
Keywords: education, university, EDA tools

@head: Synopsys Sees Future in Education

@text: The advancement of education is critical to the growth and development of those students who will form the high-tech workforce of the future. Initiatives like the Synopsys Outreach Foundation and Worldwide University Program help ensure that educators have the right equipment for instructing and inspiring the next generation of engineering talent around the globe. The Synopsys Outreach Foundation, which was established in 1999, has donated over $5.5 million to primary-education institutions and non-profit organizations to assist students in kindergarten through 12th grade. Non-profit organizations also benefit from an additional $1.5 million donated from the Synopsys Foundation.

Our donations and activities promote science-fair participation and develop advanced research classes. They also create advanced science facilities that allow students to develop projects of greater depth and sophistication. In 2005, more than 79,000 teachers and students participated in Synopsys-sponsored science fairs at 267 schools. By engaging teachers and students in hands-on science and learning activities, we ignite their imaginations while helping to create future technology leaders.

For higher learning, the Synopsys Worldwide University Program delivers complete solutions--technology, tools, IP, and resources--to engineering universities for education and research. We augment graduate and undergraduate programs in modern microelectronics design. We also support advanced nanoscale research. This commitment to universities spans 20 years and includes more than 1300 sites in 50 countries throughout the world.

First, universities and research institutions enrolled in the Worldwide University Program receive Synopsys’ university tools package. That package contains a broad range of commercial software tools and IP that are used throughout the electronic design industry for digital IC design, embedded systems, analog and mixed-signal design, semiconductor physics, and design for manufacturing. To enable the rapid implementation of the tools into courseware and research applications, they later receive curriculum modules, technical support, and training. Working with universities to support an industry-standard design flow allows students to receive real-world experience building and testing their designs before entering the workforce.

At Synopsys, we believe that mastering today’s technologies through instruction and hands-on experience gives students a head start on delivering future advancements in the field. Our initiatives demonstrate our dedication to supporting education and enabling academic research. We foster innovation while promoting careers in microelectronic design. Karen Bartleson is the Director of Interoperability and University Programs at Synopsys, Inc. (www.synopsys.com).