1 The University of Texas Information Architecture Group supporting document

Los Angeles Public Library Main groupings and labels. (http://www.lapl.org)

About LAPL Electronic Resources Events and Exhibits Catalog Borrower Services Databases Apply for A Library Card Web Links Support the Library Regional History Resources Site Index and Search Kids’ Path Espanol Teen Web New Stuff

UTIAG Ó 2001 All Rights Reserved 3/7/01 Internet Working Group Meeting 2 The University of Texas Information Architecture Group supporting document

New York City Public Library Main groupings and labels. (http://www.nypl.org)

New and Noteworthy Contributions and Membership Events and Exhibitions Employment Opportunities Hours and Locations Library Card Instructions and Classes The Library Shop NYPL Express Information Services Press Information Photographic Services and Permissions Space Rentals (Corporate)

The Research Libraries Online Resources Humanities and Social Sciences Catalogs The New York Public Library for Digital Library Collections the Performing Arts Electronic Resources Schomburg Center for Research in Health Information (CHOICES) Black Culture “On-Lion” for Kids Science, Industry, and Business Search the Internet Library Teenlink NY Small Business Resource Center

The Branch Libraries Site Map Andrew Heiskell Library for the Search the Site Blind and Physically Handicapped Donnell Library Center Mid Manhattan Library Full Listing of Neighborhood Branches

UTIAG Ó 2001 All Rights Reserved 3/7/01 Internet Working Group Meeting 3 The University of Texas Information Architecture Group supporting document

Phoenix Public Library Main groupings and labels. (http://pac.lib.ci.phoenix.az.us/web)

Search the Library Website

Library Catalog En Espanol Renew Materials Magazines and Newspapers How to Get a Library Card Databases and Websites Hours and Locations Kid’s Place Using the Library Teen Central Services for You Events and Programs About the Library City of Phoenix Homepage

Affiliated Libraries What’s New Site Map

Search the Internet

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Denver Public Library Main groupings and labels. (http://www.denver.lib.co.us)

Hennen’s American Public Tax Forms Library Ratings

About the Library Library Catalogs Government Publications My Library Card Internet Search Research & Study Kids Western History Photos Friends Foundation

E-mail to DPL Webmaster

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Audiences On this sheet describe the most important audiences of the website using the following questions as a guideline. 1. Who is the primary audience of the website? 2. Who is the secondary audience of the website? 3. What are the differences between these audiences? Who uses the website most frequently? 4. Do these patrons interact with the library through other means? (i.e. visit the library) 5. What will these audiences want to do when they visit the website? 6. Why will they visit the website and what will make them return?

UTIAG Ó 2001 All Rights Reserved 3/7/01 Internet Working Group Meeting 6 The University of Texas Information Architecture Group supporting document

Content Wish List List in the space provided any content that you would like to see on the website. You can loosely categorize the content if you like. Also include any functionality you would like on the website. Remember this is a “wish list”.

UTIAG Ó 2001 All Rights Reserved 3/7/01 Internet Working Group Meeting