Island of the Blue Dolphins

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Island of the Blue Dolphins

Island of the Blue Dolphins By: Scott O’Dell Section 1 pg. 1-18

Character Sketcher Your job is to sketch one of the following characters: Ramo, Karana, or Captain Orlov.

Discussion Director Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your question and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions. Ask the following:

1 Prediction Question 1MCEOG 1 Fact/Opinion 1 Setting 2 “Thinking” Questions on your own

Passage Picker Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

2 descriptive 1 figurative language 1 On your Own

Word Wizard Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following words:

Aleut p 1 par 1 Parley p 5 par 3 Leagues p 7 par 9 Sparingly p 12 par 2 Kelp p 15 par 2

Summarizer Prepare a brief summary of today’s reading. Make sure to include all main ideas and points. Character Sketcher Ramo

Your job as Character Sketcher is to identify a character’s actions (traits) and explain or prove these traits, identify the character’s goal (which is what the character wants to do or accomplish), identify the problem and solution in the threading, and complete a sketch or illustration of the character. You need to be aware that the character traits you will choose will be implied character traits. In other words, they are not directly stated in the passage. You really want to use descriptive words for your character traits. You do not want to use words like good, bad, nice, and mean. Sometimes the solution to your character’s problem will not be in the section of the book that you are reading. In this case, you will need to come up with a possible solution for your character’s problem. When you begin sketching or illustration your character, try to use any physical descriptions form eh test to help you. You paper should look like this:

Character Traits (3) 1. Imaginative p 2 par 2 When Ramo first sees the ship and before he knows it is a ship he describes the ocean like it was a pebble and the ship as a cloud.

2. Curious p 2 par 1 Karana describes her brother with eyes that take in everything. They “missed little in the world”.

3. Energetic p 3 par 7 When Ramo sees that the cloud is a ship he becomes very excited about it being a “canoe”. He ends up running through everything shouting about the ship he sees.

Character Goal Ramo’s goal is to find out why the ship is coming towards their island. Problem Ramo’s problem is that he is not sure why the ship has landed and what they are there fore. He is too young to remember the last visit by this type of people.

Discussion Director

The job of the discussion director is to ask the students in the group meaningful thinking questions. The students need to write down the questions (between 4-10), the answers to the questions, and if possible the page and paragraph number where the answers can be found. The teacher will be responsible for deciding the number of questions the students will ask. The teacher may want to let the students choose some “on their own.” If this is the case, the Discussion Director may look like this:

1. What do you think the Aleuts will do when they decide to leave? Why do you think this?

**Answers will vary

2. All of the following are found on the island except which one? a. Gulls b. Dolphins c. Otters d. Crabs

** D. Crabs

3. The Russians plan on cheating the tribe out their share of otters. What do you think?

**Answers will vary

4. Describe the island that Karana lives on. Does it remind you of some place you know?

** The island is 2 leagues long and 1 league wide; looks like a fish (pg 9 par 3) Very windy, has a canyon (pg 10 par 2)

5. Why do you think the Chief was very hesitant to let the Russians on the Island?

**Answers will vary

6. Why does the Chief want the tribe not to talk to the Russians?

**He does not trust the Russians. Passage Picker

Passage 1: 1. Pg. 9 Par 3. 2. Like a dolphin…along the shore. 3. An Example of a Simile because the island is being compared to a dolphin. 4. Can you describe some place like an animal? 5. I think the author used this sentence to help the reader understand the connection between the title and the name of the Island.

Passage 2: 1. Pg 10 Par 1. 2. The first thing you….down to the Coral Cove. 3. This is an example of descriptive passage because it describes the wind on the Island. 4. Why do you think the author spent so much time discussing the wind?

Passage 3: 1. Pg 15 Par 2. 2. The sea otter…in the sea. 3. This is an example of descriptive passage because it describes how the sea otter swims and plays. 4. What type of image does this passage make of the otter? 5. The author included this to show how important otters are to Karana. Word Wizard

1. Aleut, p1 par 1. (Noun) I remember the day the Aleut ship came to our island. A group of Native Americans from Alaska. This explains where the Russians come from. 2. Parley, p 5 par 3. (Verb) “I come in peace and wish to parley,” he said. To trade or to meet with people. This helps explain why the Russian came to the Island. 3. Leagues p7 par 9. (Noun) “From here to the coast of Santa Barbara-twenty leagues away?” It’s a length of measurement. It describes the Island and how big it is. 4. Sparingly p 12 par 2. (Adverb) During this time the village eats sparingly, mostly from stores of seeds harvested in autumn. It means with caution, or to make last over a time period. This explains how the tribe makes the food last over the winter. 5. Kelp p15 par 2. (Noun) The wide beds of kelp, which surround our island on three sides come close to the shore and spread out to sea for a distance of a league. A form of seaweed. This is what the otters hide in. Summarizer

We are first introduced to the village on the island and meet Karana, and her brother Ramo who are the chief’s children. Then a ship comes to the island full of Russians that want to hunt the otter that is around. After much debate the chief finally agrees and Russians set up camp on the other side. The Russians are just about to leave the island and no one knows what is going to happen. Section 2 pg. 19-40

Character Sketcher Your job is to sketch one of the following characters: Ulape, Kimki, or Matasaip.

Discussion Director Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your question and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions. Ask the following:

1 Prediction Question 1 MCEOG 1 Fact/Opinion 1 Cause/Effect 2 “Thinking” Questions on your own

Passage Picker Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

2 descriptive 1 figurative language 1 On your Own

Word Wizard Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following words:

Snared Pg. 26 par 2 Mesa Pg. 26 par 3 Decreed Pg. 27 par 3 Stout Pg. 31 par 2 Bobbed Pg. 37 par 1 Forlorn Pg. 39 par 5

Summarizer Prepare a brief summary of today’s reading. Make sure to include all main ideas and points. Section 3 pg. 41-66

Character Sketcher Your job is to sketch one of the following characters: Ramo, or Karana. Pick one that has not already been done.

Discussion Director Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your question and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions. Ask the following:

1 Prediction Question 1MCEOG 1 Fact/Opinion 1 Setting 2 “Thinking” Questions on your own

Passage Picker Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

2 descriptive 1 figurative language 1 On your Own

Word Wizard Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following words:

Slunk Pg. 41 par 3 Mussels Pg 45 par 4 Vowed Pg. 48 par 3 Surf Pg. 49 par 3 Ancestors Pg 59 par 3

Connector Connect the story of how Karana uses the animals around her in order to survive to the Native Americans and their use of Buffalos in the West. Section 4 pg. 67-88

Character Sketcher Look at Karana and how she has changed throughout the book. (Hint: Look at her beliefs, life styles, and attitudes towards different things on the island.)

Discussion Director Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your question and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions. Ask the following:

1 Prediction Question 1MCEOG 1 Fact/Opinion 1 Setting 2 “Thinking” Questions on your own

Passage Picker Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

2 descriptive 1 figurative language 1 On your Own

Word Wizard Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following words:

Brackish Pg. 69 par 2 Ravines Pg. 71 par 1 Legend Pg. 73 par 5 Broadened Pg. 74 par 4 Rival Pg. 81 par 2

Summarizer Prepare a brief summary of today’s reading. Make sure to include all main ideas and points. Section 5 pg. 89-109

Character Sketcher Your job is to sketch one of the following characters: Rontu

Discussion Director Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your question and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions. Ask the following:

1 Prediction Question 1MCEOG 1 Fact/Opinion 1 Setting 2 “Thinking” Questions on your own

Passage Picker Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

2 descriptive 1 figurative language 1 On your Own

Word Wizard Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following words:

Carcass Pg. 91 par 6 Matted Pg. 93 par 4 Poisonous Pg. 94 par 3 Sunken Pg. 95 par 1 Sinews Pg. 98 par 2

Connector Think about how you felt when getting a new pet (if you don’t have one then imagine). How does Karana feel about Rontu? Why is the feeling different? Why is the feeling the same? Section 6 pg. 110-129

Character Sketcher Your job is to sketch one of the following characters: Tainoz

Discussion Director Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your question and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions. Ask the following:

1 Prediction Question 1MCEOG 1 Fact/Opinion 1 Setting 2 “Thinking” Questions on your own

Passage Picker Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

2 descriptive 1 figurative language 1 On your Own

Word Wizard Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following words:

Plentiful Pg. 110 par 1 Fibers Pg. 112 par 3 Pry Pg. 115 par 2 Crevice Pg. 117 par 1 Seized Pg. 120 par 1 Cormorants Pg. 127 par 3

Illustrator Describe the Giant Devilfish. Section 7 pg. 130-148

Character Sketcher Your job is to sketch one of the following characters: Mon-a-nee or Tutok

Discussion Director Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your question and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions. Ask the following:

1 Prediction Question 1MCEOG 1 Fact/Opinion 1 Setting 2 “Thinking” Questions on your own

Passage Picker Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

2 descriptive 1 figurative language 1 On your Own

Word Wizard Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following words:

Graceful Pg. 135 par 4 Gestures Pg. 135 par 7 Headland Pg. 141 par 4 Bellow Pg. 143 par 1 Mended Pg. 146 par 5

Connector Write a paragraph describing a time when you met someone new. How does your experience relate to Karana’s experience? Section 8 pg. 149-178

Character Sketcher Your job is to sketch one of the following characters: Karana. Look at how she has changed throughout the book. Give examples of what has made her change.

Discussion Director Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your question and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions. Ask the following:

1 Prediction Question 1MCEOG 1 Fact/Opinion 1 Setting 2 “Thinking” Questions on your own

Passage Picker Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

2 descriptive 1 figurative language 1 On your Own

Word Wizard Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following words:

Trotting Pg 150 par 2 Gnawing Pg 160 par 3 Lapped Pg 161 par 2 Shuddered Pg 164 par 1 Stranded Pg 165 par 6

Summarizer Read the author’s notes at the end of the story. Compare how accurate the story is to the history of the island. Use examples from the story and from his notes.

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