IES VILLABLANCA TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Name: Surnames: Year and group: Date: Mark: UNIT 5. STRUCTURES 1 Complete the diagram

Forces on a structure ………………… on bodies “internal tensions”=………… 2 Define: . Forces

. Loads

. Structures 3 Fill the gaps in the following text about the structural conditions for a structure to work well. Stability 1. Definition: The ...... of a structure to ...... and not ...... 2. Conditions: To be stable a structure must have its ...... of ...... centered ...... its base, and ...... to the ground. 3. Corrections: To increase a structure stability there are three things that can be done. a) Add ...... to its base. b) Strengthen the structure with a piece of cable, wood or metal. That is ...... it. c) ...... its bottom section...... Resistance 1. Definition: The capacity of a structure to ...... the ...... that it’s ...... to without...... 2. Definition: Breaking stress of a material: is the ...... force ...... unit of surface area that each material can ...... breaking. 3. Conditions: The type and quantity of ...... we use to build a structure, and the shape of the structure...... determine its resistance

Rigidity 1. Definition: The capacity of a structure to not become deformed when a ...... is exerted on it, so that it can fulfill its ...... 2. Conditions: To increase a structure’s rigidity there are three things that can be done. a) Welding ...... b) Using wider shapes. A ...... beam or ...... is more ...... than a ...... one. c) Diagonal supports are used for ...... This prevents ...... frames ...... from being deformed. This is called Bracing 3. Definition: Cross Bracing is when crossed diagonal ...... are used ...... of a single thick bar to support both traction and compression. 4 Complete Types of artificial structures


5 Are the following statements true or false? correct the false ones  The first human-made structures were carved from rock or were built by stacking rock or other materials.  Pyramids and Greek temples are example of vaulted structures.  Arches and vaults stay in position without mortar or cement.  Arches and vaults can only resist flexural stresses and are self-supporting.  Domes are used to build basilicas, pantheons and cathedrals.

6 Draw the 4 different types of arches and 2 vaults

Semicircular arch Pointed arch Horseshoe arch

Lobed arch Barrel vault Rib vault

7 Label, in English, each of the following components of a lattice structure.

8 Define:  Beam.  Footings

 Pillar  Slabs

 Columns  Piles

 Foundation

9 Write true or false. Correct the wrong ones.  Triangulated structures are used horizontally to cover large spans  Trusses (cerchas) are Triangulated structures used in roofs  Triangulated beams (vigas trianguladas) are Triangulated structures used for bridges and other engineering projects.  Towers made using triangulation are light and use less material than other structures