Commands Grouped by Palette

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Commands Grouped by Palette

Commands Grouped by Palette

Officer Messages Other Crew Messages Screen Events Flight Ship Other Defense Offense Facilities Officer Skill Officers Other Communications Sensors Pt1 Sensors Pt2 Probes Science Labs Transport & Cargo Mission Flow Goals & Tasks Alerts & Misc

Unless specifically mentioned, messages are optional in commands which offer fields for entering text. But these fields can be used in cases where you would like special text to appear when the command is executed.

Officer Messages Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Captain Speaks Display a message Enter the #captainSpeaks,-, from the Captain in message in the the message log. dialog field. Communications Display a message Enter the #commOffSpeaks,-, Ofcr Speaks from the message in the Communications dialog field. OFficer in the message log. Counsellor Display a message Enter the #counselSpeaks,-, Speaks from the Counsellor message in the in the message log. dialog field. Chief Med Ofcr Display a message Enter the #doctorSpeaks,-, Speaks from the Doctor in message in the the message log. dialog field. Chief Engineer Display a message Enter the #chEngSpeaks,-, Speaks from the Chief message in the Engineer in the dialog field. message log. First Officer Display a message Enter the #frstOffSpeaks,-, Speaks from the First message in the Officer in the dialog field. message log. Science Speaks Display a message Enter the #scienceSpeaks,-, from the Science message in the Officer in the dialog field. message log. Security Speaks Display a message Enter the #securitySpeaks,-, from the Security message in the Officer in the dialog field. message log. TOP

Other Crew Messages Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Away Team Display a message Enter the #awayteamReport,-, Reports from the Away Team message in the in the message log. dialog field. Helm Speaks Display a message Enter the #helmSpeaks,-, from the Helmsman message in the in the message log. dialog field. Ops Speaks Display a message Enter the #opsSpeaks,-, from Operations in message in the the message log. dialog field. Tactical Speaks Display a message Enter the #tacticalSpeaks,-, from the Tactical message in the officer in the dialog field. message log. Other Speaks Display a message Enter the #otherSpeaks,-, from anyone else in message in the the message log. dialog field.


Screen Events Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Aim Icon At Make one icon, such Choose the icon #aimAt, AIMAT=anIcon;anotherIcon, as a ship, point in names from the the direction of popup lists another icon Change Icon Replace one icon Choose the icon #changeIcon,SWAP= with another names from the anIcon;anotherIcon, popup lists Remove Icon Delete the icon from Choose the icon #removeIcon,CANC=anIcon, the map name from the popup list Place Icon Place, or relocate, 1. Choose the #placeIcon,SPOT=anIcon;000;000, an icon at particular icon name from location on the map the popup list; 2. Enter the map x and y coordinates Play Flyby Switch the view to a 1. Choose the #playFlyby,FLYB=aBackground;aMove, shot of the active background art ship flying past a from the popup (aMove is #ByOut or #warp) planet list; 2. Choose a "fly-by and out" or "warp away" animation from the popup list Play Insert Switch the view to Choose an #playInsert,NSRT=aAnim, an animation or animation from video clip the popup list Hide Icon Temporarily make an Choose the icon #hideIcon,HIDE=anIcon, icon invisible name from the popup list Show Icon Reveal an formerly Choose the icon #showIcon,SHOW=anIcon, hidden icon name from the popup list TOP

Flight Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Ahead on Engage the impulse #departArea, - , Impulse engines Await Arrival at Cause the simulation Place this #testHitTarget , - , Destination to wait for the ship command after until it arrives. Set Destination and Engage Warp. Required when flying to the defined destination. Await Arrival Same use as "Await Place this #awaitarrivalhome,-, Home Arrival at command after Destination" but also Set Course for shuts down impulse Home and and warp drives and Engage Warp. docks upon arrival. Required when flying back to starbase. Engage Warp Shut down impulse Optionally, you Yes. #engagewarp,-, drive and start the can use a warp engines. True/False Decision Branch to manage cases when the engines fail to start for various systemic reasons. Power-up and Leave Starbase. Required to #powerupandUndock,-, Undock start-up the ship’s power systems and move away from spacedock. Set Course for Plot the coordinates Enter the map x #returnStarBase, 0000:0000, Home for your home and y destination. coordinates Set Destination Plot the coordinates Enter the map x #plotNewCoords, 0000:0000, for a destination. and y coordinates Standard Orbit Shut down the #hover, - , impulse and warp engines.


Ship Other Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Evaluate Make a decision Ship classes Yes # testManeuverability, - , Maneuverablity based on the active defined as ship class’s having above maneuverability average rating. maneuverability will return TRUE.Follow this command with a True/False Decision Branch to handle the result. Jump Space Force the ship to Preceed this #jumpSpace, - , move very quickly command with through space as if a Set thrown there by Q or Destination and some alien force. follow it with a Await Arrival. Ship Class Is Make a decision Choose a ship Yes #classIs, sss , based on the active class type from ship class’s type. the popup list. Follow this command with a True/False Decision Branch to handle the result. Test Auxiliary Switch to the Follow this Yes #useAuxPwrSupply, - , Power Supply Auxiliary Power command with Supply, if it is a True/False installed. Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the Auxiliary Power Supply is installed. Test Main Power Switch to the Main A True/False Yes #useMainPwrSupply, - , Supply Fusion Power Decision Branch System, if you had after this previously switched command is the Auxiliary Supply. optional. This command returns TRUE if the Fusion Reactor is installed. TOP

Defense Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Cause Damage Inflict an amount of 1. Choose a #damageIncident, 00000 aSystem, damage to a given system from the ship system. popup list 2. Enter an amount of damage. An amount of 1000 is light, and amount of 50000 is intense. Cloak Cloak your ship. (Of A True/False Yes #cloak, - , course, only a few Decision Branch classes have this after this system available.) command is Activating the optional. This cloaking device command guarantees that returns TRUE if Evade Detection will the Cloaking always be successful. Device is installed. Decloak Shut down the #unCloak, - , cloaking device, if it was on. Evade Detection Take a chance on Follow this Yes #evadeDetection, - , being "detected" by command with an adversary. a True/False Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE on a random basis. Raise Shields Raise the shields. #raiseShields, - , Shields Hit Inflict potential Choose a level Yes #hitShields, N , damage to the of the energy shields, as from an impact from 1 energy field. to 10. Follow this command with a True/False Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if your ship's shields successfully absorb the hit without damage. Returns FALSE if your ship's shields were too weak, in which case a damage event occurs as well. Lower Shields Lower the shields. #lowerShields, - , Encounter Start a conflict by There are seven Yes #encounterAdversary, name state Adversary creating an enemy settings to locH:locV shields weapons maneuv- with certain make for this effic posture, characteristics. command by choosing from The simulator then the popup lists: automatically runs an exchange of fire 1. An icon, between the ships, which names using the best the enemy weapons available, depleting shields by 2. Activate to the amount of create the energy in the enemy, Cancel weapons hit. to remove it

The first ship to have 3. The location its shield strength be of the enemy reduced to nearly (Enter the map zero loses the x and y conflict. coordinates)

4. Enemy’s shield strength

5. Enemy’s weapons power

6. Enemy’s agility

7. Enemy’s posture (only "Hostile" will start a conflict)

Follow this command with a True/False Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if your ship won the conflict. TOP

Offense Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Fire Any Fire the best torpedo #fireAnyTorpedo,-, Torpedo available. Fire Phasers Fire the phasers. #firePhaser, - , Fire a Photon Fire a photon #firePhotonTorpedo, - , Torpedo torpedo. Fire a Quantum Fire a quantum #fireQuantumTorpedo, - , Torpedo torpedo. Fire a Tricobalt Fire a tricobalt #fireTriCoTorpedo, - , Torpedo torpedo. NOTE These commands happen automatically when you use Encounter Adversary.

HINT The simulator displays weapons fire from your ship toward any enemy icon. TOP

Facilities Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Use Arboretum Make a decision Follow this Yes #useArboretum, - , based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional Decision Arboretum. Branch. This command returns TRUE if an Arboretum is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. Use Crew Make a decision Follow this Yes #useLounge, - , Lounge based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional Crew Decision Lounge. Branch. This command returns TRUE if a Crew Lounge is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. Use Holodeck Make a decision Follow this Yes #useHoloDeck, - , based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional Holodeck. Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if a Holodeck is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. Use Salon Make a decision Follow this Yes #useSalon, - , based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional Salon. Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if a Salon is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. NOTE Not all ship classes are defined to support all of these facilities.


Officer Skill Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Test Captain Make a decision Follow this Yes #testCaptainSkill, - , Skill based on the command with experience rating of a True/False the Captain. Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the crewmember’s experience is above average and he/she is present in the crew. Test Comms Make a decision Follow this Yes #testCommsOfcrSkill, - , Ofcr Skill based on the command with experience rating of a True/False the Communications Decision Officer. Branch. This command returns TRUE if the crewmember’s experience is above average and he/she is present in the crew. Test Counsellor Make a decision Follow this Yes #testCounsellorSkill, - , Skill based on the command with experience rating of a True/False the Counsellor. Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the crewmember’s experience is above average and he/she is present in the crew. Test Chief Med Make a decision Follow this Yes #testChMedOfcrSkill, - , Ofcr Skill based on the command with experience rating of a True/False the Doctor. Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the crewmember’s experience is above average and he/she is present in the crew. Test Chief Eng Make a decision Follow this Yes #testChiefEngSkill, - , Skill based on the command with experience rating of a True/False the Chief Engineer. Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the crewmember’s experience is above average and he/she is present in the crew. Test First Ofcr Make a decision Follow this Yes #testFirstOfcrSkill, - , Skill based on the command with experience rating of a True/False the First Officer. Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the crewmember’s experience is above average and he/she is present in the crew. Test Science Make a decision Follow this Yes #testScienceOfcrSkill, - , Ofcr Skill based on the command with experience rating of a True/False the Science Officer. Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the crewmember’s experience is above average and he/she is present in the crew. Test Security Make a decision Follow this Yes #testSecurityOfcrSkill, - , Ofcr Skill based on the command with experience rating of a True/False the Security Officer. Decision (Security and Branch. This Tactical positions are command staffed by the same returns TRUE if officer.) the crewmember’s experience is above average and he/she is present in the crew. TOP

Officers Other Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Sudden Death Cause the death of Choose the #suddenDeath, sss , an officer. command position from the popup list. Use Officer Make a decision Choose the #useOfficer, sss , based on the command presence of the position from given officer in the the popup list. crew. Follow this command with a True/False Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the officer is present in the crew. TOP

Communications Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Use Internal Make a decision Follow this # UseInternalCommSys, - , Comm Sys based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional Internal Decision Communcations Branch. This system. command returns TRUE if the system is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. Use RF Make a decision Follow this # UseRFTransciver, - , Transceiver based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional Radio Decision system. Branch. This command returns TRUE if the system is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. Use Subspace Make a decision Follow this # UseSubSpaceRadio, - , Radio based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional Subspace Decision Radio. Branch. This command returns TRUE if the system is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. Use Universal Make a decision Follow this # UseUTranslator, - , Translator based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional Universal Decision Translator. Branch. This command returns TRUE if the system is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. TOP

Sensors Pt1 Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Graviton Scan Perform a sensor Enter the x and Yes #gravitonScan, 0000 0000, sweep. (Uses Palette y point within Type 5.) the area you are scanning.

This command returns TRUE if the scan is successful (see the "note about scans" below). Lifeform Scan Perform a sensor Enter the x and Yes #lifeFormScan, 0000 0000, sweep. (Uses Palette y point within Type 3.) the area you are scanning.

This command returns TRUE if the scan is successful (see the "note about scans" below). Long Range Scan Perform a sensor Enter the x and Yes #longRangeScan, 0000 0000, sweep. (Uses Palette y point within Type 1.) the area you are scanning. This command returns TRUE if the scan is successful (see the "note about scans" below). Optical Scan Perform a sensor Enter the x and Yes #opticalScan, 0000 0000, sweep. (Uses Palette y point within Type 5.) the area you are scanning.

This command returns TRUE if the scan is successful (see the "note about scans" below). Particle Map Perform a sensor Enter the x and Yes #partclMapScan, 0000 0000, Scan sweep. (Uses Palette y point within Type 6.) the area you are scanning.

This command returns TRUE if the scan is successful (see the "note about scans" below). Proton Scan Perform a sensor Enter the x and Yes #protspectScan, 0000 0000, sweep. (Uses Palette y point within Type 2.) the area you are scanning.

This command returns TRUE if the scan is successful (see the "note about scans" below). RF Frequency Perform a sensor Enter the x and Yes #freqScan, 0000 0000, Scan sweep. (Uses Palette y point within Type 1.) the area you are scanning.

This command returns TRUE if the scan is successful (see the "note about scans" below). Subspace Scan Perform a sensor Enter the x and Yes #subSpaceScan, 0000 0000, sweep. (Uses Palette y point within Type 4.) the area you are scanning.

This command returns TRUE if the scan is successful (see the "note about scans" below). TOP

Sensors Pt2 Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Gamma Perform a sensor Enter the x and Yes #gammaScan, 0000 0000, Radiation Scan sweep. (Uses Palette y point within Type 6.) the area you are scanning.

This command returns TRUE if the scan is successful (see the "note about scans" below). Gravimetric Perform a sensor Enter the x and Yes #gravimetrScan, 0000 0000, Scan sweep. (Uses Palette y point within Type 2.) the area you are scanning.

This command returns TRUE if the scan is successful (see the "note about scans" below). Infrared Scan Perform a sensor Enter the x and Yes #infraRedScan, 0000 0000, sweep. (Uses Palette y point within Type 6.) the area you are scanning.

This command returns TRUE if the scan is successful (see the "note about scans" below). Particle Perform a sensor Enter the x and Yes #partSpectraScan, 0000 0000, Spectrum Scan sweep. (Uses Palette y point within Type 1.) the area you are scanning.

This command returns TRUE if the scan is successful (see the "note about scans" below). NOTE ABOUT SCANS

Scans are deemed successful if the given sensor system is installed and functional and if the point is within an area which contained something.

To define an area of space containing something for the scan to detect, you also must define a Scan Map Overlay for the particular scan type. TOP

Probes Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Launch Probe Launch a probe 1. Choose the Yes #launchProbe, 0000 0000 aPurpose, purpose of the probe from the popup list

2. Enter the x and y coordinates of the point you are targeting.

Follow this command with a True/False Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if (a) the Torpedo Launcher is installed, and (b) the correct probe class is available. See the "note about probes" below. Get Probe Data Wait for and return Only makes Yes #getProbeData data from the probe sense inside the just launched. TRUE branch of Launch Probe.

Follow this command with a True/False Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the probe was able to read data from a Probe Map Overlay. See the "note about probes" below. NOTE ABOUT PROBES

Successful probe launches depend on the correct class of probe being avalable for the purpose defined.

For each purpose, at least one of these classes of probes must be installed... Probe Purpose Probe Class Required CulturalAnalysis: Class 7, 8, or 9 SampleRecovery: Class 3, or 5 LongTermObservation: Class 5, or 7 SpectralData: Class 1, 2, or 4 EnergyData: Class 1, 2, or 4 GeologicalData: Class 3 GravimetricData: Class 1, 2, 8, or 9 CommBeacon: Class 6, 8, or 9 MessageProbe: Class 8, or 9 To successfully receive data from the probe, put the Get Probe Data command into the TRUE branch following Launch Probe.

To define an area of space containing something for the probe to detect, you also must define a Probe Map Overlay.


Science Labs Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Cultural Make a decision Follow this Yes #useLab, CulturalAnthropology, Anthropology based on whether command with Lab the ship has a a True/False functional Cultural Decision Anthropology Lab. Branch. This command returns TRUE if the lab is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. Cybernetics Lab Make a decision Follow this Yes #useLab, Cybernetics, based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional Decision Cybernetics Lab. Branch. This command returns TRUE if the lab is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. Exobiology Lab Make a decision Follow this Yes #useLab, Exobiology, based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional Exobiology Decision Lab. Branch. This command returns TRUE if the lab is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. Planetary Make a decision Follow this Yes #useLab, PlanetaryScience, Science Lab based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional Planetary Decision Science Lab. Branch. This command returns TRUE if the lab is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. Stellar Make a decision Follow this #useLab, Cartography, Cartography Lab based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional Stellar Decision Cartography Lab. Branch. This command returns TRUE if the lab is installed and there is sufficient power and computer time to operate it. NOTE Not all ship classes are defined to support all of these facilities. TOP

Transport & Cargo Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Beam Away Use personnel Requires that #beamAwayTeam, - , Team transporter. you follow this command with Crew Complement. Beam Cargo Use the cargo Requires that #beamCargo, - , transporter. you follow this command with Load Data. Disengage Turn off the tractor #disengageTractorbeams, - , Tractor Beam beam. Engage Tractor Activate the tractor Follow this Yes. #engageTractorbeams, - , Beam beam. command with a True/False Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the tractor beam is installed and functional. Launch Launch a shuttle and 1. Enter the x Yes. #launchShuttleCraft, 0000 0000 Shuttlecraft wait for it to reach and y aType, its destination. coordinates of the shuttlecraft destination.

2. Choose the desired function of the craft from the popup list.

Follow this command with a True/False Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the specified shuttle is available and a shuttle bay is present. Use Cargo Bay Make a decision Follow this Yes #useCargoBay, -, based on whether command with the ship has a a True/False functional cargo bay. Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the cargo bay is present. Crew Specify the Enter the Yes. #crewComp, command eng civill Complement personnel being number of science support tactical, transported. crewmembers in each category.

Follow this command with a True/False Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if there are enough personnel in each category of the ship’s crew, and the transporter system components are all installed. Only makes sense following Beam Away Team. Load Data Specify the size of Enter the Yes. #loadData,n, the load being number of tons. transported. Follow this command with a True/False Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the tranporter system components are all installed. Only makes sense following Beam Cargo. NOTES ABOUT TRANSPORTING Transporter Emitters, Targeting Sensors, and Transporter Pads are all necessary for beaming crew or cargo. A cargo bay is also required for beaming cargo. NOTES ABOUT LAUNCHING SHUTTLES A shuttlebay is required to successfully launch. Also, the function selected must be available in whichever craft have been installed. Type of Shuttlecraft Possible Functions Shuttlepod Type 15 Defense, Impulse, Passengers Shuttlepod Type 16 Defense, Impulse, Passengers Shuttlepod Type 15A Defense, Impulse, Passengers Cargo Shuttle Type 9A Warp, Cargo Sphinx Workpod M1 Thrusters Personnel Shuttle Type Warp, Passengers 6 Personnel Shuttle Type Warp, Passengers 7 Runabout Warp, Passengers


Mission Flow Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Go To Phase Jump the flow of the Choose either 2 #executePhase, N, mission script to or 3 from the another phase. popup list. Required somewhere in Phase 1 if you wish to use the commands you have built in the Phase 2 or Phase 3 flow charts. Mission Ends Stop the simulation. #simOver,-, Time Passes Cause the simulator Enter a number #waitFor, N , to cycle through a of cycles. number of steps Between 10 and without executing 30 is typical. any new commands. (Although the script will not proceed until the cycle count is reached, other processes such as repairs and shield and phaser recharging will proceed.) Start Timer Set an internal clock #zeroTicks, - , in the simulator to 0 and begin counting. Timer is Less Make a decision Enter a number Yes. #ticksLessThan, N , Than based on the current of cycles. reading of the Follow this internal clock. command with a True/False Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the number of cycles has been exceeded. Music Play a music cue. Choose a style #music,HEAR=aStyle, of music from the popup list. Link to Mission Jump to flow of the Enter the file #linkMission, aFileName, mission to an name of the entirely new script. script. (This is the name you used in the "Save" dialog.) See the "Note about Linked Missions" below. Decision Branch Make a new path in If the the command preceeding sequence depending command on the result of the returns TRUE preceeding (has a command. successful outcome), the simulator will use the commands you place to the right (the True path). If the preceeding command returns FALSE (has an unsuccessful result), the simulator will follow the False path directly below. NOTE ABOUT LINKED MISSIONS

If you have a very complex mission, you can break it into a number of separate script files. Each file then needs to be imported into Starship Creator Warp 2. To help Creator recognize a script as linked, rather than as the primary mission script, you must open the MISSION PROFILE dialog box (by double clicking on any of the "Phase" flow chart icons) and enter the word "Link" in the Mission Name field of any script being used as a linked mission. TOP

Goals & Tasks Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Goal Achieved Record the Choose the #goalachieved,N, accomplishment of a number of a mission goal. previously- defined goal from the popup list. Set Goals Define the goals for Enter the goal #SetGoals, [1:" " , 2:" " ,...], the mission. description. Up to six goals are possible. (Each goal is worth an even proportion of the total Mission Credits defined in the MISSION PROFILE.) Execute Task Commence a Choose a type #executeTask, aTask, specialized task. of task from the popup list.

This causes the simulator to branch to the Specialized Task of the same type you have scripted in the Overlays. It does not return to the main script until a Finish Task is encountered in your task script. Finish Task Define the outcome Must be used #finishTask, aTask of a specialized task. only in a Specialzed Task overlay script.

1. Choose the type of task from the popup list. (Be sure the type you choose matches the type of task you are writing.)

2. Choose the outcome, success or failure.

You may use as many of these as needed in the task Overlay. Join-up & Cause the simulator Only has an #joinupandProceed, -, Proceed to wait for all ships effect when to reach a common more than one point in the mission ship is running before continuing. the mission. Prerequisite Require all ships to Choose a type Yes #prerequisite, aTask, attempt a of task from the Specialized Task popup list. before proceeding. Follow this command with a True/False Decision Branch. This command returns TRUE if the chosen type of Specialized Task has finished successfully (ie, encountered a Finish Task — success), or FALSE if it failed.


Alerts & Misc Label on the Used to... How to use... True Underlying SSML command... tile... /False Result? Alert Cause an alert Enter a message #HQcmd window to open with to appear in the two decision options. main field of the window.

Choose the text for each decision button and the command that each button will execute. Comment Make a note to Text you enter #comment,-msg-, yourself. in the message field will be preserved in the script but will be ignored by the simulator. TOP


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