Small Group Questions Matthew 7:24-29 Sermon Title: THE TRUTH TELLER Week of 19 March 2017


The first two messages looked at Jesus’ identity. This message begins to explain Jesus’ work. He came preaching and teaching with an authority that surprised the people. John 1:15-18 also speaks of Jesus’ credibility and authority. Jesus is the New Moses, revealing both God and God’s will and ways to us. This message will address the issues of “personal truth” and relativity in our culture. We are a people lost in lies and deceptions, captive to limited, distorted human reasoning. Jesus lives and teaches the Truth will set us free (John 8:32)

Application: Jesus clears away the fog of confusion and misguided thinking so we can know and follow the way of life

Charge: Trust the Truth-Teller. Opening Question

After making each individual feel welcome to the small group, a question or series of questions like the following can give everyone an opportunity to participate, start thinking about a concept from the passage and gradually share more openly the deep work that God is doing in our lives.

O1. Have you ever had to drive in extreme fog (or other driving conditions with limited visibility)? How did you handle it?

Scripture References: Matthew 7:24-29 (NIV) 24“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” 28When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, 29because He spoke as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law.

John 8:32 (NIV) 32Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Understanding the Scripture A question like one of the following may help your group understand the content of the passage. Answering all of these questions exactly as written isn't necessary or recommended. Allow time for the application and Mission Statement questions. U1. Matthew 7:24-29 is ‘red letter’ scripture in many of our Bibles because they contain the words of Jesus. Who was He speaking to in this passage?

U2. Compare the two types of builders in Matthew 7:24-29. What sets them apart from each other?

U3. Matthew 7:28-29 explains that the crowds “were amazed” not just by what Je- sus said, but “how” he taught. How was Jesus’ method of teaching different from the teachers they usually encountered?

U4. The other scripture reference we are given is John 8:32, which is a small frag- ment of a larger teaching of Jesus. Consider reading John 8:30-36 for a more complete picture of this passage and its context. Who is Jesus addressing? What primary issue is He addressing with John 8:32? Applying the Scripture Small groups are a primary way of building a community fully alive in Christ. A small group facilitator can use questions like the following, adapted to the context of the particular small group, to help the group move beyond understanding the passage to allowing Jesus Christ to fully change our lives by the passage.

A1. Do you believe in ultimate truth? What is the implication of John 8:32 regarding the relationship between knowing truth and freedom? Is “knowing” truth enough? A2. Is there a particular issue in today’s society that you believe could be resolved if everyone could just “agree” on the truth? A3. What is your go-to method for discerning what is true? Does it depend on the context? A4. How do you generally determine if someone is an authority in a particular subject? Does it matter if you agree with their assertions? A5. Has there ever been a situation where you relied on the experts and were led astray? What happened in that situation?

Missional Strategy: Invite, Connect, Grow and Serve Use questions like the following, adapted to the context of your particular small group, to work toward the milestone for the year.

Milestone: By this time next year each of us will have taken at least one step to become more like Jesus in our upward connection (connect), inner strength (grow) and outward focus (serve).

M1. Is there anyone in your life right now (friend, family, co-worker, neighbor) who has shared with you that they are living by their “own” truth, whatever that may be? How would you approach sharing Jesus with that person? M2. Are there any areas in your life where you are interacting with individuals or a group that subscribes to relativistic truth? How can you retain your grasp on the Truth Teller through your interactions? M3. Is there any area in your life where Christ is showing you the truth, but you haven’t been ready to accept that? What is holding you back? How can your small group pray for you to move to a place where the Truth Teller is speaking into every aspect in your life? M4. What are some spiritual disciplines you might begin, or increase in your practice, that might help you learn and discern the truth? How is your current implementation of those practices?

Closing Prayer

If your small group prays together, some of the following concepts might be helpful to invite the Holy Spirit to help each member of the group grow in areas that may have come up during the group's discussion.

Pray for  The power of the Holy Spirit to give each member of your group discernment about what is true, especially in confusing situations;  Each member to hunger for God’s Word;  eyes to be opened to those who might be interested in joining your small group; and  clear direction from the Lord in taking steps of faithful service.