Leigh Parish Council

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Leigh Parish Council


Minutes of the monthly Parish Council meeting held in the Small Hall, High Street, Leigh, Monday 4th July 2011 commencing at 8pm under the chairmanship of Cllr. Stratton-Brown.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: None received as all Parish Councillors were present. PRESENT: Cllrs. C. Stratton-Brown (Chairman), J. Knock, D. Bennie, A. Johnston, G. Marchant, P. Croft, R.Swallow, B. Doherty, S. Smith. IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs. J Butler (Clerk).

2. DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTEREST. Cllrs. Knock and Doherty as School Governors with regard to items 9i. and 13.

3. MINUTES from the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 6th June 2011 were approved with the addition of the Clerk’s resignation, proposed by Cllrs. Johnston and Marchant, and were signed by the Chairman.

4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 6th June 2011. The Clerk noted that she has formally reported Coppins Road to Kent Highways (KHS) for resurfacing, and the reference number is 29214. Cllr. Marchant remarked that the recent resurfacing of Scabharbour Road is of poor quality in relation to its location, and believes that it is not strong enough to withstand the quantity of water.

5. PLANNING Planning applications : SE/11/01397/FUL Holly Lodge, Penshurst Road, Leigh TN11 8TN. Erection of single garage to side and conversion of existing garage to study. Councillors. had no objection to this application. SE/11/01494/FUL 3 Home Farm, Leigh TN11 8SB. Installation of 4 no. Velux roof windows. Councillors supported this application. Planning decisions by Sevenoaks District Council (SDC): Grant of Planning Permission: SE/11/00695/LBCALT. Southdown House, 1 The Square, High Street, Leigh. Internal alterations. SE/10/00510/FUL 3 Donkey Field, TN11 8HJ. Erection of first floor side and rear extensions principally over existing flat roof, and erection of ground floor rear extension. As amplified by amended plans received 17/3/11.

6. TO CONSIDER AGREEING TO SALE OF SMALL PARCEL OF DISTRICT COUNCIL LAND SITUATED AT THE FORSTAL. Jim Latheron of SDC had contacted the Clerk to ask whether the Parish Council object to the sale of this land, and the Clerk had passed the request on to Councillors for their consideration prior to the meeting. After a short discussion, Councillors had no objection.

7. TO UPDATE ON THE PROGRESS OF LINKING PEDESTRIAN ACCESS BETWEEN KNOTLEY HALL - CHIDDINGSTONE CAUSEWAY. The Clerk has still not received any information from David Smith of Kent County Council (KCC) Countryside Access, and has asked Kent County Cllr. Lake for assistance.

8. TO RECEIVE AN UPDATE ON THE PARISH CLERK VACANCY. The Clerk was asked to forward the job description approved by the selection panel (Cllrs. Stratton-Brown, Doherty and Knock) to the rest of Council, and to amend the advertisements to reflect that it is a salaried position and not voluntary. Councillors decided that it was not necessary to advertise via the Society of Local Council Clerks, but neighbouring parish magazines may be worthwhile.

9. ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS INCLUDING: i. permission for Leigh School PTA Fete Committee members to sleep overnight on The Green on 8th July. Councillors were in agreement for permission to be granted subject to the usual conditions of minimal disturbance. ii. to receive an update on advice regarding Crandalls Pond. Councillors Marchant and Croft visited the pond and agreed that the site was unkempt and the water was stagnant. They were unsure of what to recommend, and after some discussion it was agreed for the Clerk to press David Boorman of SDC for advice, to inform District Councillor Alison Cook, and to contact Action with Communities in Rural Kent and the BCTV. The Chairman requested from the Clerk a map showing ownership of The Crandalls. County Councillor Peter Lake was unable to attend the meeting but sent his report via the Clerk, who thought it appropriate to mention under agenda item Environment. He reported that the KHS transport engineer visited Hildenborough Road on 21st June and states that traffic passing Upper Kennards to the Powder Mill lane junction is averaging 39.4 mph in a 30 mph area. Although the crash record is zero for the past 3 years, he recommends an interactive sign funded by the KCC Member Highways Fund. This sign was a condition as part of the Gibbs Field development, and there was considerable negotiation with the Parish Council and KHS before an agreement was reached regarding its location. The sign was not introduced as KHS found out that the land was 07/2011/4 not under their ownership. Councillors felt strongly that the previous agreement should still stand and an interactive sign should be installed. With regard to the speeding issue along Powder Mill Lane, the engineer surveyed the Forstal site between 9.20am and 10am and observed 13 vehicles driving at between 25-36mph, and this together with a zero crash record does not justify introducing traffic calming measures. Councillors felt that the survey time was not representative and that the findings should be challenged, and the Clerk was also asked to request the police to carry out speed checks. Finally, Cllr. Lake reported that the kerbs by Hall Place had finally been completed. Cllr. Croft, although appreciative, observed that both sides of the entrance had been dropped, yet the eastbound kerb was unnecessary as the pavement was very short and led to nothing. With regards to the destroyed Jubilee seat on The Green, the Clerk had corresponded with Heather Jeffries, from Salisbury, who had driven into the bench. Ms Jeffries had requested copies of the estimate to replace the bench. The Clerk had discovered that Brodie Hall of Oakenden, Chiddingstone, had made the original bench and the identical bench at Chiddingstone, and she will contact him to ask whether he would agree to provide a replacement and provide an estimate for her to forward. Following on from last month’s discussion, the Clerk was asked to contact the Cricket Club with regard to parking on The Green.

10. VILLAGE HALLS. No report.

11. AGED PERSONS DWELLING. The Clerk had received Certificates of Property Accreditation from SDC in recognition of the measures taken during the last year – each property had an electrical survey (PIR), an EPC, and a Landlord’s Safety Certificate for the gas boilers, as well as showers fitted. The accreditation expires in 2014. Cllr. Johnston required the key to the existing window at no. 2 to be able to fit the new handle – the Clerk will drop off the key.

12. CORRESPONDENCE was circulated at the meeting, with the main items of interest listed below. Correspondence up to 4th July Action/Copy Kent Downs Orchid – newspaper of the Kent Down AONB, Summer 2011 Cllr. Marchant Letter from residents of Barnetts Road regarding their concern over the speed of See item 9, Environment traffic approaching and leaving Leigh along Powdermill Lane. SDC Planning Policy: copy of the presentation given at the briefing for Town and Cllr. Smith attended – see Parish Councils on 16th June about current LDF consultations. below. Notification from KHS West Kent Highway Manager Carol Valentine of budget reductions of around £20m resulting in staff re-structuring from 1st July. As is the case now, defects should be reported via the Contact Centre (08458 247800) to ensure that they are properly recorded and entered into the system to be repaired. For the Sevenoaks District, the contacts are as follows: District Manager - Julian Cook, Ops Engineer - Mike Payton, and Highway Steward - Allan Gibbons. Parish News May/June 2011 All Councillors A letter from a resident for the Parish Council's help to improve visibility caused by Councillors felt that as the the obstruction by the lower branches of the young oak tree near the war memorial, shop offered a delivery and also with a request for a disabled parking space outside the village shop. service, a disabled parking Clerk had contacted SDC for information:”Disabled parking bays are provided on bay wouldn’t be a practical request from residents who have to reach an established disability and mobility solution in an area of criteria, but this is also affected by location and suitability for a bay (road width, limited parking and low proximity to junctions, etc.) Any disabled residents who would want a bay would level of disability demand. need to contact the District Council and we would then send them the application The Clerk was asked to details.” respond together with SDC response. Peter Croft will assess the oak tree. Temporary Road closure 24th October, 5-10 days: From B2176 Penshurst Road to Poundsbridge Hill, Penshurst, due to Ditching, verge repair and Patching works. Diversion approaching from the north, is north west along B2176 Rogues Hill then south west along B2188 High Street, B2188 Fordcombe Road, B2188 New Road, B2188 Saints Hill, B2188 Spring Hill, east along The Lane (Fordcombe Lane) then north along Poundsbridge Hill. Local Councils Update July 2011 Cllr. Stratton-Brown Digital Television Switchover Community Outreach Pack Noticeboards.

Cllr. Smith had attended the SDC Local Development Framework consultation briefing for Parish Councils, and a discussion followed about the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed change to the limits to development in the Green Belt from 50% of area to 30% of volume. The Chairman summarised his views of the consultation document and observed that all would support extra parking at Hildenborough rail station, and that the Parish Council should take care in agreeing to the precise description of Hall Place wall as this would be used as a reference by SDC, rather like a listing. The Chairman also suggested that the reference to a playground 07/2011/4 should be amended to “no suitable place” as opposed to demand, as the results of the survey showed a significant number in favour of a playground, but not on The Green. It was agreed for a response to the document should be discussed again at the next meeting in time for comments to be submitted to SDC by 4th August.

13. FINANCIAL MATTERS, to consider: i. a request from Leigh Primary School for grant towards new classroom. The Clerk had previously circulated the letter from the Chair of School Governors (Cllr. Doherty), along with copies of the 20111-12 budget and Annual Return and end of year accounts. Cllr. Doherty stated that the amount committed so far was £47,140, and the realistic date for building would be summer 2012. The Chairman suggested that as the Parish Council’s balance was around £20,000, the amount of £5,000 could be proposed for the school for this year which would still allow for amounts to be earmarked for the employment of a new Clerk and for the APD properties. In answer to the question from Cllr. Bennie, this would not prevent further potential Section 137 donations. All Councillors agreed to grant £5,000 by the end of the financial year if the build materialises. ii. to discuss how to earmark the surplus raised from the Leigh Royal Wedding Celebration Committee, to be used for future celebrations. Cllr. Doherty, as organiser of the Celebration Committee, suggested that the £1,300 be earmarked by the Parish Council to use for future celebration such as next year’s Jubilee. All agreed. The Clerk had received a cheque for £400 from Shayler’s Fun Fair visit to The Green. The Chairman reported that £34 had been received as the balance from the now defunct Civil Protection Group. The Clerk advised that she had obtained an extension from the Audit Commission for the submissioin of the Annual Return, and all relevant documents were still with the internal auditor Colin Stevens, apart for the cheque book required for this meeting. Cllrs. Johnston and Marchant proposed and seconded approval for the following cheques.

Clerks expenses Amount of which VAT mileage @ .40p pm £22.08 working from home allowance £35.00 stamps inc. recorded delivery SDC £12.82 Credit for expenses wrongly claimed April 2011 -£86.54 -£14.42 Total -£16.64 -£14.42

chq. no. List of Cheques Amount of which VAT 1192 Clerk's salary £473.96 £0.00 1193 Clerk's pension £124.91 £0.00 1194 Leigh Gardening Co. mowing of war memorial £90.00 £0.00 1195 Shaws & Sons Ltd minute book £91.19 £15.20 1196 SDC dog bin emptying Apr-June 2011 £336.96 £56.16 1197 P Croft: mowing £246.00 £0.00 Total: £1,363.03 £71.36

14. ANY FURTHER MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION Transport should be put back on the agenda. Cllr. Swallow expressed interest in opportunities for improved broadband and had attended the event at Tonbridge. He requested that the Clerk forward information she has received on funding opportunities from KCC. Cllr. Swallow also requested that the School Field and extra tennis court for use by the community be added to next month’s agenda, and also requested permission for The Green to be used weekly by Sevenoaks Junior Rugby Club in conjunction with Leigh juniors. All agreed. Cllr. Bennie requested permission for the Scouts to use The Green for their annual BBQ on 14th July. Cllr. Smith requested that the website be put on the agenda for next month. She also raised Joyce Field’s concerns regarding the recent accident on Hildenborough Road at Laundry Cottages. The Clerk was asked to request from KHS for improved signage on this bend, and update Mrs Field on the interactive sign as well as chase for the reinstatement of white lines opposite The Green, which were not replaced after the road was resurfaced last year. The meeting closed at 10pm. Signed……………………………......




Before each Parish Council meeting there is a period of ten minutes for questions from members of the public, called the Open Session, and a period of fifteen minutes for reports from County and District Councillors . Minutes of the Open Session and Reports held in the Small Hall, High Street, Leigh, Monday 4th July 2011 commencing at 8pm under the chairmanship of Cllr. Stratton-Brown.


Kent County Councillor Peter Lake sent his apologies for absence, and asked that his report be read out by the Clerk (see under Environment).

District Councillor Alison Cook sent apologies for her absence, and asked that the Clerk relay the following: 1. Jim Latheron of SDC will be in contact soon regarding the school’s wish to utilise the newly closed public conveniences which adjoin Jessica’s Hall. Cllr. Doherty added that Mr Latheron will inform the school of the market value, and she will be meeting with KCC next week in her role as Chair of School Governors. 2. There is a petition currently in circulation drawn up by concerned residents who believe that there should be extra traffic calming measures adopted along Powdermill Lane. 3. Nicky Twort, SDC Conservation Officer, has been in discussion with Hall Place regarding the replacement of stolen coping stones on the Hildenborough Road end of the Hall Place wall.

07/2011/4 RE: Leigh Civil Protection Group

From: Colin Stratton-Brown ([email protected]) Sent: 27 June 2011 15:24:30 To: [email protected] ([email protected])

Thanks - letter sent,


-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 24 June 2011 16:37 To: Colin Stratton-Brown Subject: Re: Leigh Civil Protection Group

Sort code is 30 16 07 and acct no. 78432508.



Janice Butler Parish Clerk

On 24 Jun 2011, at 11:56, "Colin Stratton-Brown"


The current inhabitants living in Burstock, Penshurst Road, for many years have been receiving odd communications about a bank account for the Civil Protection Group and binning them. However, they have just given me the latest letter. I rang up the bank and found that they are sitting on about £34. The Civil Protection Group was last active about 20 years ago. Luckily I am still a signatory and they will accept a letter from me closing the account.

I propose to ask them to transfer the money to the Parish Council. I assume the name of the account is 'Leigh Parish Council' but what is the account number and sort code, please?



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