Godshill Parish Council

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Godshill Parish Council

GODSHILL PARISH COUNCIL Clerk Gareth Hughes Westfield House, Shore Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight PO38 1RF Tel 01983 853232


MEMBERS PRESENT: Councillors Bacon, Banks, Button, Child, Nigh and Thrower. ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: G Hughes (Clerk), IW Councillor Downer and seven members of the public.

7.30pm to 8.00pm time allocated for residents of Godshill Parish to speak to the Council on Parish Council matters.

Two new residents to the village made comment on dog fouling at Central Mead, but were generally complimentary about the appearance and cleanliness of the village. The Chairman welcomed them to the village and hoped they would take an interest in Parish Council activity.

Mrs Dinsdale commented on the new wastebin that had been located near the school which was impeding the view of motorists in this hazardous area.



180/17 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 6TH NOVEMBER 2017. On the proposition of Mr Thrower, seconded by Miss Nigh it was –

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting on 6th November 2017 be approved.

181/17 MATTERS ARISING The Clerk advised that he had contacted Brighstone Landscaping and the Memorial Garden was cut prior to the Remembrance Sunday service. All other matters were contained elsewhere on the Agenda.

182/17 FINANCE – ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On the proposition of Mr Bacon seconded by Miss Nigh, the following cheque payments were approved – CHEQUE NO PAYEE AMOUNT 0001290 POST OFFICE RE HMRC 208.28 0001291 TOP MOPS – CONTRACT PAYMENT 528.53 0001292 E READ – GRASS CUTTING 36.00 0001293 G HUGHES – EXPENSES 38.33 0001294 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION 50.00 0001295 E READ – GRASSCUTTING 18.00

183/17 PLANNING APPLICATIONS No planning applications had been received since the last meeting.

184/17 PLANNING DECISIONS The following decisions had been circulated – 1.TCP/15602/D:The Model Village, High Street, Godshill. Proposed shed. Approved. 2.TCP/33145/A:Mumfords, Appleford Lane, Whitwell. Proposed storage barn. Approved. 3.TCP/30235/F:6 Hollow Glade, Godshill. Retention and completion of 2 bedroom dwelling house and proposed detached garage. Approved

RESOLVED: That the decisions be noted.

185/17 CENTRAL MEAD The Clerk reported that at the request of the owner he had visited a bungalow adjoining Central Mead where it had been previously agreed to undertake treeworks. The tree was taking substantial light from the premises when in leaf and other tree growth was damaging fencing belonging to the property. Mrs Button reported on the wet condition of the area of land to the right of the entrance to the field which had previously affected by leaking pipework. A request had been made to use metal detectors on the field and this was agreed subject to it not causing any upheaval or consequential work to the land.

RESOLVED: That Mrs Button, Mrs Child and the Clerk visit the site of the tree, and the Clerk contact The Old Smithy regarding the possible leakage of water onto the field.

186/17 PUBLIC CONVENIENCES The Clerk reported that he had spoken with Top Mops regarding blockages at the toilets which had required the engagement of a plumber or specialist contractor. The principle cause of blockages was advised as being by inappropriate use and this was consistant with the level of blockages occurring in public conveniences generally on the island.

RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

187/17 WEBSITE The Clerk updated the meeting in respect of discussions held with Mr Farrow and Mr Mansell regarding the future content of a website for the Parish Council.

188/17 NOTICEBOARDS/SIGNAGE The Clerk advised that the letter to local business organisations regarding participation in the production of a new information board would be delivered early in the new year. . 189/17 CHRISTMAS MARKET . Miss Nigh reported on progress with the Christmas Market being held on Saturday 16th December, she had arranged insurance and the Clerk had served a Temporary Event notice to the Isle of Wight Council. Miss Nigh reported on arrangements for the stall area, generator provision, input from local business, and events taking place which included a Treasure Hunt, Raffle, Santa and a Quiz. Refreshments would be provided with mulled wine being available at the stallholder site. No response had been received from the County Press regarding publicity for the event, the Clerk would contact Richard Wright of the County Press to see if suitable coverage could be arranged.

RESOLVED: That the report be noted and Miss Nigh be thanked for her substantial effort in making arrangements for the event.

190/17 BRIDGECOURT CEMETERY GRAVE SPACES As Registrar for Burials the Clerk maintained maps of the graveyard detailing all individual grave spaces. The maps were of resolute partchment but the Clerk felt it would be helpful for them to be computerised and he had discussed this with a colleague who would undertake the work on the Councils behalf.

RESOLVED: The partchment records continue to be maintained and the Clerk proceed with obtaining a computerised record of the gravespaces at Bridgecourt Cemetery.

191/17 BUDGET & PRECEPT 2018-19 The Clerk had circulated forecast income and expenditure for the current financial year and a draft budget for the 2018-19 financial year. It was agreed that the budget & precept for 2018-19 would be considered in detail at the January meeting of the Council.

192/17 CORRESPONDENCE The Clerk had circulated a list of correspondence received since the October meeting.

RESOLVED: That the correspondence be noted.

193/17 REPORT OF IW COUNCILLOR IW Councillor Downer reported that signage for the new 20mph speed limit would be erected in the New Year and that he had been requested for his views on works on the stone wall adjacent to the Post Office which had been damaged by traffic on recent occasions. It was agreed to support Mr Downer in requesting that the wall be retained as replacement by a kerb would worsen the situation in respect of health & safety. There had been further flytipping in the car park and this was also reported by Mrs Button, Island Roads and Hampshire Police would be advised of the problem and signage considered.. . 194/17 QUESTIONS FROM CURRENT MEETING There were no further questions arising from the meeting.

195/17 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Monday 8th January 2018.

The meeting concluded at 8.42pm. CHAIRMAN 8th Jahnuary 2018

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