Mercury and Plants G. R. A. Wyllie, Etc

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Mercury and Plants G. R. A. Wyllie, Etc

Put an abbreviated version of your title on left side, authors last name and initial on right i.e. Mercury and Plants G. R. A. Wyllie, etc Before we get too far into this, a quick note on this document. Anything in RED such as this message is instruction and should be deleted when you are done – it’s there to help you get formatting right and to explain what each part should be. Anything in BLUE should be changed to your specific version as appropriate (I’ve set font sizes etc on these so try not to change too much) then change it to black when you are done. Overall, the document is 12 point Times New Roman in all paragraphs. Main section headings are 14 point BOLD to standout. Subheadings are the 12 point but BOLD, left justified. Spacing on paragraphs is at 1.15 (as this paragraph is) I’ve included samples of a fictional paper in bits to give you ideas as to how it should look – replace the blue one with your own if you wish. Also references should be a single section at the end so keep these in order as you put the paper together and do include them (some groups have 2+ been lax on this!) Oh and formatting: [Hg(NO3)6] - the 3 and 6 are subscripted, the 2+ is superscripted. Look it up on help menu if you don’t know how to do this. And if a section heading is on one page and the main paragraph starts on the next, add a few lines so both start on same page. The goal is to hand-in a professional looking paper that also looks uniform so when I collect them, they have a unified feel.

Most importantly, if you are not sure, ask! If it’s really minor stuff when you submit it, I’ll make some small adjustments but if I have to spend massive amounts of time reformatting, massive points vanish from your grade  Mercury and Plants: Liquid Metally Awesomeness Kills Everything

Graeme R. A. Wyllie and no-one else (I’m a one-man wolfpack)


Put your text here. a one paragraph overview of the whole thing – may seem this overlaps with intro but you want to quickly summarize results here – this is a one paragraph distillation of the whole thing


Fairly short – cover just the overview of what the whole paper is going to cover – briefly talk about metal (expanded on in next section), project goals for each section giving the set-up of what is to come in the paper

Metal Background (can change this title) use the metal background paper 1, updated/revised as needed. Make sure to discuss pollution issues and environmental concerns where you can. You can create subheadings here as needed (12 point, bold and left justified)

(delete time and change metal as appropriate)Morning/Afternoon Metal -P a g e | 1 Put an abbreviated version of your title on left side, authors last name and initial on right i.e. Mercury and Plants G. R. A. Wyllie, etc Each of the following is then a separate section and you will want to use the subheadings as shown. Titles of each section not locked so feel free to rework but seriously. Because we are doing one large paper, some aspects of the papers already written can be dumped i.e. background talking about metal in the environment for kdist can be cut since it’s already talked about in previous section

Mercury in a soil/water system: Locked up or Bioavailable? use your kdist report (+ my comments on it) to describe where the metal is found in a environmental system.

The following subsection headings should be used – (12 point, bold and left justified)


Put your text here.


Put your text here.


Put your text here.


Put your text here.

Ksp and Chemical Remediation of Mercury from solution

talk about the Ksp work on removing metal from system – how effective was it (%wise)

The following subsection headings should be used – (12 point, bold and left justified)


Put your text here.


Put your text here.


Put your text here.

(delete time and change metal as appropriate)Morning/Afternoon Metal -P a g e | 2 Put an abbreviated version of your title on left side, authors last name and initial on right i.e. Mercury and Plants G. R. A. Wyllie, etc Discussion:

Put your text here.

Phytoremediation of Mercury – Plant uptake of a Toxic Metal talk about the plan to grow plants, the logistics and results from plants growing (with selected pictures if needed) and the digestion and AA analysis/results and what they mean – you’ll get these in lab this week.

The following subsection headings should be used – (12 point, bold and left justified)


Put your text here.


Put your text here.


Put your text here.


Put your text here.

Results and Discussion overview of the whole thing, summarize and discuss the results from each section and try to bring it all together

Further Work

Potential future directions and things to do next.

Conclusion very quick 2 – 3 lines wrapping it up

Acknowledgements (optional)

If needed if another group or outside source helped significantly.

(delete time and change metal as appropriate)Morning/Afternoon Metal -P a g e | 3 Put an abbreviated version of your title on left side, authors last name and initial on right i.e. Mercury and Plants G. R. A. Wyllie, etc References: all references for the paper included at end instead of at the end of each section. Start on a new page

(delete time and change metal as appropriate)Morning/Afternoon Metal -P a g e | 4

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