Definitions for Services Provided to Gifted Students - Elementary

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Definitions for Services Provided to Gifted Students - Elementary


TYPE DEFINITION EXAMPLE Acceleration - Applies to a student who has mastered all the A sixth grade student has pretested in Grade skipping content for one grade level and moves to the next all seventh grade content areas and higher grade level for all courses. shows mastery throughout. He therefore is placed in Eighth Grade. Acceleration - Applies to students who physically move to a An eighth grade student meets the Subject area higher grade higher-grade level class for instruction in a content requirements for the Math Prep level area or ability grouping through instruction at the Program and is placed in Algebra for assigned grade level. high school credit. A ninth grade student has pretested in integrated science demonstrating total mastery and enrolls in a biology course. Advanced Placement AP courses emphasize college-level content based An accelerated eleventh grade student Courses on college board curricula and test. enrolls in AP Calculus and AP World History taught at his high school. Honors courses are designed with the provision of An eighth grade student has been Honors Courses mare challenging material through higher levels of placed in a high ability honors course content, process and product. for Language Arts. (Prep or Prep+) Collaborative Teaching A gifted education teacher provides differentiated Once a month, a gifted education direct instruction in a regular classroom to a cluster teacher pulls identified middle school group of identified gifted students. visual arts students together for a special session on drawing skills. Consultation Services A gifted education teacher provides instructional A ninth grade student is reading on information and materials to the regular classroom the twelfth grade level and the gifted teacher in order to provide appropriate services to a education teacher provides the gifted student in the regular classroom. classroom teacher materials on reading classics in-depth and expanding the vocabulary of the classics. Special Counseling Counseling assistance planned and provided by a A group of gifted students are offered Services counselor familiar with the characteristics and sessions with the counselor once a socio-emotional needs of the gifted/talented student. month on time management and stressful expectations. Differentiation - A student is given a different project than the The student is reading a book Individual Study regular classroom students where he/she has some independently and being given the or all freedom to choose how to complete the opportunity to present the book to the project. class in whatever way best meets his/her giftedness. Differentiation - Grouping approximately four to six identified gifted Four students identified gifted in Cluster Grouping and/or talented students within a heterogeneous science and who have shown mastery classroom. Strategies can include compacting the of the unit are given an alternative in- curriculum on concepts/skills mastered, presenting depth related project to complete and the curriculum at a faster pace or tiering the level of present to the class under the direction assignments with emphasis on higher level thinking of the classroom teacher. activities. Distance Learning Learning opportunities offered through the use of A student enrolls in an approved computer technology and satellite transmission or virtual learning program for a Latin optical fiber transmission. course not offered at his high school. Enrichment Services - Curricular concepts, skills and activities that While most students are covering During school broaden the knowledge, problem solving, basic skills on vocabulary, the gifted technology skills, creativity, and self-sufficiency of student is participating in a computer the student and supplement classroom instruction. learning center to search the web for the etymology of an expanded vocabulary. Enrichment Services - Academically based activities that supplement Academic Teams, Quick Recall After school classroom instruction and are competitive in nature. Team, Lego League, and Odyssey of the Mind. Independent Study A self-selected study not offered as a class for an A student enrolls in a French 5 course individual student and supervised by a teacher or and works independently during a under the auspices of a college or university. class period under the direction of the French language teacher. Mentorship Specialized studies, such as an internship, with an An eighth grade student works adult mentor in the community and under the directly for three hours once a month direction of an educator knowledgeable in gifted during the school day mentoring a education. local lawyer on business law. A twelfth grade student mentors with the school district’s public relations officer learning and practicing interviewing and writing skills. Resource Services - A part-time grouping of students with gifted Middle School Project ASCENT for Pull-out setting characteristics based on the interests, needs and General Intellectual Ability. Middle abilities of the students. School ASCENT Arts for specific visual and performing arts. Resource Services - Groups designed for accelerated content, special A specialized Contemporary Art Appropriate instructional interest groups, process skills development or Project for identified visual arts setting various combinations of all. students during school. The school has set up special interest groups for students identified GT in academic areas. The student groups meet during RTi studying a unique topic under the direction of a content teacher. Resource Services - A collaboration of school districts offering a pull- Three Northern Kentucky Districts Consortium out classroom or other appropriate instructional work collaboratively to provide setting. students identified in creativity four sessions throughout the school year to work with a state park planner on designing a cultural garden. Seminars Discussion-based sessions on specific topics Students identified leadership attend focusing on advanced content and higher level three sessions held at the school or in process skills. the district with a focus on positive leadership skills. Travel Study Options Approved opportunities for travel in the United Eighth and ninth grade students are States or overseas with credit earned. given the opportunity to attend an approved six week summer biology course in Florida designed for high school credit. Creativity Opportunities Students demonstrate exceptional creative thinking Design a class mascot, research and and divergent approaches to conventional tasks as design a model school, serve on a evidenced by innovative or creative reasoning, committee to improve the natural advanced insight and imagination, and solving environment of the school using problems in unique ways. several ideas and intricate presentations of ideas. Leadership Opportunities Students demonstrate the ability to perform at high Club officer, committee chairperson, levels in social skills and interpersonal qualities peer mentor, volunteer, recruit others such as poise, oral and written expression, to your organization, attend leadership managerial ability, goal setting and organizing. symposium, involvement in community projects, classroom leadership, Leadership Symposium.

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