Dear Parents, Interviews are a way in which we are able to work with you to help develop your child's progress at school. Interviews are scheduled for June 2011. Prior to the interviews we would like to give you the opportunity to: (i) let the class teacher know of any information you would feel would be helpful (ii) request any information you require. Please note that 15 minutes is allocated for each interview, which will cover your child's social and academic development and issues of interest or concern to you. Interview request forms are attached. If you have any issues of concern and will require additional time for discussion, please organise an alternative time when the class teacher has the time to fully address those concerns with you.

Interviews give you the opportunity to:  meet with the teacher and develop an awareness of what is involved in your child’s learning environment;  learn about the school, curriculum and teaching methodologies;  discuss areas of your child’s learning development and any areas of concern;  give teachers information that will help them understand your child's needs;  gain insight into how to help your child at home;  work with us in planning your child's school year and  gain insight into how to help your child's teacher Interviews give us the opportunity to discuss:  your child's achievements in English, Maths and other Key Learning Areas;  your child's performance in relation to N.S.W Syllabus Standards Assessment;  books and materials in use at school ;  the socialisation of your child ;  behaviour inside and outside of the classroom and  any observations we might feel are helpful to you.

What you can do as a parent to prepare for the interviews:  make a list of observations and understandings that will help the teacher understand your child better.

If relevant this could include such aspects as:  health problems or needs  emotional or social needs  outside interests or hobbies  feelings about school  relationships with brothers or sisters  adjustment difficulties your child may be experiencing  factors which may help or hinder your child’s development.

 provide an overview for the class teacher of information you would appreciate in addition to your child's general social and academic progress.

This could include such aspects as:  the discipline policy  child protection programs  support programs (if relevant)  any additional ways you can support the school  library PARENT INFORMATION SHEET

Please ensure forms are returned by Tuesday, 14th June 2011.

CHILD:______CLASS:______Information I feel is necessary for the class teacher I request information on……..