Name ____KEY______Date ______

Part I. Multiple Choice.

1. ___c___ At the ______, the Kiowa, Comanche, and Cheyenne Indians were attacked by Colonel Ranald S. Mackenzie just before dawn. The Plains Indians were forced into Oklahoma as a result.

a. Battle of Satanta b. Battle of Adobe Walls c. Battle of Palo Duro Canyon d. Battle of Charles Goodnight

2. d Why did U.S. Army troops build forts in Texas after the Civil War?

a. The Plains Indians needed a place to live. b. The settlers in Texas wanted protection from Indian raids. c. While living at the forts, Texan soldiers could fight the Plains Indians and force them onto reservations. d. Both b and c.

3. d The ______, which is now Oklahoma, was the location of reservations where some Indian chiefs moved with their people.

a. Great Plains b. Red River c. Adobe Walls d. Indian Territory

4. __d___ Which of the following was a well known rancher in the 1800s?

a. Charles Goodnight b. Richard King c. Henrietta King d. All of the above

5. a Most cattle trails used in the 1860s were named in honor of ______.

a. The first people who traveled them. b. Plains Indian tribes. c. Texas cities through which they passed. d. a, b, and c *image taken from

6. b Looking at the piece of art above, what makes it significant to Texas history in the 1800s?

a. The cowboys rode cattle as they traveled on the cattle trails. b. It shows the grassy, open range where some 5 million cattle lived. c. Cowboys like Richard King drove the cattle out of Texas when they began to form settlements. d. None of the above.

Use the following paragraphs to answer questions 7-10.

Charles Franklin Reaugh

Charles Franklin Reaugh (also known as Frank) was an artist, teacher, and inventor who lived from 1860-1945. He wanted his art to show the unsettled regions of the southwest before 1900. He chose to use pastels and paints for his pictures.

When he was fifteen, Frank moved from his home in Illinois to Terrell, Texas. While in Texas, he lived on a cotton farm and learned to paint by copying the artwork of famous artists in Europe. Most of this art showed large animals. Around 1800, Frank was given the opportunity to ride along with two cattlemen on their cattle round-up. After this trip, the men helped him pay to study art in St. Louis and Paris. In Paris, he learned how to use pastels in art. In 1890, Frank moved to Dallas with his family. At this house, Frank and his dad built an art studio in their backyard where Frank could work. His artwork became very famous during the next ten years. Over his lifetime, Frank Reaugh invented a number of useful tools for artists, such as a folding lap easel and a small carrying case for pastels. Reaugh also created and sold his own brand of pastels, which matched the colors of regional plants and flowers. Each pastel was cast in a hexagonal shape so they would be easy to handle when sitting in a field.

Reaugh is also famous for a studio he built in 1928-1929. It contained a vault, or storage area, for paintings. The studio also had places for musical performances and classrooms. He built other things also. When he was teaching art, he made a Model T Ford car into a bus. The bus was a place to ride, sleep, eat, and store supplies. Frank and his students rode around the southwest, drawing things they saw in nature.

7. ___c___ What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

a. Frank Reaugh liked to paint cattle when he went on trips. b. Frank Reaugh painted things he saw in the southwest. c. Places Frank Reaugh traveled helped him become a good artist. d. Things Frank Reaugh invented became famous.

8. d What was the first event in Frank Reaugh’s life that led him to make art?

a. His dad built him a studio in the backyard. b. He studied in Paris and St. Louis. c. He rode along with two cattlemen on their cattle drive. d. He moved to a cotton farm in Texas.

9. a After reading the story, what types of things do you think Frank Reaugh mostly painted?

a. Cattle and landscapes b. Birds and trees c. People who helped him d. Pictures of his inventions 10. a__ What would be the best summary for this story?

a. Frank Reaugh painted and invented things that were mostly inspired by his travels. His teaching and work are now part of the history of the southwest. b. Frank Reaugh traveled to many places and lived in Texas. He liked painting and drawing animals and even went on cattle drives to see them. c. Frank Reaugh invented a lot of things that helped him paint. He then taught people how to paint. d. Frank Reaugh was a wonderful man who loved to paint. He was a good artist, and many people like his artwork.

Part II: True and False:

1. __T__ The way the elements and principles of art are used affects the meaning an artwork expresses. 2. __F__ George Catlin was an American painter who was best known for his landscape scenes in the mountains of West Texas. 3. __T__ Railroad tracks on a straight path have parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines. 4. __T__ Quanah Parker led the U.S. Army in the last major battle of the Red River War. 5. __T__ During the railroad boom in Texas, the locomotive became a symbol of change. 6. __T__ Because cattle sold for more money in the eastern United States, Texas ranchers moved their cattle eastward on long trails. These moves were known as the cattle drives. 7. __F__ The building of railroads in Texas had almost no effect on the population of cities. They were simply a better way of transporting things such as cattle and lumber. Use this painting to answer questions 8-10

8. __F__ In this painting, the best word to describe the three-dimensional form of the teepees is triangle. 9. __T__ The artist of this painting used the principle of proportion when painting three teepees of different sizes but the same general shape. 10. __F__ The art element of line is used at the top of each teepee. The sticks at the top are shown by using perpendicular, intersecting lines. Part III. Matching: Match each phrase in the first column with a word in the second column. Place the letter of the word on the line next to the number.

_B__ 1. An artist who repeats an image, such as many horses in a A. Unity stampede, is using ______.

_E__ 2. An artist painted a very simple landscape, but a cowboy B. Pattern was at the front of the painting wearing colorful, decorated chaps. The artist was using ______to draw your attention to the cowboy’s clothes.

_D__ 3. If the light on the front of a train in a picture is shining C. Balance bright white light against a black, night sky, this would be an example of ______.

_C__ 4. Symmetry in a painting is one way to use the art principle D. Contrast of ______. _A__ 5. In a painting of a field with trees and wildflowers, E. Variety everything in the painting works together because the painting has ______. Part IV: Interpretive Exercise:

1. T F The artist of this painting uses the color red to emphasize certain parts of the painting.

2. T F The element of line was used to paint the weapons carried by the Native Americans.

3. T F The artist of this painting probably wanted to show what life was like at the Indian Territory reservations.

4. T F The white clouds in this painting show contrast with the blue sky.

5. T F The line in which the Indians are riding creates the idea of movement and rhythm in the painting.

Part V: Short Answer: 1. What is the setting of this painting? How does it relate to the late 1800s in Texas? Texas settlers fighting Indians. Indian Wars

2. Describe the grass in this painting. What elements and principles of art were used to paint the grass? Possibly blowing in the wind (or similar answer). Color, curve line, rhythm, movement, etc.

3. How would you say the artist creates balance in this painting? There are more horses on the left than on the right, but the ones on the right are smaller

4. Does the painting have unity? Why or why not? Answers may vary greatly 5. Did the artist use emphasis in any part of this painting? If so, what is emphasized and how? If not, do you think any part should be emphasized? Answers may vary greatly. Most likely – the white horse in the front is emphasized because it is a different color and has blood on it. The rider’s headdress also draws attention.

Part VI: Fill in the Blanks:

1. Two of the cattle trails that ran through Texas were the _Chisholm, Shawnee, Sedalia, Western, Goodnight-Loving_ Trail and the ______Trail. 2. Joseph Farwell Glidden invented ______Barbed wire______which kept cattle from roaming. 3. Many words in the cattle business such as rodeo and corral came from the ______Spanish______language. 4. When reading a cattle brand, an upside down letter is read as a _____crazy______letter. A letter lying on its side is read as a ______lazy______letter. Finally, a letter written backwards is known as a ______reverse______letter. 5. ______Johanna July______was one famous woman who trained the strong workhorses used on the cattle drives Part VII. Matching: Match each phrase in the first column with a word in the second column. Place the letter of the word on the line next to the number.

_C__ 1. a time of rapid growth A. junction

_E__ 2. used water to run B. depot

_A__ 3. where two or more rail lines meet C. boom

_D__ 4. a train engine D. locomotive

_A__ 5. a train station E. steam engine Part VIII Essay: Answer the following question as an essay. You may use your Social Studies textbook and notes you have taken about the elements and principles of art to help you. Your essay should be in TAKS format.

1. Using one of the four artworks provided, write an essay about it. You must include information about the elements and principles of art you see used in the painting (at least 4). You must also tell what you think the artist was trying to show, and how this piece of art relates to Chapter 9 of your Social Studies book. Describe the scene by either stating exactly what you see, or writing a story about the person or event shown. You should also write about the thoughts and feelings you have when you look at the art.

2. Essay number 2 will be written about the alternative assessment

Both essays will be graded using the rubric on the second page of this document.