Quarterly Publication of the Mt Egmont Alpine Club (Inc.) PO Box 62 Hawera
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BULLETIN VOL 86, No 2. June 2011 Quarterly publication of the Mt Egmont Alpine Club (Inc.) PO Box 62 Hawera www.mtegmontalpineclub.org.nz
1 PROGRAMME Please contact the trip leader by Tuesday (or by the date specified) if you are interested in doing a trip the following weekend so leaders can organise transport and adapt the route as necessary according to who is coming.
***** Please note - club evening time is now 7.30 p.m.*******
Please contact the trip leader by Tuesday of the weekend of the trip (or the date specified) if you are interested in going, so leaders can organise transport and adapt the route accordingly to experience and fitness
Saturday 4th June – Pig Hunt. Leader, Kevin Lockley, 027237916
Saturday 18th June – Sunday 19th June. Mid Winter Xmas at Kapuni Lodge. Often the Man in Rd makes it up to this annual event, our best chance at a White Xmas. Contact Jan Fleming, 2784460
Saturday 25th June – Sunday 26th June. Night in the fridge. Here is the opportunity to spend a night in the fridge at the right time of the year. The plan is to make our way up Saturday with a stop off at Kapuni Lodge maybe. Will get into Syme hut for dinner and a good nights sleep before a nice early alarm to see the perfect sunrise. For those that are keen a South Summit will be the plan for Sunday morning weather permitting. Club members with suitable experience contact Bruce 0272 441204.
Saturday 2nd July. Based at Kapuni Lodge. T.A.C.R will be holding a training day / weekend on the South side of the mountain. All T.A.C.R members are encouraged to attend. Contact Bruce Mouat,0272441204.
Wednesday 6th July. Club Night. We are hopeful Mr Mark Taylor, Eltham’s policeman will be available as our guest speaker but at this stage he can’t make a definite commitment. Mark was with the N.Z.Army, and he recently did a tour of duty in Afghanistan. If Mark is unable to join us tonight we will bring something else out of the hat at the last minute. Watch the website for more information.
Saturday 9th July. Day Tramp - Kaitake Range. Join leader Richard Milne for an interesting trip on the Kaitake range, and visit the three peaks, this is a wonderful area to visit and quite often gets over looked, so if you have not explored this range before then contact Richard Milne, Ph 062734109.
Saturday 16th - Sunday 17th July. Ladies Mid Winter At Kapuni Lodge. This is going to be combined with members from T.A.C. and NP Tramping Club. Sorry lads you’re not invited on this one. Contact Jan Fleming, 2784460
Saturday 30th July - A winter Summit Climb. Leader Bruce Mouat. Hopefully we will have plenty of snow around for a good winter summit climb. We will probably head up the south, but conditions closer to the time will determine the route. Club members only with suitable experience. Contact Bruce Mouat,0272441204.
Saturday 6th - Sunday 7th July - Central Plateau Trip. Leader Jeremy Johnston. Will leave Friday (5th) after work and head over to National Park. Accommodation yet to be confirmed as it is dependent on numbers. Skiing and snowboarding one day and climbing Ngauruhoe and Tongariro the other day. If weather not so good will do rock climbing, tramping or other activities in the area. Contact Jeremy Johnston, 0274366848 soon so he can book accommodation.
Wednesday 3rd August - Club Night. February saw some club members involved with the Christchurch Earthquake rescue and recovery. They were part of a Fonterra National Emergency Response Team (ERT).Come along tonight to hear of their experiences during their time in Christchurch following the earthquake.
Sunday 14th August – Day Tramp Waitiri Track. Join Leader Daniel Gavin for this adventure. An interesting day tramp from the Omoana Saddle towards Puniwhakau. If you have not been on this track or in this area before, then contact Daniel,Ph 2784949 or 0273181072.
Saturday 27th August - Snowcraft. This day is intended to give club members a chance to get out on the slopes and spend a day going over some techniques that you need to know to keep safe. We will cover all the basics but may extend that depending on the experience and enthusiasm of those attending. Contact Bruce Mouat,0272441204.
Sunday 4th September – Day Tramp - Take A Kid Tramping. Lois Sundy will be leading this trip round the Opunake Walkway. A 3 hour easy walk with some interesting and historic points to stop at. Also the option of a stop at the Sugar Juice café to finish the day in style. Contact Lois, 2785363
Wednesday 7th September - Club Night- Photo Competition. Alan Kerrisk and David Sattler are organizing this event. Start clicking now and get behind this event. See web-site for details.
Saturday 10th September - Annual At Home Dinner. Join us for a great social time and meal. Venue and details to follow.
Sunday 18th September - Hunting At The Back Of Eltham. Join Daniel Gavin at the usual place. Contact Daniel,2784949 or 0273181072.
Saturday 24th - Sunday 25th September - Pouakai Circuit. Leader Maria Cunningham. This is a great two day tramp, so get that pack and sleeping bag out. Contact Maria,2788799.
Saturday 10th December - Christmas B.B.Q, Yes it is a little way off but it will come around very quick enough, details to follow. President’s Report Hello Everyone Well another club calendar year has rolled by and the 2011 A.G.M held on the 20th April is now behind us. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our past president Bruce Mouat for his fine leadership and dedication he has shown to the club during the two terms he has served – thank you Bruce. Thank you also to Helen Copper who has stepped in and taken over the busy roll of club secretary from Jenny Kerrisk, who did a fantastic job as secretary for eight years, thank you. Thank you also to Donna Cram for continuing as our treasurer and Alan Kerrisk who continues to run our very popular web site, which I might add is the envy of many other clubs around the country Thanks Alan, and to everyone in the club who help out from the committee and other club members. The clubroom’s spouting is now installed and looks really good! Thank you to those club members who gave up their Saturday to get this job done. The sign which on the front of the clubrooms will be getting a fresh new look shortly so watch that space. Kapuni Lodge continues to be well patronised with a busy Easter weekend, and Active Earth confirming the use of the lodge for its next season and various other groups also booking in for the months ahead. The main working bee at the lodge was cancelled due to the bad weather so another time will have to be set for this, Thanks to those who are currently doing the smaller patch up jobs etc in the meantime. It is good to see the variety of club trips happening with most being well supported, keep the pictures and stories from these adventures coming into Alan Kerrisk for the web site even if they are short. Club nights could still do with a bit of a boost especially now they held once a month and sometimes with a guest speaker, so please support these as much as possible. Until next time enjoy the outdoors and be safe. Cheers David Sattler, President Mt EAC.
4 Club Trips Skeet Shooting – 7 March The rain which began early on Saturday morning, looked like it was going to do its best to spoil the planned clay target afternoon shoot organised by Alan Kerrisk. To this end Alan rang Bob Burdoff at 9am to tell him it was off. However, when Richard Milne rolled up in his truck from Alton at 1pm keen to get his hands on a 12gauge for the first time, it was all on again. After all, it hadn't rained for over an hour and things were looking just a little brighter. Bob got rung back and he arrived 15 minutes later. Just as they were about to move off to the back paddocks, another shower came down. Eventually this passed and they set up the tripod mounted clay target launcher followed by a safety briefing and gun handling instruction. As both Richard and Bob were new to this activity, they were given the opportunity to shoot from a fixed position more in line with the moving target until they scored more hits. Once this was mastered (to a degree), they were tested with trying to break pairs( two discs launched simultaneously). To their credit as first timers, both Rit and Bob in turn each managed to break these target pairs before they hit the ground. If there was to be a winner, it was clearly Alan's son Robert - with a hit rate double that of everyone else! Even so none of this lot could call themselves experts when they all missed more than they hit. In spite of this, and the several waves of showers that sent them all scurrying for shelter between rounds, it proved to be a fun and enjoyable afternoon.
'To Arete Peak (1505m) - the long way' – 9th – 10th April Early on Saturday 9 April, Richard Milne, Alan Kerrisk and John and Helen Cooper drove down to Poads Road for a good old Tararua Tramp. On arrival at the road end there was a helicopter ferrying hunters into the ranges, this we later found out was the annual Horowhenua Deerstalkers fly-in hunt. It had always been anticipated that hunters would be active in the ranges at this time of the
5 year as it was in the middle of the 'roar'. Judging by the number of people around, we decided it would be prudent to take our bed rolls. The chances were that we would arrive a bit late at the hut and miss out on a bunk. Leaving from the end of Poads Road (145m) which is east of Levin, we had a steady climb up through the bush to the Waiopehu Hut situated in the sub alpine leather jacket. Note this shrub in the Tararua's has a serrated leaf capable of scratching a bit more than the local species. After lunch we climbed to the top of Waiopehu (1094m) and then across Blackwater Saddle to Richards Knob (985). Then a long descent down to Butcher Saddle and a sharp climb up to the Yeates 500 Track junction at 810m. This was followed by a steady climb with tired legs up to Te Matawai Hut (900m) arriving about 5.00pm. There was some relief to find spare bunks in this 18 bunk hut. There were 5 hunters with two dogs and 9 trampers including us. It had taken us 8 1/2 hours from the road-end. Preparations were made for an early start with day packs for the following morning climb up to the main Tararua Range and Arete. Sunday saw an early breakfast and off with the assistance of head lights for the first 20 minutes or so. Some of us took excess clothing off only to end up putting more back on as the ridge got more exposed. It was on with parkas, warm hats and gloves just before the top of Pukematawai (about 20minutes from Arete) as it had become quite windy and cloudy. It was good to get to Arete, the highest peak of the northern Tararua's. Unfortunately the cloud prevented us getting any good views. It was then back to Te Matawai Hut to pack up and move off down the Yeates 500 track to Sth Ohau Hut for lunch. This track has a fairly steep descent of 500 feet just before you get to the hut. After lunch it was into the river for about 2 1/4 hours to the old Ohau Hut site where we then tramped on to the track around the top of the Ohau Gorge, and finished the loop on the edge of the bush with 1.7kms across farmland to Alan's Toyota Prado and dry clothes. We had been on the go for 10 1/2 hours. It had been a full on trip and we had all reached the objective, Arete, the long way.
Waiopehu Hut On Arete Trig
6 Summit Climb – 22 April The Good Friday summit climb organised by leader Bruce Mouat also included keen climbers Jeremy Johnstone, Helen Cooper, Ian McAlpine (Mac), Richard Milne and Bob Burdoff. Due to varying levels of experience within this group, coupled with wind and icy conditions higher up, they turned back close to the top on the south face main peak, but otherwise had a good day out with some invaluable instruction for the newer members.
Preparing to descend through frozen rocks Moeawatea Valley Walk On Saturday, the 2nd of April, nine of us (Richard Milne, Jim Finer, Lois Sundy, Kathryn Jones, Maria Cunningham, Bernard and Daniel Gavin plus Basil and Tracey Hooper from the Wanganui Tramping Club) set out from the clubrooms for the two hour drive to Moeroa, the end of the Rawhitiroa road and the start of our trip. On the way, we linked up with two vehicles carrying day walkers Audrey Thompson, Paul and Christine Hilford and two other teachers from Hawera High School. So it was quite a big party that set out down Paddock stream towards Buckman’s clearing. There is a paper road through most of this area, which passes through Wildlife Properties Hunting Park. The track to Buckman’s is wide and well-maintained. After an hour, we passed the turn off to the Koane Track which signposts 5 hours to Trains Hut. Koane hasn’t had much in the way of
7 maintenance and is probably a bit of a ‘tiger-country’ track now. Perhaps one for the wish list if you’re a good navigator.
We stopped at Wildlife Properties lodge in Buckman’s clearing for lunch – a beautiful spot and a beautiful lodge – available at $250 a night. Here, the day walkers returned to their cars while the rest of us travelled on to tackle some sidling and scrambling around two gorges. The second gorge involved quite a descent down two ropes that weren’t exactly in weight bearing condition. We were all glad that the weather was so dry and marvelled that Jim had tackled this track by mountain bike not so long ago. Soon after wandering through some quite large remnant trees, we arrived at the first of the clearings. While we stopped for a snack and a chance to cool down, we spotted a couple of pigs out grazing. They weren’t perturbed at all by Basil’s quite life-like barking!
Passing another well-kept whare, we stayed well clear of a mob of wild cattle. They stampeded when they saw us and headed for the high ground, where the dominant bull glared down on us. He was quite magnificent – black and glossy, with large horns and angry eyes. We later found out that a similar herd had been trucked out the day before. There was quite a stand of mature Kahikatea and Miro trees near Ernie Matthews’ wee cottage, and Jim proved to us just how edible delicious Kahikatea berries are. High cattle yards sit next to Ernie’s place and strongly-built gates guard his cottage, although we did still wonder at how hard it would have been to corral those wild cattle. Ernie Matthews only came off his farm last year, at the grand age of 83, so he’s a bit of a local legend. Just a little further on, past Ernie’s wool shed, we came to Annabel’s Whare, now known as Opaku Lodge. Although it looked dubious from the outside, it was certainly well-kept, clean and comfortable inside. After tea, we all took the opportunity to explore the surroundings, with some going up to Graham Annabel’s airstrip while Daniel and Jim walked over a very thin and risky-looking limestone archway. We stayed up exchanging stories as the day cooled off considerably. All but one of us had a bed for the night and I got to sleep in the bedroom with the Noddy wallpaper and insulating egg carton wall.
The next day started slowly as we split into two groups – one heading up to Kapara trip and bush-bashing most of the way to Moana trig, and the other one heading down the Moeawatea road. I was with the latter party. We sauntered off, stopping to view anything that took our interest. We stopped at an old whare where Jim had once spent the night…with a decomposing sheep. We climbed down from the road and walked through a spectacular hand-hewn culvert. Lunch was at Rewi Alley’s old cottage, where he farmed in the 1920’s before walking off the land and leaving for China to become New Zealand’s favourite communist. The cottage has been restored and now belongs to the Alley family. A possum hunter lives in the cottage behind. Tony, our 4WD transporter, arrived and offered to carry us and our packs up the
8 notorious hill. We had no trouble accepting and I’m pleased we did, as it’s quite a climb. We stopped briefly at the swing-bridge at the confluence of the Moeawatea stream and the Whenuakura River, where Daniel attempted to bring down an hundred-year-old chimney by climbing up it. I’m pleased to report that both the chimney and Daniel survived. Once up at the intersection with the Mataimoana road, we drove further east to the Moana trig. From here, we walked for a half-hour or so to meet up with the Kapara party. They had had a great day and enjoyed their spot of bush-bashing. An excellent trip was had by all, with a great mix of tramping and tall-tale telling. I’m really looking forward to my next trip into the Waitotara back-country – toTrains hut in a few weeks time.
Maria Cunningham
Ernie’s Gates
9 The Ohau River - A Tararua Trip Richard Milne and Alan Kerrisk decided it was time to take a look into the Tararuas Ranges again. Armed with the knowledge that a friend had despatched one of 6 red deer seen on a ridge only a few days previously, they figured it would be worthwhile taking in guns also. Leaving from the end of Poads Road, east of Levin at 9:30am on Thursday 3rd March, they shouldered overnight packs and began making their way in sunshine towards South Ohau Hut, by the unmarked river route. After 65 minutes they arrived at the old Ohau Hut site and had a spell here before moving into the river. Travel from here up involves numerous low level river crossings (rarely above knee height), unless in flood. (Image left - Richard in the Ohau River) At one point in a narrow gorgy area, Richard fell from a slippery rock, his bottom half including his rifle and camera (which was on his waistbelt) went underwater. He got himself sorted quickly, but it was frustrating that his camera was no longer operational from then on! They arrived at South Ohau Hut 3 hours later. This is a relativley new DoC hut built in 2008 with bunk space for 10 or more and with double glazed windows. They relaxed with a brew or two here and unpacked before setting off up the creek beyond the hut for an afternoon hunt. It was not long before they came across a decaying deer carcase on the edge of the creek. They detoured into another side creek and decided to head up a steep, loose and shaded slip face to the cover of some bush at the top. This they figured would give them a
10 commanding view of the sunlit grassy slopes opposite - and any deer if they were lucky! As time went by and as the shadows crept up the opposite hillside slopes, they agreed to retreat back down, but this time through the bush rather than the crumbling slip face. Alan took a detour up a side creek for an hour (and was encouraged by the fresh deer sign he found) while Richard waited below. Another large rotting carcase was spotted in the main creek before they had both returned to the hut. Dawn next morning marked a change in the weather and within twenty minutes of leaving South Ohau hut, it began to rain.(Image right - South Ohau Hut) There were no more dramas heading down and they made it to the confluence with the North Ohau River, still feeling perky. Here they stashed their packs and rifles and with a minimum of gear, decided to go and check out the North Ohau Hut. There was a particularly deep pool to negotiate (almost waist deep) at one spot, but beyond that travel was ok. They arrived at North Ohau hut after 1hour 20 minutes. This small but tidy and comfortable looking 4 bunk hut was built in 2006. It is the result of a joint venture project with DoC, the Horowhenua Hunting Club, local building firms and sponsors and from entries seen in the hut book, does get a lot of use. After some refreshments here it was time to return. The rain had stopped when they returned to their packs. Setting off down river in brighter conditions, they noted a rise in water level while criss-crossing the river. Before long they were climbing out of the river and making steady progress for the last few kms. They got back to Richard's Car at 3:30pm - a little tired but not at all disappointed. They were encouraged by what they saw - and now they think they know where the deer are, they will return!
MINUTES OF THE 83rd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MT EGMONT ALPINE CLUB, held at the Clubrooms, Hicks Park on April 20th 2011
Present: Bruce Mouat President. Attending: J. Kerrisk, M. Finer, K. Curtin, A. Kerrisk, R. Corrigan, L. Sundy, K. Jones, D. Sattler, R. Milne, J. Finer, H. Cooper, M. Cunningham, K. Ogle, B. Burdoff, J. Johnston, K & G. Thompson, D. Gavin, G. Muschamp. APOLOGIES: Walter (Patron) & Norma Fowlie, P. & D. Cram, J. Fleming, K. Dwyer, D. McNair, J. Cooper. Apologies accepted: R. Corrigan, D. /Gavin MINUTES: Minutes of the 82nd t AGM (circulated) confirmed: J. Kerrisk/ D. Sattler MATTERS ARISING: Nil ANNUAL REPORT – PRESIDENT President B. Mouat read the report to the meeting, highlights included: Club nights reduced to once a month. Club trips continue to be varied.
11 Open climb cancelled due to bad weather, the first cancellation for a few years. Thank you to club members for their support. SAR has been quiet in the last year for club members except for two rescues from Fantham’s Peak. Clubrooms have been painted over summer with a grant from TSB. Kapuni Lodge has been well patronised. Scheduled working bee was cancelled due to bad weather. Thank you to Alan Kerrisk for continuing to do an excellent job on the webpage. Membership remains steady with some turnover, however younger members are needed if the club is to survive in the future. Congratulations to Ross Corrigan for receiving a Citizen’s Award from the Mayor for services to the community through various clubs over many years. Thank you to Kevin Dwyer standing down from committee; also to Jenny Kerrisk standing down as Secretary; also to Kathleen Curtin for job done as club captain; also to Jan Fleming as bulletin editor; finally to all committee members. FINANCIAL REPORT – TREASURER M. Finer presented financial statements on behalf of Treasurer D. Cram, for the financial year ended 28th February 2011 with comments as follows: Financial loss for the year of $340, not a bad result allowing for the Open Climb being cancelled. Kapuni Lodge has had good use and generated good income. Postage for bulletins has been coded differently to last year, so expenditure on stamps and stationary has increased while expenditure on bulletins has gone down. Overall club finances are healthy. DISCUSSION ON ANNUAL AND FINANCIAL REPORTS R. Corrigan thanked J. Kerrisk for her work as Secretary, mentioning that her correspondence has been excellent. Vote of thanks for K. Dwyer for the work he has put into the club over the years. R. Corrigan thanked Bruce Mouat for being leader of team during his time as president. ELECTION OF OFFICERS PATRON W. Fowlie PRESIDENT D. Sattler SNR VICE PRESIDENT J. Finer JNR VICE PRESIDENT vacant SECRETARY H. Cooper TREASURER D. Cram CLUB CAPTAIN K. Curtin
12 VICE CLUB CAPTAIN J. Johnson BULLETIN EDITOR J. Fleming PUBLICITY OFFICER A. Kerrisk AUDITOR D. Baunton GENERAL COMMITTEE: P. Cram, M. Finer, J. Cooper, K. Jones, J. Kerrisk, B. Kissick, D. McNair, M. Cunningham, K. Ogle, D. Gavin, R. Milne, G. Thompson SUBSCRIPTIONS: Moved that Senior/Family subscription remains $60. Associate remains $35, Junior remains $30. Moved that honoraria remain the same at $150 for Secretary, Treasurer, and Bulletin Editor: Moved that Publicity Officer receives $150. GENERAL BUSINESS R.Corrigan: Noted the recent passing of Shirley Bourke. She had exceptional knowledge of flora and fauna on the mountain and made a huge contribution to Egmont National Park in her time. Wife of the late Frank Bourke, former club patron. B. Mouat: Noted that the meter board in clubrooms has had new circuit breakers put in and wired so mains can be turned off while meter can be read remotely. Grieves Electrical will also be putting in two security lights and a hot point, position to be determined by committee this month. Committee meeting due tomorrow night. Discussion on whether this suits people: Decided Committee meeting will be on April 28th. Apology from M. Cunningham and R. Corrigan. M. Cunningham: Had a meeting with Kay Davies of DoC regarding Dawson Falls visitor centre proposed changes and possible funding sources for the club to make video footage the history of climbing on the south side of the mountain. Those present agreed the project is worthwhile, incoming committee to follow up.
13 Condolences Shirley Bourke – a huge friend of the Park
Shirley Bourke, environmentalist and committed Egmont National Park supporter died recently aged 88. Shirley belonged to the Egmont National Park Board south committee which ensured a Visitor Centre was established at Dawson Falls. She later became a member of the Egmont National Park Board and her skills as a journalist saw her research and write material for displays in the Visitor Centres and Park publications. The “round the mountain” hut network also began during her time on the Board. Shirley was a keen botanist and during the 1970s led nature walks in the Dawson Falls area of the park, passing on her knowledge and love of plants to hundreds of others. Thanks Shirley. Those that enjoy the Park today benefit from your foresight and passion. Shirley was also a well-known journalist, beginning her careers in the 1960s on the Hawera Star, and later reporting for the Taranaki Herald, later becoming The Daily News from which she retired in the early 1980s, almost 20 years of covering the stories of South Taranaki. Shirley was also a keen spinner, weaver, embroiderer, bobbin lace-maker, photographer and musician, leaving a legacy for those privileged to enjoy her tutelage. Shirley’s husband Frank joined MEAC around 1930, and Shirley, Frank and family, Peter, Roger and Mary participated with club activities as a family and supported Frank’s varied roles with the club, including president and Patron. The members of MEAC pass on their condolences to Shirley’s sons, Peter and Roger, and daughter, Mary and their children and grandchildren as they mourn the loss of a remarkable mother and grandmother.
Who would like e-mail bulletins instead of hard copy in future? Help the club save costs (and trees). Email the club at [email protected]
14 if you prefer this option. One advantage of e-mail bulletin vs hard copy is you will have the pictures in colour!!
Members are reminded to keep an eye on the club website, and South Taranaki Star Column for club news and events. Thanks to Marilyn for the fine effort in reminding members about club nights and other significant events. Mt Egmont Alpine Club Equipment The Mt Egmont Alpine Club has climbing gear available to club members ONLY for use on club trips and instruction courses etc, at very reasonable rates. Contact the Gear Custodian, Kathleen Curtin, 0273349031 www.mtegmontalpineclub.org.nz Please send us trip reports and information of relevance to the club to keep our website lively and entertaining both for members and non-members who find us on line. Don't forget the Gallery page, the photos are changed from time to time, and if you have images you would like to share of a recent trip please e- mail them to the website editors Alan Kerrisk at [email protected] FOR SALE The club has Beanies for Sale, embroidered with the club logo. Black and navy, $17. Contact Marilyn Finer, 06 2728138.
CLUB EVENINGS: Held at Mt. Egmont Alpine Club’s rooms at Hicks Park, Hawera at 7.30 pm every second Wednesday. CLUB TRIPS: The Committee has decided trips in the future will depart from the clubrooms. The clubrooms are easily accessible from the main road, and safe parking. However, it is important to contact the trip leader beforehand, especially if you require transport or are able to provide transport. The Clubroom’s walls are always available to anyone who has photos to share of club activities.
BULLETIN: Leaders of club trips (and private ones) are requested to supply a trip report to The Editor before the deadline in the programme. Remember that the sooner you write the story the easier it is! Also, leaders have power to delegate!! Editor Jan Fleming, 136 Manawapou Road, Hawera. Phone/fax 06 2784460. E-Mail – [email protected]
15 Membership Senior/Family subscription $60 Junior subscription (under 18) $30 Associate $35 To join, fill out a Nomination form (available at the Clubrooms or e-mail the Club), sign as Nominee and get two club member to sign, one as proposer, one as Seconder. Forward the form with payment to Treasurer. Kapuni Lodge Fees Non Members $20 Members $7 (Children 12yrs and under 1/2 price) Taranaki Alpine Cliff Rescue organisation now has a website. You can link to the URL at http://www.tacr.org.nz CLUB CONTACTS: Patron Walter Fowlie Ph 06 2734155 President David Sattler Ph 067648996 [email protected] Publicity Officer Alan Kerrisk Ph 062722893 [email protected] Secretary Helen Cooper Ph 2787667 [email protected] Club Captain Kathleen Curtin Ph 062786430 [email protected] 0273343091 Bulletin Editor Jan Fleming Ph 062784460 [email protected] Equipment Hire Kathleen Curtin Ph 0273343091 [email protected] Kapuni Lodge Marilyn Finer Ph 062728138 [email protected] Bookings Treasurer Donna Cram Ph 062745778 [email protected] WEBSITE www.mtegmontalpineclub.org.nz E-MAIL [email protected] POST Box 62 Hawera
SPONSORS / SUPPORTERS Mt. Egmont Alpine Club would like to acknowledge the generous support from the following local businesses: Taranaki Farmers TSB Community Trust Andy Harris Trust Radioworks Taranaki Abel’s Plastering and Contracting (plasterboard specialists) Wayne Jones – Fairview Aluminium