End of Life Qualifications Mapping to E:ELCA Modules

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End of Life Qualifications Mapping to E:ELCA Modules

End of life qualifications mapping to E:ELCA modules

HSC 2022 – Optional Level 3 – Contribute to the care of a deceased person Before utilising the e-learning sessions it is recommended that the session Introduction to e-learning for End of Life Care (e-ELCA) 00_01 is undertaken. Note: The usefulness of the sessions will be dependent on the level of prior knowledge and competence of the learner.

Learning outcome Assessment criteria Module Ref no Session Specific 1. Know the factors 1.1 Outline legal Integrating Learning 05_19 Care after death I – that affect how requirements and Introduction to care individuals are agreed ways of working Integrating Learning 05_20 after death cared for after that underpin the care of Care after death II – death deceased individuals Providing personal care after death

1.2 Describe how Advance Care Planning 01_02 Cultural and spiritual beliefs and religious and considerations in ACP cultural factors affect how deceased individuals are cared for 1.3 Identify the physical Integrating Learning 05_19 Care after death I – changes that take place Introduction to care after death and how this Integrating Learning 05_20 after death may affect laying out Care after death II – and moving individuals Providing personal care after death

1.4 Identify diseases Integrating Learning 05_19 Care after death I – and conditions that Introduction to care necessitate specialist Integrating Learning 05_20 after death treatment or precautions Care after death II – when caring for and Providing personal

transferring deceased care after death individuals 1.5 Describe the Integrating Learning 05_19 Care after death I – precautions needed Introduction to care when undertaking the Integrating Learning 05_20 after death care and transfer of Care after death II – deceased individuals Providing personal with specific high risk care after death diseases and conditions 2. Be able to 2.1 Describe the likely Assessment 02_14 Assessment of dying contribute to immediate impact of an phase and after death supporting those individual’s death on Bereavement 07_04 Sudden death and who are close to others who are close to bereavement deceased the deceased individual individuals 2.2 Support others Symptom Management 04_26 Managing distress immediately following during the dying the death of the Integrating Learning 05_13 phase individual in ways that: When the dying • reduce their distress Integrating Learning 05_14 process is protracted • respect the deceased Bereavement 07_04 or unexpectedly fast individual Sudden unexpected death Sudden death and bereavement

3. Be able to 3.1 Follow agreed ways Integrating Learning 05_19 Care after death I – contribute to of working to ensure Introduction to care preparing deceased that the deceased Integrating Learning 05_20 after death individuals prior to person is correctly Care after death II – transfer identified Providing personal care after death

3.2 Carry out agreed Integrating Learning 05_19 Care after death I – role in preparing the Introduction to care deceased individual in a Integrating Learning 05_20 after death manner that respects Care after death II – their dignity, beliefs and Providing personal culture care after death

3.3 Use protective Integrating Learning 05_19 Care after death I – clothing to minimise the Introduction to care risk of infection during Integrating Learning 05_20 after death preparation of the Care after death II – deceased individual Providing personal care after death

3.4 Contribute to Integrating Learning 05_19 Care after death I – recording any property Introduction to care and valuables that are Integrating Learning 05_20 after death to remain with the Care after death II – deceased individual Providing personal care after death

4. Be able to 4.1 Carry out agreed Bereavement 07_03 Practical support after contribute to role in contacting a bereavement transferring appropriate deceased organisations individuals 4.2 Carry out agreed Not specifically covered role in transferring the deceased individual in line with agreed ways of working and any wishes expressed by the individual

4.3 Record details of the Not specifically covered care and transfer of the deceased person in line with agreed ways of working

5. Be able to 5.1 Identify ways to Symptom Management 04_26 Managing distress manage own manage own feelings in during the dying feelings in relation relation to an phase to the death of individual’s death individuals 5.2 Utilise support Not covered systems to deal with own feelings in relation to an individual’s death

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