Study Guide for Intro to Culinary Final Exam
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Study Guide for Intro to Culinary Final Exam
The acronym FAT TOM:
Question: What are the conditions that FAT TOM stands for that pathogens need for growth? Correct Answer: Food, Acidity, Temperature, Time, Oxygen, and Moisture
Temperature Danger Zone:
Question: What is the temperature danger zone in which pathogens thrive and reproduce? Correct Answer: 41 degrees to 135 degrees
Time temperature abused food:
Question: What is food referred to that has been in the temperature danger zone for longer than two hours? Correct Answer: A time-temperature abused food
Potentially hazardous foods:
Question: What are potentially hazardous foods? Correct Answer: Foods that provide a friendly environment for growth of pathogens
The abbreviation Aw:
Question: What is the abbreviation for the measurement of moisture in food? Correct Answer: Aw
Hazards that can contaminate foods:
Biological Hazards Question: What is an example of a biological hazard related to food preparation? Correct Answer: Bacteria
Chemical Hazards
Physical Hazards Two types of contamination: Question: When food that is safe comes in contact with contaminates while being prepared, cooked or served, what is it called? Correct Answer: Cross contamination
Second type is direct contamination –the food received by a restaurant is already contaminated
Steps in the flow of food: What is the first step in the flow of food? Correct Answer: Receiving food
Second step - Storing Third step – Cooking Fourth step – Monitoring cooked foods Fifth step - Serving
Sanitation procedures:
Question: What is the most important practice you can follow in keeping food safe? Correct Answer: Wash your hands.
Question: When using correct hand washing techniques, you should scrub your hands using hot running water and soap for how many seconds? Correct Answer: 20 seconds
Question: To follow correct safety procedures during food preparation what is required when you have a cut on your hand: Correct Answer: Cover the wound with a band aid and wear a disposable glove.
Question: What should you do if mold is found on food? Correct Answer: Throw the food out.
Question: What does it mean to sanitize equipment in a professional kitchen? Correct Answer: Chemicals have been used to reduce the number of pathogens to a safe level.
Question: How often should the garbage be emptied in a food service kitchen? Correct Answer: Every 4 hours
Question: What are keeping the kitchen clean, taking care of waste properly, and using pesticides examples of? Correct Answer: Pest management
2 Question: What does EPA stand for? Correct Answer: Environmental Protection Agency
Food Storage Safety:
Question: What is the recommended refrigerated storage temperature for produce? Correct Answer: 41 degrees to 45 degrees
Question: What is the best method of thawing foods safely? Correct Answer: In the refrigerator
Question: When using the one-stage cooling method, food should be cooled to below 41 degrees in what period of time? Correct Answer: Within four hours
Question: What is storing freshly delivered food behind food you already have on hand, so the oldest food gets used first referred to as? Correct Answer: FIFO system
Question: What is the proper storage location for cleaning supplies? Correct Answer: In a separate storage area away from food items.
Fire Safety
Question: Who is responsible for checking all portable fire extinguishers on a regular basis? Correct Answer: An approved fire extinguisher company
Question: In the event of a fire, what is the PASS system used for? Correct Answer: To help you use a fire extinguisher correctly P – Pull the pin A – Aim low, at the base of the fire (stand 6 to 8 feet away from the fire) S – Squeeze the trigger S – Sweep from side to side
Question: What is the minimum number of evacuation routes all buildings should have? Correct Answer: 2
Question: What is the best way to put out a stovetop grease fire? Correct Answer: Sprinkle it with baking soda.
3 Nutrition: *The Basic Nutrients – proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water
Question: What are the food groups in the My Plate nutrition guide? Correct Answer: Grains, vegetables, fruits, protein, and dairy
Question: What do fat soluble vitamins do within our bodies? Correct Answer: They dissolve in fat and are stored in the body.
Question: What do water soluble vitamins do within our bodies? Correct Answer: They dissolve in water and are easily transported through the blood stream.
Question: What are the basic building blocks of protein? Correct Answer: Amino acids
Question: What is a complete protein? Correct Answer: A food that provides all of the essential amino acids
Question: What function do carbohydrates perform in our bodies? Correct Answer: They provide energy for our body.
Question: Which of the following cooking methods is good for maximum retention of nutrients? Correct Answer: Cook food as close as possible to the serving time.
Question: Which of the following foods commonly pose problems with people who have food allergies? Correct Answer: Milk, wheat, nuts
Question: What dietary guidelines do vegetarians follow? Correct Answer: They do not eat meat, poultry, or fish.
Reading Recipes:
Question: Which is an optional part of a standardized recipe? Correct Answer: Recipe category
4 Measurement and Equivalents:
Question: Which of the following are equivalent? Correct Answer: 1 fluid ounce = 2 Tablespoons
Question: Which measurement is equal to one tablespoon? Correct Answer: 3 teaspoons
Question: What is the correct way to measure white (granulated) sugar? Correct Answer: Spoon the sugar into a dry measuring cup and level with a palette knife.
Question: What is the proper method for measuring flour? Correct Answer: Stir, scoop, sweep
Question: What is one method of properly measuring margarine or butter? Correct Answer: Cut off the amount needed following guideline marks on the wrapper.
Question: Which measurement amounts are the BEST way to measure ¾ cup of flour? Correct Answer: ¼ cup dry measure and ½ cup dry measure
Question: What is the “rule of thumb” when selecting which size liquid measuring cup to use? Correct Answer: Use the smallest measuring cup size you have that is large enough to hold the amount needed.
Question: How should liquids be properly measured? Correct Answer: In a spouted glass measuring cup
Question: What is it called when ingredients are weighed? Correct Answer: Scaling
Mise en Place:
What does the French term Mise en Place mean? Correct Answer: It is gathering and preparing raw materials, as well as making sure you have all the necessary equipment and tools.
Question: Which of the following is an example of Mise en Place? Correct Answer: Gathering all ingredients and equipment prior to cooking
5 Microwave Cooking:
Question: Because the distribution of heat in a microwave is uneven, what should you remember to do? Correct Answer: Stir and rotate food frequently.
Question: Which flour has very low protein content? Correct Answer: Cake flour
Question: Which ingredients are creamed together in the creaming method of making cakes? Correct Answer: Fat and sugar
Question: A chocolate chip cookie is what type of cookie? Correct Answer: Drop cookie
Question: What is an example of a twice-baked cookie? Correct Answer: Biscotti
Pies and Pastry:
Question: What is the decorative edge given to pie crusts known as? Correct Answer: Fluting
Question: What type of dough is most often used for pies? Correct Answer: Pastry dough
Question: What is blind baked? Correct Answer: A pre-baked pie shell
Quick Breads
Question: What tool is used to cut fat into flour when making biscuits?
6 Correct Answer: Pastry blender
Question: Which of the following is not used in the making of quick breads? Correct Answer: Yeast
What is it called when liquid and dry ingredients are mixed separately and then combined? Correct Answer: Well method
Yeast Breads
Question: Which of the following is not made from a batter? Correct Answer: Yeast breads
Question: What is the soaking process that activates yeast called? Correct Answer: Yeast hydration
Question: What does kneading develop when making yeast dough? Correct Answer: Gluten
Question: What ingredient feeds the yeast when making yeast dough? Correct Answer: Sugar
Question: What is an example of an organic leaving agent? Correct Answer: Yeast
Question: Dough that includes only flour, yeast, salt and water is called? Correct Answer: Lean dough
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