Understanding by Design Unit Template s5
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Understanding By Design Unit Template (Revised & adapted)
Title of Unit Individual Development and Cultural Identity Grade Level Kindergarten Subject Social Studies Time Frame September 9, 2013-October18,2014 Developed By
Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results
Narrative about this Unit of Study: (including the Big Idea) In this unit, students will be studying about self and others, focusing on individual development and cultural identity. Students will develop an understanding of who they are individually, in their family, and community. They will identify and describe groups to which they belong. Students will develop an awareness of themselves as being unique and special while sharing common characteristics with others. Students will also develop a sense of their cultural identity within their family, school, and community.
Learning Outcomes – Identified Primary Standards What relevant goals will this unit address?
Standard 1: History of the United States and New York
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in the history of the United States and New York.
Understandings Essential Questions What understandings about the big ideas implied in the PLOs are desired? What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content?
Students will understand that...
K.1.a A sense of self is developed through physical and cultural How are people (myself, my family, my community) alike and characteristics and through the development of personal likes, dislikes, different? talents, and skills. -Each person has unique physical and cultural characteristics, talents and abilities, likes and dislikes. -How does our background and experiences shape who we are?
-How do symbols and traditions represent who we are culturally K.1.b Personal experiences shape our sense of self and help us understand and as citizens on a nation? our likes, dislikes, talents, skills, as well as our connections to others- Personal experiences help shape who we are.
K.1.c Unique family activities and traditions are important parts of an individual’s culture and sense of self. Unique family activities and traditions help shape who we are.
K.2.a Each person is unique but also shares common characteristics with other family, school, and community members. -People share common characteristics and are also different in many ways. (physical and cultural characteristics)
K.2.b Cultures include traditions, beliefs, and shared values and ideas generally accepted by a particular group of people.
K.2.c Children, families, and communities from different cultures all share some common characteristics, but also have specific differences which make them unique. –Children, families, and communities from different cultures are alike and different.
K.2.d Various cultural groups and characteristics can be described and compared using specific terms and descriptors including gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and language.
K.3.a Diverse cultural groups within the community and nation embrace unique traditions and beliefs and celebrate distinct holidays. -Citizenship includes an understanding of tradtions, holidays and celebrations of our nation.
K.3.b The study of American symbols, holidays, and celebrations helps us to develop a shared sense of history, community, and culture in our country. -Cultures include traditions, beliefs, shared values and ideas.
K.3.c The American flag is one example of a major national symbol that unites us. It is important to exhibit respect towards the flag. -Citizenship includes an awareness of the symbols of our nation, such as knowledge about and a respect for the flag of the United States of America
Knowledge: Skills What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit? What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Students will know... Students will be able to…
People can be characterized by: -Develop content vocabulary and use in discussions • gender (boy, girl) -Identify information through listening and observing (physical and • physical characteristics (height, eye and cultural characteristics, likes and dislikes…) hair color, age) -Compare and contrast characteristics of people • ethnicity/culture (Spanish, Jewish, -Use visuals to give information on a topic African-American, etc.) -Identify symbols, holidays and celebrations of our nation • language (English, Korean, Arabic, -Use maps to locate countries of origin Spanish, etc.) • beliefs (cultural beliefs, religion) Developing Identity: • Culture • Family values • School, teachers • Friends • Environment Most people live in families. Families are alike and different. • Families are made up of members • Families can have a variety of structures (immediate and extended family) • Families have diverse cultures and customs • Families share customs and beliefs (religion) • Families celebrate in different ways • Families celebrate important days together (birthdays, Mother’s Day, etc.) -Different people live in my community. Citizenship includes an awareness of and respect for symbols of our nation. • A school is made up of diverse people and students • School communities have missions, special songs, mottos • The flag is an important symbol of the U.S. • U.S. residents recite the Pledge of Allegiance • U.S. residents share special songs (“The Star Spangled Banner) Citizenship includes an understanding of the holidays and celebrations of our nation. • U.S. residents celebrate national holidays (Independence Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, etc.)
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills?
Brief Written Description of the Performance Task
Students will create a treasure box and collect things (favorite toy, cultural symbols, photographs…) that represent who they are individually, in their family, school, and community. Students will share their treasure box with different partners throughout the week through oral presentation.
Rubric for Assessment:
Other Evidence Through what other evidence – student work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, self-assessment or other means – will students demonstrate achievement of the desired results?
-teacher observations -small group and one to one conferences -student work samples
Objective(s) Listed Aim or Learning Intention Assessment Resources Related to knowledge, skills or both? of Each Lesson.
Developing Content Vocabulary -Students will develop appropriate -Oral Discussions and Social Studies Content Vocabulary Chart (on-going) content vocabulary and use in presentations with picture support discussions -Work Samples -Observations and one to one -Students will use content vocabulary Conferences charts as a resource for discussion and work
Physical Characteristics of People -Create Star of the Day Big Book/ -Oral Discussions and -Touchstone Book: Different Faces from Students will interview classmate to presentations Different Places learn about each other. Interview -Work Samples -Photographs and pictures of may include information about their -Observations and one to one themselves and other people (such as physical and cultural characteristics, Conferences from magazines, flyers…) and personal experiences and preferences.(on-going)
-Students will observe and describe physical characteristics of themselves and others (gender, age, hair color, eye color, height….)
Personal Experiences and Preferences -Students will identify and describe -Oral Discussions and -Social Studies Hartcourt Big Books and their: presentations Trade Books Likes and dislikes -Work Samples Needs and wants -Observations and one to one Talents and skills Conferences
Cultural Characteristics of People -Students will identify their: -Oral Discussions and -Touchstone Book: Different Faces from (myself, my family, my community) ethnicity/nationality presentations Different Places languages spoken -Work Samples -Photographs and pictures student’s cultural beliefs (tradition, -Observations and one to one family and other related pictures (from customs, celebrations…) Conferences magazines, books…)
-Students will locate their country of -Artifacts/ objects that represent their origin on maps culture
-World Map, Globe
Compare and Contrast -Students will describe similarities -Oral Discussions and -Photographs and pictures students’ and differences between: presentations families Myself and others -Work Samples My family and other families -Observations and one to one -Artifacts/ objects that represent their Conferences culture
Making Connections -Students will make connections -Oral Discussions and Neighborhood Walk between their physical/cultural presentations identity and the community in which -Work Samples they live in. -Observations and one to one Conferences -Students will take a neighborhood walk to observe people in their neighborhood (What ethnic groups do we see?, What languages can we hear?, ....)
Students develop an awareness and -Oral Discussions and -Big Books and Trade Books Symbols of Citizenship understanding of symbols, holidays, presentations -Picture Cards and celebrations of our nation. -Work Samples -Artifacts/Objects (American Flag, American Flag -Observations and one to one Coins,…) Pledge of Allegiance Conferences Stars Bangle Banner Celebration of American Holidays
Universal Design for Learning
REPRESENTATION ACTION & EXPRESSION ENGAGEMENT The ‘what’ of teaching & learning.. The ‘how’ of teaching & learning… The ‘why’ of teaching and learning…
-Content Vocabulary Chart -Read Alouds -Written Work
-Experience Charts -Create content and experience charts -Oral Presentation
-United States and World Maps -Neighborhood Walk -Artwork (Drawings, painting, collages, murals…) -Real Objects, Props, Artifacts -Smartboard Interactive Lessons/Activities -Graphic organizers (T-charts, Venn diagrams…) -Text (Hartcourt books and Different Faces from Different Places by Henry Layne) -Neighborhood Walk (observe cultural characteristics of their community) -TPR (Total Physical Response)
-Smart Notebook -Treasure Box (On-going Culminating Activity)
-Visual aides From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (pbk)