World History 5.0 and 6.0 Test 13 Study Guide – Chapters 31 & 32

Test 13 covers Chapter 31 (The Cold War) and Chapter 32 (Independence & Nationalism in the Developing World). The test consists of 16 Multiple Choice questions, 9 TRUE/FALSE questions, and a completion section that focuses on the challenges of African nations after colonialism (Ch. 32 Lesson 3) worth 10 points, for a total of 35 points. As always you should have done all the assigned reading for the chapters, you should review all HW and in-class assignments, and you should look at my webpage for additional power points and other study materials. You may use HW, in-class assignments or notes of your own creation during the test. You may not share notes & you may not reproduce your text OR use printed copies of the study materials posted on the web page. If you wish to use anything from google classroom you need to print it as you will not be able to access it during the test. This is the last test of marking the year, except for the FINAL EXAM. You should expect to see the following terms, concepts and people on the test:


 Causes of the Cold War between the US & the SU; also where did Cold War conflicts occur in the decades after WW2 (Eastern Europe; Korean War; Vietnam War; Cuban Missile Crisis)

 Arms Race & deterrence

 Policy of Containment

 Domino theory

 Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan

 Germany after WW2 (how was it divided? What did the Soviets hope to achieve with the West Berlin blockade? How did that situation resolve? Why was the wall separating East & West Berlin constructed?)

 Communist victory in China in 1949 (who were Mao’s supporters?)

 Mao’s policies – Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution (what did he hope to achieve & how? Outcomes?)

 Deng Xiaoping – how did he change China after Mao’s death?


 India after British rule ends (who is the leader? What happens to Gandhi? How & why does the UN divide the region)

 Policy of non-alignment

 East & West Pakistan – problems? Outcome of that division?

 Formation of Bangladesh

 UN division of Palestine Mandate after WW2 (effect?)

 Status of Palestine today?

 Definition of Apartheid

 Causes & effect of Apartheid  Role of Nelson Mandela in ending Apartheid (Pres. Of ANC; time in prison; effect of Presidency)

 Definition of self-determination

 Economic, political and social (health) problems facing newly independent African nations (p. 666-669)

Good luck! Last one of the year…