January 2010

 For best viewing results save this file to your PC, then Ctrl+Click on the hyperlinks.  This monthly current awareness service, produced by the NFER Library, highlights recent reports, publications and useful documents from prominent educational research-related websites. Details of publishers’ websites can be downloaded from the NFER website.  Items are arranged by keyword and some items may appear more than once if more than one keyword has been used. Clicking on a hyperlinked index term will redirect you to the document(s) indexed with that term; clicking on [index] at any point in the list will return you to this page.  Copyright of items listed in ontheweb remains with the copyright owners of the websites listed. It is not meant to be exhaustive and inclusion is not an endorsement of an organisation's website.  If you find this service useful, have any comments or are aware of useful websites, please contact [email protected] who will add them to our list for review.

Accountability (2) Funding (1) Public policy (4) Achievement (1) Further education Pupil voice (1) Adult contact with children institutions (1) Qualifications (1) (1) Graduate employment (1) Religious education (2) Adult learning (1) Health (1) Research (1) Advertising (1) Higher education funding Rural areas (2) Alcohol (1) (1) Safeguarding (1) Arts (1) Higher education quality (1) School buildings (1) Assessment (1) Higher education reform (1) School improvement (2) Assessment for learning (1) Higher education student School leadership (1) Attainment (2) destinations (1) School meals (1) Child abuse (1) Home education (1) Science education (1) Child poverty (2) Homelessness (1) Self assessment (1) Childcare (1) Inclusive education (2) Service delivery (3) Children's experiences (1) Justice system (3) Skills (3) Children's services (3) Key Stage 2 (2) Social exclusion (2) Citizenship education (1) Labour market (1) Special educational needs Creativity (1) Learning disabilities (1) (1) Crime (1) Learning strategies (2) Student attitudes (1) Cultural activities (1) Learning styles (1) Student experience (1) Devolution (3) Literature reviews (2) Student fees (1) Disabilities (1) Local authority role (1) Teacher attitudes (2) Discipline (1) Looked after children (1) Teachers TV (5) Domestic violence (1) Mental health (1) Teaching resources (2) Drugs education (1) Middle childhood (1) Universal education (1) Economic activity (1) Migration (1) VET participation (2) Education - business links Modern foreign languages VET quality (1) (1) (1) Vulnerable children (1) Education systems (2) Multi-agency working (1) Wellbeing (2) Educational policy (2) Not in education, Work-life balance (2) Employers (1) employment or training Workforce (1) Employment (1) (NEET) (2) Working parents (1) English as an additional Parental attitudes (1) Young carers (1) language (1) Parenting (2) Young offenders (2) Equality (1) Post 16 education (2) Young people (1) Ethnic minorities (2) Postgraduate education (1) Young people's views (2) Extended schools (1) Poverty (5) Youth engagement (2) Families (5) Prison education (2) Family support services (2) Professional development Fathers (2) (1) Accountability House of Commons. Children, Schools and Families Committee (2010). School Accountability. First Report of Session 2009–10. Volume I: Report, Together with Formal Minutes. London: TSO [online]. Available: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmchilsch/88/88i.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: UK Parliament

House of Commons. Children, Schools and Families Committee (2010). School Accountability. First Report of Session 2009-10. Volume II: Oral and Written Evidence. London: TSO [online]. Available: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmchilsch/88/88ii.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: UK Parliament


Achievement PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP (2010). Evaluation of the Making Good Progress Pilot. London: DCSF [online]. Available: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/DCSF-RR184.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)


Adult contact with children Singleton, R. (2009). 'Drawing the Line': a Report on the Government's Vetting and Barring Scheme. London: DCSF [online]. Available: http://publications.dcsf.gov.uk/eOrderingDownload/DCSF-01122-2009.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)


Adult learning Scottish Government (2010). Offender Learning in Community Workstream Report. Edinburgh: Scottish Government [online]. Available: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/297453/0092537.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Scottish Government


Advertising Molnar, A., Koski, W.S. and Boninger, F. with Hodge, S., Jansma, E., Palitz, Z. and Rangel, L. (2010). Policy and Statutory Responses to Advertising and Marketing in Schools. Boulder, CO and Tempe, AZ: EPIC and CERU [online]. Available: http://epicpolicy.org/files/CommerLege.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Education and the Public Interest Center (EPIC) – USA


Alcohol House of Commons. Health Committee (2009). Alcohol: First Report of Session 2009–10. Volume I: Report, Together with Formal Minutes. London: TSO [online]. Available: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmhealth/151/151i.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: UK Parliament

[index] Arts Bakhshi, H. and Throsby, D. (2009). Innovation in Arts and Cultural Organisations: NESTA Interim Research Report. London: NESTA [online]. Available: http://www.nesta.org.uk/library/documents/Innovation-in-arts-and-cultural-interim.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA)


Assessment National Foundation for Educational Research (2009). Considerations for Future Assessment of Key Stage 2 Science. Slough: NFER [online]. Available: http://www.nfer.ac.uk/nfer/publications/99906/99906.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)


Assessment for learning PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP (2010). Evaluation of the Making Good Progress Pilot. London: DCSF [online]. Available: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/DCSF-RR184.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)


Attainment Estyn (2010). Tackling Child Poverty and Disadvantage in Schools. Cardiff: Estyn [online]. Available: http://www.estyn.gov.uk/thematicreports/Tackling_child_poverty_and_disadvantage_in_schools_ January_2010.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Estyn - UK - Wales

National Centre for Social Research (2009). Educational Attainment in Rural Areas. London: DEFRA [online]. Available: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/DEFRA-2009-12- 02.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)


Child abuse Lamont, A. and Bromfield, L. (2009). Parental Intellectual Disability and Child Protection: Key Issues. Melbourne, VIC: AIFS [online]. Available: http://www.aifs.gov.au/nch/pubs/issues/issues31/issues31.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)


Child poverty Browne, J. and Paull, G. (2010). Parents' Work Entry, Progression and Retention, and Child Poverty. London: DWP [online]. Available: http://www.ifs.org.uk/docs/work_retention.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

Estyn (2010). Tackling Child Poverty and Disadvantage in Schools. Cardiff: Estyn [online]. Available: http://www.estyn.gov.uk/thematicreports/Tackling_child_poverty_and_disadvantage_in_schools_ January_2010.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Estyn - UK - Wales

[index] Childcare Speight, S., Smith, R. and Lloyd, E. with Coshall, C. (2010). Families Experiencing Multiple Disadvantage: Their Use of and Views on Childcare Provision. London: DCSF [online]. Available: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/DCSF-RR191.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)


Children's experiences Sodha, S. (2009). Kidulthood: Life as a Pre-teen in the UK Today. London: Action for Children [online]. Available: http://www.actionforchildren.org.uk/content.aspx?CategoryID=180 [January, 2010]. Website: Action for Children


Children's services Aked, J., Steuer, N., Lawlor, E. and Spratt, S. (2009). Backing the Future: Why Investing in Children is Good for Us All. London: New Economics Foundation and Action for Children [online]. Available: http://www.actionforchildren.org.uk/uploads/media/36/7857.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Action for Children

Petrie, P., Boddy, J., Cameron, C., Heptinstall, E., McQuail, S., Simon, A. and Wigfall, V. (2009). Pedagogy: a Holistic, Personal Approach to Work with Children and Young People, Across Services. European Models for Practice, Training, Education and Qualification. London: IoE, Thomas Coram Research Unit [online]. Available: http://eprints.ioe.ac.uk/58/1/may_18_09_Ped_BRIEFING__PAPER_JB_PP_.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Institute of Education (IoE)

Phillips, R., Mackey, T. and Romanou, E. with Coleman, N. and Shreeve, A. (2010). Commissioning: a Survey of the Views and Experiences of Providers of Services to Children, Young People and Families 2009. London: DCSF [online]. Available: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/DCSF-RR199.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)


Citizenship education Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2010). Citizenship Established? Citizenship in Schools 2006/09. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/content/download/10704/127790/file/Citizenship%20established.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted)


Creativity Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2010). Learning: Creative Approaches that Raise Standards. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/content/download/10675/127552/file/Learning%20creative %20approaches%20that%20raise%20standards.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted)


Crime Silvestri, A., Oldfield, M., Squires, P. and Grimshaw, R. (2009). Young People, Knives and Guns: a Comprehensive Review, Analysis and Critique of Gun and Knife Crime Strategies. London: CCJS [online]. Available: http://www.crimeandjustice.org.uk/opus1638/Young_people_knives_and_guns.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Centre for Crime and Justice Studies (CCJS)


Cultural activities Bakhshi, H. and Throsby, D. (2009). Innovation in Arts and Cultural Organisations: NESTA Interim Research Report. London: NESTA [online]. Available: http://www.nesta.org.uk/library/documents/Innovation-in-arts-and-cultural-interim.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA)


Devolution Bivand, P., Bell, L., Vaid, L., Whitehurst, D. and Wan, K. (2010). The Impact of Devolution: Employment and Employability. York: JRF [online]. Available: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/impact-of-devolution-employment.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) - UK

McCormick, J. and Harrop, A. (2010). Devolution's Impact on Low-income People and Places. York: JRF [online]. Available: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/devolution-and-low-income.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) - UK

Palmer, G. (2010). The Impact of Devolution: Indicators of Poverty and Social Exclusion. York: JRF [online]. Available: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/impact-of-devolution-long-term-care- poverty-exclusion.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) - UK


Disabilities O'Mahony, C. (2010). Pushing for Change: the Role of Disabled People's Organisations in Developing Young Disabled Leaders of the Future. London: ALLFIE [online]. Available: http://www.allfie.org.uk/docs/Pushing%20for%20Change.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) - UK


Discipline Lawrence, J. and Smith, A.B. (2009). Discipline in Context: Families' Disciplinary Practices for Children Aged Under Five. Wellington: Families Commission [online]. Available: http://www.nzfamilies.org.nz/sites/default/files/downloads/discipline-in-context.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Families Commission – NZ


Domestic violence Stanley, N., Miller, P., Foster, H.R. and Thomson, G. (2010). Children and Families Experiencing Domestic Violence: Police and Children's Social Services' Responses. London: NSPCC [online]. Available: http://www.nspcc.org.uk/Inform/research/Findings/children_experiencing_domestic_violence_rep ort_wdf70355.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)


Drugs education Flint, J., Crawford, J., Parr, S. and Powell, R. (2009). A Process Evaluation of Celtic Against Drugs and Rangers Positive Choices. Edinburgh: Scottish Government [online]. Available: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/298432/0093084.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Scottish Government


Economic activity Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2010). Going for Growth: our Future Prosperity. London: BIS [online]. Available: http://www.bis.gov.uk/wp- content/uploads/2010/01/GoingForGrowth.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)


Education - business links Frontline Consultants (2009). Review of Employer Engagement and Knowledge Transfer: Year 1 Report for Scottish Funding Council. Edinburgh: SFC [online]. Available: http://www.sfc.ac.uk/web/FILES/ReportsandPublications/Frontline_Evaluation_of_DEEP_- _Year_1_Report_Oct_2009.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Scottish Funding Council (SFC)


Education systems Hartley, R. and Richmond, T. (2010). Simply Learning: Improving the Skills System in England. London: Policy Exchange [online]. Available: http://www.policyexchange.org.uk/assets/Simply_Learning_-_Jan__10.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Policy Exchange

Wyn, J. (2009). Touching the Future: Building Skills for Life and Work. Camberwell, VIC: ACER [online]. Available: http://research.acer.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=aer [January, 2010]. Website: Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)


Educational policy Augustine, C.H., Gonzalez, G., Ikemoto, G.S., Russell, J., Zellman, G.L., Constant, L., Armstrong, J. and Dembosky, J.W. (2010). Improving School Leadership: the Promise of Cohesive Leadership Systems. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation [online]. Available: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2009/RAND_MG885.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Rand Corporation - USA

Molnar, A., Koski, W.S. and Boninger, F. with Hodge, S., Jansma, E., Palitz, Z. and Rangel, L. (2010). Policy and Statutory Responses to Advertising and Marketing in Schools. Boulder, CO and Tempe, AZ: EPIC and CERU [online]. Available: http://epicpolicy.org/files/CommerLege.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Education and the Public Interest Center (EPIC) – USA


Employers Frontline Consultants (2009). Review of Employer Engagement and Knowledge Transfer: Year 1 Report for Scottish Funding Council. Edinburgh: SFC [online]. Available: http://www.sfc.ac.uk/web/FILES/ReportsandPublications/Frontline_Evaluation_of_DEEP_- _Year_1_Report_Oct_2009.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Scottish Funding Council (SFC)

[index] Employment Bivand, P., Bell, L., Vaid, L., Whitehurst, D. and Wan, K. (2010). The Impact of Devolution: Employment and Employability. York: JRF [online]. Available: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/impact-of-devolution-employment.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) – UK


English as an additional language Estyn (2009). Local Authority Support for the Education of Children of Migrant Workers. Cardiff: Estyn [online]. Available: http://www.estyn.gov.uk/thematicreports/Local_authority_support_for_the_education_of_children _of_migrant_workers_october_2009.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Estyn - UK – Wales


Equality Department for Communities and Local Government (2010). Tackling Race Inequality: a Statement on Race. London: DCLG [online]. Available: http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/communities/pdf/1432344.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)


Ethnic minorities Ahmed, S. (2009). Seen and Not Heard: Voices of Young British Muslims. Markfield: Policy Research Centre [online]. Available: http://policyresearch.org.uk/SeenandNotHeard-Complete.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Policy Research Centre - UK

Department for Communities and Local Government (2010). Tackling Race Inequality: a Statement on Race. London: DCLG [online]. Available: http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/communities/pdf/1432344.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)


Extended schools Cummings, C., Dyson, A., Jones, L., Laing, K., Scott, K. and Todd, L. (2010). Extended Services Evaluation: Reaching Disadvantaged Groups and Individuals. Thematic Review. London: DCSF [online]. Available: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/DCSF-RR196.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)


Families Ben-Galim, D. and Seal-Jones, R. (2009). When Times are Tough: Four Families' Stories. London: IPPR [online]. Available: http://www.ippr.org/members/download.asp?f=%2Fecomm %2Ffiles%2Fwhen%5Ftimes%5Fare%5Ftough%2Epdf [January, 2010]. Website: Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)

Dolphin, T. (2009). Saving and Asset-building in Low-income Households. London: IPPR [online]. Available: http://www.ippr.org/members/download.asp?f=%2Fecomm%2Ffiles%2Fsaving%5Fand %5Fasset%5Fbuilding%2Epdf [January, 2010]. Website: Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)

Loureiro, T. (2009). Child and Family Impact Assessments in Court: Implications for Policy and Practice. Edinburgh: Families Outside [online]. Available: http://www.familiesoutside.org.uk/assets/show.php?id=56&p = [January, 2010]. Website: Families Outside - UK

McHugh, M. (2009). A Framework of Practice for Implementing a Kinship Care Program. Paddington, NSW: BS NSW [online]. Available: http://www.bensoc.org.au/uploads/documents/ImplementingAKinshipCareProgram.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Benevolent Society of New South Wales (BS NSW) - Australia

Pickles, C. (2010). The Centre for Social Justice Green Paper on the Family. London: Centre for Social Justice [online]. Available: http://www.centreforsocialjustice.org.uk/client/downloads/CSJ %20Green%20paper%20on%20the%20family%20WEB.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Centre for Social Justice


Family support services Families Commission (2009). Escaping the Debt Trap: Experiences of New Zealand Families Accessing Budgeting Services. Wellington: Families Commission [online]. Available: http://www.nzfamilies.org.nz/sites/default/files/downloads/escaping-the-debt-trap.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Families Commission - NZ

Ministry of Justice and Department for Children, Schools and Families (2009). Reducing Re- Offending: Supporting Families, Creating Better Futures. A Framework for Improving the Local Delivery of Support for the Families of Offenders. London: Ministry of Justice [online]. Available: http://www.justice.gov.uk/about/docs/reducing-reoffending-supporting-families.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Ministry of Justice


Fathers Gage, J., Kirk, R. and Hornblow, A. (2009). Heart and Head: Explanation of the Meaning of Fatherhood. Wellington: Families Commission [online]. Available: http://www.nzfamilies.org.nz/sites/default/files/downloads/heart-and-head.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Families Commission - NZ

Luketina, F., Davidson, C. and Palmer, P. (2009). Supporting Kiwi Dads: Role and Needs of New Zealand Fathers. Wellington: Families Commission [online]. Available: http://www.nzfamilies.org.nz/sites/default/files/downloads/supporting-kiwi-dads_0.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Families Commission - NZ


Funding Aked, J., Steuer, N., Lawlor, E. and Spratt, S. (2009). Backing the Future: Why Investing in Children is Good for Us All. London: New Economics Foundation and Action for Children [online]. Available: http://www.actionforchildren.org.uk/uploads/media/36/7857.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Action for Children


Further education institutions HM Inspectorate of Education (2009). Learners with Profound and Complex Needs in Scotland's Colleges. Livingston: HMIE [online]. Available: http://www.hmie.gov.uk/documents/publication/lpcnsc.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) - UK - Scotland [index]

Graduate employment High Fliers Research Limited (2010). The Graduate Market in 2010: Annual Review of Graduate Vacancies and Starting Salaries at Britain's Leading Employers. London: High Fliers [online]. Available: http://www.highfliers.co.uk/download/GM10Report.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: High Fliers Research Limited - UK


Health Department for Children, Schools and Families and Department of Health (2010). Keeping Children and Young People in Mind: the Government's Full Response to The Independent Review of CAMHS. London: DH [online]. Available: http://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/@dh/@en/@ps/documents/digita lasset/dh_110930.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department of Health (DH)


Higher education funding London Economics (2010). Fair Funding for All. London: Million+ [online]. Available: http://www.millionplus.ac.uk/file_download/53/FAIR_FUNDING_Final+Copy.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Million+


Higher education quality Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (2009). Universities Scotland Teaching Quality Forum Project: Good Practice in Internal Subject Review. Gloucester: QAA [online]. Available: http://www.qaa.ac.uk/reviews/ELIR/GoodPractice/InternalSubjectELIR.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)


Higher education reform May, H. and Bridger, K. (2010). Developing and Embedding Inclusive Policy and Practice in Higher Education. York: HEA [online]. Available: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/York/documents/ourwork/inclusion/DevelopingEmbeddingInc lusivePolicyPractice_ReportFinal.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Higher Education Academy (HEA) - UK


Higher education student destinations Higher Education Statistics Agency (2009). Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Institutions: Longitudinal Survey of the 2004/05 Cohort. Key Findings Report. Cheltenham: HESA [online]. Available: http://www.hesa.ac.uk/dox/dlhe_longitudinal/0405/Long_DLHE_0405_WEB.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)


Home education House of Commons. Children, Schools and Families Committee (2009). The Review of Elective Home Education. Second Report of Session 2009–10. Volume II: Oral and Written Evidence. London: TSO [online]. Available: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmchilsch/39/39ii.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: UK Parliament [index]

Homelessness Smeaton, E. (2009). Off the Radar: Children and Young People on the Streets in the UK. Executive Summary. Sandbach: Railway Children [online]. Available: http://www.railwaychildren.org.uk/wcore/showdoc.asp?id=1168 [January, 2010]. Website: Railway Children - UK


Inclusive education May, H. and Bridger, K. (2010). Developing and Embedding Inclusive Policy and Practice in Higher Education. York: HEA [online]. Available: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/York/documents/ourwork/inclusion/DevelopingEmbeddingInc lusivePolicyPractice_ReportFinal.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Higher Education Academy (HEA) - UK

O'Mahony, C. (2010). Pushing for Change: the Role of Disabled People's Organisations in Developing Young Disabled Leaders of the Future. London: ALLFIE [online]. Available: http://www.allfie.org.uk/docs/Pushing%20for%20Change.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) - UK


Justice system Loureiro, T. (2009). Child and Family Impact Assessments in Court: Implications for Policy and Practice. Edinburgh: Families Outside [online]. Available: http://www.familiesoutside.org.uk/assets/show.php?id=56&p = [January, 2010]. Website: Families Outside - UK

Ministry of Justice and Department for Children, Schools and Families (2009). Reducing Re- Offending: Supporting Families, Creating Better Futures. A Framework for Improving the Local Delivery of Support for the Families of Offenders. London: Ministry of Justice [online]. Available: http://www.justice.gov.uk/about/docs/reducing-reoffending-supporting-families.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Ministry of Justice

Scottish Government (2010). Offender Learning in Community Workstream Report. Edinburgh: Scottish Government [online]. Available: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/297453/0092537.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Scottish Government


Key Stage 2 Cable, C., Driscoll, P., Mitchell, R., Sing, S., Cremin, T., Earl, J., Eyres, I., Holmes, B. and Martin, C. with Heins, B. (2010). Languages Learning at Key Stage 2: a Longitudinal Study. Final Report. London: DCSF [online]. Available: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/DCSF- RR198.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)

National Foundation for Educational Research (2009). Considerations for Future Assessment of Key Stage 2 Science. Slough: NFER [online]. Available: http://www.nfer.ac.uk/nfer/publications/99906/99906.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) - UK


Labour market Mavromaras, K., McGuinness, S. and Fok, Y.K. (2009). Overskilling Dynamics and Education Pathways. Melbourne, VIC: University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research [online]. Available: http://www.melbourneinstitute.com/wp/wp2009n22.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research – Australia


Learning disabilities Lamont, A. and Bromfield, L. (2009). Parental Intellectual Disability and Child Protection: Key Issues. Melbourne, VIC: AIFS [online]. Available: http://www.aifs.gov.au/nch/pubs/issues/issues31/issues31.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)


Learning strategies GoddardPayne with Moynihan, D. and Fletcher, J. (2009). Learning About Learning: 12 Early Ideas from the Harris Student Commission. London: NESTA [online]. Available: http://www.nesta.org.uk/library/documents/Harris-Report.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA)

Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (2010). Learning: Creative Approaches that Raise Standards. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/content/download/10675/127552/file/Learning%20creative %20approaches%20that%20raise%20standards.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted)


Learning styles Ipsos MORI (2010). Teachers TV Learning Styles Survey 2009: Infrequent Users Report. London: DCSF [online]. Available: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/DCSF-RR189.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)


Literature reviews Lamont, A. and Bromfield, L. (2009). Parental Intellectual Disability and Child Protection: Key Issues. Melbourne, VIC: AIFS [online]. Available: http://www.aifs.gov.au/nch/pubs/issues/issues31/issues31.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)

PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP (2010). Evaluation of the Making Good Progress Pilot. London: DCSF [online]. Available: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/DCSF-RR184.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)


Local authority role Estyn (2009). Local Authority Support for the Education of Children of Migrant Workers. Cardiff: Estyn [online]. Available: http://www.estyn.gov.uk/thematicreports/Local_authority_support_for_the_education_of_children _of_migrant_workers_october_2009.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Estyn - UK - Wales

[index] Looked after children McHugh, M. (2009). A Framework of Practice for Implementing a Kinship Care Program. Paddington, NSW: BS NSW [online]. Available: http://www.bensoc.org.au/uploads/documents/ImplementingAKinshipCareProgram.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Benevolent Society of New South Wales (BS NSW) – Australia


Mental health Department for Children, Schools and Families and Department of Health (2010). Keeping Children and Young People in Mind: the Government's Full Response to The Independent Review of CAMHS. London: DH [online]. Available: http://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/@dh/@en/@ps/documents/digita lasset/dh_110930.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Department of Health (DH)


Middle childhood Sodha, S. (2009). Kidulthood: Life as a Pre-teen in the UK Today. London: Action for Children [online]. Available: http://www.actionforchildren.org.uk/content.aspx?CategoryID=180 [January, 2010]. Website: Action for Children


Migration Estyn (2009). Local Authority Support for the Education of Children of Migrant Workers. Cardiff: Estyn [online]. Available: http://www.estyn.gov.uk/thematicreports/Local_authority_support_for_the_education_of_children _of_migrant_workers_october_2009.pdf [January, 2010]. Website: Estyn - UK - Wales


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