Classification of Diseases). When speaking about re-socialization it seems that a mental disorder is due to behavioural disorder stemming from direct relations with the respective disorder. I do agree with opinions of my colleagues from abroad that the client care is not always only about returning to the proper functioning in the field of social communication and behaviour, but mainly it concerns the harmonizing pre-morbid, psycho-social structures as close to the original personality as it gets. Though this might negatively affect the biological markers that can handicap the subject permanently (necessary home care). This approach offers the necessity to change the name of the re-socialization facilities to rehabilitation facility. It is important to realize that a social worker in this filed discovers the psycho-social abilities or possible disorders of his client only in real everyday life. These damages are linked to the subject in different and also somatic structures. This view also determines multi factorial combinations of thinking and behaviour of the client in the whole scope of the highly specialized subjective differences. From this perspective, every and each client is a unique individual.

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 8 persons addicted to psychoactives substances It is also necessary to realize that this perspective is further complicated by the fact that every member of working team has got different individual abilities and characteristics despite the fact that he generally accepts standard methods of therapeutic school. Generally speaking on a more relaxed note: “Not everyone who does the psychoanalysis is Freud.” If we agree with this perspective, it is very difficult to standardize social and re-social schemes also when trying to define approaches as more or less effective. This degree of efficiency depends very much on mentality of individuals, who certain territory, on trans-cultural mechanisms, historical roots linked to entity, regional standards of social behaviour and social communication, educational level of the respective region, overall social-political-religious-cultural climate, presence/lack of leaders and many more other factors that have an impact and require flexibility of reconstruction of approaches towards the individual groups of clients. These groups originate in every facility depending on currently existing or created groups by random choice. The aforementioned facts structure the whole complex of schemes of the re- socialization practices. If we manage to standardize and unify the approach, this approach could then be applicable only to a certain type of client, thus making the whole re-socialization structure acceptable only for certain group of clients. Out of these generally applicable differences that can not be standardized it is very important to define principles, which are related to system standardization, generally applicable for dynamically changing condition in the individual re-socialization facilities.

From the aforementioned changing dynamic internal structures, which occur in the mutual cooperation of the re-socialization team and clients, it is necessary to delimit such standards, which have a positive impact on objective, dynamics of every changing conflicts, which may keep, in the interaction, activities in the elementary direction of socialization and re- socialization cooperation. Based on the existing experience, practices, opinions and surveys and also on this comprehensive material that is submitted here that was defined by the team of specialist, we may state that the standards provide overview of very important activities, which could be specified for all re-socialization facilities. It determines the principles of registration and documentation, external and internal diagnosis of social and professional diagnostics,, preparation of re-socialization individual approach, service and program with both client and group, preparation of program for further direction at post-treatment integration into the society. The standards bonded to managing workers, employees, volunteers of the individual re-socialization centres represent the second big group and serve as a support of their knowledge, abilities and acquired skills. These professional resources have their defined supervision programs, which are absent in the aforementioned material. However, they are important for professional skills, direction and provision of professional development of both staff and clients. Material conditions and resources stated by these standards are often defined on the

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 9 persons addicted to psychoactives substances basis of generally applicable hygienic standards but in the communal environment, these standards might prove to be contra productive. It is necessary to realize that standards provide the broad framework of needs that on the other hand must be adjusted to the requirements that influence thinking and behaviour of currently present clients. It is necessary to realize, that clients often require special conditions and special needs, which are linked to certain periods of time, their maturity in abstinence and conditions of bio-psycho-social characteristics. In the part of standards related to the observance of human rights, conflict arises that stems from nature of thinking under the influence of craiving. Therefore it is important to structure didactic programs i.e. rational acceptance of limitation of “drug freedom” in relation to reconstruction of overall standpoint and socialization. Standards in this sense do not delimit other alternative but conscious and written approval for re-socialization. When it concerns anozognostic clients this often triggers a conflict in understanding of free choice and may prolong the adaptation time for the client. This “forced” approval has got its re-socialization value mainly for the clients in compulsory re-socialization process (protected residence etc.). It is necessary to point out that the important part of the standards are conditions of financial strategy and acquiring resources for the proper functioning of the respective facility. It is also necessary to determine the standard amount of one day stay in the re-socialization facility and in this sense further adjust registration and reports on movements of clients in the facility.

To conclude, I may say that looking for the rules for improvement of work quality in re- socialization centres for drug addictions requires – cooperation of all professionals and practicians from the respective re-socialization centres, because it is important to dynamically adjust the quality of the individual facilities in accordance with the state-of-art knowledge of science and research. It is also important to participate in professional seminars, regular meetings and inform each other about problems that may arise. I am fully convinced that in order to have fully functional tool for cooperation and further enforce needs of re- socialization centres we have to be united on the common platform. Moreover it is important to realize that disorders of behaviour and functioning also occur in therapeutic teams (omnipotence, false self-confidence, individualism, etc.) Such unification may help not only to re-socialization workers them being part of a “team”, but may also prevent from various misunderstandings. If we manage to work together, listen to each other attentively, winning the trust of every and each client, then we live our lives pro publico bono. The trend of cooperation and effort to help each other was a central motive of working group that was looking for mechanisms in order to make use of knowledge of workers in this field. Everybody was trying hard to help. Everybody who was present at the meeting had definitely felt not only that he is useful but also built a kind of belonging thus creating a family of social workers having the single common objective – to help the fellow beings.

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 10 persons addicted to psychoactives substances Mgr. Karin Kapustová, RC Čistý deň psychologist, Galanta

Dear colleagues,

„ Nihil nocere“ – we used to be told in our undergraduate studies of helping professions. However, in the direct work with clients we have to use more than a beautiful slogan.

The client seeks professional help in the period, when he or she is fully conscious about the problem and is not able to solve it neither by himself nor with the help of the family. Not making harm in this case is not enough, proper help is necessary in time and commensurate to the respective problems.

The history of therapeutic communities for the persons addicted to psychoactive substances in Slovakia is not very long. It dates back to 1989, when the borders opened thus allowing various addictive substances to enter our territory. These substances at that time were not known, or their knowledge was limited to small, isolated groups. During this period, people addicted to alcohol were quite well treated in the system of alcohol treatment. However, the addicts who were addicted to non-alcoholic substances did not display favourable results and even after the whole program and the treatment finished, they had their recurrent periods of relapse. As a reaction to this need, the first therapeutic communities came into being – re-socialization centres for drug addicts having the long term re-socialization program.

We may identify, in the development of the therapeutic communities called re- socialization centres, identical phases of development as in the countries with long tradition of treatment of drug addicts in the therapeutic communities.

I do reckon, that we already entered the phase in which methods, techniques, procedures and program of re-socialization care are very well specified and available for a client. However, the quality of the re-socialization care provided to clients varies having different starting and operational conditions thus leading to different results.

The time has come to move forward. The need for self-reflection is deeply felt. This is the time to critically analyse our work and increase the quality of re-socialization care for our clients. The time to assess, support and develop those aspects that are helpful in our typical socio-cultural space. I am deeply convinced that provision of re- socialization care to addicted persons in Slovakia is more or less of the same quality as in the other countries. Years of practice taught us to discern “good practices” in the field of care for addicts.

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 11 persons addicted to psychoactives substances Now, more then ever is the time to qualify re-socialization centres for addicts as the part of the therapy, which is not less important then the medical treatment, but it is complementary to it. It constitutes a natural continuation of a therapeutic work with the client. This complementary part with its specific impact on the social results of the addiction increase the probability to successful re-integration of the socially excluded group of drug addicts to the society. It also has a positive impact on the quality of life minimizing risk of recurrent relapses. Now is the time to recognize the re-socialization centres with their full social status that they deserve and create favourable economic conditions for their further development thus making the services provided even better.

I fully confess that the long journey lies ahead of us, but it seems that the first step, thanks to the draft version of quality standards related to re-socialization care you have, was successfully taken.

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 12 persons addicted to psychoactives substances Standard Format

Title Standard Statement

Criteria M/GP No. No. No. No. Reference and Guidance Notes: Act No. :

Additional Comments on the Chapter:

Standard statement: a brief description of the under-mentioned qualitative criteria Criterion (measure of judgment): a set of criteria for quality which constitute the qualitative standards for social reintegration centres M/GP: - M: Minimum standard = refers to the measure of quality without which the social reintegration facility cannot perform its activity well, or the service of the facility would be risky and ineffective if not implementing the referred-to criterion - GP: Good practices = refers to the measure of quality desired to safeguard the quality of the service performed on top of the primary functioning of the social reintegration centre Reference and guidance notes: give information to clarify and give insight into the referred-to quality criteria, e.g. legal reference/text. Additional comments on the chapter.

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 13 I. Standard Basics

I 1. Description of the Social Reintegration Centre

Standard Statement

Approach, philosophy and programme adopted by the social reintegration centre

Criteria M/GP

I 1.1 Social reintegration centre (RC) possesses relevant legal documents, such as Founding Agreement and Statute/Articles, M which are available to the public.

I 1.2 RC draws up its in-house document (in writing) to be generally comprehensive and to communicate the philosophy and M programme of the RC. The programme should mainly contain the following items: purpose, line of activity, duration of the programme, number of clients, place of service, target groups, methods of working and the structure of the social reintegration programme.

I 1.3 The document is available to the public (in the printed form, in an easy-to-see place at the facility, on the Internet…). M

I 1.4 RC carries out its activity under authority of the accreditation granted by the government. GP

Reference and guidance notes: Act No.305/2005 Coll. on social and legal protection of children and special social guardianship

Additional remarks on the chapter:

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 14 I 2. Working together with Other Stakeholders

Standard Statement

RC shall develop and maintain business relations with other stakeholders

Criteria M/GP

I 2.1 RC provides cooperation to the state agencies and self-government in compliance with the legal regulation in force in the M SR.

I 2.2 RC has links to a network of entities at the local, regional, national and professional levels. RC develops and strengthens M cooperation with the sectors of social welfare, health service, education and implementation of law where the services are provided by the national, private and non-governmental organisations.

I 2.3 RC develops and strengthens the European and international cooperation and partnership. GP

Reference and guidance notes: Act No.305/2005 Coll. on social and legal protection of children and special social guardianship Act No.36/2005 Coll. on family Act No.302/2001 Coll. on self-government of higher territorial units (self-governing regions) Act No.369/1990 Coll. on local government generally binding regulations by self-governing regions in the Slovak Republic generally binding regulations by towns and municipalities in the Slovak Republic

Additional remarks on the chapter: see Chapter V Target Groups

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 15 I 3. Admission Conditions

Standard Statement

Requirements for admission to the RC

Criteria M/GP

I 3.1 RC admits clients after their undergoing the detoxification treatment, where necessary. M

I 3.2 RC possesses an admission procedure (in writing) containing the following: admission requirements, (failure to admit M a client to RC, schedule for the client admission, rights and duties of the client), rights of the client in respect of the “waiting list“. When admitted, the client is acquainted with the written RC document defining the philosophy and programe of the centre. Subsequently, RC makes a written agreement with the client. The client, or his/her legal representative or special guardian signs the agreement.

I 3.3 RC has a strategy devised (in writing) for equal opportunities and antidiscrimination practices. GP

I 3.4 When admitting the client to RC, the state of health of the client needs to be identified to describe his/her addiction and M his/her general state of health.

I 3.5 When admitting clients upon a court decision, RC disposes of and follows a special admission procedure. M

I 3.6 When admitting children other than upon a court decision, RC disposes of and follows a special admission procedure. M

I 3.7 When admitting clients of special need, RC disposes of and follows a special admission procedure. GP

I 3.8 The client authorizes RC in writing to process his/her personal data in compliance with the legal regulations in force in the M Slovak Republic.

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 16 I 3.9 RC admits clients from around Slovakia and in compliance with Section 2 of Act No. 305/2005 Coll. (individual scope of GP social and legal protection of children and special social guardianship)

Reference and guidance notes: Act No.305/2005 Coll. on social and legal protection of children and special social guardianship Act No.428/2002 Coll. on protection of personal data

Additional remarks on the chapter: See Chapter III 3. Human Rights and Freedoms of the Client and Privacy

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 17 I 4. Diagnosis

Standard Statement

On producing diagnosis of the client, RC shall follow a clear procedure

Criteria M/GP

I 4.1 RC works out a case history of the client: personal, social, medical, family, occupational (education, career). M

I 4.2 Following the produced social diagnosis the RC draws up an individual social reintegration plan of the client. M

Reference and guidance notes: Act No. 305/2005 Coll. on social and legal protection of children and special social guardianship

Additional remarks on the chapter:

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 18 I 5. Personal Records

Standard Statement

RC shall dispose of personal records of each client

Criteria M/GP

I 5.1 RC follows a uniform procedure for administration and retention of personal records of clients in compliance with the legal M regulations in force in force in the Slovak Republic

I 5.2 Client records are confidential. M

I 5.3 A special procedure is required to keeping personal records of children ordered to undergo social reintegration upon M a court decision.

Reference and guidance notes: Act No.305/2005 Coll. on social and legal protection of children and special social guardianship Act No.428/2002 Coll. on protection of personal data Act No.395/2002 Coll. on archives and registries

Additional remarks on the chapter:

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 19 I 6. Individual Social Reintegration Plan of the Client and Provision of the Social Reintegration Centre Services

Standard Statement

RC shall draw up an individual social reintegration plan of the client

Criteria M/GP

I 6.1 Upon the client´s admission RC draws up an individual social reintegration plan of the client (based on his/her diagnosis), M which refers to the following areas: - social welfare (employment, education, housing, legal issues…) - psychology - health The individual social reintegration plan also contains the applicable methods and forms of working.

I 6.2 Client´s individual plan of social reintegration is discussed with the client and approved by the client and RC M

I 6.3 RC provides for the updating of the individual social reintegration plan of the client (on a continuous basis) and for the M monitoring of the implementation of the plan. Reference and guidance notes: Act No.305/2005 Coll. on social and legal protection of children and special social guardianship Act No.199/1994 Coll. on psychological activity and Slovak Chamber of Psychologists Act No.576/2004 Coll. on health care, healthcare-related services Act No.577/2004 Coll. on scope of health care covered by the public health insurance and on the reimbursement of healthcare-related services Act No.578/2004 Coll. on health care providers, health care professionals, staff-side organizations in health service

Additional remarks on the chapter: Website of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic – Legislation: www.employment.gov.sk

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 20 I 7. Termination of the Social Reintegration Programme, Direction and Follow-up Care

Standard Statement

RC shall provide for adequate duration of the individual social reintegration plan and follow-up care for the client

Criteria M/GP

I 7.1 The duration of the client´s stay at RC is subject to his/her individual social reintegration plan, which may be tailored to M the client´s needs.

I 7.2 The recommended duration of the client´s stay at RC is 12 months and ought not to exceed 24 months. M

1 7. 3 RC offers, in all cases, long-term follow-up care for the client (incl. discontinuance of the social reintegration programme M and upon termination of the social reintegration programme). This follow-up care process is evidenced through written documents and records.

I 7.4 RC draws up (along with the client) an individual plan of the client´s follow-up care to enhance his/her capacity to adjust to M the natural environment area. The plan may either be implemented by RC or may take other forms available.

Reference and guidance notes: Act No.305/2005 Coll. on social and legal protection of children and special social guardianship Act No.302/2001 Coll. on self-government of higher territorial units (self-governing regions) Act No.369/1990 Coll. on local government

Additional remarks on the chapter:

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 21 II. Human Resource Management and Development

Standard Statement

RC shall ensure that the managerial staff, workforce and volunteers possess necessary knowledge, skills and capacity to meet the requirements for the RC service

Criteria M/GP

II.1 The personnel at RC possess capacity (qualification, experience and skills) to meet the needs of the organisation. M

II.2 RC provides for services performed by a multidiscipline team made up of, at least: social workers, psychologists and M pedagogic staff (therapeutic, special, welfare, ...).

II.3 The number of RC employees is to conform to the requirements of the Labour Code. 50 % of the employees working GP direct with the clients are university educated (master degree).

II.4 RC possesses a job description (in writing) for each job position. Employee (having labour or similar relation) has his/her M personal records kept in compliance with the legal regulations in force SR (personnel administration).

II.5 Induction to the facility operation and client work process is provided by the RC for new members of staff (having labour GP or similar relation).

II.6 RC follows its own strategy for employee education and training to conform the needs of the facility. GP

II.7 The RC manager runs an individual review meeting with each member of staff once a year, at least. GP

II.8 Volunteers: RC follows a special policy/strategy for hiring volunteers (admission, management, tasks, education, …) GP

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 22 II.9 RC provides for employee supervision. GP

Reference and guidance notes: Act No.311/2001 Coll. Labour Code Act No.552/2003 Coll. on service in the public interest Act No.553/2003 Coll. on remuneration of certain employees for work in the public interest Act No.124/2006 Coll. on safety and protection of health at work Act No.355/2007 Coll. on protection, support and development of public health Act No.596/2002 Coll. unabridged Act of National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 272/1994 Coll. on protection of people´s health Other legal enactments regulating the labour management relations Act No.305/2005 Coll. on social and legal protection of children and special social guardianship Additional remarks on the chapter:

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 23 III. Material Conditions and Resources

III 1. Living Conditions

Standard Statement

Residential (in-patient) facility shall dispose of satisfactory living conditions

Criteria M/GP III. 1.1 RC provides for continuous monitoring and meeting the requirements of the respective legal regulations related to M residential facilities (safety, fire protection, hygiene, insurance, …).

III.1.2 RC disposes of legal documents on the real property (in respect of the form of acquisition of the real property: e.g. sales M contract, lease contract, insurance, …).

III. 1.3 The housing conditions respect human dignity and privacy of the clients in conformity with the individual social M reintegration plan of the client.

III. 1.4 Special housing conditions are designed for persons of special needs. GP

Reference and guidance notes: Act No.355/2007 Coll. on protection, support and development of public health Other legal enactments regulating the requirements as to the residential facilities

Additional remarks on the chapter: see Chapter III 3. Human Rights and Freedoms of the Client and Privacy

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 24 III 2. Diet

Standard Statement

Diet shall be well-balanced and nutritious

Criteria M/GP III.2.1 Preparation of meals is provided in compliance with the legal regulations in force in the Slovak Republic. M

III.2.2 RC catering is to respond to the personal needs of the client (state of health, cultural requirements, …). M

III.2.3 Diet delivered at RC is to be nutritious, mixed and well-balanced; attention is paid to the composition and appearance of M the meals.

III.2.4 Public catering for clients and visitors is possible providing it is in compliance with the individual social reintegration plan GP of the client.

Reference and guidance notes: Act No.355/2007 Coll. on protection, support and development of public health Act No.152/1995 Coll. on foodstuffs Regulation of Ministry of Health of the SR No. 533/2007 Coll. on particular requirements for public catering facilities Food Code and other legal regulations on public catering facilities

Additional remarks on the chapter: see Chapter III 3. Human Rights and Freedoms of the Client and Privacy

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 25 III 3. Human Rights and Freedoms of the Client and Privacy

Standard Statement

RC shall observe fundamental human rights and freedoms

Criteria M/GP III.4.1 RC observes human rights and freedoms in compliance with the Constitution of the Slovak Republic and respective legal M regulations and affords facilities as to comply with these regulations within the individual social reintegration plan of the client.

III.4.2 RC employees and volunteers are familiar with and observe human rights and freedoms. M

III.4.3 RC employees and volunteers are familiar with and observe the rights of the child. M

III.4.4 RC advises the client of his/her fundamental human rights and freedoms. M

III.4.5 RC keeps the client informed on his/her biological psychological and social conditions in the easy-to-follow form. M

III.4.6 Client or his/her legal representative or special guardian gives informed written consent to the social reintegration to take M place at RC.

Reference and guidance notes: Constitution of the SR No. 460/1992 Coll. Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms Declaration of the Rights of the Child Convention on the Rights of the Child Code of ethics for social workers, Code of ethics for psychologists, doctors and others.

Additional remarks on the chapter:

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 26 IV. Financial Conditions and Resources

Standard Statement

RC shall have its financial strategy and system of accounting to help manage the RC and dispose of its financial resources

Criteria M/GP IV.1.1 RC draws up: M - provisional fiscal plan for the subsequent year and - annual financial report related to the duties arising from respective legal regulations in the Slovak Republic

IV.1.2 RC draws up a multiannual financial strategy for 3–5 years GP

Reference and guidance notes: Act No.431/2002 Coll. on accounting Act No.511/1992 Coll. on administration of taxes and fees and alterations in the system of territorial financial authorities Act No.540/2007 Coll. on auditors, audit and audit surveillance and on alterations and amendments to Act No. 431/2002 Coll. on accounting as amended Act No.523/2004 Coll. on budget rules for public administration Act No.583/2004 Coll. on budget rules for local and regional self-government and on alterations and amendments to some laws Act No.446/2001 Coll. on property of higher territorial units (self-governing regions) Act No.138/1991 Coll. on property of municipalities generally binding regulations by self-governing regions in the Slovak Republic generally binding regulations by towns and municipalities in the Slovak Republic Other legal enactments regulating the economic activities of public and non-profit organisations.

Additional remarks on the chapter:

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 27 V. Target Groups

V 1. Children

Standard Statement

RC providing services for the target group of children must possess specific procedures and experience

Criteria M/GP V.1.1 RC take measures in compliance with the respective legal regulations related to the protection of children (Family Act and M Act No. 305/2005 Coll.).

V.1.2 The measures are taken in an adequate environment, may be taken within a standalone group - in line with the individual M plan of the RC social reintegration programme.

V.1.3 Employees possess capacity (education, skills, experience) as per the respective legal regulations on the protection of M children and working with children.

V.1.4 Individual social reintegration plan is based on Chapter 1.6 of the standards and cover, where necessary, the following: M - parents involvement - school attendance - participation of statutory institutions

Reference and guidance notes: Act No.305/2005 Coll. on social and legal protection of children and special social guardianship Act No.36/2005 Coll. on family Act No.99/1963 Coll., Code of Civil Procedure

Additional remarks on the chapter:

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 28 V 2. Court Decisions

Standard Statement

RC rendering services to the target group of the social reintegration ordered upon a court decision must possess special procedure and experience

Criteria M/GP V. 3.1 RC and its employees carry out social reintegration ordered upon a court decision in compliance with the respective legal M regulations.

V. 3.2 RC renders assistance to all operators in charge of the execution of the decision (special guardian, probation officer, M court, ... )

RC provides for mutual cooperation among the three: RC, client and court. The duties and responsibility are discussed with each other and defined jointly.

Reference and guidance notes: Act No.305/2005 Coll. on social and legal protection of children and special social guardianship Act No.300/2005 Coll., Criminal Code Act No.301/2005 Coll., Code of Criminal Procedure Act No.550/2003 Coll. on probation and mediation officers

Additional remarks on the chapter:

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 29 VI. Efficiency, Monitoring and Review

Standard Statement

Quality of social reintegration shall be regularly monitored and reviewed

Criteria M/GP VI.1.1 RC draws up and discloses an annual report to the stakeholders as regulated by the Act on non-profit organisations. M

VI.1.2 RC carries out a regular review of the performed services: RC programme review, internal studies, case studies, M supervision, …

VI.1.3 The review outcomes are discussed with the employees, clients and other stakeholders. GP

Reference and guidance notes: Act No.213/1997 Coll. on non-profit organisations rendering public services Act No.83/1990 Coll. on association of citizens Act No.34/2002 Coll. on foundations Act No.147/1997 Coll. on non-investment funds Act No.302/2001 Coll. on self-government of higher territorial units (self-governing regions) Act No.369/1990 Coll. on local government Act No.540/2001 Coll. on national statistics

Additional remarks on the chapter: Civil Code No. 40/1964 Coll. Commercial Code No. 513/1991 Coll.

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of persons addicted to psychoactives substances 30 Appendic

Full text presented by M Grimaldi Yvan – Je dois dire que j’ai été plutôt impressionné par Seminar April 11 2008 / Borik Hôtel Bratislava cette fluidité de la participation, avec des absents ______d’un jour qui revenaient le lendemain, des présents de dernière heure qui prenaient part aux débats Deux ou trois réflexions sur les bonnes comme s’ils avaient toujours été là. La raison en fut pratiques le souci pour les piliers du groupe de respecter cette liberté, au risque de se voir contester des standards pourtant préalablement validés par le collectif. Au fond, démocratie et participation forment la même idée, qui exige qu’en matière de Puisqu’il est venu le temps de réfléchir un transformation du monde, et surtout celui des peu à ce qui a été accompli ensemble pendant faibles et des exclus, rien ne doit être décrété, ces mois de travail, j’ai accepté avec plaisir de c'est-à-dire imposé à priori aux acteurs. Pour éviter produire un petit texte. Car même si de temps à cette violence là, il faut pouvoir contester certaines autre ma participation aux débats a semblé se affirmations et en proposer d’autres parce qu’il y a déliter un peu, sachez que cela n’avait rien à voir une atmosphère propice à la remise en cause. avec la qualité objective de vos propos. Mais L’enjeu essentiel dans la participation l’anglais n’est pas ma langue maternelle, c’est démocratique, c’est de transformer les participants même une langue que je parle mal, au point où en partie prenante. Cela tient justement à la liberté malgré la maestria de Roman, les débats ont pu de contestation d’une idée, afin de promouvoir la parfois m’échapper un peu. Il y eut également le sienne, au moins de la négocier dans le débat, sentiment naturel d’étrangeté sur certains aspects dans la contradiction. du travail, par méconnaissance de vos lois ainsi Il ne saurait alors y avoir de démocratie sans des que des professions du travail social en rapports de force, ni de réflexion sur les standards Slovaquie. qualité sans convoquer au milieu de cette Mais je tiens à profiter de cette tribune pour assemblée la question du pouvoir. Cette notion est affirmer que j’ai appris beaucoup, par le fait ainsi d’autant plus influente, qu’elle fait rarement d’avoir été accepté dans ce groupe. Ce fut même l’objet de mise à plat dans les travaux de rédaction une expérience privilégiée à laquelle je me suis de standards sur les bonnes pratiques. accroché 3/4 jours par mois depuis Octobre 07. Pourquoi alors selon moi et bien d’autres, le Expérience privilégiée, parce que comme je ne pouvoir est-il aussi présent tel un spectre dans les suis pas particulièrement passionné par les débats sur les bonnes pratiques ? monuments ni l’histoire officielle que l’on me sert Parce qu’il n’y a pas de construction sociale de ce lorsque je suis étranger quelque part, j’ai donc qui est bien ou mal pour la resocialisation d’un pris pour argent comptant cette réalité de la toxicomane ici, en Pologne, en France ou en Slovaquie du travail social. C’est en quelque sorte Finlande, sans l’affirmation consciente ou non un autre genre de photo souvenir que constitue d’une théorie politique de l’éducation, de la celle des centres de resocialisation de socialisation, ou plus simplement du bien être. Et si toxicomanes. Ce fut une réalité d’autant plus penser la qualité des centres de resocialisation, intéressante que j’ai eu l’occasion d’assister à c’est souhaiter produire du bien pour les autres : des débats riches, donc à des désaccords ; en que ce soient les structures, les professionnels ou fait, à ce qui produit la qualité de la vie les usagers des drogues, alors je citerais Jacques Lacan, célèbre psychanalyste de mon pays : « Le institutionnelle, quand elle relève de la 1 démocratie participative. domaine du bien, c’est la naissance du pouvoir ». Autre présupposé : si par ailleurs, il ne peut y avoir d’éducation sans valeurs, c'est-à-dire par valeurs, Puisqu’un gros mot est lâché, commençons alors j’attends ce qui vaut pour l’autre du point de vue de par cette idée de démocratie, qui me semble la morale, de la philosophie, de la justice, de la avoir été poursuivie dans ces lieux. 1 Jacques LACAN, L’Ethique de la psychanalyse, le séminaire 7, Seuil, Paris, 1986.

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 31 persons addicted to psychoactives substances santé, de l’économie, des objets aussi, c’est alors Et il a appelé cet acte d’affirmer telle ou telle qualité au moment où l’on affirme ces valeurs que les des choses, La Distinction, c'est-à-dire l’acte affaires se corsent. On pourrait prendre l’exemple d’affirmation d’un goût et d’un jugement afin de des modèles d’aide à la resocialisation fondés sur marquer plutôt une logique de classe sociale de la des alternatives au sevrage radical, que sont par part des acteurs. Cela va de soi, mais derrière les exemple les produits de substitution. Pour valeurs affirmées de la resocialisation des certains peut-être, cette méthode n’est pas toxicomanes, existent des groupes de efficace, et pour d’autres, c’est positif parce que professionnels, des intérêts institutionnels, dont les moins violent, plus approprié à notre époque. Il membres actifs de ce groupe de standards, ont été n’y a donc pas non plus d’éducation sans les portes parole ou les fondés de pouvoir, à leur violence, mais si la violence peut s’adoucir, disent insu peut-être. Les goûts et les modes, en matière certains, c’est tout de même mieux. de resocialisation également, visent soit à produire Ainsi, la rédaction de bonnes pratiques n’est pas un nouvel ordre, soit à maintenir un ordre dans qu’un enjeu processus qui viserait naïvement à lequel chacun des groupes constitués doit se tenir se débarrasser une fois pour toutes des à sa place (les décideurs politiques, les questions de fond sur les finalités de l’éducation, administrations, les médecins, les thérapeutes, les y compris dans les centres de resocialisation travailleurs sociaux, les clients...). slovaques. Car dans l’expression « de qualité », Ainsi donc, produire des standards de qualité n’est on entend la valeur positive : c’est un jugement pas de tout repos. Derrière tout cela se joue aussi de valeur qui se situe sur une échelle de valeurs indéniablement une logique de marketing dans un où l’homme et le produit de qualité se situe tout monde ou le travail social n’échappe pas à la en haut. Il faut donc admettre que pour séduction de ses clients, pour développer, reconnaître les qualités d’un produit, cela renforcer et pérenniser ses activités. Car la suppose des connaissances car il faut du professionnalisation des organisations et des vocabulaire, un éventail de mots pour pouvoir travailleurs sociaux coûte cher. Et comme par reconnaître telle qualité et pas telle autre. Nous hasard, c’est avec la baisse de la quantité d’argent sommes donc bien dans le domaine de jugement et de moyens pour les associations du travail social de valeur et de la morale, et pour citer un que s’est développée en France la logique qualité. sociologue français Mispelblom Beyer : « Les La quantité des biens pour le travail social et qualités que nous attribuons aux objets et aux éducatif a été ainsi diminuée, mais la qualité des personnes ne tombent donc pas du ciel, elles biens mêmes immatériels, des hommes et de nous sont fournies et suggérées par les critères l’organisation elle, est prétendument accessible, sociaux dominants en la matière ».2 La qualité est c'est-à-dire idéalisable. Elle permet ainsi de ainsi un acte de jugement qui engage davantage maintenir la mobilisation, le désir et la croyance. le sujet qui l’énonce que l’objet qu’il vise. Dans ce nouvel ordre idéal qui nous est imposé Cela suggère alors que dans le cercle des (autant donc se l’approprier intelligemment pour centres de resocialisation slovaques, ceux qui ont progresser), je souhaiterais pour terminer nommé pendant tous ces mois la qualité du convoquer la figure la plus importante dans ce travail de resocialisation, ont avant tout énoncé débat, alors qu’elle brille peut-être aujourd’hui par leurs propres qualités, celles qui sont son absence : c’est celle du client. Par précaution, constitutives de leur métier. Ils ont démontré des on pourrait bien sûr rappeler que le client est connaissances, de la culture, du vocabulaire protéiforme, c'est-à-dire que l’Etat, la région, les technique emprunté au droit, à la psychologie ou familles, la société slovaque elle-même, tous ces à l’économie par exemple, pour défendre la partenaires sont des clients des centres de qualité d’intervention des professionnels de resocialisation, parce que indirectement et terrain ou de leur administration. Il y a alors là un théoriquement bénéficiaires de la resocialisation enjeu de positionnement stratégique, pour des toxicomanes. affirmer une sorte de légitimité. Le sociologue Je souhaiterais cependant m’intéresser ici au client français Pierre Bourdieu a beaucoup travaillé sur central, celui qui accepte et qui reçoit la prestation les logiques d’affirmation des goûts comme de resocialisation, c'est-à-dire l’usager, le production culturelle ou symbolique pour asseoir bénéficiaire direct. Qu’on l’appelle client, usager la reproduction de la domination dans la ou bénéficiaire, je dirais ici peu importe, ce qui hiérarchie sociale. m’intéresse, c’est quelle place lui donnent les démarches qualité, ou plutôt celle qu’elle ne lui 2 Frederik MISPELBLOM BEYER, Au-delà de la qualité, Syros, Paris, 1999. donnent pas.

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 32 persons addicted to psychoactives substances Rappelons d’abord qu’en matière de qualité, le sous surveillance. Selon moi, la place du client client est roi, c'est-à-dire en tant que dans les organisations peut-être une avancée, consommateur. De fait, cette figure peut vous mais malheur à celles dans lesquelles le client, par poser problème un jour ou l’autre, c’est d’ailleurs la sanctuarisation de sa satisfaction, est devenu le peut-être pour cela qu’elle est absente, car la véritable patron.... qualité, au moins sur le plan formel, lui donne la Je pense pour ma part que l’usager doit certes parole. Les systèmes qualité lui donnent aussi le pouvoir s’exprimer sur le fonctionnement quotidien droit, voire le devoir de la critique de la qualité du de la structure, mais il ne doit pas symboliser outre produit dans le but bien sûr de l’améliorer. Il est mesure le rêve d’une organisation donc en légitimité pour évaluer la prestation qui mythologiquement démocratique. Car en matière lui est fournie, et ce au nom de sa satisfaction. En de qualité du travail social ou de resocialisation, ce Suède par exemple, des clients de Volvo, ont été sont aussi les associations de professionnels, les conviés sur des chaînes de montage, pour centres de formation, les chercheurs en sciences observer et donner leur avis sur la qualité de sociales ou économiques, qui doivent la produire, construction de leur propre véhicule en cours de qui doivent la dire. Et ce transfert de la légitimité de construction. l’action sociale depuis les professionnels vers les Vous voyez bien déjà les effets possibles, si un clients, c’est le risque ou l’aveu en quelque sorte jour vos clients sont sollicités pour évaluer, noter, d’une forme de délégitimation, d’un affaiblissement apprécier la prestation des professionnels des des institutions du travail social vers un client qui lui centres de resocialisation. est réduit à des besoins individuels. Pour ma part, je vois quelques risques Mais chacun ici présent, sait que les toxicomanes importants : slovaques, polonais, français ou finnois, n’ont pas Le premier, c’est celui d’un client qui devient peu que des besoins individuels, car ils sont aussi à peu consommateur, produisant de la critique l’objet des enjeux plus politiques sur les conditions liée à sa satisfaction, comme si l’éducation ne de la production de la toxicomanie, sur leurs passait pas aussi par l’insatisfaction....Dans votre conditions de vie, sur la question du chômage peut- travail, je pense aux multiples insatisfactions être, de la santé, de l’habitat, de l’école,.... logiques produites dans les programme de La qualité en quelque sorte pourrait réduire le sevrage et d’abstinence....dans une démarche toxicomane à un usager dans le besoin, ayant un ISO par exemple, certaines communautés désir de service, au lieu de le penser comme un thérapeutiques ici comme ailleurs auront des citoyen ayant des revendications politiques. Les soucis à se faire... démarches qualité s’avancent alors de manière En ce sens, débattre sur les bonnes pratiques, masquée car sous couvert de démocratie c’est s’exposer par la rédaction de normes participative, elles déconflictualisent alors les valables pour tous, à une évaluation plus efficace, rapports sociaux. donc à du contrôle plus redoutable. Il faut donc Pour conclure, je dirais que la véritable qualité de que tous les professionnels concernés par ce la resocialisation slovaque dépend bien sûr d’une guide acceptent de rentrer dans une logique de réflexion et d’une amélioration pour une démonstration de ce qu’ils font, car la professionnalisation des structures au quotidien, ce transparence est une exposition risquée au qui fit l’objet de notre travail sur les bonnes regard de l’autre, y compris celui de l’usager. pratiques. Mais cette resocialisation dépend aussi Autre crainte, c’est donc celle d’un client devenu et sûrement d’une vision politique des peu à peu le vrai patron des professionnels, c'est- professionnels ou des associations qui les à-dire celui à qui on rend des comptes, et qui est représentent, sur ce que l’on appelle l’intérêt en droit de demander une sanction pour tel pou général et la cohésion sociale de la société tel acteur qui ferait mal son travail. Dans une slovaque pour mieux prévenir toutes formes démarche ISO, par exemple, compte tenu des d’exclusion, dont une des formes d’expression est enjeux d’argent et de place sur un marché la toxicomanie, et la désocialisation qui en découle. ordonné par la certification, cela pourrait littéralement étouffer le travail au quotidien, et Merci. mettre les thérapeutes et travailleurs sociaux

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 33 persons addicted to psychoactives substances General Secretariat of MCDADC Government Office of the Slovak Republic Namestie slobody 1 813 70 Bratislava Slovak Republic

Office address: Cukrova 14 - Bratislava Telephone: +421 2 572 95 761 Fax: +421 2 572 95 759 http://www.infodrogy.sk/

Heads of project Ms Jelenkova Zuzana (SK) [email protected] Ms Gatignol Chantal (FR) [email protected] Ms Sinkkonen Minna (FIN) [email protected]

Twinning team: M Chalumeau Matthieu – Resident Twinning advisor (RTA). [email protected] Ms Novotova Jana – RTA assistant [email protected]

EU Twinning project SK/06/IB/SO/02– Improving and broadening the care for the re-socialisation and rehabilitation of 34 persons addicted to psychoactives substances

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