KRA Committee Meeting
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Minutes KRA Committee Meeting 16th February 2016 – Stef’s Café
Committee Members: John Butler (Chairman), Linda Parsons (Secretary), Anthony Polak, Sue Stocker, Phil Stubbs, Neil Thomas
Councillors: Saj Hussain
In attendance; Jim Binney, Julia Binney, Kat Thomas
1. Apologies: - Rachel Carney, Ann Mason, Phillippa Pluess, Debbie Harlow, Melanie Whitehead
2. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising
The minutes of the meeting held on 12th January 2016 were approved with the following amendment re the hanging baskets (3.2 Village Street Scene) – “Melanie reported that four hanging basket posts (8 baskets) have been approved and funded by our Surrey County Councillor’s Members’ Allocation (Saj Hussain). These will be sited in the centre of the village and will be maintained by Woking Borough Council via Serco.”
3. Projects
3.1 Removal of the metal structure outside Barclays
David Baine (landlord / land trustee) is still waiting written agreement to the works from Barclays Bank estate management.
3.2 Village Street Scene
The village will now be getting a total of 7 hanging baskets funded from both Saj’s Surrey County Councillor Members’ Allocation and Woking Borough Council. KRA had offered to fund some but this is no longer required. Instead it was proposed that the KRA will offer to take over responsibility for the flowerbed outside Boorman’s. This was agreed and Phil will formally approach Saj with this proposal. Action Phil S.
The scaffolding outside Boots is still there. Phil will make contact with the Boots manager responsible for estates. There were still concerns over the safety issues within the flat and it was suggested that the former tenants (who had raised the initial concerns) take CCAB advice and also contact environmental health.
The trees on the High Street still need pruning. The trees that have been taken down at Waterers Park are still in situe. These cannot be moved until the ground has dried out due to the heavy lifting equipment required to move them.
1 It was recognised, with thanks, that there is now regular street cleaning and bin emptying by Serco in the village.
3.3 Cricket in Knaphill
Neil provided a written update. The Knaphill Cricket Club will work with Knaphill Athletic Football Club. 5 matches are planned over the summer including a charity match in August, this year supporting Woking Hospice. The match planned for 12th June versus Woking Borough Council may also include celebrations for the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations.
3.4 Knaphill High Street Notice Board
It was suggested at a past meeting that the board is not replaced until the development of the old library site but, at the moment, nothing is happening there. There was discussion about keeping the content locally focussed and therefore having a locked board may be beneficial (or a mix of locked and free to access).
4. Local Issues – traffic / parking in Chobham Road
The yellow line plan for Chobham Road as outlined at the last meeting has received Council approval and will now be the subject of public consultation.
The Vyne bollards were the subject of a special Joint Committee meeting. Part of the long delays have been caused by BT (an order for a new line for the bollards was placed in July 2013 but the work was not completed until March 2015. The intention at the meeting was get these working and then there would then be a 12 month review period before the long term future is agreed.
The future of the bollards may also be influenced by future traffic management plans with a major road scheme for the A322 and Brookwood crossroads.
The day after the meeting engineers were on site and it was found that the bollards require full replacement. If the bollards are not replaced then the roundabout need to be re-designed. A progress report on this issue will be given at the next meeting.
Saj said that this issue would be one that the candidates for the local elections would pick up during their electioneering to canvas local views.
5. AGM 2016
The proposed date and venue for this is Tuesday 17th May 2016 at Knaphill Baptist Church (venue subject to confirmation). It was suggested that we invite someone to come and talk about Brookwood Cemetery.
6. Village Show 2016
This will be on Saturday 16th July. There is a committee and work plan in place with the next meeting scheduled for 1st March 2016 (7.30 pm at the Garibaldi).
7. Planning Issues – Update from Phil Stubbs
An updated list of open planning applications was circulated.
2 After Phil’s correspondence with WBC about the issues at Copthorne Meadows, a meeting is planned with Douglas Spinks (Deputy Chief Executive of Woking Borough Council). Phil had written to Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust who own the Meadows (on the A322). This building has been empty for over 12 months and is showing signs of weather damage due to lack of maintenance. The Trust’s Finance Director had responded that the Trust is hoping to use the building themselves but they are also in negotiation with WBC about its future. 64-66 High Street – the application by the owners of the land (no 68) to build a house on this site has been objected to on the grounds of inadequate parking as the build will result in no off street parking for no 68. There are double yellow lines outside this property. There has been an application or the petrol station in Chobham to operate on a 24 hour / 7 day per week basis. Whilst not affecting yet Knaphill directly, the petrol station there is under the same ownership as the one in Knaphill.
8. Proposed Village Meeting (April 2016)
This will take place on Thursday 28th April at St Hugh’s Roman Catholic Church and will be chaired by Father Alexander. Phil will issue invites to the various political parties. Action Phil Stubbs
9. KRA website update (including new initiatives)
John, Sue and Phillippa are meeting later this week to start a major review of the site. The village show website will also be kept updated.
10.Magazine Editor’s update
Sue reported that the Spring edition (due late March / early April) is well underway and there is a good amount of content for it.
11.Chairman’s update (including Treasury)
Mal Foster has been invited to the next and future meetings to keep up to date with what the KRA is doing. (Mal runs the community website ‘the Knaphillian’.)
The KRA finances are OK. We are maintaining about £7k of surplus funds which are required to cover the risk of bad weather at the Village Show.
12.Membership & 2016
The KRA has about 200 members (£6 per family, £3 per pensioner household). About one third pays by standing order.
13. Any Other Business
3 Phillippa had asked to raise the issue of the lighting in the Vyne car park that has not been working for the last 6 months or so. She has telephoned the council a number of times but with no result. Saj said he would follow this up - Action Saj Hussain
Phil reported that the Anchor Crescent traders will be holding a Spring Fair on Saturday 23 rd April, fund raising for Chase Children’s Hospice. There will be a variety of stalls plus 4 men will be having their legs waxed! Contact Jim at the Post Office for stall bookings.
Phil also reported that the Post Office will be closed for 2 days in early March for a refit.
The Cabin youth club has received £320 from the Lloyds raffle ate Christmas and had also been selected for and Eagle Radio grant which they will be presented with on 25th February. There is now a Wednesday night session at the Trinity Road Studios and their Monday session may move there too as there is more space. About 45 youngsters regularly attend ad it is the biggest voluntary youth club in Woking. As ever, more volunteers are welcome.
Sue suggested having a Queen’s birthday event. This may link in well to the plans of the Cricket Club. Saj can provide up to £500 to help fund this.
Sue reported that the 2 new trees have been planted in the Sussex Road Rec. She is now working to try and get a table and chairs near the play area.
Tony asked if there was any progress on the sign at the bottom of Anchor Hill. This was originally funded by Sainsbury’s and there was no news.
Tony also mentioned the amount if dog mess on the local pavements. Saj responded that there may be one or two new bins being sited but the responsibility lies with the owners to clear up.
Saj reported that 3 more vehicle activated speed signs were going to be sited in the village to remind drivers of the limits. He also suggested the idea of an In / Out village meeting to discuss the expected referendum of the UK’s future in the EU.
Debbie has suggested getting our events on the Celebrate Woking and Window on Woking websites. Sue has looked into this but it is not straight forward
14.Dates of next meetings
Tues 1st March 2016 – Village Show meeting @ Garibaldi at 7.30pm
Tues 22nd March 2016 – KRA Committee meeting at Stef’s Cafe at 7.30pm (note change of date)
Tuesday 19th April 2016 - KRA Committee meeting at Stef’s Cafe at 7.30pm
Thursday 28th April 2016 - Village Hustings at St Hugh of Lincoln Church (time to be confirmed)
Tuesday 17th May 2016 – KRA AGM at Knaphill Baptist Church (time and venue to be confirmed)
Meeting closed 4