ACES Regional Curriculum Consortium Math Lesson Plan
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ACES Regional Curriculum Consortium Math Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject Grade 2/Math
Unit Title Fact Strategies
Lesson Title Doubles Plus 1 Strategy
Overview of Lesson Students will use themselves as manipulatives and use knowledge of fact strategies already taught to demonstrate and learn the doubles plus one strategy
Unit Essential Questions (and Corresponding Big Ideas)
How can models and pictures help us solve mathematical problems? Models and pictures are concrete ways to help us make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. How do different models for addition and subtraction help to efficiently find sums and differences? We combine or break apart numbers in different ways in order to solve real world problems. Quick recall of mental addition and subtraction strategies helps to compute larger and smaller numbers. How do we solve problems?
Core & Practice Standards Addressed in this Lesson 2.OA.1 2.OA.2 2.NBT.9
ISTE Standards Addressed in this Lesson
Learning Objectives (in student-friendly language) Students will demonstrate their knowledge of fact strategies by solving number sentences. Students will identify, discuss, learn, the “Doubles Fact Plus One” strategy through large and small group discussion and independent demonstration using a variety of manipulatives, including themselves. Students will apply the “Doubles Fact Plus One” strategy to solve problems. Students will also have the opportunity for small group/center activity practice depending on the pacing of the lesson.
1 |0 8 3 3 c 1 a f 9 0 d 1 c 3 d e 4 c 8 c 8 8 b a c 8 e d e d 4 3 . d o c © 2013 All Rights Reserved ACES Regional Curriculum Consortium ACES Regional Curriculum Consortium Math Lesson Plan Lesson Focus Questions How do you create a doubles fact? What is a doubles plus one fact? How can you solve problems? What strategies help you add and subtract numbers? What are some ways you have used Math to help you solve a problem you have had before?
Materials/Preparation Required (and suggested)
Index cards, or templates (attached) for introduction activity
Independent practice sheet
Center materials (optional)
Anticipated Misconceptions for This Lesson
Students will not understand the strategy.
Students will be confused while using themselves as manipulatives and loose sight of the purpose of the lesson.
The students will not use a doubles fact and count up one to solve the number sentence.
The students will not understand the meaning of double.
The students will miscalculate the sums.
The students will confuse the strategies already discussed.
Lesson Development Annotation
Introduction (approx. 15 - 20 minutes): The teacher will write various doubles facts and math facts on the whiteboard/smartboard/chart paper (3+3=, 5+7=, 4+4=, etc…). The teacher will ask the students “How can we solve these problems? What can we do to find the sums of these number sentences?” “Are there any strategies that we have learned that we can use to solve these problems?” To demonstrate their 2 |0 8 3 3 c 1 a f 9 0 d 1 c 3 d e 4 c 8 c 8 8 b a c 8 e d e d 4 3 . d o c © 2013 All Rights Reserved ACES Regional Curriculum Consortium ACES Regional Curriculum Consortium Math Lesson Plan thinking, the students will pair up (2 in a group) and solve math facts provided by the teacher which is written on a large index card (or use the form provided in this lesson) with their partner. The pairs will find the sum and write to explain what strategies they used to solve their problem on the index card. Once the pairs are finished, we will regroup as a whole class and each team will share their findings. The teacher will record what strategies each team used to solve their problem on the whiteboard/smartboard/chart paper.
Modeling/Guided Practice(approx. 20 minutes):
The teacher will ask the students to observe common strategies used by the different teams. The teacher will ask the students which strategy was used most often, then ask a student to demonstrate that strategy. To introduce the “Doubles Plus One Fact Strategy” the teacher will turn the discussion to the use of/introduction of this strategy as a whole group. The teacher will demonstrate using the strategy by using the students themselves as manipulatives. The teacher will call 9 friends up and separate them into two groups, a group of 4 and a group of 5, and ask each group to turn themselves into a doubles fact. Students will openly discuss their thinking as a whole group. The teacher will facilitate discussion and the discovery that one group can evenly turn themselves into a doubles fact, but the other has one left over thereby becoming a doubles plus one fact. The teacher will call up more students to demonstrate again, this time using 11 students. The teacher will ask what doubles fact and doubles plus one fact can be created now? Then the teacher will ask 13 students up. The teacher will again ask what doubles fact and doubles plus one fact can be made again. As a fun challenge this also can be done with the entire class using the teacher to make an odd number if needed. The students will write what doubles fact they turned themselves into and then what doubles plus one fact they solved by adding their left over friend each time on the board.
Closure (approx. 10-15 minutes):
3 |0 8 3 3 c 1 a f 9 0 d 1 c 3 d e 4 c 8 c 8 8 b a c 8 e d e d 4 3 . d o c © 2013 All Rights Reserved ACES Regional Curriculum Consortium ACES Regional Curriculum Consortium Math Lesson Plan Once several students have demonstrated using the doubles facts strategy to solve their problems, the teacher will ask the students to explain once again how the doubles plus one strategy helped them solve their problems. The students will then complete an independent practice page to demonstrate their learning of the doubles plus one strategy.
Example Extension Activity/Center
The teacher will then introduce a Doubles Plus One Tool Box Game. This game will be played as a whole group. Just as they used themselves as “tools” to solve their problems, the students will take turns finding the doubles facts written on the tool pictures that will match up to help them solve the plus one facts on the boards. Students need to solve and collect all the boards they need to build their tool box.
The teacher will observe, monitor progress, and assist each child as they work to find all the boards to build the tool box “puzzle.” See attached materials. The teacher will encourage the students to explain their thinking out loud as they locate the tool and match it with the board showing the plus one fact, then solve it out loud for all to hear how they are using their knowledge of doubles facts to solve the plus one problem.
Formative Assessment Processes/Practices Annotation
Teacher observation of manipulative use and fluency application of strategy. Doubles fact Plus One practice page
4 |0 8 3 3 c 1 a f 9 0 d 1 c 3 d e 4 c 8 c 8 8 b a c 8 e d e d 4 3 . d o c © 2013 All Rights Reserved ACES Regional Curriculum Consortium