Name: ______Date: ______

Sentence Structure - QUIZ

Directions: Read and answer the following questions.

1). Read the compound sentence below and circle the best answer for the punctuation that has to go between the words hours and she.

 Sandra surfed for several hours (, : ;) she felt prepared for the big surfing contest the next day. a). comma b). semicolon c). colon

2). What does the acronym FANBOYS stand for? a) Fan + Boys is a simple sentence b) 1 boy with many fans c) Coordinating Conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)

3). What does the word syntax mean? a) Pattern of a sentence b) You sin if you don’t pay your tax c) Compound sentence with a coordinating conjunction preceded by a comma

4). What are the 3 types of sentences? a). predicate, subject, parts of speech b). subject, predicate, syntax c). simple, compound, complex

5). An adverb clause is an indicator that the sentence structure is “complex.” What are the adverbs used to start these adverb clauses? a). for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so b). even though, when, because, unless, whereas c). independent, dependent, interdependent

6). T or F  A simple sentence can have a compound subject and compound predicate.

7). Tony wanted to donate $20 to the charity even though he was poor. a). simple sentence b). compound sentence 1 c). complex sentence

8). Sandra and Sam swam and surfed. a). simple sentence b). compound sentence c). complex sentence

9). What are the 4 steps in the framework for learning grammar? a). words, sentences, paragraphs, essays b). subject + predicate + sentence + parts of speech c). level I, level II, level III, level IV

10). * Free point What is your favorite kind of sentence? (simple, compound, complex) Why?