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William Shakespeare S


Cassius' words to Brutus in Julius Caesar could well be Shakespeare's words to his audience with respect to his plays:

And since you know you cannot see yourself So well as by reflection, I, your glass, Will modestly discover to yourself That of yourself which you yet know not of.

In his dramatic works, Shakespeare has provided insights into human nature which, in the opinion of many of his disciples, equal those of the greatest modern psychologists. The impact of the Bard's insights is compounded by a masterful use of the language which makes him the mostly widely studied English writer.

Church records indicate that William Shakespeare was baptised in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire on April 26, 1564. April 23 is widely accepted as his date of birth. His father was a respected tradesman (a glover who was involved in a variety of commercial activities) who held several important municipal offices.

Shakespeare was probably educated at the local grammar school. He would have viewed local theatrical productions by groups of travelling players. When he was eighteen he married the twenty-six year old Anne Hathaway. In May of 1583 she gave birth to their first daughter, Susanna. In 1585, twins, named Hamnet and Judith, were born. Shortly thereafter, Shakespeare left Stratford. It is speculated that he was fleeing prosecution for poaching deer on the property of a local nobleman.

By about 1587 he had arrived in London and begun his career as an actor and playwright. His success earned him the jealousy of rivals such as Richard Greene who condemned him as "an upstart crow" in 1592.

The following is a chronological listing of Shakespeare's canon of plays and poetry:

1588-93 - The Comedy of Errors 1588-92 - Henry VI (three parts) 1592-93 - Richard III 1592-94 - Titus Andronicus 1593-94 - The Taming of the Shrew 1593-94 - The Two Gentlemen of Verona 1593-94 - "The Rape of Lucrece" 1593-1600 - "Sonnets" 1588-95 - Love's Labor's Lost 1594-96 - Romeo and Juliet 1595 - Richard II 1594-96 - A Midsummer Night's Dream 1590-97 - King John 1592 - "Venus and Adonis" 1596-97 - The Merchant of Venice 2 1597 - Henry IV (Part I) 1597-98 - Henry IV (Part II) 1598-1600 - Much Ado About Nothing 1598-99 - Henry V 1599 - Julius Caesar 1599-1600 - As You Like It 1600-02 - Twelfth Night 1600-0I - Hamlet 1597-1601 - The Merry Wives of Windsor 1600-0I - "The Phoenix and the Turtle" 160I-02 - Troilus and Cressida 1602-04 - All's Well That Ends Well 1603-04 - Othello 1604 - Measure for Measure 1604-09 - Timon of Athens 1605-06 - King Lear 1605-06 - Macbeth 1606-07 - Antony and Cleopatra 1607-09 - Coriolanus 1608-09 - Pericles 1609-IO - Cymbeline 16IO-II - The Winter's Tale 16II - The Tempest 16I2-I3 - Henry VIII 16I3 - The Two Noble Kinsmen

In 1594, Shakespeare joined The Chamberlain's Men, a theatrical company which enjoyed the patronage of the royal court. It is believed that he was instrumental in enabling his father to receive a grant of arms from the College of Heralds in 1596. The following year he purchased New Place, one of the largest houses in Stratford. He was one of the proprietors of the Globe Theatre which was built in 1599.

Although he continued to contribute to the theatre in London until 1614, Shakespeare moved back to Stratford in 1610. He died on April 23, 1616 of a fever contracted after an evening of entertaining fellow writers, Ben Jonson and Michael Drayton, in his home.

Shakespeare was buried on April 25 in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford under a gravestone bearing the following lines:

Good frend for Jesus sake forbeare To digg the dust enclosed heare; Blese be ye man yt spares these stones And curst be he yt moves my bones

The Group 3 Jonell Chris A. Bonecillo

Ambrose Ollero

Shariff Nardo

Terrence Talosig



 Act 1  Scene 1. Rousillon. The COUNT's palace.  Scene 2. Paris. The KING's palace.  Scene 3. Rousillon. The COUNT's palace.  Act 2  Scene 1. Paris. The KING's palace.  Scene 2. Rousillon. The COUNT's palace.  Scene 3. Paris. The KING's palace.  Scene 4. Paris. The KING's palace.  Scene 5. Paris. The KING's palace.  Act 3  Scene 1. Florence. The DUKE's palace.  Scene 2. Rousillon. The COUNT's palace.  Scene 3. Florence. Before the DUKE's palace.  Scene 4. Rousillon. The COUNT's palace.  Scene 5. Florence. Without the walls. A tucket afar off.  Scene 6. Camp before Florence.  Scene 7. Florence. The Widow's house.  Act 4  Scene 1. Without the Florentine camp.  Scene 2. Florence. The Widow's house.  Scene 3. The Florentine camp.  Scene 4. Florence. The Widow's house.  Scene 5. Rousillon. The COUNT's palace.  Act 5  Scene 1. Marseilles. A street.  Scene 2. Rousillon. Before the COUNT's palace.  Scene 3. Rousillon. The COUNT's palace.

6 7 Act 1, Scene 1 COUNTESS BERTRAM a sorrow than have it. Rousillon. The COUNT's This young I heard not of it before. palace. gentlewoman had a LAFEU HELENA father,--O, that Enter BERTRAM, the 'had'! how sad a I would it were not I do affect a sorrow COUNTESS of passage 'tis!--whose notorious. Was this indeed, but I have it Rousillon, HELENA, skill was gentlewoman too. and LAFEU, all in almost as great as his the daughter of Gerard LAFEU black honesty; had it de Narbon? Moderate lamentation stretched so COUNTESS is the right of the dead, far, would have made COUNTESS excessive grief the In delivering my son nature immortal, and enemy to the living. from me, I bury a death His sole child, my lord, second husband. should have play for and bequeathed to my BERTRAM lack of work. Would, overlooking. I have for the those hopes of her COUNTESS And I in going, king's sake, he were good that madam, weep o'er my living! I think it would her education If the living be enemy father's death be promises; her to the grief, the excess anew: but I must attend the death of the king's dispositions she makes it soon mortal. his majesty's disease. inherits, which makes command, to fair gifts fairer; for whom I am now in where BERTRAM ward, evermore in LAFEU an unclean mind Madam, I desire your subjection. How called you the carries virtuous holy wishes. qualities, there man you speak of, LAFEU LAFEU madam? commendations go with pity; they are How understand we You shall find of the virtues and that? king a husband, COUNTESS traitors too; in her they COUNTESS madam; you, He was famous, sir, in are the better for their sir, a father: he that so his profession, and it simpleness; she derives Be thou blest, Bertram, generally is at all times was her honesty and and succeed thy father good must of necessity his great right to be so: achieves her goodness. In manners, as in hold his virtue to you; Gerard de Narbon. shape! thy blood and whose virtue worthiness would stir it LAFEU Contend for empire in up where it wanted LAFEU Your commendations, thee, and thy goodness rather He was excellent madam, get from her Share with thy than lack it where there indeed, madam: the tears. birthright! Love all, is such abundance. trust a few, king very COUNTESS lately spoke of him Do wrong to none: be able for thine enemy COUNTESS admiringly and 'Tis the best brine a mourningly: he maiden can season her Rather in power than What hope is there of was skilful enough to praise use, and keep thy his majesty's have lived still, if in. The remembrance friend amendment? knowledge of her father never Under thy own life's LAFEU could be set up against approaches key: be cheque'd for mortality. her heart but the silence, He hath abandoned his tyranny of her sorrows But never tax'd for physicians, madam; takes all speech. What heaven under whose BERTRAM livelihood from her more will, practises he hath What is it, my good cheek. No more of this, That thee may furnish persecuted time with lord, the king Helena; and my prayers pluck hope, and languishes of? go to, no more; lest it down, finds no other be rather thought you Fall on thy head! advantage in the LAFEU affect Farewell, my lord; process but only the A fistula, my lord. 'Tis an unseason'd losing of hope by time. 8 courtier; good my lord, and collateral light PAROLLES nature to Advise him. Must I be comforted, Are you meditating on preserve virginity. not in his sphere. virginity? Loss of virginity is The ambition in my rational LAFEU love thus plagues HELENA increase and there was He cannot want the itself: Ay. You have some never virgin got till best The hind that would be stain of soldier in you: virginity was first lost. That shall attend his mated by the lion let me That you were made of love. Must die for love. ask you a question. is 'Twas pretty, though Man is enemy to metal to make virgins. plague, Virginity by being COUNTESS virginity; how To see him every hour; may we barricado it once lost Heaven bless him! to sit and draw against him? may be ten times Farewell, Bertram. His arched brows, his found; by being ever hawking eye, his curls, kept, it is Exit In our heart's table; PAROLLES ever lost: 'tis too cold a BERTRAM heart too capable Keep him out. companion; away with Of every line and trick 't! [To HELENA] The HELENA best wishes that can be of his sweet favour: But now he's gone, and forged in But he assails; and our HELENA your thoughts be my idolatrous fancy virginity, though servants to you! Be Must sanctify his valiant, I will stand for 't a comfortable reliques. Who comes in the defence yet is little, though therefore to my mother, your here? weak: unfold to us I die a virgin. mistress, and make some PAROLLES much of her. warlike resistance. Enter PAROLLES There's little can be Aside said in 't; 'tis against LAFEU PAROLLES the One that goes with rule of nature. To Farewell, pretty lady: There is none: man, him: I love him for his speak on the part of you must hold the sitting down before sake; virginity, credit of you, will And yet I know him a is to accuse your your father. notorious liar, undermine you and blow you up. mothers; which is most Think him a great way infallible fool, solely a coward; Exeunt BERTRAM and disobedience. He that Yet these fixed evils sit HELENA hangs himself is a LAFEU so fit in him, Bless our poor virgin: HELENA That they take place, virginity murders itself when virtue's steely virginity from O, were that all! I think and should be buried in bones underminers and not on my father; highways out of all Look bleak i' the cold blowers up! Is there no And these great tears sanctified limit, as a wind: withal, full oft military policy, how grace his remembrance desperate we see virgins might blow up more offendress against Cold wisdom waiting men? Than those I shed for nature. Virginity on superfluous folly. him. What was he like? breeds mites, I have forgot him: my PAROLLES much like a cheese; consumes itself to the imagination PAROLLES Virginity being blown very Carries no favour in't down, man will Save you, fair queen! paring, and so dies but Bertram's. quicklier be with feeding his own I am undone: there is HELENA blown up: marry, in no living, none, stomach. And you, monarch! blowing him down Besides, virginity is If Bertram be away. again, with PAROLLES peevish, proud, idle, 'Twere all one the breach yourselves made of That I should love a No. made, you lose your self-love, which is the bright particular star city. It HELENA most inhibited sin in And think to wed it, he is not politic in the the is so above me: And no. commonwealth of In his bright radiance canon. Keep it not; you 9 cannot choose but loves, Monsieur Parolles, my that your valour and loose A mother and a lord calls for you. fear makes by't: out with 't! within mistress and a friend, Exit in you is a virtue of a ten year it will make A phoenix, captain and good wing, and I like itself ten, which is a an enemy, PAROLLES the wear well. goodly increase; and A guide, a goddess, Little Helen, farewell; the and a sovereign, if I can remember thee, PAROLLES principal itself not A counsellor, a I much the worse: away traitress, and a dear; will think of thee at I am so full of with 't! His humble ambition, court. businesses, I cannot proud humility, answer thee His jarring concord, acutely. I will return HELENA and his discord dulcet, HELENA perfect courtier; in the How might one do, sir, His faith, his sweet Monsieur Parolles, you which, my instruction to lose it to her own disaster; with a world were born under a shall serve to liking? Of pretty, fond, charitable star. naturalize adoptious PAROLLES thee, so thou wilt be christendoms, PAROLLES capable of a courtier's Let me see: marry, ill, That blinking Cupid Under Mars, I. counsel and understand to like him that ne'er it gossips. Now shall he-- what advice shall likes. 'Tis a commodity I know not what he HELENA thrust upon will lose the gloss with shall. God send him I especially think, thee; else thou diest in lying; the longer kept, well! under Mars. thine unthankfulness, the less worth: off with The court's a learning and PAROLLES 't place, and he is one-- thine ignorance makes while 'tis vendible; Why under Mars? thee away: farewell. answer the time of HELENA When request. PAROLLES thou hast leisure, say Virginity, like an old What one, i' faith? The wars have so kept thy prayers; when thou courtier, wears her cap you under that you HELENA hast out must needs none, remember thy of fashion: richly That I wish well. 'Tis be born under Mars. friends; get thee a good suited, but unsuitable: pity-- husband, just PAROLLES PAROLLES and use him as he uses like the brooch and the thee; so, farewell. tooth-pick, which wear What's pity? When he was not predominant. Exit now. Your date is HELENA HELENA better in your pie and HELENA your That wishing well had When he was porridge than in your not a body in't, retrograde, I think, Our remedies oft in cheek; and your Which might be felt; rather. ourselves do lie, that we, the poorer Which we ascribe to virginity, PAROLLES your old virginity, is born, heaven: the fated sky like one of our French Whose baser stars do Why think you so? Gives us free scope, only doth backward withered pears, it looks shut us up in wishes, HELENA ill, it eats drily; marry, Might with effects of pull You go so much 'tis a withered pear; it them follow our Our slow designs when backward when you was formerly better; friends, we ourselves are dull. fight. marry, yet 'tis a And show what we What power is it which withered pear: will you alone must think, PAROLLES mounts my love so anything with it? which never high, Return us thanks. That's for advantage. That makes me see, HELENA and cannot feed mine HELENA eye? Enter Page So is running away, The mightiest space in Not my virginity yet when fear proposes the [ ] Page fortune nature brings safety; To join like likes and There shall your but the composition master have a thousand kiss like native things. 10 Impossible be strange For amplest credence. First tried our speech. attempts to those soldiership! He did That weigh their pains look far in sense and do KING Into the service of the KING suppose He hath arm'd our time and was Would I were with What hath been cannot answer, Discipled of the him! He would always be: who ever strove And Florence is denied bravest: he lasted long; say-- So show her merit, that before he comes: But on us both did Methinks I hear him did miss her love? Yet, for our gentlemen haggish age steal on now; his plausive The king's disease--my that mean to see And wore us out of act. words project may deceive The Tuscan service, It much repairs me He scatter'd not in ears, me, freely have they leave To talk of your good but grafted them, But my intents are fix'd To stand on either part. father. In his youth To grow there and to and will not leave me. He had the wit which I bear,--'Let me not can well observe live,'-- Second Lord To-day in our young This his good Exit It well may serve lords; but they may jest melancholy oft began, Act 1, Scene 2 A nursery to our Till their own scorn On the catastrophe and return to them unnoted Paris. The KING's palace. gentry, who are sick heel of pastime, For breathing and Ere they can hide their When it was out,--'Let Flourish of cornets. exploit. levity in honour; me not live,' quoth he, Enter the KING of So like a courtier, 'After my flame lacks France, with letters, contempt nor bitterness oil, to be the snuff and divers Attendants KING Were in his pride or Of younger spirits, KING What's he comes here? sharpness; if they were, whose apprehensive His equal had awaked senses Enter BERTRAM, The Florentines and them, and his honour, All but new things LAFEU, and Senoys are by the ears; Clock to itself, knew disdain; whose PAROLLES Have fought with equal the true minute when judgments are fortune and continue First Lord Exception bid him Mere fathers of their A braving war. speak, and at this time It is the Count garments; whose His tongue obey'd his Rousillon, my good constancies hand: who were below First Lord lord, Expire before their him Young Bertram. fashions.' This he So 'tis reported, sir. He used as creatures of wish'd; KING another place I after him do after him KING And bow'd his eminent wish too, Nay, 'tis most credible; top to their low ranks, Since I nor wax nor Youth, thou bear'st thy we here received it Making them proud of honey can bring home, father's face; A certainty, vouch'd his humility, I quickly were Frank nature, rather from our cousin In their poor praise he dissolved from my curious than in haste, Austria, humbled. Such a man hive, Hath well composed With caution that the Might be a copy to To give some labourers thee. Thy father's Florentine will move these younger times; room. moral parts us Which, follow'd well, Mayst thou inherit too! For speedy aid; would demonstrate Welcome to Paris. wherein our dearest them now Second Lord friend But goers backward. You are loved, sir: Prejudicates the BERTRAM They that least lend it business and would you shall lack you first. seem My thanks and duty are BERTRAM your majesty's. To have us make His good denial. KING remembrance, sir, KING I would I had that Lies richer in your I fill a place, I know't. First Lord corporal soundness thoughts than on his How long is't, count, now, tomb; Since the physician at His love and wisdom, So in approof lives not Approved so to your As when thy father and your father's died? myself in friendship his epitaph majesty, may plead As in your royal 11 He was much famed. all Tell me thy reason why He that ears my land believe: 'tis my thou wilt marry. spares my team and slowness that I do not; Clown gives me BERTRAM for I know leave to in the crop; if I Some six months since, you lack not folly to My poor body, madam, be his cuckold, he's my my lord. commit them, and have requires it: I am driven drudge: he that ability on comforts my wife is KING enough to make such by the flesh; and he the cherisher If he were living, I knaveries yours. must needs go that the of my flesh and blood; would try him yet. devil drives. he that cherishes my Lend me an arm; the flesh rest have worn me out Clown and blood loves my COUNTESS With several 'Tis not unknown to flesh and blood; he that applications; nature you, madam, I am a Is this all your loves my and sickness poor fellow. worship's reason? flesh and blood is my Debate it at their friend: ergo, he that COUNTESS Clown leisure. Welcome, kisses count; Well, sir. Faith, madam, I have my wife is my friend. other holy reasons such My son's no dearer. Clown If men could be as they contented to No, madam, 'tis not so are. be what they are, there BERTRAM well that I am poor, were no fear in Thank your majesty. though marriage; many of the rich are COUNTESS Exeunt. Flourish for young Charbon the damned: but, if I may May the world know Puritan and old Act 1, Scene 3 have them? Poysam the your ladyship's good Rousillon. The COUNT's Clown Papist, howsome'er will to go to the world, palace. their hearts are severed Isbel I have been, madam, a in Enter COUNTESS, the woman and I will wicked creature, as you religion, their heads are Steward, and Clown do as we may. and both one; they may COUNTESS all flesh and blood are; jowl and, indeed, I do marry COUNTESS horns together, like any I will now hear; what that I may repent. deer i' the herd. say you of this Wilt thou needs be a gentlewoman? beggar? COUNTESS COUNTESS Steward Clown Thy marriage, sooner Madam, the care I have Wilt thou ever be a I do beg your good will than thy wickedness. foul-mouthed and had to even your in this case. content, I Clown calumnious knave? COUNTESS wish might be found in I am out o' friends, Clown the calendar of my past In what case? madam; and I hope to A prophet I, madam; endeavours; for then have and I speak the truth we wound our modesty Clown friends for my wife's the next and make In Isbel's case and sake. way: foul the clearness of mine own. Service is For I the ballad will our deservings, when no repeat, of heritage: and I think I COUNTESS Which men full true ourselves we publish shall never have the Such friends are thine shall find; them. blessing of God till I enemies, knave. Your marriage comes have issue o' my body; by destiny, for Clown Your cuckoo sings by COUNTESS they say barnes are You're shallow, kind. What does this knave blessings. madam, in great here? Get you gone, friends; for the sirrah: knaves come to do that COUNTESS COUNTESS the complaints I have for me which I am heard of you I do not aweary of. 12 Get you gone, sir; I'll might have a good Steward nor misdoubt. Pray talk with you more woman born but one Madam, I was very late you, anon. every blazing more near her than I leave me: stall this in Steward star, or at an think your bosom; and I earthquake, 'twould she wished me: alone thank you May it please you, mend the lottery for your honest care: I madam, that he bid she was, and did well: a man may draw communicate will speak with you Helen come to his heart out, ere a' further anon. you: of her I am to to herself her own pluck words to her own ears; speak. one. she Exit Steward thought, I dare vow for Enter HELENA COUNTESS COUNTESS her, they touched not any Sirrah, tell my Even so it was with me You'll be gone, sir stranger sense. Her gentlewoman I would when I was young: knave, and do as I matter was, she loved speak with her; If ever we are nature's, command you. your son: Helen, I mean. these are ours; this Clown Fortune, she said, was thorn no goddess, that had That man should be at Doth to our rose of put Clown woman's command, youth rightly belong; such difference betwixt Our blood to us, this to Was this fair face the and yet no their two estates; Love our blood is born; cause, quoth she, hurt done! Though no It is the show and seal Why the Grecians honesty be no puritan, god, that would not of nature's truth, sacked Troy? yet it extend his might, only Where love's strong Fond done, done fond, will do no hurt; it will where passion is impress'd in Was this King Priam's wear the surplice of qualities were level; youth: joy? humility over the black Dian no queen of By our remembrances With that she sighed as gown of a big heart. I virgins, that of days foregone, she stood, am would suffer her poor Such were our faults, With that she sighed as going, forsooth: the knight surprised, or then we thought she stood, business is for Helen to without them none. And gave this sentence come hither. rescue in the first Her eye is sick on't: I then; assault or ransom observe her now. Among nine bad if one afterward. be good, Exit This she delivered in Among nine bad if one COUNTESS the most bitter touch of HELENA be good, Well, now. sorrow that e'er I heard There's yet one good in What is your pleasure, virgin exclaim in: ten. Steward madam? which I COUNTESS I know, madam, you held my duty speedily COUNTESS love your gentlewoman to acquaint you withal; You know, Helen, entirely. sithence, in the loss I am a mother to you. What, one good in ten? COUNTESS that may happen, it you corrupt the song, concerns sirrah. Faith, I do: her father you something to know HELENA Clown bequeathed her to me; it. Mine honourable and mistress. One good woman in she herself, without ten, madam; which is a other advantage, may COUNTESS COUNTESS purifying lawfully Nay, a mother: o' the song: would God You have discharged make title to as much this honestly; keep it to Why not a mother? would serve the world love as she finds: there When I said 'a mother,' so all yourself: many is likelihoods informed Methought you saw a the year! we'ld find no more owing her than is serpent: what's in fault with the tithe- me of this paid; and more shall be before, which hung so 'mother,' woman, paid That you start at it? I if I were the parson. tottering in the balance her than she'll demand. that say, I am your mother; One in ten, quoth a'! And put you in the An we I could neither believe 13 catalogue of those were you both our Good madam, pardon Religious in mine That were enwombed mothers, me! error, I adore mine: 'tis often seen I care no more for than COUNTESS The sun, that looks Adoption strives with I do for heaven, upon his worshipper, nature and choice So I were not his sister. Do you love my son? But knows of him no breeds Can't no other, HELENA more. My dearest A native slip to us But, I your daughter, madam, from foreign seeds: he must be my brother? Your pardon, noble Let not your hate You ne'er oppress'd me mistress! encounter with my with a mother's groan, COUNTESS love Yet I express to you a COUNTESS For loving where you Love you my son? mother's care: Yes, Helen, you might do: but if yourself, God's mercy, maiden! be my daughter-in-law: HELENA Whose aged honour does it curd thy blood cites a virtuous youth, God shield you mean it Do not you love him, To say I am thy Did ever in so true a not! daughter and madam? mother? What's the mother flame of liking matter, So strive upon your COUNTESS Wish chastely and love That this distemper'd pulse. What, pale Go not about; my love dearly, that your Dian messenger of wet, again? hath in't a bond, Was both herself and The many-colour'd Iris, My fear hath catch'd Whereof the world love: O, then, give pity rounds thine eye? your fondness: now I takes note: come, To her, whose state is Why? that you are my see come, disclose such that cannot daughter? The mystery of your The state of your choose loneliness, and find affection; for your But lend and give Your salt tears' head: where she is sure to HELENA passions now to all sense 'tis Have to the full lose; That I am not. gross appeach'd. That seeks not to find that her search implies, COUNTESS You love my son; invention is ashamed, But riddle-like lives I say, I am your Against the HELENA sweetly where she mother. proclamation of thy Then, I confess, dies! HELENA passion, Here on my knee, To say thou dost not: before high heaven and Pardon, madam; therefore tell me true; COUNTESS The Count Rousillon you, But tell me then, 'tis That before you, and Had you not lately an cannot be my brother: so; for, look thy cheeks intent,--speak truly,-- I am from humble, he next unto high heaven, Confess it, th' one to th' I love your son. To go to Paris? from honour'd name; other; and thine eyes No note upon my My friends were poor, See it so grossly shown but honest; so's my parents, his all noble: in thy behaviors HELENA My master, my dear love: That in their kind they Be not offended; for it Madam, I had. lord he is; and I speak it: only sin hurts not him COUNTESS His servant live, and And hellish obstinacy will his vassal die: That he is loved of me: tie thy tongue, I follow him not Wherefore? tell true. He must not be my That truth should be brother. By any token of HELENA suspected. Speak, is't presumptuous suit; I will tell truth; by so? Nor would I have him grace itself I swear. If it be so, you have till I do deserve him; COUNTESS You know my father wound a goodly clew; Yet never know how Nor I your mother? left me some If it be not, forswear't: that desert should be. prescriptions HELENA howe'er, I charge thee, I know I love in vain, Of rare and proved As heaven shall work strive against hope; You are my mother, effects, such as his in me for thine avail, Yet in this captious and madam; would you reading Tell me truly. intenible sieve were,-- And manifest I still pour in the So that my lord your experience had waters of my love son were not my HELENA collected And lack not to lose brother,-- For general still: thus, Indian-like, Indeed my mother! or sovereignty; and that 14 he will'd me Of his profession, that you: and you, my Before you serve. In heedfull'st his good receipt lords, farewell: reservation to bestow Shall for my legacy be Share the advice them, sanctified betwixt you; if both Both As notes whose By the luckiest stars in gain, all Our hearts receive your faculties inclusive were heaven: and, would The gift doth stretch warnings. More than they were in your honour itself as 'tis received, KING note: amongst the rest, But give me leave to And is enough for There is a remedy, try success, I'ld venture both. Farewell. Come hither approved, set down, The well-lost life of to me. To cure the desperate mine on his grace's Exit, attended languishings whereof cure First Lord The king is render'd By such a day and 'Tis our hope, sir, First Lord lost. hour. After well enter'd O, my sweet lord, that soldiers, to return you will stay behind And find your grace in us! COUNTESS COUNTESS health. This was your motive Dost thou believe't? PAROLLES For Paris, was it? HELENA 'Tis not his fault, the speak. KING spark. Ay, madam, No, no, it cannot be; Second Lord knowingly. and yet my heart HELENA COUNTESS Will not confess he O, 'tis brave wars! My lord your son made owes the malady PAROLLES me to think of this; Why, Helen, thou shalt That doth my life Else Paris and the have my leave and besiege. Farewell, Most admirable: I have medicine and the king love, young lords; seen those wars. Means and attendants Had from the Whether I live or die, BERTRAM conversation of my and my loving be you the sons thoughts greetings Of worthy Frenchmen: I am commanded here, Haply been absent To those of mine in let higher Italy,-- and kept a coil with then. court: I'll stay at home Those bated that 'Too young' and 'the And pray God's inherit but the fall next year' and ''tis too blessing into thy Of the last monarchy,-- early.' COUNTESS attempt: see that you come Be gone to-morrow; But think you, Helen, Not to woo honour, but PAROLLES If you should tender and be sure of this, to wed it; when your supposed aid, What I can help thee to The bravest questant An thy mind stand to't, He would receive it? thou shalt not miss. shrinks, find what you boy, steal away he and his physicians seek, bravely. Are of a mind; he, that Exeunt That fame may cry you BERTRAM they cannot help him, loud: I say, farewell. Act 2, Scene 1 I shall stay here the They, that they cannot forehorse to a smock, help: how shall they Paris. The KING's palace. Creaking my shoes on credit Second Lord Flourish of cornets. the plain masonry, A poor unlearned Health, at your Enter the KING, Till honour be bought virgin, when the bidding, serve your attended with divers up and no sword worn schools, majesty! young Lords taking But one to dance with! Embowell'd of their leave for the KING By heaven, I'll steal doctrine, have left off Florentine war; away. The danger to itself? Those girls of Italy, BERTRAM, and take heed of them: PAROLLES They say, our French First Lord HELENA KING lack language to deny, If they demand: There's honour in the There's something in't, Farewell, young lords; beware of being theft. More than my father's these warlike captives, PAROLLES skill, which was the principles greatest Do not throw from Commit it, count. 15 Second Lord within the Good faith, across: but, business? I am your accessary; list of too cold an my good lord 'tis thus; That done, laugh well and so, farewell. adieu: be more Will you be cured of at me. expressive to your infirmity? BERTRAM them: for they wear themselves in the cap KING I grow to you, and our KING parting is a tortured of the Now, good Lafeu, body. time, there do muster No. Bring in the true gait, eat, speak, LAFEU admiration; that we First Lord and with thee Farewell, captain. move under the O, will you eat no May spend our wonder influence of the most grapes, my royal fox? too, or take off thine Second Lord received star; Yes, but you will my By wondering how Sweet Monsieur and though the devil noble grapes, an if thou took'st it. Parolles! lead the measure, such My royal fox could are to reach them: I have seen PAROLLES be followed: after a medicine LAFEU Noble heroes, my them, and take a more That's able to breathe Nay, I'll fit you, sword and yours are dilated farewell. life into a stone, And not be all day kin. Good Quicken a rock, and neither. sparks and lustrous, a make you dance canary word, good metals: you BERTRAM With spritely fire and shall And I will do so. motion; whose simple Exit find in the regiment of touch, KING the Spinii one Captain PAROLLES Is powerful to araise Spurio, with his Worthy fellows; and King Pepin, nay, Thus he his special cicatrice, an emblem of like to prove most To give great nothing ever war, here sinewy sword-men. Charlemain a pen in's prologues. on his sinister cheek; it Exeunt BERTRAM and hand, Re-enter LAFEU, with was this very sword PAROLLES And write to her a HELENA entrenched it: say to love-line. him, I live; and Enter LAFEU LAFEU observe his LAFEU Nay, come your ways. reports for me. KING KING [Kneeling] Pardon, my What 'her' is this? lord, for me and for my This haste hath wings First Lord tidings. LAFEU indeed. We shall, noble KING Why, Doctor She: my LAFEU captain. lord, there's one I'll fee thee to stand up. arrived, Nay, come your ways: Exeunt Lords LAFEU If you will see her: This is his majesty; say PAROLLES now, by my faith and your mind to him: Then here's a man honour, A traitor you do look Mars dote on you for stands, that has brought If seriously I may like; but such traitors his novices! what will his pardon. convey my thoughts His majesty seldom ye do? I would you had In this my light fears: I am Cressid's kneel'd, my lord, to ask BERTRAM deliverance, I have uncle, me mercy, spoke That dare leave two Stay: the king. And that at my bidding With one that, in her together; fare you well. you could so stand up. Re-enter KING. sex, her years, BERTRAM and profession, PAROLLES retire Exit KING Wisdom and PAROLLES constancy, hath KING I would I had; so I had amazed me more Now, fair one, does [To BERTRAM] Use a broke thy pate, Than I dare blame my more spacious And ask'd thee mercy your business follow weakness: will you see us? ceremony to the for't. her noble lords; you have For that is her demand, HELENA restrained yourself LAFEU and know her 16 Ay, my good lord. To empirics, or to and most oft there Their fiery torcher his Gerard de Narbon was dissever so Where most it diurnal ring, my father; Our great self and our promises, and oft it hits Ere twice in murk and In what he did profess, credit, to esteem Where hope is coldest occidental damp well found. A senseless help when and despair most fits. Moist Hesperus hath help past sense we quench'd his sleepy deem. lamp, KING KING Or four and twenty I knew him. I must not hear thee; times the pilot's glass HELENA Hath told the thievish HELENA fare thee well, kind My duty then shall pay maid; minutes how they pass, The rather will I spare me for my pains: Thy pains not used What is infirm from my praises towards I will no more enforce must by thyself be your sound parts shall him: mine office on you. paid: fly, Knowing him is Humbly entreating Proffers not took reap Health shall live free enough. On's bed of from your royal thanks for their reward. and sickness freely die. death thoughts Many receipts he gave A modest one, to bear me: chiefly one. me back a again. HELENA KING Which, as the dearest Inspired merit so by Upon thy certainty and issue of his practise, breath is barr'd: confidence And of his old KING It is not so with Him What darest thou experience the oily I cannot give thee less, that all things knows venture? darling, to be call'd grateful: As 'tis with us that He bade me store up, Thou thought'st to help square our guess by as a triple eye, me; and such thanks I shows; HELENA Safer than mine own give But most it is Tax of impudence, two, more dear; I have As one near death to presumption in us A strumpet's boldness, so; those that wish him when a divulged shame And hearing your high live: The help of heaven we Traduced by odious majesty is touch'd But what at full I count the act of men. ballads: my maiden's With that malignant know, thou know'st no Dear sir, to my name cause wherein the part, endeavours give Sear'd otherwise; nay, honour I knowing all my peril, consent; worse--if worse-- Of my dear father's gift thou no art. Of heaven, not me, extended stands chief in power, make an experiment. With vilest torture let I come to tender it and I am not an impostor my life be ended. my appliance HELENA that proclaim With all bound What I can do can do Myself against the humbleness. no hurt to try, level of mine aim; KING Since you set up your But know I think and Methinks in thee some KING rest 'gainst remedy. think I know most sure blessed spirit doth He that of greatest My art is not past speak We thank you, maiden; works is finisher power nor you past His powerful sound But may not be so Oft does them by the cure. within an organ weak: credulous of cure, weakest minister: And what impossibility When our most learned So holy writ in babes would slay doctors leave us and hath judgment shown, KING In common sense, The congregated When judges have Are thou so confident? sense saves another college have concluded been babes; great within what space way. That labouring art can floods have flown Hopest thou my cure? Thy life is dear; for all never ransom nature From simple sources, that life can rate From her inaidible and great seas have Worth name of life in estate; I say we must dried HELENA thee hath estimate, not When miracles have by The great'st grace Youth, beauty, So stain our judgment, the greatest been lending grace wisdom, courage, all or corrupt our hope, denied. Ere twice the horses of That happiness and To prostitute our past- Oft expectation fails the sun shall bring prime can happy call: cure malady 17 Thou this to hazard served: may easily put it off at the pudding to his skin. needs must intimate So make the choice of court: he that cannot Skill infinite or thy own time, for I, make monstrous desperate. Thy resolved patient, a leg, put off's cap, kiss COUNTESS Sweet practiser, thy on thee still rely. his hand and say Have you, I say, an physic I will try, More should I question nothing, answer of such fitness That ministers thine thee, and more I must, has neither leg, hands, for all own death if I die. Though more to know lip, nor cap; and indeed questions? could not be more to such a fellow, to say trust, precisely, were not for HELENA From whence thou the Clown If I break time, or camest, how tended on: court; but for me, I From below your duke flinch in property but rest have an answer will to beneath your Of what I spoke, Unquestion'd welcome serve all constable, it unpitied let me die, and undoubted blest. men. will fit any question. And well deserved: not Give me some help helping, death's my here, ho! If thou fee; proceed COUNTESS COUNTESS But, if I help, what do As high as word, my Marry, that's a It must be an answer of you promise me? deed shall match thy bountiful answer that most monstrous size meed. fits all that questions. must fit all demands. KING Flourish. Exeunt Make thy demand. Act 2, Scene 2 Clown Clown HELENA Rousillon. The COUNT's It is like a barber's But a trifle neither, in But will you make it palace. chair that fits all good faith, if the even? buttocks, learned Enter COUNTESS and KING the pin-buttock, the should speak truth of Clown quatch-buttock, the it: here it is, and all Ay, by my sceptre and COUNTESS brawn that my hopes of heaven. buttock, or any belongs to't. Ask me if Come on, sir; I shall HELENA buttock. I am a courtier: it shall now put you to the do you no harm to Then shalt thou give height of learn. me with thy kingly your breeding. COUNTESS hand Will your answer serve What husband in thy fit to all questions? COUNTESS power I will command: Clown To be young again, if Exempted be from me I will show myself Clown we could: I will be a the arrogance highly fed and lowly As fit as ten groats is fool in To choose from forth taught: I for the hand of an question, hoping to be the royal blood of know my business is attorney, the wiser by your France, but to the court. as your French crown answer. I My low and humble for your taffeta punk, name to propagate pray you, sir, are you a COUNTESS as Tib's courtier? With any branch or rush for Tom's image of thy state; To the court! why, forefinger, as a But such a one, thy what place make you pancake for Shrove Clown vassal, whom I know special, Tuesday, a morris for O Lord, sir! There's a Is free for me to ask, when you put off that May-day, as the nail to simple putting off. thee to bestow. with such contempt? his More, But to the court! hole, the cuckold to his more, a hundred of KING horn, as a scolding them. queen Clown Here is my hand; the to a wrangling knave, premises observed, Truly, madam, if God as the nun's lip to the COUNTESS Thy will by my have lent a man any friar's mouth, nay, as performance shall be manners, he 18 Sir, I am a poor friend O Lord, sir! why, Why, 'tis the rarest It is, indeed: if you will of yours, that loves there't serves well argument of wonder have it in showing, you you. again. that hath shall read it in--what Clown COUNTESS shot out in our latter do you call there? times. O Lord, sir! Thick, An end, sir; to your thick, spare not me. business. Give Helen LAFEU BERTRAM COUNTESS this, A showing of a And urge her to a And so 'tis. heavenly effect in an I think, sir, you can eat present answer back: earthly actor. none of this homely Commend me to my LAFEU meat. kinsmen and my son: To be relinquish'd of PAROLLES Clown This is not much. the artists,-- That's it; I would have said the very same. O Lord, sir! Nay, put PAROLLES me to't, I warrant you. Clown So I say. LAFEU COUNTESS Not much LAFEU Why, your dolphin is commendation to not lustier: 'fore me, You were lately them. Both of Galen and I speak in respect-- whipped, sir, as I think. Paracelsus. COUNTESS Clown PAROLLES Not much employment PAROLLES O Lord, sir! spare not for you: you So I say. Nay, 'tis strange, 'tis me. understand me? LAFEU very strange, that is the COUNTESS brief and the tedious of Clown Of all the learned and Do you cry, 'O Lord, it; and he's of a most Most fruitfully: I am authentic fellows,-- sir!' at your whipping, facinerious spirit that there before my legs. and PAROLLES will not acknowledge it 'spare not me?' Indeed COUNTESS Right; so I say. to be the-- your 'O Lord, sir!' is Haste you again. LAFEU very LAFEU sequent to your Exeunt severally That gave him out Very hand of heaven. whipping: you would Act 2, Scene 3 incurable,-- answer very well PAROLLES PAROLLES to a whipping, if you Paris. The KING's palace. Ay, so I say. were but bound to't. Enter BERTRAM, Why, there 'tis; so say I LAFEU, and too. LAFEU PAROLLES Clown LAFEU In a most weak-- LAFEU I ne'er had worse luck Not to be helped,-- pausing in my life in my 'O They say miracles are PAROLLES and debile minister, Lord, past; and we have our Right; as 'twere, a man great power, great sir!' I see things may philosophical persons, assured of a-- transcendence: which serve long, but not to make modern and should, indeed, give us serve ever. familiar, LAFEU a things supernatural and Uncertain life, and sure further use to be made causeless. Hence is it COUNTESS death. than alone the recovery that of PAROLLES I play the noble we make trifles of the king, as to be-- housewife with the terrors, ensconcing Just, you say well; so time ourselves would I have said. To entertain't so into seeming pausing knowledge, when we LAFEU merrily with a fool. generally thankful. should submit I may truly say, it is a ourselves to an novelty to the world. Clown unknown fear. PAROLLES PAROLLES

PAROLLES 19 I would have said it; HELENA me. or I would send them you say well. Here To each of you one fair to the comes the king. Turk, to make eunuchs and virtuous mistress HELENA Enter KING, Fall, when Love of. HELENA, and please! marry, to each, Now, Dian, from thy altar do I fly, Attendants. LAFEU but one! HELENA and PAROLLES retire And to imperial Love, that god most high, Be not afraid that I LAFEU LAFEU Do my sighs stream. your hand should take; Lustig, as the I'ld give bay Curtal and Sir, will you hear my I'll never do you wrong Dutchman says: I'll his furniture, suit? for your own sake: like a maid the My mouth no more Blessing upon your better, whilst I have a vows! and in your bed were broken than these First Lord tooth in my head: why, boys', Find fairer fortune, if he's And writ as little And grant it. you ever wed! able to lead her a beard. coranto. LAFEU HELENA KING These boys are boys of Thanks, sir; all the rest PAROLLES ice, they'll none have Peruse them well: is mute. Mort du vinaigre! is Not one of those but her: LAFEU not this Helen? had a noble father. sure, they are bastards to the English; the LAFEU I had rather be in this choice than throw French 'Fore God, I think so. HELENA ames-ace ne'er got 'em. KING Gentlemen, for my life. Heaven hath through Go, call before me all HELENA me restored the king to the lords in court. HELENA health. You are too young, too Sit, my preserver, by The honour, sir, that happy, and too good, thy patient's side; flames in your fair To make yourself a son And with this healthful All eyes, out of my blood. hand, whose banish'd Before I speak, too sense We understand it, and threateningly replies: Thou hast repeal'd, a thank heaven for you. Fourth Lord Love make your second time receive HELENA fortunes twenty times Fair one, I think not so. The confirmation of I am a simple maid, above my promised gift, LAFEU and therein wealthiest, Her that so wishes and Which but attends thy There's one grape yet; I That I protest I simply her humble love! naming. am a maid. am sure thy father Please it your majesty, drunk I have done already: Second Lord wine: but if thou be'st Enter three or four not an ass, I am a The blushes in my No better, if you Lords youth cheeks thus whisper please. Fair maid, send forth me, of fourteen; I have thine eye: this youthful 'We blush that thou known thee already. parcel shouldst choose; but, HELENA Of noble bachelors be refused, stand at my bestowing, My wish receive, HELENA Let the white death sit Which great Love O'er whom both on thy cheek for ever; [To BERTRAM] I dare sovereign power and grant! and so, I take not say I take you; but We'll ne'er come there my leave. father's voice again.' I give I have to use: thy frank Me and my service, election make; LAFEU ever whilst I live, Thou hast power to KING Into your guiding choose, and they none Do all they deny her? Make choice; and, see, power. This is the man. to forsake. An they were sons of Who shuns thy love mine, shuns all his love in I'd have them whipped; KING 20 Why, then, young off I cannot love her, nor answer. Bertram, take her; she's In differences so will strive to do't. thy wife. mighty. If she be KING BERTRAM BERTRAM All that is virtuous, save what thou Thou wrong'st thyself, Pardon, my gracious My wife, my liege! I dislikest, if thou shouldst strive lord; for I submit shall beseech your A poor physician's to choose. My fancy to your eyes: highness, daughter, thou dislikest HELENA when I consider In such a business give Of virtue for the name: What great creation me leave to use but do not so: That you are well and what dole of The help of mine own From lowest place restored, my lord, I'm honour eyes. when virtuous things glad: Flies where you bid it, proceed, Let the rest go. I find that she, which The place is dignified KING late by the doer's deed: KING Was in my nobler Know'st thou not, Where great additions thoughts most base, is Bertram, swell's, and virtue My honour's at the now What she has done for none, stake; which to defeat, The praised of the me? It is a dropsied honour. I must produce my king; who, so Good alone power. Here, take her ennobled, Is good without a hand, Is as 'twere born so. BERTRAM name. Vileness is so: Proud scornful boy, Yes, my good lord; The property by what it unworthy this good But never hope to is should go, gift; KING know why I should Not by the title. She is That dost in vile Take her by the hand, marry her. young, wise, fair; misprision shackle up And tell her she is In these to nature she's My love and her thine: to whom I immediate heir, desert; that canst not promise KING And these breed dream, A counterpoise, if not Thou know'st she has honour: that is honour's We, poising us in her to thy estate raised me from my scorn, defective scale, A balance more sickly bed. Which challenges itself Shall weigh thee to the replete. as honour's born beam; that wilt not BERTRAM And is not like the sire: know, But follows it, my lord, honours thrive, It is in us to plant thine BERTRAM to bring me down When rather from our honour where I take her hand. Must answer for your acts we them derive We please to have it raising? I know her Than our foregoers: the grow. Cheque thy KING well: mere word's a slave contempt: Good fortune and the She had her breeding at Debosh'd on every Obey our will, which favour of the king my father's charge. tomb, on every grave travails in thy good: Smile upon this A poor physician's A lying trophy, and as Believe not thy contract; whose daughter my wife! oft is dumb disdain, but presently ceremony Disdain Where dust and damn'd Do thine own fortunes Shall seem expedient Rather corrupt me oblivion is the tomb that obedient right on the now-born brief, ever! Of honour'd bones Which both thy duty And be perform'd to- indeed. What should be owes and our power night: the solemn feast said? claims; Shall more attend upon KING If thou canst like this Or I will throw thee the coming space, 'Tis only title thou creature as a maid, from my care for ever Expecting absent disdain'st in her, the I can create the rest: Into the staggers and friends. As thou lovest which virtue and she the careless lapse her, I can build up. Strange Is her own dower; Of youth and Thy love's to me is it that our bloods, honour and wealth ignorance; both my religious; else, does Of colour, weight, and from me. revenge and hate err. heat, pour'd all Loosing upon thee, in together, the name of justice, Would quite confound BERTRAM Without all terms of Exeunt all but LAFEU distinction, yet stand pity. Speak; thine and PAROLLES 21 LAFEU What I dare too well PAROLLES must [Advancing] Do you do, I dare not do. I have not, my lord, be patient; there is no hear, monsieur? a word LAFEU deserved it. fettering of authority. with you. I'll beat him, by my I did think thee, for LAFEU life, if I can meet him PAROLLES two ordinaries, to be a Yes, good faith, every with Your pleasure, sir? pretty dram of it; and I will any convenience, an he wise fellow; thou didst were double and LAFEU not make tolerable vent of bate thee a scruple. double a Your lord and master thy lord. I'll have no more did well to make his travel; it might pass: pity of his age than I recantation. yet the scarfs and the PAROLLES would of--I'll beat him, bannerets about thee Well, I shall be wiser. an if I could but meet did manifoldly him again. PAROLLES dissuade me from LAFEU believing thee a vessel Recantation! My lord! Even as soon as thou Re-enter LAFEU my master! of too great a burthen. I canst, for thou hast to have now found thee; pull at LAFEU LAFEU when I lose thee again, a smack o' the Sirrah, your lord and Ay; is it not a language I care contrary. If ever thou not: yet art thou good master's married; I speak? be'st bound there's news for nothing but taking in thy scarf and beaten, PAROLLES up; and for you: you have a thou shalt find what it new mistress. A most harsh one, and that thou't scarce is not to be understood worth. to be proud of thy without bondage. I have a PAROLLES bloody succeeding. My PAROLLES desire to hold I most unfeignedly master! my acquaintance with Hadst thou not the beseech your lordship thee, or rather my to make privilege of antiquity knowledge, LAFEU upon thee,-- some reservation of that I may say in the your wrongs: he is my Are you companion to LAFEU default, he is a man I good the Count Rousillon? know. Do not plunge thyself lord: whom I serve PAROLLES too far in anger, lest above is my master. To any count, to all thou PAROLLES hasten thy trial; which counts, to what is man. My lord, you do me LAFEU if--Lord have mercy on LAFEU most insupportable thee Who? God? vexation. To what is count's for a hen! So, my good PAROLLES man: count's master is window of lattice, fare LAFEU Ay, sir. of thee I would it were hell- another style. well: thy casement I pains for thy sake, and LAFEU need not open, for I my poor The devil it is that's thy look doing eternal: for master. Why dost thou PAROLLES through thee. Give me doing I am past: as I garter up thy arms o' You are too old, sir; let thy hand. will by this fashion? dost make it satisfy you, you are thee, in what motion hose of too old. PAROLLES age will give me leave. sleeves? do other LAFEU servants so? Thou wert My lord, you give me best set I must tell thee, sirrah, most egregious Exit I write man; to which thy lower part where indignity. PAROLLES title age cannot bring thy nose stands. By thee. LAFEU Well, thou hast a son mine Ay, with all my heart; shall take this disgrace honour, if I were but and thou art worthy of off two hours younger, I'ld PAROLLES it. me; scurvy, old, filthy, beat scurvy lord! Well, I thee: methinks, thou art 22 a general offence, and PAROLLES To the dark house and she's every man should beat What, what, sweet- the detested wife. not very well? thee: I think thou wast heart? created for men to breathe themselves BERTRAM PAROLLES Clown upon thee. O my Parolles, they Will this capriccio hold Truly, she's very well have married me! in thee? art sure? indeed, but for two things. PAROLLES I'll to the Tuscan wars, BERTRAM and never bed her. HELENA This is hard and Go with me to my undeserved measure, chamber, and advise What two things? my lord. PAROLLES me. Clown I'll send her straight LAFEU France is a dog-hole, One, that she's not in and it no more merits away: to-morrow Go to, sir; you were I'll to the wars, she to heaven, whither God The tread of a man's send her beaten in Italy for foot: to the wars! her single sorrow. picking a quickly! the other that kernel out of a she's in earth, from pomegranate; you are a BERTRAM PAROLLES whence vagabond and God send her quickly! There's letters from my Why, these balls no true traveller: you mother: what the bound; there's noise in are more saucy with import is, it. 'Tis hard: Enter PAROLLES lords I know not yet. A young man married and honourable is a man that's marr'd: PAROLLES personages than the Therefore away, and Bless you, my commission of your PAROLLES leave her bravely; go: fortunate lady! birth and virtue gives The king has done you Ay, that would be you heraldry. You are wrong: but, hush, 'tis HELENA known. To the wars, not so. my boy, to the wars! I hope, sir, I have your worth another word, He wears his honour in good will to have mine else I'ld call you knave. a box unseen, own I leave you. Exeunt That hugs his kicky- good fortunes. wicky here at home, Act 2, Scene 4 Exit Spending his manly Paris. The KING's palace. PAROLLES marrow in her arms, PAROLLES Enter HELENA and You had my prayers to Which should sustain Clown Good, very good; it is the bound and high lead them on; and to so then: good, very curvet HELENA keep them good; Of Mars's fiery steed. on, have them still. O, My mother greets me my knave, how does let it be concealed To other regions kindly; is she well? awhile. France is a stable; we my old lady? that dwell in't jades; Clown Therefore, to the war! Re-enter BERTRAM She is not well; but yet Clown she has her health: BERTRAM she's So that you had her BERTRAM very merry; but yet she wrinkles and I her Undone, and forfeited money, to cares for ever! It shall be so: I'll send is not well: but thanks her to my house, be I would she did as you PAROLLES Acquaint my mother given, she's very well say. What's the matter, with my hate to her, and wants nothing i', sweet-heart? And wherefore I am the PAROLLES fled; write to the king world; but yet she is BERTRAM That which I durst not not well. Why, I say nothing. Although before the speak; his present gift Clown solemn priest I have Shall furnish me to Marry, you are the sworn, those Italian fields, HELENA wiser man; for many a I will not bed her. Where noble fellows If she be very well, man's strike: war is no strife what does she ail, that 23 tongue shakes out his whose delay, is strew'd But I hope your O, I know him well, I, master's undoing: to with sweets, lordship thinks not him sir; he, sir, 's a good say Which they distil now a soldier. workman, a very good nothing, to do nothing, in the curbed time, BERTRAM tailor. to know nothing, and To make the coming to have hour o'erflow with joy Yes, my lord, and of nothing, is to be a great And pleasure drown very valiant approof. BERTRAM part of your title; the brim. LAFEU [Aside to PAROLLES] which Is she gone to the is within a very little of You have it from his king? nothing. HELENA own deliverance. PAROLLES What's his will else? BERTRAM She is. PAROLLES PAROLLES And by other warranted testimony. Away! thou'rt a knave. That you will take your instant leave o' the king LAFEU BERTRAM Clown And make this haste as Then my dial goes not Will she away to- You should have said, your own good true: I took this lark for night? sir, before a knave proceeding, a bunting. thou'rt a knave; that's, Strengthen'd with what PAROLLES before me thou'rt a apology you think BERTRAM As you'll have her. knave: this had May make it probable I do assure you, my BERTRAM been truth, sir. need. lord, he is very great in knowledge and I have writ my letters, accordingly valiant. casketed my treasure, PAROLLES HELENA Given order for our Go to, thou art a witty What more commands horses; and to-night, fool; I have found thee. he? LAFEU When I should take possession of the bride, Clown PAROLLES I have then sinned against his experience End ere I do begin. Did you find me in That, having this and yourself, sir? or were obtain'd, you presently transgressed against his you Attend his further LAFEU valour; and my state taught to find me? The pleasure. that A good traveller is search, sir, was way is dangerous, something at the latter profitable; since I cannot yet find end of a and much fool may HELENA in my dinner; but one that lies you find in you, even In every thing I wait heart to repent. Here he three thirds and uses a to the upon his will. comes: I pray you, known truth to pass a world's pleasure and PAROLLES make thousand nothings the increase of us friends; I will with, should laughter. I shall report it so. pursue the amity. be once heard and HELENA thrice beaten. God save you, captain. PAROLLES I pray you. Enter PAROLLES A good knave, i' faith, Exit PAROLLES PAROLLES and well fed. BERTRAM Come, sirrah. Madam, my lord will [To BERTRAM] These Is there any unkindness go away to-night; things shall be done, between my lord and A very serious Exeunt sir. you, monsieur? business calls on him. LAFEU The great prerogative Act 2, Scene 5 PAROLLES and rite of love, Paris. The KING's palace. Pray you, sir, who's his I know not how I have Which, as your due, tailor? deserved to run into Enter LAFEU and time claims, he does my lord's BERTRAM PAROLLES acknowledge; displeasure. But puts it off to a LAFEU Sir? compell'd restraint; LAFEU Whose want, and LAFEU 24 You have made shift to pass. Here comes my most obedient servant. I pray you, stay not, run into 't, boots and clog. but in haste to horse. spurs HELENA and all, like him that BERTRAM leaped into the custard; Enter HELENA Come, come, no more I shall not break your and HELENA of that. bidding, good my lord. out of it you'll run I have, sir, as I was HELENA BERTRAM again, rather than commanded from you, suffer And ever shall Where are my other Spoke with the king question for your With true observance men, monsieur? and have procured his residence. seek to eke out that Farewell. leave Wherein toward me Exit HELENA For present parting; my homely stars have BERTRAM only he desires fail'd Go thou toward home; Some private speech where I will never It may be you have To equal my great with you. come mistaken him, my lord. fortune. Whilst I can shake my LAFEU sword or hear the BERTRAM And shall do so ever, BERTRAM drum. though I took him at 's I shall obey his will. Let that go: Away, and for our prayers. Fare you well, You must not marvel, My haste is very great: flight. my lord; and believe Helen, at my course, farewell; hie home. Which holds not colour this PAROLLES of me, there can be no with the time, nor does kernel in this light nut; The ministration and HELENA Bravely, coragio! required office the Pray, sir, your pardon. Exeunt soul of this man is his On my particular. BERTRAM clothes. Trust him not Prepared I was not Act 3, Scene 1 in For such a business; Well, what would you Florence. The DUKE's matter of heavy therefore am I found say? palace. consequence; I have So much unsettled: this HELENA Flourish. Enter the kept of them drives me to entreat DUKE of Florence tame, and know their you I am not worthy of the attended; the two natures. Farewell, That presently you take wealth I owe, Frenchmen, with a monsieur: our way for home; Nor dare I say 'tis troop of I have spoken better of And rather muse than mine, and yet it is; soldiers.DUKE So that you than you have or ask why I entreat you, But, like a timorous from point to point will to For my respects are thief, most fain would now have you heard deserve at my hand; better than they seem steal The fundamental but we must do good And my appointments What law does vouch reasons of this war, against evil. have in them a need mine own. Greater than shows Whose great decision itself at the first view hath much blood let Exit To you that know them BERTRAM forth And more thirsts after.First Lord Holy PAROLLES not. This to my What would you have? mother: seems the quarrel An idle lord. I swear. HELENA Upon your grace's Something; and scarce part; black and fearful BERTRAM Giving a letter so much: nothing, On the opposer.DUKE I think so. 'Twill be two days ere I indeed. Therefore we marvel PAROLLES shall see you, so I would not tell you much our cousin I leave you to your what I would, my lord: France Would in so Why, do you not know wisdom. Faith yes; just a business shut his him? Strangers and foes do bosom Against our BERTRAM sunder, and not kiss. borrowing HELENA prayers.Second Lord Yes, I do know him Good my lord, The well, and common Sir, I can nothing say, But that I am your BERTRAM reasons of our state I speech cannot yield, But like a Gives him a worthy 25 common and an questions and sing; My duty away. outward man, That the pick his to you. Your great figure of a teeth and sing. I know unfortunate son, council frames By self- a man that had this BERTRAM. Exit unable motion: trick of This is not well, rash Enter HELENA, and therefore dare not Say melancholy sold a and unbridled boy. two Gentlemen what I think of it, since goodly manor for a To fly the favours of so First Gentleman I have found Myself in song. good a king; my incertain grounds To pluck his Save you, good to fail As often as I indignation on thy madam. COUNTESS guess'd.DUKE Be it head HELENA his pleasure.First Lord Let me see what he By the misprising of a But I am sure the writes, and when he maid too virtuous Madam, my lord is younger of our nature, means to come. For the contempt of gone, for ever gone. That surfeit on their empire. Opening a letter Second Gentleman ease, will day by day Come here for Clown Do not say so. Re-enter Clown physic.DUKE I have no mind to Isbel COUNTESS Welcome shall they be; Clown since I was at court: Think upon patience. And all the honours our O madam, yonder is Pray you, gentlemen, that can fly from us old ling and our Isbels heavy news within I have felt so many Shall on them settle. o' the country are between two quirks of joy and grief, You know your places nothing soldiers and my young That the first face of well; When better fall, like your old ling and lady! neither, on the start, for your avails they your Isbels o' the court: Can woman me unto't: fell: To-morrow to the the brains of my where is my son, I pray field. [Flourish. Cupid's knocked out, COUNTESS you? Exeunt and I begin to What is the matter? Act 3, Scene 2 love, as an old man loves money, with no Clown Second Gentleman Rousillon. The COUNT's stomach. Nay, there is some palace. Madam, he's gone to comfort in the news, serve the duke of Enter COUNTESS and some COUNTESS Florence: Clown comfort; your son will We met him COUNTESS What have we here? not be killed so soon as thitherward; for thence Clown I we came, It hath happened all as thought he would. And, after some I would have had it, E'en that you have dispatch in hand at save there. court, that he comes not COUNTESS Exit Thither we bend again. along with her. Why should he be COUNTESS killed? HELENA Clown [Reads] I have sent Clown you a daughter-in-law: Look on his letter, By my troth, I take my she hath So say I, madam, if he madam; here's my young lord to be a very recovered the king, and run away, as I hear he passport. melancholy man. undone me. I have does: Reads wedded the danger is in standing to't; that's the COUNTESS her, not bedded her; When thou canst get and sworn to make the loss of the ring upon my By what observance, I 'not' men, though it be the finger which pray you? eternal. You shall hear getting of children. never shall come off, Clown I am run away: know it Here and show me a child before the report come. they come will tell you begotten Why, he will look If there be breadth more: for my part, I of thy body that I am upon his boot and sing; enough only father to, then call me mend the in the world, I will hear your son was run husband: but in such a ruff and sing; ask hold a long distance. 'then' I write a 'never.' 26 This is a dreadful COUNTESS You're welcome, my lord. sentence. Find you that there? gentlemen. Whoever shoots at I will entreat you, him, I set him there; HELENA when you see my son, Whoever charges on COUNTESS Ay, madam. To tell him that his his forward breast, Brought you this letter, sword can never win I am the caitiff that do gentlemen? First Gentleman The honour that he hold him to't; loses: more I'll entreat And, though I kill him First Gentleman 'Tis but the boldness of his hand, haply, which you not, I am the cause Ay, madam; his Written to bear along. His death was so And for the contents' heart was not effected: better 'twere sake are sorry for our consenting to. I met the ravin lion pain. Second Gentleman when he roar'd We serve you, madam, With sharp constraint COUNTESS In that and all your of hunger; better 'twere COUNTESS Nothing in France, worthiest affairs. That all the miseries I prithee, lady, have a until he have no wife! which nature owes better cheer; There's nothing here Were mine at once. COUNTESS If thou engrossest all that is too good for him No, come thou home, the griefs are thine, But only she; and she Not so, but as we Rousillon, Thou robb'st me of a deserves a lord change our courtesies. Whence honour but of moiety: he was my That twenty such rude Will you draw near! danger wins a scar, son; boys might tend upon As oft it loses all: I will But I do wash his name And call her hourly be gone; Exeunt COUNTESS out of my blood, mistress. Who was My being here it is that and Gentlemen And thou art all my with him? holds thee hence: child. Towards HELENA Shall I stay here to Florence is he? do't? no, no, although First Gentleman 'Till I have no wife, I The air of paradise did have nothing in A servant only, and a fan the house Second Gentleman France.' And angels officed all: gentleman Nothing in France, Ay, madam. Which I have I will be gone, until he has no wife! That pitiful rumour COUNTESS sometime known. Thou shalt have none, may report my flight, And to be a soldier? Rousillon, none in To consolate thine ear. COUNTESS France; Come, night; end, day! Second Gentleman Then hast thou all Parolles, was it not? For with the dark, poor Such is his noble again. Poor lord! is't I thief, I'll steal away. purpose; and believe 't, First Gentleman That chase thee from thy country and expose The duke will lay upon Ay, my good lady, he. him all the honour Those tender limbs of Exit thine to the event That good convenience COUNTESS Act 3, Scene 3 Of the none-sparing claims. A very tainted fellow, war? and is it I Florence. Before the and full of wickedness. That drive thee from DUKE's palace. My son corrupts a COUNTESS the sportive court, well-derived nature Flourish. Enter the where thou Return you thither? With his inducement. DUKE of Florence, Wast shot at with fair First Gentleman BERTRAM, eyes, to be the mark PAROLLES, Soldiers, Ay, madam, with the First Gentleman Of smoky muskets? O Drum, and Trumpets you leaden swiftest wing of speed. Indeed, good lady, messengers, DUKE HELENA The fellow has a deal That ride upon the of that too much, The general of our [Reads] Till I have no violent speed of fire, Which holds him much horse thou art; and we, wife I have nothing in Fly with false aim; to have. Great in our hope, lay France. move the still-peering our best love and 'Tis bitter. air, credence COUNTESS That sings with Upon thy promising piercing; do not touch 27 fortune. faults to have Unless her prayers, They say the French amended. whom heaven delights count has done most Write, write, that from to hear honourable service. BERTRAM the bloody course of And loves to grant, Widow Sir, it is war reprieve him from the A charge too heavy for My dearest master, wrath It is reported that he my strength, but yet your dear son, may hie: Of greatest justice. has taken their greatest We'll strive to bear it Bless him at home in Write, write, Rinaldo, commander; and that for your worthy sake peace, whilst I from far To this unworthy with his own hand he To the extreme edge of His name with zealous husband of his wife; slew the hazard. fervor sanctify: Let every word weigh duke's brother. His taken labours bid heavy of her worth him me forgive; That he does weigh too Tucket DUKE I, his despiteful Juno, light: my greatest grief. Then go thou forth; sent him forth Though little he do feel We have lost our And fortune play upon From courtly friends, it, set down sharply. labour; they are gone a thy prosperous helm, with camping foes to Dispatch the most contrary As thy auspicious live, convenient messenger: way: hark! you may mistress! Where death and When haply he shall know by their danger dogs the heels hear that she is gone, trumpets. of worth: He will return; and BERTRAM He is too good and fair hope I may that she, MARIANA This very day, for death and me: Hearing so much, will Great Mars, I put Whom I myself speed her foot again, Come, let's return myself into thy file: embrace, to set him Led hither by pure again, and suffice Make me but like my free. love: which of them ourselves with thoughts, and I shall both the report of it. Well, prove Is dearest to me. I have Diana, take heed of COUNTESS A lover of thy drum, no skill in sense this hater of love. Ah, what sharp stings To make distinction: French earl: the honour are in her mildest provide this of a maid is her name; words! messenger: and Exeunt Rinaldo, you did never My heart is heavy and no legacy is so rich as Act 3, Scene 4 lack advice so much, mine age is weak; honesty. As letting her pass so: Grief would have tears, Rousillon. The COUNT's had I spoke with her, and sorrow bids me Widow palace. I could have well speak. Enter COUNTESS and diverted her intents, I have told my Steward Which thus she hath neighbour how you prevented. Exeunt have been solicited COUNTESS Act 3, Scene 5 by a gentleman his Alas! and would you companion. Florence. Without the take the letter of her? Steward walls. A tucket afar off. Might you not know Pardon me, madam: MARIANA she would do as she If I had given you this Enter an old Widow of has done, at over-night, Florence, DIANA, I know that knave; By sending me a letter? She might have been VIOLENTA, and hang him! one Read it again. o'erta'en; and yet she MARIANA, with other Parolles: a writes, Citizens filthy officer he is in Pursuit would be but those suggestions for Steward Widow vain. the [Reads] Nay, come; for if they young earl. Beware of I am Saint Jaques' do approach the city, them, Diana; their pilgrim, thither gone: COUNTESS we promises, Ambitious love hath so What angel shall shall lose all the sight. enticements, oaths, in me offended, Bless this unworthy tokens, and all these That barefoot plod I husband? he cannot DIANA engines of the cold ground upon, thrive, lust, are not the things With sainted vow my 28 they go under: many a HELENA DIANA A shrewd turn, if she maid Is this the way? Whatsome'er he is, pleased. hath been seduced by He's bravely taken them; and the misery Widow here. He stole from HELENA is, Ay, marry, is't. France, example, that so How do you mean? A march afar As 'tis reported, for the terrible shows in the king had married him May be the amorous wreck of Hark you! they come Against his liking: count solicits her maidenhood, cannot this way. think you it is so? In the unlawful for all that dissuade If you will tarry, holy purpose. succession, pilgrim, but that they are limed But till the troops come HELENA with the twigs that Widow by, Ay, surely, mere the threaten I will conduct you truth: I know his lady. He does indeed; them. I hope I need not where you shall be And brokes with all to advise you further; lodged; DIANA that can in such a suit but The rather, for I think I There is a gentleman Corrupt the tender I hope your own grace know your hostess that serves the count honour of a maid: will keep you where As ample as myself. Reports but coarsely of But she is arm'd for you are, her. him and keeps her though there were no guard further danger known HELENA In honestest defence. but the Is it yourself? HELENA modesty which is so What's his name? lost. Widow MARIANA If you shall please so, DIANA The gods forbid else! pilgrim. DIANA Monsieur Parolles. Widow HELENA You shall not need to HELENA So, now they come: I thank you, and will fear me. O, I believe with him, Drum and Colours stay upon your leisure. In argument of praise, Widow Enter BERTRAM, Widow or to the worth I hope so. Of the great count PAROLLES, and the You came, I think, whole army Enter HELENA, himself, she is too from France? disguised like a mean That is Antonio, the Pilgrim HELENA To have her name duke's eldest son; repeated: all her I did so. That, Escalus. Look, here comes a deserving pilgrim: I know she Widow Is a reserved honesty, will lie at and that HELENA my house; thither they Here you shall see a countryman of yours I have not heard Which is the send one another: I'll examined. question her. God save That has done worthy Frenchman? you, pilgrim! whither service. DIANA are you bound? DIANA He; HELENA Alas, poor lady! That with the plume: HELENA His name, I pray you. 'Tis a hard bondage to 'tis a most gallant become the wife fellow. To Saint Jaques le DIANA Of a detesting lord. I would he loved his Grand. wife: if he were Where do the palmers The Count Rousillon: know you such a one? honester lodge, I do beseech Widow He were much you? HELENA I warrant, good goodlier: is't not a But by the ear, that creature, wheresoe'er handsome gentleman? Widow hears most nobly of she is, him: Her heart weighs HELENA At the Saint Francis His face I know not. sadly: this young maid here beside the port. might do her I like him well.

29 DIANA requite you further, far in First Lord 'Tis pity he is not I will bestow some his virtue, which he O, for the love of honest: yond's that precepts of this virgin hath not, he might at laughter, let him fetch same knave Worthy the note. some his drum; That leads him to these great and trusty he says he has a business in a main places: were I his lady, BOTH stratagem for't: when I would Poison that danger fail you. your vile rascal. We'll take your offer lordship sees the kindly. BERTRAM bottom of his success Exeunt in't, and to HELENA I would I knew in what what metal this Act 3, Scene 6 Which is he? particular action to try counterfeit lump of ore Camp before Florence. him. will be DIANA Enter BERTRAM and First Lord melted, if you give him That jack-an-apes with not John Drum's the two French Lords None better than to let scarfs: why is he entertainment, your him fetch off his drum, melancholy? Second Lord inclining cannot be which you hear him so removed. HELENA Nay, good my lord, put confidently undertake Here he comes. him to't; let him have to do. Perchance he's hurt i' his the battle. way. Enter PAROLLES PAROLLES Second Lord Second Lord Lose our drum! well. First Lord I, with a troop of Florentines, will [Aside to BERTRAM] MARIANA If your lordship find suddenly O, for the love of He's shrewdly vexed at him not a hilding, hold surprise him; such I laughter, something: look, he me no will have, whom I am hinder not the honour has spied us. more in your respect. sure he of his design: let him fetch Widow knows not from the Second Lord enemy: we will bind off his drum in any Marry, hang you! and hoodwink hand. On my life, my lord, a MARIANA him so, that he shall bubble. suppose no other but And your courtesy, for BERTRAM BERTRAM that he a ring-carrier! is carried into the How now, monsieur! Do you think I am so Exeunt BERTRAM, leaguer of the this drum sticks sorely far deceived in him? PAROLLES, and army adversaries, when in your Second Lord we bring him to our disposition. Widow own tents. Be but your Believe it, my lord, in The troop is past. lordship mine own direct Come, pilgrim, I will present at his First Lord knowledge, bring you examination: if he do A pox on't, let it go; 'tis without any malice, but Where you shall host: not, for the but a drum. to speak of him as my of enjoin'd penitents promise of his life and kinsman, he's a most PAROLLES There's four or five, to in the highest notable coward, an great Saint Jaques compulsion of 'But a drum'! is't 'but a infinite and bound, base fear, offer to drum'? A drum so lost! endless liar, an hourly Already at my house. betray you and deliver There was excellent promise-breaker, the all the command,--to charge owner intelligence in his in with our of no one good quality HELENA power against you, and horse upon our own worthy your lordship's I humbly thank you: that with wings, and to rend our entertainment. Please it this matron the divine forfeit of his own soldiers! and this gentle maid soul upon oath, never To eat with us to-night, trust my judgment in First Lord First Lord the charge and any thing. It were fit you knew thanking That was not to be him; lest, reposing too Shall be for me; and, to blamed in the 30 command of the further becomes his a Lafeu: service: it was a greatness, even to the strange fellow, my when his disguise and disaster of war that utmost syllable of your lord, that so he is parted, tell me Caesar worthiness. confidently seems what a himself could not have to undertake this sprat you shall find prevented, if he had business, which he him; which you shall been PAROLLES knows is not to see this there to command. By the hand of a be done; damns very night. soldier, I will himself to do and dares undertake it. better be BERTRAM damned than to do't? Second Lord BERTRAM Well, we cannot I must go look my greatly condemn our But you must not now twigs: he shall be success: some slumber in it. First Lord caught. dishonour we had in PAROLLES You do not know him, BERTRAM the loss of that drum; my lord, as we do: but it is I'll about it this certain it Your brother he shall not to be recovered. evening: and I will is that he will steal go along with me. presently himself into a man's Second Lord pen down my favour and PAROLLES dilemmas, encourage for a week escape a As't please your It might have been myself in my great deal of lordship: I'll leave you. recovered. certainty, put myself discoveries; but Exit into my mortal when you find him out, BERTRAM preparation; you have him ever BERTRAM It might; but it is not and by midnight look after. Now will I lead you to now. to hear further from the house, and show me. PAROLLES you BERTRAM The lass I spoke of. It is to be recovered: BERTRAM Why, do you think he but that the merit of will make no deed at service is seldom May I be bold to all of First Lord attributed to the true acquaint his grace you this that so seriously he But you say she's and exact are gone about it? does address himself honest. performer, I would PAROLLES unto? have that drum or BERTRAM another, or I know not what the That's all the fault: I 'hic jacet.' success will be, my Second Lord spoke with her but lord; but None in the world; but once the attempt I vow. And found her BERTRAM return with an invention and wondrous cold; but I Why, if you have a BERTRAM clap upon you two or sent to her, stomach, to't, three probable lies: but By this same coxcomb monsieur: if you I know thou'rt valiant; we that we have i' the think your mystery in and, to the possibility have almost embossed wind, stratagem can bring of him; you shall see his Tokens and letters this thy soldiership, will fall which she did re-send; instrument of honour subscribe for thee. to-night; for indeed he And this is all I have again into his native Farewell. is not for your done. She's a fair quarter, lordship's respect. creature: be magnanimous in the PAROLLES Will you go see her? enterprise and go on; I will I love not many words. First Lord First Lord grace the attempt for a Exit We'll make you some worthy exploit: if you sport with the fox ere With all my heart, my Second Lord speed well in it, the we case lord. duke shall both speak No more than a fish him. He was first Exeunt of it. loves water. Is not this smoked by the old lord and extend to you what 31 Act 3, Scene 7 your daughter, May prove coherent. Second Lord Florence. The Widow's Lays down his wanton Every night he comes Art not acquainted house. siege before her With musics of all with him? knows he beauty, sorts and songs not thy voice? Enter HELENA and Resolved to carry her: composed Widow let her in fine consent, To her unworthiness: it First Soldier HELENA As we'll direct her how nothing steads us No, sir, I warrant you. 'tis best to bear it. To chide him from our If you misdoubt me Now his important eaves; for he persists Second Lord that I am not she, blood will nought deny As if his life lay on't. But what linsey- I know not how I shall That she'll demand: a woolsey hast thou to assure you further, ring the county wears, speak to us again? But I shall lose the That downward hath HELENA First Soldier grounds I work upon. succeeded in his house Why then to-night From son to son, some Let us assay our plot; E'en such as you speak Widow four or five descents which, if it speed, to me. Since the first father Is wicked meaning in a Second Lord Though my estate be wore it: this ring he lawful deed fallen, I was well born, holds And lawful meaning in He must think us some Nothing acquainted In most rich choice; yet a lawful act, band of strangers i' the with these businesses; in his idle fire, Where both not sin, adversary's And would not put my To buy his will, it and yet a sinful fact: entertainment. Now he reputation now would not seem too But let's about it. hath a smack of In any staining act. dear, all neighbouring Howe'er repented after. languages; therefore Exeunt we must every HELENA Act 4, Scene 1 one be a man of his Nor would I wish you. Widow own fancy, not to Without the Florentine First, give me trust, the Now I see know what we camp. count he is my The bottom of your speak one to another; husband, purpose. Enter Second French so we seem to know, is And what to your Lord, with five or six to sworn counsel I have other Soldiers in know straight our spoken HELENA ambush purpose: choughs' Is so from word to language, You see it lawful, then: Second Lord word; and then you it is no more, gabble enough, and cannot, But that your daughter, He can come no other good enough. As for By the good aid that I ere she seems as won, way but by this hedge- you, of you shall borrow, Desires this ring; corner. interpreter, you must Err in bestowing it. appoints him an When you sally upon seem very politic. But encounter; him, speak what couch, terrible ho! here he comes, to Widow In fine, delivers me to fill the time, language you will: beguile two hours in a I should believe you: Herself most chastely though you understand sleep, For you have show'd absent: after this, it not and then to return and me that which well To marry her, I'll add yourselves, no matter; swear the lies he approves three thousand crowns for we must not seem forges. You're great in fortune. To what is passed to already. understand him, unless some one among us Enter PAROLLES HELENA whom we PAROLLES Widow must produce for an Take this purse of Ten o'clock: within interpreter. gold, I have yielded: these three hours 'twill And let me buy your Instruct my daughter be friendly help thus far, how she shall persever, First Soldier time enough to go Which I will over-pay That time and place home. What shall I say Good captain, let me and pay again with this deceit so I have be the interpreter. When I have found it. lawful done? It must be a very The count he wooes 32 plausive invention that that he is? PAROLLES Oscorbidulchos carries it: they begin to A drum now of the volivorco. smoke me; and enemy's,-- First Soldier disgraces PAROLLES have of late knocked I would the cutting of Alarum within The general is content too often at my door. I my garments would Second Lord to spare thee yet; find serve the And, hoodwink'd as my tongue is too turn, or the breaking of Throca movousus, thou art, will lead thee foolhardy; but my my Spanish sword. cargo, cargo, cargo. on heart hath the All To gather from thee: fear of Mars before it haply thou mayst and of his creatures, Second Lord Cargo, cargo, cargo, inform villiando par corbo, not We cannot afford you Something to save thy cargo. daring the reports of so. life. my tongue. PAROLLES PAROLLES O, ransom, ransom! do PAROLLES Or the baring of my not hide mine eyes. Second Lord beard; and to say it was O, let me live! This is the first truth in They seize and And all the secrets of that e'er thine own stratagem. blindfold him our camp I'll show, tongue First Soldier Their force, their was guilty of. purposes; nay, I'll Second Lord Boskos thromuldo speak that 'Twould not do. boskos. Which you will PAROLLES wonder at. PAROLLES PAROLLES What the devil should I know you are the move me to undertake Or to drown my Muskos' regiment: First Soldier the clothes, and say I was And I shall lose my life recovery of this drum, stripped. But wilt thou for want of language; being not ignorant of faithfully? Second Lord If there be here the German, or Dane, low PAROLLES impossibility, and Hardly serve. Dutch, knowing I had no such If I do not, damn me. PAROLLES Italian, or French, let purpose? I Though I swore I him speak to me; I'll First Soldier must give myself some leaped from the Discover that which hurts, and say I got Acordo linta. window of the citadel. shall undo the them in Come on; thou art Florentine. exploit: yet slight ones Second Lord granted space. will not carry it; they How deep? will say, 'Came you off First Soldier Exit, with PAROLLES with so little?' and PAROLLES Boskos vauvado: I guarded. A short great Thirty fathom. alarum within ones I dare not give. understand thee, and Wherefore, what's the Second Lord can speak Second Lord thy tongue. Kerely instance? Tongue, I Three great oaths Go, tell the Count bonto, sir, betake thee must put you into a would scarce make that Rousillon, and my to thy butter-woman's mouth be believed. brother, faith, for seventeen and buy myself another We have caught the PAROLLES poniards are at thy of woodcock, and will bosom. Bajazet's mule, if you I would I had any drum keep him muffled prattle me into these of the enemy's: I would Till we do hear from perils. swear PAROLLES them. I recovered it. O! Second Lord First Soldier Second Soldier Second Lord Is it possible he should O, pray, pray, pray! Captain, I will. know what he is, and You shall hear one Manka revania dulche. Second Lord be anon. Second Lord 33 A' will betray us all wife. At least in my opinion. world unto ourselves: In me to lose: thus Inform on that. your own proper BERTRAM BERTRAM wisdom No more o' that; Change it, change it; Brings in the champion Second Soldier I prithee, do not strive Be not so holy-cruel: Honour on my part, So I will, sir. against my vows: love is holy; Against your vain assault. Second Lord I was compell'd to her; And my integrity ne'er but I love thee knew the crafts Till then I'll keep him By love's own sweet That you do charge dark and safely lock'd. constraint, and will for men with. Stand no BERTRAM Exeunt ever more off, Here, take my ring: Do thee all rights of But give thyself unto My house, mine Act 4, Scene 2 service. my sick desires, honour, yea, my life, Florence. The Widow's Who then recover: say be thine, house. thou art mine, and ever And I'll be bid by thee. DIANA My love as it begins Enter BERTRAM and Ay, so you serve us shall so persever. DIANA Till we serve you; but DIANA BERTRAM when you have our When midnight comes, DIANA They told me that your roses, knock at my chamber- name was Fontibell. You barely leave our I see that men make window: thorns to prick ropes in such a scarre I'll order take my DIANA ourselves That we'll forsake mother shall not hear. No, my good lord, And mock us with our ourselves. Give me that Now will I charge you Diana. bareness. ring. in the band of truth, When you have BERTRAM conquer'd my yet BERTRAM BERTRAM Titled goddess; maiden bed, And worth it, with How have I sworn! I'll lend it thee, my Remain there but an hour, nor speak to me: addition! But, fair soul, DIANA dear; but have no In your fine frame hath power My reasons are most love no quality? 'Tis not the many oaths To give it from me. strong; and you shall If quick fire of youth that makes the truth, know them light not your mind, But the plain single When back again this DIANA You are no maiden, but vow that is vow'd true. ring shall be deliver'd: a monument: What is not holy, that Will you not, my lord? And on your finger in we swear not by, the night I'll put When you are dead, BERTRAM you should be such a But take the High'st to Another ring, that what one witness: then, pray It is an honour 'longing in time proceeds As you are now, for you, tell me, to our house, May token to the future you are cold and stem; If I should swear by Bequeathed down from our past deeds. And now you should God's great attributes, many ancestors; Adieu, till then; then, be as your mother was I loved you dearly, Which were the fail not. You have won When your sweet self would you believe my greatest obloquy i' the A wife of me, though was got. oaths, world there my hope be done. When I did love you In me to lose. ill? This has no DIANA holding, BERTRAM DIANA She then was honest. To swear by him A heaven on earth I whom I protest to love, Mine honour's such a have won by wooing BERTRAM That I will work ring: thee. against him: therefore My chastity's the jewel So should you be. Exit your oaths of our house, DIANA Are words and poor Bequeathed down from DIANA No: conditions, but many ancestors; For which live long to My mother did but unseal'd, Which were the thank both heaven and duty; such, my lord, greatest obloquy i' the me! As you owe to your 34 You may so in the end. tell you a our unlawful intents? Second Lord My mother told me just thing, but you shall let We shall not then have Let it be forbid, sir; so how he would woo, it dwell darkly with his should I be a great deal As if she sat in 's heart; you. company to-night? of his act. she says all men Have the like oaths: he had sworn to marry me First Lord Second Lord First Lord When his wife's dead; When you have spoken Not till after midnight; Sir, his wife some two therefore I'll lie with it, 'tis dead, and I am for he is dieted to his months since fled from him the hour. his When I am buried. grave of it. First Lord house: her pretence is a Since Frenchmen are pilgrimage to Saint so braid, That approaches apace; Jaques Marry that will, I live Second Lord I would gladly have le Grand; which holy and die a maid: him see He hath perverted a undertaking with most Only in this disguise I his company young gentlewoman austere think't no sin anatomized, that he here in sanctimony she To cozen him that might take a measure Florence, of a most accomplished; and, would unjustly win. chaste renown; and this of his own judgments, wherein so curiously there residing the night he tenderness of her fleshes his will in the he had Exit set this counterfeit. nature became as a spoil of her honour: he prey to her Act 4, Scene 3 hath grief; in fine, made a The Florentine camp. given her his Second Lord groan of her last monumental ring, and breath, and Enter the two French We will not meddle thinks himself now she sings in Lords and some two or with him till he come; made in the unchaste heaven. three Soldiers composition. for his First Lord presence must be the whip of the other. Second Lord You have not given First Lord him his mother's letter? How is this justified? Now, God delay our First Lord Second Lord rebellion! as we are First Lord ourselves, In the mean time, what I have delivered it an The stronger part of it what things are we! hear you of these wars? hour since: there is by her own letters, something in't that Second Lord which makes her story true, stings his nature; for on Second Lord I hear there is an even to the point of her the overture of peace. reading it he changed Merely our own death: her death itself, almost into another traitors. And as in the First Lord which could not be her common course man. Nay, I assure you, a office to say is come, of all treasons, we still peace concluded. was faithfully see them reveal confirmed by First Lord themselves, till they Second Lord the rector of the place. attain to their abhorred He has much worthy What will Count ends, blame laid upon him Rousillon do then? will so he that in this action Second Lord for shaking he travel contrives against his off so good a wife and higher, or return again Hath the count all this own so sweet a lady. into France? intelligence? nobility, in his proper stream o'erflows First Lord Second Lord himself. First Lord Ay, and the particular Especially he hath I perceive, by this confirmations, point from incurred the everlasting First Lord demand, you are not displeasure of the king, altogether point, so to the full Is it not meant who had even tuned his of his council. arming of the verity. damnable in us, to be bounty to sing trumpeters of happiness to him. I will Second Lord 35 I am heartily sorry that can commend. Come, Enter PAROLLES he'll be glad of this. bring forth this guarded, and First counterfeit module, he Soldier First Lord First Lord has deceived BERTRAM How mightily They cannot be too me, like a double- sometimes we make us sweet for the king's meaning prophesier. A plague upon him! comforts of our losses! tartness. muffled! he can say Second Lord Here's his lordship nothing of now. Second Lord me: hush, hush! And how mightily Bring him forth: has some other times we sat i' the stocks all First Lord drown our gain Enter BERTRAM night, in tears! The great How now, my lord! is't poor gallant knave. Hoodman comes! dignity that his valour not after midnight? Portotartarosa hath here acquired for him BERTRAM First Soldier shall at home be BERTRAM No matter: his heels He calls for the encountered I have to-night have deserved it, in tortures: what will you with a shame as ample. dispatched sixteen usurping say businesses, a his spurs so long. How without 'em? First Lord month's length a-piece, does he carry himself? by an abstract of PAROLLES The web of our life is success: of a mingled yarn, I have congied with the Second Lord I will confess what I good and duke, done my adieu I have told your know without ill together: our virtues with his lordship already, the constraint: if would be proud, if our nearest; buried a wife, stocks carry ye pinch me like a faults whipped them mourned for her; writ him. But to answer you pasty, I can say no not; and our crimes to my as you would be more. would lady mother I am understood; despair, if they were returning; entertained he weeps like a wench First Soldier not cherished by our my convoy; that had shed her milk: virtues. and between these he Bosko chimurcho. main parcels of hath confessed himself First Lord Enter a Messenger dispatch effected to Morgan, whom he many nicer needs; the supposes Boblibindo How now! where's last was the greatest, to be a friar, from the chicurmurco. your master? but time of his First Soldier that I have not ended remembrance to You are a merciful yet. this very instant Servant general. Our general disaster of his setting i' bids you He met the duke in the the answer to what I shall street, sir, of whom he Second Lord stocks: and what think ask you out of a note. hath If the business be of you he hath confessed? taken a solemn leave: any difficulty, and this his lordship will next morning your PAROLLES morning for France. departure hence, it BERTRAM And truly, as I hope to The duke hath offered requires haste of Nothing of me, has a'? him live. your lordship. Second Lord letters of First Soldier commendations to the His confession is [Reads] 'First demand king. BERTRAM taken, and it shall be of him how many read to his I mean, the business is horse the face: if your lordship Second Lord not ended, as fearing to duke is strong.' What be in't, as I believe you hear of it hereafter. But say you to that? They shall be no more shall we have this are, you must have the than needful there, if dialogue between the patience to hear it. they fool and the soldier? PAROLLES were more than they 36 Five or six thousand; say sound, upon my life, PAROLLES but very weak and true,--or thereabouts, amounts not to fifteen I know him: a' was a unserviceable: the set down, for I'll speak thousand botcher's 'prentice in troops are all scattered, truth. poll; half of the which Paris, and dare not shake snow from whence he was the commanders very from off First Lord whipped for getting the poor rogues, upon my their cassocks, lest they shrieve's reputation He's very near the truth shake themselves to fool with child,--a and credit and as I in this. pieces. dumb innocent, that hope to live. BERTRAM could not say him nay. But I con him no BERTRAM First Soldier thanks for't, in the What shall be done to Shall I set down your nature he him? BERTRAM delivers it. answer so? First Lord Nay, by your leave, PAROLLES Nothing, but let him hold your hands; Do: I'll take the PAROLLES have thanks. Demand though I know his brains are forfeit to sacrament on't, how Poor rogues, I pray of him my the next tile that falls. and which way you you, say. condition, and what will. credit I have with the First Soldier BERTRAM duke. First Soldier Well, that's set down. All's one to him. What Well, is this captain in PAROLLES a past-saving slave is First Soldier the duke of Florence's this! I humbly thank you, Well, that's set down. camp? sir: a truth's a truth, the First Lord PAROLLES rogues are marvellous Reads You're deceived, my poor. 'You shall demand of Upon my knowledge, lord: this is Monsieur him, whether one he is, and lousy. Parolles, the gallant Captain Dumain First Lord militarist,--that was his First Soldier be i' the camp, a Nay look not so upon own [Reads] 'Demand of Frenchman; what his me; we shall hear of phrase,--that had the him, of what strength reputation is your whole theoric of war in they are with the duke; what his lordship anon. the a-foot.' What say you valour, honesty, and knot of his scarf, and to that? expertness in wars; or the practise in the whether he thinks it First Soldier chape of were not PAROLLES What is his reputation his dagger. possible, with well- with the duke? By my troth, sir, if I weighing sums of gold, were to live this PAROLLES Second Lord to present corrupt him to revolt.' The duke knows him I will never trust a man hour, I will tell true. What say you to this? for no other but a poor again for keeping his Let me see: Spurio, a what officer sword hundred and fifty; do you know of it? of mine; and writ to me clean. nor believe he Sebastian, so many; this other day to turn can have every thing in Corambus, so him him PAROLLES many; Jaques, so out o' the band: I think by wearing his apparel many; Guiltian, I beseech you, let me I have his letter in my neatly. Cosmo, Lodowick, answer to the particular pocket. and Gratii, two of hundred and fifty each; First Soldier the inter'gatories: mine own demand them singly. First Soldier Well, that's set down. company, Chitopher, Marry, we'll search. PAROLLES Vaumond, Bentii, two hundred and First Soldier PAROLLES Five or six thousand fifty each: so that the Do you know this horse, I said,-- I will muster-file, rotten and Captain Dumain? 37 In good sadness, I do virginity and devours I perceive, sir, by the know his conditions not know; either it is up all the fry it finds. general's looks, we and lay him in straw. I there, shall be have but or it is upon a file with fain to hang you. little more to say, sir, the duke's other letters BERTRAM of his honesty: he has in my tent. Damnable both-sides every thing that an rogue! PAROLLES honest man should not have; what First Soldier My life, sir, in any First Soldier case: not that I am an honest man should Here 'tis; here's a [Reads] 'When he afraid to have, he has nothing. paper: shall I read it to swears oaths, bid him die; but that, my you? drop gold, and take it; offences being many, I After he scores, he First Lord PAROLLES would never pays the score: repent out the I begin to love him for I do not know if it be it Half won is match well remainder of nature: let this. or no. made; match, and well me live, BERTRAM BERTRAM make it; sir, in a dungeon, i' the He ne'er pays after- stocks, or any where, For this description of Our interpreter does it debts, take it before; so I may live. thine honesty? A pox well. And say a soldier, upon First Lord Dian, told thee this, him for me, he's more Men are to mell with, First Soldier and more a cat. Excellently. boys are not to kiss: We'll see what may be First Soldier For count of this, the done, so you confess count's a fool, I know First Soldier [Reads] 'Dian, the freely; it, What say you to his count's a fool, and full therefore, once more to Who pays before, but this Captain Dumain: expertness in war? of gold,'-- not when he does owe you PAROLLES PAROLLES it. have answered to his Thine, as he vowed to Faith, sir, he has led That is not the duke's reputation with the thee in thine ear, the drum before the letter, sir; that is an duke and to PAROLLES.' English advertisement to a his valour: what is his tragedians; to belie proper maid in honesty? him, I will not, and Florence, one BERTRAM more of Diana, to take heed of PAROLLES his soldiership I know the allurement of one He shall be whipped not; except, in that Count through the army with He will steal, sir, an country Rousillon, a foolish this rhyme egg out of a cloister: he had the honour to be idle boy, but for all that in's forehead. for the officer at a place very rapes and ravishments there ruttish: I pray you, sir, he parallels Nessus: he Second Lord called Mile-end, to put it up again. professes not keeping This is your devoted of oaths; in breaking instruct for the friend, sir, the 'em he doubling of First Soldier manifold is stronger than files: I would do the linguist and the Hercules: he will lie, man what honour I Nay, I'll read it first, by can, but of your favour. armipotent soldier. sir, with such volubility, that this I am not certain. PAROLLES you would think truth BERTRAM My meaning in't, I were a First Lord protest, was very I could endure any fool: drunkenness is honest in the thing before but a cat, his best virtue, for he He hath out-villained behalf of the maid; for and now will villany so far, that the I knew the young count he's a cat to me. be swine-drunk; and in rarity redeems him. to be his sleep he does little harm, save to his bed- a dangerous and First Soldier BERTRAM lascivious boy, who is clothes about him; but a whale to they A pox on him, he's a cat still. 38 First Soldier Ay, and the captain of BERTRAM Exit with Soldiers His qualities being at his horse, Count Good morrow, noble PAROLLES Rousillon. this poor price, I need captain. Yet am I thankful: if not First Soldier Second Lord my heart were great, to ask you if gold will I'll whisper with the 'Twould burst at this. corrupt him to revolt. God bless you, Captain general, and know his Parolles. Captain I'll be no more; pleasure. But I will eat and First Lord PAROLLES PAROLLES drink, and sleep as soft As captain shall: Sir, for a quart d'ecu he God save you, noble [Aside] I'll no more captain. simply the thing I am will sell the fee-simple drumming; a plague of Shall make me live. of his salvation, the all Second Lord Who knows himself a inheritance of it; and drums! Only to seem to Captain, what greeting braggart, cut the deserve well, and to will you to my Lord Let him fear this, for it entail from all beguile the supposition Lafeu? will come to pass remainders, and a of that lascivious I am for France. that every braggart perpetual young boy shall be found an ass. succession for it the count, have I run Rust, sword? cool, perpetually. into this danger. Yet First Lord blushes! and, Parolles, who Good captain, will you live First Soldier would have suspected give me a copy of the Safest in shame! being an ambush where I was sonnet fool'd, by foolery What's his brother, the taken? you writ to Diana in thrive! other Captain Dumain? behalf of the Count There's place and means for every man Second Lord First Soldier Rousillon? alive. Why does be ask him an I were not a very There is no remedy, I'll after them. of me? coward, I'ld compel it sir, but you must die: of you: First Soldier the but fare you well. general says, you that Exit What's he? have so traitorously Act 4, Scene 4 PAROLLES discovered the secrets Exeunt BERTRAM and of your army and made Lords Florence. The Widow's E'en a crow o' the same house. nest; not altogether so such First Soldier pestiferous reports of Enter HELENA, great as the first in You are undone, goodness, but greater a men very nobly held, Widow, and DIANA can captain, all but your great scarf; that HELENA deal in evil: he excels serve the world for no has a knot on't yet That you may well his brother for a honest use; therefore perceive I have not coward, you wrong'd you, yet his brother is must die. Come, PAROLLES One of the greatest in reputed one of the best headsman, off with his Who cannot be crushed the Christian world that is: head. with a plot? Shall be my surety; in a retreat he outruns 'fore whose throne 'tis any lackey; marry, in First Soldier PAROLLES needful, coming If you could find out a Ere I can perfect mine on he has the cramp. O Lord, sir, let me live, or let me see my death! country where but intents, to kneel: women were Time was, I did him a First Lord First Soldier that had received so desired office, That shall you, and much shame, you Dear almost as his life; If your life be saved, take your leave of all might begin an which gratitude will you undertake to your friends. impudent nation. Fare Through flinty Tartar's betray ye well, sir; I am for bosom would peep the Florentine? Unblinding him France forth, So, look about you: too: we shall speak of And answer, thanks: I PAROLLES know you any here? you there. duly am inform'd His grace is at 39 Marseilles; to which Let death and honesty most virtuous So you were a knave at place Go with your gentlewoman that ever his service, indeed. We have convenient impositions, I am yours nature had Clown convoy. You must Upon your will to praise for creating. If know suffer. she had partaken of my And I would give his I am supposed dead: flesh, and cost me the wife my bauble, sir, to the army breaking, dearest groans of a do her service. HELENA My husband hies him mother, I LAFEU home; where, heaven Yet, I pray you: could not have owed aiding, But with the word the her a more rooted love. I will subscribe for And by the leave of my time will bring on thee, thou art both good lord the king, summer, knave and fool. LAFEU We'll be before our When briers shall have Clown welcome. leaves as well as 'Twas a good lady, At your service. thorns, 'twas a good lady: we And be as sweet as may pick a LAFEU Widow sharp. We must away; thousand salads ere we No, no, no. Gentle madam, Our wagon is prepared, light on such another You never had a and time revives us: herb. Clown servant to whose trust All's well that ends Why, sir, if I cannot Your business was well; still the fine's the Clown serve you, I can serve more welcome. crown; as Whate'er the course, Indeed, sir, she was the great a prince as you the end is the renown. sweet marjoram of the are. HELENA salad, or rather, the Nor you, mistress, herb of grace. Ever a friend whose Exeunt LAFEU thoughts more truly Act 4, Scene 5 LAFEU Who's that? a labour Rousillon. The COUNT's Frenchman? To recompense your palace. They are not herbs, love: doubt not but you knave; they are Clown heaven Enter COUNTESS, nose-herbs. Faith, sir, a' has an Hath brought me up to LAFEU, and Clown Clown English name; but his be your daughter's LAFEU fisnomy dower, I am no great is more hotter in As it hath fated her to No, no, no, your son Nebuchadnezzar, sir; I France than there. be my motive was misled with a have not much And helper to a snipt-taffeta skill in grass. husband. But, O fellow there, whose LAFEU strange men! villanous saffron LAFEU What prince is that? That can such sweet would have use make of what they made all the unbaked Whether dost thou Clown hate, and doughy youth of a profess thyself, a knave The black prince, sir; When saucy trusting of nation in or a fool? alias, the prince of his colour: your the cozen'd thoughts Clown darkness; alias, the Defiles the pitchy daughter-in-law had devil. night: so lust doth play been alive at A fool, sir, at a With what it loathes this hour, and your son woman's service, and a for that which is away. here at home, more knave at a man's. LAFEU advanced But more of this LAFEU Hold thee, there's my hereafter. You, Diana, by the king than by purse: I give thee not Under my poor that red-tailed humble- Your distinction? this instructions yet must bee I speak of. Clown to suggest thee from suffer thy master thou talkest I would cozen the man Something in my of; COUNTESS of his wife and do his behalf. serve him still. I would I had not service. known him; it was the LAFEU DIANA death of the Clown 40 I am a woodland much intelligence hath livery fellow, sir, that always sport out of him: by his seldom failed. of honour; so belike is loved a authority he remains that. great fire; and the here, master I speak of ever which he thinks is a COUNTESS keeps a patent for his It rejoices me, that I Clown good fire. But, sure, he sauciness; and, hope I shall see him But it is your is the prince of the indeed, he has no pace, ere I carbonadoed face. world; let his nobility but runs where he will. die. I have letters that LAFEU remain in's court. I am my son will be here for to-night: I shall Let us go see your son, the house with the LAFEU beseech your lordship I pray you: I long to narrow gate, which I I like him well; 'tis not to remain talk take to be amiss. And I was about with me till they meet with the young noble too little for pomp to to together. soldier. enter: some that tell you, since I heard humble of the good lady's Clown themselves may; but death and LAFEU the many will be too that my lord your son Madam, I was thinking Faith there's a dozen of chill and was upon his return with what manners I 'em, with delicate fine tender, and they'll be home, I might hats and most for the flowery way moved the king my safely be admitted. courteous feathers, that master to speak in the which bow the head leads to the broad gate behalf of and nod at every man. and the great fire. my daughter; which, in COUNTESS the minority of them You need but plead Exeunt both, your honourable LAFEU his majesty, out of a privilege. Act 5, Scene 1 Go thy ways, I begin to self-gracious LAFEU Marseilles. A street. be aweary of thee; and remembrance, did I first propose: his Lady, of that I have Enter HELENA, tell thee so before, highness hath promised made a bold charter; Widow, and DIANA, because I would not me to do but I with two Attendants fall out it: and, to stop up the thank my God it holds HELENA with thee. Go thy displeasure he hath yet. ways: let my horses be conceived against your But this exceeding well son, there is no fitter posting day and night looked to, without any matter. How does your Re-enter Clown Must wear your spirits tricks. ladyship like it? Clown low; we cannot help it: But since you have O madam, yonder's my made the days and Clown COUNTESS lord your son with a nights as one, patch of To wear your gentle If I put any tricks With very much velvet on's face: limbs in my affairs, upon 'em, sir, they content, my lord; and I whether there be a scar Be bold you do so shall be wish it under't grow in my requital jades' tricks; which are happily effected. or no, the velvet As nothing can unroot their own right by the knows; but 'tis a you. In happy time; law of nature. LAFEU goodly patch of velvet: his left cheek is His highness comes a cheek of two pile and Enter a Gentleman Exit post from Marseilles, a This man may help me LAFEU of as able half, but his right to his majesty's ear, body as when he cheek is worn bare. A shrewd knave and an numbered thirty: he If he would spend his unhappy. will be here power. God save you, COUNTESS to-morrow, or I am LAFEU sir. deceived by him that in So he is. My lord that's A scar nobly got, or a such gone made himself noble scar, is a good Gentleman 41 And you. HELENA sir, been better known Here is a purr of HELENA ALL'S WELL THAT to fortune's, sir, or of ENDS WELL yet, you, when I have held fortune's Sir, I have seen you in familiarity with fresher cat,--but not a musk- the court of France. Though time seem so adverse and means clothes; but I am now, cat,--that has fallen Gentleman unfit. sir, muddied in into the fortune's unclean fishpond of I have been sometimes I do beseech you, whither is he gone? mood, and smell her displeasure, and, as there. somewhat strong of her he HELENA strong says, is muddied Gentleman displeasure. withal: pray you, sir, I do presume, sir, that use the Marry, as I take it, to you are not fallen carp as you may; for he Rousillon; From the report that Clown looks like a poor, goes upon your Whither I am going. Truly, fortune's decayed, goodness; displeasure is but ingenious, foolish, An therefore, goaded HELENA sluttish, if it rascally knave. I do with most sharp smell so strongly as pity his occasions, I do beseech you, sir, thou speakest of: I will distress in my similes Which lay nice Since you are like to henceforth eat no fish of comfort and leave manners by, I put you see the king before me, of fortune's buttering. him to to Commend the paper to Prithee, allow the your lordship. The use of your own his gracious hand, wind. virtues, for the which Which I presume shall I shall continue render you no blame Exit thankful. But rather make you PAROLLES PAROLLES thank your pains for it. I will come after you Nay, you need not to My lord, I am a man Gentleman with what good speed stop your nose, sir; I whom fortune hath spake What's your will? Our means will make cruelly us means. but by a metaphor. scratched. HELENA That it will please you Clown To give this poor Gentleman LAFEU petition to the king, This I'll do for you. Indeed, sir, if your And what would you And aid me with that metaphor stink, I will have me to do? 'Tis too HELENA store of power you stop my late to have And you shall find nose; or against any pare her nails now. To come into his yourself to be well man's metaphor. Wherein have you presence. thank'd, Prithee, get played the Whate'er falls more. thee further. knave with fortune, We must to horse that she should scratch Gentleman again. PAROLLES you, who The king's not here. Go, go, provide. of herself is a good Pray you, sir, deliver lady and would not HELENA me this paper. have knaves Exeunt Not here, sir! Clown thrive long under her? Act 5, Scene 2 There's a quart d'ecu Gentleman Foh! prithee, stand for Rousillon. Before the away: a paper from Not, indeed: you: let the justices COUNT's palace. fortune's He hence removed last make you and fortune close-stool to give to a night and with more Enter Clown, and friends: nobleman! Look, here haste PAROLLES, following I am for other business. Than is his use. he PAROLLES comes himself. Good Monsieur PAROLLES Widow Lavache, give my Lord Enter LAFEU I beseech your honour Lord, how we lose our Lafeu this to hear me one single pains! letter: I have ere now, word. 42 LAFEU eat; go to, follow. The greatest wrong of LAFEU You beg a single penny all. He lost a wife He looks well on't. Whose beauty did more: come, you shall PAROLLES KING ha't; astonish the survey save your word. I praise God for you. Of richest eyes, whose I am not a day of words all ears took Exeunt season, captive, For thou mayst see a PAROLLES Act 5, Scene 3 Whose dear perfection sunshine and a hail hearts that scorn'd to My name, my good Rousillon. The COUNT's In me at once: but to serve lord, is Parolles. palace. the brightest beams Humbly call'd mistress. Distracted clouds give Flourish. Enter KING, LAFEU way; so stand thou COUNTESS, LAFEU, forth; You beg more than the two French Lords, KING The time is fair again. 'word,' then. Cox my with Attendants passion! Praising what is lost give me your hand. KING Makes the How does your drum? remembrance dear. BERTRAM We lost a jewel of her; Well, call him hither; and our esteem My high-repented We are reconciled, and blames, PAROLLES Was made much the first view shall kill poorer by it: but your Dear sovereign, pardon O my good lord, you All repetition: let him to me. son, not ask our pardon; were the first that As mad in folly, lack'd found me! The nature of his great the sense to know offence is dead, KING LAFEU Her estimation home. And deeper than All is whole; Was I, in sooth? and I oblivion we do bury Not one word more of was the first that lost COUNTESS The incensing relics of the consumed time. thee. it: let him approach, Let's take the instant 'Tis past, my liege; A stranger, no PAROLLES And I beseech your by the forward top; offender; and inform For we are old, and on It lies in you, my lord, majesty to make it him Natural rebellion, done our quick'st decrees to bring me in some So 'tis our will he The inaudible and grace, i' the blaze of youth; should. When oil and fire, too noiseless foot of Time for you did bring me Steals ere we can effect out. strong for reason's force, Gentleman them. You remember The daughter of this O'erbears it and burns I shall, my liege. LAFEU on. lord? Exit Out upon thee, knave! dost thou put upon me KING KING BERTRAM at once My honour'd lady, What says he to your Admiringly, my liege, both the office of God daughter? have you at first and the devil? One I have forgiven and forgotten all; spoke? I stuck my choice upon brings her, ere my heart thee in grace and the Though my revenges LAFEU were high bent upon Durst make too bold a other brings thee out. All that he is hath him, herald of my tongue reference to your And watch'd the time Where the impression highness. Trumpets sound to shoot. of mine eye infixing, KING Contempt his scornful The king's coming; I perspective did lend know by his trumpets. LAFEU Then shall we have a me, Sirrah, match. I have letters Which warp'd the line inquire further after This I must say, sent me But first I beg my of every other favour; me; I had talk of you That set him high in Scorn'd a fair colour, last pardon, the young lord fame. Did to his majesty, his or express'd it stolen; night: though you are a Extended or contracted fool and a knave, you mother and his lady Enter BERTRAM all proportions shall Offence of mighty note; but to himself To a most hideous 43 object: thence it came me, O nature, cesse! Son, on my life, Where you have never That she whom all men I have seen her wear it; come, or sent it us praised and whom and she reckon'd it Upon her great myself, LAFEU At her life's rate. disaster. Since I have lost, have Come on, my son, in loved, was in mine eye whom my house's The dust that did name LAFEU BERTRAM offend it. Must be digested, give I am sure I saw her She never saw it. a favour from you wear it. KING To sparkle in the spirits BERTRAM KING of my daughter, Thou speak'st it Well excused: That she may quickly You are deceived, my falsely, as I love mine That thou didst love come. lord; she never saw it: honour; her, strikes some In Florence was it from And makest scores away a casement thrown me, conjectural fears to From the great compt: BERTRAM gives a Wrapp'd in a paper, come into me but love that comes too ring which contain'd the Which I would fain late, By my old beard, name shut out. If it should Like a remorseful And every hair that's Of her that threw it: prove pardon slowly carried, on't, Helen, that's dead, noble she was, and That thou art so To the great sender Was a sweet creature: thought inhuman,--'twill not turns a sour offence, such a ring as this, I stood engaged: but prove so;-- Crying, 'That's good The last that e'er I took when I had subscribed And yet I know not: that's gone.' Our rash her at court, To mine own fortune thou didst hate her faults I saw upon her finger. and inform'd her fully deadly, Make trivial price of I could not answer in And she is dead; which serious things we have, that course of honour nothing, but to close Not knowing them BERTRAM As she had made the Her eyes myself, could until we know their Hers it was not. overture, she ceased win me to believe, grave: In heavy satisfaction More than to see this KING Oft our displeasures, to and would never ring. Take him away. ourselves unjust, Now, pray you, let me Receive the ring again. Destroy our friends see it; for mine eye, Guards seize and after weep their While I was speaking, KING BERTRAM dust oft was fasten'd to't. Our own love waking This ring was mine; Plutus himself, My fore-past proofs, cries to see what's and, when I gave it That knows the tinct howe'er the matter fall, done, Helen, and multiplying Shall tax my fears of While shame full late I bade her, if her medicine, little vanity, sleeps out the fortunes ever stood Hath not in nature's Having vainly fear'd afternoon. Necessitied to help, mystery more science too little. Away with Be this sweet Helen's that by this token Than I have in this him! knell, and now forget I would relieve her. ring: 'twas mine, 'twas We'll sift this matter her. Had you that craft, to Helen's, further. Send forth your reave Whoever gave it you. amorous token for fair her Then, if you know BERTRAM Maudlin: Of what should stead That you are well The main consents are her most? acquainted with If you shall prove had; and here we'll stay yourself, This ring was ever To see our widower's Confess 'twas hers, and hers, you shall as easy second marriage-day. BERTRAM by what rough Prove that I husbanded My gracious sovereign, enforcement her bed in Florence, Howe'er it pleases you You got it from her: Where yet she never COUNTESS to take it so, she call'd the saints to was. Which better than the The ring was never surety first, O dear heaven, hers. That she would never Exit, guarded bless! put it from her finger, Or, ere they meet, in Unless she gave it to KING COUNTESS yourself in bed, 44 I am wrapp'd in dismal I will buy me a son-in- complaint we bring, Than for to think that I thinkings. law in a fair, and toll And both shall cease, would sink it here. Enter a Gentleman for without your remedy. this: I'll none of him. Gentleman KING KING Sir, for my thoughts, Gracious sovereign, KING Whether I have been to Come hither, count; do you have them ill to blame or no, I know The heavens have you know these friend not: thought well on thee women? Till your deeds gain Here's a petition from a Lafeu, BERTRAM them: fairer prove your Florentine, To bring forth this honour Who hath for four or discovery. Seek these My lord, I neither can Than in my thought it five removes come suitors: nor will deny lies. short Go speedily and bring But that I know them: again the count. do they charge me To tender it herself. I DIANA undertook it, I am afeard the life of further? Vanquish'd thereto by Helen, lady, Good my lord, Was foully snatch'd. the fair grace and DIANA Ask him upon his oath, speech if he does think Why do you look so He had not my Of the poor suppliant, COUNTESS who by this I know strange upon your virginity. Is here attending: her Now, justice on the wife? business looks in her doers! BERTRAM KING With an importing Re-enter BERTRAM, She's none of mine, my visage; and she told What say'st thou to guarded lord. me, her? KING In a sweet verbal brief, DIANA BERTRAM it did concern I wonder, sir, sith If you shall marry, She's impudent, my Your highness with wives are monsters to You give away this herself. you, lord, hand, and that is mine; And was a common And that you fly them You give away as you swear them gamester to the camp. KING heaven's vows, and lordship, those are mine; [Reads] Upon his Yet you desire to You give away myself, DIANA many protestations to marry. which is known mine; He does me wrong, my marry me For I by vow am so when his wife was lord; if I were so, Enter Widow and embodied yours, He might have bought dead, I blush to say it, That she which marries he won DIANA me at a common price: you must marry me, Do not believe him. O, me. Now is the Count What woman's that? Either both or none. Rousillon a widower: behold this ring, his vows Whose high respect are forfeited to me, and DIANA LAFEU and rich validity my honour's paid to I am, my lord, a Did lack a parallel; yet Your reputation comes for all that him. He wretched Florentine, too short for my stole from Florence, Derived from the He gave it to a daughter; you commoner o' the camp, taking no leave, and I ancient Capilet: are no husband for her. follow My suit, as I do If I be one. him to his country for understand, you know, justice: grant it me, O And therefore know BERTRAM COUNTESS king! in you it best how far I may be My lord, this is a fond lies; otherwise a He blushes, and 'tis it: pitied. and desperate creature, seducer Of six preceding Whom sometime I flourishes, and a poor ancestors, that gem, have laugh'd with: let maid is undone. Widow Conferr'd by testament your highness DIANA CAPILET. to the sequent issue, I am her mother, sir, Lay a more noble whose age and honour Hath it been owed and thought upon mine worn. This is his wife; LAFEU Both suffer under this honour 45 That ring's a thousand Her infinite cunning, My lord, I do confess He loved her, sir, and proofs. with her modern grace, the ring was hers. loved her not. Subdued me to her KING KING rate: she got the ring; KING And I had that which You boggle shrewdly, As thou art a knave, Methought you said any inferior might every feather stars you. and no knave. What an You saw one here in At market-price have Is this the man you equivocal companion court could witness it. bought. speak of? is this!

DIANA DIANA DIANA PAROLLES I did, my lord, but I must be patient: Ay, my lord. I am a poor man, and loath am to produce You, that have turn'd KING at your majesty's So bad an instrument: off a first so noble command. Tell me, sirrah, but tell his name's Parolles. wife, LAFEU May justly diet me. I me true, I charge you, pray you yet; Not fearing the He's a good drum, my LAFEU Since you lack virtue, I displeasure of your lord, but a naughty I saw the man to-day, will lose a husband; master, orator. Which on your just if man he be. Send for your ring, I DIANA will return it home, proceeding I'll keep KING And give me mine off, Do you know he Find him, and bring again. By him and by this promised me marriage? him hither. woman here what PAROLLES know you? Exit an Attendant BERTRAM Faith, I know more BERTRAM than I'll speak. I have it not. PAROLLES What of him? KING KING So please your He's quoted for a most But wilt thou not speak majesty, my master perfidious slave, What ring was yours, I all thou knowest? hath been an With all the spots o' the pray you? honourable gentleman: PAROLLES world tax'd and DIANA tricks he hath had in debosh'd; Yes, so please your Sir, much like him, Whose nature sickens majesty. I did go The same upon your which gentlemen have. but to speak a truth. between them, finger. Am I or that or this for as I said; but more than what he'll utter, KING that, he loved her: for That will speak any KING indeed he was mad for thing? Come, come, to the her, and talked of Know you this ring? purpose: did he love Satan and this ring was his of this woman? of Limbo and of Furies KING late. PAROLLES and I know not what: yet I She hath that ring of DIANA Faith, sir, he did love was in that credit with yours. And this was it I gave her; but how? them at that time that I him, being abed. BERTRAM KING knew of their going to I think she has: certain KING How, I pray you? bed, and of other it is I liked her, motions, The story then goes PAROLLES And boarded her i' the false, you threw it him as promising her wanton way of youth: Out of a casement. He did love her, sir, as marriage, and things She knew her distance a gentleman loves a which would and did angle for me, woman. derive me ill will to Madding my eagerness DIANA speak of; therefore I KING will not with her restraint, I have spoke the truth. As all impediments in How is that? speak what I know. fancy's course Enter PAROLLES PAROLLES Are motives of more BERTRAM fancy; and, in fine, KING

46 Thou hast spoken all It might be yours or She does abuse our O my good lord, when already, unless thou hers, for aught I know. ears: to prison with I was like this maid, canst say KING her. I found you wondrous they are married: but DIANA kind. There is your thou art too fine in thy Take her away; I do ring; evidence; therefore not like her now; Good mother, fetch my And, look you, here's stand aside. To prison with her: and bail. Stay, royal sir: your letter; this it says: This ring, you say, was away with him. Exit Widow 'When from my finger yours? Unless thou tell'st me you can get this ring where thou hadst this The jeweller that owes And are by me with ring, the ring is sent for, child,' &c. This is DIANA Thou diest within this And he shall surety done: Ay, my good lord. hour. me. But for this lord, Will you be mine, now Who hath abused me, you are doubly won? KING as he knows himself, Where did you buy it? DIANA Though yet he never or who gave it you? I'll never tell you. harm'd me, here I quit BERTRAM him: DIANA KING If she, my liege, can He knows himself my make me know this It was not given me, Take her away. bed he hath defiled; clearly, And at that time he got nor I did not buy it. DIANA I'll love her dearly, his wife with child: KING ever, ever dearly. I'll put in bail, my Dead though she be, Who lent it you? liege. she feels her young one DIANA kick: HELENA So there's my riddle: If it appear not plain It was not lent me KING one that's dead is neither. and prove untrue, I think thee now some quick: Deadly divorce step KING common customer. And now behold the between me and you! meaning. Where did you find it, O my dear mother, do I see you living? then? DIANA Re-enter Widow, with DIANA By Jove, if ever I knew HELENA I found it not. man, 'twas you. KING If it were yours by KING KING none of all these ways, Wherefore hast thou Is there no exorcist How could you give it accused him all this Beguiles the truer him? while? office of mine eyes? Is't real that I see? DIANA DIANA I never gave it him. Because he's guilty, HELENA and he is not guilty: No, my good lord; He knows I am no 'Tis but the shadow of LAFEU maid, and he'll swear a wife you see, to't; This woman's an easy The name and not the I'll swear I am a maid, thing. glove, my lord; she and he knows not. goes off Great king, I am no and on at pleasure. strumpet, by my life; BERTRAM I am either maid, or Both, both. O, pardon! KING else this old man's wife. This ring was mine; I HELENA gave it his first wife. KING DIANA 47 LAFEU Mine eyes smell onions; I shall weep anon: To PAROLLES Good Tom Drum, lend me a handkercher: so, I thank thee: wait on me home, I'll make sport with thee: Let thy courtesies alone, they are scurvy ones.

KING Let us from point to point this story know, To make the even truth in pleasure flow.

To DIANA If thou be'st yet a fresh uncropped flower, Choose thou thy husband, and I'll pay thy dower; For I can guess that by thy honest aid Thou keep'st a wife herself, thyself a maid. Of that and all the progress, more or less, Resolvedly more leisure shall express: All yet seems well; and if it end so meet, The bitter past, more welcome is the sweet.


KING The king's a beggar, now the play is done: All is well ended, if this suit be won, That you express content; which we will pay, With strife to please you, day exceeding day: Ours be your patience then, and yours our parts; Your gentle hands lend us, and take our hearts.



0* Act 1 1* Scene 1. Rome. A street. 2* Scene 2. A public place. 3* Scene 3. The same. A street. 4* Act 2 5* Scene 1. Rome. BRUTUS's orchard. 6* Scene 2. CAESAR's house. 7* Scene 3. A street near the Capitol. 8* Scene 4. Another part of the same street, before the house of BRUTUS. 9* Act 3 10* Scene 1. Rome. Before the Capitol; the Senate sitting above. 11* Scene 2. The Forum. 12* Scene 3. A street. 13* Act 4 14* Scene 1. A house in Rome. 15* Scene 2. Camp near Sardis. Before BRUTUS's tent. 16* Scene 3. Brutus's tent. 17* Act 5 18* Scene 1. The plains of Philippi. 19* Scene 2. The same. The field of battle. 20* Scene 3. Another part of the field. 21* Scene 4. Another part of the field. 22* Scene 5. Another part of the field.

49 Act 1, Scene 1 MARULLUS Truly, sir, to wear out Run to your houses, Rome. A street. What trade, thou their shoes, to get fall upon your knees, myself Pray to the gods to Enter FLAVIUS, knave? thou naughty knave, what trade? into more work. But, intermit the plague MARULLUS, and indeed, sir, we make That needs must light certain Commoners holiday, on this ingratitude. FLAVIUS Second Commoner to see Caesar and to rejoice in his triumph. Hence! home, you idle Nay, I beseech you, sir, FLAVIUS creatures get you be not out with me: Go, go, good home: yet, MARULLUS countrymen, and, for Is this a holiday? what! if you be out, sir, I can Wherefore rejoice? this fault, know you not, mend you. What conquest brings Assemble all the poor Being mechanical, you he home? men of your sort; ought not walk MARULLUS What tributaries follow Draw them to Tiber Upon a labouring day him to Rome, banks, and weep your without the sign What meanest thou by To grace in captive tears Of your profession? that? mend me, thou bonds his chariot- Into the channel, till Speak, what trade art saucy fellow! wheels? the lowest stream thou? You blocks, you Do kiss the most stones, you worse than exalted shores of all. Second Commoner First Commoner senseless things! Why, sir, cobble you. O you hard hearts, you Why, sir, a carpenter. cruel men of Rome, Exeunt all the FLAVIUS Knew you not Commoners Thou art a cobbler, art Pompey? Many a time See whether their MARULLUS thou? and oft basest metal be not Where is thy leather Have you climb'd up to moved; apron and thy rule? walls and battlements, They vanish tongue- What dost thou with Second Commoner To towers and tied in their guiltiness. thy best apparel on? Truly, sir, all that I live windows, yea, to Go you down that way You, sir, what trade are by is with the awl: I chimney-tops, towards the Capitol; you? meddle with no Your infants in your This way will I disrobe tradesman's matters, arms, and there have the images, nor women's sat If you do find them Second Commoner matters, but with awl. I The livelong day, with deck'd with Truly, sir, in respect of am, indeed, sir, a patient expectation, ceremonies. a fine workman, I am surgeon To see great Pompey but, to old shoes; when they pass the streets of MARULLUS as you would say, a are in great danger, I Rome: cobbler. recover them. As And when you saw his May we do so? proper men as ever chariot but appear, You know it is the trod upon Have you not made an feast of Lupercal. MARULLUS neat's leather have universal shout, But what trade art gone upon my That Tiber trembled FLAVIUS thou? answer me handiwork. underneath her banks, directly. To hear the replication It is no matter; let no of your sounds images FLAVIUS Made in her concave Be hung with Caesar's Second Commoner But wherefore art not shores? trophies. I'll about, And do you now put A trade, sir, that, I in thy shop today? And drive away the on your best attire? hope, I may use with a Why dost thou lead vulgar from the streets: And do you now cull safe these men about the So do you too, where out a holiday? conscience; which is, streets? you perceive them And do you now strew indeed, sir, a mender of thick. flowers in his way bad soles. These growing feathers Second Commoner That comes in triumph pluck'd from Caesar's over Pompey's blood? wing Be gone! 50 Will make him fly an I shall remember: Beware the ides of my good friends be ordinary pitch, When Caesar says 'do March. grieved-- Who else would soar this,' it is perform'd. CAESAR Among which number, above the view of men Cassius, be you one-- And keep us all in He is a dreamer; let us Nor construe any servile fearfulness. CAESAR leave him: pass. further my neglect, Set on; and leave no Sennet. Exeunt all Than that poor Brutus, ceremony out. except BRUTUS and with himself at war, Exeunt Forgets the shows of Flourish CASSIUS Act 1, Scene 2 love to other men. Soothsayer CASSIUS A public place. Will you go see the Caesar! CASSIUS Flourish. Enter order of the course? CAESAR; ANTONY, CAESAR Then, Brutus, I have BRUTUS for the course; Ha! who calls? much mistook your CALPURNIA, Not I. passion; PORTIA, DECIUS CASCA CASSIUS By means whereof this BRUTUS, CICERO, Bid every noise be breast of mine hath BRUTUS, CASSIUS, still: peace yet again! I pray you, do. buried and CASCA; a great Thoughts of great CAESAR BRUTUS crowd following, value, worthy among them a Who is it in the press I am not gamesome: I cogitations. Soothsayer that calls on me? do lack some part Tell me, good Brutus, Of that quick spirit that CAESAR I hear a tongue, shriller can you see your face? than all the music, is in Antony. Calpurnia! Cry 'Caesar!' Speak; Let me not hinder, Cassius, your desires; BRUTUS CASCA Caesar is turn'd to hear. I'll leave you. No, Cassius; for the Peace, ho! Caesar eye sees not itself, speaks. Soothsayer CASSIUS But by reflection, by CAESAR Beware the ides of some other things. March. Brutus, I do observe Calpurnia! you now of late: CALPURNIA I have not from your CASSIUS CAESAR eyes that gentleness 'Tis just: Here, my lord. And show of love as I What man is that? And it is very much CAESAR was wont to have: lamented, Brutus, Stand you directly in You bear too stubborn That you have no such Antonius' way, BRUTUS and too strange a hand mirrors as will turn When he doth run his Over your friend that Your hidden A soothsayer bids you loves you. course. Antonius! beware the ides of worthiness into your eye, March. BRUTUS That you might see ANTONY CAESAR your shadow. I have Caesar, my lord? Cassius, heard, Set him before me; let Be not deceived: if I me see his face. Where many of the CAESAR have veil'd my look, best respect in Rome, Forget not, in your CASSIUS I turn the trouble of my Except immortal countenance speed, Antonius, Fellow, come from the Caesar, speaking of Merely upon myself. To touch Calpurnia; throng; look upon Brutus Vexed I am for our elders say, Caesar. And groaning The barren, touched in Of late with passions underneath this age's this holy chase, CAESAR of some difference, yoke, Shake off their sterile What say'st thou to me Conceptions only Have wish'd that noble curse. now? speak once proper to myself, Brutus had his eyes. again. Which give some soil perhaps to my ANTONY Soothsayer behaviors; BRUTUS But let not therefore 51 Into what dangers I would not, Cassius; And stemming it with applauses are would you lead me, yet I love him well. hearts of controversy; For some new honours Cassius, But wherefore do you But ere we could arrive that are heap'd on That you would have hold me here so long? the point proposed, Caesar. me seek into myself What is it that you Caesar cried 'Help me, For that which is not in would impart to me? Cassius, or I sink!' me? If it be aught toward I, as Aeneas, our great CASSIUS the general good, ancestor, Why, man, he doth Set honour in one eye Did from the flames of bestride the narrow CASSIUS and death i' the other, Troy upon his shoulder world Therefore, good And I will look on both The old Anchises bear, Like a Colossus, and Brutus, be prepared to indifferently, so from the waves of we petty men hear: For let the gods so Tiber Walk under his huge And since you know speed me as I love Did I the tired Caesar. legs and peep about you cannot see The name of honour And this man To find ourselves yourself more than I fear death. Is now become a god, dishonourable graves. So well as by and Cassius is Men at some time are reflection, I, your A wretched creature masters of their fates: glass, CASSIUS and must bend his The fault, dear Brutus, Will modestly discover I know that virtue to be body, is not in our stars, to yourself in you, Brutus, If Caesar carelessly but But in ourselves, that That of yourself which As well as I do know nod on him. we are underlings. you yet know not of. your outward favour. He had a fever when Brutus and Caesar: And be not jealous on Well, honour is the he was in Spain, what should be in that me, gentle Brutus: subject of my story. And when the fit was 'Caesar'? Were I a common I cannot tell what you on him, I did mark Why should that name laugher, or did use and other men How he did shake: 'tis be sounded more than To stale with ordinary Think of this life; but, true, this god did yours? oaths my love for my single self, shake; Write them together, To every new I had as lief not be as His coward lips did yours is as fair a name; protester; if you know live to be from their colour fly, Sound them, it doth That I do fawn on men In awe of such a thing And that same eye become the mouth as and hug them hard as I myself. whose bend doth awe well; And after scandal I was born free as the world Weigh them, it is as them, or if you know Caesar; so were you: Did lose his lustre: I heavy; conjure with That I profess myself We both have fed as did hear him groan: 'em, in banqueting well, and we can both Ay, and that tongue of Brutus will start a spirit To all the rout, then Endure the winter's his that bade the as soon as Caesar. hold me dangerous. cold as well as he: Romans Now, in the names of For once, upon a raw Mark him and write his all the gods at once, and gusty day, speeches in their Upon what meat doth Flourish, and shout The troubled Tiber books, this our Caesar feed, BRUTUS chafing with her Alas, it cried 'Give me That he is grown so shores, some drink, Titinius,' great? Age, thou art What means this Caesar said to me As a sick girl. Ye gods, shamed! shouting? I do fear, the 'Darest thou, Cassius, it doth amaze me Rome, thou hast lost people now A man of such a feeble the breed of noble Choose Caesar for Leap in with me into temper should bloods! their king. this angry flood, So get the start of the When went there by an And swim to yonder majestic world age, since the great CASSIUS point?' Upon the word, And bear the palm flood, Accoutred as I was, I alone. But it was famed with Ay, do you fear it? plunged in more than with one Then must I think you And bade him follow; man? would not have it so. so indeed he did. Shout. Flourish When could they say The torrent roar'd, and BRUTUS till now, that talk'd of BRUTUS we did buffet it Another general shout! Rome, With lusty sinews, I do believe that these That her wide walls throwing it aside encompass'd but one 52 man? The games are done and well given. sad. Now is it Rome indeed and Caesar is and room enough, returning. CAESAR CASCA When there is in it but CASSIUS one only man. Would he were fatter! Why, you were with O, you and I have As they pass by, pluck But I fear him not: him, were you not? heard our fathers say, Casca by the sleeve; Yet if my name were BRUTUS There was a Brutus And he will, after his liable to fear, once that would have sour fashion, tell you I do not know the man I should not then ask brook'd What hath proceeded I should avoid Casca what had The eternal devil to worthy note to-day. So soon as that spare chanced. keep his state in Rome Cassius. He reads CASCA As easily as a king. much; Re-enter CAESAR and Why, there was a his Train He is a great observer and he looks crown offered him: and BRUTUS BRUTUS Quite through the being offered him, he put it That you do love me, I I will do so. But, look deeds of men: he loves am nothing jealous; no plays, by with the back of his you, Cassius, hand, What you would work The angry spot doth As thou dost, Antony; me to, I have some he hears no music; thus; and then the glow on Caesar's brow, people fell a-shouting. aim: And all the rest look Seldom he smiles, and How I have thought of like a chidden train: smiles in such a sort this and of these times, Calpurnia's cheek is As if he mock'd BRUTUS I shall recount pale; and Cicero himself and scorn'd his What was the second hereafter; for this Looks with such ferret spirit noise for? present, and such fiery eyes That could be moved I would not, so with As we have seen him to smile at any thing. CASCA love I might entreat Such men as he be in the Capitol, Why, for that too. you, Being cross'd in never at heart's ease Be any further moved. conference by some Whiles they behold a CASSIUS What you have said greater than senators. They shouted thrice: I will consider; what themselves, what was the last cry you have to say And therefore are they for? I will with patience CASSIUS very dangerous. hear, and find a time Casca will tell us what I rather tell thee what CASCA Both meet to hear and the matter is. is to be fear'd Why, for that too. answer such high Than what I fear; for things. CAESAR always I am Caesar. BRUTUS Till then, my noble Antonius! Come on my right Was the crown offered friend, chew upon this: hand, for this ear is him thrice? Brutus had rather be a ANTONY deaf, villager Caesar? And tell me truly what CASCA Than to repute himself thou think'st of him. CAESAR Ay, marry, was't, and a son of Rome he put it by thrice, Under these hard Let me have men about every Sennet. Exeunt conditions as this time me that are fat; time gentler than other, CAESAR and all his Is like to lay upon us. Sleek-headed men and and at every putting-by Train, but CASCA such as sleep o' nights: mine honest Yond Cassius has a CASCA neighbours shouted. CASSIUS lean and hungry look; You pull'd me by the He thinks too much: I am glad that my weak cloak; would you such men are CASSIUS words speak with me? Have struck but thus dangerous. Who offered him the much show of fire BRUTUS crown? from Brutus. ANTONY Ay, Casca; tell us what CASCA hath chanced to-day, Fear him not, Caesar; That Caesar looks so Why, Antony. BRUTUS he's not dangerous; BRUTUS He is a noble Roman 53 Tell us the manner of mouth, and was desired Will you sup with me it, gentle Casca. speechless. their worships to think to-night, Casca? CASCA it was his infirmity. CASCA Three I can as well be hanged BRUTUS or four wenches, where No, I am promised as tell the manner of it: 'Tis very like: he hath I stood, cried 'Alas, forth. it was mere foolery; I the failing sickness. good CASSIUS did not mark it. I saw soul!' and forgave him CASSIUS Mark with all their hearts: Will you dine with me Antony offer him a No, Caesar hath it not; but to-morrow? crown;--yet 'twas not a but you and I, there's no heed to be CASCA crown And honest Casca, we taken of them; if neither, 'twas one of have the falling Caesar had Ay, if I be alive and these coronets;--and, as sickness. stabbed their mothers, your mind hold and I told they would have done your dinner you, he put it by once: no less. worth the eating. but, for all that, to my CASCA thinking, he would fain I know not what you CASSIUS have had it. Then he mean by that; but, I am BRUTUS offered it to him again; sure, And after that, he Good: I will expect then he put it by again: Caesar fell down. If the came, thus sad, away? you. but, to my thinking, he tag-rag people did not CASCA CASCA was very loath to lay clap him and hiss him, Do so. Farewell, both. his according as he Ay. fingers off it. And then pleased and CASSIUS Exit he offered it the third displeased them, as BRUTUS time; he put it the third they use to do the Did Cicero say any time by: and still as he players in thing? What a blunt fellow is refused it, the the theatre, I am no CASCA this grown to be! rabblement hooted and true man. He was quick mettle clapped their Ay, he spoke Greek. when he went to chapped hands and CASSIUS school. threw up their sweaty BRUTUS night-caps To what effect? What said he when he CASSIUS and uttered such a deal came unto himself? CASCA of stinking breath So is he now in Nay, an I tell you that, because CASCA execution Ill ne'er look you i' the Caesar refused the Marry, before he fell Of any bold or noble face again: but those crown that it had down, when he enterprise, that understood him almost choked perceived the However he puts on smiled at Caesar; for he common herd was glad this tardy form. one another and shook swounded and fell he refused the crown, This rudeness is a their heads; but, for down at it: and he sauce to his good wit, mine own for mine own part, I plucked me ope his Which gives men part, it was Greek to durst not laugh, for doublet and offered stomach to digest his me. I could tell you fear of them his words more opening my lips and throat to cut. An I had With better appetite. news too: Marullus and receiving the bad air. been a man of any Flavius, for pulling occupation, if I would scarfs not have taken him at a BRUTUS CASSIUS off Caesar's images, word, And so it is. For this are put to silence. Fare But, soft, I pray you: I would I might go to time I will leave you: you what, did Caesar hell among the rogues. To-morrow, if you well. There was more swound? And so please to speak with foolery yet, if I could he fell. When he came me, CASCA remember it. to himself again, he I will come home to He fell down in the said, you; or, if you will, market-place, and If he had done or said CASSIUS Come home to me, and foamed at any thing amiss, he 54 I will wait for you. stare you so? saw CASSIUS Men all in fire walk up Casca, by your voice. and down the streets. CASSIUS CASCA And yesterday the bird CASCA I will do so: till then, Are not you moved, of night did sit Your ear is good. think of the world. when all the sway of Even at noon-day upon Cassius, what night is the market-place, Exit BRUTUS earth this! Shakes like a thing Hooting and shrieking. Well, Brutus, thou art unfirm? O Cicero, When these prodigies CASSIUS noble; yet, I see, I have seen tempests, Do so conjointly meet, A very pleasing night Thy honourable metal when the scolding let not men say to honest men. may be wrought winds 'These are their CASCA From that it is Have rived the knotty reasons; they are disposed: therefore it is oaks, and I have seen natural;' Who ever knew the meet The ambitious ocean For, I believe, they are heavens menace so? That noble minds keep portentous things swell and rage and CASSIUS ever with their likes; foam, Unto the climate that For who so firm that To be exalted with the they point upon. Those that have known cannot be seduced? threatening clouds: the earth so full of Caesar doth bear me But never till to-night, faults. hard; but he loves never till now, CICERO For my part, I have Brutus: Did I go through a Indeed, it is a strange- walk'd about the If I were Brutus now tempest dropping fire. disposed time: streets, and he were Cassius, Either there is a civil But men may construe Submitting me unto the He should not humour strife in heaven, things after their perilous night, me. I will this night, Or else the world, too fashion, And, thus unbraced, In several hands, in at saucy with the gods, Clean from the purpose Casca, as you see, his windows throw, Incenses them to send of the things Have bared my bosom As if they came from destruction. themselves. to the thunder-stone; several citizens, Come Caesar to the And when the cross Writings all tending to Capitol to-morrow? blue lightning seem'd the great opinion CICERO to open That Rome holds of his Why, saw you any The breast of heaven, I name; wherein thing more wonderful? CASCA did present myself obscurely Even in the aim and CASCA He doth; for he did bid Caesar's ambition shall Antonius very flash of it. be glanced at: A common slave--you Send word to you he And after this let know him well by would be there to- CASCA Caesar seat him sure; sight-- morrow. For we will shake him, Held up his left hand, But wherefore did you or worse days endure. which did flame and so much tempt the burn CICERO heavens? Like twenty torches It is the part of men to Exit Good night then, join'd, and yet his Casca: this disturbed fear and tremble, Act 1, Scene 3 hand, sky When the most mighty gods by tokens send The same. A street. Not sensible of fire, Is not to walk in. remain'd unscorch'd. Such dreadful heralds Thunder and lightning. Besides--I ha' not since to astonish us. Enter from opposite put up my sword-- CASCA sides, CASCA, with his Against the Capitol I Farewell, Cicero. sword drawn, and met a lion, CASSIUS CICERO Who glared upon me, Exit CICERO You are dull, Casca, CICERO and went surly by, Enter CASSIUS and those sparks of life Without annoying me: That should be in a CASSIUS Good even, Casca: and there were drawn Roman you do want, brought you Caesar Upon a heap a hundred Who's there? Or else you use not. home? ghastly women, CASCA You look pale and gaze Why are you Transformed with their And put on fear and breathless? and why fear; who swore they A Roman. cast yourself in 55 wonder, with our mothers' And why should In Pompey's porch: for To see the strange spirits; Caesar be a tyrant now, this fearful night, impatience of the Our yoke and then? There is no stir or heavens: sufferance show us Poor man! I know he walking in the streets; But if you would womanish. would not be a wolf, And the complexion of consider the true cause But that he sees the the element Why all these fires, Romans are but sheep: In favour's like the why all these gliding CASCA He were no lion, were work we have in hand, ghosts, Indeed, they say the not Romans hinds. Most bloody, fiery, and Why birds and beasts senators tomorrow Those that with haste most terrible. from quality and kind, Mean to establish will make a mighty fire Why old men fool and Caesar as a king; Begin it with weak children calculate, And he shall wear his straws: what trash is CASCA Why all these things crown by sea and land, Rome, Stand close awhile, for change from their In every place, save What rubbish and what here comes one in ordinance here in Italy. offal, when it serves haste. Their natures and For the base matter to CASSIUS preformed faculties illuminate To monstrous CASSIUS So vile a thing as 'Tis Cinna; I do know quality,--why, you I know where I will Caesar! But, O grief, him by his gait; shall find wear this dagger then; Where hast thou led He is a friend. That heaven hath Cassius from bondage me? I perhaps speak infused them with this will deliver Cassius: Enter CINNA these spirits, Therein, ye gods, you Before a willing To make them make the weak most bondman; then I know Cinna, where haste you instruments of fear and strong; My answer must be so? warning Therein, ye gods, you made. But I am arm'd, Unto some monstrous tyrants do defeat: And dangers are to me CINNA state. Nor stony tower, nor indifferent. Now could I, Casca, walls of beaten brass, To find out you. Who's name to thee a man Nor airless dungeon, that? Metellus Cimber? Most like this dreadful CASCA nor strong links of CASSIUS night, iron, You speak to Casca, That thunders, lightens, Can be retentive to the and to such a man No, it is Casca; one opens graves, and roars strength of spirit; That is no fleering tell- incorporate As doth the lion in the But life, being weary tale. Hold, my hand: To our attempts. Am I Capitol, of these worldly bars, Be factious for redress not stay'd for, Cinna? A man no mightier Never lacks power to of all these griefs, than thyself or me And I will set this foot dismiss itself. CINNA In personal action, yet If I know this, know all of mine as far prodigious grown the world besides, As who goes farthest. I am glad on 't. What a And fearful, as these That part of tyranny fearful night is this! strange eruptions are. that I do bear There's two or three of I can shake off at CASSIUS us have seen strange pleasure. There's a bargain sights. CASCA made. 'Tis Caesar that you Now know you, Casca, CASSIUS mean; is it not, Thunder still I have moved already Cassius? CASCA Some certain of the Am I not stay'd for? noblest-minded tell me. CASSIUS So can I: Romans So every bondman in CINNA Let it be who it is: for To undergo with me an his own hand bears Romans now enterprise Yes, you are. The power to cancel Have thews and limbs Of honourable- O Cassius, if you could his captivity. like to their ancestors; dangerous But win the noble But, woe the while! consequence; Brutus to our party-- our fathers' minds are CASSIUS And I do know, by dead, this, they stay for me And we are govern'd CASSIUS 56 Be you content: good conceited. Let us go, put a sting in him, Gives him the letter Cinna, take this paper, For it is after midnight; That at his will he may BRUTUS And look you lay it in and ere day do danger with. the praetor's chair, We will awake him The abuse of greatness Get you to bed again; it Where Brutus may but and be sure of him. is, when it disjoins is not day. find it; and throw this Remorse from power: Is not to-morrow, boy, In at his window; set and, to speak truth of the ides of March? this up with wax Exeunt Caesar, Upon old Brutus' I have not known when Act 2, Scene 1 LUCIUS statue: all this done, his affections sway'd Rome. BRUTUS's orchard. Repair to Pompey's More than his reason. I know not, sir. porch, where you shall Enter BRUTUS But 'tis a common BRUTUS find us. BRUTUS proof, Is Decius Brutus and That lowliness is Look in the calendar, Trebonius there? What, Lucius, ho! young ambition's and bring me word. I cannot, by the ladder, LUCIUS progress of the stars, Whereto the climber- CINNA Give guess how near to upward turns his face; I will, sir. All but Metellus day. Lucius, I say! But when he once Exit Cimber; and he's gone I would it were my attains the upmost BRUTUS To seek you at your fault to sleep so round. house. Well, I will hie, soundly. He then unto the ladder The exhalations And so bestow these When, Lucius, when? turns his back, whizzing in the air papers as you bade me. awake, I say! what, Looks in the clouds, Give so much light that Lucius! scorning the base I may read by them. degrees CASSIUS By which he did Enter LUCIUS Opens the letter and That done, repair to ascend. So Caesar reads Pompey's theatre. LUCIUS may. Then, lest he may, 'Brutus, thou sleep'st: Exit CINNA Call'd you, my lord? prevent. And, since the awake, and see thyself. Come, Casca, you and BRUTUS quarrel Shall Rome, &c. I will yet ere day Get me a taper in my Will bear no colour for Speak, strike, redress! See Brutus at his study, Lucius: the thing he is, Brutus, thou sleep'st: house: three parts of When it is lighted, Fashion it thus; that awake!' him come and call me here. what he is, augmented, Such instigations have Is ours already, and the Would run to these and been often dropp'd man entire these extremities: Where I have took Upon the next LUCIUS And therefore think them up. encounter yields him I will, my lord. him as a serpent's egg 'Shall Rome, &c.' Thus ours. Which, hatch'd, would, must I piece it out: Exit as his kind, grow Shall Rome stand BRUTUS mischievous, under one man's awe? CASCA And kill him in the What, Rome? It must be by his death: O, he sits high in all shell. My ancestors did from and for my part, the people's hearts: the streets of Rome I know no personal And that which would The Tarquin drive, cause to spurn at him, appear offence in us, Re-enter LUCIUS when he was call'd a But for the general. He His countenance, like LUCIUS king. would be crown'd: richest alchemy, 'Speak, strike, redress!' How that might change The taper burneth in Will change to virtue Am I entreated his nature, there's the your closet, sir. and to worthiness. To speak and strike? O question. Searching the window Rome, I make thee It is the bright day that for a flint, I found promise: brings forth the adder; This paper, thus seal'd CASSIUS If the redress will And that craves wary up; and, I am sure, follow, thou receivest Him and his worth and walking. Crown him?-- It did not lie there Thy full petition at the our great need of him that;-- when I went to bed. You have right well And then, I grant, we 57 hand of Brutus! buried in their cloaks, opinion of yourself the north That by no means I Which every noble He first presents his may discover them Roman bears of you. fire; and the high east Re-enter LUCIUS By any mark of favour. This is Trebonius. Stands, as the Capitol, LUCIUS directly here. Sir, March is wasted BRUTUS BRUTUS fourteen days. Let 'em enter. He is welcome hither. BRUTUS Knocking within Exit LUCIUS CASSIUS Give me your hands all BRUTUS over, one by one. They are the faction. O This, Decius Brutus. 'Tis good. Go to the CASSIUS conspiracy, BRUTUS gate; somebody Shamest thou to show And let us swear our knocks. thy dangerous brow by He is welcome too. resolution. Exit LUCIUS night, CASSIUS BRUTUS When evils are most Since Cassius first did free? O, then by day This, Casca; this, No, not an oath: if not whet me against Where wilt thou find a Cinna; and this, the face of men, Caesar, cavern dark enough Metellus Cimber. The sufferance of our I have not slept. To mask thy monstrous BRUTUS souls, the time's Between the acting of a visage? Seek none, abuse,-- dreadful thing conspiracy; They are all welcome. If these be motives And the first motion, Hide it in smiles and What watchful cares weak, break off all the interim is affability: do interpose betimes, Like a phantasma, or a For if thou path, thy themselves And every man hence hideous dream: native semblance on, Betwixt your eyes and to his idle bed; The Genius and the Not Erebus itself were night? So let high-sighted mortal instruments dim enough tyranny range on, Are then in council; To hide thee from CASSIUS Till each man drop by and the state of man, prevention. lottery. But if these, Like to a little Shall I entreat a word? As I am sure they do, kingdom, suffers then BRUTUS and bear fire enough Enter the conspirators, The nature of an CASSIUS whisper To kindle cowards and insurrection. CASSIUS, CASCA, to steel with valour DECIUS BRUTUS, DECIUS BRUTUS The melting spirits of CINNA, METELLUS women, then, Re-enter LUCIUS Here lies the east: doth CIMBER, and not the day break here? countrymen, LUCIUS TREBONIUS What need we any spur CASCA Sir, 'tis your brother CASSIUS but our own cause, Cassius at the door, No. To prick us to redress? I think we are too bold what other bond Who doth desire to see upon your rest: CINNA you. Than secret Romans, Good morrow, Brutus; O, pardon, sir, it doth; that have spoke the do we trouble you? and yon gray lines word, BRUTUS That fret the clouds are And will not palter? messengers of day. Is he alone? BRUTUS and what other oath Than honesty to LUCIUS I have been up this honesty engaged, CASCA hour, awake all night. That this shall be, or No, sir, there are moe Know I these men that with him. You shall confess that we will fall for it? come along with you? you are both deceived. Swear priests and BRUTUS Here, as I point my cowards and men Do you know them? CASSIUS sword, the sun arises, cautelous, Which is a great way Old feeble carrions and LUCIUS Yes, every man of growing on the south, such suffering souls No, sir; their hats are them, and no man here Weighing the youthful That welcome wrongs; pluck'd about their But honours you; and season of the year. unto bad causes swear ears, every one doth wish Some two months Such creatures as men And half their faces You had but that hence up higher toward doubt; but do not stain 58 The even virtue of our CASSIUS And let our hearts, as 'Tis time to part. enterprise, Then leave him out. subtle masters do, CASSIUS Nor the insuppressive Stir up their servants to mettle of our spirits, CASCA an act of rage, But it is doubtful yet, To think that or our Indeed he is not fit. And after seem to Whether Caesar will cause or our chide 'em. This shall come forth to-day, or performance DECIUS BRUTUS make no; Did need an oath; Shall no man else be Our purpose necessary For he is superstitious when every drop of touch'd but only and not envious: grown of late, blood Caesar? Which so appearing to Quite from the main That every Roman the common eyes, opinion he held once bears, and nobly bears, CASSIUS We shall be call'd Of fantasy, of dreams Is guilty of a several Decius, well urged: I purgers, not murderers. and ceremonies: bastardy, think it is not meet, And for Mark Antony, It may be, these If he do break the Mark Antony, so well think not of him; apparent prodigies, smallest particle beloved of Caesar, For he can do no more The unaccustom'd Of any promise that Should outlive Caesar: than Caesar's arm terror of this night, hath pass'd from him. we shall find of him When Caesar's head is And the persuasion of A shrewd contriver; off. his augurers, and, you know, his May hold him from the CASSIUS means, Capitol to-day. But what of Cicero? If he improve them, CASSIUS may well stretch so far shall we sound him? Yet I fear him; DECIUS BRUTUS I think he will stand As to annoy us all: For in the ingrafted very strong with us. which to prevent, love he bears to Never fear that: if he Let Antony and Caesar Caesar-- be so resolved, fall together. I can o'ersway him; for CASCA he loves to hear Let us not leave him BRUTUS That unicorns may be BRUTUS out. Alas, good Cassius, do betray'd with trees, Our course will seem And bears with glasses, CINNA not think of him: too bloody, Caius If he love Caesar, all elephants with holes, No, by no means. Cassius, that he can do Lions with toils and men with flatterers; METELLUS CIMBER To cut the head off and Is to himself, take then hack the limbs, thought and die for But when I tell him he O, let us have him, for Like wrath in death Caesar: hates flatterers, his silver hairs and envy afterwards; And that were much he He says he does, being Will purchase us a For Antony is but a should; for he is given then most flattered. good opinion limb of Caesar: To sports, to wildness Let me work; And buy men's voices Let us be sacrificers, and much company. For I can give his to commend our deeds: but not butchers, humour the true bent, It shall be said, his Caius. And I will bring him to judgment ruled our We all stand up against TREBONIUS the Capitol. hands; the spirit of Caesar; There is no fear in him; Our youths and And in the spirit of let him not die; CASSIUS wildness shall no whit men there is no blood: For he will live, and appear, O, that we then could laugh at this hereafter. Nay, we will all of us But all be buried in his come by Caesar's be there to fetch him. gravity. spirit, BRUTUS And not dismember Clock strikes By the eighth hour: is BRUTUS Caesar! But, alas, BRUTUS Caesar must bleed for that the uttermost? Peace! count the clock. O, name him not: let us it! And, gentle friends, CINNA not break with him; Let's kill him boldly, CASSIUS For he will never but not wrathfully; Be that the uttermost, The clock hath stricken follow any thing Let's carve him as a and fail not then. three. That other men begin. dish fit for the gods, METELLUS CIMBER Not hew him as a TREBONIUS carcass fit for hounds: 59 Caius Ligarius doth PORTIA Make me acquainted Even from darkness. bear Caesar hard, Brutus, my lord! with your cause of Who rated him for grief. speaking well of BRUTUS BRUTUS Pompey: Kneel not, gentle Portia, what mean you? BRUTUS I wonder none of you wherefore rise you Portia. have thought of him. now? I am not well in health, PORTIA It is not for your health and that is all. I should not need, if BRUTUS thus to commit PORTIA Your weak condition you were gentle Now, good Metellus, to the raw cold Brutus is wise, and, Brutus. go along by him: morning. were he not in health, Within the bond of He loves me well, and He would embrace the marriage, tell me, I have given him means to come by it. Brutus, reasons; PORTIA Is it excepted I should Send him but hither, know no secrets Nor for yours neither. BRUTUS and I'll fashion him. You've ungently, That appertain to you? Brutus, Why, so I do. Good Am I yourself Stole from my bed: and Portia, go to bed. But, as it were, in sort CASSIUS or limitation, yesternight, at supper, PORTIA The morning comes You suddenly arose, To keep with you at Is Brutus sick? and is it upon 's: we'll leave and walk'd about, meals, comfort your physical you, Brutus. Musing and sighing, bed, To walk unbraced and And, friends, disperse with your arms across, And talk to you suck up the humours yourselves; but all And when I ask'd you sometimes? Dwell I Of the dank morning? remember what the matter was, but in the suburbs What, is Brutus sick, What you have said, You stared upon me Of your good pleasure? And will he steal out of and show yourselves with ungentle looks; If it be no more, his wholesome bed, true Romans. I urged you further; Portia is Brutus' harlot, To dare the vile then you scratch'd your not his wife. contagion of the night head, BRUTUS And tempt the rheumy And too impatiently and unpurged air BRUTUS Good gentlemen, look stamp'd with your foot; To add unto his fresh and merrily; Yet I insisted, yet you You are my true and sickness? No, my Let not our looks put answer'd not, honourable wife, Brutus; on our purposes, But, with an angry As dear to me as are You have some sick But bear it as our wafture of your hand, the ruddy drops offence within your Roman actors do, Gave sign for me to That visit my sad heart mind, With untired spirits leave you: so I did; Which, by the right and formal constancy: Fearing to strengthen and virtue of my place, PORTIA And so good morrow that impatience I ought to know of: to you every one. Which seem'd too If this were true, then and, upon my knees, much enkindled, and should I know this I charm you, by my withal secret. Exeunt all but once-commended Hoping it was but an I grant I am a woman; BRUTUS beauty, effect of humour, but withal By all your vows of Boy! Lucius! Fast Which sometime hath A woman that Lord love and that great vow asleep? It is no matter; his hour with every Brutus took to wife: Which did incorporate Enjoy the honey-heavy man. I grant I am a woman; and make us one, dew of slumber: It will not let you eat, but withal That you unfold to me, Thou hast no figures nor talk, nor sleep, A woman well- yourself, your half, nor no fantasies, And could it work so reputed, Cato's Why you are heavy, Which busy care draws much upon your shape daughter. and what men to-night in the brains of men; As it hath much Think you I am no Have had to resort to Therefore thou sleep'st prevail'd on your stronger than my sex, you: for here have been so sound. condition, Being so father'd and Some six or seven, I should not know you, so husbanded? who did hide their Brutus. Dear my lord, Tell me your counsels, Enter PORTIA faces I will not disclose 'em: 60 I have made strong Caius, Set on your foot, Ne'er look'd but on my proof of my constancy, To wear a kerchief! And with a heart new- back; when they shall Giving myself a Would you were not fired I follow you, see voluntary wound sick! To do I know not what: The face of Caesar, Here, in the thigh: can but it sufficeth they are vanished. I bear that with That Brutus leads me patience. LIGARIUS on. And not my husband's I am not sick, if Brutus CALPURNIA secrets? have in hand Caesar, I never stood Any exploit worthy the BRUTUS on ceremonies, name of honour. Follow me, then. Yet now they fright BRUTUS Exeunt me. There is one O ye gods, within, Render me worthy of BRUTUS Act 2, Scene 2 Besides the things that this noble wife! Such an exploit have I CAESAR's house. we have heard and in hand, Ligarius, seen, Had you a healthful ear Thunder and lightning. Recounts most horrid Knocking within to hear of it. Enter CAESAR, in his sights seen by the Hark, hark! one night-gown watch. knocks: Portia, go in CAESAR A lioness hath whelped awhile; LIGARIUS in the streets; Nor heaven nor earth And by and by thy By all the gods that And graves have have been at peace to- bosom shall partake Romans bow before, yawn'd, and yielded up night: The secrets of my I here discard my their dead; Thrice hath Calpurnia heart. sickness! Soul of Fierce fiery warriors in her sleep cried out, All my engagements I Rome! fought upon the clouds, 'Help, ho! they murder will construe to thee, Brave son, derived In ranks and squadrons Caesar!' Who's within? All the charactery of from honourable loins! and right form of war, my sad brows: Thou, like an exorcist, Which drizzled blood Leave me with haste. hast conjured up Enter a Servant upon the Capitol; My mortified spirit. The noise of battle Servant Now bid me run, hurtled in the air, Exit PORTIA And I will strive with My lord? Horses did neigh, and dying men did groan, Lucius, who's that things impossible; CAESAR knocks? Yea, get the better of And ghosts did shriek them. What's to do? Go bid the priests do and squeal about the present sacrifice streets. Re-enter LUCIUS with And bring me their O Caesar! these things LIGARIUS BRUTUS opinions of success. are beyond all use, LUCIUS A piece of work that And I do fear them. He is a sick man that will make sick men Servant whole. would speak with you. I will, my lord. CAESAR LIGARIUS BRUTUS Exit What can be avoided But are not some Whose end is purposed Caius Ligarius, that Enter CALPURNIA Metellus spake of. whole that we must by the mighty gods? Boy, stand aside. Caius make sick? CALPURNIA Yet Caesar shall go Ligarius! how? BRUTUS forth; for these What mean you, predictions That must we also. Caesar? think you to Are to the world in LIGARIUS What it is, my Caius, walk forth? general as to Caesar. I shall unfold to thee, You shall not stir out Vouchsafe good as we are going of your house to-day. morrow from a feeble To whom it must be CALPURNIA tongue. done. CAESAR When beggars die, BRUTUS there are no comets Caesar shall forth: the O, what a time have LIGARIUS seen; things that threaten'd The heavens you chose out, brave me 61 themselves blaze forth Do not go forth to-day: graybeards the truth? press the death of princes. call it my fear Decius, go tell them For tinctures, stains, That keeps you in the Caesar will not come. relics and cognizance. house, and not your This by Calpurnia's CAESAR own. dream is signified. Cowards die many We'll send Mark DECIUS BRUTUS times before their Antony to the senate- Most mighty Caesar, deaths; house: let me know some CAESAR The valiant never taste And he shall say you cause, And this way have you of death but once. are not well to-day: Lest I be laugh'd at well expounded it. Let me, upon my knee, Of all the wonders that when I tell them so. DECIUS BRUTUS I yet have heard. prevail in this. It seems to me most I have, when you have strange that men CAESAR heard what I can say: CAESAR should fear; The cause is in my And know it now: the Seeing that death, a Mark Antony shall say will: I will not come; senate have concluded necessary end, I am not well, That is enough to To give this day a Will come when it will And, for thy humour, I satisfy the senate. crown to mighty come. will stay at home. But for your private Caesar. satisfaction, If you shall send them Because I love you, I word you will not Re-enter Servant Enter DECIUS will let you know: come, What say the augurers? BRUTUS Calpurnia here, my Their minds may Here's Decius Brutus, wife, stays me at change. Besides, it he shall tell them so. home: were a mock Servant She dreamt to-night Apt to be render'd, for They would not have she saw my statua, some one to say you to stir forth to-day. DECIUS BRUTUS Which, like a fountain 'Break up the senate till Plucking the entrails of Caesar, all hail! good with an hundred another time, an offering forth, morrow, worthy spouts, When Caesar's wife They could not find a Caesar: Did run pure blood: shall meet with better heart within the beast. I come to fetch you to and many lusty dreams.' the senate-house. Romans If Caesar hide himself, Came smiling, and did shall they not whisper CAESAR bathe their hands in it: 'Lo, Caesar is afraid'? The gods do this in CAESAR And these does she Pardon me, Caesar; for shame of cowardice: And you are come in apply for warnings, my dear dear love Caesar should be a very happy time, and portents, To our proceeding bids beast without a heart, To bear my greeting to And evils imminent; me tell you this; If he should stay at the senators and on her knee And reason to my love home to-day for fear. And tell them that I Hath begg'd that I will is liable. No, Caesar shall not: will not come to-day: stay at home to-day. danger knows full well Cannot, is false, and CAESAR That Caesar is more that I dare not, falser: DECIUS BRUTUS dangerous than he: I will not come to-day: How foolish do your We are two lions tell them so, Decius. This dream is all amiss fears seem now, litter'd in one day, interpreted; Calpurnia! And I the elder and It was a vision fair and I am ashamed I did more terrible: CALPURNIA fortunate: yield to them. And Caesar shall go Say he is sick. Your statue spouting Give me my robe, for I forth. blood in many pipes, will go. CAESAR In which so many Shall Caesar send a smiling Romans Enter PUBLIUS, CALPURNIA lie? bathed, BRUTUS, LIGARIUS, Have I in conquest Alas, my lord, Signifies that from you METELLUS, CASCA, stretch'd mine arm so Your wisdom is great Rome shall suck TREBONIUS, and far, consumed in Reviving blood, and CINNA confidence. To be afraid to tell that great men shall

62 And look where Aside Caesar pass along, and nothing else? Publius is come to and so near will I be, And as a suitor will I fetch me. give him this. That your best friends PORTIA shall wish I had been My heart laments that further. virtue cannot live Yes, bring me word, PUBLIUS Out of the teeth of boy, if thy lord look Good morrow, Caesar. emulation. well, If thou read this, O CAESAR CAESAR For he went sickly Caesar, thou mayst Good friends, go in, forth: and take good Welcome, Publius. live; and taste some wine note What, Brutus, are you If not, the Fates with with me; What Caesar doth, stirr'd so early too? traitors do contrive. And we, like friends, what suitors press to Good morrow, Casca. him. Caius Ligarius, will straightway go together. Hark, boy! what noise Caesar was ne'er so Exit is that? much your enemy Act 2, Scene 4 As that same ague BRUTUS which hath made you Another part of the same LUCIUS [Aside] That every like street, before the house of lean. I hear none, madam. What is 't o'clock? is not the same, O BRUTUS. Caesar, Enter PORTIA and PORTIA The heart of Brutus LUCIUS Prithee, listen well; BRUTUS yearns to think upon! PORTIA I heard a bustling Caesar, 'tis strucken rumour, like a fray, eight. Exeunt I prithee, boy, run to And the wind brings it the senate-house; from the Capitol. CAESAR Act 2, Scene 3 Stay not to answer me, I thank you for your A street near the Capitol. but get thee gone: pains and courtesy. Why dost thou stay? LUCIUS Enter Enter ANTONY ARTEMIDORUS, Sooth, madam, I hear nothing. See! Antony, that reading a paper LUCIUS revels long o' nights, ARTEMIDORUS To know my errand, Enter the Soothsayer Is notwithstanding up. madam. PORTIA Good morrow, Antony. 'Caesar, beware of Brutus; take heed of PORTIA Come hither, fellow: Cassius; I would have had thee which way hast thou ANTONY come not near Casca; there, and here again, been? So to most noble have an eye to Cinna, Ere I can tell thee what Soothsayer trust not thou shouldst do there. Caesar. At mine own house, Trebonius: mark well O constancy, be strong CAESAR good lady. Metellus Cimber: upon my side, Bid them prepare Decius Brutus Set a huge mountain PORTIA loves thee not: thou within: 'tween my heart and What is't o'clock? I am to blame to be hast wronged Caius tongue! thus waited for. Ligarius. I have a man's mind, Soothsayer Now, Cinna: now, There is but one mind but a woman's might. in all these men, and it About the ninth hour, Metellus: what, How hard it is for lady. Trebonius! is women to keep I have an hour's talk in bent against Caesar. If counsel! PORTIA thou beest not store for you; Art thou here yet? Is Caesar yet gone to immortal, Remember that you the Capitol? call on me to-day: look about you: Be near me, that I may security gives way to LUCIUS Soothsayer remember you. conspiracy. Madam, what should I Madam, not yet: I go to The mighty gods do? take my stand, defend thee! Thy lover, Run to the Capitol, and To see him pass on to TREBONIUS 'ARTEMIDORUS.' nothing else? the Capitol. Caesar, I will: Here will I stand till And so return to you, 63 PORTIA thee. What, is the fellow change. Thou hast some suit to mad? Caesar, hast thou not? Exeunt severally PUBLIUS CASSIUS Soothsayer Act 3, Scene 1 Sirrah, give place. Trebonius knows his That I have, lady: if it Rome. Before the Capitol; CASSIUS time; for, look you, Brutus. will please Caesar the Senate sitting above. What, urge you your To be so good to He draws Mark A crowd of people; petitions in the street? Antony out of the way. Caesar as to hear me, Come to the Capitol. I shall beseech him to among them befriend himself. ARTEMIDORUS and the Soothsayer. Exeunt ANTONY and CAESAR goes up to TREBONIUS Flourish. Enter the Senate-House, the PORTIA CAESAR, BRUTUS, rest following DECIUS BRUTUS CASSIUS, CASCA, Why, know'st thou any POPILIUS Where is Metellus harm's intended DECIUS BRUTUS, METELLUS CIMBER, Cimber? Let him go, towards him? I wish your enterprise And presently prefer TREBONIUS, CINNA, to-day may thrive. Soothsayer ANTONY, LEPIDUS, his suit to Caesar. CASSIUS None that I know will POPILIUS, PUBLIUS, be, much that I fear and others What enterprise, BRUTUS Popilius? may chance. CAESAR He is address'd: press Good morrow to you. POPILIUS near and second him. Here the street is [To the Soothsayer] narrow: The ides of March are Fare you well. CINNA come. The throng that follows Advances to CAESAR Casca, you are the first Caesar at the heels, Soothsayer that rears your hand. Of senators, of BRUTUS Ay, Caesar; but not CAESAR praetors, common gone. What said Popilius suitors, Lena? Are we all ready? Will crowd a feeble ARTEMIDORUS CASSIUS What is now amiss man almost to death: Hail, Caesar! read this That Caesar and his I'll get me to a place schedule. He wish'd to-day our senate must redress? more void, and there enterprise might thrive. Speak to great Caesar DECIUS BRUTUS I fear our purpose is as he comes along. Trebonius doth desire discovered. METELLUS CIMBER you to o'erread, Most high, most At your best leisure, mighty, and most Exit BRUTUS this his humble suit. puissant Caesar, PORTIA Look, how he makes to Metellus Cimber Caesar; mark him. throws before thy seat I must go in. Ay me, ARTEMIDORUS how weak a thing CASSIUS An humble heart,-- O Caesar, read mine The heart of woman is! Casca, be sudden, for O Brutus, first; for mine's a suit That touches Caesar we fear prevention. Kneeling The heavens speed Brutus, what shall be thee in thine nearer: read it, great CAESAR Caesar. done? If this be known, enterprise! Cassius or Caesar I must prevent thee, Sure, the boy heard never shall turn back, Cimber. me: Brutus hath a suit CAESAR For I will slay myself. These couchings and That Caesar will not these lowly courtesies grant. O, I grow faint. What touches us Might fire the blood of Run, Lucius, and ourself shall be last BRUTUS ordinary men, served. commend me to my Cassius, be constant: And turn pre-ordinance lord; ARTEMIDORUS Popilius Lena speaks and first decree Say I am merry: come Into the law of Delay not, Caesar; read not of our purposes; to me again, children. Be not fond, it instantly. For, look, he smiles, And bring me word and Caesar doth not To think that Caesar what he doth say to CAESAR bears such rebel blood 64 That will be thaw'd the northern star, CINNA BRUTUS from the true quality Of whose true-fix'd Liberty! Freedom! Do so: and let no man With that which and resting quality Tyranny is dead! abide this deed, melteth fools; I mean, There is no fellow in Run hence, proclaim, But we the doers. sweet words, the firmament. cry it about the streets. Low-crooked court'sies The skies are painted and base spaniel- with unnumber'd Re-enter TREBONIUS fawning. sparks, CASSIUS CASSIUS Thy brother by decree They are all fire and Some to the common is banished: every one doth shine, Where is Antony? pulpits, and cry out If thou dost bend and But there's but one in 'Liberty, freedom, and TREBONIUS pray and fawn for him, all doth hold his place: enfranchisement!' I spurn thee like a cur So in the world; 'tis Fled to his house out of my way. furnish'd well with amazed: Know, Caesar doth not men, BRUTUS Men, wives and wrong, nor without And men are flesh and children stare, cry out People and senators, be cause blood, and and run not affrighted; Will he be satisfied. apprehensive; As it were doomsday. Fly not; stand stiff: Yet in the number I do ambition's debt is paid. know but one BRUTUS METELLUS CIMBER That unassailable holds Is there no voice more on his rank, CASCA Fates, we will know worthy than my own Unshaked of motion: your pleasures: Go to the pulpit, To sound more sweetly and that I am he, That we shall die, we Brutus. in great Caesar's ear Let me a little show it, know; 'tis but the time For the repealing of my even in this; DECIUS BRUTUS And drawing days out, That I was constant that men stand upon. banish'd brother? And Cassius too. Cimber should be banish'd, BRUTUS BRUTUS CASSIUS And constant do Where's Publius? I kiss thy hand, but not remain to keep him so. Why, he that cuts off in flattery, Caesar; CINNA twenty years of life Desiring thee that Cuts off so many years CINNA Here, quite confounded Publius Cimber may with this mutiny. of fearing death. Have an immediate O Caesar,-- METELLUS CIMBER freedom of repeal. CAESAR BRUTUS Stand fast together, lest Hence! wilt thou lift up some friend of Caesar's Grant that, and then is CAESAR Olympus? Should chance-- death a benefit: What, Brutus! DECIUS BRUTUS So are we Caesar's friends, that have CASSIUS Great Caesar,-- BRUTUS abridged Pardon, Caesar; CAESAR Talk not of standing. His time of fearing Caesar, pardon: Publius, good cheer; death. Stoop, Romans, Doth not Brutus As low as to thy foot There is no harm stoop, bootless kneel? doth Cassius fall, intended to your And let us bathe our To beg CASCA person, hands in Caesar's blood enfranchisement for Up to the elbows, and Speak, hands for me! Nor to no Roman else: Publius Cimber. so tell them, Publius. besmear our swords: CASCA first, then the Then walk we forth, other Conspirators even to the market- CASSIUS and BRUTUS stab CASSIUS place, I could be well moved, CAESAR And leave us, Publius; And, waving our red if I were as you: CAESAR lest that the people, weapons o'er our If I could pray to Rushing on us, should heads, move, prayers would Et tu, Brute! Then fall, do your age some Let's all cry 'Peace, move me: Caesar. mischief. freedom and liberty!' But I am constant as Dies

65 CASSIUS loved him. Welcome, Mark Our hearts you see not; Stoop, then, and wash. If Brutus will Antony. they are pitiful; How many ages hence vouchsafe that Antony And pity to the general May safely come to wrong of Rome-- Shall this our lofty ANTONY scene be acted over him, and be resolved As fire drives out fire, In states unborn and How Caesar hath O mighty Caesar! dost so pity pity-- accents yet unknown! deserved to lie in thou lie so low? Hath done this deed on death, Are all thy conquests, Caesar. For your part, Mark Antony shall not glories, triumphs, To you our swords BRUTUS love Caesar dead spoils, have leaden points, So well as Brutus Mark Antony: How many times shall Shrunk to this little living; but will follow Our arms, in strength Caesar bleed in sport, measure? Fare thee The fortunes and of malice, and our That now on Pompey's well. affairs of noble Brutus hearts basis lies along I know not, gentlemen, Thorough the hazards Of brothers' temper, do No worthier than the what you intend, of this untrod state receive you in dust! Who else must be let With all true faith. So blood, who else is With all kind love, says my master rank: good thoughts, and CASSIUS Antony. If I myself, there is no reverence. hour so fit So oft as that shall be, As Caesar's death hour, So often shall the knot BRUTUS nor no instrument CASSIUS of us be call'd Thy master is a wise Of half that worth as Your voice shall be as The men that gave and valiant Roman; those your swords, strong as any man's their country liberty. I never thought him made rich In the disposing of new worse. With the most noble dignities. DECIUS BRUTUS Tell him, so please him blood of all this world. come unto this place, I do beseech ye, if you What, shall we forth? He shall be satisfied; bear me hard, BRUTUS CASSIUS and, by my honour, Now, whilst your Only be patient till we Ay, every man away: Depart untouch'd. purpled hands do reek have appeased Brutus shall lead; and and smoke, The multitude, beside Fulfil your pleasure. themselves with fear, we will grace his heels Servant With the most boldest Live a thousand years, And then we will and best hearts of I'll fetch him presently. I shall not find myself deliver you the cause, so apt to die: Rome. Exit Why I, that did love No place will please Caesar when I struck BRUTUS me so, no mean of him, Enter a Servant I know that we shall death, Have thus proceeded. As here by Caesar, and BRUTUS have him well to friend. by you cut off, Soft! who comes here? The choice and master ANTONY A friend of Antony's. CASSIUS spirits of this age. I doubt not of your Servant I wish we may: but yet wisdom. have I a mind Let each man render Thus, Brutus, did my BRUTUS That fears him much; me his bloody hand: master bid me kneel: and my misgiving still O Antony, beg not First, Marcus Brutus, Thus did Mark Antony Falls shrewdly to the your death of us. will I shake with you; bid me fall down; purpose. Though now we must Next, Caius Cassius, And, being prostrate, appear bloody and do I take your hand; thus he bade me say: cruel, Now, Decius Brutus, Brutus is noble, wise, BRUTUS As, by our hands and yours: now yours, valiant, and honest; But here comes this our present act, Metellus; Caesar was mighty, Antony. You see we do, yet see Yours, Cinna; and, my bold, royal, and loving: you but our hands valiant Casca, yours; Say I love Brutus, and Re-enter ANTONY And this the bleeding Though last, not last in I honour him; business they have love, yours, good Say I fear'd Caesar, done: Trebonius. honour'd him and 66 Gentlemen all,--alas, cold modesty. Brutus, a word with Be it so. what shall I say? you. I do desire no more. My credit now stands Aside to BRUTUS on such slippery CASSIUS ground, I blame you not for You know not what BRUTUS That one of two bad praising Caesar so; you do: do not consent Prepare the body then, ways you must conceit But what compact That Antony speak in and follow us. me, his funeral: mean you to have with Exeunt all but Either a coward or a Know you how much us? ANTONY flatterer. Will you be prick'd in the people may be That I did love thee, number of our friends; moved ANTONY By that which he will Caesar, O, 'tis true: Or shall we on, and not O, pardon me, thou utter? If then thy spirit look depend on you? bleeding piece of earth, upon us now, That I am meek and Shall it not grieve thee ANTONY BRUTUS gentle with these dearer than thy death, butchers! To see thy thy Anthony Therefore I took your By your pardon; Thou art the ruins of making his peace, hands, but was, indeed, I will myself into the the noblest man Shaking the bloody Sway'd from the point, pulpit first, That ever lived in the fingers of thy foes, by looking down on And show the reason tide of times. Most noble! in the Caesar. of our Caesar's death: Woe to the hand that presence of thy corse? Friends am I with you What Antony shall shed this costly blood! Had I as many eyes as all and love you all, speak, I will protest Over thy wounds now thou hast wounds, Upon this hope, that He speaks by leave and do I prophesy,-- Weeping as fast as they you shall give me by permission, Which, like dumb stream forth thy blood, reasons And that we are mouths, do ope their It would become me Why and wherein contented Caesar shall ruby lips, better than to close Caesar was dangerous. Have all true rites and To beg the voice and In terms of friendship lawful ceremonies. utterance of my with thine enemies. It shall advantage more BRUTUS tongue-- Pardon me, Julius! than do us wrong. A curse shall light Here wast thou bay'd, Or else were this a upon the limbs of men; brave hart; savage spectacle: CASSIUS Domestic fury and Here didst thou fall; Our reasons are so full fierce civil strife and here thy hunters of good regard I know not what may Shall cumber all the stand, That were you, fall; I like it not. parts of Italy; Sign'd in thy spoil, and Antony, the son of BRUTUS Blood and destruction crimson'd in thy lethe. Caesar, shall be so in use Mark Antony, here, O world, thou wast the You should be And dreadful objects take you Caesar's forest to this hart; satisfied. so familiar body. And this, indeed, O That mothers shall but You shall not in your world, the heart of smile when they ANTONY funeral speech blame thee. behold us, How like a deer, That's all I seek: Their infants quarter'd But speak all good you strucken by many And am moreover with the hands of war; can devise of Caesar, princes, suitor that I may All pity choked with And say you do't by Dost thou here lie! Produce his body to the custom of fell deeds: our permission; market-place; And Caesar's spirit, Else shall you not have And in the pulpit, as ranging for revenge, CASSIUS any hand at all becomes a friend, With Ate by his side About his funeral: and Mark Antony,-- Speak in the order of come hot from hell, you shall speak his funeral. Shall in these confines ANTONY In the same pulpit with a monarch's voice whereto I am going, Pardon me, Caius Cry 'Havoc,' and let BRUTUS After my speech is Cassius: slip the dogs of war; ended. The enemies of Caesar You shall, Mark That this foul deed shall say this; Antony. shall smell above the Then, in a friend, it is CASSIUS ANTONY earth 67 With carrion men, people take BRUTUS that would not be a groaning for burial. The cruel issue of these Be patient till the last. Roman? If bloody men; Romans, countrymen, any, speak; for him According to the have I offended. Who Enter a Servant and lovers! hear me for which, thou shalt my is here so You serve Octavius discourse cause, and be silent, vile that will not love Caesar, do you not? To young Octavius of that you may hear: his country? If any, the state of things. believe me speak; Lend me your hand. for him have I Servant for mine honour, and have respect to mine offended. I pause for a I do, Mark Antony. reply. Exeunt with CAESAR's honour, that ANTONY body you may believe: censure me in your Caesar did write for All Act 3, Scene 2 wisdom, and him to come to Rome. The Forum. awake your senses, that None, Brutus, none. Servant you may the better Enter BRUTUS and BRUTUS judge. He did receive his CASSIUS, and a Then none have I If there be any in this letters, and is coming; throng of Citizens offended. I have done assembly, any dear And bid me say to you no more to Citizens friend of by word of mouth-- Caesar than you shall Caesar's, to him I say, O Caesar!-- We will be satisfied; do to Brutus. The that Brutus' love to let us be satisfied. question of Caesar his death is enrolled in Seeing the body BRUTUS was no less than his. If the Capitol; his glory then that friend ANTONY Then follow me, and not demand give me audience, extenuated, wherein he Thy heart is big, get why Brutus rose friends. was worthy, nor his thee apart and weep. against Caesar, this is Cassius, go you into offences Passion, I see, is my answer: the other street, enforced, for which he catching; for mine --Not that I loved And part the numbers. suffered death. eyes, Those that will hear me Caesar less, but that I Seeing those beads of speak, let 'em stay loved sorrow stand in thine, here; Rome more. Had you Enter ANTONY and Began to water. Is thy Those that will follow rather Caesar were others, with CAESAR's master coming? Cassius, go with him; living and body die all slaves, than that And public reasons Here comes his body, Caesar were dead, to Servant shall be rendered mourned by Mark live Of Caesar's death. Antony: who, He lies to-night within all free men? As though he had no hand seven leagues of Caesar loved me, I in his death, shall Rome. First Citizen weep for him; receive as he was fortunate, I ANTONY I will hear Brutus the benefit of his rejoice at it; as he was speak. dying, a place in the Post back with speed, valiant, I honour him: commonwealth; as and tell him what hath Second Citizen but, as he was which of you shall not? chanced: ambitious, I I will hear Cassius; and With this Here is a mourning slew him. There is compare their reasons, I depart,--that, as I Rome, a dangerous tears for his love; joy When severally we slew my best lover for Rome, for his hear them rendered. the No Rome of safety for fortune; honour for his good of Rome, I have Octavius yet; valour; and death for the same dagger for Hie hence, and tell him Exit CASSIUS, with his myself, so. Yet, stay awhile; some of the Citizens. ambition. Who is here when it shall please my Thou shalt not back till BRUTUS goes into the so base that would be a country to need my I have borne this corse pulpit bondman? If any, death. Into the market-place: Third Citizen speak; for him have I there shall I try offended. The noble Brutus is In my oration, how the Who is here so rude All ascended: silence! 68 Live, Brutus! live, live! Stay, ho! and let us lives after them; What cause withholds First Citizen hear Mark Antony. The good is oft interred you then, to mourn for Third Citizen with their bones; him? Bring him with So let it be with O judgment! thou art triumph home unto his Let him go up into the Caesar. The noble fled to brutish beasts, house. public chair; Brutus And men have lost Second Citizen We'll hear him. Noble Hath told you Caesar their reason. Bear with Antony, go up. was ambitious: me; Give him a statue with If it were so, it was a My heart is in the his ancestors. grievous fault, coffin there with ANTONY Third Citizen And grievously hath Caesar, For Brutus' sake, I am Caesar answer'd it. And I must pause till it Let him be Caesar. beholding to you. Here, under leave of come back to me. Fourth Citizen Goes into the pulpit Brutus and the rest-- For Brutus is an Caesar's better parts Fourth Citizen honourable man; First Citizen Shall be crown'd in So are they all, all Brutus. What does he say of Methinks there is much Brutus? honourable men-- reason in his sayings. Come I to speak in Third Citizen Second Citizen First Citizen Caesar's funeral. He was my friend, If thou consider rightly We'll bring him to his He says, for Brutus' faithful and just to me: of the matter, house sake, But Brutus says he was Caesar has had great With shouts and He finds himself ambitious; wrong. clamours. beholding to us all. And Brutus is an honourable man. Third Citizen BRUTUS Fourth Citizen He hath brought many captives home to Rome Has he, masters? My countrymen,-- 'Twere best he speak no harm of Brutus Whose ransoms did the I fear there will a Second Citizen here. general coffers fill: worse come in his Did this in Caesar place. Peace, silence! Brutus First Citizen seem ambitious? speaks. This Caesar was a When that the poor First Citizen tyrant. have cried, Caesar hath Fourth Citizen wept: Peace, ho! Third Citizen Mark'd ye his words? Ambition should be He would not take the BRUTUS Nay, that's certain: made of sterner stuff: crown; Good countrymen, let We are blest that Rome Yet Brutus says he was Therefore 'tis certain me depart alone, is rid of him. ambitious; he was not ambitious. And, for my sake, stay And Brutus is an here with Antony: honourable man. Second Citizen First Citizen Do grace to Caesar's You all did see that on corpse, and grace his Peace! let us hear what the Lupercal If it be found so, some speech Antony can say. I thrice presented him a will dear abide it. kingly crown, Tending to Caesar's ANTONY Second Citizen glories; which Mark Which he did thrice Antony, You gentle Romans,-- refuse: was this Poor soul! his eyes are By our permission, is Citizens ambition? red as fire with allow'd to make. Yet Brutus says he was weeping. Peace, ho! let us hear I do entreat you, not a ambitious; him. Third Citizen man depart, And, sure, he is an Save I alone, till ANTONY honourable man. There's not a nobler I speak not to disprove man in Rome than Antony have spoke. Friends, Romans, what Brutus spoke, Antony. countrymen, lend me But here I am to speak your ears; Fourth Citizen Exit what I do know. I come to bury Caesar, You all did love him Now mark him, he First Citizen not to praise him. once, not without begins again to speak. The evil that men do cause: 69 ANTONY know how Caesar leave? For Brutus, as you But yesterday the word loved you. know, was Caesar's You are not wood, you angel: of Caesar might Several Citizens Have stood against the are not stones, but Judge, O you gods, world; now lies he men; Come down. how dearly Caesar And, being men, loved him! there. Second Citizen And none so poor to do bearing the will of This was the most Descend. him reverence. Caesar, unkindest cut of all; O masters, if I were It will inflame you, it Third Citizen For when the noble will make you mad: Caesar saw him stab, disposed to stir You shall have leave. Your hearts and minds 'Tis good you know Ingratitude, more to mutiny and rage, not that you are his ANTONY comes down strong than traitors' heirs; arms, I should do Brutus Fourth Citizen wrong, and Cassius For, if you should, O, Quite vanquish'd him: wrong, what would come of it! A ring; stand round. then burst his mighty heart; Who, you all know, are First Citizen honourable men: And, in his mantle Fourth Citizen Stand from the hearse, I will not do them muffling up his face, stand from the body. wrong; I rather choose Read the will; we'll Even at the base of To wrong the dead, to hear it, Antony; Second Citizen Pompey's statua, wrong myself and you, You shall read us the Which all the while ran will, Caesar's will. Room for Antony, blood, great Caesar Than I will wrong such most noble Antony. honourable men. fell. O, what a fall was But here's a parchment ANTONY ANTONY with the seal of Caesar; there, my countrymen! Will you be patient? Nay, press not so upon Then I, and you, and I found it in his closet, me; stand far off. 'tis his will: will you stay awhile? all of us fell down, Let but the commons I have o'ershot myself Several Citizens Whilst bloody treason flourish'd over us. hear this testament-- to tell you of it: Stand back; room; bear O, now you weep; and, Which, pardon me, I I fear I wrong the back. do not mean to read-- honourable men I perceive, you feel ANTONY And they would go and Whose daggers have The dint of pity: these kiss dead Caesar's stabb'd Caesar; I do If you have tears, are gracious drops. wounds fear it. prepare to shed them Kind souls, what, weep And dip their napkins now. you when you but behold in his sacred blood, Fourth Citizen You all do know this Yea, beg a hair of him mantle: I remember Our Caesar's vesture for memory, They were traitors: The first time ever wounded? Look you And, dying, mention it honourable men! Caesar put it on; here, Here is himself, marr'd, within their wills, All 'Twas on a summer's Bequeathing it as a rich evening, in his tent, as you see, with legacy The will! the That day he overcame traitors. Unto their issue. testament! the Nervii: Second Citizen Look, in this place ran First Citizen Cassius' dagger They were villains, Fourth Citizen through: O piteous spectacle! murderers: the will! See what a rent the We'll hear the will: read the will. Second Citizen envious Casca made: read it, Mark Antony. O noble Caesar! ANTONY Through this the well- All You will compel me, beloved Brutus stabb'd; Third Citizen The will, the will! we then, to read the will? And as he pluck'd his O woful day! will hear Caesar's will. Then make a ring cursed steel away, Fourth Citizen ANTONY about the corpse of Mark how the blood of Caesar, Caesar follow'd it, O traitors, villains! Have patience, gentle And let me show you As rushing out of friends, I must not read First Citizen him that made the will. doors, to be resolved it; Shall I descend? and If Brutus so unkindly O most bloody sight! It is not meet you knock'd, or no; will you give me Second Citizen 70 We will be revenged. Show you sweet citizen he gives, Now let it work. All Caesar's wounds, poor To every several man, Mischief, thou art poor dumb mouths, seventy-five drachmas. afoot, Revenge! About! Seek! And bid them speak for Take thou what course Burn! Fire! Kill! Slay! me: but were I Brutus, thou wilt! Let not a traitor live! And Brutus Antony, Second Citizen there were an Antony Most noble Caesar! Would ruffle up your Enter a Servant ANTONY We'll revenge his spirits and put a tongue death. How now, fellow! Stay, countrymen. In every wound of Third Citizen First Citizen Caesar that should move O royal Caesar! Servant Peace there! hear the The stones of Rome to ANTONY Sir, Octavius is already noble Antony. rise and mutiny. come to Rome. Hear me with patience. Second Citizen ANTONY All We'll hear him, we'll All Where is he? follow him, we'll die We'll mutiny. Peace, ho! with him. Servant First Citizen ANTONY ANTONY He and Lepidus are at We'll burn the house of Moreover, he hath left Caesar's house. Good friends, sweet Brutus. you all his walks, friends, let me not stir His private arbours and ANTONY you up Third Citizen new-planted orchards, And thither will I To such a sudden flood Away, then! come, On this side Tiber; he straight to visit him: of mutiny. seek the conspirators. hath left them you, He comes upon a wish. They that have done And to your heirs for Fortune is merry, ANTONY this deed are ever, common And in this mood will honourable: Yet hear me, pleasures, give us any thing. What private griefs countrymen; yet hear To walk abroad, and they have, alas, I know me speak. recreate yourselves. not, Here was a Caesar! Servant All That made them do it: when comes such I heard him say, Brutus they are wise and Peace, ho! Hear another? and Cassius honourable, Antony. Most noble Are rid like madmen And will, no doubt, Antony! First Citizen through the gates of with reasons answer ANTONY Rome. you. Never, never. Come, I come not, friends, to Why, friends, you go away, away! steal away your hearts: to do you know not We'll burn his body in ANTONY what: I am no orator, as the holy place, Belike they had some Wherein hath Caesar Brutus is; And with the brands notice of the people, thus deserved your But, as you know me fire the traitors' houses. How I had moved loves? all, a plain blunt man, Take up the body. them. Bring me to Alas, you know not: I That love my friend; Octavius. and that they know full must tell you then: well You have forgot the Second Citizen That gave me public will I told you of. Go fetch fire. Exeunt leave to speak of him: Third Citizen Act 3, Scene 3 For I have neither wit, All nor words, nor worth, Pluck down benches. A street. Most true. The will! Action, nor utterance, Fourth Citizen Enter CINNA the poet nor the power of Let's stay and hear the speech, will. Pluck down forms, CINNA THE POET windows, any thing. To stir men's blood: I ANTONY I dreamt to-night that I only speak right on; Exeunt Citizens with did feast with Caesar, Here is the will, and I tell you that which the body And things unlucky you yourselves do under Caesar's seal. charge my fantasy: know; To every Roman ANTONY I have no will to 71 wander forth of doors, Directly, I am going to Decius' ANTONY Yet something leads Caesar's funeral. house, and some to This is a slight me forth. First Citizen Casca's; some to unmeritable man, Ligarius': away, go! As a friend or an Meet to be sent on Enter Citizens enemy? errands: is it fit, Exeunt The three-fold world First Citizen CINNA THE POET divided, he should Act 4, Scene 1 What is your name? As a friend. stand One of the three to Second Citizen A house in Rome. Second Citizen share it? Whither are you ANTONY, OCTAVIUS, That matter is and LEPIDUS, seated going? answered directly. at a table OCTAVIUS Third Citizen Fourth Citizen ANTONY So you thought him; Where do you dwell? For your dwelling,-- These many, then, And took his voice Fourth Citizen briefly. shall die; their names who should be prick'd CINNA THE POET are prick'd. to die, Are you a married man In our black sentence or a bachelor? Briefly, I dwell by the OCTAVIUS and proscription. Second Citizen Capitol. Your brother too must die; consent you, Answer every man Third Citizen ANTONY directly. Lepidus? Your name, sir, truly. Octavius, I have seen LEPIDUS First Citizen CINNA THE POET more days than you: I do consent-- And though we lay Ay, and briefly. Truly, my name is these honours on this Cinna. OCTAVIUS Fourth Citizen man, Ay, and wisely. First Citizen Prick him down, To ease ourselves of Antony. divers slanderous Third Citizen Tear him to pieces; he's a conspirator. LEPIDUS loads, Ay, and truly, you He shall but bear them were best. CINNA THE POET Upon condition as the ass bears gold, Publius shall not live, I am Cinna the poet, I To groan and sweat CINNA THE POET Who is your sister's am Cinna the poet. under the business, What is my name? son, Mark Antony. Either led or driven, as Whither am I going? Fourth Citizen we point the way; Where do I Tear him for his bad ANTONY And having brought dwell? Am I a married verses, tear him for his our treasure where we man or a bachelor? bad verses. He shall not live; look, will, Then, to with a spot I damn Then take we down his CINNA THE POET answer every man him. load, and turn him off, directly and briefly, I am not Cinna the But, Lepidus, go you to Like to the empty ass, wisely and conspirator. Caesar's house; to shake his ears, truly: wisely I say, I Fetch the will hither, Fourth Citizen And graze in am a bachelor. and we shall determine commons. It is no matter, his How to cut off some name's Cinna; pluck charge in legacies. Second Citizen but his OCTAVIUS That's as much as to name out of his heart, LEPIDUS You may do your will; say, they are fools that and turn him going. But he's a tried and marry: What, shall I find you valiant soldier. you'll bear me a bang here? Third Citizen for that, I fear. OCTAVIUS Proceed; directly. Tear him, tear him! ANTONY Come, brands ho! fire- Or here, or at the So is my horse, brands: Capitol. CINNA THE POET Octavius; and for that to Brutus', to Cassius'; Exit LEPIDUS I do appoint him store burn all: some to of provender: 72 It is a creature that I PINDARUS meeting Thou hast described Most noble brother, teach to fight, them A hot friend cooling: you have done me To wind, to stop, to run BRUTUS ever note, Lucilius, wrong. directly on, When love begins to BRUTUS His corporal motion Stand, ho! sicken and decay, govern'd by my spirit. LUCILIUS It useth an enforced Judge me, you gods! And, in some taste, is ceremony. wrong I mine enemies? Lepidus but so; Give the word, ho! and There are no tricks in And, if not so, how He must be taught and stand. plain and simple faith; should I wrong a train'd and bid go BRUTUS But hollow men, like brother? forth; horses hot at hand, A barren-spirited What now, Lucilius! is Make gallant show and CASSIUS fellow; one that feeds Cassius near? promise of their mettle; On abjects, orts and LUCILIUS But when they should Brutus, this sober form imitations, endure the bloody spur, of yours hides wrongs; He is at hand; and Which, out of use and They fall their crests, And when you do Pindarus is come staled by other men, and, like deceitful them-- To do you salutation Begin his fashion: do jades, from his master. not talk of him, Sink in the trial. BRUTUS But as a property. And Comes his army on? now, Octavius, BRUTUS Cassius, be content. Listen great things:-- Speak your griefs He greets me well. Brutus and Cassius LUCILIUS softly: I do know you Your master, Pindarus, Are levying powers: They mean this night well. In his own change, or we must straight make in Sardis to be Before the eyes of both by ill officers, head: quarter'd; our armies here, Hath given me some Therefore let our The greater part, the Which should perceive worthy cause to wish alliance be combined, horse in general, nothing but love from Things done, undone: Our best friends made, Are come with us, but, if he be at hand, our means stretch'd Cassius. Let us not wrangle: bid I shall be satisfied. And let us presently go them move away; sit in council, Then in my tent, BRUTUS How covert matters PINDARUS Cassius, enlarge your may be best disclosed, Hark! he is arrived. griefs, And open perils surest I do not doubt And I will give you Low march within answered. But that my noble audience. master will appear March gently on to Such as he is, full of meet him. OCTAVIUS regard and honour. CASSIUS Let us do so: for we are Pindarus, Enter CASSIUS and at the stake, Bid our commanders BRUTUS his powers And bay'd about with lead their charges off many enemies; He is not doubted. A CASSIUS A little from this word, Lucilius; And some that smile Stand, ho! ground. have in their hearts, I How he received you, fear, let me be resolved. BRUTUS BRUTUS Millions of mischiefs. Stand, ho! Speak the LUCILIUS word along. Lucilius, do you the like; and let no man Exeunt With courtesy and with First Soldier Come to our tent till respect enough; Act 4, Scene 2 Stand! we have done our But not with such conference. Camp near Sardis. Before Second Soldier familiar instances, Let Lucius and Titinius BRUTUS's tent. Nor with such free and Stand! guard our door. Drum. Enter BRUTUS, friendly conference, Third Soldier LUCILIUS, LUCIUS, As he hath used of old. and Soldiers; Stand! Exeunt TITINIUS and BRUTUS CASSIUS 73 Act 4, Scene 3 CASSIUS further. I shall be glad to learn Brutus's tent. Chastisement! of noble men. Enter BRUTUS and BRUTUS BRUTUS CASSIUS CASSIUS Remember March, the Away, slight man! CASSIUS ides of March CASSIUS You wrong me every way; you wrong me, That you have wrong'd remember: Did not great Julius Is't possible? Brutus; me doth appear in this: I said, an elder soldier, You have condemn'd bleed for justice' sake? BRUTUS What villain touch'd not a better: and noted Lucius Pella Hear me, for I will his body, that did stab, Did I say 'better'? For taking bribes here speak. And not for justice? of the Sardians; Must I give way and What, shall one of us Wherein my letters, room to your rash BRUTUS That struck the praying on his side, choler? foremost man of all If you did, I care not. Because I knew the Shall I be frighted this world man, were slighted off. when a madman CASSIUS But for supporting stares? robbers, shall we now When Caesar lived, he BRUTUS Contaminate our durst not thus have fingers with base moved me. You wronged yourself CASSIUS bribes, to write in such a case. O ye gods, ye gods! BRUTUS And sell the mighty must I endure all this? Peace, peace! you durst CASSIUS space of our large not so have tempted honours BRUTUS In such a time as this it him. is not meet For so much trash as All this! ay, more: fret That every nice may be grasped thus? till your proud heart CASSIUS offence should bear his I had rather be a dog, break; I durst not! comment. and bay the moon, Go show your slaves BRUTUS Than such a Roman. how choleric you are, And make your No. BRUTUS CASSIUS bondmen tremble. CASSIUS Let me tell you, Must I budge? Cassius, you yourself Brutus, bay not me; Must I observe you? What, durst not tempt Are much condemn'd I'll not endure it: you must I stand and him! forget yourself, to have an itching crouch BRUTUS palm; To hedge me in; I am a Under your testy To sell and mart your soldier, I, humour? By the gods For your life you durst offices for gold Older in practise, abler You shall digest the not! To undeservers. than yourself venom of your spleen, CASSIUS To make conditions. Though it do split you; Do not presume too for, from this day forth, much upon my love; CASSIUS I'll use you for my BRUTUS I may do that I shall be mirth, yea, for my I an itching palm! sorry for. You know that you are Go to; you are not, laughter, Brutus that speak this, Cassius. When you are waspish. Or, by the gods, this CASSIUS BRUTUS speech were else your I am. You have done that last. CASSIUS you should be sorry BRUTUS Is it come to this? for. BRUTUS I say you are not. BRUTUS There is no terror, Cassius, in your The name of Cassius CASSIUS You say you are a better soldier: threats, honours this Urge me no more, I For I am arm'd so corruption, shall forget myself; Let it appear so; make your vaunting true, strong in honesty And chastisement doth Have mind upon your That they pass by me therefore hide his head. health, tempt me no And it shall please me well: for mine own as the idle wind, part, Which I respect not. I 74 did send to you I do not like your O Cassius, you are [Within] Let me go in For certain sums of faults. yoked with a lamb to see the generals; gold, which you denied CASSIUS That carries anger as There is some grudge me: the flint bears fire; between 'em, 'tis not For I can raise no A friendly eye could Who, much enforced, meet money by vile means: never see such faults. shows a hasty spark, They be alone. By heaven, I had rather BRUTUS And straight is cold coin my heart, again. And drop my blood for A flatterer's would not, LUCILIUS drachmas, than to though they do appear [Within] You shall not wring As huge as high CASSIUS come to them. From the hard hands of Olympus. Hath Cassius lived Poet peasants their vile trash To be but mirth and By any indirection: I CASSIUS laughter to his Brutus, [Within] Nothing but did send When grief, and blood death shall stay me. To you for gold to pay Come, Antony, and ill-temper'd, vexeth young Octavius, come, Enter Poet, followed my legions, him? by LUCILIUS, Which you denied me: Revenge yourselves alone on Cassius, TITINIUS, and was that done like LUCIUS Cassius? For Cassius is aweary BRUTUS Should I have answer'd of the world; When I spoke that, I CASSIUS Caius Cassius so? Hated by one he loves; was ill-temper'd too. How now! what's the When Marcus Brutus braved by his brother; CASSIUS matter? grows so covetous, Cheque'd like a To lock such rascal bondman; all his faults Do you confess so Poet counters from his observed, much? Give me your For shame, you friends, Set in a note-book, hand. generals! what do you learn'd, and conn'd by Be ready, gods, with BRUTUS mean? all your thunderbolts; rote, Love, and be friends, Dash him to pieces! To cast into my teeth. And my heart too. as two such men O, I could weep CASSIUS should be; My spirit from mine For I have seen more CASSIUS eyes! There is my O Brutus! years, I'm sure, than I denied you not. dagger, BRUTUS ye. And here my naked BRUTUS breast; within, a heart What's the matter? You did. Dearer than Plutus' CASSIUS CASSIUS mine, richer than gold: CASSIUS Have not you love Ha, ha! how vilely If that thou be'st a doth this cynic rhyme! I did not: he was but a Roman, take it forth; enough to bear with fool that brought I, that denied thee gold, me, BRUTUS My answer back. will give my heart: When that rash humour which my mother gave Get you hence, sirrah; Brutus hath rived my Strike, as thou didst at saucy fellow, hence! heart: Caesar; for, I know, me A friend should bear When thou didst hate Makes me forgetful? CASSIUS his friend's infirmities, him worst, thou lovedst Bear with him, Brutus; But Brutus makes mine him better BRUTUS 'tis his fashion. greater than they are. Than ever thou lovedst BRUTUS Cassius. Yes, Cassius; and, from henceforth, I'll know his humour, BRUTUS When you are over- when he knows his I do not, till you BRUTUS earnest with your time: practise them on me. Sheathe your dagger: Brutus, What should the wars He'll think your mother do with these jigging CASSIUS Be angry when you will, it shall have chides, and leave you fools? You love me not. scope; so. Companion, hence! BRUTUS Do what you will, dishonour shall be Poet CASSIUS humour. 75 Away, away, be gone. BRUTUS CASSIUS BRUTUS Exit Poet Impatient of my Portia, art thou gone? Nothing, Messala. BRUTUS absence, BRUTUS MESSALA And grief that young Lucilius and Titinius, Octavius with Mark No more, I pray you. That, methinks, is bid the commanders Antony Messala, I have here strange. Prepare to lodge their Have made themselves received letters, BRUTUS companies to-night. so strong:--for with her That young Octavius death and Mark Antony Why ask you? hear you That tidings came;-- Come down upon us aught of her in yours? CASSIUS with this she fell with a mighty power, MESSALA And come yourselves, distract, Bending their and bring Messala with And, her attendants expedition toward No, my lord. you absent, swallow'd fire. Philippi. BRUTUS Immediately to us. Now, as you are a CASSIUS MESSALA Roman, tell me true. Exeunt LUCILIUS and And died so? Myself have letters of MESSALA TITINIUS the selfsame tenor. BRUTUS Then like a Roman BRUTUS BRUTUS bear the truth I tell: Even so. For certain she is dead, Lucius, a bowl of With what addition? wine! CASSIUS and by strange manner. MESSALA Exit LUCIUS O ye immortal gods! That by proscription BRUTUS CASSIUS Re-enter LUCIUS, and bills of outlawry, with wine and taper I did not think you Octavius, Antony, and Why, farewell, Portia. could have been so BRUTUS Lepidus, We must die, Messala: With meditating that angry. Speak no more of her. Have put to death an hundred senators. she must die once, BRUTUS Give me a bowl of I have the patience to wine. O Cassius, I am sick of endure it now. In this I bury all many griefs. BRUTUS unkindness, Cassius. CASSIUS Therein our letters do MESSALA not well agree; Of your philosophy CASSIUS Mine speak of seventy Even so great men you make no use, great losses should My heart is thirsty for senators that died If you give place to By their proscriptions, endure. accidental evils. that noble pledge. Fill, Lucius, till the Cicero being one. CASSIUS wine o'erswell the cup; I have as much of this BRUTUS I cannot drink too CASSIUS in art as you, much of Brutus' love. But yet my nature No man bears sorrow Cicero one! better. Portia is dead. could not bear it so. MESSALA CASSIUS BRUTUS Cicero is dead, BRUTUS Ha! Portia! Come in, Titinius! And by that order of BRUTUS Exit LUCIUS proscription. Well, to our work Had you your letters alive. What do you She is dead. Re-enter TITINIUS, think with MESSALA from your wife, my CASSIUS lord? Of marching to Welcome, good Philippi presently? How 'scaped I killing Messala. when I cross'd you so? Now sit we close about BRUTUS O insupportable and CASSIUS this taper here, No, Messala. touching loss! And call in question I do not think it good. Upon what sickness? MESSALA our necessities. BRUTUS Nor nothing in your letters writ of her? Your reason? 76 CASSIUS fortune; division 'tween our I pray you, sirs, lie in This it is: Omitted, all the voyage souls! my tent and sleep; 'Tis better that the of their life Let it not, Brutus. It may be I shall raise enemy seek us: Is bound in shallows you by and by and in miseries. On business to my So shall he waste his BRUTUS means, weary his On such a full sea are brother Cassius. soldiers, we now afloat; Every thing is well. And we must take the Doing himself offence; CASSIUS VARRO whilst we, lying still, current when it serves, Good night, my lord. Are full of rest, Or lose our ventures. So please you, we will defense, and BRUTUS stand and watch your pleasure. nimbleness. CASSIUS Good night, good BRUTUS Then, with your will, brother. BRUTUS go on; TITINIUS I will not have it so: lie We'll along ourselves, down, good sirs; Good reasons must, of | It may be I shall force, give place to and meet them at Philippi. | Good night, Lord otherwise bethink me. better. Brutus. Look, Lucius, here's The people 'twixt MESSALA the book I sought for Philippi and this BRUTUS so; ground | I put it in the pocket of Do stand but in a The deep of night is BRUTUS my gown. forced affection; crept upon our talk, For they have grudged And nature must obey Farewell, every one. us contribution: necessity; VARRO and Which we will niggard Exeunt all but The enemy, marching BRUTUS CLAUDIUS lie down along by them, with a little rest. LUCIUS By them shall make a There is no more to Re-enter LUCIUS, fuller number up, say? with the gown I was sure your Come on refresh'd, Give me the gown. lordship did not give it new-added, and CASSIUS Where is thy me. encouraged; instrument? BRUTUS From which advantage No more. Good night: shall we cut him off, Early to-morrow will Bear with me, good If at Philippi we do we rise, and hence. LUCIUS boy, I am much forgetful. face him there, Here in the tent. Canst thou hold up thy These people at our BRUTUS back. BRUTUS heavy eyes awhile, Lucius! What, thou speak'st And touch thy Enter LUCIUS drowsily? instrument a strain or CASSIUS Poor knave, I blame two? My gown. Hear me, good brother. thee not; thou art o'er- BRUTUS watch'd. LUCIUS Exit LUCIUS Call Claudius and Under your pardon. some other of my men: Ay, my lord, an't Farewell, good You must note beside, I'll have them sleep on please you. Messala: That we have tried the cushions in my tent. BRUTUS utmost of our friends, Good night, Titinius. Our legions are brim- Noble, noble Cassius, It does, my boy: full, our cause is ripe: Good night, and good LUCIUS I trouble thee too repose. much, but thou art The enemy increaseth Varro and Claudius! every day; willing. We, at the height, are Enter VARRO and CASSIUS CLAUDIUS ready to decline. LUCIUS There is a tide in the O my dear brother! VARRO affairs of men, This was an ill It is my duty, sir. beginning of the night: Calls my lord? Which, taken at the BRUTUS flood, leads on to Never come such BRUTUS 77 I should not urge thy art. LUCIUS Enter OCTAVIUS, duty past thy might; Nothing, my lord. ANTONY, and their I know young bloods army GHOST BRUTUS look for a time of rest. OCTAVIUS Thy evil spirit, Brutus. Sleep again, Lucius. Sirrah Claudius! Now, Antony, our LUCIUS BRUTUS hopes are answered: I have slept, my lord, Why comest thou? To VARRO You said the enemy would not come down, already. GHOST Fellow thou, awake! But keep the hills and BRUTUS To tell thee thou shalt upper regions; It was well done; and see me at Philippi. VARRO It proves not so: their thou shalt sleep again; BRUTUS My lord? battles are at hand; I will not hold thee They mean to warn us long: if I do live, Well; then I shall see CLAUDIUS at Philippi here, I will be good to thee. thee again? My lord? Answering before we do demand of them. GHOST BRUTUS Music, and a song Ay, at Philippi. Why did you so cry ANTONY This is a sleepy tune. O BRUTUS out, sirs, in your sleep? Tut, I am in their murderous slumber, Why, I will see thee at VARRO bosoms, and I know Lay'st thou thy leaden Philippi, then. mace upon my boy, | Wherefore they do it: That plays thee music? Exit Ghost | Did we, my lord? they could be content Gentle knave, good Now I have taken heart CLAUDIUS To visit other places; night; and come down thou vanishest: | I will not do thee so Ill spirit, I would hold With fearful bravery, much wrong to wake more talk with thee. BRUTUS thinking by this face thee: Boy, Lucius! Varro! To fasten in our If thou dost nod, thou Ay: saw you any thoughts that they have Claudius! Sirs, awake! thing? break'st thy instrument; Claudius! courage; I'll take it from thee; VARRO But 'tis not so. and, good boy, good No, my lord, I saw night. LUCIUS nothing. Enter a Messenger Let me see, let me see; The strings, my lord, CLAUDIUS is not the leaf turn'd are false. Messenger down Nor I, my lord. Prepare you, generals: Where I left reading? BRUTUS BRUTUS The enemy comes on Here it is, I think. He thinks he still is at in gallant show; his instrument. Go and commend me Their bloody sign of to my brother Cassius; Enter the Ghost of Lucius, awake! battle is hung out, Bid him set on his CAESAR And something to be powers betimes before, done immediately. How ill this taper LUCIUS And we will follow. burns! Ha! who comes My lord? here? ANTONY I think it is the BRUTUS VARRO Octavius, lead your weakness of mine eyes Didst thou dream, battle softly on, That shapes this Lucius, that thou so | Upon the left hand of monstrous apparition. criedst out? | It shall be done, my the even field. It comes upon me. Art LUCIUS lord. thou any thing? CLAUDIUS Art thou some god, My lord, I do not know OCTAVIUS some angel, or some that I did cry. | Upon the right hand I; devil, BRUTUS Exeunt keep thou the left. That makest my blood cold and my hair to Yes, that thou didst: Act 5, Scene 1 ANTONY didst thou see any stare? The plains of Philippi. Speak to me what thou thing? 78 Why do you cross me CASSIUS I draw a sword against CASSIUS in this exigent? Antony, conspirators; Why, now, blow wind, OCTAVIUS The posture of your When think you that swell billow and swim blows are yet the sword goes up bark! I do not cross you; but again? I will do so. unknown; The storm is up, and all But for your words, Never, till Caesar's is on the hazard. March they rob the Hybla three and thirty wounds Drum. Enter BRUTUS, bees, And leave them Be well avenged; or till BRUTUS CASSIUS, and their another Caesar honeyless. Ho, Lucilius! hark, a Army; LUCILIUS, Have added slaughter word with you. TITINIUS, MESSALA, to the sword of traitors. and others ANTONY LUCILIUS [Standing forth] BRUTUS Not stingless too. BRUTUS My lord? They stand, and would BRUTUS Caesar, thou canst not BRUTUS and have parley. die by traitors' hands, LUCILIUS converse O, yes, and soundless apart CASSIUS too; Unless thou bring'st Stand fast, Titinius: we For you have stol'n them with thee. CASSIUS must out and talk. their buzzing, Antony, Messala! And very wisely threat OCTAVIUS OCTAVIUS before you sting. MESSALA Mark Antony, shall we So I hope; [Standing forth] What give sign of battle? I was not born to die says my general? ANTONY on Brutus' sword. ANTONY CASSIUS Villains, you did not No, Caesar, we will so, when your vile BRUTUS Messala, answer on their charge. daggers This is my birth-day; Make forth; the Hack'd one another in O, if thou wert the as this very day generals would have the sides of Caesar: noblest of thy strain, Was Cassius born. some words. You show'd your teeth Young man, thou Give me thy hand, like apes, and fawn'd couldst not die more Messala: honourable. OCTAVIUS like hounds, Be thou my witness And bow'd like that against my will, Stir not until the signal. bondmen, kissing CASSIUS As Pompey was, am I BRUTUS Caesar's feet; compell'd to set Whilst damned Casca, A peevish schoolboy, Upon one battle all our Words before blows: is like a cur, behind worthless of such liberties. it so, countrymen? Struck Caesar on the honour, You know that I held OCTAVIUS neck. O you flatterers! Join'd with a masker Epicurus strong and a reveller! And his opinion: now I Not that we love words change my mind, better, as you do. CASSIUS And partly credit ANTONY BRUTUS Flatterers! Now, things that do presage. Old Cassius still! Coming from Sardis, Good words are better Brutus, thank yourself: on our former ensign than bad strokes, This tongue had not OCTAVIUS Two mighty eagles Octavius. offended so to-day, If Cassius might have Come, Antony, away! fell, and there they ANTONY ruled. Defiance, traitors, hurl perch'd, we in your teeth: In your bad strokes, Gorging and feeding If you dare fight to- Brutus, you give good from our soldiers' OCTAVIUS day, come to the field; words: hands; If not, when you have Witness the hole you Come, come, the Who to Philippi here stomachs. made in Caesar's heart, cause: if arguing make consorted us: Crying 'Long live! hail, us sweat, This morning are they Caesar!' The proof of it will Exeunt OCTAVIUS, fled away and gone; turn to redder drops. ANTONY, and their And in their steads do Look; army ravens, crows and 79 kites, patience Exeunt PINDARUS Fly o'er our heads and To stay the providence Act 5, Scene 2 Fly further off, my downward look on us, of some high powers lord, fly further off; As we were sickly That govern us below. The same. The field of battle. Mark Antony is in your prey: their shadows tents, my lord seem CASSIUS Alarum. Enter Fly, therefore, noble A canopy most fatal, BRUTUS and Cassius, fly far off. under which Then, if we lose this MESSALA Our army lies, ready to battle, give up the ghost. You are contented to BRUTUS CASSIUS be led in triumph Ride, ride, Messala, This hill is far enough. Thorough the streets of ride, and give these MESSALA Look, look, Titinius; Rome? bills Are those my tents Believe not so. Unto the legions on the where I perceive the other side. CASSIUS BRUTUS fire? I but believe it partly; No, Cassius, no: think For I am fresh of spirit not, thou noble Roman, Loud alarum TITINIUS and resolved That ever Brutus will Let them set on at They are, my lord. To meet all perils very go bound to Rome; once; for I perceive constantly. He bears too great a But cold demeanor in CASSIUS mind. But this same Octavius' wing, Titinius, if thou lovest BRUTUS day And sudden push gives me, Must end that work the them the overthrow. Mount thou my horse, Even so, Lucilius. ides of March begun; Ride, ride, Messala: let and hide thy spurs in CASSIUS And whether we shall them all come down. him, meet again I know not. Till he have brought Now, most noble Therefore our Brutus, Exeunt thee up to yonder everlasting farewell troops, The gods to-day stand take: Act 5, Scene 3 friendly, that we may, And here again; that I For ever, and for ever, may rest assured Lovers in peace, lead farewell, Cassius! Another part of the field. on our days to age! Whether yond troops If we do meet again, Alarums. Enter are friend or enemy. But since the affairs of why, we shall smile; CASSIUS and men rest still incertain, If not, why then, this TITINIUS Let's reason with the parting was well made. TITINIUS worst that may befall. CASSIUS I will be here again, If we do lose this O, look, Titinius, look, even with a thought. battle, then is this CASSIUS the villains fly! The very last time we For ever, and for ever, Myself have to mine Exit shall speak together: farewell, Brutus! own turn'd enemy: CASSIUS What are you then If we do meet again, This ensign here of determined to do? we'll smile indeed; mine was turning back; Go, Pindarus, get If not, 'tis true this I slew the coward, and higher on that hill; parting was well made. did take it from him. My sight was ever BRUTUS thick; regard Titinius, Even by the rule of that And tell me what thou philosophy BRUTUS TITINIUS notest about the field. By which I did blame Why, then, lead on. O, O Cassius, Brutus gave Cato for the death that a man might know the word too early; PINDARUS ascends Which he did give The end of this day's Who, having some the hill himself, I know not business ere it come! advantage on Octavius, how, But it sufficeth that the Took it too eagerly: his This day I breathed But I do find it day will end, soldiers fell to spoil, first: time is come cowardly and vile, And then the end is Whilst we by Antony round, For fear of what might known. Come, ho! are all enclosed. And where I did begin, fall, so to prevent away! there shall I end; The time of life: My life is run his arming myself with Enter PINDARUS compass. Sirrah, what 80 news? Guide thou the sword. Is not that he? Pindarus the while. TITINIUS PINDARUS PINDARUS stabs him No, this was he, Exit MESSALA [Above] O my lord! Caesar, thou art Messala, Why didst thou send But Cassius is no CASSIUS revenged, me forth, brave Even with the sword more. O setting sun, Cassius? What news? that kill'd thee. As in thy red rays thou Did I not meet thy dost sink to-night, PINDARUS friends? and did not So in his red blood they [Above] Titinius is Dies Cassius' day is set; Put on my brows this enclosed round about PINDARUS The sun of Rome is wreath of victory, With horsemen, that set! Our day is gone; And bid me give it So, I am free; yet make to him on the Clouds, dews, and thee? Didst thou not would not so have spur; dangers come; our hear their shouts? been, Yet he spurs on. Now deeds are done! Alas, thou hast Durst I have done my they are almost on him. Mistrust of my success misconstrued every will. O Cassius, Now, Titinius! Now hath done this deed. thing! Far from this country some light. O, he lights But, hold thee, take Pindarus shall run, too. this garland on thy Where never Roman MESSALA He's ta'en. brow; shall take note of him. Mistrust of good Thy Brutus bid me success hath done this Shout give it thee, and I Exit deed. Will do his bidding. And, hark! they shout O hateful error, Brutus, come apace, Re-enter TITINIUS for joy. melancholy's child, And see how I with MESSALA Why dost thou show to regarded Caius the apt thoughts of men CASSIUS MESSALA Cassius. The things that are not? It is but change, By your leave, gods:-- Come down, behold no O error, soon Titinius; for Octavius this is a Roman's part more. conceived, Is overthrown by noble Come, Cassius' sword, O, coward that I am, to Thou never comest Brutus' power, and find Titinius' heart. live so long, unto a happy birth, As Cassius' legions are To see my best friend But kill'st the mother by Antony. ta'en before my face! that engender'd thee! Kills himself Alarum. Re-enter TITINIUS PINDARUS descends TITINIUS MESSALA, with These tidings will well BRUTUS, CATO, Come hither, sirrah: What, Pindarus! where comfort Cassius. STRATO, In Parthia did I take art thou, Pindarus? VOLUMNIUS, and thee prisoner; MESSALA MESSALA LUCILIUS And then I swore thee, Where did you leave Seek him, Titinius, BRUTUS saving of thy life, him? That whatsoever I did whilst I go to meet Where, where, bid thee do, TITINIUS The noble Brutus, Messala, doth his body Thou shouldst attempt All disconsolate, thrusting this report lie? it. Come now, keep Into his ears; I may With Pindarus his MESSALA thine oath; bondman, on this hill. say, thrusting it; Now be a freeman: and For piercing steel and Lo, yonder, and with this good sword, darts envenomed Titinius mourning it. That ran through MESSALA Shall be as welcome to BRUTUS the ears of Brutus Caesar's bowels, search Is not that he that lies As tidings of this sight. Titinius' face is this bosom. upon the ground? Stand not to answer: upward. here, take thou the TITINIUS TITINIUS CATO hilts; He lies not like the He is slain. And, when my face is living. O my heart! Hie you, Messala, cover'd, as 'tis now, And I will seek for BRUTUS MESSALA 81 O Julius Caesar, thou CATO, LUCILIUS, Room, ho! Tell BRUTUS art mighty yet! and others Antony, Brutus is ta'en. Come, poor remains of Thy spirit walks BRUTUS First Soldier friends, rest on this abroad and turns our rock. swords Yet, countrymen, O, I'll tell the news. Here In our own proper yet hold up your heads! comes the general. CLITUS entrails. CATO Enter ANTONY Statilius show'd the What bastard doth not? Brutus is ta'en, Brutus torch-light, but, my Low alarums Who will go with me? is ta'en, my lord. lord, He came not back: he CATO I will proclaim my name about the field: is or ta'en or slain. Brave Titinius! I am the son of Marcus ANTONY Look, whether he have Cato, ho! Where is he? BRUTUS not crown'd dead A foe to tyrants, and LUCILIUS Cassius! my country's friend; Sit thee down, Clitus: I am the son of Marcus Safe, Antony; Brutus is slaying is the word; safe enough: It is a deed in fashion. BRUTUS Cato, ho! I dare assure thee that Hark thee, Clitus. Are yet two Romans no enemy BRUTUS living such as these? Shall ever take alive Whispers The last of all the And I am Brutus, the noble Brutus: Romans, fare thee Marcus Brutus, I; The gods defend him CLITUS well! Brutus, my country's from so great a shame! What, I, my lord? No, It is impossible that friend; know me for When you do find him, not for all the world. ever Rome Brutus! or alive or dead, Should breed thy He will be found like BRUTUS fellow. Friends, I owe Brutus, like himself. Peace then! no words. more tears Exit CLITUS To this dead man than LUCILIUS you shall see me pay. I'll rather kill myself. I shall find time, O young and noble ANTONY BRUTUS Cassius, I shall find Cato, art thou down? time. Why, now thou diest as This is not Brutus, Hark thee, Dardanius. bravely as Titinius; friend; but, I assure Come, therefore, and Whispers to Thasos send his And mayst be you, body: honour'd, being Cato's A prize no less in DARDANIUS son. worth: keep this man His funerals shall not Shall I do such a deed? be in our camp, safe; Lest it discomfort us. Give him all kindness: CLITUS First Soldier I had rather have Lucilius, come; O Dardanius! And come, young Yield, or thou diest. Such men my friends than enemies. Go on, DARDANIUS Cato; let us to the field. LUCILIUS Labeo and Flavius, set And see whether O Clitus! Only I yield to die: Brutus be alive or our battles on: CLITUS 'Tis three o'clock; and, There is so much that dead; Romans, yet ere night thou wilt kill me And bring us word What ill request did We shall try fortune in straight; unto Octavius' tent Brutus make to thee? a second fight. How every thing is chanced. DARDANIUS Offering money To kill him, Clitus. Exeunt Kill Brutus, and be Look, he meditates. Exeunt Act 5, Scene 4 honour'd in his death. CLITUS Act 5, Scene 5 Another part of the field. Now is that noble First Soldier Another part of the field. Alarum. Enter fighting, vessel full of grief, Soldiers of both We must not. A noble Enter BRUTUS, That it runs over even armies; then BRUTUS, prisoner! DARDANIUS, at his eyes. CLITUS, STRATO, Second Soldier and VOLUMNIUS 82 BRUTUS VOLUMNIUS Volumnius, BRUTUS Come hither, good Not so, my lord. Thou know'st that we Farewell to you; and you; Volumnius; list a word. two went to school and you, Volumnius. BRUTUS together: Strato, thou hast been all VOLUMNIUS Nay, I am sure it is, Even for that our love this while asleep; What says my lord? Volumnius. of old, I prithee, Farewell to thee too, Strato. Hold thou my sword- Countrymen, BRUTUS Thou seest the world, Volumnius, how it hilts, whilst I run on it. My heart doth joy that yet Why, this, Volumnius: goes; in all my life The ghost of Caesar I found no man but he was Our enemies have beat VOLUMNIUS hath appear'd to me us to the pit: true to me. Two several times by That's not an office for I shall have glory by this night; at Sardis once, a friend, my lord. losing day Low alarums More than Octavius and And, this last night, Alarum still here in Philippi fields: It is more worthy to Mark Antony I know my hour is leap in ourselves, CLITUS By this vile conquest shall come. Than tarry till they Fly, fly, my lord; there attain unto. push us. Good is no tarrying here. So fare you well at once; for Brutus' tongue My master's man. Strato, where is thy master? Hath almost ended his life's history: STRATO Night hangs upon mine eyes; my bones would rest, That have but labour'd to attain this hour. Free from the bondage you are in, Messala: The conquerors can but make a fire of him; For Brutus only overcame himself, Alarum. Cry within, 'Fly, fly, fly!' And no man else hath honour by his death. CLITUS Fly, my lord, fly. LUCILIUS BRUTUS So Brutus should be found. I thank thee, Brutus, Hence! I will follow. That thou hast proved Lucilius' saying true. Exeunt CLITUS, DARDANIUS, and VOLUMNIUS OCTAVIUS I prithee, Strato, stay thou by thy lord: Thou art a fellow of a good respect; All that served Brutus, I will entertain them. Thy life hath had some smatch of honour in it: Fellow, wilt thou bestow thy time with me? Hold then my sword, and turn away thy face, While I do run upon it. Wilt thou, Strato? STRATO Ay, if Messala will prefer me to you. STRATO OCTAVIUS Give me your hand first. Fare you well, my lord. Do so, good Messala. BRUTUS MESSALA Farewell, good Strato. How died my master, Strato? Runs on his sword STRATO Caesar, now be still: I kill'd not thee with half so good a will. I held the sword, and he did run on it.

Dies MESSALA Alarum. Retreat. Enter OCTAVIUS, ANTONY, Octavius, then take him to follow thee, MESSALA, LUCILIUS, and the army That did the latest service to my master. OCTAVIUS What man is that? ANTONY MESSALA This was the noblest Roman of them all: All the conspirators save only he 83 Did that they did in envy of great Caesar; Within my tent his bones to-night shall lie, He only, in a general honest thought Most like a soldier, order'd honourably. And common good to all, made one of them. So call the field to rest; and let's away, His life was gentle, and the elements To part the glories of this happy day. So mix'd in him that Nature might stand up And say to all the world 'This was a man!' Exeunt

OCTAVIUS According to his virtue let us use him, With all respect and rites of burial.


0* Act 1 1* Scene 1. The king of Navarre's park. 2* Scene 2. The same. 3* Act 2 4* Scene 1. The same. 5* Act 3 6* Scene 1. The same. 7* Act 4 8* Scene 1. The same. 9* Scene 2. The same. 10* Scene 3. The same. 11* Act 5 12* Scene 1. The same. 13* Scene 2. The same. Act 1, Scene 1 That his own hand may And then, to sleep but BIRON The king of Navarre's park. strike his honour down three hours in the Come on, then; I will That violates the night, Enter FERDINAND swear to study so, smallest branch herein: And not be seen to To know the thing I am king of Navarre, If you are arm'd to do wink of all the day-- BIRON, forbid to know: as sworn to do, When I was wont to As thus,--to study LONGAVILLE and Subscribe to your deep think no harm all night DUMAIN where I well may dine, oaths, and keep it too. And make a dark night When I to feast FERDINAND too of half the day-- expressly am forbid; Which I hope well is Let fame, that all hunt LONGAVILLE Or study where to meet not enrolled there: some mistress fine, after in their lives, I am resolved; 'tis but a O, these are barren Live register'd upon When mistresses from three years' fast: tasks, too hard to keep, common sense are hid; our brazen tombs The mind shall Not to see ladies, And then grace us in Or, having sworn too banquet, though the study, fast, not sleep! hard a keeping oath, the disgrace of death; body pine: When, spite of Study to break it and Fat paunches have lean not break my troth. cormorant devouring pates, and dainty bits FERDINAND Time, If study's gain be thus Make rich the ribs, but Your oath is pass'd to and this be so, The endeavor of this bankrupt quite the wits. pass away from these. present breath may buy Study knows that That honour which BIRON which yet it doth not know: shall bate his scythe's DUMAIN Let me say no, my Swear me to this, and I keen edge liege, an if you please: My loving lord, will ne'er say no. And make us heirs of Dumain is mortified: I only swore to study all eternity. The grosser manner of with your grace Therefore, brave these world's delights And stay here in your FERDINAND conquerors,--for so you He throws upon the court for three years' are, space. These be the stops that gross world's baser hinder study quite That war against your slaves: own affections And train our intellects To love, to wealth, to LONGAVILLE to vain delight. And the huge army of pomp, I pine and die; the world's desires,-- With all these living in You swore to that, Our late edict shall philosophy. Biron, and to the rest. BIRON strongly stand in force: Navarre shall be the BIRON Why, all delights are wonder of the world; BIRON By yea and nay, sir, vain; but that most Our court shall be a vain, I can but say their then I swore in jest. little Academe, Which with pain protestation over; What is the end of Still and contemplative purchased doth inherit So much, dear liege, I study? let me know. in living art. pain: have already sworn, You three, Biron, As, painfully to pore That is, to live and Dumain, and FERDINAND upon a book study here three years. Longaville, To seek the light of But there are other Why, that to know, Have sworn for three truth; while truth the strict observances; which else we should years' term to live with while As, not to see a woman not know. me Doth falsely blind the in that term, My fellow-scholars, BIRON eyesight of his look: Which I hope well is and to keep those Light seeking light not enrolled there; Things hid and barr'd, statutes doth light of light And one day in a week you mean, from That are recorded in beguile: to touch no food common sense? this schedule here: So, ere you find where And but one meal on FERDINAND Your oaths are pass'd; light in darkness lies, every day beside, and now subscribe Ay, that is study's Your light grows dark The which I hope is your names, godlike recompense. by losing of your eyes. not enrolled there; Study me how to Fit in his place and Give me the paper; let yourself must break; please the eye indeed time. me read the same; For well you know By fixing it upon a DUMAIN And to the strict'st here comes in embassy fairer eye, decrees I'll write my The French king's Who dazzling so, that In reason nothing. name. daughter with yourself eye shall be his heed BIRON to speak-- And give him light that A maid of grace and it was blinded by. Something then in FERDINAND complete majesty-- Study is like the rhyme. How well this yielding About surrender up of heaven's glorious sun FERDINAND rescues thee from Aquitaine That will not be deep- shame! To her decrepit, sick search'd with saucy Biron is like an and bedrid father: BIRON looks: envious sneaping frost, Therefore this article is Small have continual That bites the first- [Reads] 'Item, That no made in vain, plodders ever won born infants of the woman shall come Or vainly comes the Save base authority spring. within a admired princess from others' books mile of my court:' Hath hither. These earthly BIRON this been proclaimed? godfathers of heaven's lights Well, say I am; why FERDINAND LONGAVILLE That give a name to should proud summer What say you, lords? every fixed star boast Four days ago. Why, this was quite Before the birds have Have no more profit of BIRON forgot. their shining nights any cause to sing? BIRON Than those that walk Why should I joy in Let's see the penalty. any abortive birth? and wot not what they Reads So study evermore is are. At Christmas I no more overshot: Too much to know is desire a rose 'On pain of losing her While it doth study to to know nought but Than wish a snow in tongue.' Who devised have what it would fame; May's new-fangled this penalty? It doth forget to do the And every godfather mirth; thing it should, But like of each thing can give a name. LONGAVILLE And when it hath the that in season grows. thing it hunteth most, So you, to study now it Marry, that did I. 'Tis won as towns with FERDINAND is too late, BIRON fire, so won, so lost. How well he's read, to Climb o'er the house to reason against reading! unlock the little gate. Sweet lord, and why? FERDINAND DUMAIN LONGAVILLE We must of force FERDINAND To fright them hence Proceeded well, to stop dispense with this with that dread penalty. all good proceeding! Well, sit you out: go decree; home, Biron: adieu. LONGAVILLE BIRON She must lie here on BIRON mere necessity. He weeds the corn and A dangerous law still lets grow the No, my good lord; I against gentility! weeding. have sworn to stay Reads BIRON with you: Necessity will make us BIRON And though I have for 'Item, If any man be all forsworn barbarism spoke more seen to talk with a The spring is near Three thousand times Than for that angel woman when green geese are within this three years' knowledge you can within the term of three a-breeding. space; say, years, he shall endure DUMAIN For every man with his Yet confident I'll keep such affects is born, How follows that? what I have swore public shame as the Not by might master'd And bide the penance rest of the court can BIRON but by special grace: of each three years' possibly devise.' If I break faith, this day. This article, my liege, word shall speak for And I will use him for A letter from the for the manner,--it is me; my minstrelsy. magnificent Armado. the I am forsworn on 'mere BIRON manner of a man to necessity.' speak to a woman: for So to the laws at large I BIRON How low soever the the form,-- write my name: Armado is a most matter, I hope in God in some form. illustrious wight, for high words. A man of fire-new LONGAVILLE Subscribes words, fashion's own BIRON And he that breaks knight. A high hope for a low For the following, sir? heaven: God grant us them in the least COSTARD degree patience! LONGAVILLE Stands in attainder of BIRON As it shall follow in eternal shame: Costard the swain and my correction: and To hear? or forbear Suggestions are to he shall be our sport; God defend laughing? other as to me; And so to study, three the right! But I believe, although years is but short. LONGAVILLE I seem so loath, To hear meekly, sir, FERDINAND I am the last that will and to laugh Enter DULL with a Will you hear this last keep his oath. moderately; or to letter, and COSTARD letter with attention? But is there no quick forbear both. recreation granted? DULL BIRON Which is the duke's BIRON As we would hear an FERDINAND own person? oracle. Well, sir, be it as the BIRON Ay, that there is. Our style shall give us COSTARD court, you know, is This, fellow: what cause to Such is the simplicity haunted wouldst? climb in the merriness. With a refined traveller of man to hearken after of Spain; DULL the flesh. A man in all the I myself reprehend his COSTARD FERDINAND world's new fashion own person, for I am The matter is to me, [Reads] 'Great deputy, planted, his sir, as concerning the welkin's vicegerent That hath a mint of grace's tharborough: Jaquenetta. and phrases in his brain; but I would see his The manner of it is, I sole dominator of One whom the music own person was taken with the Navarre, my soul's of his own vain tongue in flesh and blood. manner. earth's god, Doth ravish like and body's fostering enchanting harmony; patron.' A man of BIRON BIRON complements, whom This is he. In what manner? right and wrong COSTARD Have chose as umpire DULL COSTARD Not a word of Costard of their mutiny: Signior Arme--Arme-- In manner and form yet. This child of fancy, commends you. following, sir; all those that Armado hight, There's villany three: FERDINAND For interim to our abroad: this letter will I was seen with her in [Reads] 'So it is,'-- studies shall relate tell you more. the manor-house, COSTARD In high-born words the sitting with worth of many a knight It may be so: but if he COSTARD her upon the form, and From tawny Spain lost taken following her say it is so, he is, in in the world's debate. Sir, the contempts into the telling true, but so. How you delight, my thereof are as touching park; which, put lords, I know not, I; me. together, is in manner But, I protest, I love to FERDINAND FERDINAND and form hear him lie following. Now, sir, Peace! COSTARD west corner of thy woman. Him I, as my FERDINAND Be to me and every curious- ever-esteemed duty Did you hear the man that dares not knotted garden: there pricks me on, proclamation? fight! did I see that low- have sent to thee, to spirited receive the meed of COSTARD FERDINAND swain, that base punishment, by thy I do confess much of No words! minnow of thy mirth,'-- sweet grace's officer, the hearing it but little Anthony of COSTARD Dull; a man of good COSTARD the marking of it. Of other men's secrets, repute, carriage, I beseech you. Me? bearing, and estimation.' FERDINAND FERDINAND FERDINAND It was proclaimed a [Reads] 'So it is, [Reads] 'that unlettered DULL year's imprisonment, to besieged with sable- small-knowing soul,'-- be taken coloured COSTARD 'Me, an't shall please with a wench. melancholy, I did you; I am Anthony commend the black- Me? Dull. oppressing humour COSTARD FERDINAND FERDINAND to the most wholesome I was taken with none, [Reads] 'that shallow [Reads] 'For physic of thy health- sir: I was taken with a vassal,'-- Jaquenetta,--so is the giving damsel. air; and, as I am a COSTARD weaker vessel gentleman, betook called which I FERDINAND Still me? myself to apprehended with the Well, it was walk. The time when. FERDINAND aforesaid proclaimed 'damsel.' swain,--I keep her as a About the sixth hour; [Reads] 'which, as I vessel of the law's COSTARD when remember, hight fury; beasts most graze, Costard,'-- This was no damsel, birds best peck, and and shall, at the least of neither, sir; she was a men sit down COSTARD thy sweet notice, bring virgin. to that nourishment her to trial. Thine, in O, me! FERDINAND which is called supper: all compliments of so much FERDINAND devoted It is so varied, too; for for the time when. [Reads] 'sorted and and heart-burning heat it was proclaimed Now for the ground consorted, contrary to of duty. 'virgin.' DON ADRIANO DE which; which, thy COSTARD I mean, I walked upon: established proclaimed ARMADO.' it is y-cleped thy park. edict and continent If it were, I deny her Then virginity: I was taken canon, BIRON for the place where; which with,--O, with-- with a maid. where, I mean, I did but with this I passion This is not so well as I FERDINAND encounter to say looked for, but the best that obscene and wherewith,-- that ever I heard. This maid will not preposterous event, serve your turn, sir. that draweth COSTARD from my snow-white COSTARD FERDINAND This maid will serve pen the ebon-coloured With a wench. Ay, the best for the ink, which worst. But, sirrah, what my turn, sir. here thou viewest, FERDINAND say FERDINAND beholdest, surveyest, or [Reads] 'with a child you to this? Sir, I will pronounce seest; of our grandmother your sentence: you but to the place where; Eve, a shall fast it standeth north-north- COSTARD female; or, for thy a week with bran and east more sweet Sir, I confess the water. and by east from the understanding, a wench. COSTARD grows melancholy? MOTH I have promised to I had rather pray a How mean you, sir? I study three years with the duke. month with mutton and MOTH pretty, and my saying porridge. apt? or MOTH A great sign, sir, that I apt, and my saying FERDINAND he will look sad. You may do it in an pretty? hour, sir. And Don Armado shall ADRIANO DE ARMADO be your keeper. ADRIANO DE ARMADO Why, sadness is one My Lord Biron, see Impossible. him deliver'd o'er: and the self-same ADRIANO DE ARMADO thing, dear imp. And go we, lords, to Thou pretty, because MOTH put in practise that MOTH little. How many is one Which each to other No, no; O Lord, sir, no. thrice told? hath so strongly sworn. MOTH ADRIANO DE ARMADO Little pretty, because ADRIANO DE ARMADO little. Wherefore apt? I am ill at reckoning; it Exeunt FERDINAND, How canst thou part fitteth the spirit of a LONGAVILLE, and sadness and ADRIANO DE ARMADO melancholy, my tapster. DUMAIN And therefore apt, tender juvenal? MOTH BIRON because quick. You are a gentleman I'll lay my head to any MOTH MOTH and a gamester, sir. good man's hat, Speak you this in my These oaths and laws By a familiar praise, master? ADRIANO DE ARMADO demonstration of the will prove an idle I confess both: they are working, my tough ADRIANO DE ARMADO scorn. both the varnish of a senior. Sirrah, come on. In thy condign praise. complete man. ADRIANO DE ARMADO MOTH COSTARD Why tough senior? I will praise an eel with MOTH why tough senior? I suffer for the truth, the same praise. Then, I am sure, you sir; for true it is, I was MOTH ADRIANO DE ARMADO know how much the taken with Jaquenetta, Why tender juvenal? What, that an eel is gross sum of and Jaquenetta is a true deuce-ace amounts to. girl; and therefore why tender juvenal? ingenious? welcome the sour cup ADRIANO DE ARMADO MOTH of I spoke it, tender prosperity! Affliction That an eel is quick. juvenal, as a congruent ADRIANO DE ARMADO may one day smile epitheton ADRIANO DE ARMADO It doth amount to one again; and appertaining to thy more than two. till then, sit thee down, I do say thou art quick young days, which we sorrow! in answers: thou MOTH may heatest my blood. nominate tender. Which the base vulgar MOTH Exeunt do call three. I am answered, sir. Act 1, Scene 2 MOTH ADRIANO DE ARMADO ADRIANO DE ARMADO The same. And I, tough senior, as True. I love not to be Enter DON ADRIANO an appertinent title to MOTH your crossed. DE ARMADO and Why, sir, is this such a old time, which we MOTH MOTH piece of study? Now may name tough. ADRIANO DE ARMADO [Aside] He speaks the here mere contrary; crosses is three studied, ere Boy, what sign is it love not him. ye'll thrice wink: and when a man of great ARMADO how ADRIANO DE ARMADO spirit easy it is to put 'years' Pretty and apt. to the word 'three,' and study three years in carriage, great affected her for her two words, the dancing carriage, for he carried wit. horse the town-gates on his will tell you. back ADRIANO DE ARMADO like a porter: and he MOTH Is there not a ballad, was in love. It was so, sir; for she boy, of the King and had a green wit. the Beggar? ADRIANO DE ARMADO ADRIANO DE ARMADO MOTH A most fine figure! ADRIANO DE ARMADO My love is most The world was very MOTH O well-knit Samson! immaculate white and guilty of such a ballad To prove you a cipher. strong-jointed Samson! red. some ADRIANO DE ARMADO I do MOTH three ages since: but I excel thee in my rapier think now 'tis not to be I will hereupon confess as much as thou didst Most maculate found; or, if it were, it I am in love: and as it me in thoughts, master, are would neither serve for is carrying gates. I am in masked under the writing nor the base for a soldier to love too. Who was such colours. tune. love, so am I in love Samson's with a love, my dear Moth? base wench. If drawing my sword against the ADRIANO DE ARMADO ADRIANO DE ARMADO humour MOTH Define, define, well- I will have that subject of affection would A woman, master. educated infant. newly writ o'er, that I deliver me from the MOTH may reprobate ADRIANO DE ARMADO example my digression thought of it, I would Of what complexion? My father's wit and my by some mighty take Desire prisoner, mother's tongue, assist MOTH precedent. and me! Boy, I do love that ransom him to any Of all the four, or the ADRIANO DE ARMADO country girl that I took French courtier for a three, or the two, or in the new-devised one of the four. Sweet invocation of a park with the rational courtesy. I think scorn child; most pretty and ADRIANO DE ARMADO hind Costard: she to sigh: methinks I pathetical! deserves well. should Tell me precisely of outswear Cupid. what complexion. MOTH MOTH Comfort, me, boy: MOTH what great men If she be made of white [Aside] To be Of the sea-water green, have been in love? and red, whipped; and yet a sir. Her faults will ne'er be better love than ADRIANO DE ARMADO known, my master. MOTH For blushing cheeks by Hercules, master. Is that one of the four faults are bred complexions? And fears by pale ADRIANO DE ARMADO MOTH white shown: ADRIANO DE ARMADO Then if she fear, or be Most sweet Hercules! Sing, boy; my spirit As I have read, sir; and to blame, More authority, dear grows heavy in love. boy, name the best of them too. By this you shall not more; and, sweet my ADRIANO DE ARMADO know, MOTH child, let them be men For still her cheeks Green indeed is the And that's great of good possess the same colour of lovers; but to marvel, loving a light repute and carriage. Which native she doth have a wench. owe. love of that colour, A dangerous rhyme, ADRIANO DE ARMADO methinks Samson had MOTH master, against the small reason I say, sing. Samson, master: he reason of for it. He surely MOTH was a man of good white and red. Forbear till this So I heard you say. COSTARD Cupid's butt-shaft is company be past. ADRIANO DE ARMADO Well, if ever I do see too hard for Hercules' club; Enter DULL, And so, farewell. the merry days of COSTARD, and desolation and therefore too much JAQUENETTA JAQUENETTA that I have seen, some odds for a Spaniard's shall see. rapier. DULL Fair weather after you! The first and second Sir, the duke's pleasure DULL cause will not serve my is, that you keep MOTH turn; Come, Jaquenetta, the passado he respects Costard away! What shall some see? safe: and you must not, the duello he suffer him to take no Exeunt DULL and COSTARD regards delight JAQUENETTA Nay, nothing, Master not: his disgrace is to be called boy; but his nor no penance; but a' ADRIANO DE ARMADO Moth, but what they must fast three days a look upon. glory is to subdue men. Villain, thou shalt fast week. It is not for prisoners to Adieu, valour! rust for thy offences ere For this damsel, I must be too silent in their rapier! thou keep her at the park: words; and therefore I be still, drum! for your be pardoned. she will say nothing: I manager is in love; is allowed for the day- thank yea, he loveth. Assist me, woman. Fare you well. COSTARD God I have as little patience as another some extemporal god Well, sir, I hope, when man; and of rhyme, I do it, I shall do it on a therefore I can be for I am sure I shall ADRIANO DE ARMADO full stomach. quiet. turn sonnet. Devise, I do betray myself with wit; blushing. Maid! write, pen; for I am for ADRIANO DE ARMADO Exeunt MOTH and whole volumes in JAQUENETTA Thou shalt be heavily COSTARD folio. Man? punished. ADRIANO DE ARMADO ADRIANO DE ARMADO COSTARD I do affect the very Exit I will visit thee at the I am more bound to ground, which is base, Act 2, Scene 1 lodge. you than your fellows, where for they her shoe, which is The same. JAQUENETTA are but lightly baser, guided by her Enter the PRINCESS That's hereby. rewarded. foot, which of France, ROSALINE, is basest, doth tread. I MARIA, KATHARINE, ADRIANO DE ARMADO shall be forsworn, BOYET, Lords, and I know where it is ADRIANO DE ARMADO which other Attendants situate. is a great argument of Take away this villain; BOYET JAQUENETTA shut him up. falsehood, if I love. And Now, madam, summon MOTH Lord, how wise you how can that be true up your dearest spirits: are! Come, you love which is falsely Consider who the king ADRIANO DE ARMADO transgressing slave; attempted? Love is a your father sends, away! familiar; Love is a To whom he sends, I will tell thee and what's his COSTARD devil: wonders. there is no evil angel embassy: JAQUENETTA Let me not be pent up, but Love. Yet was Yourself, held precious sir: I will fast, being Samson so in the world's esteem, With that face? loose. tempted, and he had an To parley with the sole ADRIANO DE ARMADO MOTH excellent strength; yet inheritor Of all perfections that a I love thee. was No, sir; that were fast Solomon so seduced, man may owe, JAQUENETTA and loose: thou shalt to and he had a very good Matchless Navarre; the prison. wit. plea of no less weight Than Aquitaine, a Importunes personal that come within his mirth-moving jest, dowry for a queen. conference with his power. Which his fair tongue, Be now as prodigal of grace: conceit's expositor, all dear grace Haste, signify so much; Delivers in such apt As Nature was in while we attend, PRINCESS and gracious words making graces dear Like humble-visaged Some merry mocking That aged ears play When she did starve suitors, his high will. lord, belike; is't so? truant at his tales the general world And younger hearings MARIA beside are quite ravished; And prodigally gave BOYET They say so most that So sweet and voluble is them all to you. Proud of employment, most his humours his discourse. willingly I go. know. PRINCESS PRINCESS PRINCESS PRINCESS Good Lord Boyet, my All pride is willing Such short-lived wits God bless my ladies! beauty, though but pride, and yours is so. do wither as they grow. are they all in love, Who are the rest? mean, Exit BOYET That every one her Needs not the painted own hath garnished Who are the votaries, flourish of your praise: KATHARINE With such bedecking Beauty is bought by my loving lords, ornaments of praise? judgement of the eye, That are vow-fellows The young Dumain, a Not utter'd by base sale with this virtuous well-accomplished of chapmen's tongues: duke? youth, First Lord I am less proud to hear Of all that virtue love Here comes Boyet. you tell my worth for virtue loved: First Lord Re-enter BOYET Than you much willing Most power to do most to be counted wise Lord Longaville is one. harm, least knowing PRINCESS In spending your wit in PRINCESS ill; For he hath wit to Now, what admittance, the praise of mine. lord? But now to task the Know you the man? make an ill shape tasker: good Boyet, MARIA good, BOYET You are not ignorant, And shape to win grace I know him, madam: at Navarre had notice of all-telling fame though he had no wit. a marriage-feast, your fair approach; Doth noise abroad, I saw him at the Duke Between Lord Perigort And he and his Navarre hath made a Alencon's once; and the beauteous heir competitors in oath vow, And much too little of Of Jaques Were all address'd to Till painful study shall that good I saw Falconbridge, meet you, gentle lady, outwear three years, Is my report to his solemnized Before I came. Marry, No woman may great worthiness. In Normandy, saw I thus much I have approach his silent this Longaville: learnt: court: A man of sovereign ROSALINE He rather means to Therefore to's seemeth parts he is esteem'd; lodge you in the field, it a needful course, Another of these Well fitted in arts, Like one that comes Before we enter his students at that time glorious in arms: here to besiege his forbidden gates, Was there with him, if Nothing becomes him court, To know his pleasure; I have heard a truth. ill that he would well. Than seek a and in that behalf, Biron they call him; The only soil of his fair dispensation for his Bold of your but a merrier man, virtue's gloss, oath, worthiness, we single Within the limit of If virtue's gloss will To let you enter his you becoming mirth, stain with any soil, unpeopled house. As our best-moving I never spent an hour's Is a sharp wit matched Here comes Navarre. fair solicitor. talk withal: with too blunt a will; Tell him, the daughter His eye begets Whose edge hath of the King of France, occasion for his wit; Enter FERDINAND, power to cut, whose On serious business, For every object that LONGAVILLE, will still wills craving quick dispatch, the one doth catch DUMAIN, BIRON, and It should none spare The other turns to a Attendants FERDINAND But pardon me. I am ROSALINE A hundred thousand Fair princess, welcome too sudden-bold: The hour that fools crowns; and not to the court of Navarre. To teach a teacher ill should ask. demands, beseemeth me. On payment of a PRINCESS Vouchsafe to read the BIRON hundred thousand 'Fair' I give you back purpose of my coming, Now fair befall your crowns, again; and 'welcome' I And suddenly resolve mask! To have his title live in me in my suit. Aquitaine; have ROSALINE not yet: the roof of this Which we much rather Fair fall the face it had depart withal court is too high to be FERDINAND yours; and welcome to covers! And have the money Madam, I will, if by our father lent the wide fields too base BIRON to be mine. suddenly I may. Than Aquitaine so And send you many gelded as it is. PRINCESS lovers! Dear Princess, were FERDINAND You will the sooner, not his requests so far ROSALINE You shall be welcome, that I were away; From reason's yielding, Amen, so you be none. madam, to my court. For you'll prove your fair self should perjured if you make BIRON make PRINCESS me stay. A yielding 'gainst some Nay, then will I be I will be welcome, reason in my breast gone. And go well satisfied then: conduct me BIRON thither. FERDINAND to France again. Did not I dance with FERDINAND you in Brabant once? Madam, your father here doth intimate PRINCESS Hear me, dear lady; I ROSALINE The payment of a have sworn an oath. You do the king my Did not I dance with hundred thousand father too much wrong PRINCESS you in Brabant once? crowns; And wrong the Being but the one half Our Lady help my BIRON reputation of your lord! he'll be forsworn. of an entire sum name, I know you did. Disbursed by my father In so unseeming to FERDINAND in his wars. ROSALINE confess receipt Not for the world, fair But say that he or we, Of that which hath so How needless was it madam, by my will. as neither have, faithfully been paid. then to ask the Received that sum, yet PRINCESS question! there remains unpaid Why, will shall break BIRON A hundred thousand FERDINAND more; in surety of the it; will and nothing I do protest I never You must not be so which, else. heard of it; quick. One part of Aquitaine FERDINAND And if you prove it, I'll is bound to us, ROSALINE repay it back Your ladyship is Although not valued to Or yield up Aquitaine. ignorant what it is. 'Tis 'long of you that the money's worth. spur me with such PRINCESS If then the king your questions. father will restore PRINCESS Were my lord so, his But that one half which BIRON We arrest your word. ignorance were wise, is unsatisfied, Your wit's too hot, it Boyet, you can Where now his We will give up our speeds too fast, 'twill produce acquittances knowledge must prove right in Aquitaine, tire. For such a sum from ignorance. And hold fair special officers I hear your grace hath ROSALINE friendship with his Of Charles his father. sworn out house- majesty. keeping: Not till it leave the rider in the mire. But that, it seems, he Tis deadly sin to keep little purposeth, FERDINAND that oath, my lord, BIRON For here he doth And sin to break it. Satisfy me so. What time o' day? demand to have repaid BOYET BIRON I beseech you a word: Is she wedded or no? So please your grace, I would you heard it what is she in the BOYET white? the packet is not come groan. To her will, sir, or so. Where that and other ROSALINE BOYET specialties are bound: BIRON Is the fool sick? A woman sometimes, To-morrow you shall an you saw her in the You are welcome, sir: have a sight of them. BIRON light. adieu. Sick at the heart. LONGAVILLE BOYET FERDINAND ROSALINE Perchance light in the Farewell to me, sir, and It shall suffice me: at Alack, let it blood. light. I desire her welcome to you. which interview name. Exit BIRON All liberal reason I will BIRON BOYET yield unto. Would that do it good? MARIA Meantime receive such She hath but one for ROSALINE That last is Biron, the welcome at my hand herself; to desire that merry madcap lord: As honour without My physic says 'ay.' were a shame. Not a word with him breach of honour may LONGAVILLE but a jest. Make tender of to thy BIRON true worthiness: Will you prick't with Pray you, sir, whose You may not come, your eye? daughter? BOYET fair princess, in my BOYET And every jest but a gates; ROSALINE word. But here without you No point, with my Her mother's, I have shall be so received knife. heard. PRINCESS As you shall deem BIRON LONGAVILLE It was well done of you yourself lodged in my to take him at his word. heart, Now, God save thy God's blessing on your Though so denied fair life! beard! BOYET harbour in my house. ROSALINE BOYET I was as willing to Your own good grapple as he was to And yours from long Good sir, be not thoughts excuse me, board. and farewell: living! offended. To-morrow shall we She is an heir of MARIA BIRON Falconbridge. visit you again. Two hot sheeps, marry. I cannot stay thanksgiving. BOYET LONGAVILLE PRINCESS Retiring And wherefore not Nay, my choler is ships? Sweet health and fair DUMAIN desires consort your ended. No sheep, sweet lamb, grace! Sir, I pray you, a word: She is a most sweet unless we feed on your what lady is that same? lady. lips. FERDINAND BOYET Thy own wish wish I BOYET thee in every place! The heir of Alencon, MARIA Katharine her name. Not unlike, sir, that You sheep, and I Exit may be. DUMAIN pasture: shall that BIRON Exit LONGAVILLE finish the jest? A gallant lady. Lady, I will commend Monsieur, fare you BIRON BOYET you to mine own heart. well. What's her name in the So you grant pasture ROSALINE Exit cap? for me. Pray you, do my LONGAVILLE BOYET Offering to kiss her commendations; I would be glad to see it. Rosaline, by good hap. MARIA BIRON Not so, gentle beast: impatient to speak and ROSALINE ADRIANO DE ARMADO My lips are no not see, Then was Venus like How meanest thou? common, though Did stumble with haste her mother, for her brawling in French? several they be. in his eyesight to be; father is but grim. All senses to that sense MOTH did make their repair, BOYET BOYET No, my complete To feel only looking on Do you hear, my mad master: but to jig off a Belonging to whom? fairest of fair: wenches? tune at Methought all his MARIA MARIA the tongue's end, senses were lock'd in canary to it with your To my fortunes and his eye, No. feet, humour me. As jewels in crystal for BOYET it with turning up your PRINCESS some prince to buy; eyelids, sigh a note and Who, tendering their What then, do you see? sing a note, sometime Good wits will be own worth from where through the throat, as if jangling; but, gentles, ROSALINE they were glass'd, you agree: Did point you to buy Ay, our way to be swallowed love with This civil war of wits them, along as you gone. singing love, sometime were much better used pass'd: BOYET through On Navarre and his His face's own margent the nose, as if you book-men; for here 'tis You are too hard for did quote such amazes snuffed up love by abused. me. That all eyes saw his smelling eyes enchanted with Exeunt love; with your hat gazes. BOYET Act 3, Scene 1 penthouse-like o'er the I'll give you Aquitaine shop of If my observation, and all that is his, The same. your eyes; with your which very seldom An you give him for arms crossed on your lies, Enter DON ADRIANO my sake but one loving thin-belly By the heart's still DE ARMADO and kiss. doublet like a rabbit on rhetoric disclosed with MOTH a spit; or your hands in eyes, ADRIANO DE ARMADO your pocket like a man Deceive me not now, PRINCESS Warble, child; make after the old painting; Navarre is infected. Come to our pavilion: passionate my sense of and Boyet is disposed. hearing. keep not too long in one tune, but a snip PRINCESS BOYET MOTH and away. With what? But to speak that in Concolinel. These are words which his eye BOYET Singing complements, these are hath humours; these With that which we disclosed. ADRIANO DE ARMADO betray nice wenches, lovers entitle affected. I only have made a that would be betrayed mouth of his eye, Sweet air! Go, PRINCESS tenderness of years; without By adding a tongue these; and make them Your reason? which I know will not take this key, give enlargement to the men of note--do you BOYET lie. swain, bring him note Why, all his behaviors festinately me?--that most are did make their retire ROSALINE hither: I must employ affected to these. To the court of his eye, him in a letter to my Thou art an old love- peeping thorough love. monger and speakest ADRIANO DE ARMADO desire: skilfully. His heart, like an agate, How hast thou with your print MARIA MOTH purchased this experience? impress'd, He is Cupid's Master, will you win Proud with his form, in grandfather and learns your love with a MOTH his eye pride express'd: news of him. French brawl? His tongue, all By my penny of cannot enjoy her. I say lead is slow. salve, sir, but a observation. MOTH plantain! ADRIANO DE ARMADO ADRIANO DE ARMADO You are too swift, sir, But O,--but O,-- I am all these three. to say so: ADRIANO DE ARMADO Is that lead slow which MOTH MOTH By virtue, thou is fired from a gun? enforcest laughter; thy 'The hobby-horse is And three times as silly forgot.' much more, and yet thought my spleen; the nothing at ADRIANO DE ARMADO ADRIANO DE ARMADO heaving of my lungs all. provokes Callest thou my love Sweet smoke of me to ridiculous 'hobby-horse'? rhetoric! smiling. O, pardon me, ADRIANO DE ARMADO MOTH He reputes me a my stars! Fetch hither the swain: cannon; and the bullet, No, master; the hobby- Doth the inconsiderate he must carry me a that's he: horse is but a colt, and take salve for l'envoy, letter. I shoot thee at the your and swain. love perhaps a MOTH the word l'envoy for a salve? hackney. But have you A message well forgot your love? sympathized; a horse MOTH to be ambassador Thump then and I flee. MOTH for an ass. ADRIANO DE ARMADO Exit Do the wise think them other? is not l'envoy a Almost I had. ADRIANO DE ARMADO ADRIANO DE ARMADO salve? MOTH A most acute juvenal; Ha, ha! what sayest ADRIANO DE ARMADO Negligent student! voluble and free of thou? learn her by heart. grace! No, page: it is an MOTH By thy favour, sweet epilogue or discourse, ADRIANO DE ARMADO welkin, I must sigh in to make plain Marry, sir, you must By heart and in heart, thy face: Some obscure send the ass upon the boy. Most rude melancholy, precedence that hath horse, valour gives thee place. tofore been sain. MOTH for he is very slow- My herald is return'd. I will example it: And out of heart, gaited. But I go. The fox, the ape, and master: all those three I the humble-bee, Re-enter MOTH with will prove. ADRIANO DE ARMADO Were still at odds, COSTARD being but three. ADRIANO DE ARMADO The way is but short: MOTH There's the moral. Now What wilt thou prove? away! the l'envoy. A wonder, master! MOTH MOTH here's a costard broken A man, if I live; and As swift as lead, sir. in a shin. MOTH this, by, in, and ADRIANO DE ARMADO ADRIANO DE ARMADO I will add the l'envoy. without, upon Say the moral again. the instant: by heart The meaning, pretty Some enigma, some you love her, because ingenious? riddle: come, thy ADRIANO DE ARMADO your Is not lead a metal l'envoy; begin. The fox, the ape, and heavy, dull, and slow? heart cannot come by COSTARD the humble-bee, her; in heart you love Were still at odds, No enigma, no riddle, her, MOTH being but three. because your heart is in no l'envoy; no salve in love with her; and out Minime, honest the of master; or rather, mail, sir: O, sir, MOTH plantain, a plain heart you love her, master, no. Until the goose came plantain! no being out of heart that ADRIANO DE ARMADO out of door, l'envoy, no l'envoy; no you And stay'd the odds by adding four. your COSTARD never buy and sell out Now will I begin your argument in; True, true; and now of this word. moral, and do you Then the boy's fat you will be my follow with l'envoy, the goose that purgation and let me Enter BIRON my l'envoy. you bought; loose. The fox, the ape, and And he ended the BIRON the humble-bee, market. ADRIANO DE ARMADO O, my good knave Were still at odds, I give thee thy liberty, Costard! exceedingly being but three. set thee from durance; well met. and, ADRIANO DE ARMADO COSTARD ADRIANO DE ARMADO in lieu thereof, impose But tell me; how was on thee nothing but Pray you, sir, how Until the goose came there a costard broken this: much carnation ribbon out of door, in a shin? bear this significant may a man Staying the odds by MOTH buy for a adding four. remuneration? I will tell you sensibly. Giving a letter COSTARD to the country maid MOTH BIRON Thou hast no feeling of Jaquenetta: A good l'envoy, ending there is remuneration; What is a in the goose: would it, Moth: I will speak that l'envoy: for the best ward of remuneration? you mine desire more? I Costard, running out, COSTARD that was safely within, honour is rewarding Marry, sir, halfpenny Fell over the threshold my dependents. Moth, farthing. COSTARD and broke my shin. follow. BIRON The boy hath sold him a bargain, a goose, ADRIANO DE ARMADO Exit Why, then, three- that's flat. farthing worth of silk. We will talk no more MOTH Sir, your pennyworth is COSTARD good, an your goose be of this matter. Like the sequel, I. fat. COSTARD Signior Costard, adieu. I thank your worship: To sell a bargain well God be wi' you! Till there be more COSTARD is as cunning as fast matter in the shin. My sweet ounce of BIRON and loose: man's flesh! my incony Let me see; a fat ADRIANO DE ARMADO Stay, slave; I must Jew! employ thee: l'envoy; ay, that's a fat Sirrah Costard, I will goose. Exit MOTH As thou wilt win my enfranchise thee. favour, good my COSTARD Now will I look to his knave, ADRIANO DE ARMADO remuneration. Do one thing for me O, marry me to one Remuneration! that I shall entreat. Come hither, come Frances: I smell some O, that's the Latin word hither. How did this l'envoy, for three farthings: argument begin? some goose, in this. three COSTARD MOTH farthings-- When would you have remuneration.--'What's By saying that a ADRIANO DE ARMADO it done, sir? the price of this costard was broken in a By my sweet soul, I inkle?'--'One BIRON shin. mean setting thee at penny.'--'No, I'll give Then call'd you for the This afternoon. liberty, you a l'envoy. enfreedoming thy remuneration:' why, it COSTARD person; thou wert carries it. Well, I will do it, sir: COSTARD immured, Remuneration! fare you well. restrained, captivated, why, it is a fairer name BIRON True, and I for a bound. than French crown. I plantain: thus came will Thou knowest not what humorous sigh; To pray for her! Go to; may make the fairest it is. A critic, nay, a night- it is a plague shoot. COSTARD watch constable; That Cupid will A domineering pedant impose for my neglect I shall know, sir, when o'er the boy; Of his almighty PRINCESS I have done it. Than whom no mortal dreadful little might. I thank my beauty, I BIRON so magnificent! Well, I will love, write, am fair that shoot, This whimpled, sigh, pray, sue and And thereupon thou Why, villain, thou whining, purblind, groan: speak'st the fairest must know first. wayward boy; Some men must love shoot. COSTARD This senior-junior, my lady and some giant-dwarf, Dan Joan. I will come to your Cupid; Forester worship to-morrow Regent of love-rhymes, Pardon me, madam, for morning. Exit lord of folded arms, I meant not so. BIRON The anointed sovereign Act 4, Scene 1 PRINCESS of sighs and groans, It must be done this The same. Liege of all loiterers What, what? first afternoon. and malcontents, Enter the PRINCESS, praise me and again Hark, slave, it is but Dread prince of and her train, a say no? this: plackets, king of Forester, BOYET, O short-lived pride! The princess comes to codpieces, ROSALINE, MARIA, Not fair? alack for hunt here in the park, Sole imperator and and KATHARINE woe! And in her train there great general is a gentle lady; PRINCESS Of trotting 'paritors:--O When tongues speak my little heart:-- Was that the king, that Forester sweetly, then they And I to be a corporal spurred his horse so name her name, Yes, madam, fair. of his field, hard And Rosaline they call PRINCESS And wear his colours Against the steep her: ask for her; like a tumbler's hoop! uprising of the hill? Nay, never paint me And to her white hand What, I! I love! I sue! I now: see thou do commend seek a wife! Where fair is not, This seal'd-up counsel. BOYET A woman, that is like a praise cannot mend the There's thy guerdon; German clock, I know not; but I think brow. go. Still a-repairing, ever it was not he. Here, good my glass, out of frame, PRINCESS take this for telling Giving him a shilling And never going true: aright, being a watch, Whoe'er a' was, a' Fair payment for foul COSTARD But being watch'd that show'd a mounting words is more than Gardon, O sweet it may still go right! mind. due. gardon! better than Nay, to be perjured, Well, lords, to-day we remuneration, which is worst of all; shall have our Forester a'leven-pence farthing And, among three, to dispatch: better: most sweet love the worst of all; On Saturday we will Nothing but fair is that gardon! I A wightly wanton with return to France. which you inherit. will do it sir, in print. Then, forester, my a velvet brow, PRINCESS Gardon! With two pitch-balls friend, where is the Remuneration! stuck in her face for bush See see, my beauty eyes; That we must stand will be saved by merit! Ay, and by heaven, one and play the murderer O heresy in fair, fit for Exit that will do the deed in? these days! BIRON Though Argus were A giving hand, though her eunuch and her foul, shall have fair And I, forsooth, in Forester guard: praise. love! I, that have been And I to sigh for her! Hereby, upon the edge But come, the bow: love's whip; to watch for her! of yonder coppice; now mercy goes to kill, A very beadle to a A stand where you And shooting well is then accounted ill. COSTARD Reads thou the beggar; for so Thus will I save my Which is the greatest BOYET witnesseth thy credit in the shoot: lady, the highest? lowliness. Not wounding, pity 'By heaven, that thou Shall I command thy would not let me do't; PRINCESS art fair, is most love? I may: shall I If wounding, then it The thickest and the infallible; enforce was to show my skill, tallest. true, that thou art thy love? I could: shall That more for praise beauteous; truth itself, I entreat thy love? I than purpose meant to COSTARD that will. What shalt thou kill. The thickest and the thou art lovely. More exchange for rags? And out of question so tallest! it is so; truth is fairer than fair, robes; it is sometimes, truth. beautiful for tittles? titles; for Glory grows guilty of An your waist, than beauteous, truer thyself? me. Thus, detested crimes, mistress, were as than truth itself, have expecting thy reply, I When, for fame's sake, slender as my wit, commiseration on thy profane my lips on thy for praise, an outward One o' these maids' heroical vassal! The foot, part, girdles for your waist magnanimous and my eyes on thy picture. We bend to that the should be fit. most illustrate king and my heart on thy working of the heart; Are not you the chief Cophetua set every As I for praise alone woman? you are the eye upon the part. Thine, in the now seek to spill thickest here. pernicious and dearest design of The poor deer's blood, indubitate beggar industry, that my heart means no Zenelophon; and he it DON ADRIANO DE ill. PRINCESS was that might rightly ARMADO.' What's your will, sir? say, what's your will? Veni, vidi, vici; which Thus dost thou hear the BOYET to annothanize in the Nemean lion roar Do not curst wives COSTARD vulgar,--O base and 'Gainst thee, thou hold that self- I have a letter from obscure vulgar!-- lamb, that standest as sovereignty Monsieur Biron to one videlicet, He his prey. Only for praise sake, Lady Rosaline. came, saw, and Submissive fall his when they strive to be overcame: he came, princely feet before, PRINCESS Lords o'er their lords? one; saw two; And he from forage O, thy letter, thy letter! overcame, three. Who will incline to play: he's a good friend of came? the king: why But if thou strive, poor PRINCESS mine: did he soul, what art thou Only for praise: and Stand aside, good come? to see: why did then? praise we may afford bearer. Boyet, you can he see? to overcome: to Food for his rage, To any lady that carve; whom came he? to the repasture for his den. subdues a lord. Break up this capon. beggar: what saw he? the beggar: who overcame PRINCESS BOYET BOYET he? the beggar. The What plume of feathers Here comes a member I am bound to serve. conclusion is victory: is he that indited this of the commonwealth. This letter is mistook, on whose side? the letter? it importeth none here; king's. What vane? what Enter COSTARD It is writ to Jaquenetta. The captive is weathercock? did you COSTARD enriched: on whose ever hear better? side? the God dig-you-den all! PRINCESS beggar's. The Pray you, which is the catastrophe is a BOYET head lady? We will read it, I swear. nuptial: on whose I am much deceived PRINCESS Break the neck of the side? the king's: no, on but I remember the both in one, or one in Thou shalt know her, wax, and every one style. both. I am the king; for fellow, by the rest that give ear. so stands the PRINCESS have no heads. comparison: Else your memory is Who is the suitor? who a man when King COSTARD bad, going o'er it is the suitor? Pepin of France was a Indeed, a' must shoot erewhile. ROSALINE little boy, as nearer, or he'll ne'er hit touching the hit it? BOYET Shall I teach you to the clout. This Armado is a know? BOYET BOYET Spaniard, that keeps BOYET An if my hand be out, here in court; So I may answer thee Ay, my continent of then belike your hand A phantasime, a with one as old, that is in. Monarcho, and one beauty. was a that makes sport ROSALINE woman when Queen COSTARD To the prince and his Guinover of Britain Why, she that bears the Then will she get the bookmates. was a little bow. upshoot by cleaving wench, as touching the Finely put off! the pin. hit it. PRINCESS MARIA Thou fellow, a word: BOYET Come, come, you talk Who gave thee this ROSALINE greasily; your lips My lady goes to kill letter? Thou canst not hit it, grow foul. horns; but, if thou hit it, hit it, marry, COSTARD Thou canst not hit it, COSTARD Hang me by the neck, my good man. She's too hard for you I told you; my lord. if horns that year at pricks, sir: challenge miscarry. her to bowl. PRINCESS Finely put on! BOYET BOYET To whom shouldst An I cannot, cannot, I fear too much thou give it? ROSALINE cannot, An I cannot, another rubbing. Good night, COSTARD Well, then, I am the can. my good owl. From my lord to my shooter. Exeunt BOYET and lady. BOYET MARIA PRINCESS Exeunt ROSALINE And who is your deer? and KATHARINE COSTARD From which lord to ROSALINE By my soul, a swain! a which lady? COSTARD most simple clown! If we choose by the By my troth, most COSTARD horns, yourself come Lord, Lord, how the pleasant: how both did ladies and I have put From my lord Biron, a not near. fit it! good master of mine, Finely put on, indeed! him down! To a lady of France MARIA O' my troth, most sweet jests! most that he call'd Rosaline. A mark marvellous MARIA incony well shot, for they both vulgar wit! You still wrangle with did hit it. When it comes so PRINCESS her, Boyet, and she BOYET smoothly off, so Thou hast mistaken his strikes obscenely, as it letter. Come, lords, at the brow. A mark! O, mark but were, so fit. away. that mark! A mark, says my lady! Armado o' th' one To ROSALINE BOYET Let the mark have a side,--O, a most dainty man! Here, sweet, put up But she herself is hit prick in't, to mete at, if To see him walk before this: 'twill be thine lower: have I hit her it may be. a lady and to bear her another day. now? fan! ROSALINE MARIA To see him kiss his Exeunt PRINCESS and Shall I come upon thee Wide o' the bow hand! hand! and how most train with an old saying, that i' faith, your hand is sweetly a' BOYET was out. will swear! And his page o' t' other 'Twas not a haud do fructify in us more God comfort thy side, that handful of credo; 'twas a pricket. than he. capacity! I say, the wit! HOLOFERNES For as it would ill allusion holds Ah, heavens, it is a become me to be vain, in the exchange. most pathetical nit! Most barbarous indiscreet, or a fool, Sola, sola! intimation! yet a kind So were there a patch of set on learning, to see DULL insinuation, as it were, him in a school: And I say, the Shout within in via, in way, of But omne bene, say I; pollusion holds in the Exit COSTARD, explication; facere, as being of an old father's exchange; for running it were, replication, or mind, the moon is never but a rather, ostentare, to Many can brook the Act 4, Scene 2 month old: and I say show, as it were, his weather that love not beside The same. inclination, after his the wind. that, 'twas a pricket undressed, unpolished, Enter HOLOFERNES, that the princess killed. uneducated, unpruned, SIR NATHANIEL, and untrained, or rather, DULL DULL unlettered, or ratherest, You two are book- HOLOFERNES SIR NATHANIEL unconfirmed fashion, men: can you tell me Sir Nathaniel, will you Very reverend sport, to by your wit hear an extemporal truly; and done in the insert again my haud What was a month old epitaph testimony credo for a deer. at Cain's birth, that's on the death of the of a good conscience. not five deer? And, to humour DULL weeks old as yet? the ignorant, call I the deer HOLOFERNES I said the deer was not the princess killed a HOLOFERNES The deer was, as you a haud credo; twas a pricket. know, sanguis, in pricket. Dictynna, goodman blood; ripe Dull; Dictynna, HOLOFERNES SIR NATHANIEL as the pomewater, who goodman Dull. Twice-sod simplicity, now hangeth like a Perge, good Master his coctus! DULL jewel in Holofernes, perge; so it O thou monster the ear of caelo, the What is Dictynna? shall Ignorance, how sky, the welkin, the please you to abrogate deformed dost thou SIR NATHANIEL heaven; scurrility. look! and anon falleth like a A title to Phoebe, to crab on the face of Luna, to the moon. HOLOFERNES terra, SIR NATHANIEL HOLOFERNES I will something affect the soil, the land, the The moon was a month Sir, he hath never fed the letter, for it argues earth. old when Adam was no of the dainties that are facility. more, bred The preyful princess And raught not to five SIR NATHANIEL in a book; he hath not pierced and prick'd a eat paper, as it were; he weeks when he came Truly, Master pretty hath not drunk ink: his to Holofernes, the pleasing pricket; intellect is not five-score. epithets are sweetly Some say a sore; but replenished; he is only The allusion holds in varied, like a scholar at not a sore, till now an animal, only the exchange. the least: but, sir, I made sensible in assure ye, it was a buck sore with shooting. the duller parts: of the first head. DULL The dogs did yell: put And such barren plants L to sore, then sorel 'Tis true indeed; the are set before us, that jumps collusion holds in the HOLOFERNES we from thicket; thankful should be, exchange. Sir Nathaniel, haud Or pricket sore, or else Which we of taste and credo. HOLOFERNES sorel; the people fall a- feeling are, for those hooting. DULL parts that If sore be sore, then L commonwealth. beseech you, read it. comprehend: to sore makes fifty If knowledge be the sores mark, to know thee one sorel. HOLOFERNES HOLOFERNES shall suffice; Of one sore I an Mehercle, if their sons Fauste, precor gelida Well learned is that hundred make by be ingenuous, they quando pecus omne tongue that well can adding but one more L. shall sub umbra thee commend, want no instruction; if Ruminat,--and so forth. All ignorant that soul their daughters be Ah, good old Mantuan! that sees thee without SIR NATHANIEL capable, I wonder; A rare talent! I will put it to them: may speak of thee as Which is to me some praise that I thy parts DULL but vir sapit qui pauca the traveller doth of loquitur; a soul Venice; admire: [Aside] If a talent be a feminine saluteth us. Venetia, Venetia, Thy eye Jove's claw, look how he Chi non ti vede non ti lightning bears, thy claws pretia. voice his dreadful him with a talent. Enter JAQUENETTA Old Mantuan, old thunder, and COSTARD Mantuan! who Which not to anger understandeth thee bent, is music and HOLOFERNES JAQUENETTA not, loves thee not. Ut, sweet fire. God give you good This is a gift that I re, sol, la, mi, fa. Celestial as thou art, O, morrow, master have, simple, simple; a Under pardon, sir, pardon, love, this Parson. foolish extravagant what are the contents? wrong, spirit, full of forms, HOLOFERNES or rather, That sings heaven's figures, Master Parson, quasi as Horace says in his-- praise with such an shapes, objects, ideas, pers-on. An if one What, my soul, verses? earthly tongue. apprehensions, should be motions, pierced, which is the SIR NATHANIEL HOLOFERNES revolutions: these are one? begot in the ventricle Ay, sir, and very You find not the of learned. apostraphas, and so memory, nourished in COSTARD miss the the womb of pia mater, HOLOFERNES Marry, master accent: let me and Let me hear a staff, a schoolmaster, he that is supervise the canzonet. delivered upon the stanze, a verse; lege, likest to a hogshead. Here are mellowing of occasion. domine. only numbers ratified; HOLOFERNES But the SIR NATHANIEL but, for the elegancy, gift is good in those in Piercing a hogshead! a facility, and golden [Reads] whom it is acute, and I good lustre of conceit cadence of poesy, If love make me am in a caret. forsworn, how shall I thankful for it. tuft of earth; fire Ovidius Naso was the swear to love? enough for a flint, man: and why, indeed, Ah, never faith could pearl enough Naso, SIR NATHANIEL hold, if not to beauty for a swine: 'tis pretty; but for smelling out the vow'd! Sir, I praise the Lord it is well. odouriferous flowers of for you; and so may Though to myself fancy, the jerks of my forsworn, to thee I'll invention? Imitari is parishioners; for their JAQUENETTA faithful prove: nothing: Those thoughts to me sons are well tutored Good master Parson, so doth the hound his were oaks, to thee like by be so good as read me master, the ape his osiers bow'd. you, and their this keeper, Study his bias leaves daughters profit very letter: it was given me the tired horse his and makes his book greatly under by Costard, and sent rider. But, damosella thine eyes, you: you are a good me virgin, Where all those member of the from Don Armado: I was this directed to pleasures live that art would you? Exeunt COSTARD and And, certes, the text and here is part of my JAQUENETTA most infallibly rhyme, concludes it. and here my JAQUENETTA SIR NATHANIEL To DULL melancholy. Well, she Ay, sir, from one Sir, you have done this hath one o' my Monsieur Biron, one of in the fear of God, very Sir, I do invite you too; sonnets already: the the strange religiously; and, as a you shall not clown bore it, the fool queen's lords. certain father saith,-- say me nay: pauca sent verba. Away! the it, and the lady hath it: gentles are at sweet clown, sweeter HOLOFERNES HOLOFERNES their game, and we will fool, sweetest lady! By I will overglance the Sir tell me not of the to our recreation. the world, I would not superscript: 'To the father; I do fear care colourable a pin, if the other three snow-white hand of the Exeunt most beauteous Lady colours. But to return were in. Here comes Rosaline.' I will look to the verses: did they Act 4, Scene 3 one again on the intellect of please you, Sir The same. with a paper: God give the letter, for the Nathaniel? him grace to groan! nomination of the party Enter BIRON, with a writing paper SIR NATHANIEL Stands aside to the person written BIRON unto: 'Your ladyship's Marvellous well for the Enter FERDINAND, The king he is hunting in all pen. with a paper the deer; I am coursing desired employment, HOLOFERNES myself: they have FERDINAND BIRON.' Sir Nathaniel, pitched a toil; I am this I do dine to-day at the Ay me! toiling in Biron is one of the father's of a certain a pitch,--pitch that BIRON votaries with the king; pupil defiles: defile! a foul and here of mine; where, if, [Aside] Shot, by word. Well, set thee he hath framed a letter before repast, it shall heaven! Proceed, sweet down, sorrow! for so to a sequent of the please Cupid: they say stranger you to gratify the table thou hast thumped him the fool said, and so queen's, which with a grace, I will, on with thy bird-bolt say I, and I the fool: accidentally, or by the my under the well way of privilege I have with left pap. In faith, proved, wit! By the progression, hath the parents of the secrets! Lord, this love is as miscarried. Trip and foresaid mad as go, my child or pupil, Ajax: it kills sheep; it FERDINAND sweet; deliver this undertake your ben kills me, I a sheep: paper into the royal venuto; where I [Reads] well proved again o' hand of the will prove those verses So sweet a kiss the my side! I will not king: it may concern to be very unlearned, golden sun gives not love: if much. Stay not thy neither savouring of To those fresh morning I do, hang me; i' faith, I compliment; I forgive poetry, wit, nor drops upon the rose, will not. O, but her thy duty; adieu. invention: I As thy eye-beams, beseech your society. eye,--by this light, but when their fresh rays for her eye, I would not have smote JAQUENETTA love her; yes, for her The night of dew that SIR NATHANIEL two eyes. Well, I do Good Costard, go with on my cheeks down nothing me. Sir, God save your And thank you too; for flows: in the world but lie, life! society, saith the text, Nor shines the silver is and lie in my throat. moon one half so COSTARD the happiness of life. By bright Have with thee, my heaven, I do love: and Through the girl. it hath taught me to transparent bosom of HOLOFERNES rhyme the deep, and to be melancholy; As doth thy face through tears of mine One drunkard loves cures all disgrace in BIRON give light; another of the name. me. O most profane Thou shinest in every LONGAVILLE Vows are but breath, coxcomb! tear that I do weep: and breath a vapour is: No drop but as a coach Am I the first that have Then thou, fair sun, DUMAIN doth carry thee; been perjured so? which on my earth dost By heaven, the wonder So ridest thou BIRON shine, in a mortal eye! triumphing in my woe. Exhalest this vapour- Do but behold the tears I could put thee in vow; in thee it is: BIRON that swell in me, comfort. Not by two If broken then, it is no By earth, she is not, And they thy glory that I know: fault of mine: corporal, there you lie. through my grief will Thou makest the If by me broke, what show: triumviry, the corner- fool is not so wise DUMAIN But do not love thyself; cap of society, To lose an oath to win Her amber hair for foul then thou wilt keep The shape of Love's a paradise? hath amber quoted. My tears for glasses, Tyburn that hangs up BIRON and still make me simplicity. weep. BIRON An amber-colour'd raven was well noted. O queen of queens! LONGAVILLE This is the liver-vein, how far dost thou which makes flesh a DUMAIN excel, I fear these stubborn deity, No thought can think, lines lack power to A green goose a As upright as the nor tongue of mortal move: goddess: pure, pure cedar. tell. O sweet Maria, idolatry. BIRON How shall she know empress of my love! God amend us, God my griefs? I'll drop the These numbers will I amend! we are much Stoop, I say; paper: tear, and write in prose. out o' the way. Her shoulder is with Sweet leaves, shade child. folly. Who is he comes BIRON LONGAVILLE here? DUMAIN O, rhymes are guards By whom shall I send on wanton Cupid's this?--Company! stay. As fair as day. Steps aside hose: Steps aside BIRON What, Longaville! and Disfigure not his slop. Ay, as some days; but reading! listen, ear. BIRON then no sun must shine. LONGAVILLE All hid, all hid; an old infant play. DUMAIN BIRON This same shall go. Like a demigod here sit O that I had my wish! Now, in thy likeness, Reads I in the sky. one more fool appear! LONGAVILLE Did not the heavenly And wretched fools' And I had mine! Enter LONGAVILLE, rhetoric of thine eye, secrets heedfully with a paper 'Gainst whom the o'ereye. FERDINAND world cannot hold More sacks to the mill! LONGAVILLE O heavens, I have my And I mine too, good argument, Lord! Ay me, I am forsworn! Persuade my heart to wish! BIRON this false perjury? BIRON Vows for thee broke Why, he comes in like Enter DUMAIN, with a Amen, so I had mine: deserve not a perjure, wearing paper is not that a good punishment. papers. word? A woman I forswore; Dumain transform'd! FERDINAND but I will prove, four woodcocks in a DUMAIN dish! In love, I hope: sweet Thou being a goddess, I would forget her; but fellowship in shame! I forswore not thee: a fever she My vow was earthly, DUMAIN Reigns in my blood BIRON thou a heavenly love; and will remember'd Thy grace being gain'd O most divine Kate! be. Jove, Jove! the other cries; not, Turning mortal for thy One, her hairs were All three of you, to be love. gold, crystal the other's thus much o'ershot? BIRON This will I send, and eyes: You found his mote; A fever in your blood! something else more the king your mote did why, then incision plain, see; Would let her out in That shall express my To LONGAVILLE But I a beam do find in saucers: sweet true love's fasting pain. You would for each of three. misprision! O, would the king, paradise break faith, O, what a scene of Biron, and Longaville, and troth; foolery have I seen, Were lovers too! Ill, to Of sighs, of groans, of DUMAIN example ill, sorrow and of teen! Once more I'll read the Would from my To DUMAIN O me, with what strict ode that I have writ. forehead wipe a And Jove, for your patience have I sat, perjured note; To see a king BIRON love, would infringe an For none offend where oath. transformed to a gnat! Once more I'll mark all alike do dote. What will Biron say To see great Hercules how love can vary wit. when that he shall hear whipping a gig, Faith so infringed, And profound DUMAIN LONGAVILLE which such zeal did Solomon to tune a jig, [Reads] [Advancing] Dumain, swear? And Nestor play at On a day--alack the thy love is far from How will he scorn! push-pin with the boys, day!-- charity. how will he spend his And critic Timon laugh Love, whose month is You may look pale, but wit! at idle toys! ever May, I should blush, I know, How will he triumph, Where lies thy grief, O, Spied a blossom To be o'erheard and leap and laugh at it! tell me, good Dumain? passing fair taken napping so. For all the wealth that And gentle Longaville, Playing in the wanton ever I did see, where lies thy pain? air: I would not have him And where my liege's? Through the velvet FERDINAND know so much by me. all about the breast: leaves the wind, [Advancing] Come, sir, A caudle, ho! All unseen, can you blush; as his your passage find; case is such; BIRON FERDINAND That the lover, sick to You chide at him, Now step I forth to death, offending twice as whip hypocrisy. Too bitter is thy jest. Wish himself the much; Are we betray'd thus to Advancing heaven's breath. You do not love Maria; thy over-view? Air, quoth he, thy Longaville Ah, good my liege, I cheeks may blow; Did never sonnet for pray thee, pardon me! Air, would I might her sake compile, Good heart, what grace BIRON triumph so! Nor never lay his hast thou, thus to Not you to me, but I But, alack, my hand is wreathed arms athwart reprove betray'd by you: sworn His loving bosom to These worms for I, that am honest; I, Ne'er to pluck thee keep down his heart. loving, that art most in that hold it sin from thy thorn; I have been closely love? To break the vow I am Vow, alack, for youth shrouded in this bush Your eyes do make no engaged in; unmeet, And mark'd you both coaches; in your tears I am betray'd, by Youth so apt to pluck a and for you both did There is no certain keeping company sweet! blush: princess that appears; With men like men of Do not call it sin in me, I heard your guilty You'll not be perjured, inconstancy. That I am forsworn for rhymes, observed your 'tis a hateful thing; When shall you see me thee; fashion, Tush, none but write a thing in rhyme? Thou for whom Jove Saw sighs reek from minstrels like of Or groan for love? or would swear you, noted well your sonneting! spend a minute's time Juno but an Ethiope passion: But are you not In pruning me? When were; Ay me! says one; O ashamed? nay, are you shall you hear that I And deny himself for Will praise a hand, a Where hadst thou it? audience, and I shall head and strucken foot, a face, an eye, tell you more. blind A gait, a state, a brow, Kisses the base ground a breast, a waist, JAQUENETTA with obedient breast? A leg, a limb? Of Costard. DUMAIN What peremptory eagle-sighted eye FERDINAND Now the number is even. Dares look upon the FERDINAND Where hadst thou it? heaven of her brow, BIRON Soft! whither away so COSTARD That is not blinded by fast? True, true; we are four. her majesty? A true man or a thief Of Dun Adramadio, Will these turtles be that gallops so? Dun Adramadio. gone? FERDINAND BIRON tears the letter What zeal, what fury FERDINAND BIRON FERDINAND hath inspired thee I post from love: good How now! what is in Hence, sirs; away! now? lover, let me go. you? why dost thou COSTARD My love, her mistress, tear it? is a gracious moon; Enter JAQUENETTA Walk aside the true She an attending star, and COSTARD BIRON folk, and let the traitors scarce seen a light. JAQUENETTA A toy, my liege, a toy: stay. your grace needs not God bless the king! Exeunt COSTARD and BIRON fear it. JAQUENETTA FERDINAND My eyes are then no LONGAVILLE BIRON What present hast thou eyes, nor I Biron: It did move him to there? Sweet lords, sweet O, but for my love, day passion, and therefore lovers, O, let us would turn to night! COSTARD let's hear it. embrace! Of all complexions the Some certain treason. DUMAIN As true we are as flesh cull'd sovereignty and blood can be: Do meet, as at a fair, in FERDINAND It is Biron's writing, The sea will ebb and her fair cheek, and here is his name. What makes treason flow, heaven show his Where several worthies here? Gathering up the face; make one dignity, COSTARD pieces Young blood doth not Where nothing wants BIRON obey an old decree: that want itself doth Nay, it makes nothing, We cannot cross the seek. sir. [To COSTARD] Ah, cause why we were Lend me the flourish of FERDINAND you whoreson born; all gentle tongues,-- loggerhead! you were Therefore of all hands Fie, painted rhetoric! If it mar nothing born to do me shame. must we be forsworn. O, she needs it not: neither, Guilty, my lord, guilty! To things of sale a The treason and you go I confess, I confess. seller's praise belongs, in peace away together. FERDINAND She passes praise; then praise too short doth FERDINAND What, did these rent JAQUENETTA lines show some love blot. What? of thine? A wither'd hermit, I beseech your grace, five-score winters BIRON BIRON let this letter be read: worn, Our parson misdoubts That you three fools Did they, quoth you? Might shake off fifty, it; 'twas treason, he lack'd me fool to make Who sees the heavenly looking in her eye: said. up the mess: Rosaline, Beauty doth varnish He, he, and you, and That, like a rude and age, as if new-born, you, my liege, and I, FERDINAND savage man of Inde, And gives the crutch Are pick-purses in At the first opening of the cradle's infancy: Biron, read it over. love, and we deserve to the gorgeous east, O, 'tis the sun that Giving him the paper die. Bows not his vassal maketh all things O, dismiss this shine. To look like her are DUMAIN have vow'd to study, chimney-sweepers O, vile! then, as she lords, black. In that each of you FERDINAND goes, what upward lies LONGAVILLE The street should see have forsworn his By heaven, thy love is book, And since her time are as she walk'd black as ebony. overhead. Can you still dream colliers counted bright. and pore and thereon BIRON FERDINAND look? Is ebony like her? O FERDINAND For when would you, wood divine! And Ethiopes of their my lord, or you, or But what of this? are A wife of such wood sweet complexion you, we not all in love? were felicity. crack. Have found the ground O, who can give an DUMAIN BIRON of study's excellence oath? where is a book? Without the beauty of a Dark needs no candles Nothing so sure; and That I may swear thereby all forsworn. woman's face? beauty doth beauty now, for dark is light. From women's eyes lack, FERDINAND BIRON this doctrine I derive; If that she learn not of Your mistresses dare Then leave this chat; They are the ground, her eye to look: never come in rain, and, good Biron, now the books, the No face is fair that is For fear their colours prove academes From not full so black. should be wash'd Our loving lawful, and whence doth spring the away. our faith not torn. true Promethean fire FERDINAND Why, universal O paradox! Black is FERDINAND DUMAIN plodding poisons up the badge of hell, The nimble spirits in 'Twere good, yours Ay, marry, there; some The hue of dungeons the arteries, did; for, sir, to tell you flattery for this evil. and the suit of night; As motion and long- plain, And beauty's crest LONGAVILLE during action tires I'll find a fairer face becomes the heavens The sinewy vigour of not wash'd to-day. O, some authority how well. to proceed; the traveller. Some tricks, some Now, for not looking BIRON quillets, how to cheat on a woman's face, BIRON You have in that I'll prove her fair, or the devil. Devils soonest tempt, forsworn the use of talk till doomsday here. resembling spirits of eyes light. FERDINAND DUMAIN And study too, the causer of your vow; O, if in black my lady's No devil will fright Some salve for perjury. brows be deck'd, For where is any thee then so much as BIRON author in the world It mourns that painting she. and usurping hair 'Tis more than need. Teaches such beauty as Should ravish doters DUMAIN Have at you, then, a woman's eye? Learning is but an with a false aspect; I never knew man hold affection's men at adjunct to ourself And therefore is she vile stuff so dear. arms. born to make black Consider what you first And where we are our fair. LONGAVILLE did swear unto, learning likewise is: Her favour turns the Look, here's thy love: To fast, to study, and Then when ourselves fashion of the days, my foot and her face to see no woman; we see in ladies' eyes, For native blood is see. Flat treason 'gainst the Do we not likewise see counted painting now; kingly state of youth. our learning there? BIRON And therefore red, that Say, can you fast? your O, we have made a would avoid dispraise, O, if the streets were stomachs are too vow to study, lords, Paints itself black, to paved with thine eyes, young; And in that vow we imitate her brow. Her feet were much too And abstinence have forsworn our dainty for such tread! engenders maladies. books. And where that you For when would you, DUMAIN my liege, or you, or you, a pen to write them! but be first forsworn; In leaden Until his ink were advised, If so, our copper buys contemplation have temper'd with Love's In conflict that you get no better treasure. found out sighs; the sun of them. Such fiery numbers as O, then his lines would the prompting eyes ravish savage ears Exeunt Of beauty's tutors have And plant in tyrants LONGAVILLE Act 5, Scene 1 enrich'd you with? mild humility. Now to plain-dealing; The same. Other slow arts entirely From women's eyes lay these glozes by: keep the brain; this doctrine I derive: Shall we resolve to Enter HOLOFERNES, And therefore, finding They sparkle still the woo these girls of SIR NATHANIEL, and barren practisers, right Promethean fire; France? DULL Scarce show a harvest They are the books, the HOLOFERNES of their heavy toil: arts, the academes, But love, first learned That show, contain and FERDINAND Satis quod sufficit. in a lady's eyes, nourish all the world: And win them too: SIR NATHANIEL Lives not alone Else none at all in therefore let us devise I praise God for you, immured in the brain; ought proves excellent. Some entertainment for sir: your reasons at But, with the motion of Then fools you were them in their tents. all elements, these women to dinner Courses as swift as forswear, have been sharp and thought in every Or keeping what is BIRON sententious; pleasant without power, sworn, you will prove First, from the park let scurrility, witty And gives to every fools. us conduct them without affection, power a double power, For wisdom's sake, a thither; audacious without Above their functions word that all men love, Then homeward every impudency, learned and their offices. Or for love's sake, a man attach the hand without opinion, and It adds a precious word that loves all Of his fair mistress: in strange with- seeing to the eye; men, the afternoon out heresy. I did A lover's eyes will Or for men's sake, the We will with some converse this quondam gaze an eagle blind; authors of these strange pastime solace day with A lover's ear will hear women, them, a companion of the the lowest sound, Or women's sake, by Such as the shortness king's, who is intituled, When the suspicious whom we men are of the time can shape; nomi- head of theft is stopp'd: men, For revels, dances, nated, or called, Don Love's feeling is more Let us once lose our masks and merry hours Adriano de Armado. soft and sensible oaths to find ourselves, Forerun fair Love, Than are the tender Or else we lose strewing her way with horns of cockl'd snails; ourselves to keep our flowers. HOLOFERNES Love's tongue proves oaths. dainty Bacchus gross It is religion to be thus Novi hominem in taste: forsworn, FERDINAND tanquam te: his humour is lofty, his For valour, is not Love For charity itself Away, away! no time discourse peremptory, a Hercules, fulfills the law, shall be omitted his tongue filed, his Still climbing trees in And who can sever That will betime, and eye the Hesperides? love from charity? may by us be fitted. Subtle as Sphinx; as ambitious, his gait sweet and musical majestical, and his As bright Apollo's lute, FERDINAND BIRON general strung with his hair: Saint Cupid, then! and, behavior vain, Allons! allons! Sow'd ridiculous, and And when Love soldiers, to the field! cockle reap'd no corn; speaks, the voice of all thrasonical. He is BIRON And justice always the gods too picked, too spruce, whirls in equal too affected, too odd, Makes heaven drowsy Advance your measure: with the harmony. standards, and upon as it Light wenches may were, too peregrinate, Never durst poet touch them, lords; prove plagues to men Pell-mell, down with as I may call it. Video, et gaudeo. b, spelt backward, with Thou disputest like an Enter DON ADRIANO the horn on his head? infant: go, whip thy gig. SIR NATHANIEL DE ARMADO, MOTH, and COSTARD MOTH A most singular and HOLOFERNES choice epithet. ADRIANO DE ARMADO Ba, pueritia, with a Lend me your horn to Chirrah! horn added. make one, and I will Draws out his table- whip about book To MOTH MOTH your infamy circum HOLOFERNES HOLOFERNES Ba, most silly sheep circa,--a gig of a cuckold's horn. He draweth out the with a horn. You hear Quare chirrah, not his learning. thread of his verbosity sirrah? finer HOLOFERNES COSTARD than the staple of his ADRIANO DE ARMADO Quis, quis, thou An I had but one penny argument. I abhor such Men of peace, well consonant? in the world, thou fanatical phantasimes, encountered. such insociable and MOTH shouldst HOLOFERNES point-devise have it to buy The third of the five gingerbread: hold, companions; such Most military sir, vowels, if you repeat rackers of salutation. there is the very them; or remuneration I had of orthography, as to MOTH the fifth, if I. speak dout, fine, when thy master, thou he should [Aside to COSTARD] halfpenny say doubt; det, when They have been at a HOLOFERNES purse of wit, thou great feast pigeon-egg of he should pronounce I will repeat them,--a, of languages, and discretion. O, an debt,--d, e, i,-- e, b, t, not d, e, t: he stolen the scraps. the heavens were so clepeth a calf, cauf; MOTH pleased that thou wert half, hauf; neighbour but my COSTARD The sheep: the other bastard, what a joyful vocatur nebor; neigh two concludes it,--o, u. abbreviated ne. This is O, they have lived long father wouldst thou abhominable,--which on the alms-basket of ADRIANO DE ARMADO make me! Go to; thou hast it ad he words. Now, by the salt wave dunghill, at the fingers' would call I marvel thy master of the Mediterraneum, ends, as they say. abbominable: it hath not eaten thee for a sweet insinuateth me of a word; touch, a quick venue of insanie: anne intelligis, for thou art not so long wit! snip, snap, quick HOLOFERNES domine? to make by the head as and O, I smell false Latin; frantic, lunatic. honorificabilitudinitati home! it rejoiceth my dunghill for unguem. bus: thou art easier intellect: true wit! swallowed than a flap- ADRIANO DE ARMADO SIR NATHANIEL dragon. MOTH Arts-man, Laus Deo, bene preambulate, we will intelligo. MOTH Offered by a child to be singled from the HOLOFERNES an old man; which is barbarous. Do you not Peace! the peal begins. wit-old. Bon, bon, fort bon, educate youth at the ADRIANO DE ARMADO Priscian! a little HOLOFERNES charge-house on the top of the mountain? scratch'd, [To HOLOFERNES] What is the figure? 'twill serve. Monsieur, are you not what is the figure? lettered? MOTH HOLOFERNES MOTH SIR NATHANIEL Horns. Or mons, the hill. Videsne quis venit? Yes, yes; he teaches ADRIANO DE ARMADO boys the hornbook. HOLOFERNES HOLOFERNES What is a, At your sweet pleasure, for the mountain. HOLOFERNES royal finger, thus, dally so fit as to present the ADRIANO DE ARMADO I do, sans question. with my excrement, Nine Worthies. For the rest of the with my mustachio; Worthies?-- ADRIANO DE ARMADO but, sweet SIR NATHANIEL Sir, it is the king's most heart, let that pass. By HOLOFERNES sweet pleasure and the world, I recount no Where will you find I will play three affection to fable: some certain men worthy enough to myself. congratulate the special honours it present them? pleaseth his MOTH princess at her HOLOFERNES pavilion in the greatness to impart to Thrice-worthy posteriors of this day, Armado, a soldier, a Joshua, yourself; gentleman! man of myself and this gallant which the ADRIANO DE ARMADO rude multitude call the travel, that hath seen gentleman, afternoon. the world; but let that Judas Maccabaeus; this Shall I tell you a thing? pass. swain, because of his HOLOFERNES The very all of all is,-- great HOLOFERNES but, sweet heart, I do limb or joint, shall pass We attend. The posterior of the implore secrecy,--that Pompey the Great; the ADRIANO DE ARMADO the king would have page, Hercules,- day, most generous sir, We will have, if this is me present the princess, fadge not, an antique. I liable, congruent and ADRIANO DE ARMADO beseech you, follow. measurable for the sweet chuck, with afternoon: some Pardon, sir; error: he is the word is well culled, delightful ostentation, not quantity enough for HOLOFERNES chose, sweet and apt, I or show, or pageant, or that Worthy's thumb: Via, goodman Dull! do antique, or firework. he is not so big as the thou hast spoken no assure you, sir, I do Now, understanding end of his club. word all this while. assure. that the curate and your sweet DULL self are good at such HOLOFERNES eruptions and sudden Shall I have audience? Nor understood none ADRIANO DE ARMADO breaking out of mirth, he shall present neither, sir. Sir, the king is a noble as it Hercules in HOLOFERNES were, I have minority: his enter and gentleman, and my Allons! we will acquainted you withal, exit shall be strangling familiar, employ thee. I do assure ye, very to the end to a good friend: for what is crave your assistance. snake; and I will have DULL inward between us, let an apology for that I'll make one in a purpose. it pass. I do beseech HOLOFERNES dance, or so; or I will thee, play Sir, you shall present remember thy MOTH On the tabour to the courtesy; I beseech before her the Nine Worthies, and let them thee, apparel thy Worthies. An excellent device! dance the hay. head: and among other Sir, as concerning so, if any of the important and most some entertainment of audience serious time, some hiss, you may cry 'Well HOLOFERNES designs, and of great show in the posterior done, Hercules! now Most dull, honest Dull! import indeed, too, but of this day, to be thou To our sport, away! let rendered by crushest the snake!' Exeunt that pass: for I must our assistants, at the that is the way to make tell thee, it will please king's command, and an Act 5, Scene 2 this most offence gracious, his The same. grace, by the world, gallant, illustrate, and though few have the sometime to lean upon learned gentleman, grace to do it. my poor before shoulder, and with his the princess; I say none Enter the PRINCESS, grandam ere she died: I would you knew: KATHARINE KATHARINE, And so may you; for a An if my face were but Yes, madam, and ROSALINE, and light heart lives long. as fair as yours, moreover MARIA My favour were as Some thousand verses PRINCESS great; be witness this. of a faithful lover, ROSALINE Nay, I have verses too, Sweet hearts, we shall A huge translation of What's your dark I thank Biron: hypocrisy, be rich ere we depart, meaning, mouse, of The numbers true; and, If fairings come thus Vilely compiled, this light word? were the numbering profound simplicity. plentifully in: too, KATHARINE A lady wall'd about I were the fairest with diamonds! A light condition in a goddess on the ground: MARIA Look you what I have beauty dark. I am compared to This and these pearls to from the loving king. twenty thousand fairs. ROSALINE me sent Longaville: O, he hath drawn my The letter is too long We need more light to picture in his letter! ROSALINE find your meaning out. by half a mile. Madame, came nothing KATHARINE PRINCESS else along with that? PRINCESS You'll mar the light by Any thing like? PRINCESS taking it in snuff; I think no less. Dost Nothing but this! yes, Therefore I'll darkly ROSALINE thou not wish in heart as much love in rhyme end the argument. Much in the letters; The chain were longer As would be cramm'd nothing in the praise. and the letter short? up in a sheet of paper, ROSALINE PRINCESS Writ o' both sides the MARIA leaf, margent and all, Look what you do, you Beauteous as ink; a That he was fain to do it still i' the dark. good conclusion. Ay, or I would these hands might never part. seal on Cupid's name. KATHARINE KATHARINE PRINCESS So do not you, for you Fair as a text B in a ROSALINE are a light wench. copy-book. We are wise girls to mock our lovers so. That was the way to ROSALINE ROSALINE make his godhead wax, ROSALINE For he hath been five Indeed I weigh not 'Ware pencils, ho! let They are worse fools to thousand years a boy. you, and therefore me not die your debtor, light. My red dominical, my purchase mocking so. That same Biron I'll KATHARINE golden letter: KATHARINE O, that your face were torture ere I go: You weigh me not? O, not so full of O's! O that I knew he were Ay, and a shrewd that's you care not for but in by the week! unhappy gallows too. me. How I would make KATHARINE ROSALINE ROSALINE him fawn and beg and A pox of that jest! and seek You'll ne'er be friends Great reason; for 'past with him; a' kill'd your I beshrew all shrows. And wait the season cure is still past care.' and observe the times sister. PRINCESS PRINCESS And spend his prodigal KATHARINE But, Katharine, what wits in bootless rhymes Well bandied both; a was sent to you from And shape his service He made her set of wit well play'd. melancholy, sad, and fair Dumain? wholly to my hests But Rosaline, you have And make him proud heavy; a favour too: KATHARINE And so she died: had to make me proud that Who sent it? and what Madam, this glove. jests! she been light, like is it? you, PRINCESS So perttaunt-like would Of such a merry, I o'ersway his state Did he not send you nimble, stirring spirit, ROSALINE That he should be my twain? She might ha' been a fool and I his fate. disguised, The boy replied, 'An And will they so? the Armed in arguments; angel is not evil; gallants shall be task'd; you'll be surprised: I should have fear'd her For, ladies, we shall PRINCESS Muster your wits; had she been a devil.' every one be mask'd; None are so surely stand in your own With that, all laugh'd And not a man of them caught, when they are defence; and clapp'd him on the shall have the grace, catch'd, Or hide your heads like shoulder, Despite of suit, to see a As wit turn'd fool: cowards, and fly Making the bold wag lady's face. folly, in wisdom hence. by their praises bolder: Hold, Rosaline, this hatch'd, One rubb'd his elbow favour thou shalt wear, Hath wisdom's warrant thus, and fleer'd and And then the king will and the help of school PRINCESS swore court thee for his dear; And wit's own grace to Saint Denis to Saint A better speech was Hold, take thou this, grace a learned fool. Cupid! What are they never spoke before; my sweet, and give me That charge their Another, with his thine, breath against us? say, finger and his thumb, So shall Biron take me ROSALINE scout, say. Cried, 'Via! we will for Rosaline. The blood of youth do't, come what will And change your burns not with such come;' favours too; so shall excess BOYET The third he caper'd, your loves As gravity's revolt to Under the cool shade and cried, 'All goes Woo contrary, wantonness. of a sycamore well;' deceived by these I thought to close mine The fourth turn'd on removes. eyes some half an the toe, and down he MARIA hour; fell. ROSALINE Folly in fools bears not When, lo! to interrupt With that, they all did so strong a note my purposed rest, tumble on the ground, Come on, then; wear As foolery in the wise, Toward that shade I With such a zealous the favours most in when wit doth dote; might behold addrest laughter, so profound, sight. That in this spleen Since all the power The king and his KATHARINE thereof it doth apply companions: warily ridiculous appears, To prove, by wit, I stole into a neighbour To cheque their folly, But in this changing worth in simplicity. thicket by, passion's solemn tears. what is your intent? And overheard what PRINCESS you shall overhear, PRINCESS PRINCESS That, by and by, The effect of my intent is to cross theirs: Here comes Boyet, and disguised they will be But what, but what, They do it but in mirth is in his face. here. come they to visit us? Their herald is a pretty mocking merriment; Enter BOYET BOYET knavish page, And mock for mock is BOYET That well by heart hath They do, they do: and only my intent. are apparell'd thus. Their several counsels O, I am stabb'd with conn'd his embassage: Action and accent did Like Muscovites or they unbosom shall laughter! Where's her Russians, as I guess. To loves mistook, and grace? they teach him there; 'Thus must thou speak,' Their purpose is to so be mock'd withal PRINCESS and 'thus thy body parle, to court and Upon the next occasion dance; that we meet, Thy news Boyet? bear:' And ever and anon And every one his With visages BOYET they made a doubt love-feat will advance displayed, to talk and greet. Prepare, madam, Presence majestical Unto his several prepare! would put him out, mistress, which they'll know Arm, wenches, arm! 'For,' quoth the king, ROSALINE encounters mounted 'an angel shalt thou By favours several are see; which they did bestow. But shall we dance, if Against your peace: Yet fear not thou, but they desire to't? Love doth approach speak audaciously.' PRINCESS PRINCESS No, to the death, we Beauties no richer than Is this your ROSALINE will not move a foot; rich taffeta. perfectness? be gone, It is not so. Ask them Nor to their penn'd MOTH you rogue! how many inches speech render we no Exit MOTH Is in one mile: if they grace, A holy parcel of the fairest dames. ROSALINE have measured many, But while 'tis spoke The measure then of each turn away her The Ladies turn their What would these one is easily told. face. backs to him strangers? know their minds, Boyet: That ever turn'd their-- BOYET BOYET backs--to mortal If they do speak our views! language, 'tis our will: If to come hither you Why, that contempt That some plain man have measured miles, will kill the speaker's recount their purposes And many miles, the heart, BIRON Know what they princess bids you tell And quite divorce his would. How many inches doth memory from his part. [Aside to MOTH] Their eyes, villain, fill up one mile. their eyes! BOYET PRINCESS MOTH What would you with BIRON Therefore I do it; and I That ever turn'd their the princess? Tell her, we measure make no doubt eyes to mortal views!-- them by weary steps. The rest will ne'er BIRON Out-- come in, if he be out Nothing but peace and BOYET There's no such sport BOYET gentle visitation. She hears herself. as sport by sport True; out indeed. ROSALINE o'erthrown, ROSALINE To make theirs ours MOTH What would they, say How many weary and ours none but our Out of your favours, they? steps, own: heavenly spirits, BOYET Of many weary miles So shall we stay, vouchsafe you have o'ergone, mocking intended Not to behold-- Nothing but peace and Are number'd in the game, gentle visitation. travel of one mile? And they, well mock'd, ROSALINE depart away with BIRON shame. Why, that they have; BIRON [Aside to MOTH] and bid them so be We number nothing Once to behold, rogue. gone. that we spend for you: Trumpets sound within MOTH BOYET Our duty is so rich, so BOYET Once to behold with She says, you have it, infinite, The trumpet sounds: be your sun-beamed eyes, and you may be gone. That we may do it still mask'd; the maskers --with your sun- without accompt. FERDINAND come. beamed eyes-- Vouchsafe to show the Say to her, we have sunshine of your face, The Ladies mask That we, like savages, BOYET measured many miles Enter Blackamoors To tread a measure may worship it. with music; MOTH; They will not answer with her on this grass. FERDINAND, BIRON, to that epithet; ROSALINE LONGAVILLE, and You were best call it DUMAIN, in Russian 'daughter-beamed BOYET My face is but a moon, habits, and masked eyes.' They say, that they and clouded too. MOTH have measured many a FERDINAND MOTH mile All hail, the richest To tread a measure Blessed are clouds, to beauties on the earth!-- They do not mark me, with you on this grass. do as such clouds do! Vouchsafe, bright BOYET and that brings me out. moon, and these thy BIRON stars, to shine, ROSALINE BIRON lady. Those clouds removed, Since you are strangers White-handed mistress, upon our watery eyne. and come here by one sweet word with DUMAIN chance, thee. Please it you, ROSALINE We'll not be nice: take PRINCESS hands. We will not As much in private, O vain petitioner! beg dance. Honey, and milk, and and I'll bid adieu. a greater matter; sugar; there is three. Thou now request'st but moonshine in the FERDINAND BIRON They converse apart water. Why take we hands, Nay then, two treys, KATHARINE then? and if you grow so What, was your vizard nice, FERDINAND ROSALINE made without a Metheglin, wort, and tongue? Then, in our measure Only to part friends: malmsey: well run, do but vouchsafe one Curtsy, sweet hearts; dice! LONGAVILLE change. and so the measure There's half-a-dozen I know the reason, Thou bid'st me beg: ends. sweets. lady, why you ask. this begging is not strange. KATHARINE PRINCESS FERDINAND O for your reason! Seventh sweet, adieu: quickly, sir; I long. ROSALINE More measure of this Since you can cog, I'll measure; be not nice. LONGAVILLE Play, music, then! Nay, play no more with you. you must do it soon. ROSALINE You have a double tongue within your Music plays We can afford no more at such a price. BIRON mask, Not yet! no dance! One word in secret. And would afford my Thus change I like the FERDINAND speechless vizard half. moon. Prize you yourselves: PRINCESS what buys your Let it not be sweet. company? KATHARINE FERDINAND BIRON ROSALINE Veal, quoth the Will you not dance? Thou grievest my gall. Dutchman. Is not 'veal' How come you thus Your absence only. PRINCESS a calf? estranged? FERDINAND Gall! bitter. LONGAVILLE ROSALINE That can never be. BIRON A calf, fair lady! You took the moon at ROSALINE KATHARINE full, but now she's Therefore meet. changed. Then cannot we be They converse apart No, a fair lord calf. bought: and so, adieu; FERDINAND Twice to your visor, DUMAIN LONGAVILLE Yet still she is the and half once to you. Will you vouchsafe Let's part the word. moon, and I the man. with me to change a KATHARINE The music plays; FERDINAND word? vouchsafe some No, I'll not be your half motion to it. If you deny to dance, MARIA Take all, and wean it; it let's hold more chat. Name it. may prove an ox. ROSALINE ROSALINE DUMAIN LONGAVILLE Our ears vouchsafe it. In private, then. Fair lady,-- Look, how you butt FERDINAND MARIA FERDINAND yourself in these sharp But your legs should I am best pleased with Say you so? Fair mocks! do it. that. lord,-- Will you give horns, They converse apart Take that for your fair chaste lady? do not so. Are these the breed of PRINCESS Fair ladies mask'd are wits so wonder'd at? Go, sickness as thou roses in their bud; art! Dismask'd, their KATHARINE damask sweet Then die a calf, before BOYET ROSALINE commixture shown, your horns do grow. Tapers they are, with Well, better wits have Are angels vailing clouds, or roses blown. LONGAVILLE your sweet breaths worn plain statute- puff'd out. caps. One word in private ROSALINE But will you hear? the PRINCESS with you, ere I die. king is my love sworn. KATHARINE Well-liking wits they Avaunt, perplexity! have; gross, gross; fat, What shall we do, Bleat softly then; the fat. PRINCESS If they return in their butcher hears you cry. PRINCESS And quick Biron hath own shapes to woo? They converse apart O poverty in wit, plighted faith to me. BOYET kingly-poor flout! KATHARINE ROSALINE The tongues of Will they not, think And Longaville was Good madam, if by me mocking wenches are you, hang themselves for my service born. you'll be advised, as keen tonight? Let's, mock them still, MARIA As is the razor's edge Or ever, but in vizards, as well known as invisible, show their faces? Dumain is mine, as disguised: Cutting a smaller hair This pert Biron was out sure as bark on tree. Let us complain to of countenance quite. than may be seen, BOYET them what fools were Above the sense of here, Madam, and pretty sense; so sensible ROSALINE Disguised like Seemeth their mistresses, give ear: Muscovites, in conference; their O, they were all in Immediately they will shapeless gear; conceits have wings lamentable cases! again be here And wonder what they Fleeter than arrows, The king was weeping- In their own shapes; were and to what end bullets, wind, thought, ripe for a good word. for it can never be Their shallow shows swifter things. They will digest this and prologue vilely harsh indignity. PRINCESS penn'd And their rough ROSALINE Biron did swear carriage so ridiculous, PRINCESS Not one word more, himself out of all suit. Should be presented at my maids; break off, MARIA Will they return? our tent to us. break off. Dumain was at my BOYET BIRON service, and his sword: They will, they will, BOYET By heaven, all dry- No point, quoth I; my God knows, Ladies, withdraw: the beaten with pure scoff! servant straight was And leap for joy, gallants are at hand. mute. though they are lame FERDINAND with blows: PRINCESS Farewell, mad Therefore change KATHARINE Whip to our tents, as wenches; you have favours; and, when roes run o'er land. simple wits. Lord Longaville said, I they repair, came o'er his heart; Exeunt PRINCESS, PRINCESS Blow like sweet roses And trow you what he in this summer air. ROSALINE, Twenty adieus, my called me? KATHARINE, and frozen Muscovits. MARIA PRINCESS Re-enter Exeunt FERDINAND, PRINCESS Lords, and How blow? how blow? FERDINAND, BIRON, Blackamoors Qualm, perhaps. speak to be understood. LONGAVILLE, and DUMAIN, in their KATHARINE BOYET proper habits Yes, in good faith. FERDINAND on them, kiss his feet: This field shall hold How, madam! Fair sir, God save you! This is the flower that me; and so hold your Russians! Where's the princess? smiles on every one, vow: PRINCESS To show his teeth as Nor God, nor I, BOYET white as whale's bone; delights in perjured Ay, in truth, my lord; Gone to her tent. And consciences, that men. Trim gallants, full of Please it your majesty will not die in debt, courtship and of state. Command me any Pay him the due of honey-tongued Boyet. FERDINAND service to her thither? ROSALINE Rebuke me not for that which you provoke: Madam, speak true. It FERDINAND FERDINAND The virtue of your eye is not so, my lord: That she vouchsafe me A blister on his sweet must break my oath. My lady, to the manner audience for one word. tongue, with my heart, of the days, That put Armado's In courtesy gives BOYET page out of his part! PRINCESS undeserving praise. I will; and so will she, You nickname virtue; We four indeed I know, my lord. vice you should have confronted were with BIRON spoke; four Exit See where it comes! For virtue's office In Russian habit: here BIRON Behavior, what wert never breaks men's they stay'd an hour, And talk'd apace; and This fellow pecks up thou troth. Till this madman Now by my maiden in that hour, my lord, wit as pigeons pease, They did not bless us And utters it again show'd thee? and what honour, yet as pure art thou now? As the unsullied lily, I with one happy word. when God doth please: I dare not call them He is wit's pedler, and protest, A world of torments fools; but this I think, retails his wares Re-enter the When they are thirsty, At wakes and wassails, though I should PRINCESS, ushered endure, fools would fain have meetings, markets, by BOYET, drink. fairs; I would not yield to be ROSALINE, MARIA, your house's guest; And we that sell by and KATHARINE gross, the Lord doth So much I hate a BIRON know, FERDINAND breaking cause to be This jest is dry to me. Have not the grace to Of heavenly oaths, All hail, sweet madam, Fair gentle sweet, grace it with such vow'd with integrity. and fair time of day! Your wit makes wise show. PRINCESS things foolish: when This gallant pins the FERDINAND we greet, wenches on his sleeve; 'Fair' in 'all hail' is foul, With eyes best seeing, Had he been Adam, he as I conceive. O, you have lived in heaven's fiery eye, had tempted Eve; desolation here, FERDINAND By light we lose light: A' can carve too, and Unseen, unvisited, your capacity lisp: why, this is he Construe my speeches much to our shame. Is of that nature that to That kiss'd his hand better, if you may. your huge store away in courtesy; PRINCESS PRINCESS Wise things seem This is the ape of form, foolish and rich things monsieur the nice, Then wish me better; I Not so, my lord; it is but poor. That, when he plays at will give you leave. not so, I swear; tables, chides the dice FERDINAND We have had pastimes In honourable terms: here and pleasant ROSALINE We came to visit you, nay, he can sing game: and purpose now This proves you wise A mean most meanly; A mess of Russians left To lead you to our and rich, for in my and in ushering us but of late. court; vouchsafe it eye,-- Mend him who can: then. the ladies call him FERDINAND sweet; The stairs, as he treads PRINCESS BIRON coming from Muscovy. ROSALINE PRINCESS I am a fool, and full of Sans sans, I pray you. The fairest is poverty. BIRON BIRON confession. ROSALINE Were not you here but Thus pour the stars Yet I have a trick even now disguised? But that you take what down plagues for Of the old rage: bear doth to you belong, perjury. with me, I am sick; It were a fault to snatch Can any face of brass I'll leave it by degrees. FERDINAND words from my tongue. hold longer out? Soft, let us see: Madam, I was. Here stand I lady, dart Write, 'Lord have thy skill at me; mercy on us' on those PRINCESS BIRON Bruise me with scorn, three; And were you well O, I am yours, and all confound me with a They are infected; in advised? flout; their hearts it lies; that I possess! FERDINAND Thrust thy sharp wit They have the plague, ROSALINE quite through my and caught it of your I was, fair madam. All the fool mine? ignorance; eyes; Cut me to pieces with PRINCESS BIRON These lords are visited; thy keen conceit; you are not free, When you then were I cannot give you less. And I will wish thee For the Lord's tokens here, never more to dance, ROSALINE on you do I see. What did you whisper Nor never more in in your lady's ear? Which of the vizards Russian habit wait. was it that you wore? O, never will I trust to PRINCESS FERDINAND BIRON speeches penn'd, No, they are free that Nor to the motion of a gave these tokens to That more than all the Where? when? what schoolboy's tongue, us. world I did respect her. vizard? why demand Nor never come in PRINCESS you this? vizard to my friend, BIRON ROSALINE Nor woo in rhyme, like Our states are forfeit: When she shall a blind harper's song! seek not to undo us. challenge this, you will There, then, that Taffeta phrases, silken reject her. vizard; that superfluous ROSALINE terms precise, FERDINAND case Three-piled It is not so; for how That hid the worse and hyperboles, spruce can this be true, Upon mine honour, no. show'd the better face. affectation, That you stand forfeit, PRINCESS Figures pedantical; being those that sue? Peace, peace! forbear: FERDINAND these summer-flies Have blown me full of Your oath once broke, We are descried; they'll maggot ostentation: BIRON you force not to mock us now I do forswear them; Peace! for I will not forswear. downright. and I here protest, have to do with you. By this white glove;-- DUMAIN ROSALINE FERDINAND how white the hand, Let us confess and turn God knows!-- Nor shall not, if I do as Despise me, when I it to a jest. Henceforth my wooing I intend. break this oath of mine. PRINCESS mind shall be express'd BIRON In russet yeas and PRINCESS Amazed, my lord? why Speak for yourselves; looks your highness honest kersey noes: And, to begin, my wit is at an end. I will: and therefore sad? keep it. Rosaline, wench,--so God help FERDINAND ROSALINE me, la!-- What did the Russian Teach us, sweet whisper in your ear? Help, hold his brows! My love to thee is sound, sans crack or madam, for our rude he'll swoon! Why look transgression flaw. ROSALINE you pale? Some fair excuse. Sea-sick, I think, Madam, he swore that our merriment, Full merrily Under correction, sir, he did hold me dear To dash it like a Hath this brave we know whereuntil it As precious eyesight, Christmas comedy: manage, this career, doth amount. and did value me Some carry-tale, some been run. BIRON Above this world; please-man, some adding thereto slight zany, By Jove, I always took moreover Some mumble-news, BIRON three threes for nine. That he would wed me, some trencher-knight, Lo, he is tilting COSTARD or else die my lover. some Dick, straight! Peace! I have That smiles his cheek done. O Lord, sir, it were in years and knows the pity you should get Enter COSTARD PRINCESS trick your living God give thee joy of To make my lady Welcome, pure wit! by reckoning, sir. him! the noble lord laugh when she's thou partest a fair fray. Most honourably doth disposed, BIRON unhold his word. Told our intents COSTARD before; which once How much is it? disclosed, O Lord, sir, they would COSTARD FERDINAND The ladies did change know O Lord, sir, the parties What mean you, favours: and then we, Whether the three themselves, the actors, madam? by my life, Following the signs, Worthies shall come in sir, will show my troth, woo'd but the sign of or no. whereuntil it doth I never swore this lady she. amount: for mine such an oath. Now, to our perjury to add more terror, BIRON own part, I am, as they We are again forsworn, What, are there but say, but to parfect one ROSALINE in will and error. three? man in one poor man, By heaven, you did; Much upon this it is: COSTARD Pompion the Great, sir. and to confirm it plain, and might not you You gave me this: but No, sir; but it is vara take it, sir, again. fine, BIRON To BOYET For every one pursents Forestall our sport, to three. Art thou one of the FERDINAND make us thus untrue? Worthies? Do not you know my My faith and this the BIRON COSTARD lady's foot by the princess I did give: It pleased them to think squier, And three times thrice I knew her by this me worthy of Pompion And laugh upon the is nine. jewel on her sleeve. the apple of her eye? COSTARD Great: for mine own And stand between her part, I know not the PRINCESS back, sir, and the fire, Not so, sir; under correction, sir; I hope it degree of Pardon me, sir, this Holding a trencher, is not so. the Worthy, but I am to jewel did she wear; jesting merrily? You cannot beg us, sir, stand for him. And Lord Biron, I You put our page out: I can assure you, sir we thank him, is my dear. go, you are allow'd; know What, will you have Die when you will, a BIRON what we know: me, or your pearl smock shall be your I hope, sir, three times Go, bid them prepare. again? shroud. You leer upon me, do thrice, sir,-- COSTARD you? there's an eye We will turn it finely BIRON Wounds like a leaden BIRON off, sir; we will take Neither of either; I sword. Is not nine. some care. remit both twain. I see the trick on't: here BOYET COSTARD was a consent, Exit Knowing aforehand of FERDINAND Biron, they will shame BIRON priest, the fool If your ladyship would us: let them not Why ask you? and the boy:-- say, 'Thanks, Pompey,' approach. Abate throw at novum, I had done. PRINCESS BIRON and the whole world again He speaks not like a PRINCESS We are shame-proof, man of God's making. Cannot pick out five my lord: and tis some such, take each one in Great thanks, great policy ADRIANO DE ARMADO his vein. Pompey. To have one show That is all one, my fair, COSTARD worse than the king's sweet, honey monarch; FERDINAND and his company. for, 'Tis not so much I protest, the The ship is under sail, worth; but I hope I was perfect: I FERDINAND schoolmaster is and here she comes exceeding amain. made a little fault in I say they shall not fantastical; too, too 'Great.' come. Enter COSTARD, for vain, too too vain: but Pompey PRINCESS we BIRON will put it, as they say, COSTARD Nay, my good lord, let to fortuna de la guerra. I Pompey am,-- My hat to a halfpenny, me o'errule you now: I wish you the peace of Pompey proves the That sport best pleases mind, most royal BOYET best Worthy. that doth least know couplement! You lie, you are not he. how: Enter SIR Where zeal strives to COSTARD NATHANIEL, for Alexander content, and the Exit I Pompey am,-- contents FERDINAND SIR NATHANIEL Dies in the zeal of that BOYET When in the world I which it presents: Here is like to be a With libbard's head on lived, I was the world's Their form confounded good presence of knee. commander; makes most form in Worthies. He By east, west, north, mirth, presents Hector of BIRON and south, I spread my When great things Troy; the swain, Well said, old mocker: conquering might: labouring perish in Pompey the I must needs be friends My scutcheon plain their birth. Great; the parish with thee. curate, Alexander; declares that I am Armado's page, Alisander,-- BIRON Hercules; the pedant, COSTARD A right description of Judas Maccabaeus: I Pompey am, Pompey BOYET our sport, my lord. And if surnamed the Big-- these four Worthies in Your nose says, no, Enter DON ADRIANO their first show thrive, DUMAIN you are not for it DE ARMADO These four will change The Great. stands too right. ADRIANO DE ARMADO habits, and present the COSTARD BIRON other five. Anointed, I implore so It is, 'Great,' sir:-- Your nose smells 'no' much expense of thy Pompey surnamed the in this, most tender- royal BIRON Great; smelling knight. sweet breath as will That oft in field, with PRINCESS utter a brace of words. There is five in the first targe and shield, did show. The conqueror is make FERDINAND dismay'd. Proceed, my foe to sweat: Converses apart with good Alexander. FERDINAND, and You are deceived; 'tis And travelling along delivers him a paper not so. this coast, I here am SIR NATHANIEL come by chance, PRINCESS BIRON When in the world I And lay my arms lived, I was the world's Doth this man serve The pedant, the before the legs of this God? braggart, the hedge- sweet lass of France, commander,-- a-coming will speak BOYET And now forward; for their mind in some To make Judas hang we have put thee in other sort. countenance. BOYET himself. Most true, 'tis right; HOLOFERNES you were so, Enter HOLOFERNES, HOLOFERNES for Judas; and MOTH, Begin, sir; you are my Alisander. elder. You have put me out for Hercules of countenance. BIRON BIRON HOLOFERNES BIRON Pompey the Great,-- Well followed: Judas Great Hercules is False; we have given COSTARD presented by this imp, was hanged on an elder. thee faces. Your servant, and Whose club kill'd Costard. Cerberus, that three- HOLOFERNES HOLOFERNES headed canis; I will not be put out of But you have out-faced BIRON And when he was a countenance. them all. Take away the babe, a child, a shrimp, conqueror, take away Thus did he strangle BIRON BIRON Alisander. serpents in his manus. Because thou hast no An thou wert a lion, we Quoniam he seemeth face. would do so. COSTARD in minority, [To SIR NATHANIEL] Ergo I come with this HOLOFERNES BOYET O, sir, you have apology. What is this? Therefore, as he is an overthrown Keep some state in thy ass, let him go. Alisander the exit, and vanish. BOYET And so adieu, sweet conqueror! You will be A cittern-head. Jude! nay, why dost scraped out of thou stay? DUMAIN the painted cloth for MOTH retires this: your lion, that Judas I am,-- The head of a bodkin. DUMAIN holds BIRON his poll-axe sitting on a For the latter end of his close-stool, will be DUMAIN A Death's face in a name. given ring. A Judas! BIRON to Ajax: he will be the HOLOFERNES LONGAVILLE ninth Worthy. A For the ass to the Jude; conqueror, Not Iscariot, sir. The face of an old give it him:--Jud-as, and afeard to speak! Judas I am, ycliped Roman coin, scarce away! seen. run away for shame, Maccabaeus. HOLOFERNES Alisander. BOYET This is not generous, DUMAIN The pommel of not gentle, not humble. SIR NATHANIEL Caesar's falchion. Judas Maccabaeus clipt BOYET retires is plain Judas. DUMAIN There, an't shall please A light for Monsieur BIRON The carved-bone face Judas! it grows dark, you; a foolish mild on a flask. man; an A kissing traitor. How he may stumble. honest man, look you, art thou proved Judas? BIRON HOLOFERNES retires and soon dashed. He is HOLOFERNES Saint George's half- PRINCESS a cheek in a brooch. marvellous good Judas I am,-- Alas, poor DUMAIN neighbour, faith, and a DUMAIN Maccabaeus, how hath very good Ay, and in a brooch of he been baited! The more shame for bowler: but, for lead. you, Judas. Enter DON ADRIANO Alisander,--alas, you BIRON DE ARMADO, for see how HOLOFERNES Hector Ay, and worn in the 'tis,--a little o'erparted. What mean you, sir? But there are Worthies cap of a tooth-drawer. BIRON Hide thy head, Peace!-- I do adore thy sweet Most rare Pompey! Achilles: here comes The armipotent Mars, grace's slipper. BOYET Hector in arms. of lances the almighty BOYET Renowned Pompey! DUMAIN Gave Hector a gift, the heir of Ilion; [Aside to DUMAIN] BIRON Though my mocks A man so breathed, Loves her by the come home by me, I that certain he would foot,-- Greater than great, will now be merry. fight; yea great, great, great DUMAIN Pompey! FERDINAND From morn till night, out of his pavilion. [Aside to BOYET] He Pompey the Huge! Hector was but a I am that flower,-- may not by the yard. Troyan in respect of ADRIANO DE ARMADO this. DUMAIN DUMAIN This Hector far Hector trembles. BOYET surmounted That mint. But is this Hector? Hannibal,-- BIRON LONGAVILLE FERDINAND COSTARD Pompey is moved. That columbine. More Ates, more Ates! I think Hector was not The party is gone, stir them so clean-timbered. ADRIANO DE ARMADO fellow Hector, she is on! stir them on! LONGAVILLE Sweet Lord gone; she Longaville, rein thy is two months on her His leg is too big for DUMAIN tongue. way. Hector's. Hector will challenge LONGAVILLE DUMAIN ADRIANO DE ARMADO him. I must rather give it the More calf, certain. BIRON rein, for it runs against What meanest thou? BOYET Hector. COSTARD Ay, if a' have no man's blood in's belly than No; he is best endued DUMAIN Faith, unless you play will in the small. Ay, and Hector's a the honest Troyan, the sup a flea. BIRON greyhound. poor wench is cast away: This cannot be Hector. ADRIANO DE ARMADO she's quick; the child DUMAIN The sweet war-man is brags in ADRIANO DE ARMADO He's a god or a painter; dead and rotten; sweet her belly already: tis By the north pole, I do for he makes faces. chucks, yours. challenge thee. beat not the bones of ADRIANO DE ARMADO the buried: when he COSTARD ADRIANO DE ARMADO The armipotent Mars, breathed, I will not fight with a of lances the almighty, he was a man. But I Dost thou infamonize pole, like a northern Gave Hector a gift,-- will forward with my me among potentates? man: device. thou shalt I'll slash; I'll do it by die. the sword. I bepray DUMAIN you, To the PRINCESS A gilt nutmeg. let me borrow my arms Sweet royalty, bestow COSTARD again. BIRON on me the sense of Then shall Hector be A lemon. hearing. whipped for Jaquenetta that is DUMAIN LONGAVILLE quick by him and Room for the incensed PRINCESS Stuck with cloves. hanged for Pompey Worthies! Speak, brave Hector: that is dead by DUMAIN COSTARD we are much delighted. him. No, cloven. I'll do it in my shirt. ADRIANO DE ARMADO ADRIANO DE ARMADO DUMAIN DUMAIN Most resolute Pompey! PRINCESS that you vouchsafe Honest plain words MOTH Welcome, Mercade; In your rich wisdom to best pierce the ear of But that thou excuse or hide grief; Master, let me take you The liberal opposition And by these badges a buttonhole lower. Do interrupt'st our merriment. of our spirits, understand the king. you If over-boldly we have For your fair sakes not see Pompey is borne ourselves have we neglected uncasing for the MERCADE In the converse of time, combat? What mean breath: your gentleness Play'd foul play with I am sorry, madam; for you? You will lose Was guilty of it. our oaths: your beauty, the news I bring your reputation. Farewell worthy lord! ladies, Is heavy in my tongue. A heavy heart bears Hath much deform'd The king your father-- not a nimble tongue: us, fashioning our Excuse me so, coming humours ADRIANO DE ARMADO PRINCESS too short of thanks Even to the opposed Gentlemen and For my great suit so end of our intents: Dead, for my life! soldiers, pardon me; I easily obtain'd. And what in us hath will not combat MERCADE seem'd ridiculous,-- in my shirt. As love is full of Even so; my tale is FERDINAND told. unbefitting strains, The extreme parts of All wanton as a child, DUMAIN BIRON time extremely forms skipping and vain, You may not deny it: Worthies, away! the All causes to the Form'd by the eye and Pompey hath made the scene begins to cloud. purpose of his speed, therefore, like the eye, challenge. And often at his very Full of strange shapes, ADRIANO DE ARMADO ADRIANO DE ARMADO loose decides of habits and of forms, For mine own part, I That which long Varying in subjects as Sweet bloods, I both breathe free breath. I process could not the eye doth roll may and will. have arbitrate: To every varied object BIRON seen the day of wrong And though the in his glance: through the little hole mourning brow of Which parti-coated What reason have you of progeny presence of loose love for't? discretion, and I will Forbid the smiling Put on by us, if, in your ADRIANO DE ARMADO right myself like a courtesy of love heavenly eyes, The holy suit which Have misbecomed our The naked truth of it is, soldier. fain it would convince, oaths and gravities, I have no shirt; I go Yet, since love's Those heavenly eyes, woolward for penance. Exeunt Worthies argument was first on that look into these FERDINAND foot, faults, BOYET Let not the cloud of Suggested us to make. How fares your sorrow justle it Therefore, ladies, True, and it was majesty? From what it purposed; Our love being yours, enjoined him in Rome PRINCESS since, to wail friends the error that love for want of lost makes Boyet, prepare; I will linen: since when, I'll Is not by much so Is likewise yours: we away tonight. be sworn, he wore wholesome-profitable to ourselves prove none but FERDINAND As to rejoice at friends false, a dishclout of but newly found. By being once false for Jaquenetta's, and that a' Madam, not so; I do beseech you, stay. ever to be true wears next To those that make us his heart for a favour. PRINCESS PRINCESS both,--fair ladies, you: Prepare, I say. I thank I understand you not: And even that Enter MERCADE you, gracious lords, my griefs are double. falsehood, in itself a For all your fair sin, MERCADE BIRON endeavors; and entreat, Thus purifies itself and God save you, madam! Out of a new-sad soul, turns to grace. naked hermitage, You must be purged At the twelvemonth's Remote from all the too, your sins are end pleasures of the world; rack'd, I'll change my black PRINCESS There stay until the You are attaint with gown for a faithful We have received your twelve celestial signs faults and perjury: friend. letters full of love; Have brought about the Therefore if you my Your favours, the annual reckoning. favour mean to get, ambassadors of love; If this austere A twelvemonth shall LONGAVILLE And, in our maiden insociable life you spend, and never I'll stay with patience; council, rated them Change not your offer rest, but the time is long. made in heat of blood; But seek the weary At courtship, pleasant MARIA jest and courtesy, If frosts and fasts, hard beds of people sick] As bombast and as lodging and thin weeds The liker you; few lining to the time: Nip not the gaudy taller are so young. DUMAIN But more devout than blossoms of your love, BIRON this in our respects But that it bear this But what to me, my Have we not been; and trial and last love; love? but what to me? Studies my lady? therefore met your Then, at the expiration A wife? mistress, look on me; of the year, Behold the window of loves KATHARINE In their own fashion, Come challenge me, my heart, mine eye, like a merriment. challenge me by these A beard, fair health, What humble suit deserts, and honesty; attends thy answer And, by this virgin With three-fold love I there: DUMAIN palm now kissing thine wish you all these Impose some service Our letters, madam, I will be thine; and till three. on me for thy love. show'd much more that instant shut My woeful self up in a than jest. DUMAIN ROSALINE mourning house, LONGAVILLE Raining the tears of O, shall I say, I thank Oft have I heard of So did our looks. lamentation you, gentle wife? you, my Lord Biron, Before I saw you; and ROSALINE For the remembrance KATHARINE of my father's death. the world's large We did not quote them If this thou do deny, let Not so, my lord; a tongue so. our hands part, twelvemonth and a day Proclaims you for a FERDINAND Neither entitled in the I'll mark no words that man replete with other's heart. smooth-faced wooers mocks, Now, at the latest say: Full of comparisons minute of the hour, Come when the king and wounding flouts, Grant us your loves. FERDINAND doth to my lady come; Which you on all If this, or more than Then, if I have much estates will execute love, I'll give you That lie within the PRINCESS this, I would deny, To flatter up these some. mercy of your wit. A time, methinks, too powers of mine with To weed this short wormwood from your rest, DUMAIN To make a world- The sudden hand of fruitful brain, without-end bargain in. death close up mine I'll serve thee true and And therewithal to win No, no, my lord, your eye! faithfully till then. me, if you please, grace is perjured much, Without the which I am Hence ever then my KATHARINE Full of dear guiltiness; heart is in thy breast. not to be won, and therefore this: Yet swear not, lest ye You shall this If for my love, as there be forsworn again. twelvemonth term from BIRON is no such cause, LONGAVILLE day to day You will do aught, this [And what to me, my Visit the speechless What says Maria? shall you do for me: love? and what to me? sick and still converse Your oath I will not MARIA With groaning trust; but go with speed ROSALINE wretches; and your To some forlorn and task shall be, With all the fierce Of him that hears it, [To FERDINAND] Ay, Re-enter DON endeavor of your wit never in the tongue sweet my lord; and so ADRIANO DE To enforce the pained Of him that makes it: I take my leave. ARMADO impotent to smile. then, if sickly ears, FERDINAND ADRIANO DE ARMADO Deaf'd with the clamours of their own No, madam; we will Sweet majesty, BIRON dear groans, bring you on your way. vouchsafe me,-- To move wild laughter Will hear your idle BIRON PRINCESS in the throat of death? scorns, continue then, It cannot be; it is And I will have you Our wooing doth not Was not that Hector? impossible: and that fault withal; end like an old play; DUMAIN Mirth cannot move a But if they will not, Jack hath not Jill: The worthy knight of soul in agony. throw away that spirit, these ladies' courtesy And I shall find you Might well have made Troy. empty of that fault, our sport a comedy. ADRIANO DE ARMADO ROSALINE Right joyful of your I will kiss thy royal finger, Why, that's the way to reformation. FERDINAND and take leave. I am choke a gibing spirit, a votary; I have vowed to Whose influence is Come, sir, it wants a Jaquenetta to hold the BIRON begot of that loose twelvemonth and a plough for her sweet love grace A twelvemonth! well; day, three years. But, most Which shallow befall what will befall, And then 'twill end. esteemed greatness, will laughing hearers give I'll jest a twelvemonth you hear the dialogue that to fools: in an hospital. BIRON the two learned men have A jest's prosperity lies compiled in praise of the in the ear That's too long for a owl and the cuckoo? It PRINCESS play. should have followed in the When shepherds pipe on oaten straws end of our show. And merry larks are ploughmen's clocks, When turtles tread, and rooks, and daws, nd maidens bleach their summer smocks FERDINAND The cuckoo then, on every tree, Call them forth quickly; we will do so. Mocks married men; for thus sings he, Cuckoo; Cuckoo, cuckoo: O word of fear, ADRIANO DE ARMADO Unpleasing to a married ear! Holla! approach. Re-enter HOLOFERNES, SIR NATHANIEL, MOTH, WINTER. COSTARD, and others When icicles hang by the wall And Dick the shepherd blows his nail This side is Hiems, Winter, this Ver, the Spring; And Tom bears logs into the hall the one maintained by the owl, the other by the And milk comes frozen home in pail, cuckoo. Ver, begin. When blood is nipp'd and ways be foul, Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whit; THE SONG Tu-who, a merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.

SPRING. When all aloud the wind doth blow When daisies pied and violets blue And coughing drowns the parson's saw And lady-smocks all silver-white And birds sit brooding in the snow And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue And Marian's nose looks red and raw, Do paint the meadows with delight, When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl, The cuckoo then, on every tree, Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whit; Mocks married men; for thus sings he, Cuckoo; Tu-who, a merry note, Cuckoo, cuckoo: O word of fear, While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. Unpleasing to a married ear! Exeunt ADRIANO DE ARMADO The words of Mercury are harsh after the songs of Apollo. You that way: we this way. MACBETH

0* Act 1 1* Scene 1. A desert place. 2* Scene 2. A camp near Forres. 3* Scene 3. A heath near Forres. 4* Scene 4. Forres. The palace. 5* Scene 5. Inverness. Macbeth's castle. 6* Scene 6. Before Macbeth's castle. 7* Scene 7. Macbeth's castle. 8* Act 2 9* Scene 1. Court of Macbeth's castle. 10* Scene 2. The same. 11* Scene 3. The same. 12* Scene 4. Outside Macbeth's castle. 13* Act 3 14* Scene 1. Forres. The palace. 15* Scene 2. The palace. 16* Scene 3. A park near the palace. 17* Scene 4. The same. Hall in the palace. 18* Scene 5. A Heath. 19* Scene 6. Forres. The palace. 20* Act 4 21* Scene 1. A cavern. In the middle, a boiling cauldron. 22* Scene 2. Fife. Macduff's castle. 23* Scene 3. England. Before the King's palace. 24* Act 5 25* Scene 1. Dunsinane. Ante-room in the castle. 26* Scene 2. The country near Dunsinane. 27* Scene 3. Dunsinane. A room in the castle. 28* Scene 4. Country near Birnam wood. 29* Scene 5. Dunsinane. Within the castle. 30* Scene 6. Dunsinane. Before the castle. 31* Scene 7. Another part of the field. 32* Scene 8. Another part of the field. Act 1, Scene 1 What bloody man is that? As whence the sun 'gins Enter ROSS A desert place. He can report, his reflection MALCOLM As seemeth by his plight, Shipwrecking storms and Thunder and lightning. of the revolt direful thunders break, The worthy thane of Enter three Witches The newest state. So from that spring Ross. First Witch whence comfort seem'd LENNOX to come When shall we three MALCOLM Discomfort swells. Mark, What a haste looks meet again This is the sergeant king of Scotland, mark: through his eyes! So In thunder, lightning, or Who like a good and No sooner justice had should he look in rain? hardy soldier fought with valour arm'd That seems to speak 'Gainst my captivity. Compell'd these skipping things strange. Second Witch Hail, brave friend! kerns to trust their heels, Say to the king the But the Norweyan lord ROSS When the hurlyburly's knowledge of the broil surveying vantage, done, As thou didst leave it. With furbish'd arms and God save the king! When the battle's lost and new supplies of men DUNCAN won. Began a fresh assault. Sergeant Whence camest thou, worthy thane? Doubtful it stood; Third Witch DUNCAN As two spent swimmers, ROSS That will be ere the set of Dismay'd not this that do cling together From Fife, great king; sun. Our captains, Macbeth And choke their art. The Where the Norweyan and Banquo? First Witch merciless Macdonwald-- banners flout the sky Worthy to be a rebel, for And fan our people cold. Where the place? to that Sergeant Norway himself, Second Witch The multiplying villanies With terrible numbers, of nature Yes; Upon the heath. Assisted by that most Do swarm upon him-- As sparrows eagles, or disloyal traitor Third Witch from the western isles the hare the lion. The thane of Cawdor, There to meet with Of kerns and If I say sooth, I must began a dismal conflict; Macbeth. gallowglasses is report they were Till that Bellona's supplied; As cannons overcharged First Witch bridegroom, lapp'd in And fortune, on his with double cracks, so proof, I come, Graymalkin! damned quarrel smiling, they Confronted him with Show'd like a rebel's Doubly redoubled strokes Second Witch self-comparisons, whore: but all's too weak: upon the foe: Point against point Paddock calls. For brave Macbeth--well Except they meant to rebellious, arm 'gainst he deserves that name-- bathe in reeking wounds, Third Witch arm. Disdaining fortune, with Or memorise another Curbing his lavish spirit: Anon. his brandish'd steel, Golgotha, and, to conclude, ALL Which smoked with I cannot tell. The victory fell on us. bloody execution, But I am faint, my gashes Fair is foul, and foul is Like valour's minion cry for help. fair: carved out his passage DUNCAN Hover through the fog Till he faced the slave; Great happiness! and filthy air. Which ne'er shook hands, DUNCAN nor bade farewell to him, So well thy words ROSS Exeunt Till he unseam'd him become thee as thy That now from the nave to the wounds; Sweno, the Norways' Act 1, Scene 2 chaps, They smack of honour king, craves composition: A camp near Forres. And fix'd his head upon both. Go get him Nor would we deign him our battlements. surgeons. Alarum within. Enter burial of his men DUNCAN, MALCOLM, Till he disbursed at Saint DONALBAIN, LENNOX, DUNCAN Exit Sergeant, attended Colme's inch with Attendants, meeting Ten thousand dollars to O valiant cousin! worthy Who comes here? our general use. a bleeding Sergeant gentleman! DUNCAN Sergeant DUNCAN I myself have all the So foul and fair a day I grow and which will not, No more that thane of other, have not seen. Speak then to me, who Cawdor shall deceive And the very ports they BANQUO neither beg nor fear Our bosom interest: go blow, Your favours nor your All the quarters that they How far is't call'd to hate. pronounce his present Forres? What are these death, know I' the shipman's card. So wither'd and so wild And with his former title in their attire, First Witch greet Macbeth. I will drain him dry as hay: That look not like the Hail! Sleep shall neither night inhabitants o' the earth, Second Witch ROSS nor day And yet are on't? Live Hang upon his pent- you? or are you aught Hail! I'll see it done. That man may question? house lid; Third Witch DUNCAN He shall live a man You seem to understand me, Hail! What he hath lost noble forbid: By each at once her Macbeth hath won. Weary se'nnights nine First Witch times nine chappy finger laying Exeunt Shall he dwindle, peak Upon her skinny lips: Lesser than Macbeth, and greater. Act 1, Scene 3 and pine: you should be women, Though his bark cannot And yet your beards Second Witch A heath near Forres. be lost, forbid me to interpret Not so happy, yet much Yet it shall be tempest- That you are so. Thunder. Enter the three happier. Witches tost. Look what I have. Third Witch First Witch MACBETH Thou shalt get kings, Speak, if you can: what Where hast thou been, though thou be none: Second Witch are you? sister? So all hail, Macbeth and Second Witch Show me, show me. First Witch Banquo! Killing swine. First Witch All hail, Macbeth! hail to thee, thane of Glamis! Third Witch Here I have a pilot's First Witch thumb, Second Witch Banquo and Macbeth, all Sister, where thou? Wreck'd as homeward he All hail, Macbeth, hail to hail! First Witch did come. thee, thane of Cawdor! MACBETH A sailor's wife had Third Witch chestnuts in her lap, Drum within Stay, you imperfect All hail, Macbeth, thou speakers, tell me more: And munch'd, and Third Witch munch'd, and munch'd:-- shalt be king hereafter! By Sinel's death I know I A drum, a drum! am thane of Glamis; 'Give me,' quoth I: BANQUO 'Aroint thee, witch!' the Macbeth doth come. But how of Cawdor? the rump-fed ronyon cries. Good sir, why do you thane of Cawdor lives, Her husband's to Aleppo start; and seem to fear A prosperous gentleman; ALL gone, master o' the Tiger: Things that do sound so and to be king But in a sieve I'll thither The weird sisters, hand in fair? I' the name of truth, Stands not within the sail, hand, Are ye fantastical, or that prospect of belief, And, like a rat without a Posters of the sea and indeed No more than to be tail, land, Which outwardly ye Cawdor. Say from I'll do, I'll do, and I'll do. Thus do go about, about: show? My noble partner whence Thrice to thine and thrice You greet with present You owe this strange to mine grace and great intelligence? or why Second Witch And thrice again, to prediction Upon this blasted heath I'll give thee a wind. make up nine. Of noble having and of you stop our way Peace! the charm's royal hope, With such prophetic First Witch wound up. That he seems rapt greeting? Speak, I charge Thou'rt kind. withal: to me you speak you. not. Third Witch Enter MACBETH and If you can look into the Witches vanish And I another. BANQUO seeds of time, First Witch MACBETH And say which grain will BANQUO The earth hath bubbles, every one did bear [Aside] Glamis, and imaginings: as the water has, Thy praises in his thane of Cawdor! My thought, whose And these are of them. kingdom's great defence, The greatest is behind. murder yet is but Whither are they And pour'd them down fantastical, vanish'd? before him. Shakes so my single state To ROSS and ANGUS of man that function Thanks for your pains. Is smother'd in surmise, MACBETH ANGUS and nothing is Into the air; and what We are sent But what is not. seem'd corporal melted To give thee from our To BANQUO As breath into the wind. royal master thanks; Do you not hope your BANQUO Would they had stay'd! Only to herald thee into children shall be kings, his sight, When those that gave the Look, how our partner's Not pay thee. thane of Cawdor to me rapt. BANQUO Promised no less to MACBETH Were such things here as them? we do speak about? ROSS [Aside] If chance will Or have we eaten on the And, for an earnest of a have me king, why, insane root greater honour, BANQUO chance may crown me, That takes the reason He bade me, from him, That trusted home Without my stir. prisoner? call thee thane of Might yet enkindle you Cawdor: unto the crown, BANQUO In which addition, hail, Besides the thane of MACBETH most worthy thane! Cawdor. But 'tis strange: New horrors come upon Your children shall be For it is thine. And oftentimes, to win him, kings. us to our harm, Like our strange garments, cleave not to BANQUO The instruments of BANQUO darkness tell us truths, their mould You shall be king. What, can the devil speak Win us with honest But with the aid of use. MACBETH true? trifles, to betray's MACBETH In deepest consequence. MACBETH And thane of Cawdor Cousins, a word, I pray too: went it not so? The thane of Cawdor you. [Aside] Come what come BANQUO lives: why do you dress may, me Time and the hour runs To the selfsame tune and In borrow'd robes? MACBETH [Aside] through the roughest day. words. Who's here? Two truths are told, Enter ROSS and ANGUS ANGUS As happy prologues to BANQUO ROSS the swelling act Who was the thane lives Of the imperial theme.--I Worthy Macbeth, we stay The king hath happily yet; thank you, gentlemen. upon your leisure. received, Macbeth, But under heavy MACBETH The news of thy success; judgment bears that life [Aside] This supernatural and when he reads Which he deserves to soliciting Give me your favour: my Thy personal venture in lose. Whether he was Cannot be ill, cannot be dull brain was wrought the rebels' fight, combined good: if ill, With things forgotten. His wonders and his With those of Norway, or Why hath it given me Kind gentlemen, your praises do contend did line the rebel earnest of success, pains Which should be thine or With hidden help and Commencing in a truth? I Are register'd where his: silenced with that, vantage, or that with both am thane of Cawdor: every day I turn In viewing o'er the rest o' He labour'd in his If good, why do I yield to The leaf to read them. the selfsame day, country's wreck, I know that suggestion Let us toward the king. He finds thee in the stout not; Whose horrid image doth Think upon what hath Norweyan ranks, But treasons capital, unfix my hair chanced, and, at more Nothing afeard of what confess'd and proved, And make my seated time, thyself didst make, Have overthrown him. heart knock at my ribs, The interim having Strange images of death. Against the use of weigh'd it, let us speak As thick as hail nature? Present fears Our free hearts each to MACBETH Came post with post; and Are less than horrible other. O worthiest cousin! kinsmen, thanes, Whose care is gone The sin of my ingratitude And you whose places before to bid us even now are the nearest, know welcome: BANQUO Was heavy on me: thou We will establish our It is a peerless kinsman. Very gladly. art so far before estate upon That swiftest wing of Our eldest, Malcolm, MACBETH recompense is slow whom we name hereafter Flourish. Exeunt Till then, enough. Come, To overtake thee. Would The Prince of Act 1, Scene 5 friends. thou hadst less deserved, Cumberland; which Inverness. Macbeth's castle. Exeunt That the proportion both honour must of thanks and payment Not unaccompanied Enter LADY MACBETH, Act 1, Scene 4 Might have been mine! invest him only, reading a letter Forres. The palace. only I have left to say, But signs of nobleness, LADY MACBETH More is thy due than like stars, shall shine Flourish. Enter more than all can pay. On all deservers. From 'They met me in the day DUNCAN, MALCOLM, hence to Inverness, of success: and I have DONALBAIN, LENNOX, And bind us further to learned by the perfectest and Attendants MACBETH you. report, they have more in DUNCAN The service and the them than mortal loyalty I owe, knowledge. When I Is execution done on In doing it, pays itself. MACBETH burned in desire Cawdor? Are not Your highness' part The rest is labour, which to question them further, Those in commission yet Is to receive our duties; is not used for you: they made themselves return'd? and our duties I'll be myself the air, Are to your throne and harbinger and make into which they vanished. MALCOLM state children and joyful Whiles I stood rapt in servants, The hearing of my wife the wonder of it, came My liege, Which do but what they with your approach; missives from the king, They are not yet come should, by doing every So humbly take my who back. But I have spoke thing leave. all-hailed me 'Thane of With one that saw him Safe toward your love Cawdor;' by which title, die: who did report and honour. before, these weird That very frankly he DUNCAN sisters saluted me, and confess'd his treasons, My worthy Cawdor! referred Implored your highness' DUNCAN me to the coming on of pardon and set forth MACBETH Welcome hither: time, with 'Hail, king that A deep repentance: I have begun to plant [Aside] The Prince of shalt be!' This have I nothing in his life thee, and will labour Cumberland! that is a thought good to deliver Became him like the To make thee full of step thee, my dearest partner leaving it; he died growing. Noble Banquo, On which I must fall of greatness, that thou As one that had been That hast no less down, or else o'erleap, mightst not lose the dues studied in his death deserved, nor must be For in my way it lies. of rejoicing, by being To throw away the known Stars, hide your fires; ignorant of what dearest thing he owed, No less to have done so, Let not light see my greatness is promised As 'twere a careless trifle. let me enfold thee black and deep desires: thee. Lay it And hold thee to my The eye wink at the to thy heart, and DUNCAN heart. hand; yet let that be, farewell.' Which the eye fears, Glamis thou art, and There's no art when it is done, to see. Cawdor; and shalt be To find the mind's BANQUO What thou art promised: construction in the face: There if I grow, yet do I fear thy nature; He was a gentleman on Exit The harvest is your own. It is too full o' the milk of whom I built DUNCAN human kindness An absolute trust. To catch the nearest way: DUNCAN True, worthy Banquo; he thou wouldst be great; is full so valiant, Art not without ambition, Enter MACBETH, My plenteous joys, And in his but without BANQUO, ROSS, and Wanton in fulness, seek commendations I am fed; The illness should attend ANGUS to hide themselves It is a banquet to me. it: what thou wouldst In drops of sorrow. Sons, Let's after him, highly, That wouldst thou holily; The raven himself is To-morrow, as he BANQUO wouldst not play false, hoarse purposes. This guest of summer, And yet wouldst wrongly That croaks the fatal LADY MACBETH The temple-haunting win: thou'ldst have, great entrance of Duncan martlet, does approve, Glamis, Under my battlements. O, never Shall sun that morrow By his loved mansionry, That which cries 'Thus Come, you spirits that the heaven's breath thou must do, if thou That tend on mortal see! Your face, my thane, is Smells wooingly here: no have it; thoughts, unsex me here, jutty, frieze, And that which rather And fill me from the as a book where men May read strange Buttress, nor coign of thou dost fear to do crown to the toe top-full vantage, but this bird Than wishest should be Of direst cruelty! make matters. To beguile the time, Hath made his pendent undone.' Hie thee hither, thick my blood; bed and procreant cradle: That I may pour my Stop up the access and Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, Where they most breed spirits in thine ear; passage to remorse, and haunt, I have And chastise with the That no compunctious Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent observed, valour of my tongue visitings of nature The air is delicate. All that impedes thee Shake my fell purpose, flower, from the golden round, nor keep peace between But be the serpent Which fate and The effect and it! Come under't. He that's coming Enter LADY MACBETH metaphysical aid doth to my woman's breasts, Must be provided for: DUNCAN seem And take my milk for and you shall put To have thee crown'd gall, you murdering This night's great See, see, our honour'd withal. ministers, business into my hostess! Wherever in your dispatch; The love that follows us sightless substances Which shall to all our sometime is our trouble, Enter a Messenger You wait on nature's nights and days to come Which still we thank as What is your tidings? mischief! Come, thick Give solely sovereign love. Herein I teach you night, sway and masterdom. How you shall bid God And pall thee in the 'ild us for your pains, Messenger dunnest smoke of hell, And thank us for your MACBETH The king comes here to- That my keen knife see trouble. night. not the wound it makes, We will speak further. Nor heaven peep through LADY MACBETH LADY MACBETH LADY MACBETH the blanket of the dark, Thou'rt mad to say it: To cry 'Hold, hold!' Only look up clear; All our service Is not thy master with To alter favour ever is to In every point twice done him? who, were't so, fear: and then done double Would have inform'd for Enter MACBETH Leave all the rest to me. Were poor and single preparation. Great Glamis! worthy business to contend Cawdor! Exeunt Against those honours Greater than both, by the deep and broad Messenger all-hail hereafter! Act 1, Scene 6 wherewith So please you, it is true: Thy letters have Before Macbeth's castle. Your majesty loads our our thane is coming: transported me beyond house: for those of old, This ignorant present, Hautboys and torches. And the late dignities One of my fellows had Enter DUNCAN, the speed of him, and I feel now heap'd up to them, The future in the instant. MALCOLM, We rest your hermits. Who, almost dead for DONALBAIN, breath, had scarcely more BANQUO, LENNOX, Than would make up his MACBETH MACDUFF, ROSS, DUNCAN message. My dearest love, ANGUS, and Attendants Where's the thane of Duncan comes here to- DUNCAN Cawdor? LADY MACBETH night. We coursed him at the This castle hath a heels, and had a purpose Give him tending; pleasant seat; the air To be his purveyor: but He brings great news. Nimbly and sweetly LADY MACBETH he rides well; recommends itself And his great love, sharp And when goes hence? Unto our gentle senses. Exit Messenger as his spur, hath holp him MACBETH To his home before us. Fair and noble hostess, ingredients of our sorts of people, I would, while it was We are your guest to- poison'd chalice Which would be worn smiling in my face, night. To our own lips. He's now in their newest Have pluck'd my nipple here in double trust; gloss, from his boneless gums, First, as I am his kinsman Not cast aside so soon. And dash'd the brains LADY MACBETH and his subject, out, had I so sworn as Your servants ever Strong both against the you Have theirs, themselves deed; then, as his host, LADY MACBETH Have done to this. and what is theirs, in Who should against his Was the hope drunk compt, murderer shut the door, Wherein you dress'd To make their audit at Not bear the knife yourself? hath it slept MACBETH your highness' pleasure, myself. Besides, this since? If we should fail? Duncan Still to return your own. And wakes it now, to LADY MACBETH Hath borne his faculties look so green and pale so meek, hath been At what it did so freely? We fail! DUNCAN So clear in his great From this time But screw your courage Give me your hand; office, that his virtues Such I account thy love. to the sticking-place, Conduct me to mine host: Will plead like angels, Art thou afeard And we'll not fail. When we love him highly, trumpet-tongued, against To be the same in thine Duncan is asleep-- And shall continue our The deep damnation of own act and valour Whereto the rather shall graces towards him. his taking-off; As thou art in desire? his day's hard journey By your leave, hostess. And pity, like a naked Wouldst thou have that Soundly invite him--his new-born babe, Which thou esteem'st the two chamberlains Striding the blast, or ornament of life, Will I with wine and Exeunt heaven's cherubim, And live a coward in wassail so convince Act 1, Scene 7 horsed thine own esteem, That memory, the warder Upon the sightless Letting 'I dare not' wait of the brain, Macbeth's castle. couriers of the air, upon 'I would,' Shall be a fume, and the Hautboys and torches. Shall blow the horrid Like the poor cat i' the receipt of reason Enter a Sewer, and deed in every eye, adage? A limbeck only: when in divers Servants with That tears shall drown swinish sleep dishes and service, and the wind. I have no spur Their drenched natures pass over the stage. Then To prick the sides of my MACBETH lie as in a death, enter MACBETH intent, but only Prithee, peace: What cannot you and I Vaulting ambition, which perform upon MACBETH I dare do all that may o'erleaps itself become a man; The unguarded Duncan? If it were done when 'tis And falls on the other. Who dares do more is what not put upon done, then 'twere well none. His spongy officers, who It were done quickly: if shall bear the guilt the assassination Enter LADY MACBETH LADY MACBETH Of our great quell? Could trammel up the How now! what news? What beast was't, then, consequence, and catch That made you break this With his surcease enterprise to me? MACBETH success; that but this LADY MACBETH When you durst do it, Bring forth men-children blow He has almost supp'd: then you were a man; only; Might be the be-all and why have you left the And, to be more than For thy undaunted mettle the end-all here, chamber? what you were, you should compose But here, upon this bank would Nothing but males. Will and shoal of time, MACBETH Be so much more the it not be received, We'ld jump the life to Hath he ask'd for me? man. Nor time nor place When we have mark'd come. But in these cases LADY MACBETH Did then adhere, and yet with blood those sleepy We still have judgment you would make both: two here; that we but teach Know you not he has? They have made Of his own chamber and Bloody instructions, MACBETH themselves, and that their used their very daggers, which, being taught, fitness now That they have done't? return We will proceed no Does unmake you. I have To plague the inventor: further in this business: given suck, and know this even-handed justice He hath honour'd me of How tender 'tis to love LADY MACBETH Commends the late; and I have bought the babe that milks me: Golden opinions from all Who dares receive it MACBETH and allegiance clear, witchcraft celebrates other, A friend. I shall be counsell'd. Pale Hecate's offerings, As we shall make our and wither'd murder, griefs and clamour roar BANQUO Alarum'd by his sentinel, MACBETH Upon his death? What, sir, not yet at rest? the wolf, The king's a-bed: Good repose the while! Whose howl's his watch, thus with his stealthy MACBETH He hath been in unusual BANQUO pleasure, and pace. I am settled, and bend up Sent forth great largess to Thanks, sir: the like to With Tarquin's ravishing Each corporal agent to your offices. you! strides, towards his this terrible feat. This diamond he greets Exeunt BANQUO and design Away, and mock the time your wife withal, FLEANCE Moves like a ghost. Thou with fairest show: By the name of most sure and firm-set earth, MACBETH False face must hide kind hostess; and shut up Hear not my steps, which what the false heart doth In measureless content. Go bid thy mistress, way they walk, for fear know. when my drink is ready, Thy very stones prate of She strike upon the bell. my whereabout, MACBETH Get thee to bed. And take the present Exeunt Being unprepared, horror from the time, Act 2, Scene 1 Our will became the Which now suits with it. Exit Servant Whiles I threat, he lives: Court of Macbeth's castle. servant to defect; Which else should free Is this a dagger which I Words to the heat of Enter BANQUO, and have wrought. see before me, deeds too cold breath FLEANCE bearing a The handle toward my gives. torch before him hand? Come, let me BANQUO BANQUO clutch thee. A bell rings I have thee not, and yet I How goes the night, boy? All's well. I dreamt last night of the see thee still. I go, and it is done; the FLEANCE three weird sisters: Art thou not, fatal vision, bell invites me. To you they have show'd sensible Hear it not, Duncan; for The moon is down; I it is a knell have not heard the clock. some truth. To feeling as to sight? or art thou but That summons thee to BANQUO A dagger of the mind, a heaven or to hell. MACBETH And she goes down at false creation, twelve. I think not of them: Proceeding from the Exit Yet, when we can entreat heat-oppressed brain? FLEANCE an hour to serve, I see thee yet, in form as Act 2, Scene 2 I take't, 'tis later, sir. We would spend it in palpable The same. some words upon that As this which now I BANQUO Enter LADY MACBETH business, draw. Hold, take my sword. If you would grant the Thou marshall'st me the LADY MACBETH There's husbandry in way that I was going; time. That which hath made heaven; And such an instrument I them drunk hath made Their candles are all out. was to use. me bold; Take thee that too. BANQUO Mine eyes are made the What hath quench'd them A heavy summons lies fools o' the other senses, At your kind'st leisure. hath given me fire. like lead upon me, Or else worth all the rest; Hark! Peace! And yet I would not MACBETH I see thee still, It was the owl that sleep: merciful powers, If you shall cleave to my And on thy blade and shriek'd, the fatal Restrain in me the cursed consent, when 'tis, dudgeon gouts of blood, bellman, thoughts that nature It shall make honour for Which was not so before. Which gives the stern'st Gives way to in repose! you. There's no such thing: It is the bloody business good-night. He is about which informs it: Enter MACBETH, and a BANQUO Thus to mine eyes. Now The doors are open; and Servant with a torch o'er the one halfworld the surfeited grooms So I lose none Do mock their charge Give me my sword. Nature seems dead, and In seeking to augment it, with snores: I have Who's there? wicked dreams abuse but still keep drugg'd My bosom franchised The curtain'd sleep; their possets, This is a sorry sight. ravell'd sleeve of care, For it must seem their That death and nature do Looking on his hands The death of each day's guilt. contend about them, life, sore labour's bath, Whether they live or die. LADY MACBETH Balm of hurt minds, great Exit. Knocking within A foolish thought, to say nature's second course, a sorry sight. Chief nourisher in life's MACBETH MACBETH feast,-- MACBETH Whence is that [Within] Who's there? knocking? what, ho! There's one did laugh in's LADY MACBETH How is't with me, when LADY MACBETH sleep, and one cried every noise appals me? 'Murder!' What do you mean? What hands are here? ha! Alack, I am afraid they That they did wake each have awaked, MACBETH they pluck out mine eyes. other: I stood and heard Will all great Neptune's And 'tis not done. The them: Still it cried 'Sleep no attempt and not the deed more!' to all the house: ocean wash this blood But they did say their Clean from my hand? Confounds us. Hark! I prayers, and address'd 'Glamis hath murder'd laid their daggers ready; sleep, and therefore No, this my hand will them rather He could not miss 'em. Again to sleep. Cawdor Had he not resembled Shall sleep no more; The multitudinous seas in My father as he slept, I Macbeth shall sleep no incarnadine, had done't. LADY MACBETH more.' Making the green one red. There are two lodged Enter MACBETH together. LADY MACBETH Re-enter LADY MACBETH My husband! Who was it that thus MACBETH One cried 'God bless us!' cried? Why, worthy LADY MACBETH and 'Amen' the other; thane, MACBETH As they had seen me with You do unbend your My hands are of your I have done the deed. these hangman's hands. noble strength, to think colour; but I shame Didst thou not hear a Listening their fear, I So brainsickly of things. To wear a heart so white. noise? could not say 'Amen,' Go get some water, When they did say 'God And wash this filthy LADY MACBETH Knocking within bless us!' witness from your hand. I heard the owl scream Why did you bring these I hear a knocking and the crickets cry. daggers from the place? At the south entry: retire Did not you speak? LADY MACBETH They must lie there: go we to our chamber; Consider it not so deeply. carry them; and smear A little water clears us of The sleepy grooms with this deed: MACBETH MACBETH blood. How easy is it, then! When? But wherefore could not I Your constancy LADY MACBETH pronounce 'Amen'? Hath left you unattended. I had most need of MACBETH Now. blessing, and 'Amen' I'll go no more: Knocking within MACBETH Stuck in my throat. I am afraid to think what I have done; Hark! more knocking. As I descended? Look on't again I dare Get on your nightgown, LADY MACBETH LADY MACBETH not. lest occasion call us, These deeds must not be And show us to be Ay. thought watchers. Be not lost MACBETH After these ways; so, it LADY MACBETH So poorly in your Hark! will make us mad. Infirm of purpose! thoughts. Who lies i' the second Give me the daggers: the chamber? sleeping and the dead MACBETH Are but as pictures: 'tis MACBETH Methought I heard a the eye of childhood To know my deed, 'twere LADY MACBETH voice cry 'Sleep no more! That fears a painted best not know myself. Macbeth does murder devil. If he do bleed, Donalbain. Knocking within sleep', the innocent sleep, I'll gild the faces of the MACBETH Sleep that knits up the grooms withal; Wake Duncan with thy Knocking within not stand to; in MACBETH knocking! I would thou Knock, conclusion, equivocates The labour we delight in couldst! knock; never at quiet! him physics pain. What are you? But in a sleep, and, giving This is the door. him the lie, leaves him. Exeunt this place is too cold for hell. I'll devil-porter Act 2, Scene 3 MACDUFF it no further: I had MACDUFF The same. thought to have let in I'll make so bold to call, some of all professions I believe drink gave thee Knocking within. Enter a For 'tis my limited that go the primrose the lie last night. Porter service. way to the everlasting Porter Porter bonfire. That it did, sir, i' the very Exit Here's a knocking throat on LENNOX indeed! If a Knocking within me: but I requited him man were porter of hell- for his lie; and, I Goes the king hence to- Anon, anon! I pray you, gate, he should have think, being too strong day? old turning the key. remember the porter. for him, though he took MACBETH up my legs sometime, yet I made a shift to cast He does: he did appoint Knocking within Opens the gate him. so. Enter MACDUFF and Knock, LENNOX knock, knock! Who's LENNOX there, i' the name of MACDUFF MACDUFF The night has been Beelzebub? Here's a Is thy master stirring? unruly: where we lay, farmer, that hanged Was it so late, friend, ere Our chimneys were himself on the you went to bed, Enter MACBETH blown down; and, as they expectation of plenty: That you do lie so late? Our knocking has say, come in awaked him; here he Lamentings heard i' the time; have napkins enow Porter comes. air; strange screams of about you; here death, you'll sweat for't. 'Faith sir, we were And prophesying with carousing till the LENNOX accents terrible second cock: and drink, Good morrow, noble sir. Of dire combustion and Knocking within sir, is a great confused events MACBETH Knock, provoker of three things. New hatch'd to the knock! Who's there, in Good morrow, both. woeful time: the obscure bird the other devil's MACDUFF MACDUFF name? Faith, here's an Clamour'd the livelong equivocator, that could What three things does Is the king stirring, night: some say, the earth swear in both the scales drink especially provoke? worthy thane? Was feverous and did against either scale; Porter MACBETH shake. who committed treason Marry, sir, nose-painting, enough for God's sake, Not yet. sleep, and MACBETH yet could not equivocate MACDUFF urine. Lechery, sir, it to heaven: O, come 'Twas a rough night. provokes, and He did command me to in, equivocator. unprovokes; call timely on him: LENNOX it provokes the desire, I have almost slipp'd the My young remembrance Knocking within but it takes hour. cannot parallel away the performance: A fellow to it. Knock, therefore, much drink knock, knock! Who's may be said to be an MACBETH there? Faith, here's an equivocator with lechery: I'll bring you to him. Re-enter MACDUFF English tailor come it makes him, and it mars MACDUFF MACDUFF hither, for stealing out of him; it sets a French hose: come in, him on, and it takes him I know this is a joyful O horror, horror, horror! tailor; here you may off; it persuades him, trouble to you; Tongue nor heart roast your goose. and disheartens him; But yet 'tis one. Cannot conceive nor makes him stand to, and name thee! What's the business, You are, and do not with gore: who could That such a hideous know't: refrain, trumpet calls to parley The spring, the head, the That had a heart to love, MACBETH The sleepers of the fountain of your blood and in that heart | house? speak, speak! Is stopp'd; the very Courage to make 's love | What's the matter. source of it is stopp'd. known? LENNOX MACDUFF | O gentle lady, MACDUFF LADY MACBETH MACDUFF 'Tis not for you to hear Your royal father 's Help me hence, ho! what I can speak: murder'd. Confusion now hath MACDUFF The repetition, in a MALCOLM made his masterpiece! woman's ear, Look to the lady. Most sacrilegious murder Would murder as it fell. O, by whom? hath broke ope MALCOLM The Lord's anointed LENNOX [Aside to DONALBAIN] temple, and stole thence Enter BANQUO Those of his chamber, as Why do we hold our The life o' the building! O Banquo, Banquo, it seem'd, had done 't: tongues, Our royal master 's Their hands and faces That most may claim this murder'd! were an badged with argument for ours? MACBETH blood; What is 't you say? the So were their daggers, life? LADY MACBETH which unwiped we found DONALBAIN Upon their pillows: LENNOX Woe, alas! [Aside to MALCOLM] What, in our house? They stared, and were What should be spoken Mean you his majesty? distracted; no man's life here, MACDUFF Was to be trusted with where our fate, BANQUO them. Hid in an auger-hole, Approach the chamber, may rush, and seize us? and destroy your sight Too cruel any where. Dear Duff, I prithee, Let 's away; With a new Gorgon: do MACBETH Our tears are not yet not bid me speak; contradict thyself, And say it is not so. O, yet I do repent me of brew'd. See, and then speak my fury, yourselves. That I did kill them. Re-enter MACBETH and MALCOLM LENNOX, with ROSS [Aside to DONALBAIN] Exeunt MACBETH and MACDUFF LENNOX MACBETH Nor our strong sorrow Wherefore did you so? Upon the foot of motion. Awake, awake! Had I but died an hour Ring the alarum-bell. before this chance, MACBETH Murder and treason! I had lived a blessed Who can be wise, BANQUO Banquo and Donalbain! time; for, from this amazed, temperate and Look to the lady: Malcolm! awake! instant, furious, Shake off this downy There 's nothing serious Loyal and neutral, in a LADY MACBETH is sleep, death's counterfeit, in mortality: moment? No man: carried out And look on death itself! All is but toys: renown The expedition my And when we have our up, up, and see and grace is dead; violent love naked frailties hid, The great doom's image! The wine of life is drawn, Outrun the pauser, That suffer in exposure, Malcolm! Banquo! and the mere lees reason. Here lay Duncan, let us meet, As from your graves rise Is left this vault to brag His silver skin laced with And question this most up, and walk like sprites, of. his golden blood; bloody piece of work, To countenance this And his gash'd stabs To know it further. Fears horror! Ring the bell. look'd like a breach in and scruples shake us: Enter MALCOLM and nature In the great hand of God DONALBAIN For ruin's wasteful Bell rings I stand; and thence DONALBAIN entrance: there, the Against the undivulged Enter LADY MACBETH murderers, What is amiss? pretence I fight LADY MACBETH Steep'd in the colours of Of treasonous malice. MACBETH their trade, their daggers Unmannerly breech'd MACDUFF knowings. How goes the world, sir, MACDUFF And so do I. now? No, cousin, I'll to Fife. ALL ROSS ROSS MACDUFF So all. Ah, good father, Well, I will thither. Thou seest, the heavens, Why, see you not? MACBETH MACDUFF as troubled with man's ROSS Let's briefly put on manly act, Well, may you see things readiness, Threaten his bloody Is't known who did this well done there: adieu! And meet i' the hall stage: by the clock, 'tis more than bloody deed? Lest our old robes sit together. day, MACDUFF easier than our new! And yet dark night strangles the travelling Those that Macbeth hath ALL lamp: slain. ROSS Well contented. Is't night's predominance, ROSS Farewell, father. or the day's shame, Exeunt all but Malcolm That darkness does the Alas, the day! Old Man and face of earth entomb, What good could they God's benison go with Donalbain.MALCOLM When living light should pretend? you; and with those What will you do? Let's kiss it? That would make good of not consort with them: bad, and friends of foes! To show an unfelt sorrow MACDUFF is an office Which the Old Man They were suborn'd: false man does easy. I'll 'Tis unnatural, Malcolm and Donalbain, Exeunt to England.DONALBAIN Even like the deed that's the king's two sons, Act 3, Scene 1 To Ireland, I; our done. On Tuesday last, Are stol'n away and fled; separated fortune Shall Forres. The palace. A falcon, towering in her which puts upon them keep us both the safer: pride of place, Suspicion of the deed. Enter BANQUO where we are, There's Was by a mousing owl daggers in men's smiles: BANQUO hawk'd at and kill'd. ROSS the near in blood, The Thou hast it now: king, nearer 'Gainst nature still! Cawdor, Glamis, all, bloody.MALCOLM This ROSS Thriftless ambition, that As the weird women murderous shaft that's And Duncan's horses--a wilt ravin up promised, and, I fear, shot Hath not yet lighted, thing most strange and Thine own life's means! Thou play'dst most foully and our safest way Is to certain-- Then 'tis most like for't: yet it was said avoid the aim. Therefore, Beauteous and swift, the The sovereignty will fall It should not stand in thy to horse; And let us not minions of their race, upon Macbeth. posterity, be dainty of leave-taking, Turn'd wild in nature, But that myself should be But shift away: there's broke their stalls, flung the root and father warrant in that theft MACDUFF out, Of many kings. If there Which steals itself, when Contending 'gainst He is already named, and come truth from them-- there's no mercy left. obedience, as they would gone to Scone As upon thee, Macbeth, [Exeunt make To be invested. their speeches shine-- Act 2, Scene 4 War with mankind. Why, by the verities on thee made good, Outside Macbeth's castle. ROSS May they not be my Enter ROSS and an old Old Man Where is Duncan's body? oracles as well, And set me up in hope? Man 'Tis said they eat each MACDUFF other. But hush! no more. Old Man Carried to Colmekill, Threescore and ten I can ROSS The sacred storehouse of remember well: his predecessors, Sennet sounded. Enter They did so, to the MACBETH, as king, Within the volume of amazement of mine eyes And guardian of their which time I have seen bones. LADY MACBETH, as That look'd upon't. Here queen, LENNOX, ROSS, Hours dreadful and comes the good Macduff. things strange; but this Lords, Ladies, and sore night ROSS Attendants Hath trifled former Enter MACDUFF Will you to Scone? MACBETH Here's our chief guest. MACBETH Our fears in Banquo Was it not yesterday we LADY MACBETH We hear, our bloody Stick deep; and in his spoke together? cousins are bestow'd royalty of nature If he had been forgotten, Reigns that which would It had been as a gap in In England and in First Murderer Ireland, not confessing be fear'd: 'tis much he our great feast, dares; It was, so please your And all-thing Their cruel parricide, filling their hearers And, to that dauntless highness. unbecoming. temper of his mind, With strange invention: MACBETH but of that to-morrow, He hath a wisdom that Well then, now When therewithal we doth guide his valour MACBETH Have you consider'd of shall have cause of state To act in safety. There is To-night we hold a my speeches? Know Craving us jointly. Hie none but he solemn supper sir, That it was he in the you to horse: adieu, Whose being I do fear: And I'll request your times past which held Till you return at night. and, under him, presence. you Goes Fleance with you? My Genius is rebuked; as, it is said, So under fortune, which Mark Antony's was by you thought had been BANQUO BANQUO Caesar. He chid the Our innocent self: this I Let your highness sisters made good to you Ay, my good lord: our Command upon me; to When first they put the In our last conference, time does call upon 's. the which my duties name of king upon me, pass'd in probation with Are with a most MACBETH And bade them speak to you, indissoluble tie I wish your horses swift him: then prophet-like How you were borne in For ever knit. and sure of foot; They hail'd him father to hand, how cross'd, And so I do commend a line of kings: the instruments, Upon my head they Who wrought with them, MACBETH you to their backs. Farewell. placed a fruitless crown, and all things else that Ride you this afternoon? And put a barren sceptre might in my gripe, To half a soul and to a BANQUO Exit BANQUO Thence to be wrench'd notion crazed Ay, my good lord. Say 'Thus did Banquo.' Let every man be master with an unlineal hand, MACBETH of his time No son of mine succeeding. If 't be so, Till seven at night: to First Murderer We should have else For Banquo's issue have I desired your good advice, make society The sweeter welcome, filed my mind; You made it known to us. Which still hath been For them the gracious both grave and we will keep ourself MACBETH Till supper-time alone: Duncan have I murder'd; prosperous, Put rancours in the vessel I did so, and went In this day's council; but while then, God be with further, which is now you! of my peace we'll take to-morrow. Only for them; and mine Our point of second Is't far you ride? eternal jewel meeting. Do you find Exeunt all but Given to the common Your patience so predominant in your BANQUO MACBETH, and an enemy of man, attendant To make them kings, the nature As far, my lord, as will seed of Banquo kings! That you can let this go? Sirrah, a word with you: fill up the time Rather than so, come fate Are you so gospell'd attend those men 'Twixt this and supper: into the list. To pray for this good Our pleasure? go not my horse the And champion me to the man and for his issue, better, utterance! Who's there! Whose heavy hand hath I must become a ATTENDANT bow'd you to the grave borrower of the night And beggar'd yours for For a dark hour or twain. They are, my lord, Re-enter Attendant, with ever? without the palace gate. two Murderers MACBETH MACBETH Now go to the door, and First Murderer Bring them before us. stay there till we call. Fail not our feast. We are men, my liege. Exit Attendant BANQUO Exit Attendant MACBETH To be thus is nothing; My lord, I will not. Ay, in the catalogue ye But to be safely thus.-- go for men; As hounds and True, my lord. Resolve yourselves apart: which should indeed greyhounds, mongrels, MACBETH I'll come to you anon. have died spaniels, curs, With them they think on? Shoughs, water-rugs and So is he mine; and in Things without all demi-wolves, are clept such bloody distance, Both Murderers remedy All by the name of dogs: That every minute of his We are resolved, my Should be without the valued file being thrusts lord. regard: what's done is Distinguishes the swift, Against my near'st of done. MACBETH the slow, the subtle, life: and though I could The housekeeper, the With barefaced power I'll call upon you straight: hunter, every one sweep him from my sight abide within. MACBETH And bid my will avouch According to the gift Exeunt Murderers We have scotch'd the which bounteous nature it, yet I must not, snake, not kill'd it: Hath in him closed; For certain friends that It is concluded. Banquo, She'll close and be whereby he does receive are both his and mine, thy soul's flight, herself, whilst our poor Particular addition. from Whose loves I may not If it find heaven, must malice the bill drop, but wail his fall find it out to-night. Remains in danger of her That writes them all Who I myself struck former tooth. down; and thence it is, alike: and so of men. Exit But let the frame of Now, if you have a That I to your assistance things disjoint, both the station in the file, do make love, Act 3, Scene 2 worlds suffer, Not i' the worst rank of Masking the business The palace. Ere we will eat our meal manhood, say 't; from the common eye in fear and sleep And I will put that For sundry weighty Enter LADY MACBETH In the affliction of these business in your bosoms, reasons. and a Servant terrible dreams Whose execution takes LADY MACBETH That shake us nightly: your enemy off, better be with the dead, Second Murderer Is Banquo gone from Grapples you to the heart Whom we, to gain our court? and love of us, We shall, my lord, peace, have sent to peace, Who wear our health but Perform what you Servant Than on the torture of the sickly in his life, command us. Ay, madam, but returns mind to lie Which in his death were again to-night. In restless ecstasy. perfect. Duncan is in his grave; First Murderer LADY MACBETH After life's fitful fever he Though our lives-- sleeps well; Second Murderer Say to the king, I would MACBETH attend his leisure Treason has done his I am one, my liege, For a few words. worst: nor steel, nor Whom the vile blows and Your spirits shine poison, buffets of the world through you. Within this Malice domestic, foreign Have so incensed that I hour at most Servant levy, nothing, I will advise you where am reckless what Madam, I will. Can touch him further. I do to spite the world. to plant yourselves; Acquaint you with the Exit LADY MACBETH perfect spy o' the time, LADY MACBETH First Murderer The moment on't; for't Come on; Nought's had, all's spent, And I another must be done to-night, Gentle my lord, sleek o'er Where our desire is got So weary with disasters, And something from the your rugged looks; without content: tugg'd with fortune, palace; always thought Be bright and jovial 'Tis safer to be that which That I would set my lie That I require a among your guests to- we destroy on any chance, clearness: and with him-- night. Than by destruction To mend it, or be rid on't. To leave no rubs nor botches in the work-- dwell in doubtful joy. Fleance his son, that MACBETH MACBETH keeps him company, Enter MACBETH So shall I, love; and so, I Both of you Whose absence is no less pray, be you: How now, my lord! why Know Banquo was your material to me Let your remembrance do you keep alone, enemy. Than is his father's, must apply to Banquo; Of sorriest fancies your embrace the fate Present him eminence, companions making, Of that dark hour. both with eye and Both Murderers Using those thoughts tongue: wood: First Murderer Act 3, Scene 4 Unsafe the while, that we Good things of day begin His horses go about. The same. Hall in the palace. Must lave our honours in to droop and drowse; these flattering streams, While night's black Third Murderer A banquet prepared. And make our faces agents to their preys do Almost a mile: but he Enter MACBETH, LADY vizards to our hearts, rouse. does usually, MACBETH, ROSS, Disguising what they are. Thou marvell'st at my So all men do, from LENNOX, Lords, and words: but hold thee still; hence to the palace gate Attendants Things bad begun make Make it their walk. MACBETH LADY MACBETH strong themselves by ill. You must leave this. So, prithee, go with me. You know your own Second Murderer degrees; sit down: at first MACBETH And last the hearty A light, a light! O, full of scorpions is my Exeunt welcome. mind, dear wife! Act 3, Scene 3 Enter BANQUO, and Lords Thou know'st that FLEANCE with a torch A park near the palace. Thanks to your majesty. Banquo, and his Fleance, Third Murderer lives. Enter three Murderers MACBETH 'Tis he. First Murderer Ourself will mingle with First Murderer LADY MACBETH But who did bid thee join society, Stand to't. And play the humble But in them nature's with us? host. copy's not eterne. BANQUO Third Murderer Our hostess keeps her MACBETH Macbeth. It will be rain to-night. state, but in best time There's comfort yet; they First Murderer We will require her Second Murderer welcome. are assailable; Let it come down. Then be thou jocund: ere He needs not our the bat hath flown mistrust, since he They set upon BANQUO delivers LADY MACBETH His cloister'd flight, ere BANQUO to black Hecate's Our offices and what we Pronounce it for me, sir, summons have to do O, treachery! Fly, good to all our friends; The shard-borne beetle To the direction just. Fleance, fly, fly, fly! For my heart speaks they with his drowsy hums Thou mayst revenge. O are welcome. slave! Hath rung night's First Murderer yawning peal, there shall Then stand with us. First Murderer appears be done Dies. FLEANCE escapes at the door A deed of dreadful note. The west yet glimmers with some streaks of day: Third Murderer MACBETH Now spurs the lated Who did strike out the See, they encounter thee LADY MACBETH traveller apace light? with their hearts' thanks. What's to be done? To gain the timely inn; Both sides are even: here and near approaches First Murderer MACBETH I'll sit i' the midst: The subject of our watch. Wast not the way? Be large in mirth; anon Be innocent of the Third Murderer we'll drink a measure knowledge, dearest Third Murderer The table round. chuck, There's but one down; the Till thou applaud the Hark! I hear horses. son is fled. Approaching the door deed. Come, seeling BANQUO Second Murderer night, [Within] Give us a light There's blood on thy Scarf up the tender eye of We have lost face. pitiful day; there, ho! Best half of our affair. And with thy bloody and Second Murderer invisible hand First Murderer Then 'tis he: the rest First Murderer Cancel and tear to pieces 'Tis Banquo's then. that great bond That are within the note Well, let's away, and say Which keeps me pale! of expectation how much is done. MACBETH Already are i' the court. Light thickens; and the Exeunt 'Tis better thee without crow than he within. Makes wing to the rooky Is he dispatch'd? My royal lord, Here, my good lord. You look but on a stool. You do not give the What is't that moves your cheer: the feast is sold highness? First Murderer MACBETH That is not often vouch'd, MACBETH My lord, his throat is cut; while 'tis a-making, Prithee, see there! that I did for him. 'Tis given with welcome: Which of you have done behold! look! lo! to feed were best at this? MACBETH how say you? home; Lords Why, what care I? If thou Thou art the best o' the From thence the sauce to canst nod, speak too. cut-throats: yet he's good meat is ceremony; What, my good lord? If charnel-houses and our That did the like for Meeting were bare MACBETH graves must send Fleance: if thou didst it, without it. Those that we bury back, Thou canst not say I did Thou art the nonpareil. our monuments it: never shake Shall be the maws of Thy gory locks at me. MACBETH kites. First Murderer Sweet remembrancer! Most royal sir, Now, good digestion wait ROSS Fleance is 'scaped. on appetite, GHOST OF BANQUO And health on both! Gentlemen, rise: his vanishes highness is not well. LADY MACBETH MACBETH LADY MACBETH What, quite unmann'd in Then comes my fit again: LENNOX Sit, worthy friends: my folly? I had else been perfect, May't please your lord is often thus, Whole as the marble, MACBETH highness sit. And hath been from his founded as the rock, The GHOST OF youth: pray you, keep If I stand here, I saw him. As broad and general as BANQUO enters, and seat; the casing air: LADY MACBETH sits in MACBETH's place The fit is momentary; But now I am cabin'd, upon a thought Fie, for shame! cribb'd, confined, bound MACBETH He will again be well: if in MACBETH Here had we now our much you note him, To saucy doubts and country's honour roof'd, You shall offend him and Blood hath been shed ere fears. But Banquo's safe? Were the graced person extend his passion: now, i' the olden time, of our Banquo present; Feed, and regard him not. Ere human statute purged the gentle weal; First Murderer Who may I rather Are you a man? challenge for unkindness Ay, and since too, Ay, my good lord: safe in Than pity for mischance! murders have been a ditch he bides, MACBETH perform'd With twenty trenched Ay, and a bold one, that Too terrible for the ear: gashes on his head; ROSS dare look on that the times have been, The least a death to His absence, sir, Which might appal the That, when the brains nature. Lays blame upon his devil. were out, the man would promise. Please't your die, And there an end; but MACBETH highness To grace us with your LADY MACBETH now they rise again, Thanks for that: With twenty mortal royal company. O proper stuff! There the grown serpent murders on their crowns, This is the very painting lies; the worm that's fled And push us from our of your fear: Hath nature that in time MACBETH stools: this is more This is the air-drawn will venom breed, strange The table's full. dagger which, you said, No teeth for the present. Than such a murder is. Led you to Duncan. O, Get thee gone: to- LENNOX these flaws and starts, morrow Here is a place reserved, Impostors to true fear, We'll hear, ourselves, LADY MACBETH sir. would well become again. My worthy lord, MACBETH A woman's story at a winter's fire, Your noble friends do Where? lack you. Exit Murderer Authorized by her LENNOX grandam. Shame itself! LADY MACBETH Why do you make such MACBETH faces? When all's done, I do forget. If trembling I inhabit A kind good night to all! they may be scann'd. Do not muse at me, my then, protest me Exeunt all but most worthy friends, The baby of a girl. MACBETH and LADY LADY MACBETH I have a strange Hence, horrible shadow! MACBETH infirmity, which is Unreal mockery, hence! You lack the season of nothing MACBETH all natures, sleep. To those that know me. It will have blood; they MACBETH Come, love and health to GHOST OF BANQUO vanishes say, blood will have all; blood: Come, we'll to sleep. My Then I'll sit down. Give Why, so: being gone, Stones have been known strange and self-abuse me some wine; fill full. I am a man again. Pray to move and trees to Is the initiate fear that I drink to the general joy you, sit still. speak; wants hard use: o' the whole table, Augurs and understood We are yet but young in And to our dear friend deed. LADY MACBETH relations have Banquo, whom we miss; By magot-pies and Would he were here! to You have displaced the choughs and rooks Exeunt all, and him, we thirst, mirth, broke the good brought forth And all to all. meeting, The secret'st man of Act 3, Scene 5 With most admired blood. What is the night? A Heath. disorder. Lords Thunder. Enter the three Our duties, and the LADY MACBETH Witches meeting MACBETH HECATE pledge. Almost at odds with Re-enter GHOST OF Can such things be, morning, which is which. First Witch And overcome us like a BANQUO Why, how now, Hecate! summer's cloud, MACBETH you look angerly. MACBETH Without our special How say'st thou, that Avaunt! and quit my wonder? You make me Macduff denies his HECATE sight! let the earth hide strange person Have I not reason, thee! Even to the disposition At our great bidding? beldams as you are, Thy bones are that I owe, Saucy and overbold? marrowless, thy blood is When now I think you LADY MACBETH How did you dare cold; can behold such sights, To trade and traffic with Thou hast no speculation And keep the natural Did you send to him, sir? Macbeth ruby of your cheeks, in those eyes MACBETH In riddles and affairs of Which thou dost glare When mine is blanched death; with! with fear. I hear it by the way; but I And I, the mistress of will send: your charms, There's not a one of them LADY MACBETH ROSS The close contriver of all but in his house harms, Think of this, good peers, What sights, my lord? I keep a servant fee'd. I Was never call'd to bear will to-morrow, But as a thing of custom: LADY MACBETH my part, 'tis no other; And betimes I will, to the Or show the glory of our I pray you, speak not; he Only it spoils the weird sisters: art? grows worse and worse; pleasure of the time. More shall they speak; And, which is worse, all Question enrages him. At for now I am bent to you have done once, good night: know, Hath been but for a MACBETH Stand not upon the order By the worst means, the wayward son, of your going, What man dare, I dare: worst. For mine own Spiteful and wrathful, But go at once. Approach thou like the good, who, as others do, rugged Russian bear, All causes shall give Loves for his own ends, way: I am in blood The arm'd rhinoceros, or LENNOX not for you. the Hyrcan tiger; Stepp'd in so far that, But make amends now: Take any shape but that, Good night; and better should I wade no more, get you gone, and my firm nerves health Returning were as And at the pit of Acheron Shall never tremble: or Attend his majesty! tedious as go o'er: Meet me i' the morning: be alive again, Strange things I have in thither he head, that will to hand; And dare me to the desert LADY MACBETH Will come to know his with thy sword; Which must be acted ere destiny: Your vessels and your further: only, I say, Of the most pious I'll send my prayers with spells provide, Things have been Edward with such grace him. Your charms and every strangely borne. The That the malevolence of Exeunt thing beside. gracious Duncan fortune nothing I am for the air; this night Was pitied of Macbeth: Takes from his high Act 4, Scene 1 I'll spend marry, he was dead: respect: thither Macduff A cavern. In the middle, a Unto a dismal and a fatal And the right-valiant Is gone to pray the holy boiling cauldron. end: Banquo walk'd too late; king, upon his aid Great business must be Whom, you may say, if't To wake Northumberland Thunder. Enter the three wrought ere noon: please you, Fleance and warlike Siward: Witches Upon the corner of the kill'd, That, by the help of First Witch moon For Fleance fled: men these--with Him above There hangs a vaporous must not walk too late. To ratify the work--we Thrice the brinded cat drop profound; Who cannot want the may again hath mew'd. I'll catch it ere it come to thought how monstrous Give to our tables meat, Second Witch ground: It was for Malcolm and sleep to our nights, Thrice and once the And that distill'd by for Donalbain Free from our feasts and hedge-pig whined. magic sleights To kill their gracious banquets bloody knives, Shall raise such artificial father? damned fact! Do faithful homage and Third Witch sprites How it did grieve receive free honours: Harpier cries 'Tis time, As by the strength of Macbeth! did he not All which we pine for 'tis time. their illusion straight now: and this report Shall draw him on to his In pious rage the two Hath so exasperate the First Witch confusion: delinquents tear, king that he Round about the He shall spurn fate, scorn That were the slaves of Prepares for some cauldron go; death, and bear drink and thralls of attempt of war. In the poison'd entrails He hopes 'bove wisdom, sleep? throw. grace and fear: Was not that nobly done? LENNOX Toad, that under cold And you all know, Ay, and wisely too; stone security For 'twould have anger'd Sent he to Macduff? Days and nights has Is mortals' chiefest any heart alive Lord thirty-one enemy. To hear the men deny't. Swelter'd venom sleeping So that, I say, He did: and with an got, He has borne all things absolute 'Sir, not I,' Music and a song within: Boil thou first i' the well: and I do think The cloudy messenger charmed pot. 'Come away, come That had he Duncan's turns me his back, away,' &c sons under his key-- And hums, as who Hark! I am call'd; my As, an't please heaven, he should say 'You'll rue the ALL little spirit, see, shall not--they time Double, double toil and Sits in a foggy cloud, and should find That clogs me with this trouble; stays for me. What 'twere to kill a answer.' Fire burn, and cauldron father; so should Fleance. bubble. But, peace! for from LENNOX Exit broad words and 'cause First Witch he fail'd And that well might Second Witch His presence at the Advise him to a caution, Come, let's make haste; Fillet of a fenny snake, tyrant's feast, I hear to hold what distance she'll soon be back again. In the cauldron boil and Macduff lives in His wisdom can provide. bake; Exeunt disgrace: sir, can you tell Some holy angel Eye of newt and toe of Act 3, Scene 6 Where he bestows Fly to the court of frog, himself? England and unfold Wool of bat and tongue Forres. The palace. His message ere he of dog, come, that a swift Enter LENNOX and Lord Adder's fork and blind- another Lord blessing worm's sting, The son of Duncan, May soon return to this LENNOX Lizard's leg and owlet's From whom this tyrant our suffering country wing, My former speeches have holds the due of birth Under a hand accursed! For a charm of powerful but hit your thoughts, Lives in the English trouble, Which can interpret court, and is received Lord Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. And now about the First Witch Whate'er thou art, for thy cauldron sing, Speak. good caution, thanks; Live elves and fairies in a Thou hast harp'd my fear ALL ring, Second Witch aright: but one Double, double toil and Enchanting all that you Demand. word more,-- trouble; put in. Fire burn and cauldron Third Witch First Witch bubble. We'll answer. Music and a song: 'Black He will not be First Witch spirits,' &c commanded: here's Third Witch HECATE retires Say, if thou'dst rather another, hear it from our mouths, Scale of dragon, tooth of Second Witch More potent than the wolf, Or from our masters? first. Witches' mummy, maw By the pricking of my and gulf thumbs, MACBETH Of the ravin'd salt-sea Something wicked this Thunder. Second shark, way comes. Call 'em; let me see 'em. Apparition: A bloody Open, locks, Child Root of hemlock digg'd i' First Witch the dark, Whoever knocks! Second Apparition Liver of blaspheming Pour in sow's blood, that hath eaten Macbeth! Macbeth! Jew, Enter MACBETH Macbeth! Gall of goat, and slips of Her nine farrow; grease yew MACBETH that's sweaten MACBETH From the murderer's Silver'd in the moon's How now, you secret, Had I three ears, I'ld hear gibbet throw eclipse, black, and midnight thee. Nose of Turk and Tartar's Into the flame. hags! Second Apparition lips, What is't you do? Finger of birth-strangled ALL Be bloody, bold, and babe resolute; laugh to scorn Ditch-deliver'd by a drab, ALL Come, high or low; The power of man, for Thyself and office deftly Make the gruel thick and A deed without a name. none of woman born slab: show! Shall harm Macbeth. Add thereto a tiger's MACBETH chaudron, I conjure you, by that Thunder. First For the ingredients of our Descends which you profess, Apparition: an armed cauldron. Howe'er you come to Head MACBETH know it, answer me: MACBETH Then live, Macduff: what ALL Though you untie the need I fear of thee? winds and let them fight Tell me, thou unknown But yet I'll make Double, double toil and Against the churches; power,-- trouble; assurance double sure, though the yesty waves And take a bond of fate: Fire burn and cauldron Confound and swallow First Witch bubble. thou shalt not live; navigation up; He knows thy thought: That I may tell pale- Though bladed corn be Hear his speech, but say hearted fear it lies, lodged and trees blown Second Witch thou nought. And sleep in spite of down; thunder. Cool it with a baboon's Though castles topple on blood, their warders' heads; First Apparition Then the charm is firm Though palaces and Macbeth! Macbeth! Thunder. Third and good. pyramids do slope Macbeth! beware Apparition: a Child Their heads to their Macduff; crowned, with a tree in foundations; though the his hand Enter HECATE to the Beware the thane of Fife. treasure other three Witches Dismiss me. Enough. What is this Of nature's germens That rises like the issue HECATE tumble all together, of a king, Even till destruction Descends O well done! I commend And wears upon his sicken; answer me your pains; MACBETH baby-brow the round And every one shall To what I ask you. share i' the gains; And top of sovereignty? Third Witch And show the best of our LENNOX Show! delights: Ay, my good lord. I'll charm the air to give a ALL ALL sound, MACBETH Listen, but speak not to't. Show his eyes, and While you perform your Time, thou anticipatest antic round: Third Apparition grieve his heart; my dread exploits: Come like shadows, so That this great king may The flighty purpose Be lion-mettled, proud; depart! kindly say, never is o'ertook and take no care Our duties did his Unless the deed go with Who chafes, who frets, or welcome pay. it; from this moment where conspirers are: A show of Eight Kings, The very firstlings of my Macbeth shall never the last with a glass in Music. The witches heart shall be vanquish'd be until his hand; GHOST OF The firstlings of my Great Birnam wood to BANQUO following dance and then vanish, with HECATE hand. And even now, high Dunsinane hill MACBETH To crown my thoughts Shall come against him. MACBETH with acts, be it thought Thou art too like the and done: spirit of Banquo: down! Where are they? Gone? The castle of Macduff I Descends Thy crown does sear Let this pernicious hour will surprise; mine eye-balls. And thy Stand aye accursed in the MACBETH Seize upon Fife; give to hair, calendar! the edge o' the sword That will never be Thou other gold-bound Come in, without there! His wife, his babes, and Who can impress the brow, is like the first. all unfortunate souls forest, bid the tree A third is like the former. Enter LENNOX That trace him in his line. Unfix his earth-bound Filthy hags! No boasting like a fool; root? Sweet bodements! Why do you show me LENNOX This deed I'll do before good! this? A fourth! Start, What's your grace's will? this purpose cool. Rebellion's head, rise eyes! But no more sights!-- never till the wood What, will the line MACBETH Where are these Of Birnam rise, and our stretch out to the crack of Saw you the weird gentlemen? high-placed Macbeth doom? sisters? Come, bring me where Shall live the lease of Another yet! A seventh! LENNOX they are. nature, pay his breath I'll see no more: To time and mortal And yet the eighth No, my lord. custom. Yet my heart appears, who bears a MACBETH Exeunt Throbs to know one glass thing: tell me, if your art Which shows me many Came they not by you? Act 4, Scene 2 Can tell so much: shall more; and some I see LENNOX Fife. Macduff's castle. Banquo's issue ever That two-fold balls and Reign in this kingdom? No, indeed, my lord. Enter LADY MACDUFF, treble scepters carry: her Son, and ROSS Horrible sight! Now, I MACBETH see, 'tis true; LADY MACDUFF ALL Infected be the air For the blood-bolter'd whereon they ride; What had he done, to Seek to know no more. Banquo smiles upon me, And damn'd all those that make him fly the land? And points at them for MACBETH trust them! I did hear his. ROSS I will be satisfied: deny The galloping of horse: me this, who was't came by? You must have patience, madam. And an eternal curse fall Apparitions vanish on you! Let me know. LADY MACDUFF What, is this so? Why sinks that cauldron? LENNOX He had none: and what noise is this? 'Tis two or three, my His flight was madness: lord, that bring you word First Witch when our actions do not, Macduff is fled to Ay, sir, all this is so: but Our fears do make us Hautboys England. why traitors. First Witch Stands Macbeth thus Show! amazedly? MACBETH ROSS Come, sisters, cheer we Second Witch Fled to England! up his sprites, Show! You know not Father'd he is, and yet Thou speak'st with all thy him: if you would not, it Whether it was his he's fatherless. wit: and yet, i' faith, were a good sign wisdom or his fear. ROSS With wit enough for thee. that I should quickly have a new father. I am so much a fool, LADY MACDUFF should I stay longer, Son Wisdom! to leave his It would be my disgrace Was my father a traitor, LADY MACDUFF wife, to leave his babes, and your discomfort: mother? Poor prattler, how thou I take my leave at once. His mansion and his titles LADY MACDUFF talk'st! in a place Ay, that he was. Enter a Messenger From whence himself Exit does fly? He loves us Son Messenger not; LADY MACDUFF What is a traitor? Bless you, fair dame! I He wants the natural Sirrah, your father's dead; am not to you known, touch: for the poor wren, And what will you do LADY MACDUFF Though in your state of The most diminutive of now? How will you live? honour I am perfect. birds, will fight, Why, one that swears and lies. I doubt some danger does Her young ones in her approach you nearly: nest, against the owl. Son Son If you will take a homely All is the fear and As birds do, mother. And be all traitors that do man's advice, nothing is the love; Be not found here; hence, LADY MACDUFF so? As little is the wisdom, with your little ones. where the flight What, with worms and LADY MACDUFF To fright you thus, So runs against all flies? Every one that does so is methinks, I am too reason. Son a traitor, and must be savage; hanged. To do worse to you were With what I get, I mean; fell cruelty, ROSS Son and so do they. Which is too nigh your My dearest coz, LADY MACDUFF And must they all be person. Heaven preserve I pray you, school hanged that swear and you! yourself: but for your Poor bird! thou'ldst never lie? I dare abide no longer. husband, fear the net nor lime, He is noble, wise, The pitfall nor the gin. LADY MACDUFF judicious, and best knows Every one. Exit The fits o' the season. I Son Son LADY MACDUFF dare not speak much further; Why should I, mother? Who must hang them? Whither should I fly? I have done no harm. But But cruel are the times, Poor birds they are not LADY MACDUFF when we are traitors set for. I remember now And do not know My father is not dead, for Why, the honest men. I am in this earthly ourselves, when we hold all your saying. Son world; where to do harm rumour Is often laudable, to do From what we fear, yet Then the liars and good sometime know not what we fear, LADY MACDUFF swearers are fools, Accounted dangerous But float upon a wild and Yes, he is dead; how wilt for there are liars and folly: why then, alas, violent sea thou do for a father? swearers enow to beat Do I put up that womanly Each way and move. I the honest men and hang defence, Son take my leave of you: up them. To say I have done no Shall not be long but I'll Nay, how will you do for harm? be here again: a husband? LADY MACDUFF Things at the worst will LADY MACDUFF Enter Murderers cease, or else climb Now, God help thee, upward Why, I can buy me poor monkey! What are these faces? To what they were twenty at any market. But how wilt thou do for a father? before. My pretty cousin, Son First Murderer Blessing upon you! Then you'll buy 'em to Where is your husband? sell again. Son LADY MACDUFF LADY MACDUFF LADY MACDUFF If he were dead, you'ld weep for I hope, in no place so What I believe I'll wail, Let not my jealousies be so grafted unsanctified What know believe, and your dishonours, That, when they shall be Where such as thou what I can redress, But mine own safeties. open'd, black Macbeth mayst find him. As I shall find the time to You may be rightly just, Will seem as pure as friend, I will. Whatever I shall think. snow, and the poor state What you have spoke, it Esteem him as a lamb, First Murderer may be so perchance. being compared He's a traitor. This tyrant, whose sole MACDUFF With my confineless name blisters our harms. Son Bleed, bleed, poor tongues, country! Thou liest, thou shag- Was once thought Great tyranny! lay thou hair'd villain! honest: you have loved thy basis sure, MACDUFF First Murderer him well. For goodness dare not Not in the legions He hath not touch'd you cheque thee: wear thou Of horrid hell can come a What, you egg! yet. I am young; thy wrongs; devil more damn'd Stabbing him but something The title is affeer'd! Fare In evils to top Macbeth. You may deserve of him thee well, lord: Young fry of treachery! through me, and wisdom I would not be the villain To offer up a weak poor that thou think'st MALCOLM Son innocent lamb For the whole space that's I grant him bloody, To appease an angry god. in the tyrant's grasp, Luxurious, avaricious, He has kill'd me, mother: And the rich East to boot. false, deceitful, Run away, I pray you! Sudden, malicious, MACDUFF smacking of every sin MALCOLM Dies I am not treacherous. That has a name: but MALCOLM Be not offended: there's no bottom, none, Exit LADY MACDUFF, I speak not as in absolute In my voluptuousness: crying 'Murder!' Exeunt But Macbeth is. fear of you. your wives, your Murderers, following her A good and virtuous I think our country sinks daughters, Act 4, Scene 3 nature may recoil beneath the yoke; Your matrons and your In an imperial charge. It weeps, it bleeds; and maids, could not fill up England. Before the King's But I shall crave each new day a gash The cistern of my lust, palace. your pardon; Is added to her wounds: I and my desire Enter MALCOLM and That which you are my think withal All continent MACDUFF thoughts cannot There would be hands impediments would transpose: MALCOLM uplifted in my right; o'erbear Angels are bright still, And here from gracious That did oppose my will: Let us seek out some though the brightest fell; England have I offer better Macbeth desolate shade, and there Though all things foul Of goodly thousands: Than such an one to Weep our sad bosoms would wear the brows of but, for all this, reign. empty. grace, When I shall tread upon Yet grace must still look the tyrant's head, so. Or wear it on my sword, MACDUFF MACDUFF yet my poor country Boundless intemperance Let us rather MACDUFF Shall have more vices In nature is a tyranny; it Hold fast the mortal than it had before, hath been sword, and like good I have lost my hopes. More suffer and more The untimely emptying men MALCOLM sundry ways than ever, of the happy throne Bestride our down-fall'n By him that shall And fall of many kings. birthdom: each new morn Perchance even there succeed. But fear not yet New widows howl, new where I did find my To take upon you what is orphans cry, new sorrows doubts. yours: you may Strike heaven on the Why in that rawness left MACDUFF Convey your pleasures in face, that it resounds you wife and child, What should he be? a spacious plenty, As if it felt with Scotland Those precious motives, MALCOLM And yet seem cold, the and yell'd out those strong knots of time you may so Like syllable of dolour. love, It is myself I mean: in hoodwink. Without leave-taking? I whom I know We have willing dames pray you, All the particulars of vice enough: there cannot be MALCOLM That vulture in you, to Pour the sweet milk of haste: but God above heaven given his hand-- devour so many concord into hell, Deal between thee and They presently amend. As will to greatness Uproar the universal me! for even now dedicate themselves, peace, confound I put myself to thy Finding it so inclined. All unity on earth. direction, and MALCOLM Unspeak mine own I thank you, doctor. detraction, here abjure Exit Doctor MALCOLM MACDUFF The taints and blames I With this there grows O Scotland, Scotland! laid upon myself, MACDUFF For strangers to my In my most ill-composed MALCOLM What's the disease he affection such nature. I am yet means? A stanchless avarice that, If such a one be fit to Unknown to woman, were I king, govern, speak: never was forsworn, MALCOLM I should cut off the I am as I have spoken. Scarcely have coveted 'Tis call'd the evil: nobles for their lands, what was mine own, A most miraculous work Desire his jewels and this At no time broke my MACDUFF in this good king; other's house: faith, would not betray Which often, since my And my more-having Fit to govern! The devil to his fellow here-remain in England, would be as a sauce No, not to live. O nation and delight I have seen him do. How To make me hunger miserable, No less in truth than life: he solicits heaven, more; that I should forge With an untitled tyrant my first false speaking Himself best knows: but Quarrels unjust against bloody-scepter'd, Was this upon myself: strangely-visited people, the good and loyal, When shalt thou see thy what I am truly, All swoln and ulcerous, Destroying them for wholesome days again, Is thine and my poor pitiful to the eye, wealth. Since that the truest issue country's to command: The mere despair of of thy throne Whither indeed, before surgery, he cures, By his own interdiction thy here-approach, Hanging a golden stamp MACDUFF stands accursed, Old Siward, with ten about their necks, This avarice And does blaspheme his thousand warlike men, Put on with holy prayers: Sticks deeper, grows with breed? Thy royal father Already at a point, was and 'tis spoken, more pernicious root Was a most sainted king: setting forth. To the succeeding Than summer-seeming the queen that bore thee, Now we'll together; and royalty he leaves lust, and it hath been Oftener upon her knees the chance of goodness The healing benediction. The sword of our slain than on her feet, Be like our warranted With this strange virtue, kings: yet do not fear; Died every day she lived. quarrel! Why are you He hath a heavenly gift Scotland hath foisons to Fare thee well! silent? of prophecy, fill up your will. These evils thou repeat'st And sundry blessings Of your mere own: all upon thyself MACDUFF hang about his throne, these are portable, Have banish'd me from That speak him full of With other graces Scotland. O my breast, Such welcome and grace. weigh'd. Thy hope ends here! unwelcome things at once 'Tis hard to reconcile. Enter ROSS MALCOLM MALCOLM MACDUFF But I have none: the Macduff, this noble Enter a Doctor See, who comes here? king-becoming graces, passion, As justice, verity, Child of integrity, hath MALCOLM MALCOLM from my soul temperance, stableness, Well; more anon.-- My countryman; but yet I Wiped the black scruples, Bounty, perseverance, Comes the king forth, I know him not. reconciled my thoughts mercy, lowliness, pray you? Devotion, patience, To thy good truth and MACDUFF Doctor courage, fortitude, honour. Devilish My ever-gentle cousin, I have no relish of them, Macbeth Ay, sir; there are a crew welcome hither. but abound By many of these trains of wretched souls MALCOLM In the division of each hath sought to win me That stay his cure: their several crime, Into his power, and malady convinces I know him now. Good Acting it many ways. modest wisdom plucks The great assay of art; God, betimes remove Nay, had I power, I me but at his touch-- The means that makes us should From over-credulous Such sanctity hath strangers! Well too. Due to some single And I must be from MACDUFF breast? thence! My wife kill'd too? ROSS The tyrant has not Sir, amen. batter'd at their peace? ROSS ROSS MACDUFF ROSS No mind that's honest But in it shares some I have said. Stands Scotland where it No; they were well at woe; though the main MALCOLM did? peace when I did leave part 'em. ROSS Pertains to you alone. Be comforted: MACDUFF Let's make us medicines Alas, poor country! of our great revenge, Almost afraid to know But not a niggard of your MACDUFF To cure this deadly grief. speech: how goes't? itself. It cannot If it be mine, Be call'd our mother, but ROSS Keep it not from me, our grave; where nothing, MACDUFF When I came hither to quickly let me have it. But who knows nothing, He has no children. All transport the tidings, is once seen to smile; my pretty ones? Which I have heavily Where sighs and groans ROSS Did you say all? O hell- borne, there ran a rumour and shrieks that rend the kite! All? Of many worthy fellows Let not your ears despise air What, all my pretty that were out; my tongue for ever, Are made, not mark'd; chickens and their dam Which was to my belief Which shall possess them where violent sorrow At one fell swoop? witness'd the rather, with the heaviest sound seems That ever yet they heard. A modern ecstasy; the For that I saw the tyrant's dead man's knell power a-foot: MALCOLM Now is the time of help; Is there scarce ask'd for MACDUFF Dispute it like a man. who; and good men's your eye in Scotland Hum! I guess at it. lives Would create soldiers, MACDUFF make our women fight, Expire before the flowers ROSS I shall do so; To doff their dire in their caps, But I must also feel it as distresses. Your castle is surprised; Dying or ere they sicken. your wife and babes a man: Savagely slaughter'd: to I cannot but remember such things were, MACDUFF MALCOLM relate the manner, Were, on the quarry of That were most precious O, relation Be't their comfort to me. Did heaven look We are coming thither: these murder'd deer, Too nice, and yet too To add the death of you. on, true! gracious England hath And would not take their Lent us good Siward and part? Sinful Macduff, ten thousand men; MALCOLM They were all struck for MALCOLM An older and a better thee! naught that I am, soldier none Merciful heaven! What's the newest grief? What, man! ne'er pull Not for their own That Christendom gives demerits, but for mine, ROSS out. your hat upon your brows; Fell slaughter on their That of an hour's age Give sorrow words: the souls. Heaven rest them doth hiss the speaker: ROSS grief that does not speak now! Each minute teems a new Whispers the o'er-fraught one. Would I could answer This comfort with the heart and bids it break. MALCOLM like! But I have words MACDUFF Be this the whetstone of That would be howl'd out MACDUFF your sword: let grief in the desert air, How does my wife? My children too? Convert to anger; blunt Where hearing should not the heart, enrage it. ROSS not latch them. ROSS Why, well. Wife, children, servants, MACDUFF MACDUFF MACDUFF all That could be found. O, I could play the And all my children? What concern they? woman with mine eyes ROSS The general cause? or is And braggart with my it a fee-grief MACDUFF tongue! But, gentle sleep. Doctor Go to, go to; you have heavens, What is it she does now? known what you should Cut short all not. Doctor Look, how she rubs her intermission; front to hands. Gentlewoman front A great perturbation in Bring thou this fiend of nature, to receive at once Gentlewoman She has spoke what she Scotland and myself; the benefit of sleep, and It is an accustomed should not, I am sure of Within my sword's length do the effects of action with her, to seem that: heaven knows what set him; if he 'scape, watching! In this thus she has known. Heaven forgive him too! slumbery agitation, washing her hands: I besides her have known her continue LADY MACBETH walking and other actual MALCOLM in performances, what, at this a quarter of an hour. Here's the smell of the This tune goes manly. any blood still: all the Come, go we to the king; time, have you heard her perfumes of Arabia will our power is ready; say? LADY MACBETH not sweeten this little Our lack is nothing but Yet here's a spot. hand. Oh, oh, oh! our leave; Macbeth Is ripe for shaking, and Gentlewoman Doctor Doctor the powers above That, sir, which I will not Hark! she speaks: I will Put on their instruments. report after her. set down what comes What a sigh is there! The Receive what cheer you heart is sorely charged. Doctor from may: her, to satisfy my Gentlewoman The night is long that You may to me: and 'tis remembrance the more never finds the day. most meet you should. strongly. I would not have such a heart in my bosom for Gentlewoman the Exeunt Neither to you nor any LADY MACBETH dignity of the whole Act 5, Scene 1 one; having no witness to Out, damned spot! out, I body. confirm my speech. Dunsinane. Ante-room in the say!--One: two: why, castle. then, 'tis time to do't.-- Doctor Enter LADY MACBETH, Hell is murky!--Fie, my Enter a Doctor of Physic Well, well, well,-- with a taper lord, fie! a soldier, and and a Waiting- afeard? What need we Gentlewoman Gentlewoman Lo you, here she comes! fear who knows it, when This is her very guise; Pray God it be, sir. Doctor none can call our power and, upon my life, fast to Doctor I have two nights asleep. Observe her; account?--Yet who watched with you, but stand close. This disease is beyond would have thought the my practise: yet I have can perceive old man no truth in your report. known Doctor to have had so much those which have walked When was it she last blood in him. walked? How came she by that in their sleep who have light? died Doctor holily in their beds. Gentlewoman Gentlewoman Do you mark that? Since his majesty went Why, it stood by her: she LADY MACBETH into the field, I have seen has light by her LADY MACBETH Wash your hands, put on her rise from her bed, continually; 'tis her The thane of Fife had a your nightgown; look not throw her night-gown command. wife: where is she now?-- so upon What, will these hands pale.--I tell you yet again, her, unlock her closet, ne'er be clean?--No more Doctor Banquo's buried; he take forth paper, fold it, o' cannot come out on's write upon't, read it, You see, her eyes are that, my lord, no more o' grave. afterwards seal it, and open. that: you mar all with again Gentlewoman this starting. return to bed; yet all this Doctor while in a most fast Ay, but their sense is shut. Doctor Even so? LADY MACBETH Excite the mortified man. recoil and start, fear. To bed, to bed! there's When all that is within him does condemn knocking at the gate: ANGUS Enter a Servant come, come, come, Itself for being there? come, give me your Near Birnam wood The devil damn thee Shall we well meet them; black, thou cream-faced hand. What's CAITHNESS done cannot be undone.-- that way are they loon! To bed, to bed, to bed! coming. Well, march we on, Where got'st thou that To give obedience where goose look? 'tis truly owed: Exit CAITHNESS Meet we the medicine of Servant Doctor Who knows if Donalbain the sickly weal, be with his brother? And with him pour we in There is ten thousand-- Will she go now to bed? our country's purge LENNOX MACBETH Gentlewoman Each drop of us. For certain, sir, he is not: Geese, villain! Directly. I have a file LENNOX Servant Doctor Of all the gentry: there is Siward's son, Or so much as it needs, Soldiers, sir. Foul whisperings are And many unrough To dew the sovereign abroad: unnatural deeds MACBETH youths that even now flower and drown the Do breed unnatural Protest their first of weeds. Go prick thy face, and troubles: infected minds manhood. Make we our march over-red thy fear, To their deaf pillows will towards Birnam. Thou lily-liver'd boy. discharge their secrets: What soldiers, patch? More needs she the MENTEITH Death of thy soul! those divine than the physician. What does the tyrant? Exeunt, marching linen cheeks of thine God, God forgive us all! Are counsellors to fear. Act 5, Scene 3 Look after her; CAITHNESS What soldiers, whey- Remove from her the Great Dunsinane he Dunsinane. A room in the face? means of all annoyance, strongly fortifies: castle. And still keep eyes upon Some say he's mad; Enter MACBETH, Servant her. So, good night: others that lesser hate Doctor, and Attendants My mind she has mated, him The English force, so and amazed my sight. Do call it valiant fury: MACBETH please you. I think, but dare not but, for certain, Bring me no more MACBETH speak. He cannot buckle his reports; let them fly all: distemper'd cause Till Birnam wood Take thy face hence. Gentlewoman Within the belt of rule. remove to Dunsinane, Exit Servant I cannot taint with fear. Good night, good doctor. What's the boy Malcolm? Seyton!--I am sick at ANGUS Was he not born of heart, Exeunt When I behold--Seyton, I Now does he feel woman? The spirits that say!--This push Act 5, Scene 2 His secret murders know Will cheer me ever, or The country near Dunsinane. sticking on his hands; All mortal consequences disseat me now. Now minutely revolts have pronounced me Drum and colours. Enter I have lived long enough: upbraid his faith-breach; thus: MENTEITH, my way of life Those he commands 'Fear not, Macbeth; no CAITHNESS, ANGUS, Is fall'n into the sear, the move only in command, man that's born of LENNOX, and Soldiers yellow leaf; Nothing in love: now woman And that which should MENTEITH does he feel his title Shall e'er have power accompany old age, Hang loose about him, upon thee.' Then fly, The English power is As honour, love, like a giant's robe false thanes, near, led on by Malcolm, obedience, troops of His uncle Siward and the Upon a dwarfish thief. And mingle with the English epicures: friends, good Macduff: I must not look to have; Revenges burn in them; The mind I sway by and MENTEITH the heart I bear but, in their stead, for their dear causes Curses, not loud but Who then shall blame Shall never sag with Would to the bleeding deep, mouth-honour, His pester'd senses to doubt nor shake with and the grim alarm breath, Which the poor heart heart? Drum and colours. Enter MACDUFF would fain deny, and MALCOLM, SIWARD Let our just censures dare not. Seyton! and YOUNG SIWARD, Doctor Attend the true event, MACDUFF, and put we on Therein the patient MENTEITH, Industrious soldiership. Enter SEYTON Must minister to himself. CAITHNESS, ANGUS, SEYTON LENNOX, ROSS, and Soldiers, marching SIWARD What is your gracious MACBETH pleasure? MALCOLM The time approaches Throw physic to the That will with due MACBETH dogs; I'll none of it. Cousins, I hope the days are near at hand decision make us know What news more? Come, put mine armour What we shall say we on; give me my staff. That chambers will be SEYTON safe. have and what we owe. Seyton, send out. Doctor, Thoughts speculative All is confirm'd, my lord, the thanes fly from me. their unsure hopes relate, which was reported. Come, sir, dispatch. If MENTEITH But certain issue strokes thou couldst, doctor, cast MACBETH We doubt it nothing. must arbitrate: The water of my land, Towards which advance I'll fight till from my find her disease, SIWARD the war. bones my flesh be hack'd. And purge it to a sound Give me my armour. and pristine health, What wood is this before I would applaud thee to us? Exeunt, marching the very echo, MENTEITH Act 5, Scene 5 SEYTON That should applaud The wood of Birnam. 'Tis not needed yet. again.--Pull't off, I say.-- Dunsinane. Within the castle. What rhubarb, cyme, or MALCOLM MACBETH Enter MACBETH, what purgative drug, Let every soldier hew SEYTON, and Soldiers, I'll put it on. Would scour these him down a bough with drum and colours Send out more horses; English hence? Hear'st And bear't before him: skirr the country round; MACBETH thou of them? thereby shall we shadow Hang those that talk of The numbers of our host Hang out our banners on fear. Give me mine and make discovery the outward walls; armour. Doctor Err in report of us. The cry is still 'They How does your patient, Ay, my good lord; your come:' our castle's doctor? royal preparation strength Makes us hear Soldiers Will laugh a siege to something. Doctor It shall be done. scorn: here let them lie Till famine and the ague Not so sick, my lord, SIWARD eat them up: MACBETH As she is troubled with We learn no other but the Were they not forced thick coming fancies, Bring it after me. confident tyrant with those that should be That keep her from her I will not be afraid of Keeps still in Dunsinane, ours, rest. death and bane, and will endure We might have met them Till Birnam forest come Our setting down before dareful, beard to beard, to Dunsinane. MACBETH 't. And beat them backward home. Cure her of that. Canst thou not minister Doctor MALCOLM A cry of women within to a mind diseased, [Aside] Were I from 'Tis his main hope: Pluck from the memory a Dunsinane away and For where there is What is that noise? rooted sorrow, clear, advantage to be given, Raze out the written Profit again should Both more and less have SEYTON troubles of the brain hardly draw me here. given him the revolt, And with some sweet And none serve with him It is the cry of women, oblivious antidote but constrained things my good lord. Cleanse the stuff'd bosom Exeunt Whose hearts are absent Exit of that perilous stuff Act 5, Scene 4 too. Which weighs upon the MACBETH Country near Birnam wood. I have almost forgot the it. Exeunt YOUNG SIWARD taste of fears; Act 5, Scene 6 What is thy name? The time has been, my senses would have cool'd MACBETH Dunsinane. Before the castle. MACBETH To hear a night-shriek; Well, say, sir. Drum and colours. Enter Thou'lt be afraid to hear and my fell of hair Messenger MALCOLM, SIWARD, it. Would at a dismal MACDUFF, and their YOUNG SIWARD treatise rouse and stir As I did stand my watch Army, with boughs As life were in't: I have upon the hill, No; though thou call'st supp'd full with horrors; I look'd toward Birnam, MALCOLM thyself a hotter name Direness, familiar to my and anon, methought, Now near enough: your Than any is in hell. slaughterous thoughts The wood began to leafy screens throw Cannot once start me. move. down. And show like those you MACBETH are. You, worthy uncle, Re-enter SEYTON MACBETH My name's Macbeth. Shall, with my cousin, YOUNG SIWARD Wherefore was that cry? Liar and slave! your right-noble son, Messenger Lead our first battle: The devil himself could worthy Macduff and we not pronounce a title SEYTON Let me endure your Shall take upon 's what More hateful to mine ear. The queen, my lord, is wrath, if't be not so: else remains to do, dead. Within this three mile According to our order. may you see it coming; MACBETH MACBETH I say, a moving grove. No, nor more fearful. She should have died SIWARD hereafter; YOUNG SIWARD MACBETH Fare you well. There would have been a Do we but find the Thou liest, abhorred time for such a word. If thou speak'st false, tyrant's power to-night, tyrant; with my sword To-morrow, and to- Upon the next tree shalt Let us be beaten, if we I'll prove the lie thou morrow, and to-morrow, thou hang alive, cannot fight. speak'st. Creeps in this petty pace Till famine cling thee: if from day to day thy speech be sooth, To the last syllable of I care not if thou dost for MACDUFF They fight and YOUNG SIWARD is slain recorded time, me as much. Make all our trumpets And all our yesterdays I pull in resolution, and speak; give them all MACBETH have lighted fools begin breath, Thou wast born of The way to dusty death. To doubt the Those clamorous woman Out, out, brief candle! equivocation of the fiend harbingers of blood and But swords I smile at, Life's but a walking That lies like truth: 'Fear death. weapons laugh to scorn, shadow, a poor player not, till Birnam wood Brandish'd by man that's That struts and frets his Do come to Dunsinane:' of a woman born. hour upon the stage and now a wood Exeunt And then is heard no Comes toward Act 5, Scene 7 more: it is a tale Dunsinane. Arm, arm, Exit Told by an idiot, full of and out! Another part of the field. sound and fury, If this which he avouches Alarums. Enter Alarums. Enter MACDUFF Signifying nothing. does appear, MACBETH There is nor flying hence MACDUFF nor tarrying here. MACBETH That way the noise is. Enter a Messenger I gin to be aweary of the They have tied me to a Tyrant, show thy face! sun, Thou comest to use thy stake; I cannot fly, If thou be'st slain and And wish the estate o' the tongue; thy story quickly. But, bear-like, I must with no stroke of mine, world were now undone. fight the course. What's My wife and children's Ring the alarum-bell! he ghosts will haunt me still. Messenger Blow, wind! come, That was not born of I cannot strike at wrack! Gracious my lord, woman? Such a one wretched kerns, whose At least we'll die with I should report that which Am I to fear, or none. arms harness on our back. I say I saw, Are hired to bear their But know not how to do Enter YOUNG SIWARD staves: either thou, Macbeth, soul is too much charged underwrit, Then he is dead? Or else my sword with an With blood of thine 'Here may you see the ROSS unbatter'd edge already. tyrant.' I sheathe again undeeded. Ay, and brought off the There thou shouldst be; field: your cause of By this great clatter, one MACDUFF MACBETH sorrow of greatest note I have no words: I will not yield, Must not be measured by Seems bruited. Let me My voice is in my sword: To kiss the ground before his worth, for then find him, fortune! thou bloodier villain young Malcolm's feet, It hath no end. And more I beg not. Than terms can give thee And to be baited with the out! rabble's curse. SIWARD Though Birnam wood be Exit. Alarums come to Dunsinane, Had he his hurts before? They fight Enter MALCOLM and And thou opposed, being ROSS SIWARD MACBETH of no woman born, Yet I will try the last. Ay, on the front. SIWARD Thou losest labour: Before my body As easy mayst thou the SIWARD This way, my lord; the I throw my warlike intrenchant air castle's gently render'd: shield. Lay on, Macduff, Why then, God's soldier With thy keen sword The tyrant's people on And damn'd be him that be he! impress as make me both sides do fight; first cries, 'Hold, Had I as many sons as I bleed: The noble thanes do enough!' have hairs, bravely in the war; Let fall thy blade on I would not wish them to The day almost itself vulnerable crests; a fairer death: professes yours, I bear a charmed life, Exeunt, fighting. And so, his knell is And little is to do. which must not yield, Alarums knoll'd. To one of woman born. Retreat. Flourish. Enter, MALCOLM with drum and colours, MALCOLM MACDUFF MALCOLM, SIWARD, We have met with foes ROSS, the other Thanes, He's worth more sorrow, Despair thy charm; That strike beside us. and Soldiers And that I'll spend for And let the angel whom him. thou still hast served MALCOLM SIWARD Tell thee, Macduff was I would the friends we SIWARD Enter, sir, the castle. from his mother's womb miss were safe arrived. Untimely ripp'd. He's worth no more Exeunt. Alarums SIWARD They say he parted well, and paid his score: Act 5, Scene 8 MACBETH Some must go off: and yet, by these I see, And so, God be with Another part of the field. Accursed be that tongue So great a day as this is him! Here comes newer Enter MACBETH that tells me so, cheaply bought. comfort. For it hath cow'd my MACBETH better part of man! Why should I play the And be these juggling MALCOLM Re-enter MACDUFF, with MACBETH's head Roman fool, and die fiends no more believed, Macduff is missing, and On mine own sword? That palter with us in a your noble son. MACDUFF whiles I see lives, the double sense; gashes That keep the word of ROSS Hail, king! for so thou art: behold, where stands Do better upon them. promise to our ear, Your son, my lord, has The usurper's cursed And break it to our hope. paid a soldier's debt: head: the time is free: I'll not fight with thee. He only lived but till he Enter MACDUFF I see thee compass'd with was a man; thy kingdom's pearl, MACDUFF The which no sooner had MACDUFF That speak my salutation his prowess confirm'd Turn, hell-hound, turn! in their minds; Then yield thee, coward, In the unshrinking station Whose voices I desire MACBETH And live to be the show where he fought, aloud with mine: and gaze o' the time: But like a man he died. Of all men else I have Hail, King of Scotland! avoided thee: We'll have thee, as our But get thee back; my rarer monsters are, Painted on a pole, and SIWARD ALL you. My thanes and That fled the snares of grace of Grace, Hail, King of Scotland! kinsmen, watchful tyranny; We will perform in Henceforth be earls, the Producing forth the cruel measure, time and place: Flourish first that ever Scotland ministers So, thanks to all at once MALCOLM In such an honour Of this dead butcher and and to each one, named. What's more to his fiend-like queen, Whom we invite to see We shall not spend a do, Who, as 'tis thought, by us crown'd at Scone. large expense of time Which would be planted self and violent hands Before we reckon with newly with the time, Took off her life; this, your several loves, As calling home our and what needful else Flourish. Exeunt And make us even with exiled friends abroad That calls upon us, by the MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING

0* Act 1 1* Scene 1. Before LEONATO'S house. 2* Scene 2. A room in LEONATO's house. 3* Scene 3. The same. 4* Act 2 5* Scene 1. A hall in LEONATO'S house. 6* Scene 2. The same. 7* Scene 3. LEONATO'S orchard. 8* Act 3 9* Scene 1. LEONATO'S garden. 10* Scene 2. A room in LEONATO'S house 11* Scene 3. A street. 12* Scene 4. HERO's apartment. 13* Scene 5. Another room in LEONATO'S house. 14* Act 4 15* Scene 1. A church. 16* Scene 2. A prison. 17* Act 5 18* Scene 1. Before LEONATO'S house. 19* Scene 2. LEONATO'S garden. 20* Scene 3. A church. 21* Scene 4. A room in LEONATO'S house.

Act 1, Scene 1 He hath an uncle here in O, he's returned; and as It is so, indeed; he is no Messina will be very pleasant as ever he was. less than a stuffed man: Before LEONATO'S house. much BEATRICE but for the stuffing,-- Enter LEONATO, glad of it. well, we are all mortal. HERO, and BEATRICE, He set up his bills here in with a Messenger Messina and challenged Messenger Cupid at the flight; and LEONATO LEONATO I have already delivered my uncle's fool, reading You must not, sir, I learn in this letter that him letters, and there the challenge, subscribed mistake my niece. There Don Peter of Arragon appears much joy in him; for Cupid, and is a comes this night to even so much that joy challenged kind of merry war Messina. could him at the bird-bolt. I betwixt Signior not show itself modest pray you, how many Benedick and her: enough without a badge hath he they never meet but Messenger of killed and eaten in these there's a skirmish of wit He is very near by this: bitterness. wars? But how many between them. he was not three leagues hath off he killed? for indeed I LEONATO BEATRICE when I left him. promised to eat all of his Did he break out into killing. Alas! he gets nothing by tears? that. In our last LEONATO Messenger LEONATO conflict four of his five How many gentlemen wits went halting off, have you lost in this In great measure. Faith, niece, you tax and Signior Benedick too action? LEONATO now is the whole man much; governed with one: so Messenger A kind overflow of but he'll be meet with that if But few of any sort, and kindness: there are no you, I doubt it not. he have wit enough to none of name. faces keep himself warm, let truer than those that are him LEONATO Messenger so washed. How much bear it for a difference A victory is twice itself better is it to weep at joy He hath done good between himself and his when the achiever brings than to joy at weeping! service, lady, in these horse; for it is all the home full numbers. I wars. wealth that he hath left, find here that Don Peter BEATRICE BEATRICE to be known a reasonable hath creature. Who is his bestowed much honour I pray you, is Signior You had musty victual, companion now? He on a young Florentine Mountanto returned from and he hath holp to eat it: hath every month a new called Claudio. the he is a very valiant sworn brother. wars or no? trencherman; he hath an excellent stomach. Messenger Messenger Messenger Much deserved on his Messenger Is't possible? part and equally I know none of that BEATRICE remembered by name, lady: there was And a good soldier too, Don Pedro: he hath none such lady. Very easily possible: he borne himself beyond in the army of any sort. wears his faith but as the the fashion of his hat; it promise of his age, BEATRICE ever changes with the LEONATO doing, in the figure of a And a good soldier to a next block. lamb, What is he that you ask lady: but what is he to a the feats of a lion: he for, niece? lord? hath indeed better Messenger HERO Messenger bettered expectation than I see, lady, the you must expect of me to My cousin means A lord to a lord, a man to gentleman is not in your tell you how. Signior Benedick of a man; stuffed with all books. Padua. honourable virtues. BEATRICE LEONATO Messenger BEATRICE No; an he were, I would the world is to avoid BEATRICE scratched face. burn my study. But, I cost, and you encounter I wonder that you will pray it. still be talking, Signior BEATRICE you, who is his Benedick: nobody marks companion? Is there no you. Scratching could not young LEONATO make it worse, an 'twere squarer now that will Never came trouble to such make a voyage with him my house in the likeness BENEDICK a face as yours were. to the devil? of What, my dear Lady your grace: for trouble Disdain! are you yet being gone, comfort BENEDICK Messenger living? should Well, you are a rare He is most in the remain; but when you BEATRICE parrot-teacher. company of the right depart from me, sorrow Is it possible disdain BEATRICE noble Claudio. abides should die while she hath A bird of my tongue is BEATRICE and happiness takes his such meet food to feed it leave. as Signior Benedick? better than a beast of O Lord, he will hang Courtesy itself must yours. upon him like a disease: DON PEDRO convert to disdain, if you BENEDICK he come I would my horse had is sooner caught than the You embrace your in her presence. pestilence, and the taker charge too willingly. I the speed of your tongue, runs presently mad. God think this and help the noble Claudio! is your daughter. BENEDICK so good a continuer. But if keep your way, i' God's Then is courtesy a he have caught the name; I have done. turncoat. But it is certain Benedick, it will cost LEONATO I him a Her mother hath many am loved of all ladies, BEATRICE thousand pound ere a' be times told me so. only you excepted: and I cured. You always end with a would I could find in my BENEDICK jade's trick: I know you heart that I had not a Were you in doubt, sir, of old. Messenger hard that you asked her? heart; for, truly, I love DON PEDRO I will hold friends with none. you, lady. That is the sum of all, LEONATO Leonato. Signior Claudio BEATRICE and Signior Benedick, Signior Benedick, no; for BEATRICE Do, good friend. my dear friend Leonato then were you a child. A dear happiness to hath LEONATO DON PEDRO women: they would else invited you all. I tell him You will never run mad, have You have it full, we shall stay here at niece. been troubled with a the least a month; and he Benedick: we may guess pernicious suitor. I thank BEATRICE by this heartily prays some God occasion may detain us No, not till a hot what you are, being a and my cold blood, I am man. Truly, the lady longer. I dare swear he is January. of your humour for that: no fathers I Messenger herself. Be happy, lady; hypocrite, but prays from had rather hear my dog his heart. Don Pedro is for you are like an bark at a crow than a approached. honourable father. man LEONATO Enter DON PEDRO, swear he loves me. DON JOHN, CLAUDIO, BENEDICK If you swear, my lord, BENEDICK, and If Signior Leonato be her BENEDICK you shall not be BALTHASAR forsworn. father, she would not God keep your ladyship DON PEDRO have his head on her still in that mind! so To DON JOHN shoulders for all Good Signior Leonato, some Let me bid you Messina, as you are come to meet gentleman or other shall welcome, my lord: being like him as she is. your 'scape a predestinate reconciled to trouble: the fashion of the prince your brother, I owe you all duty. is, I contrary, if Hero would BENEDICK do not like her. be my wife. Like the old tale, my DON JOHN lord: 'it is not so, nor CLAUDIO BENEDICK 'twas not so, but, indeed, I thank you: I am not of God forbid it should be many words, but I thank Thou thinkest I am in Is't come to this? In so.' you. sport: I pray thee tell me faith, hath not the world truly how thou likest her. one man but he will wear his cap with suspicion? CLAUDIO LEONATO Shall I never see a BENEDICK If my passion change not Please it your grace lead bachelor of three-score shortly, God forbid it on? Would you buy her, that again? should be otherwise. Go to, i' faith; an thou DON PEDRO you inquire after her? wilt needs thrust thy CLAUDIO Your hand, Leonato; we neck DON PEDRO will go together. Can the world buy such into a yoke, wear the Amen, if you love her; a jewel? print of it and sigh away Exeunt all except for the lady is very well Sundays. Look Don BENEDICK and BENEDICK worthy. CLAUDIO Pedro is returned to seek Yea, and a case to put it you. CLAUDIO CLAUDIO into. But speak you this with a sad brow? or do You speak this to fetch Benedick, didst thou Re-enter DON PEDRO me in, my lord. note the daughter of you play the flouting Signior Leonato? Jack, DON PEDRO DON PEDRO to tell us Cupid is a good BENEDICK What secret hath held By my troth, I speak my hare-finder and Vulcan a thought. rare carpenter? Come, in you here, that you I noted her not; but I followed looked on her. what key shall a man CLAUDIO take not to Leonato's? CLAUDIO And, in faith, my lord, I you, to go in the song? spoke mine. Is she not a modest BENEDICK young lady? BENEDICK CLAUDIO I would your grace BENEDICK And, by my two faiths In mine eye she is the would constrain me to and troths, my lord, I Do you question me, as sweetest lady that ever I tell. spoke mine. an honest man should looked on. DON PEDRO do, for CLAUDIO my simple true I charge thee on thy That I love her, I feel. BENEDICK allegiance. judgment; or would you DON PEDRO have me speak I can see yet without BENEDICK after my custom, as That she is worthy, I spectacles and I see no You hear, Count being a professed tyrant know. such Claudio: I can be secret to their sex? matter: there's her as a dumb BENEDICK cousin, an she were not man; I would have you possessed with a fury, That I neither feel how CLAUDIO think so; but, on my she should be loved nor exceeds her as much in allegiance, mark you No; I pray thee speak in beauty know how she should be this, on my allegiance. worthy, is the opinion sober judgment. as the first of May doth He is the last of December. that BENEDICK in love. With who? now fire cannot melt out of But I that is your grace's part. Why, i' faith, methinks me: I will die in it at the hope you have no intent Mark how short his she's too low for a high stake. to turn husband, have answer is;--With Hero, praise, too brown for a you? Leonato's fair praise and too little short daughter. DON PEDRO for a great praise: only this commendation I can CLAUDIO Thou wast ever an afford her, that were she I would scarce trust CLAUDIO obstinate heretic in the other than she is, she despite myself, though I had If this were so, so were it were unhandsome; and sworn the being no other but as she uttered. of beauty. argument. Benedick, repair to No child but Hero; she's Leonato's: commend me his only heir. to him and tell him I will Dost thou affect her, CLAUDIO BENEDICK not fail him at supper; Claudio? And never could If I do, hang me in a for indeed he hath made maintain his part but in bottle like a cat and great preparation. the force shoot CLAUDIO of his will. at me; and he that hits O, my lord, me, let him be clapped BENEDICK When you went onward on I have almost matter on this ended action, BENEDICK the shoulder, and called enough in me for such an I look'd upon her with a That a woman conceived Adam. embassage; and so I soldier's eye, me, I thank her; that she commit you-- That liked, but had a brought me up, I rougher task in hand likewise give her most DON PEDRO Than to drive liking to humble Well, as time shall try: CLAUDIO the name of love: thanks: but that I will 'In time the savage bull To the tuition of God: But now I am return'd have a recheat winded in doth bear the yoke.' From my house, if I had and that war-thoughts my it,-- Have left their places vacant, in their rooms forehead, or hang my DON PEDRO bugle in an invisible BENEDICK Come thronging soft and baldrick, The savage bull may; but The sixth of July: Your delicate desires, all women shall pardon if ever the sensible loving friend, Benedick. All prompting me how me. Because I will not Benedick bear it, pluck BENEDICK fair young Hero is, do off the bull's horns and Saying, I liked her ere I them the wrong to set Nay, mock not, mock went to wars. mistrust any, I will do them in my forehead: not. The body of your myself the and let me be vilely discourse is sometime DON PEDRO right to trust none; and painted, guarded with fragments, the fine is, for the which and in such great letters and Thou wilt be like a lover I may go the finer, I will as they write 'Here is the guards are but presently live a bachelor. good horse to hire,' let slightly basted on And tire the hearer with them signify under my neither: ere a book of words. sign you flout old ends any If thou dost love fair DON PEDRO 'Here you may see further, examine your Hero, cherish it, I shall see thee, ere I die, Benedick the married conscience: and so I And I will break with her look pale with love. man.' leave you. and with her father, And thou shalt have her. BENEDICK Exit Was't not to this end With anger, with CLAUDIO That thou began'st to sickness, or with hunger, If this should ever CLAUDIO twist so fine a story? my lord, happen, thou wouldst be My liege, your highness not with love: prove that horn-mad. now may do me good. ever I lose more blood CLAUDIO DON PEDRO with love than I will get DON PEDRO How sweetly you do again with drinking, pick Nay, if Cupid have not My love is thine to minister to love, out mine eyes with a spent all his quiver in teach: teach it but how, That know love's grief ballad-maker's pen and Venice, thou wilt quake And thou shalt see how by his complexion! hang me for this shortly. apt it is to learn But lest my liking might up at the door of a Any hard lesson that too sudden seem, brothel-house for the may do thee good. I would have salved it BENEDICK sign of with a longer treatise. blind Cupid. I look for an earthquake too, then. CLAUDIO DON PEDRO DON PEDRO DON PEDRO Hath Leonato any son, my lord? What need the bridge Well, if ever thou dost Well, you temporize much broader than the DON PEDRO fall from this faith, thou with the hours. In the flood? wilt prove a notable meantime, good Signior The fairest grant is the necessity. mine What the good-year, my your brother, and he hath Look, what will serve is orchard, were thus much lord! why are you thus ta'en you newly into his fit: 'tis once, thou lovest, overheard by a man of out grace; where it is And I will fit thee with mine: of measure sad? impossible you should the remedy. the prince discovered to take true root but by the I know we shall have Claudio that he loved my fair weather that you revelling to-night: niece your daughter and DON JOHN make yourself: it is I will assume thy part in meant to acknowledge it There is no measure in needful some disguise this night in a dance: and the occasion that breeds; that you frame the And tell fair Hero I am if he found her therefore the sadness is season for your own Claudio, accordant, he meant to without limit. harvest. And in her bosom I'll take the present time by unclasp my heart the And take her hearing top and instantly break CONRADE DON JOHN prisoner with the force with you of it. You should hear reason. I had rather be a canker And strong encounter of in a hedge than a rose in DON JOHN my amorous tale: his grace, and it better Then after to her father LEONATO And when I have heard fits my blood to be will I break; Hath the fellow any wit it, what blessing brings disdained of all than to And the conclusion is, that told you this? it? fashion a carriage to rob she shall be thine. ANTONIO CONRADE love from any: in this, In practise let us put it though I cannot be said presently. A good sharp fellow: I If not a present remedy, to will send for him; and at least a patient be a flattering honest question him yourself. sufferance. man, it must not be Exeunt denied Act 1, Scene 2 but I am a plain-dealing LEONATO DON JOHN A room in LEONATO's villain. I am trusted with No, no; we will hold it as I wonder that thou, house. a muzzle and a dream till it appear being, as thou sayest enfranchised with a clog; Enter LEONATO and itself: but I will acquaint thou art, therefore I ANTONIO, meeting my daughter withal, born under Saturn, goest have decreed not to sing about to apply a moral LEONATO that she may be the in my cage. If I had my better prepared for an medicine to a mortifying mouth, I would bite; if I How now, brother! answer, mischief. I cannot hide had my liberty, I would Where is my cousin, if peradventure this be what I am: I must be sad do your son? true. Go you and tell her when I have cause and my liking: in the hath he provided this of it. smile meantime let me be that music? at no man's jests, eat I am and when I have stomach and seek not to alter me. Enter Attendants wait ANTONIO Cousins, you know what for no man's leisure, He is very busy about it. you have to do. O, I cry sleep when I am drowsy CONRADE But, brother, I can tell you and Can you make no use of you strange news that mercy, friend; go you tend on no man's your discontent? you yet dreamt not of. with me, and I will use business, laugh when I DON JOHN your am merry and claw no man in his I make all use of it, for I LEONATO skill. Good cousin, have a care this busy time. humour. use it only. Are they good? Who comes here? ANTONIO Exeunt CONRADE Enter BORACHIO As the event stamps Act 1, Scene 3 Yea, but you must not them: but they have a make the full show of What news, Borachio? good The same. this cover; they show well Enter DON JOHN and till you may do it outward. The prince and CONRADE without controlment. BORACHIO Count CONRADE You have of I came yonder from a Claudio, walking in a late stood out against great supper: the prince thick-pleached alley in your Count Claudio. He is of a very LEONATO brother is royally melancholy disposition. So, by being too curst, entertained by Leonato: DON JOHN BEATRICE God will send you no and I horns. can give you intelligence Come, come, let us He were an excellent of an intended marriage. thither: this may prove man that were made just BEATRICE food to in the Just, if he send me no my displeasure. That midway between him DON JOHN husband; for the which young start-up hath all and Benedick: the one is blessing I am at him Will it serve for any the too upon my knees every model to build mischief glory of my overthrow: like an image and says morning and on? if I can cross him any nothing, and the other evening. Lord, I could What is he for a fool that way, I too not endure a husband betroths himself to bless myself every way. like my lady's eldest son, with a unquietness? You are both sure, and evermore tattling. beard on his face: I had will assist me? rather lie in the woollen. BORACHIO LEONATO Marry, it is your CONRADE Then half Signior LEONATO brother's right hand. To the death, my lord. Benedick's tongue in You may light on a Count John's DON JOHN DON JOHN husband that hath no mouth, and half Count beard. Who? the most exquisite Let us to the great John's melancholy in Claudio? supper: their cheer is the Signior BEATRICE Benedick's face,-- BORACHIO greater that I am What should I do with subdued. Would the him? dress him in my Even he. cook were of BEATRICE apparel DON JOHN my mind! Shall we go and make him my prove what's to be done? With a good leg and a waiting-gentlewoman? A proper squire! And good foot, uncle, and He that hath a who, and who? which money beard is more than a way looks BORACHIO enough in his purse, such youth, and he that hath he? We'll wait upon your a man would win any no lordship. woman beard is less than a man: in the world, if a' could BORACHIO Exeunt and he that is more than get her good-will. a youth is not for me, Marry, on Hero, the Act 2, Scene 1 and he that is less than a daughter and heir of man, I am not for him: Leonato. A hall in LEONATO'S LEONATO house. therefore, I will even DON JOHN By my troth, niece, thou take Enter LEONATO, wilt never get thee a sixpence in earnest of the A very forward March- ANTONIO, HERO, husband, if thou be so bear-ward, and lead his chick! How came you to BEATRICE, and others shrewd of thy tongue. this? apes into hell. LEONATO BORACHIO Was not Count John here ANTONIO LEONATO Being entertained for a at supper? perfumer, as I was In faith, she's too curst. Well, then, go you into ANTONIO smoking a BEATRICE hell? musty room, comes me I saw him not. Too curst is more than BEATRICE the prince and Claudio, BEATRICE curst: I shall lessen hand No, but to the gate; and God's in hand in sad How tartly that there will the devil meet sending that way; for it conference: I whipt me gentleman looks! I never me, like an old cuckold, is said, 'God sends a behind the can see with horns on his head, curst arras; and there heard it him but I am heart- and cow short horns;' but to a agreed upon that the burned an hour after. say 'Get you to heaven, cow too curst he sends prince should woo Hero Beatrice, get you to none. for himself, and having heaven; here's no place HERO obtained her, give her to for you maids:' so deliver answer. So you walk softly and MARGARET I up my apes, and away look sweetly and say God match me with a to Saint Peter for the nothing, good dancer! heavens; he shows me BEATRICE I am yours for the walk; where the bachelors sit, The fault will be in the and especially when I BALTHASAR and music, cousin, if you be walk away. Amen. there live we as merry as not wooed in good time: the day is long. if the prince be too MARGARET DON PEDRO important, tell him there And God keep him out is measure in every thing With me in your of my sight when the ANTONIO and so dance out the company? dance is [To HERO] Well, niece, answer. For, hear me, HERO done! Answer, clerk. I trust you will be ruled Hero: by your father. wooing, wedding, and I may say so, when I repenting, is as a Scotch please. BALTHASAR jig, No more words: the BEATRICE DON PEDRO a measure, and a cinque clerk is answered. Yes, faith; it is my pace: the first suit is hot And when please you to URSULA cousin's duty to make and hasty, like a Scotch say so? curtsy jig, and full as HERO I know you well enough; and say 'Father, as it fantastical; the wedding, you are Signior Antonio. When I like your favour; please you.' But yet for mannerly-modest, as a for God defend the lute ANTONIO all measure, full of state and should be like the case! that, cousin, let him be a ancientry; and then At a word, I am not. handsome fellow, or else comes URSULA make another curtsy and repentance and, with his DON PEDRO say 'Father, as it please bad legs, falls into the I know you by the me.' cinque pace faster and My visor is Philemon's waggling of your head. roof; within the house is faster, till he sink into his ANTONIO grave. Jove. To tell you true, I LEONATO HERO counterfeit him. Well, niece, I hope to see Why, then, your visor LEONATO URSULA you one day fitted with a should be thatched. husband. Cousin, you apprehend You could never do him passing shrewdly. DON PEDRO BEATRICE so ill-well, unless you BEATRICE Speak low, if you speak were Not till God make men love. the very man. Here's his of some other metal than I have a good eye, uncle; dry hand up and down: earth. Would it not I can see a church by Drawing her aside you grieve a woman to be daylight. BALTHASAR are he, you are he. overmastered with a LEONATO pierce of valiant dust? to Well, I would you did make The revellers are like me. ANTONIO an account of her life to entering, brother: make MARGARET a clod of wayward marl? good room. At a word, I am not. No, uncle, I'll none: So would not I, for your URSULA All put on their masks own sake; for I have Adam's sons are my Come, come, do you brethren; Enter DON PEDRO, many CLAUDIO, BENEDICK, ill-qualities. think I do not know you and, truly, I hold it a sin by your to match in my kindred. BALTHASAR, DON JOHN, BORACHIO, excellent wit? can virtue BALTHASAR MARGARET, URSULA hide itself? Go to, LEONATO and others, masked Which is one? mum, you are he: graces will appear, and there's Daughter, remember DON PEDRO MARGARET an what I told you: if the Lady, will you walk I say my prayers aloud. end. prince about with your friend? do solicit you in that BALTHASAR kind, you know your HERO I love you the better: the BEATRICE hearers may cry, Amen. Will you not tell me who boarded me. Are not you Signior hourly proof, told you so? Benedick? Which I mistrusted not. BENEDICK CLAUDIO Farewell, therefore, BENEDICK Hero! No, you shall pardon me. When I know the You know me well; I am gentleman, I'll tell him he. BEATRICE Re-enter BENEDICK what you say. DON JOHN Nor will you not tell me BENEDICK who you are? BEATRICE Signior, you are very Count Claudio? BENEDICK Do, do: he'll but break a near my brother in his comparison or two on love: CLAUDIO Not now. he is enamoured on me; Yea, the same. BEATRICE which, peradventure not Hero; I pray you, marked or not laughed dissuade him BENEDICK That I was disdainful, at, from her: she is no equal and that I had my good Come, will you go with strikes him into for his birth: you may wit me? melancholy; and then do the part of an honest out of the 'Hundred there's a man in it. CLAUDIO Merry Tales:'--well this partridge wing saved, for was Whither? the fool will eat no Signior Benedick that CLAUDIO supper that night. BENEDICK said so. How know you he loves Even to the next willow, her? about your own business, Music BENEDICK DON JOHN county. What fashion We must follow the will you wear the What's he? leaders. I heard him swear his garland of? BEATRICE affection. about your neck, like an I am sure you know him BORACHIO usurer's chain? or under BENEDICK your arm, like a well enough. So did I too; and he In every good thing. lieutenant's scarf? You BENEDICK swore he would marry must wear BEATRICE her to-night. Not I, believe me. it one way, for the prince Nay, if they lead to any DON JOHN hath got your Hero. BEATRICE ill, I will leave them at Come, let us to the Did he never make you the next turning. banquet. CLAUDIO laugh? Exeunt DON JOHN and I wish him joy of her. BENEDICK Dance. Then exeunt all BORACHIO except DON JOHN, BENEDICK I pray you, what is he? CLAUDIO BORACHIO, and Why, that's spoken like BEATRICE CLAUDIO Thus answer I in the an honest drovier: so Why, he is the prince's DON JOHN name of Benedick, they jester: a very dull fool; But hear these ill news sell bullocks. But did Sure my brother is only his gift is in with the ears of Claudio. you think the prince amorous on Hero and devising impossible 'Tis certain so; the prince would hath slanders: wooes for himself. have served you thus? withdrawn her father to none but libertines Friendship is constant in break with him about it. delight in him; and the all other things The ladies follow her commendation is not in Save in the office and CLAUDIO and but one visor his wit, but in his affairs of love: I pray you, leave me. remains. villany; Therefore, all hearts in BENEDICK for he both pleases men love use their own and angers them, and BORACHIO tongues; Ho! now you strike like then Let every eye negotiate the blind man: 'twas the they laugh at him and And that is Claudio: I for itself boy that stole your meat, beat him. I am sure he is know him by his And trust no agent; for and you'll beat the post. in bearing. beauty is a witch the fleet: I would he had DON JOHN Against whose charms faith melteth into blood. CLAUDIO This is an accident of If it will not be, I'll leave BENEDICK life and BENEDICK you. The flat transgression of scold with her. She told Will your grace Exit a schoolboy, who, being me, not thinking I had command me any been BENEDICK overjoyed with finding a service to the birds' nest, shows it his myself, that I was the world's end? I will go on Alas, poor hurt fowl! companion, and he steals prince's jester, that I was the slightest errand now now will he creep into it. duller than a great thaw; to the Antipodes that you sedges. huddling jest upon jest can devise to send me But that my Lady with such impossible on; Beatrice should know DON PEDRO conveyance upon me I will fetch you a tooth- that I stood me, and not Wilt thou make a trust a picker now from the like a man at a mark, know me! The prince's transgression? The furthest inch of Asia, with a whole army fool! Ha? It may be I go transgression is in the bring you the length of shooting at under that title because I stealer. Prester John's foot, fetch am merry. Yea, but so I me. She speaks poniards, you a hair off the great am apt to do myself and every word stabs: Cham's beard, do you wrong; I am not so BENEDICK if her breath were as any embassage to the terrible as her reputed: it Yet it had not been amiss Pigmies, terminations, is the base, though bitter, the rod had been made, rather than hold three there were no living near disposition of Beatrice and the garland too; for words' conference with her; she would infect to that puts the world into the garland he might this the north star. I would her person and so gives have harpy. You have no not marry her, though me worn himself, and the employment for me? she out. Well, I'll be rod he might have were endowed with all revenged as I may. bestowed on that Adam bad left him DON PEDRO you, who, as I take it, before have stolen his birds' None, but to desire your Re-enter DON PEDRO he transgressed: she nest. good company. DON PEDRO would have made Hercules have BENEDICK Now, signior, where's DON PEDRO turned spit, yea, and the count? did you see O God, sir, here's a dish have cleft his club to I love not: I cannot him? I will but teach them to make sing, and restore them to endure my Lady Tongue. BENEDICK the fire too. Come, talk the owner. not of her: you shall find Troth, my lord, I have her the infernal Ate in Exit played the part of Lady BENEDICK good apparel. I would to DON PEDRO Fame. God I found him here as If their singing answer some scholar would Come, lady, come; you melancholy as a lodge in your saying, by my faith, conjure her; for have lost the heart of a you say honestly. certainly, while Signior Benedick. warren: I told him, and I she is here, a man may think I told him true, live as quiet in hell as in DON PEDRO BEATRICE that your grace had got a the good will of this The Lady Beatrice hath a sanctuary; and people sin Indeed, my lord, he lent young quarrel to you: the upon purpose, because it me awhile; and I gave lady; and I offered him gentleman that danced they him use for it, a double my company to a with her told her she is would go thither; so, heart for his single one: willow-tree, much indeed, all disquiet, marry, once before he either to make him a wronged by you. horror won it of me with false garland, as being and perturbation follows dice, forsaken, or therefore your grace may BENEDICK her. to bind him up a rod, as well say I have lost it. being worthy to be O, she misused me past whipped. the endurance of a block! DON PEDRO DON PEDRO an oak but with one Look, here she comes. green leaf on it would You have put him down, DON PEDRO Enter CLAUDIO, have lady, you have put him BEATRICE, HERO, and To be whipped! What's answered her; my very down. his fault? visor began to assume LEONATO BEATRICE Speak, count, 'tis your could come by them. have heard my daughter So I would not he should cue. say, do me, my lord, lest I CLAUDIO she hath often dreamed DON PEDRO of unhappiness and should prove the mother Silence is the perfectest of fools. I have brought Will you have me, lady? waked herald of joy: I were herself with laughing. Count Claudio, whom but little happy, if I BEATRICE you sent me to seek. could say how much. No, my lord, unless I Lady, as might have another for DON PEDRO DON PEDRO you are mine, I am working-days: your She cannot endure to yours: I give away grace is too costly to hear tell of a husband. Why, how now, count! myself for wear wherefore are you sad? you and dote upon the every day. But, I beseech LEONATO CLAUDIO exchange. your grace, pardon me: I O, by no means: she Not sad, my lord. was born to speak all mocks all her wooers out mirth and no matter. of suit. DON PEDRO BEATRICE DON PEDRO How then? sick? Speak, cousin; or, if you cannot, stop his mouth DON PEDRO She were an excellent CLAUDIO with a kiss, and let not Your silence most wife for Benedict. Neither, my lord. him speak neither. offends me, and to be LEONATO merry best BEATRICE becomes you; for, out of O Lord, my lord, if they The count is neither sad, DON PEDRO question, you were born were but a week married, nor sick, nor merry, nor In faith, lady, you have a in they would talk well; but civil count, merry heart. a merry hour. themselves mad. civil as an orange, and BEATRICE something of that jealous DON PEDRO complexion. Yea, my lord; I thank it, BEATRICE poor fool, it keeps on No, sure, my lord, my County Claudio, when the windy side of care. mother cried; but then mean you to go to DON PEDRO My cousin tells him in there church? I' faith, lady, I think your his was a star danced, and CLAUDIO blazon to be true; ear that he is in her heart. under that was I born. To-morrow, my lord: though, I'll be sworn, if Cousins, God give you he be so, his conceit is time goes on crutches till CLAUDIO joy! false. Here, Claudio, I love have wooed in thy name, And so she doth, cousin. have all his rites. LEONATO and BEATRICE fair Hero is won: I have Niece, will you look to LEONATO broke with her father, Good Lord, for alliance! those things I told you Not till Monday, my and his good will Thus goes every one to of? obtained: name the day the dear son, which is hence BEATRICE of world but I, and I am a just marriage, and God give sunburnt; I may sit in a I cry you mercy, uncle. seven-night; and a time thee joy! corner and cry heigh-ho By your grace's pardon. too brief, too, to have all for a husband! things answer my mind. Exit LEONATO DON PEDRO DON PEDRO DON PEDRO Count, take of me my By my troth, a pleasant- Come, you shake the daughter, and with her Lady Beatrice, I will get spirited lady. my you one. head at so long a LEONATO breathing: fortunes: his grace hath BEATRICE made the match, and an There's little of the but, I warrant thee, grace say Amen to it. I would rather have one melancholy element in Claudio, the time shall of your father's getting. her, my not go Hath your grace ne'er a lord: she is never sad but dully by us. I will in the BEATRICE brother like you? Your when she sleeps, and interim undertake one of father got excellent not ever sad then; for I Hercules' labours; which husbands, if a maid is, to bring Signior Benedick and the Lady this, DON JOHN both to the Beatrice into a mountain Cupid is no longer an I remember. prince and Claudio, as,-- of archer: his glory shall be in love of your brother's affection the one with ours, for we are the only BORACHIO honour, who hath made the other. I would fain love-gods. Go in with I can, at any this match, and his have me, unseasonable instant of friend's it a match, and I doubt and I will tell you my the night, reputation, who is thus not but to fashion it, if drift. appoint her to look out at like to be cozened with you three will but her lady's chamber the minister such assistance window. semblance of a maid,-- as I Exeunt that you have discovered shall give you direction. Act 2, Scene 2 thus. They will scarcely DON JOHN believe this without trial: The same. offer them instances; LEONATO What life is in that, to be Enter DON JOHN and the death of this which shall bear no less My lord, I am for you, BORACHIO marriage? likelihood than to see me though it cost me ten DON JOHN at her chamber-window, nights' watchings. BORACHIO hear me call Margaret It is so; the Count The poison of that lies in Hero, hear Margaret Claudio shall marry the you to temper. Go you to term me CLAUDIO daughter of Leonato. the prince your brother; Claudio; and bring them And I, my lord. spare not to tell him that to see this the very night before the intended DON PEDRO BORACHIO he hath wronged his honour in marrying the wedding,--for in the And you too, gentle Yea, my lord; but I can renowned meantime I Hero? cross it. Claudio--whose will so fashion the matter HERO DON JOHN estimation do you that Hero shall be mightily hold absent,--and there shall Any bar, any cross, any I will do any modest up--to a contaminated appear such seeming impediment will be office, my lord, to help stale, such a one as Hero. truth my medicinable to me: I am of Hero's disloyalty that cousin to a good sick in displeasure to jealousy shall be called husband. him, DON JOHN assurance and all the and whatsoever comes preparation overthrown. athwart his affection What proof shall I make DON PEDRO ranges of that? And Benedick is not the evenly with mine. How BORACHIO DON JOHN unhopefullest husband canst thou cross this Proof enough to misuse Grow this to what that marriage? the prince, to vex adverse issue it can, I I know. Thus far can I Claudio, will put praise him; he is of a BORACHIO to undo Hero and kill it in practise. Be cunning noble Leonato. Look you for in the working this, and strain, of approved Not honestly, my lord; any thy fee is a thousand valour and confirmed but so covertly that no other issue? ducats. honesty. I dishonesty shall appear will teach you how to in me. humour your cousin, that DON JOHN BORACHIO she DON JOHN Only to despite them, I Be you constant in the shall fall in love with will endeavour any accusation, and my Benedick; and I, with Show me briefly how. thing. cunning your BORACHIO shall not shame me. two helps, will so BORACHIO practise on Benedick I think I told your Go, then; find me a meet that, in lordship a year since, hour to draw Don Pedro DON JOHN how much despite of his quick wit and I will presently go learn I am in the favour of and his queasy stomach, the Count Claudio alone: their day of marriage. he Margaret, the waiting tell them that you know Exeunt shall fall in love with gentlewoman to Hero. that Hero loves me; Beatrice. If we can do intend a kind of zeal Act 2, Scene 3 man grace harmony! noting. LEONATO'S orchard. and a soldier; and now is he turned orthography; Enter BENEDICK his DON PEDRO DON PEDRO BENEDICK words are a very See you where Benedick Why, these are very fantastical banquet, just hath hid himself? crotchets that he speaks; Boy! so many CLAUDIO Note, notes, forsooth, Enter Boy strange dishes. May I be and nothing. so converted and see O, very well, my lord: Air Boy with the music ended, Signior? these eyes? I cannot tell; We'll fit the kid-fox with BENEDICK I think not: I will not a pennyworth. BENEDICK Now, divine air! now is be sworn, but love may his soul ravished! Is it In my chamber-window transform me to an not strange that sheeps' lies a book: bring it Enter BALTHASAR with oyster; but guts should hale souls hither Music I'll take my oath on it, till out to me in the orchard. he have made an oyster DON PEDRO of men's bodies? Well, a of me, he shall never Come, Balthasar, we'll horn for my money, make me such a fool. Boy hear that song again. when One woman all's done. I am here already, sir. is fair, yet I am well; BALTHASAR BENEDICK another is wise, yet I am O, good my lord, tax not well; another virtuous, so bad a voice The Song I know that; but I would yet I am well; but till all To slander music any have thee hence, and BALTHASAR graces be in one woman, more than once. here again. one woman shall not Sigh no more, ladies, Exit Boy come in sigh no more, my grace. Rich she shall DON PEDRO Men were deceivers I do much wonder that ever, be, that's certain; wise, It is the witness still of one man, seeing how One foot in sea and one or I'll none; virtuous, or excellency much on shore, I'll never cheapen her; To put a strange face on another man is a fool To one thing constant fair, or I'll never look on his own perfection. when he dedicates his never: her; mild, or come not I pray thee, sing, and let behaviors to love, will, Then sigh not so, but let near me; noble, or not I me woo no more. after he hath laughed at for an angel; of good them go, such shallow follies in discourse, an excellent And be you blithe and others, become the musician, and her hair BALTHASAR bonny, argument Converting all your shall Because you talk of of his own scorn by sounds of woe be of what colour it wooing, I will sing; failing in love: and such please God. Ha! the Into Hey nonny, nonny. a man Since many a wooer doth prince and commence his suit is Claudio. I have known Sing no more ditties, Monsieur Love! I will To her he thinks not when there was no music sing no moe, hide me in the arbour. worthy, yet he wooes, with him but the drum Of dumps so dull and Yet will he swear he and the fife; and now heavy; loves. had he Withdraws The fraud of men was rather hear the tabour Enter DON PEDRO, ever so, and the pipe: I have CLAUDIO, and DON PEDRO Since summer first was known LEONATO leafy: when he would have Now, pray thee, come; Then sigh not so, &c. walked ten mile a-foot to DON PEDRO Or, if thou wilt hold longer argument, see a Come, shall we hear this Do it in notes. DON PEDRO good armour; and now music? will he lie ten nights By my troth, a good CLAUDIO awake, BALTHASAR song. carving the fashion of a Yea, my good lord. How BALTHASAR new doublet. He was still the evening is, Note this before my wont to As hush'd on purpose to notes; And an ill singer, my speak plain and to the There's not a note of lord. purpose, like an honest mine that's worth the DON PEDRO should so dote on been invincible against Now you talk of a sheet Ha, no, no, faith; thou Signior Benedick, whom all of paper, I remember a singest well enough for a she hath in assaults of affection. pretty jest your daughter shift. all outward behaviors told us of. seemed ever to abhor. BENEDICK LEONATO I would have sworn it LEONATO An he had been a dog BENEDICK that should have howled had, my lord; especially O, when she had writ it thus, Is't possible? Sits the against Benedick. and was reading it over, they would have hanged wind in that corner? she found Benedick and him: and I pray God his LEONATO BENEDICK bad Beatrice between the voice bode no mischief. I By my troth, my lord, I I should think this a gull, sheet? had as lief have heard cannot tell what to think but that the of it but that she loves white-bearded fellow the CLAUDIO night-raven, come what him with an enraged speaks it: knavery plague could have come affection: it is past the cannot, That. infinite of thought. after sure, hide himself in LEONATO it. such reverence. O, she tore the letter into DON PEDRO a thousand halfpence; DON PEDRO May be she doth but CLAUDIO railed at herself, that she Yea, marry, dost thou counterfeit. He hath ta'en the should be so immodest hear, Balthasar? I pray CLAUDIO infection: hold it up. to write to one that she thee, knew would flout her; 'I Faith, like enough. DON PEDRO get us some excellent measure him,' says she, music; for to-morrow LEONATO Hath she made her 'by my own spirit; for I affection known to should flout him, if he night we O God, counterfeit! would have it at the Benedick? writ to me; yea, though I There was never love him, I should.' Lady Hero's chamber- counterfeit of LEONATO window. passion came so near the No; and swears she life of passion as she never will: that's her CLAUDIO BALTHASAR discovers it. torment. Then down upon her The best I can, my lord. CLAUDIO knees she falls, weeps, DON PEDRO sobs, DON PEDRO 'Tis true, indeed; so your beats her heart, tears her Why, what effects of daughter says: 'Shall Do so: farewell. hair, prays, curses; 'O passion shows she? I,' says she, 'that have so sweet Benedick! God Exit BALTHASAR CLAUDIO oft encountered him give me patience!' Come hither, Leonato. with scorn, write to him Bait the hook well; this What was it you told me that I love him?' fish will bite. LEONATO of to-day, that your niece LEONATO LEONATO She doth indeed; my Beatrice was in love with What effects, my lord? daughter says so: and the Signior Benedick? This says she now when ecstasy hath so much She will sit you, you she is beginning to write heard overborne her that my to daughter CLAUDIO my daughter tell you him; for she'll be up how. is sometime afeared she O, ay: stalk on. stalk on; twenty times a night, and will do a desperate the fowl sits. I did there will she sit in her outrage never think that lady CLAUDIO smock till she have writ to herself: it is very true. a would have loved any She did, indeed. man. sheet of paper: my DON PEDRO daughter tells us all. DON PEDRO It were good that LEONATO How, how, pray you? You amaze me: I would CLAUDIO Benedick knew of it by No, nor I neither; but have I some most wonderful that she thought her spirit had other, if she will not discover it. will die, if he love her trembling. another's dotage, and no not, and she will die, ere such matter: that's the she make her love scene that I would see, CLAUDIO known, and she will die, DON PEDRO which will be merely a To what end? He would if he woo And so will he do; for dumb-show. Let us send make but a sport of it her, rather than she will the man doth fear God, her to call him in to and bate one breath of her howsoever it seems not dinner. torment the poor lady accustomed crossness. in him by some large worse. jests he will make. Well I am Exeunt DON PEDRO, DON PEDRO sorry for your niece. CLAUDIO, and DON PEDRO She doth well: if she Shall LEONATO An he should, it were an should make tender of we go seek Benedick, BENEDICK alms to hang him. She's her and tell him of her love? [Coming forward] This an love, 'tis very possible can be no trick: the excellent sweet lady; he'll scorn it; for the CLAUDIO conference was sadly and, out of all suspicion, man, as you know all, borne. They have the she is virtuous. hath a contemptible Never tell him, my lord: truth of spirit. let her wear it out with this from Hero. They good counsel. CLAUDIO seem to pity the lady: it CLAUDIO seems her affections And she is exceeding LEONATO have their full bent. Love wise. He is a very proper man. me! DON PEDRO DON PEDRO Nay, that's impossible: why, it must be requited. she may wear her heart I hear how I am In every thing but in He hath indeed a good out first. censured: loving Benedick. outward happiness. DON PEDRO they say I will bear LEONATO CLAUDIO myself proudly, if I Well, we will hear perceive O, my lord, wisdom and Before God! and, in my further of it by your the love come from her; blood combating in so mind, very wise. daughter: they say too that she will tender let it cool the while. I DON PEDRO rather die than give any a body, we have ten love Benedick well; and sign of affection. I did proofs to one that blood He doth indeed show I never think to marry: I hath some sparks that are like could wish he would must not seem proud: the victory. I am sorry wit. modestly examine happy for her, as I have just himself, to see CLAUDIO are they that hear their cause, being her uncle how much he is And I take him to be detractions and can put and her guardian. unworthy so good a lady. valiant. them to mending. They say the lady is fair; 'tis a DON PEDRO DON PEDRO LEONATO truth, I can bear them As Hector, I assure you: witness; and virtuous; 'tis I would she had and in the managing of My lord, will you walk? so, I cannot reprove it; bestowed this dotage on quarrels you may say he dinner is ready. and wise, but for loving me: I would is wise; for either he me; by my troth, it is no have daffed all other CLAUDIO avoids them with great addition to her wit, nor respects and made her If he do not dote on her discretion, or undertakes no great argument of her half upon this, I will never them with a most folly, for I will be myself. I pray you, tell trust my expectation. Christian-like fear. horribly in love with her. Benedick of it, and hear I may chance have some what a' will say. DON PEDRO odd quirks and remnants LEONATO of wit broken on me, Let there be the same net If he do fear God, a' because I have railed so LEONATO spread for her; and that must necessarily keep long against marriage: Were it good, think you? must your daughter and peace: but her gentlewomen carry. CLAUDIO if he break the peace, he doth not the appetite The ought to enter into a alter? a man loves the Hero thinks surely she sport will be, when they quarrel with fear and meat will die; for she says she hold one an opinion of in his youth that he cannot endure in his age. double meaning in that 'I Now, Ursula, when URSULA Shall quips and took Beatrice doth come, But are you sure sentences and these no more pains for those As we do trace this alley That Benedick loves paper bullets of thanks than you took up and down, Beatrice so entirely? the brain awe a man pains Our talk must only be of from the career of his to thank me.' that's as Benedick. humour? much as to say, Any When I do name him, let HERO No, the world must be pains it be thy part So says the prince and peopled. When I said I that I take for you is as To praise him more than my new-trothed lord. would easy as thanks. If I do ever man did merit: die a bachelor, I did not not take pity of her, I am My talk to thee must be URSULA think I should live till I a villain; if I do not how Benedick And did they bid you tell were married. Here love her, I am a Jew. I Is sick in love with her of it, madam? comes Beatrice. By this will go get her picture. Beatrice. Of this matter day! Is little Cupid's crafty HERO she's a fair lady: I do spy arrow made, Exit They did entreat me to some marks of love in That only wounds by acquaint her of it; her. Act 3, Scene 1 hearsay. But I persuaded them, if LEONATO'S garden. they loved Benedick, To wish him wrestle Enter BEATRICE Enter HERO, Enter BEATRICE, behind with affection, BEATRICE MARGARET, and And never to let Beatrice URSULA Against my will I am Now begin; know of it. sent to bid you come in HERO For look where Beatrice, to dinner. like a lapwing, runs Good Margaret, run thee Close by the ground, to URSULA to the parlor; BENEDICK hear our conference. Why did you so? Doth There shalt thou find my not the gentleman Fair Beatrice, I thank cousin Beatrice Deserve as full as you for your pains. Proposing with the URSULA fortunate a bed BEATRICE prince and Claudio: The pleasant'st angling is As ever Beatrice shall Whisper her ear and tell I took no more pains for to see the fish couch upon? those thanks than you her, I and Ursula Cut with her golden oars take Walk in the orchard and the silver stream, pains to thank me: if it our whole discourse And greedily devour the HERO Is all of her; say that had been painful, I treacherous bait: O god of love! I know he thou overheard'st us; would So angle we for Beatrice; doth deserve And bid her steal into the not have come. who even now As much as may be pleached bower, Is couched in the yielded to a man: Where honeysuckles, woodbine coverture. But Nature never framed BENEDICK ripen'd by the sun, Fear you not my part of a woman's heart Forbid the sun to enter, You take pleasure then the dialogue. Of prouder stuff than like favourites, in the message? that of Beatrice; Made proud by princes, Disdain and scorn ride BEATRICE that advance their pride HERO sparkling in her eyes, Against that power that Yea, just so much as you Then go we near her, Misprising what they bred it: there will she may take upon a knife's that her ear lose nothing look on, and her wit hide her, point and choke a daw Of the false sweet bait Values itself so highly To listen our purpose. withal. You have no that we lay for it. that to her This is thy office; stomach, All matter else seems Bear thee well in it and signior: fare you well. weak: she cannot love, leave us alone. Approaching the bower Nor take no shape nor No, truly, Ursula, she is Exit project of affection, MARGARET too disdainful; She is so self-endeared. BENEDICK I know her spirits are as I'll make her come, I coy and wild Ha! 'Against my will I warrant you, presently. URSULA am sent to bid you come As haggerds of the rock. in Exit Sure, I think so; to dinner;' there's a HERO And therefore certainly it were not good URSULA HERO I do but stay till your She knew his love, lest Yet tell her of it: hear Why, every day, to- marriage be she make sport at it. what she will say. morrow. Come, go in: consummate, and I'll show thee some then go I toward HERO Arragon. HERO attires, and have thy No; rather I will go to counsel Why, you speak truth. I Benedick Which is the best to CLAUDIO never yet saw man, And counsel him to fight furnish me to-morrow. How wise, how noble, against his passion. I'll bring you thither, my young, how rarely And, truly, I'll devise lord, if you'll featured, some honest slanders URSULA vouchsafe me. But she would spell him To stain my cousin with: She's limed, I warrant backward: if fair-faced, one doth not know you: we have caught her, DON PEDRO She would swear the How much an ill word madam. gentleman should be her may empoison liking. Nay, that would be as sister; HERO great a soil in the new If black, why, Nature, If it proves so, then gloss drawing of an antique, URSULA loving goes by haps: of your marriage as to Made a foul blot; if tall, O, do not do your cousin Some Cupid kills with show a child his new a lance ill-headed; such a wrong. arrows, some with traps. coat If low, an agate very She cannot be so much and forbid him to wear vilely cut; without true judgment-- it. I will only be bold If speaking, why, a vane Having so swift and Exeunt HERO and with Benedick for his blown with all winds; excellent a wit URSULA company; for, from the If silent, why, a block As she is prized to BEATRICE crown moved with none. have--as to refuse of his head to the sole of [Coming forward] So turns she every man So rare a gentleman as his foot, he is all What fire is in mine the wrong side out Signior Benedick. mirth: he hath twice or And never gives to truth ears? Can this be true? thrice cut Cupid's and virtue that Stand I condemn'd for bow-string and the little Which simpleness and HERO pride and scorn so hangman dare not shoot merit purchaseth. much? at He is the only man of Contempt, farewell! and Italy. him; he hath a heart as maiden pride, adieu! sound as a bell and his URSULA Always excepted my No glory lives behind the dear Claudio. tongue is the clapper, for Sure, sure, such carping back of such. what his heart thinks his is not commendable. And, Benedick, love on; tongue speaks. URSULA I will requite thee, HERO Taming my wild heart to I pray you, be not angry No, not to be so odd and thy loving hand: BENEDICK with me, madam, from all fashions If thou dost love, my Speaking my fancy: Gallants, I am not as I As Beatrice is, cannot be kindness shall incite thee Signior Benedick, have been. commendable: To bind our loves up in a For shape, for bearing, But who dare tell her so? holy band; LEONATO So say I argument and valour, If I should speak, For others say thou dost Goes foremost in report methinks you are sadder. She would mock me into deserve, and I through Italy. CLAUDIO air; O, she would laugh Believe it better than me reportingly. I hope he be in love. Out of myself, press me HERO DON PEDRO to death with wit. Indeed, he hath an Exit Therefore let Benedick, Hang him, truant! there's excellent good name. like cover'd fire, Act 3, Scene 2 no true drop of blood in him, to be truly touched Consume away in sighs, URSULA A room in LEONATO'S waste inwardly: with love: if he be sad, His excellence did earn house he wants money. It were a better death it, ere he had it. than die with mocks, Enter DON PEDRO, When are you married, CLAUDIO, BENEDICK, Which is as bad as die madam? BENEDICK with tickling. and LEONATO DON PEDRO I have the toothache. DON PEDRO that bode? Nay, but I know who In private? Draw it. loves him. DON JOHN BENEDICK DON PEDRO DON PEDRO If it please you: yet Hang it! Hath any man seen him That would I know too: I Count Claudio may hear; at the barber's? warrant, one that knows for CLAUDIO him not. what I would speak of CLAUDIO You must hang it first, CLAUDIO concerns him. and draw it afterwards. No, but the barber's man hath been seen with him, Yes, and his ill DON PEDRO and the old ornament of conditions; and, in DON PEDRO What! sigh for the his cheek hath already despite of What's the matter? all, dies for him. toothache? stuffed tennis-balls. DON JOHN LEONATO [To CLAUDIO] Means DON PEDRO Where is but a humour LEONATO your lordship to be or a worm. Indeed, he looks younger She shall be buried with married her face upwards. to-morrow? BENEDICK than he did, by the loss of a beard. BENEDICK Well, every one can master a grief but he that DON PEDRO Yet is this no charm for DON PEDRO has Nay, a' rubs himself with the toothache. Old You know he does. it. signior, walk aside with civet: can you smell him DON JOHN out by that? me: I have studied eight or nine wise words to I know not that, when he CLAUDIO speak to you, which knows what I know. CLAUDIO these Yet say I, he is in love. CLAUDIO hobby-horses must not DON PEDRO That's as much as to say, the sweet youth's in love. hear. If there be any There is no appearance impediment, I pray you of fancy in him, unless it DON PEDRO discover it. Exeunt BENEDICK and be The greatest note of it is LEONATO DON JOHN a fancy that he hath to his melancholy. strange disguises; as, to DON PEDRO You may think I love CLAUDIO be you not: let that appear For my life, to break a Dutchman today, a And when was he wont hereafter, and aim better with him about Beatrice. Frenchman to-morrow, to wash his face? at me by that I now will or in the CLAUDIO manifest. For my DON PEDRO brother, I think he holds shape of two countries at 'Tis even so. Hero and Yea, or to paint himself? you once, as, a German from Margaret have by this for the which, I hear well, and in dearness of the waist downward, all played their parts with slops, and a Spaniard what they say of him. heart hath holp to effect Beatrice; and then the your ensuing marriage;-- from two the hip upward, no surely suit ill spent and CLAUDIO bears will not bite one labour ill bestowed. doublet. Unless he have another when they meet. a fancy Nay, but his jesting spirit; which is now crept to this foolery, as it DON PEDRO appears he hath, he is no into Enter DON JOHN a lute-string and now Why, what's the matter? fool for fancy, as you DON JOHN would have it appear he governed by stops. DON JOHN is. My lord and brother, God save you! I came hither to tell you; DON PEDRO and, circumstances DON PEDRO CLAUDIO Indeed, that tells a heavy shortened, for she has If he be not in love with tale for him: conclude, Good den, brother. been too long a talking some woman, there is no conclude he is in love. DON JOHN of, believing old signs: a' the lady is disloyal. If your leisure served, I brushes his hat o' CLAUDIO would speak with you. mornings; what should CLAUDIO DON PEDRO Who, Hero? her. VERGES Second Watchman DON PEDRO Well, give them their How if a' will not stand? Even she; Leonato's DON PEDRO charge, neighbour DOGBERRY Dogberry. Hero, your Hero, every And, as I wooed for thee Why, then, take no note man's Hero: to obtain her, I will join DOGBERRY of him, but let him go; CLAUDIO with thee to disgrace her. First, who think you the and Disloyal? most desertless man to presently call the rest of DON JOHN be the watch together and DON JOHN constable? thank God you are rid of I will disparage her no The word is too good to a knave. farther till you are my paint out her witnesses: bear it coldly First Watchman wickedness; I but till midnight, and VERGES could say she were Hugh Otecake, sir, or let the issue show itself. worse: think you of a George Seacole; for they If he will not stand when worse can he is bidden, he is none title, and I will fit her to DON PEDRO write and read. of the prince's subjects. it. Wonder not till O day untowardly further warrant: go but DOGBERRY DOGBERRY with me to-night, you turned! shall CLAUDIO Come hither, neighbour True, and they are to see her chamber-window Seacole. God hath meddle with none but the O mischief strangely entered, even the night blessed prince's subjects. You thwarting! before her wedding-day: you with a good name: shall also make no noise if you love her then, DON JOHN to be a well-favoured in man is the streets; for, for the to-morrow wed her; but O plague right well the gift of fortune; but to watch to babble and to it would better fit your prevented! so will you write and read comes by talk is most tolerable and honour say when nature. not to be endured. to change your mind. you have seen the sequel. CLAUDIO Second Watchman Watchman May this be so? Exeunt Both which, master We will rather sleep than constable,-- talk: we know what DON PEDRO Act 3, Scene 3 DOGBERRY belongs to a watch. I will not think it. A street. You have: I knew it Enter DOGBERRY and DON JOHN would be your answer. DOGBERRY VERGES with the Watch If you dare not trust that Well, Why, you speak like an you see, confess not DOGBERRY for your favour, sir, why, ancient and most quiet that you know: if you Are you good men and give God thanks, and watchman; for I cannot will follow me, I will true? make see how sleeping should show no boast of it; and for offend: only, have a care you enough; and when VERGES your writing and reading, that your bills be not you have seen more and Yea, or else it were pity let that appear when stolen. Well, you are to heard but they should suffer there is no need of such call at all the more, proceed salvation, body and soul. vanity. You are thought ale-houses, and bid those accordingly. here to be the most that are drunk get them senseless and fit man for to bed. DOGBERRY the constable of the CLAUDIO Nay, that were a watch; therefore bear Watchman If I see any thing to- punishment too good for you the lantern. This is night why I should not them, if your How if they will not? marry charge: you shall they should have any DOGBERRY her to-morrow in the allegiance in them, being comprehend all vagrom congregation, where I chosen for the prince's men; you are Why, then, let them should watch. to bid any man stand, in alone till they are sober: wed, there will I shame the prince's name. if they make you not then the better answer, you still it. chances, call up me: with thy tale. may keep your say they are not the men fellows' counsels and you took them for. Watchman your own; and good BORACHIO How if the nurse be night. Stand thee close, then, asleep and will not hear Come, neighbour. under this pent-house, Watchman us? for Well, sir. it drizzles rain; and I DOGBERRY Watchman DOGBERRY will, like a true drunkard, Why, then, depart in Well, masters, we hear utter all to thee. If you meet a thief, you peace, and let the child our charge: let us go sit may suspect him, by wake here virtue her with crying; for the upon the church-bench Watchman of your office, to be no ewe that will not hear till two, and then all to [Aside] Some treason, true man; and, for such her bed. masters: yet stand close. kind of men, the less you lamb when it baes will meddle or make with never answer a calf when BORACHIO them, he bleats. DOGBERRY Therefore know I have why the more is for your One word more, honest earned of Don John a honesty. thousand ducats. VERGES neighbours. I pray you watch CONRADE 'Tis very true. about Signior Leonato's Watchman Is it possible that any DOGBERRY door; for the wedding If we know him to be a being villany should be so thief, shall we not lay This is the end of the there to-morrow, there is dear? hands on him? charge:--you, constable, a great coil to-night. BORACHIO are Adieu: be vigitant, I to present the prince's beseech you. Thou shouldst rather ask DOGBERRY own person: if you meet if it were possible any Truly, by your office, the villany should be so rich; you may; but I think they prince in the night, you Exeunt DOGBERRY and for when rich villains that touch pitch will be may stay him. VERGES have need of poor ones, poor ones may make defiled: the most Enter BORACHIO and what peaceable VERGES CONRADE way for you, if you do price they will. take a thief, is to let him Nay, by'r our lady, that I BORACHIO show himself what he is think a' cannot. What Conrade! CONRADE and steal out of your DOGBERRY Watchman company. I wonder at it. Five shillings to one on't, [Aside] Peace! stir not. BORACHIO with any man that knows VERGES the statutes, he may stay BORACHIO That shows thou art unconfirmed. Thou You have been always him: marry, not without Conrade, I say! knowest that called a merciful man, the prince be willing; CONRADE the fashion of a doublet, partner. for, indeed, the watch ought Here, man; I am at thy or a hat, or a cloak, is DOGBERRY to offend no man; and it elbow. nothing to a man. Truly, I would not hang is an offence to stay a BORACHIO a dog by my will, much man against his will. Mass, and my elbow CONRADE more itched; I thought there a man who hath any Yes, it is apparel. VERGES would a honesty in him. BORACHIO By'r lady, I think it be scab follow. so. I mean, the fashion. VERGES DOGBERRY CONRADE CONRADE If you hear a child cry in I will owe thee an Yes, the fashion is the the night, you must call Ha, ha, ha! Well, answer for that: and now fashion. to the nurse and bid her masters, good night: an there be forward BORACHIO any matter of weight Tush! I may as well say into telling me of the First Watchman desire the fool's the fool. But fashion? We charge you, in the her to rise. seest thou not what a prince's name, stand! deformed thief this fashion BORACHIO Second Watchman URSULA is? Not so, neither: but Call up the right master I will, lady. know that I have to-night constable. We have here HERO wooed Margaret, the Watchman recovered the most Lady Hero's dangerous piece of And bid her come hither. [Aside] I know that gentlewoman, by the lechery that URSULA Deformed; a' has been a name of Hero: she leans ever was known in the Well. vile me out at her mistress' commonwealth. thief this seven year; a' chamber-window, bids Exit goes up and down like a me a thousand times gentleman: I remember good First Watchman MARGARET his name. night,--I tell this tale And one Deformed is Troth, I think your other vilely:--I should first one of them: I know rabato were better. tell thee how the prince, BORACHIO him; a' HERO Claudio and my master, wears a lock. Didst thou not hear planted and placed and No, pray thee, good somebody? possessed by my master Meg, I'll wear this. Don CONRADE CONRADE MARGARET John, saw afar off in the Masters, masters,-- No; 'twas the vane on the orchard this amiable By my troth, 's not so house. encounter. Second Watchman good; and I warrant your cousin will say so. BORACHIO You'll be made bring Deformed forth, I Seest thou not, I say, CONRADE warrant you. HERO what a deformed thief And thought they this Margaret was Hero? CONRADE My cousin's a fool, and fashion is? how giddily Masters,-- thou art another: I'll wear a' turns about all the hot BORACHIO none but this. bloods between fourteen Two of them did, the First Watchman and five-and-thirty? prince and Claudio; but Never speak: we charge MARGARET sometimes fashioning the you let us obey you to go them like Pharaoh's devil my master knew with us. I like the new tire within soldiers she was Margaret; and excellently, if the hair BORACHIO in the reeky painting, partly were a thought browner; sometime like god Bel's by his oaths, which first We are like to prove a and your gown's a most priests in the old church- possessed them, partly goodly commodity, rare window, sometime like by being taken fashion, i' faith. I saw the the the dark night, which did up of these men's bills. Duchess of Milan's shaven Hercules in the deceive them, but chiefly gown that they praise so. smirched worm-eaten by my villany, which did CONRADE tapestry, confirm any slander that where his codpiece Don John had made, A commodity in HERO seems as massy as his away went Claudio question, I warrant you. O, that exceeds, they club? enraged; swore Come, we'll obey you. say. he would meet her, as he Exeunt MARGARET was appointed, next CONRADE morning Act 3, Scene 4 By my troth, 's but a All this I see; and I see at the temple, and there, HERO's apartment. night-gown in respect of that the fashion wears before the whole yours: cloth o' gold, and out more apparel than congregation, shame her Enter HERO, cuts, and laced with the man. But art not thou with what he saw o'er MARGARET, and silver, set with pearls, thyself giddy with the night URSULA down sleeves, side fashion too, that thou and send her home again HERO sleeves, hast without a husband. and skirts, round shifted out of thy tale Good Ursula, wake my underborne with a bluish cousin Beatrice, and tinsel: BEATRICE excellent perfume. love: nay, by'r lady, I am but for a fine, quaint, I am out of all other not such a fool to think graceful and excellent tune, methinks. what I list, nor I list fashion, yours is worth BEATRICE not to think what I can, ten on 't. MARGARET I am stuffed, cousin; I nor indeed I cannot Clap's into 'Light o' cannot smell. think, if I would think my heart HERO love;' that goes without a MARGARET burden: do you sing it, out of thinking, that you God give me joy to wear and I'll dance it. A maid, and stuffed! are in love or that you it! for my heart is there's goodly catching will be in love or that exceeding heavy. of cold. you BEATRICE BEATRICE can be in love. Yet Benedick was such MARGARET Ye light o' love, with O, God help me! God your heels! then, if your another, and 'Twill be heavier soon by help me! how long have now is he become a man: husband have stables you the weight of a man. enough, you'll see he he swore he would never professed apprehension? marry, and yet now, in HERO shall lack no barns. despite of his heart, he Fie upon thee! art not MARGARET eats ashamed? his meat without MARGARET Even since you left it. grudging: and how you MARGARET Doth not my wit become O illegitimate may be Of what, lady? of me rarely? converted I know not, speaking honourably? Is construction! I scorn that with my heels. BEATRICE but methinks you look not with marriage honourable in a BEATRICE It is not seen enough, your eyes as other beggar? Is not your lord you should wear it in women do. 'Tis almost five o'clock, your honourable without cousin; tis time you were marriage? I think you cap. By my troth, I am ready. By my troth, I am sick. BEATRICE would have exceeding ill: heigh-ho! me say, 'saving your What pace is this that thy reverence, a husband:' MARGARET tongue keeps? and bad MARGARET thinking do not wrest Get you some of this MARGARET For a hawk, a horse, or a true speaking, I'll offend distilled Carduus husband? Not a false gallop. nobody: is there any Benedictus, Re-enter URSULA harm in 'the heavier for a BEATRICE and lay it to your heart: it husband'? None, I think, For the letter that begins is the only thing for a URSULA qualm. and it be the right them all, H. Madam, withdraw: the husband prince, the count, Signior and the right wife; MARGARET HERO Benedick, Don John, and otherwise 'tis light, and Well, and you be not all the gallants of the not turned Turk, there's no There thou prickest her town, are come to fetch heavy: ask my Lady more with a thistle. you to church. Beatrice else; here she sailing by the star. BEATRICE comes. Benedictus! why HERO BEATRICE Benedictus? you have Enter BEATRICE Help to dress me, good What means the fool, some moral in this Benedictus. coz, good Meg, good HERO trow? Ursula. Good morrow, coz. MARGARET Exeunt MARGARET BEATRICE Nothing I; but God send Act 3, Scene 5 Moral! no, by my troth, I Good morrow, sweet every one their heart's have no moral meaning; Another room in Hero. desire! I LEONATO'S house. HERO HERO meant, plain holy-thistle. Enter LEONATO, with Why how now? do you These gloves the count You may think DOGBERRY and speak in the sick tune? sent me; they are an perchance VERGES that I think you are in LEONATO king, I could find it in LEONATO these men. What would you with my heart to bestow it all Indeed, neighbour, he of your worship. me, honest neighbour? comes too short of you. VERGES DOGBERRY DOGBERRY And we must do it LEONATO Marry, sir, I would have Gifts that God gives. wisely. All thy tediousness on some confidence with LEONATO DOGBERRY you me, ah? that decerns you nearly. I must leave you. We will spare for no wit, DOGBERRY I warrant you; here's Yea, an 'twere a DOGBERRY that shall drive some of LEONATO thousand pound more One word, sir: our them to a non-come: Brief, I pray you; for you than 'tis; for watch, sir, have indeed only see it is a busy time with I hear as good comprehended two get the learned writer to me. exclamation on your aspicious persons, and set down our worship as of any we would excommunication and DOGBERRY man in the city; and have them this morning meet me at the gaol. Marry, this it is, sir. though I be but a poor examined before your man, I worship. VERGES am glad to hear it. Exeunt Yes, in truth it is, sir. Act 4, Scene 1 LEONATO LEONATO VERGES A church. Take their examination What is it, my good And so am I. yourself and bring it me: Enter DON PEDRO, friends? I DON JOHN, LEONATO LEONATO, FRIAR DOGBERRY am now in great haste, as I would fain know what it may appear unto you. FRANCIS, CLAUDIO, Goodman Verges, sir, you have to say. BENEDICK, HERO, speaks a little off the VERGES BEATRICE, and matter: an old man, sir, DOGBERRY Attendants and his wits are not so Marry, sir, our watch to- It shall be suffigance. LEONATO blunt as, God help, I night, excepting your would desire they were; worship's presence, ha' LEONATO Come, Friar Francis, be but, ta'en a couple of as Drink some wine ere you brief; only to the plain in faith, honest as the arrant go: fare you well. form of marriage, and skin between his brows. knaves as any in you shall recount their Messina. Enter a Messenger particular duties Messenger afterwards. VERGES DOGBERRY My lord, they stay for Yes, I thank God I am as you to give your A good old man, sir; he FRIAR FRANCIS honest as any man living daughter to will be talking: as they You come hither, my that is an old man and no her husband. honester than I. say, when the age is in, lord, to marry this lady. the wit is out: God help CLAUDIO us! it is a world to see. LEONATO DOGBERRY Well said, i' faith, No. neighbour Verges: well, I'll wait upon them: I am Comparisons are ready. LEONATO odorous: palabras, God's a good man; an neighbour Verges. two men Exeunt LEONATO and To be married to her: ride of a horse, one must Messenger friar, you come to marry LEONATO ride behind. An honest her. DOGBERRY Neighbours, you are soul, i' faith, sir; by my FRIAR FRANCIS tedious. troth he is, as ever Go, good partner, go, get broke bread; but God is you to Francis Seacole; Lady, you come hither to DOGBERRY to be worshipped; all bid him bring his pen be married to this count. It pleases your worship men and inkhorn to the gaol: HERO to say so, but we are the are not alike; alas, good we I do. poor duke's officers; but neighbour! are now to examination truly, for mine own part, FRIAR FRANCIS if I were as tedious as a If either of you know CLAUDIO word too large; Leonato, stand I here? any inward impediment Sweet prince, you learn But, as a brother to his Is this the prince? is this why you me noble thankfulness. sister, show'd the prince's brother? should not be conjoined, There, Leonato, take her Bashful sincerity and Is this face Hero's? are charge you, on your back again: comely love. our eyes our own? souls, Give not this rotten to utter it. orange to your friend; HERO LEONATO She's but the sign and And seem'd I ever All this is so: but what of CLAUDIO semblance of her honour. Behold how like a maid otherwise to you? this, my lord? Know you any, Hero? she blushes here! CLAUDIO CLAUDIO O, what authority and HERO Out on thee! Seeming! I Let me but move one show of truth None, my lord. will write against it: question to your Can cunning sin cover You seem to me as Dian daughter; FRIAR FRANCIS itself withal! in her orb, And, by that fatherly and Comes not that blood as Know you any, count? As chaste as is the bud kindly power modest evidence ere it be blown; That you have in her, bid LEONATO To witness simple But you are more her answer truly. virtue? Would you not I dare make his answer, intemperate in your swear, none. blood All you that see her, that Than Venus, or those LEONATO CLAUDIO she were a maid, pamper'd animals I charge thee do so, as O, what men dare do! By these exterior shows? That rage in savage thou art my child. But she is none: what men may do! what sensuality. men daily She knows the heat of a HERO do, not knowing what luxurious bed; O, God defend me! how they do! Her blush is guiltiness, HERO am I beset! not modesty. Is my lord well, that he What kind of catechising BENEDICK doth speak so wide? call you this? LEONATO How now! interjections? LEONATO Why, then, some be of What do you mean, my Sweet prince, why speak CLAUDIO laughing, as, ah, ha, he! lord? not you? To make you answer CLAUDIO DON PEDRO truly to your name. CLAUDIO Not to be married, What should I speak? HERO Stand thee by, friar. Not to knit my soul to an I stand dishonour'd, that Is it not Hero? Who can Father, by your leave: approved wanton. have gone about blot that name Will you with free and To link my dear friend to With any just reproach? unconstrained soul LEONATO a common stale. Give me this maid, your daughter? Dear my lord, if you, in CLAUDIO LEONATO your own proof, Marry, that can Hero; Have vanquish'd the Are these things spoken, LEONATO Hero itself can blot out resistance of her youth, or do I but dream? Hero's virtue. As freely, son, as God And made defeat of her DON JOHN What man was he talk'd did give her me. virginity,-- with you yesternight Sir, they are spoken, and CLAUDIO Out at your window CLAUDIO these things are true. betwixt twelve and one? And what have I to give BENEDICK Now, if you are a maid, you back, whose worth I know what you would answer to this. May counterpoise this say: if I have known her, This looks not like a rich and precious gift? You will say she did nuptial. embrace me as a HERO HERO husband, I talk'd with no man at DON PEDRO True! O God! And so extenuate the that hour, my lord. Nothing, unless you 'forehand sin: CLAUDIO render her again. No, Leonato, DON PEDRO I never tempted her with Why, then are you no Why, how now, cousin! rearward of reproaches, Confirm'd, confirm'd! O, maiden. Leonato, wherefore sink you Strike at thy life. that is stronger made I am sorry you must down? Grieved I, I had but one? Which was before barr'd hear: upon mine honour, DON JOHN Chid I for that at frugal up with ribs of iron! Myself, my brother and nature's frame? Would the two princes this grieved count Come, let us go. These O, one too much by thee! lie, and Claudio lie, Did see her, hear her, at things, come thus to Why had I one? Who loved her so, that, that hour last night light, Why ever wast thou speaking of her foulness, Talk with a ruffian at her Smother her spirits up. lovely in my eyes? Wash'd it with tears? chamber-window Why had I not with Hence from her! let her Who hath indeed, most charitable hand die. Exeunt DON PEDRO, like a liberal villain, Took up a beggar's issue DON JOHN, and Confess'd the vile at my gates, CLAUDIO encounters they have had Who smirch'd thus and FRIAR FRANCIS A thousand times in BENEDICK mired with infamy, Hear me a little; for I secret. How doth the lady? I might have said 'No have only been part of it is mine; Silent so long and given BEATRICE This shame derives itself way unto DON JOHN Dead, I think. Help, from unknown loins'? This course of fortune [ ] Fie, fie! they are not to uncle! But mine and mine I By noting of the lady I be named, my lord, Hero! why, Hero! Uncle! loved and mine I praised have mark'd Not to be spoke of; Signior Benedick! Friar! And mine that I was A thousand blushing There is not chastity proud on, mine so much apparitions enough in language That I myself was to To start into her face, a Without offence to utter LEONATO myself not mine, thousand innocent them. Thus, pretty lady, O Fate! take not away Valuing of her,--why, shames I am sorry for thy much thy heavy hand. she, O, she is fallen In angel whiteness beat misgovernment. Death is the fairest cover Into a pit of ink, that the away those blushes; for her shame wide sea And in her eye there hath That may be wish'd for. Hath drops too few to appear'd a fire, CLAUDIO wash her clean again To burn the errors that O Hero, what a Hero And salt too little which these princes hold hadst thou been, BEATRICE may season give Against her maiden If half thy outward How now, cousin Hero! To her foul-tainted flesh! truth. Call me a fool; graces had been placed Trust not my reading nor About thy thoughts and FRIAR FRANCIS my observations, BENEDICK counsels of thy heart! Have comfort, lady. Which with experimental But fare thee well, most Sir, sir, be patient. seal doth warrant LEONATO foul, most fair! farewell, For my part, I am so The tenor of my book; Thou pure impiety and Dost thou look up? attired in wonder, trust not my age, I know not what to say. My reverence, calling, impious purity! FRIAR FRANCIS For thee I'll lock up all nor divinity, the gates of love, Yea, wherefore should If this sweet lady lie not And on my eyelids shall she not? BEATRICE guiltless here conjecture hang, LEONATO O, on my soul, my Under some biting error. To turn all beauty into cousin is belied! Wherefore! Why, doth thoughts of harm, BENEDICK And never shall it more not every earthly thing LEONATO be gracious. Cry shame upon her? Lady, were you her Friar, it cannot be. Could she here deny bedfellow last night? Thou seest that all the The story that is printed BEATRICE grace that she hath left LEONATO in her blood? Is that she will not add to Hath no man's dagger Do not live, Hero; do not No, truly not; although, her damnation here a point for me? ope thine eyes: until last night, A sin of perjury; she not For, did I think thou I have this twelvemonth denies it: HERO swoons wouldst not quickly die, been her bedfellow. Why seek'st thou then to BEATRICE Thought I thy spirits cover with excuse were stronger than thy That which appears in shames, LEONATO Myself would, on the proper nakedness? Both strength of limb Whiles it was ours. So Should with your body. and policy of mind, will it fare with Claudio: Ability in means and When he shall hear she FRIAR FRANCIS choice of friends, died upon his words, LEONATO Lady, what man is he To quit me of them The idea of her life shall Being that I flow in you are accused of? throughly. sweetly creep grief, Into his study of HERO The smallest twine may imagination, lead me. They know that do FRIAR FRANCIS And every lovely organ accuse me; I know none: Pause awhile, of her life If I know more of any And let my counsel sway Shall come apparell'd in FRIAR FRANCIS man alive you in this case. more precious habit, 'Tis well consented: Than that which maiden Your daughter here the More moving-delicate presently away; modesty doth warrant, princes left for dead: and full of life, For to strange sores Let all my sins lack Let her awhile be Into the eye and prospect strangely they strain the mercy! O my father, secretly kept in, of his soul, cure. Prove you that any man And publish it that she is Than when she lived Come, lady, die to live: with me conversed dead indeed; indeed; then shall he this wedding-day At hours unmeet, or that Maintain a mourning mourn, Perhaps is but prolong'd: I yesternight ostentation If ever love had interest have patience and Maintain'd the change of And on your family's old in his liver, endure. words with any creature, monument And wish he had not so Refuse me, hate me, Hang mournful epitaphs accused her, torture me to death! and do all rites No, though he thought Exeunt all but That appertain unto a his accusation true. BENEDICK and burial. Let this be so, and doubt BEATRICE FRIAR FRANCIS not but success BENEDICK There is some strange Will fashion the event in misprision in the princes. LEONATO better shape Lady Beatrice, have you wept all this while? BENEDICK What shall become of Than I can lay it down in this? what will this do? likelihood. BEATRICE Two of them have the But if all aim but this be FRIAR FRANCIS Yea, and I will weep a very bent of honour; levell'd false, while longer. And if their wisdoms be Marry, this well carried The supposition of the misled in this, shall on her behalf lady's death BENEDICK The practise of it lives in Change slander to Will quench the wonder I will not desire that. John the bastard, remorse; that is some of her infamy: Whose spirits toil in good: And if it sort not well, BEATRICE frame of villanies. But not for that dream I you may conceal her, You have no reason; I do on this strange course, As best befits her it freely. But on this travail look wounded reputation, LEONATO for greater birth. In some reclusive and BENEDICK I know not. If they speak She dying, as it must so religious life, Surely I do believe your but truth of her, be maintain'd, Out of all eyes, tongues, fair cousin is wronged. These hands shall tear Upon the instant that she minds and injuries. BEATRICE her; if they wrong her was accused, honour, Shall be lamented, pitied Ah, how much might the The proudest of them and excused BENEDICK man deserve of me that shall well hear of it. Of every hearer: for it so Signior Leonato, let the would right her! Time hath not yet so falls out friar advise you: BENEDICK dried this blood of mine, That what we have we And though you know Nor age so eat up my prize not to the worth my inwardness and love Is there any way to show invention, Whiles we enjoy it, but Is very much unto the such friendship? Nor fortune made such being lack'd and lost, prince and Claudio, BEATRICE havoc of my means, Why, then we rack the Yet, by mine honour, I Nor my bad life reft me value, then we find will deal in this A very even way, but no so much of friends, The virtue that As secretly and justly as such friend. But they shall find, possession would not your soul BENEDICK awaked in such a kind, show us May a man do it? BEATRICE protest I loved you. that I were a man! What, Tarry, good Beatrice. By It is a man's office, but bear her in hand until this hand, I love thee. not yours. they BEATRICE BENEDICK come to take hands; and BENEDICK And do it with all thy then, with public Use it for my love some I do love nothing in the heart. accusation, uncovered other way than swearing slander, unmitigated by it. world so well as you: is BEATRICE not that strange? rancour, BENEDICK I love you with so much --O God, that I were a of my heart that none is man! I would eat his Think you in your soul BEATRICE left to protest. heart the Count Claudio hath wronged Hero? As strange as the thing I in the market-place. know not. It were as BENEDICK BEATRICE possible for me to say I Come, bid me do any BENEDICK Yea, as sure as I have a loved nothing so well as thought or a soul. you: but believe me not; thing for thee. Hear me, Beatrice,-- BENEDICK and yet I lie not; I BEATRICE BEATRICE confess nothing, nor I Enough, I am engaged; I Kill Claudio. Talk with a man out at a deny nothing. I am sorry will challenge him. I will window! A proper for my cousin. BENEDICK kiss your hand, and so I saying! Ha! not for the wide leave you. By this hand, BENEDICK Claudio shall render me BENEDICK world. Nay, but, Beatrice,-- a dear account. As you By my sword, Beatrice, BEATRICE hear of me, so think of thou lovest me. You kill me to deny it. BEATRICE me. Go, comfort your BEATRICE Farewell. Sweet Hero! She is cousin: I must say she is dead: and so, farewell. BENEDICK wronged, she is Do not swear, and eat it. slandered, she is undone. Tarry, sweet Beatrice. BENEDICK BENEDICK Exeunt BEATRICE I will swear by it that Beat-- Act 4, Scene 2 you love me; and I will I am gone, though I am make here: there is no love in BEATRICE A prison. him eat it that says I love you: nay, I pray you, let Princes and counties! Enter DOGBERRY, not you. me go. Surely, a princely VERGES, and Sexton, in testimony, gowns; and the Watch, a goodly count, Count with CONRADE and BEATRICE BENEDICK Comfect; a sweet gallant, BORACHIO Will you not eat your Beatrice,-- surely! O that I were a word? DOGBERRY BEATRICE man for his sake! or that BENEDICK I Is our whole dissembly In faith, I will go. had any friend would be appeared? With no sauce that can BENEDICK a man for my sake! But VERGES be devised to it. I protest manhood is melted into I love thee. We'll be friends first. courtesies, valour into O, a stool and a cushion BEATRICE compliment, and men are for the sexton. BEATRICE only turned into tongue, Sexton You dare easier be and Why, then, God forgive friends with me than trim ones too: he is now Which be the me! fight with mine enemy. as valiant as Hercules malefactors? BENEDICK BENEDICK that only tells a lie and DOGBERRY swears it. I cannot be a Is Claudio thine enemy? Marry, that am I and my What offence, sweet man with wishing, partner. Beatrice? BEATRICE therefore I will die a BEATRICE Is he not approved in the woman with grieving. VERGES You have stayed me in a height a villain, that Nay, that's certain; we happy hour: I was about hath slandered, scorned, BENEDICK have the exhibition to to dishonoured my examine. kinswoman? O Sexton CONRADE Master constable,-- Hero was in this manner But which are the Marry, sir, we say we are DOGBERRY accused, in this very manner offenders that are to be none. Pray thee, fellow, peace: examined? let them refused, and upon the DOGBERRY I do not like thy look, grief of this suddenly come before master I promise thee. constable. A marvellous witty died. fellow, I assure you: but Master constable, let these men be bound, and I Sexton DOGBERRY will go about with him. brought to Leonato's: I What heard you him say will go before and show Yea, marry, let them Come you hither, sirrah; else? him their examination. come before me. What is a your word in your ear: sir, I Second Watchman say to you, it is thought name, friend? Marry, that he had Exit you are false knaves. received a thousand DOGBERRY BORACHIO ducats of BORACHIO Don John for accusing Come, let them be Borachio. the Lady Hero opinioned. Sir, I say to you we are wrongfully. DOGBERRY none. VERGES Pray, write down, DOGBERRY Let them be in the Borachio. Yours, sirrah? DOGBERRY hands-- Well, stand aside. 'Fore CONRADE God, they are both in a Flat burglary as ever was CONRADE I am a gentleman, sir, tale. Have you writ committed. Off, coxcomb! and my name is down, that they are VERGES DOGBERRY Conrade. none? Yea, by mass, that it is. God's my life, where's DOGBERRY Sexton the sexton? let him write Sexton down the prince's officer Write down, master What else, fellow? gentleman Conrade. Master constable, you go coxcomb. Come, bind Masters, do not the way to examine: First Watchman them. you serve God? you must call forth the And that Count Claudio Thou naughty varlet! watch that are their did mean, upon his accusers. words, to CONRADE CONRADE disgrace Hero before the whole assembly. and not Away! you are an ass, DOGBERRY | marry her. you are an ass. | Yea, sir, we hope. Yea, marry, that's the DOGBERRY BORACHIO eftest way. Let the watch come forth. Masters, I DOGBERRY Dost thou not suspect my place? dost thou not | charge you, in the O villain! thou wilt be suspect my years? O that DOGBERRY prince's condemned into he were here to write me name, accuse these men. everlasting Write down, that they down an ass! But, redemption for this. hope they serve God: masters, remember that I and First Watchman am an write God first; for God This man said, sir, that Sexton ass; though it be not defend but God should Don John, the prince's written down, yet forget go What else? brother, was a villain. not before such villains! Watchman that I am an ass. No, Masters, it is proved This is all. thou villain, thou art full already DOGBERRY of that you are little better Sexton piety, as shall be proved Write down Prince John than false knaves; and it upon thee by good a villain. Why, this is flat And this is more, will go near to be witness. perjury, to call a prince's masters, than you can thought so shortly. How I am a wise fellow, and, brother villain. deny. answer Prince John is this which is more, an you for yourselves? morning secretly stolen officer, BORACHIO away; and, which is more, a householder, and, which In every lineament, ANTONIO Marry, thou dost wrong is branch, shape, and form: Yet bend not all the me; thou dissembler, more, as pretty a piece of If such a one will smile harm upon yourself; thou:-- flesh as any is in and stroke his beard, Make those that do Nay, never lay thy hand Messina, and one that Bid sorrow wag, cry offend you suffer too. upon thy sword; knows the law, go to; 'hem!' when he should I fear thee not. and a groan, rich fellow enough, go Patch grief with LEONATO to; and a fellow that hath proverbs, make CLAUDIO There thou speak'st had losses, and one that misfortune drunk reason: nay, I will do so. Marry, beshrew my hath two gowns and With candle-wasters; My soul doth tell me hand, every bring him yet to me, Hero is belied; If it should give your age thing handsome about And I of him will gather And that shall Claudio such cause of fear: him. Bring him away. O patience. know; so shall the prince In faith, my hand meant that But there is no such And all of them that thus nothing to my sword. I had been writ down an man: for, brother, men dishonour her. ass! Can counsel and speak comfort to that grief LEONATO Which they themselves ANTONIO Tush, tush, man; never Exeunt not feel; but, tasting it, Here comes the prince fleer and jest at me: Act 5, Scene 1 Their counsel turns to and Claudio hastily. I speak not like a dotard passion, which before Before LEONATO'S house. nor a fool, Would give preceptial Enter DON PEDRO and As under privilege of age Enter LEONATO and medicine to rage, CLAUDIO to brag ANTONIO Fetter strong madness in DON PEDRO What I have done being ANTONIO a silken thread, young, or what would do Charm ache with air and Good den, good den. Were I not old. Know, If you go on thus, you agony with words: CLAUDIO Claudio, to thy head, will kill yourself: No, no; 'tis all men's Thou hast so wrong'd And 'tis not wisdom thus office to speak patience Good day to both of you. mine innocent child and to second grief To those that wring LEONATO me Against yourself. under the load of sorrow, That I am forced to lay Hear you. my lords,-- But no man's virtue nor my reverence by LEONATO sufficiency DON PEDRO And, with grey hairs and To be so moral when he We have some haste, bruise of many days, I pray thee, cease thy shall endure Leonato. Do challenge thee to trial counsel, The like himself. of a man. Which falls into mine Therefore give me no LEONATO I say thou hast belied ears as profitless counsel: Some haste, my lord! mine innocent child; As water in a sieve: give My griefs cry louder well, fare you well, my Thy slander hath gone not me counsel; than advertisement. lord: through and through her Nor let no comforter Are you so hasty now? heart, delight mine ear And she lies buried with ANTONIO well, all is one. But such a one whose her ancestors; wrongs do suit with Therein do men from O, in a tomb where never mine. children nothing differ. DON PEDRO scandal slept, Bring me a father that so Nay, do not quarrel with Save this of hers, framed loved his child, LEONATO us, good old man. by thy villany! Whose joy of her is I pray thee, peace. I will overwhelm'd like mine, be flesh and blood; ANTONIO CLAUDIO And bid him speak of For there was never yet If he could right himself patience; philosopher with quarreling, My villany? Measure his woe the That could endure the Some of us would lie LEONATO length and breadth of toothache patiently, low. mine However they have writ Thine, Claudio; thine, I And let it answer every the style of gods say. strain for strain, And made a push at CLAUDIO As thus for thus and such DON PEDRO chance and sufferance. Who wrongs him? a grief for such, LEONATO You say not right, old ANTONIO See, see; here comes the Never any did so, though man. Hold you content. What, man we went to seek. very many have been LEONATO man! I know them, yea, Enter BENEDICK beside And what they weigh, their wit. I will bid thee My lord, my lord, CLAUDIO draw, as we do the I'll prove it on his body, even to the utmost scruple,-- Now, signior, what minstrels; draw, to if he dare, news? pleasure us. Despite his nice fence Scrambling, out-facing, and his active practise, fashion-monging boys, BENEDICK His May of youth and That lie and cog and DON PEDRO flout, deprave and Good day, my lord. bloom of lustihood. As I am an honest man, slander, DON PEDRO Go anticly, show he looks pale. Art thou Welcome, signior: you CLAUDIO outward hideousness, sick, or angry? And speak off half a are almost come to part Away! I will not have to dozen dangerous words, almost a fray. do with you. CLAUDIO How they might hurt What, courage, man! LEONATO their enemies, if they CLAUDIO What though care killed Canst thou so daff me? durst; And this is all. We had like to have had a cat, Thou hast kill'd my our two noses snapped thou hast mettle enough child: off in thee to kill care. If thou kill'st me, boy, LEONATO with two old men thou shalt kill a man. without teeth. But, brother Antony,-- BENEDICK ANTONIO Sir, I shall meet your wit ANTONIO DON PEDRO Come, 'tis no matter: in the career, and you He shall kill two of us, Do not you meddle; let Leonato and his brother. charge it against me. I and men indeed: me deal in this. What thinkest thou? Had pray you choose another But that's no matter; let we fought, I doubt we subject. him kill one first; should have been too Win me and wear me; let DON PEDRO young for them. him answer me. CLAUDIO Gentlemen both, we will Come, follow me, boy; Nay, then, give him come, sir boy, come, not wake your patience. BENEDICK My heart is sorry for another staff: this last follow me: In a false quarrel there is was Sir boy, I'll whip you your daughter's death: But, on my honour, she no true valour. I came broke cross. from your foining fence; to seek you both. Nay, as I am a was charged with nothing gentleman, I will. DON PEDRO But what was true and CLAUDIO very full of proof. By this light, he changes LEONATO We have been up and more and more: I think down to seek thee; for he be angry indeed. Brother,-- LEONATO we are ANTONIO My lord, my lord,-- high-proof melancholy and would fain have it CLAUDIO Content yourself. God DON PEDRO beaten knows I loved my niece; If he be, he knows how away. Wilt thou use thy And she is dead, I will not hear you. to turn his girdle. wit? slander'd to death by LEONATO BENEDICK villains, No? Come, brother; Shall I speak a word in That dare as well answer away! I will be heard. BENEDICK your ear? a man indeed It is in my scabbard: As I dare take a serpent ANTONIO CLAUDIO shall I draw it? by the tongue: And shall, or some of us God bless me from a Boys, apes, braggarts, will smart for it. DON PEDRO challenge! Jacks, milksops! Exeunt LEONATO and Dost thou wear thy wit BENEDICK ANTONIO by thy side? [Aside to CLAUDIO] LEONATO DON PEDRO CLAUDIO You are a villain; I jest Brother Antony,-- not: did she, an hour together, your many courtesies I Come you, sir: if justice I will make it good how transshape thy particular thank cannot tame you, she you dare, with what you virtues: yet at last she you: I must discontinue shall ne'er weigh more dare, and when you dare. concluded with a sigh, your company: your reasons in her balance: Do me right, or I will thou brother nay, protest your cowardice. wast the properest man the bastard is fled from an you be a cursing You have killed a sweet in Italy. Messina: you have hypocrite once, you must lady, and her death shall among be looked to. fall heavy on you. Let you killed a sweet and me CLAUDIO innocent lady. For my hear from you. For the which she wept Lord DON PEDRO heartily and said she Lackbeard there, he and How now? two of my cared I shall meet: and, till brother's men bound! CLAUDIO not. then, peace be with him. Borachio Well, I will meet you, so one! I may have good cheer. DON PEDRO Exit DON PEDRO Yea, that she did: but DON PEDRO CLAUDIO What, a feast, a feast? yet, for all that, an if she He is in earnest. Hearken after their CLAUDIO did not hate him deadly, offence, my lord. CLAUDIO she would love him DON PEDRO I' faith, I thank him; he dearly: hath bid me to a calf's In most profound the old man's daughter earnest; and, I'll warrant Officers, what offence head and a capon; the told us all. have these men done? which if I do not carve you, for most the love of Beatrice. DOGBERRY curiously, say my knife's CLAUDIO Marry, sir, they have naught. Shall I not find All, all; and, moreover, DON PEDRO committed false report; a woodcock too? God saw him when he moreover, they have And hath challenged spoken untruths; was thee. hid in the garden. secondarily, BENEDICK CLAUDIO they are slanders; sixth Sir, your wit ambles Most sincerely. and lastly, they have well; it goes easily. DON PEDRO belied a lady; thirdly, DON PEDRO DON PEDRO But when shall we set they have verified unjust the savage bull's horns What a pretty thing man things; and, to conclude, I'll tell thee how Beatrice on is when he goes in his they are lying knaves. praised thy wit the the sensible Benedick's doublet and hose and other day. I said, thou head? leaves off his wit! hadst a fine wit: 'True,' DON PEDRO said she, 'a fine little First, I ask thee what one.' 'No,' said I, 'a CLAUDIO CLAUDIO they have done; thirdly, I great wit:' 'Right,' says He is then a giant to an ask thee what's their she, 'a great gross one.' Yea, and text ape; but then is an ape a offence; sixth and lastly, 'Nay,' said I, 'a good wit:' underneath, 'Here dwells doctor to such a man. why 'Just,' said she, 'it Benedick the married man'? they are committed; and, hurts nobody.' 'Nay,' said to conclude, what you I, 'the gentleman DON PEDRO lay is wise:' 'Certain,' said BENEDICK But, soft you, let me be: to their charge. she, 'a wise gentleman.' pluck up, my heart, and 'Nay,' said I, 'he hath the Fare you well, boy: you be sad. Did he not say, tongues:' 'That I know my mind. I will CLAUDIO leave my brother was fled? believe,' said she, 'for he Rightly reasoned, and in swore a thing to me on you now to your gossip- like humour: you break his own division: and, by Monday night, which he Enter DOGBERRY, jests my troth, there's one forswore on Tuesday VERGES, and the as braggarts do their meaning well suited. morning; Watch, with CONRADE blades, which God be there's a double tongue; and BORACHIO there's two tongues.' thanked, DON PEDRO Thus hurt not. My lord, for DOGBERRY Who have you offended, Yea, and paid me richly BORACHIO Be yet my nephew: my masters, that you are for the practise of it. Yea, even I alone. brother hath a daughter, thus DON PEDRO Almost the copy of my bound to your answer? LEONATO child that's dead, this learned constable is He is composed and No, not so, villain; thou And she alone is heir to too cunning to be framed of treachery: beliest thyself: both of us: understood: what's your And fled he is upon this Here stand a pair of Give her the right you offence? villany. honourable men; should have given her A third is fled, that had a cousin, And so dies my revenge. BORACHIO CLAUDIO hand in it. I thank you, princes, for Sweet prince, let me go Sweet Hero! now thy my daughter's death: CLAUDIO no farther to mine image doth appear Record it with your high answer: In the rare semblance and worthy deeds: O noble sir, do you hear me, and let that I loved it first. 'Twas bravely done, if Your over-kindness doth this count kill me. I have you bethink you of it. wring tears from me! deceived even your very I do embrace your offer; DOGBERRY eyes: what your wisdoms and dispose could not discover, these Come, bring away the CLAUDIO For henceforth of poor shallow fools have plaintiffs: by this time I know not how to pray Claudio. brought our your patience; to light: who in the night sexton hath reformed Yet I must speak. LEONATO overheard me confessing Signior Leonato of the Choose your revenge to this man how Don matter: yourself; To-morrow then I will John your brother and, masters, do not Impose me to what expect your coming; incensed me forget to specify, when penance your invention To-night I take my leave. to slander the Lady time Can lay upon my sin: yet This naughty man Hero, how you were and place shall serve, sinn'd I not Shall face to face be brought into that I am an ass. But in mistaking. brought to Margaret, the orchard and saw me Who I believe was court Margaret in Hero's pack'd in all this wrong, VERGES garments, how you DON PEDRO Hired to it by your disgraced her, when you Here, here comes master By my soul, nor I: brother. should Signior Leonato, and the And yet, to satisfy this marry her: my villany Sexton too. good old man, BORACHIO they have upon record; I would bend under any which No, by my soul, she was Re-enter LEONATO and heavy weight I had rather seal with my not, ANTONIO, with the That he'll enjoin me to. death than repeat over Nor knew not what she Sexton to my shame. The lady is did when she spoke to dead upon mine and my LEONATO LEONATO me, master's false accusation; Which is the villain? let I cannot bid you bid my But always hath been and, briefly, I desire me see his eyes, daughter live; just and virtuous nothing but the reward of That, when I note That were impossible: In any thing that I do a villain. another man like him, but, I pray you both, know by her. I may avoid him: which Possess the people in DON PEDRO of these is he? Messina here DOGBERRY How innocent she died; Runs not this speech like and if your love Moreover, sir, which iron through your blood? BORACHIO Can labour ought in sad indeed is not under white CLAUDIO If you would know your invention, and Hang her an epitaph black, this plaintiff here, I have drunk poison wronger, look on me. upon her tomb the offender, did call whiles he utter'd it. LEONATO And sing it to her bones, me ass: I beseech you, DON PEDRO Art thou the slave that sing it to-night: let it be remembered in with thy breath hast To-morrow morning his But did my brother set punishment. And also, thee on to this? kill'd come you to my house, Mine innocent child? And since you could not the watch heard them BORACHIO be my son-in-law, talk of one Deformed: they say Until to-morrow Thy wit is as quick as the road of a be wears a key in his ear morning, lords, farewell. greyhound's mouth; it blank verse, why, they and ANTONIO catches. were never so truly a lock hanging by it, and MARGARET turned borrows money in God's Farewell, my lords: we over and over as my name, the which he hath look for you to-morrow. And yours as blunt as the poor self in love. Marry, used so long and never DON PEDRO fencer's foils, which hit, I paid but hurt not. cannot show it in rhyme; that now men grow hard- We will not fail. I have tried: I can find hearted and will lend out no rhyme to 'lady' CLAUDIO BENEDICK nothing but 'baby,' an innocent for God's sake: pray you, To-night I'll mourn with A most manly wit, rhyme; for 'scorn,' 'horn,' examine him upon that Hero. Margaret; it will not hurt a hard rhyme; for, point. LEONATO a 'school,' 'fool,' a babbling woman: and so, I pray rhyme; very ominous [To the Watch] Bring thee, call Beatrice: I give endings: no, I was not you these fellows on. LEONATO thee the bucklers. born under a rhyming We'll planet, I thank thee for thy care talk with Margaret, and honest pains. nor I cannot woo in How her acquaintance MARGARET festival terms. DOGBERRY grew with this lewd Give us the swords; we fellow. Your worship speaks have bucklers of our like a most thankful and own. Enter BEATRICE reverend youth; and I Exeunt, severally BENEDICK Sweet Beatrice, wouldst praise God for you. thou come when I called Act 5, Scene 2 If you use them, thee? LEONATO'S garden. Margaret, you must put LEONATO in the Enter BENEDICK and pikes with a vice; and BEATRICE There's for thy pains. MARGARET, meeting they are dangerous DOGBERRY Yea, signior, and depart BENEDICK weapons for maids. when you bid me. God save the foundation! Pray thee, sweet Mistress BENEDICK LEONATO Margaret, deserve well at MARGARET my hands by helping me O, stay but till then! Go, I discharge thee of Well, I will call Beatrice to the speech of Beatrice. BEATRICE thy prisoner, and I thank to you, who I think hath thee. legs. 'Then' is spoken; fare MARGARET you well now: and yet, DOGBERRY BENEDICK ere Will you then write me a I leave an arrant knave And therefore will come. I go, let me go with that I sonnet in praise of my with your worship; came; which is, with beauty? Exit MARGARET which I knowing what hath beseech your worship to BENEDICK Sings passed between you and correct yourself, for the The god of love, Claudio. example of others. God In so high a style, That sits above, keep your worship! I Margaret, that no man And knows me, and wish living BENEDICK knows me, your worship well; God shall come over it; for, in most comely truth, thou How pitiful I deserve,-- Only foul words; and restore you to health! I thereupon I will kiss humbly give you leave to deservest it. I mean in singing; but in thee. depart; and if a merry loving, Leander the good meeting may be wished, BEATRICE MARGARET swimmer, Troilus the God prohibit it! Come, Foul words is but foul To have no man come first employer of neighbour. wind, and foul wind is over me! why, shall I panders, and but always a whole bookful of these foul breath, and foul Exeunt DOGBERRY and keep below stairs? quondam carpet- VERGES mangers, breath is noisome; whose names yet run therefore I LEONATO BENEDICK smoothly in the even will depart unkissed. one Enter URSULA Praising her when I am wise man among twenty URSULA dumb. that will praise himself. BENEDICK Madam, you must come Now, music, sound, and Thou hast frighted the to your uncle. Yonder's sing your solemn hymn. word out of his right BENEDICK old SONG. sense, An old, an old instance, coil at home: it is proved so forcible is thy wit. But Beatrice, that lived in my Lady Hero hath been Pardon, goddess of the I must tell thee the lime of good falsely accused, the night, plainly, Claudio neighbours. If a man do prince and Claudio Those that slew thy undergoes my challenge; not erect mightily virgin knight; and either in this age his own tomb abused; and Don John is For the which, with I must shortly hear from ere he dies, he shall live the author of all, who is songs of woe, him, or I will subscribe no longer in monument fed and gone. Will you Round about her tomb him a coward. And, I than the bell rings and come presently? they go. pray thee now, tell me the Midnight, assist our moan; for widow weeps. BEATRICE which of my bad parts Help us to sigh and didst thou first fall in Will you go hear this groan, love with me? BEATRICE news, signior? Heavily, heavily: And how long is that, BENEDICK Graves, yawn and yield think you? your dead, BEATRICE I will live in thy heart, Till death be uttered, BENEDICK For them all together; die in thy lap, and be Heavily, heavily. which maintained so Question: why, an hour buried in thy eyes; and politic in clamour and a quarter moreover I will go with CLAUDIO a state of evil that they in thee to thy uncle's. will not admit any good rheum: therefore is it Now, unto thy bones part to intermingle with most expedient for the Exeunt good night! them. But for which of wise, if Don Worm, his Yearly will I do this rite. my conscience, find no Act 5, Scene 3 good parts did you first impediment to the A church. suffer love for me? contrary, to be the DON PEDRO trumpet of his Enter DON PEDRO, Good morrow, masters; own virtues, as I am to CLAUDIO, and three or put your torches out: BENEDICK myself. So much for four with tapers The wolves have prey'd; Suffer love! a good praising myself, who, I CLAUDIO and look, the gentle day, myself will bear witness, Before the wheels of epithet! I do suffer love Is this the monument of is Phoebus, round about indeed, for I love thee Leonato? against my will. praiseworthy: and now Dapples the drowsy east tell me, how doth your Lord with spots of grey. cousin? It is, my lord. Thanks to you all, and BEATRICE leave us: fare you well. CLAUDIO In spite of your heart, I BEATRICE think; alas, poor heart! [Reading out of a scroll] CLAUDIO If you spite it for my Very ill. Done to death by sake, I will spite it for BENEDICK slanderous tongues Good morrow, masters: yours; for I will never Was the Hero that here each his several way. And how do you? love that which my lies: DON PEDRO friend hates. BEATRICE Death, in guerdon of her wrongs, Come, let us hence, and Very ill too. Gives her fame which put on other weeds; BENEDICK BENEDICK never dies. And then to Leonato's we will go. Thou and I are too wise Serve God, love me and So the life that died with to woo peaceably. mend. There will I leave shame BEATRICE you too, for here comes Lives in death with CLAUDIO one in haste. glorious fame. It appears not in this Hang thou there upon the And Hymen now with confession: there's not tomb, luckier issue speed's Than this for whom we your brother's daughter And my help. And got a calf in that render'd up this woe. And give her to young Here comes the prince same noble feat Claudio. and Claudio. Much like to you, for you have just his bleat. Exeunt Act 5, Scene 4 ANTONIO Enter DON PEDRO and Which I will do with CLAUDIO, and two or CLAUDIO A room in LEONATO'S three others house. confirm'd countenance. For this I owe you: here DON PEDRO comes other reckonings. Enter LEONATO, BENEDICK ANTONIO, BENEDICK, Friar, I must entreat your Good morrow to this fair Re-enter ANTONIO, BEATRICE, pains, I think. assembly. with the Ladies masked MARGARET, URSULA, FRIAR FRANCIS LEONATO Which is the lady I must FRIAR FRANCIS, and seize upon? To do what, signior? Good morrow, prince; HERO good morrow, Claudio: FRIAR FRANCIS BENEDICK We here attend you. Are ANTONIO Did I not tell you she To bind me, or undo me; you yet determined To-day to marry with my This same is she, and I was innocent? one of them. do give you her. Signior Leonato, truth it brother's daughter? LEONATO is, good signior, CLAUDIO So are the prince and Your niece regards me CLAUDIO Why, then she's mine. Claudio, who accused with an eye of favour. Sweet, let me see your her I'll hold my mind, were face. Upon the error that you she an Ethiope. LEONATO LEONATO heard debated: LEONATO But Margaret was in That eye my daughter No, that you shall not, some fault for this, lent her: 'tis most true. Call her forth, brother; till you take her hand Although against her here's the friar ready. BENEDICK Before this friar and will, as it appears Exit ANTONIO swear to marry her. In the true course of all And I do with an eye of DON PEDRO the question. love requite her. CLAUDIO LEONATO Good morrow, Benedick. Why, what's the matter, Give me your hand: ANTONIO The sight whereof I think That you have such a before this holy friar, Well, I am glad that all you had from me, February face, I am your husband, if things sort so well. From Claudio and the So full of frost, of storm you like of me. prince: but what's your and cloudiness? BENEDICK will? And so am I, being else HERO by faith enforced CLAUDIO BENEDICK And when I lived, I was To call young Claudio to I think he thinks upon your other wife: a reckoning for it. Your answer, sir, is the savage bull. enigmatical: Tush, fear not, man; Unmasking But, for my will, my will we'll tip thy horns with And when you loved, LEONATO is your good will gold you were my other Well, daughter, and you May stand with ours, this And all Europa shall husband. gentle-women all, day to be conjoin'd rejoice at thee, Withdraw into a In the state of As once Europa did at chamber by yourselves, honourable marriage: lusty Jove, CLAUDIO And when I send for In which, good friar, I When he would play the Another Hero! you, come hither mask'd. shall desire your help. noble beast in love. HERO Nothing certainer: LEONATO Exeunt Ladies BENEDICK One Hero died defiled, The prince and Claudio My heart is with your Bull Jove, sir, had an but I do live, promised by this hour liking. amiable low; And surely as I live, I am To visit me. You know FRIAR FRANCIS And some such strange a maid. your office, brother: bull leap'd your father's You must be father to cow, DON PEDRO They swore that you Peace! I will stop your we are married, that we The former Hero! Hero were almost sick for me. mouth. may lighten our own that is dead! BEATRICE Kissing her hearts and our wives' heels. LEONATO They swore that you DON PEDRO were well-nigh dead for She died, my lord, but How dost thou, LEONATO whiles her slander lived. me. Benedick, the married BENEDICK man? We'll have dancing FRIAR FRANCIS afterward. 'Tis no such matter. Then BENEDICK All this amazement can I BENEDICK qualify: you do not love me? I'll tell thee what, prince; When after that the holy BEATRICE a college of First, of my word; rites are ended, wit-crackers cannot flout therefore play, music. No, truly, but in friendly Prince, I'll tell you largely of fair recompense. me out of my humour. Hero's death: Dost thou art sad; get thee a Meantime let wonder LEONATO thou think I care for a wife, get thee a wife: there is no staff more seem familiar, Come, cousin, I am sure satire or an epigram? No: reverend than one tipped And to the chapel let us you love the gentleman. if a man will be beaten presently. with brains, a' shall wear with horn. CLAUDIO nothing handsome about And I'll be sworn upon't him. In brief, since I do BENEDICK Enter a Messenger that he loves her; purpose to marry, I will Soft and fair, friar. For here's a paper think nothing to any Messenger Which is Beatrice? written in his hand, purpose that the world My lord, your brother can say against it; and BEATRICE A halting sonnet of his John is ta'en in flight, own pure brain, therefore never flout at And brought with armed [Unmasking] I answer to Fashion'd to Beatrice. me for what I have said men back to Messina. that name. What is your against it; for man is a will? giddy thing, and this is HERO BENEDICK BENEDICK my And here's another conclusion. For thy part, Think not on him till to- Do not you love me? Writ in my cousin's Claudio, I did think to morrow: BEATRICE hand, stolen from her have beaten thee, but in I'll devise thee brave pocket, that thou art like to be punishments for him. Why, no; no more than my reason. Containing her affection Strike up, pipers. unto Benedick. kinsman, live unbruised BENEDICK and love my cousin. Dance Why, then your uncle BENEDICK and the prince and CLAUDIO Exeunt Claudio A miracle! here's our I had well hoped thou Have been deceived; own hands against our wouldst have denied they swore you did. hearts. Come, I will have thee; Beatrice, but, by this light, I take that I might have BEATRICE thee for pity. cudgelled thee out of thy single Do not you love me? life, to make thee a BENEDICK BEATRICE double-dealer; which, Troth, no; no more than I would not deny you; out of reason. but, by this good day, I question, thou wilt be, if yield my cousin do not look BEATRICE upon great persuasion; exceedingly narrowly to Why, then my cousin and partly to save your thee. Margaret and Ursula life, Are much deceived; for for I was told you were BENEDICK they did swear you did. in a consumption. Come, come, we are friends: let's have a BENEDICK BENEDICK dance ere ROMEO AND JULIET

0* Prologue 1* Act 1 2* Scene 1. Verona. A public place. 3* Scene 2. A street. 4* Scene 3. A room in Capulet's house. 5* Scene 4. A street. 6* Scene 5. A hall in Capulet's house. 7* Prologue 8* Act 2 9* Scene 1. A lane by the wall of Capulet's orchard. 10* Scene 2. Capulet's orchard. 11* Scene 3. Friar Laurence's cell. 12* Scene 4. A street. 13* Scene 5. Capulet's orchard. 14* Scene 6. Friar Laurence's cell. 15* Act 3 16* Scene 1. Scene 1. A public place. 17* Scene 2. Capulet's orchard. 18* Scene 3. Friar Laurence's cell. 19* Scene 4. A room in Capulet's house. 20* Scene 5. Capulet's orchard. 21* Act 4 22* Scene 1. Friar Laurence's cell. 23* Scene 2. Hall in Capulet's house. 24* Scene 3. Juliet's chamber. 25* Scene 4. Hall in Capulet's house. 26* Scene 5. Juliet's chamber. 27* Act 5 28* Scene 1. Mantua. A street. 29* Scene 2. Friar Laurence's cell. 30* Scene 3. A churchyard; in it a tomb belonging to the Capulets. Prologue SAMPSON the I will frown as I pass maids, and cut off their by, and let them take it Two households, both alike I strike quickly, being moved. heads. as in dignity, they list. In fair Verona, where we lay GREGORY our scene, GREGORY But thou art not quickly SAMPSON From ancient grudge break to moved to strike. The heads of the maids? new mutiny, SAMPSON Nay, as they dare. I will Where civil blood makes SAMPSON bite my thumb at them; civil hands unclean. A dog of the house of Ay, the heads of the which is a disgrace to From forth the fatal loins of Montague moves me. maids, or their them, if they bear it. these two foes maidenheads; A pair of star-cross'd lovers GREGORY take it in what sense take their life; To move is to stir; and thou wilt. Enter ABRAHAM and Whole misadventured to be valiant is to stand: BALTHASAR piteous overthrows therefore, if thou art GREGORY ABRAHAM Do with their death bury moved, thou runn'st Do you bite your thumb their parents' strife. away. They must take it in The fearful passage of their sense that feel it. at us, sir? death-mark'd love, SAMPSON SAMPSON And the continuance of their SAMPSON I do bite my thumb, sir. parents' rage, A dog of that house Me they shall feel while Which, but their children's shall move me to stand: I am able to stand: and ABRAHAM end, nought could remove, I will 'tis known I am a pretty Do you bite your thumb Is now the two hours' traffic take the wall of any man piece of flesh. at us, sir? of our stage; or maid of Montague's. The which if you with patient SAMPSON GREGORY ears attend, [Aside to GREGORY] Is What here shall miss, our toil GREGORY 'Tis well thou art not the law of our side, if I shall strive to mend. That shows thee a weak fish; if thou hadst, thou say slave; for the weakest hadst been poor John. ay? goes Draw thy tool! here Act 1, Scene 1 to the wall. comes Verona. A public place. two of the house of the GREGORY Montagues. No. SAMPSON SAMPSON Enter SAMPSON and True; and therefore SAMPSON GREGORY, of the women, being the No, sir, I do not bite my house of Capulet, weaker vessels, My naked weapon is thumb at you, sir, but I armed with swords and are ever thrust to the out: quarrel, I will back bite my thumb, sir. bucklers wall: therefore I will thee. push SAMPSON GREGORY GREGORY Montague's men from Gregory, o' my word, the wall, and thrust his How! turn thy back and Do you quarrel, sir? run? we'll not carry coals. maids ABRAHAM to the wall. SAMPSON GREGORY Quarrel sir! no, sir. Fear me not. No, for then we should SAMPSON be colliers. GREGORY GREGORY If you do, sir, I am for SAMPSON The quarrel is between No, marry; I fear thee! our masters and us their you: I serve as good a I mean, an we be in men. SAMPSON man as you. choler, we'll draw. SAMPSON Let us take the law of ABRAHAM GREGORY our sides; let them No better. 'Tis all one, I will show begin. Ay, while you live, myself a tyrant: when I SAMPSON draw your neck out o' have fought with the GREGORY Well, sir. the collar. men, I will be cruel with GREGORY 195 Say 'better:' here comes Clubs, bills, and Three civil brawls, bred Who nothing hurt withal one of my master's partisans! strike! beat of an airy word, hiss'd him in scorn: kinsmen. them down! By thee, old Capulet, While we were SAMPSON Down with the and Montague, interchanging thrusts Capulets! down with the Have thrice disturb'd the and blows, Yes, better, sir. Montagues! quiet of our streets, Came more and more ABRAHAM And made Verona's and fought on part and ancient citizens part, You lie. Enter CAPULET in his Cast by their grave Till the prince came, gown, and LADY SAMPSON beseeming ornaments, who parted either part. CAPULET To wield old partisans, Draw, if you be men. CAPULET in hands as old, Gregory, remember thy Canker'd with peace, to LADY MONTAGUE What noise is this? Give swashing blow. part your canker'd hate: me my long sword, ho! O, where is Romeo? They fight If ever you disturb our saw you him to-day? LADY CAPULET streets again, Enter BENVOLIO Right glad I am he was A crutch, a crutch! why Your lives shall pay the not at this fray. BENVOLIO call you for a sword? forfeit of the peace. Part, fools! For this time, all the rest CAPULET BENVOLIO Put up your swords; you depart away: know not what you do. My sword, I say! Old You Capulet; shall go Madam, an hour before Montague is come, along with me: the worshipp'd sun And flourishes his blade And, Montague, come Peer'd forth the golden Beats down their in spite of me. you this afternoon, window of the east, swords To know our further A troubled mind drave Enter TYBALT pleasure in this case, me to walk abroad; Enter MONTAGUE and To old Free-town, our Where, underneath the TYBALT LADY MONTAGUE common judgment- grove of sycamore What, art thou drawn MONTAGUE place. That westward rooteth among these heartless Once more, on pain of from the city's side, Thou villain Capulet,-- hinds? death, all men depart. So early walking did I Hold me not, let me go. Turn thee, Benvolio, see your son: LADY MONTAGUE Towards him I made, look upon thy death. Exeunt all but but he was ware of me Thou shalt not stir a foot MONTAGUE, LADY And stole into the covert to seek a foe. MONTAGUE, and BENVOLIO of the wood: BENVOLIO I do but keep the peace: Enter PRINCE, with I, measuring his put up thy sword, Attendants MONTAGUE affections by my own, Or manage it to part PRINCE Who set this ancient That most are busied these men with me. quarrel new abroach? when they're most Rebellious subjects, alone, enemies to peace, Speak, nephew, were you by when it began? Pursued my humour not TYBALT Profaners of this pursuing his, neighbour-stained What, drawn, and talk And gladly shunn'd who steel,-- of peace! I hate the BENVOLIO gladly fled from me. Will they not hear? word, What, ho! you men, you Here were the servants As I hate hell, all beasts, of your adversary, MONTAGUE Montagues, and thee: That quench the fire of And yours, close Have at thee, coward! fighting ere I did Many a morning hath he your pernicious rage there been seen, With purple fountains approach: I drew to part them: in With tears augmenting They fight issuing from your veins, the fresh morning dew. On pain of torture, from the instant came Enter, several of both Adding to clouds more those bloody hands The fiery Tybalt, with houses, who join the clouds with his deep Throw your his sword prepared, fray; then enter sighs; mistemper'd weapons to Which, as he breathed Citizens, with clubs But all so soon as the the ground, defiance to my ears, He swung about his all-cheering sun First Citizen And hear the sentence Should in the furthest of your moved prince. head and cut the winds, 196 east begin to draw I'll know his grievance, and rough in proof! Being purged, a fire The shady curtains from or be much denied. sparkling in lovers' Aurora's bed, eyes; Away from the light ROMEO Being vex'd a sea steals home my heavy MONTAGUE Alas, that love, whose nourish'd with lovers' son, I would thou wert so view is muffled still, tears: And private in his happy by thy stay, Should, without eyes, What is it else? a chamber pens himself, To hear true shrift. see pathways to his will! madness most discreet, Shuts up his windows, Come, madam, let's Where shall we dine? O A choking gall and a locks far daylight out away. me! What fray was preserving sweet. And makes himself an here? Farewell, my coz. artificial night: Yet tell me not, for I Black and portentous Exeunt MONTAGUE have heard it all. must this humour prove, and LADY Here's much to do with BENVOLIO Unless good counsel MONTAGUE hate, but more with Soft! I will go along; may the cause remove. BENVOLIO love. An if you leave me so, Why, then, O brawling you do me wrong. Good-morrow, cousin. love! O loving hate! BENVOLIO ROMEO O any thing, of nothing ROMEO My noble uncle, do you Is the day so young? first create! know the cause? O heavy lightness! Tut, I have lost myself; I BENVOLIO MONTAGUE serious vanity! am not here; But new struck nine. Mis-shapen chaos of This is not Romeo, he's I neither know it nor can well-seeming forms! some other where. learn of him. ROMEO Feather of lead, bright BENVOLIO Ay me! sad hours seem smoke, cold fire, long. sick health! BENVOLIO Have you importuned Was that my father that Still-waking sleep, that Tell me in sadness, who him by any means? went hence so fast? is not what it is! is that you love. This love feel I, that feel MONTAGUE ROMEO no love in this. Both by myself and BENVOLIO Dost thou not laugh? What, shall I groan and many other friends: It was. What sadness tell thee? But he, his own lengthens Romeo's affections' counsellor, BENVOLIO BENVOLIO hours? Is to himself--I will not No, coz, I rather weep. Groan! why, no. say how true-- ROMEO But sadly tell me who. ROMEO But to himself so secret Not having that, which, and so close, having, makes them Good heart, at what? So far from sounding ROMEO short. BENVOLIO and discovery, Bid a sick man in BENVOLIO As is the bud bit with an At thy good heart's sadness make his will: envious worm, In love? oppression. Ah, word ill urged to Ere he can spread his ROMEO ROMEO one that is so ill! sweet leaves to the air, In sadness, cousin, I do Or dedicate his beauty Out-- Why, such is love's love a woman. to the sun. transgression. BENVOLIO Could we but learn from Griefs of mine own lie whence his sorrows Of love? heavy in my breast, BENVOLIO grow. ROMEO Which thou wilt I aim'd so near, when I We would as willingly propagate, to have it supposed you loved. give cure as know. Out of her favour, prest where I am in love. With more of thine: this ROMEO love that thou hast Enter ROMEO BENVOLIO A right good mark-man! shown And she's fair I love. BENVOLIO Alas, that love, so gentle Doth add more grief to in his view, too much of mine own. BENVOLIO See, where he comes: so Should be so tyrannous please you, step aside; Love is a smoke raised A right fair mark, fair with the fume of sighs; coz, is soonest hit. 197 ROMEO ROMEO years, Come, go with me. Well, in that hit you 'Tis the way Let two more summers miss: she'll not be hit To call hers exquisite, in wither in their pride, Ere we may think her To Servant, giving a With Cupid's arrow; she question more: paper hath Dian's wit; These happy masks that ripe to be a bride. And, in strong proof of kiss fair ladies' brows Go, sirrah, trudge about Through fair Verona; chastity well arm'd, Being black put us in PARIS From love's weak mind they hide the fair; find those persons out childish bow she lives He that is strucken blind Younger than she are Whose names are unharm'd. cannot forget happy mothers made. written there, and to She will not stay the The precious treasure of CAPULET them say, siege of loving terms, his eyesight lost: My house and welcome And too soon marr'd are Nor bide the encounter Show me a mistress that on their pleasure stay. those so early made. of assailing eyes, is passing fair, The earth hath Nor ope her lap to saint- What doth her beauty swallow'd all my hopes Exeunt CAPULET and seducing gold: serve, but as a note but she, PARIS O, she is rich in beauty, Where I may read who She is the hopeful lady only poor, pass'd that passing fair? Servant of my earth: That when she dies with Farewell: thou canst not But woo her, gentle Find them out whose beauty dies her store. teach me to forget. Paris, get her heart, names are written here! My will to her consent It is written, that the BENVOLIO BENVOLIO is but a part; An she agree, within her shoemaker should Then she hath sworn I'll pay that doctrine, or scope of choice meddle with his that she will still live else die in debt. Lies my consent and fair yard, and the tailor with chaste? Exeunt according voice. his last, the fisher with ROMEO This night I hold an old his pencil, and the Act 1, Scene 2 painter with his nets; but She hath, and in that accustom'd feast, A street. Whereto I have invited I am sparing makes huge sent to find those waste, Enter CAPULET, many a guest, Such as I love; and you, persons whose names For beauty starved with PARIS, and Servant are here her severity among the store, CAPULET One more, most writ, and can never find Cuts beauty off from all what names the writing But Montague is bound welcome, makes my posterity. person hath here writ. I as well as I, number more. She is too fair, too wise, must to the learned.--In In penalty alike; and 'tis At my poor house look wisely too fair, good time. To merit bliss by not hard, I think, to behold this night making me despair: For men so old as we to Earth-treading stars that She hath forsworn to keep the peace. make dark heaven light: Enter BENVOLIO and love, and in that vow Such comfort as do ROMEO lusty young men feel Do I live dead that live PARIS BENVOLIO to tell it now. When well-apparell'd Of honourable April on the heel Tut, man, one fire burns reckoning are you both; Of limping winter out another's burning, BENVOLIO And pity 'tis you lived at treads, even such delight One pain is lessen'd by Among fresh female Be ruled by me, forget odds so long. another's anguish; buds shall you this night to think of her. But now, my lord, what Turn giddy, and be holp say you to my suit? Inherit at my house; by backward turning; ROMEO hear all, all see, One desperate grief O, teach me how I And like her most cures with another's CAPULET should forget to think. whose merit most shall languish: But saying o'er what I be: Take thou some new BENVOLIO have said before: Which on more view, of infection to thy eye, By giving liberty unto My child is yet a many mine being one And the rank poison of thine eyes; stranger in the world; May stand in number, the old will die. Examine other beauties. She hath not seen the though in reckoning change of fourteen none, ROMEO 198 Your plaintain-leaf is nieces; Mercutio and his ROMEO lamb! what, ladybird! excellent for that. brother Valentine; mine When the devout God forbid! Where's BENVOLIO uncle Capulet, his wife religion of mine eye this girl? What, Juliet! and daughters; my fair Maintains such For what, I pray thee? niece falsehood, then turn Enter JULIET ROMEO Rosaline; Livia; Signior tears to fires; Valentio and his cousin And these, who often JULIET For your broken shin. Tybalt, Lucio and the drown'd could never How now! who calls? BENVOLIO lively Helena.' A fair die, Nurse assembly: whither Transparent heretics, be Why, Romeo, art thou should they come? mad? burnt for liars! Your mother. One fairer than my love! ROMEO JULIET Servant the all-seeing sun Not mad, but bound Ne'er saw her match Madam, I am here. more than a mad-man Up. since first the world What is your will? is; ROMEO begun. Shut up in prison, kept Whither? LADY CAPULET without my food, Whipp'd and tormented Servant BENVOLIO This is the matter:-- Nurse, give leave and--God-den, good To supper; to our house. Tut, you saw her fair, fellow. none else being by, awhile, ROMEO Herself poised with We must talk in secret:-- Whose house? herself in either eye: nurse, come back again; Servant But in that crystal scales I have remember'd me, God gi' god-den. I pray, Servant let there be weigh'd thou's hear our counsel. sir, can you read? My master's. Your lady's love against Thou know'st my some other maid daughter's of a pretty ROMEO ROMEO That I will show you age. Ay, mine own fortune in Indeed, I should have shining at this feast, my misery. ask'd you that before. And she shall scant Nurse Servant Servant show well that now shows best. Faith, I can tell her age Perhaps you have Now I'll tell you without unto an hour. learned it without book: asking: my master is the LADY CAPULET but, I great rich Capulet; and ROMEO pray, can you read any if you be not of the I'll go along, no such She's not fourteen. thing you see? house sight to be shown, Nurse of Montagues, I pray, But to rejoice in I'll lay fourteen of my come and crush a cup of splendor of mine own. ROMEO wine. teeth,-- Ay, if I know the letters Rest you merry! And yet, to my teeth be and the language. Exeunt it spoken, I have but four-- Act 1, Scene 3 Servant Exit She is not fourteen. Ye say honestly: rest BENVOLIO A room in Capulet's house. How long is it now you merry! To Lammas-tide? At this same ancient Enter LADY CAPULET ROMEO feast of Capulet's and Nurse Stay, fellow; I can read. Sups the fair Rosaline LADY CAPULET LADY CAPULET whom thou so lovest, Reads Nurse, where's my A fortnight and odd With all the admired days. beauties of Verona: daughter? call her forth 'Signior Martino and his to me. wife and daughters; Go thither; and, with Nurse County Anselme and his unattainted eye, Nurse Even or odd, of all days Compare her face with beauteous sisters; the Now, by my in the year, some that I shall show, lady maidenhead, at twelve Come Lammas-eve at And I will make thee widow of Vitravio; year old, night shall she be think thy swan a crow. Signior Placentio and I bade her come. What, fourteen. his lovely Susan and she--God rest 199 all Christian souls!-- live a thousand years, It is an honour that I This precious book of Were of an age: well, I never should forget it: dream not of. love, this unbound Susan is with God; 'Wilt thou not, Jule?' Nurse lover, She was too good for quoth he; To beautify him, only me: but, as I said, And, pretty fool, it An honour! were not I lacks a cover: On Lammas-eve at stinted and said 'Ay.' thine only nurse, The fish lives in the sea, night shall she be I would say thou hadst and 'tis much pride fourteen; suck'd wisdom from thy For fair without the fair That shall she, marry; I LADY CAPULET teat. within to hide: remember it well. Enough of this; I pray That book in many's 'Tis since the earthquake eyes doth share the thee, hold thy peace. LADY CAPULET now eleven years; glory, Nurse And she was wean'd,--I Well, think of marriage That in gold clasps never shall forget it,-- Yes, madam: yet I now; younger than you, locks in the golden Of all the days of the cannot choose but Here in Verona, ladies story; year, upon that day: laugh, of esteem, So shall you share all For I had then laid To think it should leave Are made already that he doth possess, wormwood to my dug, crying and say 'Ay.' mothers: by my count, By having him, making Sitting in the sun under And yet, I warrant, it I was your mother much yourself no less. the dove-house wall; had upon its brow upon these years My lord and you were A bump as big as a That you are now a then at Mantua:-- young cockerel's stone; maid. Thus then in Nurse Nay, I do bear a brain:-- A parlous knock; and it brief: No less! nay, bigger; but, as I said, cried bitterly: The valiant Paris seeks women grow by men. When it did taste the 'Yea,' quoth my you for his love. LADY CAPULET wormwood on the husband,'fall'st upon thy nipple face? Speak briefly, can you Nurse Of my dug and felt it Thou wilt fall backward like of Paris' love? bitter, pretty fool, when thou comest to A man, young lady! JULIET To see it tetchy and fall age; lady, such a man out with the dug! Wilt thou not, Jule?' it As all the world--why, I'll look to like, if Shake quoth the dove- stinted and said 'Ay.' he's a man of wax. looking liking move: house: 'twas no need, I But no more deep will I trow, endart mine eye JULIET To bid me trudge: LADY CAPULET Than your consent gives And since that time it is And stint thou too, I Verona's summer hath strength to make it fly. eleven years; pray thee, nurse, say I. not such a flower. For then she could stand Nurse Nurse Enter a Servant alone; nay, by the rood, She could have run and Peace, I have done. God Nay, he's a flower; in Servant waddled all about; mark thee to his grace! faith, a very flower. Madam, the guests are Thou wast the prettiest For even the day before, LADY CAPULET come, supper served up, she broke her brow: babe that e'er I nursed: you What say you? can you And then my husband-- An I might live to see called, my young lady love the gentleman? God be with his soul! thee married once, asked for, the nurse This night you shall A' was a merry man-- I have my wish. cursed in behold him at our feast; took up the child: the pantry, and every Read o'er the volume of 'Yea,' quoth he, 'dost thing in extremity. I LADY CAPULET young Paris' face, thou fall upon thy face? must And find delight writ Thou wilt fall backward Marry, that 'marry' is the hence to wait; I beseech there with beauty's pen; when thou hast more very theme you, follow straight. wit; I came to talk of. Tell Examine every married Wilt thou not, Jule?' me, daughter Juliet, lineament, and, by my holidame, How stands your And see how one LADY CAPULET another lends content The pretty wretch left disposition to be We follow thee. crying and said 'Ay.' married? And what obscured in To see, now, how a jest this fair volume lies Exit Servant shall come about! Find written in the JULIET I warrant, an I should margent of his eyes. 200 Juliet, the county stays. have a soul of lead him to his legs. Well, what was yours? So stakes me to the MERCUTIO ground I cannot move. Nurse ROMEO That dreamers often lie. Go, girl, seek happy A torch for me: let ROMEO nights to happy days. MERCUTIO wantons light of heart In bed asleep, while Exeunt You are a lover; borrow Tickle the senseless Cupid's wings, rushes with their heels, they do dream things Act 1, Scene 4 And soar with them For I am proverb'd with true. A street. above a common bound. a grandsire phrase; MERCUTIO I'll be a candle-holder, O, then, I see Queen Enter ROMEO, and look on. Mab hath been with MERCUTIO, ROMEO The game was ne'er so you. BENVOLIO, with five I am too sore enpierced fair, and I am done. She is the fairies' or six Maskers, Torch- with his shaft midwife, and she comes bearers, and others To soar with his light In shape no bigger than feathers, and so bound, MERCUTIO ROMEO an agate-stone I cannot bound a pitch Tut, dun's the mouse, What, shall this speech On the fore-finger of an above dull woe: the constable's own be spoke for our alderman, Under love's heavy word: excuse? Drawn with a team of burden do I sink. If thou art dun, we'll Or shall we on without a little atomies draw thee from the mire apology? Athwart men's noses as Of this sir-reverence they lie asleep; MERCUTIO love, wherein thou Her wagon-spokes made stick'st BENVOLIO And, to sink in it, of long spiders' legs, should you burden love; Up to the ears. Come, The date is out of such The cover of the wings Too great oppression for we burn daylight, ho! prolixity: of grasshoppers, a tender thing. We'll have no Cupid The traces of the hoodwink'd with a scarf, ROMEO smallest spider's web, Bearing a Tartar's The collars of the ROMEO Nay, that's not so. painted bow of lath, moonshine's watery Is love a tender thing? it Scaring the ladies like a MERCUTIO beams, is too rough, Her whip of cricket's crow-keeper; I mean, sir, in delay Too rude, too bone, the lash of film, Nor no without-book We waste our lights in boisterous, and it pricks Her wagoner a small prologue, faintly spoke vain, like lamps by day. like thorn. grey-coated gnat, After the prompter, for Take our good meaning, Not so big as a round our entrance: for our judgment sits little worm But let them measure us MERCUTIO Five times in that ere Prick'd from the lazy by what they will; once in our five wits. We'll measure them a If love be rough with finger of a maid; measure, and be gone. you, be rough with love; Her chariot is an empty Prick love for pricking, ROMEO hazel-nut and you beat love down. Made by the joiner And we mean well in ROMEO Give me a case to put squirrel or old grub, my visage in: going to this mask; Give me a torch: I am Time out o' mind the A visor for a visor! what But 'tis no wit to go. not for this ambling; fairies' coachmakers. care I Being but heavy, I will And in this state she What curious eye doth bear the light. MERCUTIO gallops night by night quote deformities? Through lovers' brains, Here are the beetle Why, may one ask? and then they dream of MERCUTIO brows shall blush for ROMEO love; me. O'er courtiers' knees, Nay, gentle Romeo, we I dream'd a dream to- must have you dance. night. that dream on court'sies BENVOLIO straight, ROMEO MERCUTIO O'er lawyers' fingers, Come, knock and enter; Not I, believe me: you And so did I. who straight dream on have dancing shoes and no sooner in, fees, With nimble soles: I But every man betake ROMEO O'er ladies ' lips, who 201 straight on kisses dream, Begot of nothing but scrape a trencher! dance? she that makes Which oft the angry vain fantasy, dainty, Mab with blisters Which is as thin of She, I'll swear, hath plagues, substance as the air Second Servant corns; am I come near Because their breaths And more inconstant When good manners ye now? with sweetmeats tainted than the wind, who shall lie all in one or Welcome, gentlemen! I are: wooes two men's have seen the day Sometime she gallops Even now the frozen hands and they That I have worn a visor o'er a courtier's nose, bosom of the north, unwashed too, 'tis a foul and could tell And then dreams he of And, being anger'd, thing. A whispering tale in a smelling out a suit; puffs away from thence, fair lady's ear, And sometime comes Turning his face to the Such as would please: she with a tithe-pig's tail dew-dropping south. First Servant 'tis gone, 'tis gone, 'tis Tickling a parson's nose Away with the joint- gone: as a' lies asleep, stools, remove the You are welcome, BENVOLIO Then dreams, he of court-cupboard, look to gentlemen! come, another benefice: This wind, you talk of, the plate. Good thou, musicians, play. Sometime she driveth blows us from save A hall, a hall! give o'er a soldier's neck, ourselves; me a piece of room! and foot it, girls. And then dreams he of Supper is done, and we marchpane; and, as thou cutting foreign throats, shall come too late. lovest me, let Music plays, and they Of breaches, the porter let in Susan dance ambuscadoes, Spanish Grindstone and Nell. blades, ROMEO Antony, and Potpan! More light, you knaves; Of healths five-fathom I fear, too early: for my and turn the tables up, deep; and then anon mind misgives And quench the fire, the Drums in his ear, at Some consequence yet Second Servant room is grown too hot. which he starts and hanging in the stars Ay, boy, ready. Ah, sirrah, this wakes, Shall bitterly begin his unlook'd-for sport First Servant And being thus frighted fearful date comes well. swears a prayer or two With this night's revels You are looked for and Nay, sit, nay, sit, good And sleeps again. This and expire the term called for, asked for and cousin Capulet; is that very Mab Of a despised life closed sought for, in the great For you and I are past That plats the manes of in my breast chamber. our dancing days: horses in the night, By some vile forfeit of How long is't now since And bakes the elflocks untimely death. last yourself and I Second Servant in foul sluttish hairs, But He, that hath the Were in a mask? Which once untangled, steerage of my course, We cannot be here and much misfortune bodes: Direct my sail! On, there too. Cheerly, boys; This is the hag, when lusty gentlemen. be Second Capulet maids lie on their backs, brisk awhile, and the By'r lady, thirty years. That presses them and longer liver take all. CAPULET learns them first to bear, BENVOLIO Making them women of Strike, drum. What, man! 'tis not so good carriage: Enter CAPULET, with much, 'tis not so much: This is she-- Exeunt JULIET and others of 'Tis since the nuptials of Act 1, Scene 5 his house, meeting the Lucentio, Guests and Maskers Come pentecost as ROMEO A hall in Capulet's house. CAPULET quickly as it will, Peace, peace, Mercutio, Musicians waiting. Some five and twenty Welcome, gentlemen! peace! Enter Servingmen with years; and then we ladies that have their Thou talk'st of nothing. napkins mask'd. toes First Servant Unplagued with corns MERCUTIO Where's Potpan, that he will have a bout with Second Capulet you. True, I talk of dreams, helps not to take away? 'Tis more, 'tis more, his Ah ha, my mistresses! Which are the children He son is elder, sir; which of you all of an idle brain, shift a trencher? he Will now deny to 202 His son is thirty. hold it not a sin. you? go to. Good pilgrim, you do You'll not endure him! wrong your hand too God shall mend my much, CAPULET CAPULET soul! Which mannerly Will you tell me that? Why, how now, You'll make a mutiny devotion shows in this; His son was but a ward kinsman! wherefore among my guests! For saints have hands two years ago. storm you so? You will set cock-a- that pilgrims' hands do hoop! you'll be the man! touch, TYBALT And palm to palm is ROMEO Uncle, this is a holy palmers' kiss. TYBALT [To a Servingman] Montague, our foe, What lady is that, which A villain that is hither Why, uncle, 'tis a ROMEO doth come in spite, shame. To scorn at our enrich the hand CAPULET Have not saints lips, and Of yonder knight? solemnity this night. holy palmers too? Go to, go to; You are a saucy boy: is't JULIET Servant CAPULET so, indeed? Ay, pilgrim, lips that I know not, sir. Young Romeo is it? This trick may chance to they must use in prayer. scathe you, I know TYBALT ROMEO ROMEO what: O, she doth teach the 'Tis he, that villain You must contrary me! O, then, dear saint, let torches to burn bright! Romeo. marry, 'tis time. lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, It seems she hangs upon CAPULET Well said, my hearts! the cheek of night You are a princox; go: lest faith turn to despair. Like a rich jewel in an Content thee, gentle Be quiet, or--More light, coz, let him alone; more light! For shame! Ethiope's ear; JULIET Beauty too rich for use, He bears him like a I'll make you quiet. for earth too dear! portly gentleman; What, cheerly, my Saints do not move, So shows a snowy dove And, to say truth, hearts! though grant for prayers' trooping with crows, Verona brags of him sake. As yonder lady o'er her To be a virtuous and TYBALT ROMEO fellows shows. well-govern'd youth: The measure done, I'll I would not for the Patience perforce with Then move not, while watch her place of wealth of all the town wilful choler meeting my prayer's effect I stand, Here in my house do Makes my flesh tremble take. And, touching hers, him disparagement: in their different Thus from my lips, by make blessed my rude Therefore be patient, greeting. yours, my sin is purged. hand. take no note of him: I will withdraw: but this It is my will, the which Did my heart love till intrusion shall JULIET now? forswear it, sight! if thou respect, Now seeming sweet For I ne'er saw true Show a fair presence convert to bitter gall. Then have my lips the beauty till this night. and put off these sin that they have took. frowns, ROMEO And ill-beseeming Exit TYBALT semblance for a feast. ROMEO Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! This, by his voice, [To JULIET] If I Give me my sin again. should be a Montague. TYBALT profane with my Fetch me my rapier, It fits, when such a unworthiest hand boy. What dares the This holy shrine, the JULIET slave villain is a guest: I'll not endure him. gentle fine is this: You kiss by the book. Come hither, cover'd My lips, two blushing with an antic face, pilgrims, ready stand Nurse To fleer and scorn at our CAPULET To smooth that rough Madam, your mother solemnity? touch with a tender kiss. craves a word with you. Now, by the stock and He shall be endured: honour of my kin, What, goodman boy! I ROMEO To strike him dead, I say, he shall: go to; JULIET Am I the master here, or What is her mother? 203 Nurse Nurse Chorus He is wise; Marry, bachelor, Marry, that, I think, be Now old desire doth in And, on my lie, hath Her mother is the lady young Petrucio. his death-bed lie, stol'n him home to bed. of the house, JULIET And young affection And a good lady, and a gapes to be his heir; BENVOLIO wise and virtuous What's he that follows That fair for which love I nursed her daughter, there, that would not groan'd for and would He ran this way, and that you talk'd withal; dance? die, leap'd this orchard wall: Call, good Mercutio. I tell you, he that can Nurse With tender Juliet lay hold of her match'd, is now not fair. I know not. Shall have the chinks. Now Romeo is beloved MERCUTIO JULIET and loves again, Alike betwitched by the Nay, I'll conjure too. ROMEO Go ask his name: if he charm of looks, Romeo! humours! be married. Is she a Capulet? But to his foe supposed madman! passion! My grave is like to be O dear account! my life he must complain, lover! my wedding bed. is my foe's debt. And she steal love's Appear thou in the sweet bait from fearful likeness of a sigh: Speak but one rhyme, Nurse hooks: BENVOLIO Being held a foe, he and I am satisfied; His name is Romeo, and Away, begone; the sport may not have access Cry but 'Ay me!' a Montague; is at the best. To breathe such vows as pronounce but 'love' and The only son of your lovers use to swear; 'dove;' ROMEO great enemy. And she as much in Speak to my gossip Ay, so I fear; the more love, her means much Venus one fair word, is my unrest. less One nick-name for her JULIET purblind son and heir, CAPULET To meet her new- My only love sprung beloved any where: Young Adam Cupid, he Nay, gentlemen, prepare from my only hate! But passion lends them that shot so trim, not to be gone; Too early seen power, time means, to When King Cophetua We have a trifling unknown, and known meet loved the beggar-maid! foolish banquet towards. too late! Tempering extremities He heareth not, he Is it e'en so? why, then, Prodigious birth of love with extreme sweet. stirreth not, he moveth I thank you all it is to me, not; I thank you, honest That I must love a The ape is dead, and I gentlemen; good night. loathed enemy. Exit must conjure him. More torches here! Act 2, Scene 1 I conjure thee by Come on then, let's to Rosaline's bright eyes, Nurse bed. A lane by the wall of By her high forehead Ah, sirrah, by my fay, it What's this? what's this? Capulet's orchard. and her scarlet lip, By her fine foot, straight waxes late: JULIET Enter ROMEO I'll to my rest. leg and quivering thigh A rhyme I learn'd even ROMEO And the demesnes that now Can I go forward when there adjacent lie, Exeunt all but JULIET Of one I danced withal. my heart is here? That in thy likeness thou and Nurse Turn back, dull earth, appear to us! and find thy centre out. JULIET One calls within 'Juliet.' Come hither, nurse. Nurse BENVOLIO What is yond He climbs the wall, and And if he hear thee, gentleman? Anon, anon! leaps down within it Come, let's away; the thou wilt anger him. Nurse strangers all are gone. Enter BENVOLIO and MERCUTIO MERCUTIO The son and heir of old This cannot anger him: Tiberio. BENVOLIO Exeunt 'twould anger him JULIET Romeo! my cousin To raise a spirit in his Prologue mistress' circle What's he that now is Romeo! Enter Chorus Of some strange nature, going out of door? MERCUTIO letting it there stand 204 Till she had laid it and But, soft! what light angel! for thou art Take all myself. conjured it down; through yonder window As glorious to this That were some spite: breaks? night, being o'er my my invocation It is the east, and Juliet head ROMEO Is fair and honest, and in is the sun. As is a winged I take thee at thy word: his mistress' name Arise, fair sun, and kill messenger of heaven Call me but love, and I'll I conjure only but to the envious moon, Unto the white-upturned be new baptized; raise up him. Who is already sick and wondering eyes Henceforth I never will pale with grief, Of mortals that fall back be Romeo. That thou her maid art to gaze on him BENVOLIO far more fair than she: When he bestrides the Come, he hath hid Be not her maid, since lazy-pacing clouds JULIET himself among these she is envious; And sails upon the What man art thou that trees, Her vestal livery is but bosom of the air. thus bescreen'd in night To be consorted with sick and green So stumblest on my the humorous night: And none but fools do counsel? Blind is his love and wear it; cast it off. JULIET best befits the dark. It is my lady, O, it is my O Romeo, Romeo! love! wherefore art thou ROMEO O, that she knew she Romeo? By a name MERCUTIO were! Deny thy father and I know not how to tell If love be blind, love She speaks yet she says refuse thy name; thee who I am: cannot hit the mark. nothing: what of that? Or, if thou wilt not, be My name, dear saint, is Now will he sit under a Her eye discourses; I but sworn my love, hateful to myself, medlar tree, will answer it. And I'll no longer be a Because it is an enemy And wish his mistress I am too bold, 'tis not to Capulet. to thee; were that kind of fruit me she speaks: Had I it written, I would As maids call medlars, Two of the fairest stars tear the word. when they laugh alone. in all the heaven, ROMEO Romeo, that she were, Having some business, [Aside] Shall I hear O, that she were do entreat her eyes more, or shall I speak at JULIET An open et caetera, thou To twinkle in their this? My ears have not yet spheres till they return. a poperin pear! JULIET drunk a hundred words Romeo, good night: I'll What if her eyes were Of that tongue's to my truckle-bed; there, they in her head? 'Tis but thy name that is utterance, yet I know This field-bed is too The brightness of her my enemy; the sound: cold for me to sleep: cheek would shame Thou art thyself, though Art thou not Romeo and Come, shall we go? those stars, not a Montague. a Montague? As daylight doth a lamp; What's Montague? it is her eyes in heaven nor hand, nor foot, BENVOLIO Would through the airy Nor arm, nor face, nor ROMEO Go, then; for 'tis in vain region stream so bright any other part Neither, fair saint, if To seek him here that That birds would sing Belonging to a man. O, either thee dislike. means not to be found. and think it were not be some other name! night. What's in a name? that JULIET See, how she leans her which we call a rose How camest thou hither, Exeunt cheek upon her hand! By any other name tell me, and wherefore? Act 2, Scene 2 O, that I were a glove would smell as sweet; The orchard walls are upon that hand, So Romeo would, were high and hard to climb, Capulet's orchard. That I might touch that he not Romeo call'd, And the place death, Enter ROMEO cheek! Retain that dear considering who thou perfection which he ROMEO art, owes If any of my kinsmen JULIET He jests at scars that Without that title. find thee here. never felt a wound. Ay me! Romeo, doff thy name, And for that name JULIET appears above ROMEO ROMEO at a window which is no part of thee She speaks: O, speak again, bright 205 With love's light wings such merchandise. That tips with silver all What satisfaction canst did I o'er-perch these these fruit-tree tops-- thou have to-night? walls; ROMEO For stony limits cannot JULIET hold love out, Thou know'st the mask JULIET The exchange of thy And what love can do of night is on my face, O, swear not by the love's faithful vow for that dares love attempt; Else would a maiden moon, the inconstant mine. Therefore thy kinsmen blush bepaint my cheek moon, JULIET are no let to me. For that which thou hast That monthly changes heard me speak to-night in her circled orb, I gave thee mine before Fain would I dwell on Lest that thy love prove thou didst request it: JULIET form, fain, fain deny likewise variable. And yet I would it were If they do see thee, they What I have spoke: but to give again. will murder thee. farewell compliment! ROMEO ROMEO Dost thou love me? I ROMEO know thou wilt say 'Ay,' What shall I swear by? Alack, there lies more And I will take thy Wouldst thou withdraw JULIET peril in thine eye word: yet if thou it? for what purpose, Than twenty of their swear'st, Do not swear at all; love? swords: look thou but Thou mayst prove false; Or, if thou wilt, swear JULIET sweet, at lovers' perjuries by thy gracious self, And I am proof against Then say, Jove laughs. Which is the god of my But to be frank, and their enmity. O gentle Romeo, idolatry, give it thee again. If thou dost love, And I'll believe thee. And yet I wish but for pronounce it faithfully: the thing I have: JULIET Or if thou think'st I am My bounty is as ROMEO I would not for the too quickly won, boundless as the sea, world they saw thee I'll frown and be If my heart's dear love-- My love as deep; the here. perverse an say thee more I give to thee, JULIET The more I have, for ROMEO nay, So thou wilt woo; but Well, do not swear: both are infinite. I have night's cloak to else, not for the world. although I joy in thee, hide me from their In truth, fair Montague, I have no joy of this Nurse calls within sight; I am too fond, contract to-night: And but thou love me, And therefore thou It is too rash, too I hear some noise let them find me here: mayst think my 'havior unadvised, too sudden; within; dear love, adieu! My life were better light: Too like the lightning, Anon, good nurse! ended by their hate, But trust me, gentleman, which doth cease to be Sweet Montague, be Than death prorogued, I'll prove more true Ere one can say 'It true. wanting of thy love. Than those that have lightens.' Sweet, good Stay but a little, I will more cunning to be night! come again. This bud of love, by JULIET strange. I should have been more summer's ripening Exit, above By whose direction strange, I must confess, breath, found'st thou out this But that thou May prove a beauteous ROMEO place? overheard'st, ere I was flower when next we O blessed, blessed ROMEO ware, meet. night! I am afeard. My true love's passion: Good night, good night! Being in night, all this is By love, who first did therefore pardon me, as sweet repose and rest but a dream, prompt me to inquire; And not impute this Come to thy heart as Too flattering-sweet to He lent me counsel and yielding to light love, that within my breast! be substantial. I lent him eyes. Which the dark night I am no pilot; yet, wert hath so discovered. thou as far ROMEO Re-enter JULIET, above As that vast shore O, wilt thou leave me so JULIET wash'd with the farthest ROMEO unsatisfied? sea, Three words, dear Lady, by yonder blessed JULIET I would adventure for moon I swear Romeo, and good night indeed. 206 If that thy bent of love Hist! Romeo, hist! O, And I'll still stay, to The grey-eyed morn be honourable, for a falconer's voice, have thee still forget, smiles on the frowning Thy purpose marriage, To lure this tassel-gentle Forgetting any other night, send me word to- back again! home but this. Chequering the eastern morrow, Bondage is hoarse, and clouds with streaks of By one that I'll procure may not speak aloud; light, to come to thee, Else would I tear the JULIET And flecked darkness Where and what time cave where Echo lies, 'Tis almost morning; I like a drunkard reels thou wilt perform the And make her airy would have thee gone: From forth day's path rite; tongue more hoarse than And yet no further than and Titan's fiery wheels: And all my fortunes at mine, a wanton's bird; Now, ere the sun thy foot I'll lay With repetition of my Who lets it hop a little advance his burning And follow thee my lord Romeo's name. from her hand, eye, throughout the world. Like a poor prisoner in The day to cheer and his twisted gyves, night's dank dew to dry, ROMEO And with a silk thread I must up-fill this osier Nurse It is my soul that calls plucks it back again, cage of ours [Within] Madam! upon my name: So loving-jealous of his With baleful weeds and precious-juiced flowers. JULIET How silver-sweet sound liberty. lovers' tongues by night, The earth that's nature's I come, anon.--But if Like softest music to mother is her tomb; thou mean'st not well, attending ears! ROMEO What is her burying I do beseech thee-- I would I were thy bird. grave that is her womb, And from her womb JULIET JULIET children of divers kind Nurse Romeo! Sweet, so would I: We sucking on her [Within] Madam! Yet I should kill thee natural bosom find, ROMEO JULIET with much cherishing. Many for many virtues My dear? Good night, good night! excellent, By and by, I come:-- JULIET parting is such None but for some and To cease thy suit, and sweet sorrow, yet all different. leave me to my grief: At what o'clock to- That I shall say good O, mickle is the To-morrow will I send. morrow night till it be morrow. powerful grace that lies Shall I send to thee? In herbs, plants, stones, and their true qualities: ROMEO Exit above For nought so vile that ROMEO So thrive my soul-- ROMEO on the earth doth live At the hour of nine. But to the earth some JULIET Sleep dwell upon thine special good doth give, JULIET eyes, peace in thy A thousand times good Nor aught so good but breast! night! I will not fail: 'tis twenty strain'd from that fair Would I were sleep and years till then. use Exit, above peace, so sweet to rest! I have forgot why I did Revolts from true birth, Hence will I to my ROMEO call thee back. stumbling on abuse: ghostly father's cell, Virtue itself turns vice, A thousand times the His help to crave, and being misapplied; worse, to want thy light. ROMEO my dear hap to tell. Love goes toward love, And vice sometimes by as schoolboys from Let me stand here till action dignified. their books, thou remember it. Exit Within the infant rind of But love from love, this small flower JULIET Act 2, Scene 3 toward school with Poison hath residence heavy looks. I shall forget, to have Friar Laurence's cell. and medicine power: thee still stand there, Enter FRIAR For this, being smelt, Remembering how I with that part cheers Retiring love thy company. LAURENCE, with a basket each part; Re-enter JULIET, above Being tasted, slays all FRIAR LAURENCE ROMEO senses with the heart. JULIET Two such opposed kings encamp them still 207 In man as well as herbs, That's my good son: but Hath wash'd thy sallow me, grace and rude will; where hast thou been, cheeks for Rosaline! In one respect I'll thy And where the worser is then? How much salt water assistant be; predominant, ROMEO thrown away in waste, For this alliance may so Full soon the canker To season love, that of it happy prove, death eats up that plant. I'll tell thee, ere thou ask doth not taste! To turn your it me again. The sun not yet thy households' rancour to I have been feasting sighs from heaven pure love. Enter ROMEO with mine enemy, clears, ROMEO Where on a sudden one Thy old groans ring yet hath wounded me, in my ancient ears; ROMEO Good morrow, father. That's by me wounded: Lo, here upon thy cheek O, let us hence; I stand FRIAR LAURENCE both our remedies the stain doth sit on sudden haste. Within thy help and Benedicite! Of an old tear that is not holy physic lies: FRIAR LAURENCE What early tongue so wash'd off yet: I bear no hatred, blessed sweet saluteth me? If e'er thou wast thyself Wisely and slow; they man, for, lo, Young son, it argues a and these woes thine, stumble that run fast. My intercession distemper'd head Thou and these woes Exeunt likewise steads my foe. were all for Rosaline: So soon to bid good Act 2, Scene 4 morrow to thy bed: And art thou changed? pronounce this sentence Care keeps his watch in FRIAR LAURENCE A street. every old man's eye, then, Be plain, good son, and Women may fall, when Enter BENVOLIO and And where care lodges, MERCUTIO sleep will never lie; homely in thy drift; there's no strength in But where unbruised Riddling confession men. MERCUTIO finds but riddling shrift. youth with unstuff'd Where the devil should brain ROMEO this Romeo be? Doth couch his limbs, ROMEO Came he not home to- Thou chid'st me oft for there golden sleep doth night? reign: Then plainly know my loving Rosaline. heart's dear love is set Therefore thy earliness FRIAR LAURENCE doth me assure On the fair daughter of BENVOLIO Thou art up-roused by rich Capulet: For doting, not for As mine on hers, so hers loving, pupil mine. Not to his father's; I some distemperature; spoke with his man. Or if not so, then here I is set on mine; ROMEO hit it right, And all combined, save MERCUTIO what thou must combine And bad'st me bury Our Romeo hath not Ah, that same pale hard- By holy marriage: when love. been in bed to-night. hearted wench, that and where and how FRIAR LAURENCE Rosaline. We met, we woo'd and Torments him so, that ROMEO made exchange of vow, Not in a grave, he will sure run mad. I'll tell thee as we pass; To lay one in, another That last is true; the out to have. sweeter rest was mine. but this I pray, That thou consent to BENVOLIO FRIAR LAURENCE marry us to-day. ROMEO Tybalt, the kinsman of God pardon sin! wast I pray thee, chide not; old Capulet, thou with Rosaline? FRIAR LAURENCE she whom I love now Hath sent a letter to his father's house. ROMEO Holy Saint Francis, Doth grace for grace With Rosaline, my what a change is here! and love for love allow; ghostly father? no; Is Rosaline, whom thou The other did not so. MERCUTIO didst love so dear, I have forgot that name, A challenge, on my life. and that name's woe. So soon forsaken? FRIAR LAURENCE young men's love then BENVOLIO O, she knew well lies Romeo will answer it. FRIAR LAURENCE Not truly in their hearts, Thy love did read by but in their eyes. rote and could not spell. MERCUTIO Jesu Maria, what a deal But come, young of brine waverer, come, go with 208 Any man that can write The pox of such antic, Good morrow to you sole singular. may answer a letter. lisping, affecting both. What counterfeit fantasticoes; these new did I give you? BENVOLIO ROMEO tuners of accents! 'By MERCUTIO Nay, he will answer the Jesu, O single-soled jest, letter's master, how he a very good blade! a The ship, sir, the slip; solely singular for the dares, being dared. very tall man! a very can you not conceive? singleness. good ROMEO whore!' Why, is not this MERCUTIO a lamentable thing, Pardon, good Mercutio, MERCUTIO Alas poor Romeo! he is grandsire, that we my business was great; Come between us, good already dead; stabbed should be thus afflicted and in Benvolio; my wits faint. with a with such a case as mine a ROMEO white wench's black these strange flies, these man may strain eye; shot through the ear fashion-mongers, these courtesy. Switch and spurs, with a perdona-mi's, who stand switch and spurs; or I'll love-song; the very pin so much on the new MERCUTIO cry a match. of his heart cleft with form, MERCUTIO the that they cannot at ease That's as much as to blind bow-boy's butt- on the old bench? O, say, such a case as yours Nay, if thy wits run the shaft: and is he a man to their constrains a man to bow wild-goose chase, I have encounter Tybalt? bones, their bones! in the hams. done, for thou hast more of the wild-goose in one of BENVOLIO Enter ROMEO ROMEO thy wits than, I am sure, Why, what is Tybalt? BENVOLIO Meaning, to court'sy. I have in my whole five: MERCUTIO was I with you there for MERCUTIO Here comes Romeo, the goose? More than prince of here comes Romeo. Thou hast most kindly cats, I can tell you. O, MERCUTIO hit it. he is ROMEO Without his roe, like a ROMEO the courageous captain Thou wast never with dried herring: flesh, of compliments. He A most courteous me for any thing when flesh, fights as exposition. thou wast how art thou fishified! you sing prick-song, not there for the goose. Now is he for the MERCUTIO keeps time, distance, numbers and Nay, I am the very pink that Petrarch flowed in: proportion; rests me his of courtesy. MERCUTIO Laura to his lady was minim rest, one, two, ROMEO but a I will bite thee by the and kitchen-wench; marry, Pink for flower. ear for that jest. the third in your bosom: she had a better love to the very butcher of a MERCUTIO be-rhyme her; Dido a silk dowdy; Cleopatra a Right. button, a duellist, a gipsy; ROMEO duellist; a gentleman of ROMEO Helen and Hero hildings the Nay, good goose, bite and harlots; Thisbe a Why, then is my pump very first house, of the not. grey well flowered. first and second cause: eye or so, but not to the MERCUTIO ah, the immortal MERCUTIO purpose. Signior passado! the punto Well said: follow me Thy wit is a very bitter Romeo, bon jour! reverso! the this jest now till thou sweeting; it is a most there's a French hai! hast sharp sauce. salutation worn out thy pump, that to your French slop. when the single sole of You gave us the ROMEO BENVOLIO it counterfeit The what? is worn, the jest may And is it not well served fairly last night. in to a sweet goose? MERCUTIO remain after the wearing MERCUTIO ROMEO 209 O here's a wit of Enter Nurse and can any of you tell me spent. cheveril, that stretches PETER where I Romeo, will you come from an MERCUTIO may find the young to your father's? we'll inch narrow to an ell Romeo? to dinner, thither. broad! A sail, a sail! BENVOLIO ROMEO ROMEO ROMEO Two, two; a shirt and a I can tell you; but young I will follow you. smock. I stretch it out for that Romeo will be older MERCUTIO word 'broad;' which Nurse when added you have found him Farewell, ancient lady; Peter! to the goose, proves than he was when you farewell, thee far and wide a PETER sought him: Singing broad goose. Anon! I am the youngest of that name, for fault of a 'lady, lady, lady.' Nurse worse. MERCUTIO My fan, Peter. Exeunt MERCUTIO Why, is not this better and BENVOLIO now than groaning for MERCUTIO Nurse love? Good Peter, to hide her You say well. Nurse now art thou sociable, face; for her fan's the MERCUTIO Marry, farewell! I pray now art thou Romeo; fairer face. you, sir, what saucy now art Yea, is the worst well? merchant was this, that thou what thou art, by very well took, i' faith; was so full of his Nurse art as well as by nature: wisely, wisely. ropery? for this drivelling love is God ye good morrow, like a great natural, gentlemen. Nurse that runs lolling up and ROMEO MERCUTIO down to hide his bauble if you be he, sir, I desire A gentleman, nurse, that in a hole. God ye good den, fair some confidence with loves to hear himself gentlewoman. you. talk, BENVOLIO Nurse and will speak more in a BENVOLIO minute than he will Stop there, stop there. Is it good den? stand She will indite him to MERCUTIO MERCUTIO to in a month. some supper. Thou desirest me to stop 'Tis no less, I tell you, MERCUTIO in my tale against the for the bawdy hand of Nurse the hair. A bawd, a bawd, a An a' speak any thing dial is now upon the bawd! so ho! against me, I'll take him BENVOLIO prick of noon. ROMEO down, an a' were lustier Thou wouldst else have than he is, and twenty made thy tale large. What hast thou found? Nurse such MERCUTIO MERCUTIO Jacks; and if I cannot, Out upon you! what a I'll find those that shall. O, thou art deceived; I man are you! No hare, sir; unless a would have made it hare, sir, in a lenten pie, Scurvy knave! I am short: ROMEO that is something stale none of his flirt-gills; I for I was come to the One, gentlewoman, that and hoar ere it be spent. am whole depth of my tale; God hath made for none of his skains- and himself to mates. And thou must Sings meant, indeed, to mar. stand by occupy the argument no An old hare hoar, too, and suffer every longer. And an old hare hoar, knave to use me at his Nurse Is very good meat in pleasure? By my troth, it is well lent ROMEO said; 'for himself to But a hare that is hoar PETER Here's goodly gear! mar,' Is too much for a score, quoth a'? Gentlemen, When it hoars ere it be 210 I saw no man use you a What wilt thou tell her, Nurse Ay, a thousand times. pleasure; if I had, my nurse? thou dost not Is your man secret? Did Exit Romeo weapon mark me. you ne'er hear say, Peter! should quickly have Nurse Two may keep counsel, been out, I warrant you: putting one away? I dare I will tell her, sir, that PETER draw as soon as another you do protest; which, man, if I see occasion in as ROMEO Anon! a I take it, is a I warrant thee, my man's Nurse good quarrel, and the gentlemanlike offer. as true as steel. law on my side. Peter, take my fan, and NURSE go before and apace. ROMEO Well, sir; my mistress is Exeunt Nurse Bid her devise the sweetest lady--Lord, Act 2, Scene 5 Now, afore God, I am Some means to come to Lord! when 'twas a little so vexed, that every part shrift this afternoon; prating thing:--O, there Capulet's orchard. about And there she shall at is a nobleman in town, Enter JULIET me quivers. Scurvy Friar Laurence' cell one Paris, that would knave! Pray you, sir, a Be shrived and married. fain JULIET Here is for thy pains. word: lay knife aboard; but The clock struck nine and as I told you, my she, good soul, had as when I did send the young lady bade me Nurse lief nurse; inquire you see a toad, a very toad, In half an hour she out; what she bade me No truly sir; not a as see him. I anger her promised to return. say, I will keep to penny. sometimes and tell her Perchance she cannot myself: ROMEO that Paris is the properer meet him: that's not so. but first let me tell ye, if man; but, I'll warrant O, she is lame! love's Go to; I say you shall. ye should lead her into you, when I say so, she heralds should be a fool's paradise, as they Nurse looks thoughts, say, it were a very gross as pale as any clout in Which ten times faster kind of behavior, as This afternoon, sir? well, she shall be there. the versal world. Doth glide than the sun's they say: for the not beams, gentlewoman ROMEO rosemary and Romeo Driving back shadows is young; and, therefore, And stay, good nurse, begin both with a letter? over louring hills: if you should deal behind the abbey wall: Therefore do nimble- double Within this hour my pinion'd doves draw with her, truly it were an ROMEO man shall be with thee love, ill thing to be offered And bring thee cords Ay, nurse; what of that? And therefore hath the to any gentlewoman, made like a tackled both with an R. wind-swift Cupid and very weak dealing. wings. stair; Nurse Which to the high top- Now is the sun upon the ROMEO gallant of my joy Ah. mocker! that's the highmost hill Must be my convoy in dog's name; R is for Of this day's journey, Nurse, commend me to the secret night. the--No; I know it and from nine till twelve thy lady and mistress. I Farewell; be trusty, and begins with some other Is three long hours, yet protest unto thee-- I'll quit thy pains: letter:--and she hath the she is not come. Farewell; commend me prettiest sententious of Had she affections and it, of you and rosemary, Nurse to thy mistress. warm youthful blood, that it would do you She would be as swift in Good heart, and, i' faith, good motion as a ball; I will tell her as much: Nurse to hear it. My words would bandy Lord, Lord, she will be Now God in heaven her to my sweet love, a joyful woman. And his to me: bless thee! Hark you, ROMEO sir. But old folks, many Commend me to thy ROMEO feign as they were dead; ROMEO lady. Unwieldy, slow, heavy What say'st thou, my Nurse and pale as lead. dear nurse? 211 O God, she comes! Is longer than the tale my love? soon when it is dark: thou dost excuse. I am the drudge and toil Is thy news good, or in your delight, Enter Nurse and bad? answer to that; Nurse But you shall bear the PETER Say either, and I'll stay Your love says, like an burden soon at night. O honey nurse, what the circumstance: honest gentleman, and a Go; I'll to dinner: hie news? Let me be satisfied, is't courteous, and a kind, you to the cell. Hast thou met with him? good or bad? and a handsome, and, I Send thy man away. warrant, a virtuous,-- Where is your mother? JULIET Nurse Hie to high fortune! Nurse Well, you have made a Honest nurse, farewell. JULIET Peter, stay at the gate. simple choice; you Exeunt know not Exit PETER Where is my mother! how to choose a man: why, she is within; Act 2, Scene 6 JULIET Romeo! no, not he; Where should she be? Friar Laurence's cell. though his How oddly thou Now, good sweet Enter FRIAR nurse,--O Lord, why face be better than any repliest! man's, yet his leg excels 'Your love says, like an LAURENCE and look'st thou sad? ROMEO Though news be sad, all men's; and for a honest gentleman, yet tell them merrily; hand, and a foot, and a Where is your mother?' FRIAR LAURENCE body, If good, thou shamest So smile the heavens the music of sweet news though they be not to be talked on, yet they are Nurse upon this holy act, By playing it to me with That after hours with past compare: he is not O God's lady dear! so sour a face. sorrow chide us not! the flower of courtesy, Are you so hot? marry, but, I'll warrant him, as come up, I trow; Nurse gentle as a lamb. Go thy Is this the poultice for ROMEO ways, wench; serve my aching bones? I am a-weary, give me Amen, amen! but come God. What, have you Henceforward do your leave awhile: what sorrow can, dined at home? messages yourself. Fie, how my bones It cannot countervail the ache! what a jaunt have exchange of joy I had! JULIET JULIET That one short minute gives me in her sight: No, no: but all this did I Here's such a coil! Do thou but close our JULIET know before. come, what says hands with holy words, I would thou hadst my What says he of our Romeo? marriage? what of that? Then love-devouring bones, and I thy news: Nurse death do what he dare; Nay, come, I pray thee, Nurse It is enough I may but speak; good, good Have you got leave to Lord, how my head call her mine. nurse, speak. go to shrift to-day? aches! what a head have JULIET I! FRIAR LAURENCE Nurse It beats as it would fall I have. These violent delights in twenty pieces. Nurse Jesu, what haste? can My back o' t' other have violent ends you not stay awhile? side,--O, my back, my Then hie you hence to And in their triumph Do you not see that I am back! Friar Laurence' cell; die, like fire and out of breath? Beshrew your heart for There stays a husband to powder, sending me about, make you a wife: Which as they kiss consume: the sweetest JULIET To catch my death with Now comes the wanton jaunting up and down! blood up in your cheeks, honey How art thou out of They'll be in scarlet Is loathsome in his own breath, when thou hast JULIET straight at any news. deliciousness breath I' faith, I am sorry that Hie you to church; I And in the taste To say to me that thou thou art not well. must another way, confounds the appetite: art out of breath? Sweet, sweet, sweet To fetch a ladder, by the Therefore love The excuse that thou nurse, tell me, what says which your love moderately; long love dost make in this delay Must climb a bird's nest doth so; 212 Too swift arrives as Come, come with me, BENVOLIO The fee-simple! O tardy as too slow. and we will make short And what to? simple! work; BENVOLIO For, by your leaves, you MERCUTIO Enter JULIET shall not stay alone Nay, an there were two By my head, here come Here comes the lady: O, Till holy church such, we should have the Capulets. so light a foot incorporate two in one. none MERCUTIO Will ne'er wear out the shortly, for one would everlasting flint: By my heel, I care not. Exeunt kill the other. Thou! A lover may bestride the why, Enter TYBALT and gossamer Act 3, Scene 1 thou wilt quarrel with a others That idles in the wanton A public place. man that hath a hair TYBALT summer air, more, And yet not fall; so light Enter MERCUTIO, or a hair less, in his Follow me close, for I is vanity. BENVOLIO, Page, and beard, than thou hast: will speak to them. Servants thou Gentlemen, good den: a word with one of you. JULIET BENVOLIO wilt quarrel with a man for cracking nuts, I pray thee, good Good even to my having no Mercutio, let's retire: MERCUTIO ghostly confessor. other reason but because The day is hot, the thou hast hazel eyes: And but one word with FRIAR LAURENCE Capulets abroad, what one of us? couple it with And, if we meet, we Romeo shall thank thee, eye but such an eye something; make it a shall not scape a brawl; daughter, for us both. would spy out such a word and a blow. For now, these hot days, quarrel? JULIET is the mad blood Thy head is as fun of As much to him, else is stirring. TYBALT quarrels as an egg is full his thanks too much. of You shall find me apt ROMEO MERCUTIO meat, and yet thy head enough to that, sir, an hath been beaten as you Ah, Juliet, if the Thou art like one of addle as will give me occasion. measure of thy joy those fellows that when an egg for quarrelling: Be heap'd like mine and he thou hast quarrelled that thy skill be more enters the confines of a MERCUTIO with a To blazon it, then tavern claps me his man for coughing in the Could you not take sweeten with thy breath sword street, because he hath some occasion without This neighbour air, and upon the table and says wakened thy dog that giving? let rich music's tongue 'God send me no need hath lain asleep in the Unfold the imagined of TYBALT sun: happiness that both thee!' and by the didst thou not fall out Mercutio, thou Receive in either by this operation of the second with a tailor for wearing consort'st with Romeo,-- dear encounter. cup draws his new doublet before it on the drawer, when MERCUTIO Easter? with another, for indeed there is no need. JULIET tying his new shoes with Consort! what, dost thou old riband? and yet thou make us minstrels? an Conceit, more rich in wilt tutor me from thou make minstrels of matter than in words, BENVOLIO quarrelling! us, look to hear nothing Brags of his substance, Am I like such a fellow? but not of ornament: MERCUTIO discords: here's my They are but beggars BENVOLIO fiddlestick; here's that that can count their Come, come, thou art as shall worth; hot a Jack in thy mood An I were so apt to quarrel as thou art, any make you dance. But my true love is as 'Zounds, consort! grown to such excess any in Italy, and as soon man I cannot sum up sum of moved to be moody, should buy the fee- half my wealth. and as simple of my life for an BENVOLIO hour and a quarter. soon moody to be We talk here in the moved. FRIAR LAURENCE public haunt of men: MERCUTIO Either withdraw unto 213 some private place, I do protest, I never Draw, Benvolio; beat fights by the book of And reason coldly of injured thee, down their weapons. arithmetic! Why the your grievances, But love thee better than Gentlemen, for shame, devil came you between Or else depart; here all thou canst devise, forbear this outrage! us? I eyes gaze on us. Till thou shalt know the Tybalt, Mercutio, the was hurt under your reason of my love: prince expressly hath arm. And so, good Capulet,-- Forbidden bandying in MERCUTIO which name I tender Verona streets: Men's eyes were made As dearly as my own,-- Hold, Tybalt! good ROMEO to look, and let them be satisfied. Mercutio! I thought all for the best. gaze; MERCUTIO I will not budge for no man's pleasure, I. MERCUTIO TYBALT under Help me into some O calm, dishonourable, ROMEO's arm stabs house, Benvolio, vile submission! MERCUTIO, and flies Or I shall faint. A Enter ROMEO Alla stoccata carries it with his followers plague o' both your TYBALT away. MERCUTIO houses! They have made worms' Well, peace be with I am hurt. meat of me: I have it, you, sir: here comes my Draws A plague o' both your And soundly too: your man. houses! I am sped. houses! Tybalt, you rat-catcher, Is he gone, and hath MERCUTIO will you walk? nothing? But I'll be hanged, sir, if Exeunt MERCUTIO he wear your livery: TYBALT and BENVOLIO Marry, go before to BENVOLIO ROMEO field, he'll be your What wouldst thou have What, art thou hurt? follower; with me? This gentleman, the MERCUTIO Your worship in that MERCUTIO prince's near ally, sense may call him Ay, ay, a scratch, a My very friend, hath got 'man.' Good king of cats, scratch; marry, 'tis his mortal hurt nothing but one of your enough. In my behalf; my nine Where is my page? Go, reputation stain'd TYBALT lives; that I mean to villain, fetch a surgeon. With Tybalt's slander,-- Romeo, the hate I bear make bold withal, and Tybalt, that an hour thee can afford as you Hath been my kinsman! No better term than shall use me hereafter, Exit Page O sweet Juliet, this,--thou art a villain. drybeat the rest of the ROMEO Thy beauty hath made eight. Will you pluck me effeminate Courage, man; the hurt your sword out of his And in my temper cannot be much. ROMEO pitcher soften'd valour's steel! by the ears? make haste, Tybalt, the reason that I MERCUTIO lest mine be about your have to love thee ears ere it be out. No, 'tis not so deep as a Re-enter BENVOLIO Doth much excuse the well, nor so wide as a appertaining rage church-door; but 'tis BENVOLIO To such a greeting: TYBALT enough,'twill serve: ask O Romeo, Romeo, villain am I none; I am for you. for brave Mercutio's dead! Therefore farewell; I see me to-morrow, and you That gallant spirit hath thou know'st me not. Drawing shall find me a grave aspired the clouds, ROMEO man. I Which too untimely TYBALT am peppered, I warrant, here did scorn the earth. Gentle Mercutio, put thy for this world. A plague Boy, this shall not rapier up. o' excuse the injuries MERCUTIO both your houses! ROMEO That thou hast done me; 'Zounds, a dog, a rat, a Come, sir, your passado. This day's black fate on therefore turn and draw. mouse, a more days doth depend; They fight cat, to scratch a man to This but begins the woe, death! a braggart, a ROMEO ROMEO rogue, a villain, that 214 others must end. Exit ROMEO did slay; fought in this black Enter Citizens, &c Romeo that spoke him strife, fair, bade him bethink And all those twenty BENVOLIO First Citizen How nice the quarrel could but kill one life. Here comes the furious Which way ran he that was, and urged withal I beg for justice, which Tybalt back again. kill'd Mercutio? Your high displeasure: thou, prince, must give; all this uttered Romeo slew Tybalt, ROMEO Tybalt, that murderer, which way ran he? With gentle breath, calm Romeo must not live. Alive, in triumph! and look, knees humbly Mercutio slain! bow'd, Away to heaven, BENVOLIO Could not take truce PRINCE respective lenity, There lies that Tybalt. with the unruly spleen Romeo slew him, he And fire-eyed fury be Of Tybalt deaf to peace, slew Mercutio; my conduct now! First Citizen but that he tilts Who now the price of Up, sir, go with me; With piercing steel at his dear blood doth bold Mercutio's breast, owe? Re-enter TYBALT I charge thee in the princes name, obey. Who all as hot, turns Now, Tybalt, take the deadly point to point, villain back again, And, with a martial MONTAGUE That late thou gavest Enter Prince, attended; scorn, with one hand Not Romeo, prince, he me; for Mercutio's soul MONTAGUE, beats was Mercutio's friend; Is but a little way above CAPULET, their Wives, Cold death aside, and His fault concludes but our heads, and others with the other sends what the law should Staying for thine to keep PRINCE It back to Tybalt, whose end, him company: dexterity, The life of Tybalt. Either thou, or I, or Where are the vile Retorts it: Romeo he both, must go with him. beginners of this fray? cries aloud, BENVOLIO 'Hold, friends! friends, PRINCE part!' and, swifter than And for that offence TYBALT O noble prince, I can his tongue, discover all Immediately we do Thou, wretched boy, His agile arm beats The unlucky manage of exile him hence: that didst consort him down their fatal points, this fatal brawl: I have an interest in here, And 'twixt them rushes; There lies the man, slain your hate's proceeding, Shalt with him hence. underneath whose arm My blood for your rude by young Romeo, An envious thrust from That slew thy kinsman, brawls doth lie a- Tybalt hit the life bleeding; ROMEO brave Mercutio. Of stout Mercutio, and But I'll amerce you with This shall determine then Tybalt fled; so strong a fine that. LADY CAPULET But by and by comes That you shall all repent back to Romeo, the loss of mine: They fight; TYBALT Tybalt, my cousin! O Who had but newly I will be deaf to falls my brother's child! entertain'd revenge, pleading and excuses; O prince! O cousin! BENVOLIO And to 't they go like Nor tears nor prayers husband! O, the blood is lightning, for, ere I shall purchase out Romeo, away, be gone! spilt Could draw to part abuses: The citizens are up, and O my dear kinsman! them, was stout Tybalt Therefore use none: let Tybalt slain. Prince, as thou art true, slain. Romeo hence in haste, Stand not amazed: the For blood of ours, shed And, as he fell, did Else, when he's found, prince will doom thee blood of Montague. Romeo turn and fly. that hour is his last. death, O cousin, cousin! If thou art taken: hence, This is the truth, or let Bear hence this body be gone, away! Benvolio die. and attend our will: PRINCE Mercy but murders, pardoning those that Benvolio, who began LADY CAPULET ROMEO kill. this bloody fray? O, I am fortune's fool! He is a kinsman to the BENVOLIO Montague; BENVOLIO Affection makes him Exeunt Tybalt, here slain, false; he speaks not true: Why dost thou stay? whom Romeo's hand Some twenty of them 215 Act 3, Scene 2 the garish sun. Who ever would have JULIET Capulet's orchard. O, I have bought the thought it? Romeo! What storm is this that mansion of a love, blows so contrary? Enter JULIET But not possess'd it, and, JULIET Is Romeo slaughter'd, JULIET though I am sold, and is Tybalt dead? Not yet enjoy'd: so What devil art thou, that My dear-loved cousin, Gallop apace, you fiery- tedious is this day dost torment me thus? footed steeds, and my dearer lord? As is the night before This torture should be Then, dreadful trumpet, Towards Phoebus' some festival roar'd in dismal hell. lodging: such a wagoner sound the general To an impatient child Hath Romeo slain doom! As Phaethon would that hath new robes himself? say thou but 'I,' whip you to the west, For who is living, if And may not wear And that bare vowel 'I' those two are gone? And bring in cloudy them. O, here comes my shall poison more night immediately. nurse, Than the death-darting Spread thy close curtain, And she brings news; eye of cockatrice: Nurse love-performing night, and every tongue that I am not I, if there be Tybalt is gone, and That runaway's eyes speaks such an I; Romeo banished; may wink and Romeo But Romeo's name Or those eyes shut, that Romeo that kill'd him, Leap to these arms, speaks heavenly make thee answer 'I.' he is banished. untalk'd of and unseen. eloquence. If he be slain, say 'I'; or Lovers can see to do if not, no: their amorous rites Brief sounds determine JULIET By their own beauties; Enter Nurse, with cords of my weal or woe. O God! did Romeo's or, if love be blind, Now, nurse, what news? hand shed Tybalt's It best agrees with night. What hast thou there? blood? Come, civil night, the cords Nurse Thou sober-suited That Romeo bid thee I saw the wound, I saw Nurse matron, all in black, fetch? it with mine eyes,-- And learn me how to It did, it did; alas the God save the mark!-- day, it did! lose a winning match, here on his manly Play'd for a pair of Nurse breast: JULIET stainless maidenhoods: Ay, ay, the cords. A piteous corse, a O serpent heart, hid Hood my unmann'd bloody piteous corse; with a flowering face! blood, bating in my Throws them down Pale, pale as ashes, all Did ever dragon keep so cheeks, JULIET bedaub'd in blood, fair a cave? With thy black mantle; All in gore-blood; I Beautiful tyrant! fiend till strange love, grown Ay me! what news? swounded at the sight. angelical! bold, why dost thou wring thy Dove-feather'd raven! Think true love acted hands? wolvish-ravening lamb! simple modesty. JULIET Nurse Despised substance of Come, night; come, Ah, well-a-day! he's O, break, my heart! poor divinest show! Romeo; come, thou day dead, he's dead, he's bankrupt, break at once! Just opposite to what in night; dead! To prison, eyes, ne'er thou justly seem'st, For thou wilt lie upon We are undone, lady, look on liberty! A damned saint, an the wings of night we are undone! Vile earth, to earth honourable villain! Whiter than new snow Alack the day! he's resign; end motion here; O nature, what hadst on a raven's back. gone, he's kill'd, he's And thou and Romeo thou to do in hell, Come, gentle night, dead! press one heavy bier! When thou didst bower come, loving, black- the spirit of a fiend brow'd night, In moral paradise of Give me my Romeo; Nurse JULIET such sweet flesh? and, when he shall die, O Tybalt, Tybalt, the Was ever book Take him and cut him Can heaven be so best friend I had! containing such vile out in little stars, envious? O courteous Tybalt! matter And he will make the Nurse honest gentleman! So fairly bound? O that face of heaven so fine Romeo can, That ever I should live deceit should dwell That all the world will Though heaven cannot: to see thee dead! In such a gorgeous be in love with night O Romeo, Romeo! And pay no worship to 216 palace! slain; JULIET ROMEO And Tybalt's dead, that Wash they his wounds Father, what news? would have slain my Nurse with tears: mine shall be what is the prince's husband: spent, doom? There's no trust, All this is comfort; When theirs are dry, for What sorrow craves No faith, no honesty in wherefore weep I then? Romeo's banishment. acquaintance at my men; all perjured, Some word there was, Take up those cords: hand, All forsworn, all naught, worser than Tybalt's poor ropes, you are That I yet know not? all dissemblers. death, beguiled, Ah, where's my man? That murder'd me: I Both you and I; for give me some aqua would forget it fain; Romeo is exiled: FRIAR LAURENCE But, O, it presses to my vitae: He made you for a Too familiar memory, These griefs, these highway to my bed; Is my dear son with Like damned guilty woes, these sorrows But I, a maid, die such sour company: deeds to sinners' minds: make me old. maiden-widowed. I bring thee tidings of 'Tybalt is dead, and Shame come to Romeo! Come, cords, come, the prince's doom. Romeo--banished;' nurse; I'll to my That 'banished,' that one JULIET wedding-bed; word 'banished,' And death, not Romeo, ROMEO Hath slain ten thousand Blister'd be thy tongue take my maidenhead! What less than dooms- Tybalts. Tybalt's death For such a wish! he was day is the prince's Was woe enough, if it not born to shame: doom? Upon his brow shame is had ended there: Nurse Or, if sour woe delights FRIAR LAURENCE ashamed to sit; Hie to your chamber: I'll in fellowship For 'tis a throne where find Romeo A gentler judgment And needly will be honour may be crown'd To comfort you: I wot vanish'd from his lips, rank'd with other griefs, Sole monarch of the well where he is. Not body's death, but Why follow'd not, when universal earth. Hark ye, your Romeo body's banishment. she said 'Tybalt's dead,' O, what a beast was I to will be here at night: Thy father, or thy chide at him! I'll to him; he is hid at mother, nay, or both, ROMEO Laurence' cell. Which modern Ha, banishment! be Nurse lamentations might have merciful, say 'death;' moved? Will you speak well of JULIET For exile hath more But with a rear-ward him that kill'd your O, find him! give this terror in his look, following Tybalt's cousin? ring to my true knight, Much more than death: death, And bid him come to do not say 'banishment.' JULIET 'Romeo is banished,' to take his last farewell. Shall I speak ill of him speak that word, that is my husband? Is father, mother, FRIAR LAURENCE Ah, poor my lord, what Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet, Exeunt Hence from Verona art tongue shall smooth thy All slain, all dead. thou banished: name, 'Romeo is banished!' Act 3, Scene 3 Be patient, for the world When I, thy three-hours There is no end, no Friar Laurence's cell. is broad and wide. limit, measure, bound, wife, have mangled it? Enter FRIAR In that word's death; no But, wherefore, villain, LAURENCE didst thou kill my words can that woe ROMEO cousin? sound. FRIAR LAURENCE There is no world That villain cousin Where is my father, and Romeo, come forth; without Verona walls, would have kill'd my my mother, nurse? come forth, thou fearful But purgatory, torture, husband: man: hell itself. Back, foolish tears, back Affliction is enamour'd Hence-banished is to your native spring; Nurse of thy parts, banish'd from the world, Your tributary drops Weeping and wailing And thou art wedded to And world's exile is belong to woe, over Tybalt's corse: calamity. death: then banished, Which you, mistaking, Will you go to them? I Is death mis-term'd: offer up to joy. will bring you thither. calling death My husband lives, that Enter ROMEO banishment, Tybalt would have 217 Thou cutt'st my head off But 'banished' to kill Wert thou as young as I, Welcome, then. with a golden axe, me?--'banished'? Juliet thy love, Enter Nurse And smilest upon the O friar, the damned use An hour but married, stroke that murders me. that word in hell; Tybalt murdered, Nurse Howlings attend it: how Doting like me and like O holy friar, O, tell me, hast thou the heart, me banished, FRIAR LAURENCE holy friar, Being a divine, a Then mightst thou Where is my lady's lord, O deadly sin! O rude ghostly confessor, speak, then mightst thou where's Romeo? unthankfulness! A sin-absolver, and my tear thy hair, Thy fault our law calls friend profess'd, And fall upon the death; but the kind To mangle me with that ground, as I do now, FRIAR LAURENCE prince, word 'banished'? Taking the measure of There on the ground, Taking thy part, hath an unmade grave. with his own tears made rush'd aside the law, drunk. And turn'd that black FRIAR LAURENCE word death to Thou fond mad man, Knocking within Nurse banishment: hear me but speak a FRIAR LAURENCE O, he is even in my This is dear mercy, and word. Arise; one knocks; good mistress' case, thou seest it not. ROMEO Romeo, hide thyself. Just in her case! O woful sympathy! O, thou wilt speak again ROMEO Piteous predicament! ROMEO of banishment. Not I; unless the breath Even so lies she, 'Tis torture, and not FRIAR LAURENCE of heartsick groans, Blubbering and mercy: heaven is here, weeping, weeping and I'll give thee armour to Mist-like, infold me Where Juliet lives; and from the search of eyes. blubbering. every cat and dog keep off that word: Stand up, stand up; And little mouse, every Adversity's sweet milk, stand, and you be a unworthy thing, philosophy, Knocking man: To comfort thee, though Live here in heaven and FRIAR LAURENCE For Juliet's sake, for her may look on her; thou art banished. sake, rise and stand; But Romeo may not: Hark, how they knock! Why should you fall Who's there? Romeo, more validity, ROMEO into so deep an O? More honourable state, arise; more courtship lives Yet 'banished'? Hang up Thou wilt be taken. Stay In carrion-flies than philosophy! awhile! Stand up; ROMEO Romeo: they my seize Unless philosophy can Nurse! make a Juliet, On the white wonder of Knocking dear Juliet's hand Displant a town, reverse Nurse And steal immortal a prince's doom, Run to my study. By Ah sir! ah sir! Well, blessing from her lips, It helps not, it prevails and by! God's will, death's the end of all. Who even in pure and not: talk no more. What simpleness is this! ROMEO vestal modesty, I come, I come! Spakest thou of Juliet? Still blush, as thinking FRIAR LAURENCE how is it with her? their own kisses sin; Knocking But Romeo may not; he O, then I see that Doth she not think me is banished: madmen have no ears. Who knocks so hard? an old murderer, Flies may do this, but I ROMEO whence come you? Now I have stain'd the from this must fly: what's your will? childhood of our joy They are free men, but I How should they, when With blood removed but am banished. that wise men have no little from her own? Nurse And say'st thou yet that eyes? Where is she? and how exile is not death? FRIAR LAURENCE [Within] Let me come doth she? and what says Hadst thou no poison in, and you shall know My conceal'd lady to Let me dispute with thee mix'd, no sharp-ground my errand; our cancell'd love? of thy estate. knife, I come from Lady No sudden mean of ROMEO Juliet. Nurse death, though ne'er so Thou canst not speak of mean, that thou dost not feel: O, she says nothing, sir, FRIAR LAURENCE but weeps and weeps; 218 And now falls on her wit; pass to Mantua; from time to time bed; and then starts up, Which, like a usurer, Where thou shalt live, Every good hap to you And Tybalt calls; and abound'st in all, till we can find a time that chances here: then on Romeo cries, And usest none in that To blaze your marriage, Give me thy hand; 'tis And then down falls true use indeed reconcile your friends, late: farewell; good again. Which should bedeck Beg pardon of the night. thy shape, thy love, thy prince, and call thee wit: back ROMEO Thy noble shape is but a With twenty hundred ROMEO As if that name, form of wax, thousand times more joy But that a joy past joy Shot from the deadly Digressing from the Than thou went'st forth calls out on me, level of a gun, valour of a man; in lamentation. It were a grief, so brief Did murder her; as that Thy dear love sworn but Go before, nurse: to part with thee: name's cursed hand hollow perjury, commend me to thy Farewell. Murder'd her kinsman. Killing that love which lady; O, tell me, friar, tell me, thou hast vow'd to And bid her hasten all In what vile part of this cherish; the house to bed, Exeunt anatomy Thy wit, that ornament Which heavy sorrow Act 3, Scene 4 Doth my name lodge? to shape and love, makes them apt unto: A room in Capulet's house. tell me, that I may sack Misshapen in the Romeo is coming. The hateful mansion. conduct of them both, Enter CAPULET, LADY Like powder in a CAPULET, and PARIS Nurse skitless soldier's flask, CAPULET Drawing his sword Is set afire by thine own O Lord, I could have FRIAR LAURENCE ignorance, stay'd here all the night Things have fall'n out, And thou dismember'd To hear good counsel: sir, so unluckily, Hold thy desperate with thine own defence. O, what learning is! That we have had no hand: What, rouse thee, man! My lord, I'll tell my lady time to move our Art thou a man? thy thy Juliet is alive, you will come. daughter: form cries out thou art: For whose dear sake Look you, she loved her Thy tears are womanish; thou wast but lately kinsman Tybalt dearly, thy wild acts denote dead; ROMEO And so did I:--Well, we The unreasonable fury There art thou happy: were born to die. of a beast: Do so, and bid my sweet Tybalt would kill thee, 'Tis very late, she'll not Unseemly woman in a prepare to chide. But thou slew'st Tybalt; come down to-night: seeming man! Nurse there are thou happy I promise you, but for Or ill-beseeming beast too: Here, sir, a ring she bid your company, in seeming both! The law that threaten'd me give you, sir: I would have been a-bed Thou hast amazed me: death becomes thy Hie you, make haste, for an hour ago. by my holy order, friend it grows very late. I thought thy disposition And turns it to exile; better temper'd. PARIS there art thou happy: Hast thou slain Tybalt? A pack of blessings Exit These times of woe wilt thou slay thyself? lights up upon thy back; ROMEO afford no time to woo. And stay thy lady too Happiness courts thee in Madam, good night: that lives in thee, How well my comfort is her best array; commend me to your By doing damned hate revived by this! But, like a misbehaved daughter. upon thyself? and sullen wench, FRIAR LAURENCE Why rail'st thou on thy Thou pout'st upon thy birth, the heaven, and Go hence; good night; LADY CAPULET fortune and thy love: earth? and here stands all your Take heed, take heed, I will, and know her Since birth, and heaven, state: for such die miserable. mind early to-morrow; and earth, all three do Either be gone before Go, get thee to thy love, To-night she is mew'd meet the watch be set, as was decreed, up to her heaviness. In thee at once; which Or by the break of day Ascend her chamber, thou at once wouldst disguised from hence: hence and comfort her: lose. Sojourn in Mantua; I'll But look thou stay not CAPULET Fie, fie, thou shamest find out your man, till the watch be set, Sir Paris, I will make a thy shape, thy love, thy And he shall signify For then thou canst not desperate tender 219 Of my child's love: I Afore me! it is so very Let me be ta'en, let me Your lady mother is think she will be ruled very late, be put to death; coming to your In all respects by me; That we may call it I am content, so thou chamber: nay, more, I doubt it early by and by. wilt have it so. The day is broke; be not. Good night. I'll say yon grey is not wary, look about. Wife, go you to her ere the morning's eye, you go to bed; 'Tis but the pale reflex Acquaint her here of my Exeunt of Cynthia's brow; Exit son Paris' love; Act 3, Scene 5 Nor that is not the lark, JULIET And bid her, mark you whose notes do beat Capulet's orchard. Then, window, let day me, on Wednesday The vaulty heaven so in, and let life out. next-- Enter ROMEO and high above our heads: But, soft! what day is JULIET above, at the I have more care to stay ROMEO this? window than will to go: Farewell, farewell! one JULIET Come, death, and kiss, and I'll descend. welcome! Juliet wills it PARIS Wilt thou be gone? it is so. He goeth down Monday, my lord, not yet near day: How is't, my soul? let's JULIET It was the nightingale, talk; it is not day. CAPULET and not the lark, Art thou gone so? love, Monday! ha, ha! Well, That pierced the fearful lord, ay, husband, Wednesday is too soon, hollow of thine ear; JULIET friend! O' Thursday let it be: o' Nightly she sings on It is, it is: hie hence, be I must hear from thee Thursday, tell her, yon pomegranate-tree: gone, away! every day in the hour, She shall be married to Believe me, love, it was It is the lark that sings For in a minute there are this noble earl. the nightingale. so out of tune, many days: Will you be ready? do Straining harsh discords O, by this count I shall you like this haste? be much in years ROMEO and unpleasing sharps. We'll keep no great Some say the lark Ere I again behold my ado,--a friend or two; It was the lark, the makes sweet division; Romeo! For, hark you, Tybalt herald of the morn, This doth not so, for she being slain so late, No nightingale: look, divideth us: ROMEO It may be thought we love, what envious Some say the lark and held him carelessly, streaks loathed toad change Farewell! Being our kinsman, if Do lace the severing eyes, I will omit no we revel much: clouds in yonder east: O, now I would they opportunity Therefore we'll have Night's candles are had changed voices too! That may convey my some half a dozen burnt out, and jocund Since arm from arm that greetings, love, to thee. friends, day voice doth us affray, Stands tiptoe on the And there an end. But Hunting thee hence with JULIET what say you to misty mountain tops. hunt's-up to the day, Thursday? I must be gone and live, O, now be gone; more O think'st thou we shall or stay and die. light and light it grows. ever meet again? PARIS ROMEO JULIET My lord, I would that ROMEO I doubt it not; and all these woes shall serve Thursday were to- Yon light is not day- More light and light; For sweet discourses in morrow. light, I know it, I: more dark and dark our It is some meteor that our time to come. CAPULET woes! the sun exhales, Enter Nurse, to the Well get you gone: o' To be to thee this night JULIET Thursday be it, then. a torch-bearer, chamber Go you to Juliet ere you And light thee on thy Nurse O God, I have an ill- go to bed, way to Mantua: divining soul! Madam! Prepare her, wife, Therefore stay yet; thou Methinks I see thee, against this wedding- need'st not to be gone. JULIET now thou art below, As one dead in the day. Nurse? Farewell, my lord. Light bottom of a tomb: to my chamber, ho! ROMEO Nurse Either my eyesight fails, 220 or thou look'st pale. still some want of wit. We will have vengeance sudden day of joy, for it, fear thou not: That thou expect'st not Then weep no more. I'll nor I look'd not for. ROMEO JULIET send to one in Mantua, And trust me, love, in Yet let me weep for Where that same my eye so do you: such a feeling loss. banish'd runagate doth JULIET live, Dry sorrow drinks our LADY CAPULET Madam, in happy time, blood. Adieu, adieu! Shall give him such an what day is that? So shall you feel the unaccustom'd dram, LADY CAPULET loss, but not the friend That he shall soon keep Exit Which you weep for. Tybalt company: Marry, my child, early JULIET And then, I hope, thou next Thursday morn, wilt be satisfied. The gallant, young and O fortune, fortune! all JULIET noble gentleman, men call thee fickle: Feeling so the loss, The County Paris, at If thou art fickle, what Cannot choose but ever JULIET Saint Peter's Church, dost thou with him. weep the friend. Indeed, I never shall be Shall happily make thee That is renown'd for satisfied there a joyful bride. faith? Be fickle, fortune; With Romeo, till I For then, I hope, thou LADY CAPULET behold him--dead-- wilt not keep him long, JULIET Well, girl, thou weep'st Is my poor heart for a But send him back. not so much for his kinsman vex'd. Now, by Saint Peter's death, Madam, if you could Church and Peter too, LADY CAPULET As that the villain lives find out but a man He shall not make me which slaughter'd him. To bear a poison, I there a joyful bride. [Within] Ho, daughter! would temper it; I wonder at this haste; are you up? That Romeo should, that I must wed JULIET JULIET upon receipt thereof, Ere he, that should be husband, comes to woo. Who is't that calls? is it What villain madam? Soon sleep in quiet. O, how my heart abhors I pray you, tell my lord my lady mother? LADY CAPULET and father, madam, Is she not down so late, To hear him named, and That same villain, I will not marry yet; or up so early? cannot come to him. Romeo. and, when I do, I swear, What unaccustom'd To wreak the love I bore It shall be Romeo, cause procures her JULIET my cousin whom you know I hate, hither? Upon his body that [Aside] Villain and he slaughter'd him! Rather than Paris. These be many miles are news indeed! Enter LADY CAPULET asunder.-- God Pardon him! I do, LADY CAPULET LADY CAPULET LADY CAPULET with all my heart; Find thou the means, Why, how now, Juliet! And yet no man like he and I'll find such a man. Here comes your father; doth grieve my heart. JULIET But now I'll tell thee tell him so yourself, joyful tidings, girl. And see how he will Madam, I am not well. LADY CAPULET take it at your hands. LADY CAPULET That is, because the JULIET Evermore weeping for Enter CAPULET and traitor murderer lives. And joy comes well in your cousin's death? Nurse such a needy time: What, wilt thou wash JULIET What are they, I beseech CAPULET him from his grave with Ay, madam, from the your ladyship? tears? reach of these my When the sun sets, the An if thou couldst, thou hands: air doth drizzle dew; couldst not make him Would none but I might LADY CAPULET But for the sunset of my live; venge my cousin's brother's son Well, well, thou hast a Therefore, have done: death! It rains downright. careful father, child; some grief shows much How now! a conduit, One who, to put thee of love; girl? what, still in tears? from thy heaviness, But much of grief shows LADY CAPULET Evermore showering? In Hath sorted out a one little body 221 Thou counterfeit'st a not;' CAPULET you shall not house with bark, a sea, a wind; And yet 'not proud,' And why, my lady me: For still thy eyes, which mistress minion, you, wisdom? hold your Look to't, think on't, I I may call the sea, Thank me no thankings, tongue, do not use to jest. Do ebb and flow with nor, proud me no Good prudence; smatter Thursday is near; lay tears; the bark thy body prouds, with your gossips, go. hand on heart, advise: is, But fettle your fine An you be mine, I'll Sailing in this salt flood; joints 'gainst Thursday give you to my friend; the winds, thy sighs; next, Nurse And you be not, hang, Who, raging with thy To go with Paris to beg, starve, die in I speak no treason. tears, and they with Saint Peter's Church, the streets, them, Or I will drag thee on a CAPULET For, by my soul, I'll Without a sudden calm, hurdle thither. O, God ye god-den. ne'er acknowledge thee, will overset Out, you green-sickness Nor what is mine shall Thy tempest-tossed carrion! out, you Nurse never do thee good: body. How now, wife! baggage! May not one speak? Trust to't, bethink you; Have you deliver'd to You tallow-face! I'll not be forsworn. her our decree? CAPULET Peace, you mumbling LADY CAPULET Exit fool! LADY CAPULET Fie, fie! what, are you Utter your gravity o'er a JULIET Ay, sir; but she will mad? gossip's bowl; Is there no pity sitting in none, she gives you JULIET For here we need it not. the clouds, thanks. That sees into the I would the fool were Good father, I beseech you on my knees, LADY CAPULET bottom of my grief? married to her grave! O, sweet my mother, Hear me with patience You are too hot. but to speak a word. cast me not away! CAPULET CAPULET Delay this marriage for a month, a week; God's bread! it makes Soft! take me with you, CAPULET Or, if you do not, make me mad: take me with you, wife. the bridal bed Hang thee, young Day, night, hour, tide, How! will she none? In that dim monument baggage! disobedient time, work, play, doth she not give us where Tybalt lies. thanks? wretch! Alone, in company, still Is she not proud? doth I tell thee what: get thee my care hath been she not count her blest, to church o' Thursday, To have her match'd: LADY CAPULET Or never after look me and having now Unworthy as she is, that Talk not to me, for I'll in the face: provided we have wrought not speak a word: Speak not, reply not, do A gentleman of noble So worthy a gentleman Do as thou wilt, for I not answer me; parentage, to be her bridegroom? have done with thee. My fingers itch. Wife, Of fair demesnes, we scarce thought us youthful, and nobly JULIET blest train'd, Exit That God had lent us Stuff'd, as they say, with Not proud, you have; JULIET but thankful, that you but this only child; honourable parts, have: But now I see this one is Proportion'd as one's O God!--O nurse, how Proud can I never be of one too much, thought would wish a shall this be prevented? what I hate; And that we have a man; My husband is on earth, But thankful even for curse in having her: And then to have a my faith in heaven; hate, that is meant love. Out on her, hilding! wretched puling fool, How shall that faith A whining mammet, in return again to earth, her fortune's tender, Unless that husband CAPULET Nurse To answer 'I'll not wed; send it me from heaven How now, how now, God in heaven bless I cannot love, By leaving earth? chop-logic! What is her! I am too young; I pray comfort me, counsel this? You are to blame, my you, pardon me.' me. 'Proud,' and 'I thank lord, to rate her so. But, as you will not Alack, alack, that you,' and 'I thank you wed, I'll pardon you: heaven should practise Graze where you will stratagems 222 Upon so soft a subject am gone, Immoderately she PARIS as myself! Having displeased my weeps for Tybalt's Do not deny to him that What say'st thou? hast father, to Laurence' cell, death, you love me. thou not a word of joy? To make confession and And therefore have I Some comfort, nurse. to be absolved. little talk'd of love; JULIET For Venus smiles not in I will confess to you a house of tears. that I love him. Nurse Nurse Now, sir, her father Faith, here it is. Marry, I will; and this is counts it dangerous PARIS Romeo is banish'd; and wisely done. That she doth give her So will ye, I am sure, sorrow so much sway, all the world to nothing, Exit that you love me. That he dares ne'er And in his wisdom JULIET come back to challenge JULIET hastes our marriage, you; Ancient damnation! O To stop the inundation If I do so, it will be of Or, if he do, it needs most wicked fiend! of her tears; more price, must be by stealth. Is it more sin to wish me Which, too much Being spoke behind Then, since the case so thus forsworn, minded by herself alone, your back, than to your stands as now it doth, Or to dispraise my lord May be put from her by face. I think it best you with that same tongue society: married with the county. Now do you know the Which she hath praised PARIS O, he's a lovely him with above reason of this haste. gentleman! compare Poor soul, thy face is Romeo's a dishclout to So many thousand much abused with tears. him: an eagle, madam, FRIAR LAURENCE times? Go, counsellor; JULIET Hath not so green, so Thou and my bosom [Aside] I would I knew quick, so fair an eye henceforth shall be not why it should be The tears have got small As Paris hath. Beshrew twain. slow'd. victory by that; my very heart, I'll to the friar, to know Look, sir, here comes For it was bad enough I think you are happy in his remedy: the lady towards my before their spite. this second match, If all else fail, myself cell. For it excels your first: have power to die. PARIS or if it did not, Your first is dead; or Enter JULIET Thou wrong'st it, more 'twere as good he were, Exit PARIS than tears, with that As living here and you report. Act 4, Scene 1 Happily met, my lady no use of him. Friar Laurence's cell. and my wife! JULIET Enter FRIAR JULIET That is no slander, sir, JULIET which is a truth; LAURENCE and PARIS That may be, sir, when I And what I spake, I Speakest thou from thy may be a wife. heart? FRIAR LAURENCE spake it to my face. PARIS Nurse On Thursday, sir? the time is very short. That may be must be, PARIS And from my soul too; love, on Thursday next. Or else beshrew them PARIS Thy face is mine, and both. My father Capulet will JULIET thou hast slander'd it. have it so; What must be shall be. JULIET And I am nothing slow JULIET to slack his haste. FRIAR LAURENCE It may be so, for it is not Amen! That's a certain text. mine own. Are you at leisure, holy Nurse FRIAR LAURENCE PARIS father, now; What? You say you do not Come you to make Or shall I come to you confession to this at evening mass? JULIET know the lady's mind: Uneven is the course, I father? Well, thou hast like it not. JULIET comforted me FRIAR LAURENCE marvellous much. To answer that, I should My leisure serves me, Go in: and tell my lady I PARIS confess to you. pensive daughter, now. 223 My lord, we must Give me some present And hide me with a Thou shalt be borne to entreat the time alone. counsel, or, behold, dead man in his shroud; that same ancient vault 'Twixt my extremes and Things that, to hear Where all the kindred of me this bloody knife them told, have made the Capulets lie. PARIS Shall play the umpire, me tremble; In the mean time, God shield I should arbitrating that And I will do it without against thou shalt disturb devotion! Which the commission fear or doubt, awake, Juliet, on Thursday of thy years and art To live an unstain'd Shall Romeo by my early will I rouse ye: Could to no issue of true wife to my sweet love. letters know our drift, Till then, adieu; and honour bring. And hither shall he keep this holy kiss. Be not so long to speak; come: and he and I I long to die, FRIAR LAURENCE Will watch thy waking, If what thou speak'st Hold, then; go home, be and that very night Exit speak not of remedy. merry, give consent Shall Romeo bear thee JULIET To marry Paris: hence to Mantua. Wednesday is to- And this shall free thee O shut the door! and FRIAR LAURENCE morrow: from this present shame; when thou hast done so, Hold, daughter: I do spy To-morrow night look If no inconstant toy, nor Come weep with me; a kind of hope, that thou lie alone; womanish fear, past hope, past cure, Which craves as Let not thy nurse lie Abate thy valour in the past help! desperate an execution. with thee in thy acting it. As that is desperate chamber: FRIAR LAURENCE which we would Take thou this vial, prevent. being then in bed, JULIET Ah, Juliet, I already If, rather than to marry And this distilled liquor Give me, give me! O, know thy grief; County Paris, drink thou off; tell not me of fear! It strains me past the Thou hast the strength When presently through compass of my wits: FRIAR LAURENCE of will to slay thyself, all thy veins shall run I hear thou must, and Then is it likely thou A cold and drowsy Hold; get you gone, be nothing may prorogue wilt undertake humour, for no pulse strong and prosperous it, A thing like death to Shall keep his native In this resolve: I'll send On Thursday next be chide away this shame, progress, but surcease: a friar with speed married to this county. That copest with death No warmth, no breath, To Mantua, with my himself to scape from it: shall testify thou livest; letters to thy lord. JULIET And, if thou darest, I'll The roses in thy lips and give thee remedy. cheeks shall fade JULIET Tell me not, friar, that To paly ashes, thy eyes' thou hear'st of this, windows fall, Love give me strength! Unless thou tell me how JULIET Like death, when he and strength shall help I may prevent it: O, bid me leap, rather shuts up the day of life; afford. If, in thy wisdom, thou than marry Paris, Each part, deprived of Farewell, dear father! canst give no help, From off the supple government, Do thou but call my battlements of yonder Shall, stiff and stark and resolution wise, Exeunt tower; cold, appear like death: And with this knife I'll Or walk in thievish And in this borrow'd Act 4, Scene 2 help it presently. ways; or bid me lurk likeness of shrunk death God join'd my heart and Hall in Capulet's house. Where serpents are; Thou shalt continue two Romeo's, thou our chain me with roaring and forty hours, Enter CAPULET, LADY hands; bears; And then awake as from CAPULET, Nurse, and And ere this hand, by Or shut me nightly in a a pleasant sleep. two Servingmen thee to Romeo seal'd, charnel-house, Now, when the Shall be the label to CAPULET O'er-cover'd quite with bridegroom in the another deed, dead men's rattling morning comes So many guests invite as Or my true heart with bones, To rouse thee from thy here are writ. treacherous revolt With reeky shanks and bed, there art thou dead: Exit First Servant Turn to another, this yellow chapless skulls; Then, as the manner of shall slay them both: Sirrah, go hire me Or bid me go into a our country is, Therefore, out of thy twenty cunning cooks. new-made grave In thy best robes long-experienced time, uncover'd on the bier 224 Second Servant By holy Laurence to fall We shall be short in our So please you, let me You shall have none ill, prostrate here, provision: now be left alone, sir; for I'll try if they And beg your pardon: 'Tis now near night. And let the nurse this can lick their fingers. pardon, I beseech you! night sit up with you; Henceforward I am ever For, I am sure, you have ruled by you. CAPULET your hands full all, CAPULET Tush, I will stir about, In this so sudden And all things shall be business. How canst thou try them CAPULET so? well, I warrant thee, Send for the county; go wife: Second Servant tell him of this: Go thou to Juliet, help LADY CAPULET Marry, sir, 'tis an ill I'll have this knot knit to deck up her; Good night: cook that cannot lick his up to-morrow morning. I'll not to bed to-night; Get thee to bed, and own fingers: therefore let me alone; rest; for thou hast need. he that cannot lick his I'll play the housewife JULIET for this once. What, ho! fingers goes not with Exeunt LADY me. I met the youthful lord They are all forth. Well, at Laurence' cell; I will walk myself CAPULET and Nurse And gave him what To County Paris, to JULIET CAPULET prepare him up becomed love I might, Farewell! God knows Against to-morrow: my Go, be gone. Not step o'er the bounds when we shall meet heart is wondrous light, of modesty. again. Exit Second Servant Since this same I have a faint cold fear wayward girl is so We shall be much thrills through my veins, CAPULET reclaim'd. unfurnished for this That almost freezes up time. Why, I am glad on't; the heat of life: this is well: stand up: What, is my daughter Exeunt I'll call them back again gone to Friar Laurence? This is as't should be. to comfort me: Let me see the county; Act 4, Scene 3 Nurse! What should she Ay, marry, go, I say, Juliet's chamber. do here? Nurse and fetch him hither. Enter JULIET and My dismal scene I needs Ay, forsooth. Now, afore God! this must act alone. reverend holy friar, Nurse CAPULET Come, vial. Our whole city is much JULIET What if this mixture do Well, he may chance to bound to him. not work at all? do some good on her: Ay, those attires are best: but, gentle nurse, Shall I be married then A peevish self-will'd to-morrow morning? harlotry it is. JULIET I pray thee, leave me to myself to-night, No, no: this shall forbid Nurse, will you go with it: lie thou there. me into my closet, For I have need of many Nurse To help me sort such orisons See where she comes needful ornaments To move the heavens to Laying down her from shrift with merry As you think fit to smile upon my state, dagger look. furnish me to-morrow? Which, well thou know'st, is cross, and What if it be a poison, Enter JULIET full of sin. which the friar Subtly hath minister'd to CAPULET LADY CAPULET have me dead, How now, my No, not till Thursday; Enter LADY CAPULET Lest in this marriage he there is time enough. headstrong! where have LADY CAPULET should be dishonour'd, you been gadding? CAPULET Because he married me What, are you busy, ho? before to Romeo? JULIET Go, nurse, go with her: need you my help? I fear it is: and yet, we'll to church to- Where I have learn'd me methinks, it should not, morrow. JULIET to repent the sin For he hath still been Of disobedient Exeunt JULIET and No, madam; we have tried a holy man. opposition Nurse cull'd such necessaries How if, when I am laid To you and your As are behoveful for our LADY CAPULET into the tomb, behests, and am enjoin'd state to-morrow: I wake before the time 225 that Romeo Romeo, I come! this do Exeunt LADY bridegroom he is come Come to redeem me? I drink to thee. CAPULET and Nurse already: there's a fearful point! CAPULET Make haste, I say. Shall I not, then, be stifled in the vault, She falls upon her bed, A jealous hood, a To whose foul mouth no within the curtains jealous hood! Exeunt healthsome air breathes Act 4, Scene 4 Enter three or four Act 4, Scene 5 in, Hall in Capulet's house. Servingmen, with spits, Juliet's chamber. And there die strangled logs, and baskets ere my Romeo comes? Enter LADY CAPULET Enter Nurse Or, if I live, is it not and Nurse Now, fellow, What's there? Nurse very like, LADY CAPULET The horrible conceit of Mistress! what, Hold, take these keys, mistress! Juliet! fast, I death and night, First Servant Together with the terror and fetch more spices, warrant her, she: of the place,-- nurse. Things for the cook, sir; Why, lamb! why, lady! As in a vault, an ancient Nurse but I know not what. fie, you slug-a-bed! receptacle, CAPULET Why, love, I say! Where, for these many They call for dates and madam! sweet-heart! hundred years, the quinces in the pastry. Make haste, make haste. why, bride! bones Enter CAPULET Exit First Servant What, not a word? you Of all my buried take your pennyworths CAPULET Sirrah, fetch drier logs: ancestors are packed: now; Call Peter, he will show Where bloody Tybalt, Come, stir, stir, stir! the Sleep for a week; for the thee where they are. yet but green in earth, second cock hath next night, I warrant, Lies festering in his crow'd, The County Paris hath shroud; where, as they The curfew-bell hath Second Servant set up his rest, say, rung, 'tis three o'clock: That you shall rest but At some hours in the Look to the baked I have a head, sir, that little. God forgive me, night spirits resort;-- meats, good Angelica: will find out logs, Marry, and amen, how Alack, alack, is it not Spare not for the cost. And never trouble Peter sound is she asleep! like that I, for the matter. I must needs wake her. So early waking, what Madam, madam, Nurse with loathsome smells, Exit madam! And shrieks like Go, you cot-quean, go, Ay, let the county take mandrakes' torn out of Get you to bed; faith, CAPULET you in your bed; the earth, You'll be sick to- Mass, and well said; a He'll fright you up, i' That living mortals, morrow merry whoreson, ha! faith. Will it not be? hearing them, run For this night's Thou shalt be logger- mad:-- watching. head. Good faith, 'tis Undraws the curtains O, if I wake, shall I not day: be distraught, The county will be here What, dress'd! and in Environed with all these CAPULET with music straight, your clothes! and down hideous fears? No, not a whit: what! I For so he said he would: again! And madly play with have watch'd ere now I hear him near. I must needs wake you; my forefather's joints? All night for lesser Lady! lady! lady! And pluck the mangled cause, and ne'er been Alas, alas! Help, help! Tybalt from his shroud? sick. Music within my lady's dead! And, in this rage, with Nurse! Wife! What, ho! O, well-a-day, that ever some great kinsman's What, nurse, I say! I was born! bone, LADY CAPULET Some aqua vitae, ho! As with a club, dash out Ay, you have been a My lord! my lady! my desperate brains? mouse-hunt in your Re-enter Nurse O, look! methinks I see time; Go waken Juliet, go and Enter LADY CAPULET my cousin's ghost But I will watch you trim her up; Seeking out Romeo, that from such watching I'll go and chat with LADY CAPULET did spit his body now. Paris: hie, make haste, What noise is here? Upon a rapier's point: Make haste; the stay, Tybalt, stay! Nurse 226 O lamentable day! Enter FRIAR day! that lives married long; LADY CAPULET LAURENCE and But she's best married PARIS, with Musicians that dies married young. What is the matter? PARIS FRIAR LAURENCE Dry up your tears, and Nurse Beguiled, divorced, stick your rosemary Come, is the bride ready wronged, spited, slain! On this fair corse; and, Look, look! O heavy to go to church? Most detestable death, as the custom is, day! CAPULET by thee beguil'd, In all her best array bear LADY CAPULET By cruel cruel thee quite her to church: Ready to go, but never overthrown! For though fond nature O me, O me! My child, to return. O love! O life! not life, bids us an lament, my only life, O son! the night before but love in death! Yet nature's tears are Revive, look up, or I thy wedding-day reason's merriment. will die with thee! Hath Death lain with thy Help, help! Call help. wife. There she lies, CAPULET CAPULET Flower as she was, Despised, distressed, deflowered by him. Enter CAPULET hated, martyr'd, kill'd! All things that we Death is my son-in-law, Uncomfortable time, ordained festival, CAPULET Death is my heir; why camest thou now Turn from their office to For shame, bring Juliet My daughter he hath To murder, murder our black funeral; forth; her lord is come. wedded: I will die, solemnity? Our instruments to And leave him all; life, melancholy bells, Nurse O child! O child! my living, all is Death's. soul, and not my child! Our wedding cheer to a She's dead, deceased, Dead art thou! Alack! sad burial feast, she's dead; alack the PARIS my child is dead; Our solemn hymns to day! And with my child my sullen dirges change, Have I thought long to LADY CAPULET joys are buried. Our bridal flowers serve see this morning's face, for a buried corse, Alack the day, she's And doth it give me And all things change dead, she's dead, she's such a sight as this? FRIAR LAURENCE them to the contrary. dead! Peace, ho, for shame! confusion's cure lives CAPULET LADY CAPULET FRIAR LAURENCE not Ha! let me see her: out, Accursed, unhappy, In these confusions. Sir, go you in; and, alas! she's cold: wretched, hateful day! Heaven and yourself madam, go with him; Her blood is settled, and Most miserable hour Had part in this fair And go, Sir Paris; every her joints are stiff; that e'er time saw maid; now heaven hath one prepare Life and these lips have In lasting labour of his all, To follow this fair corse long been separated: pilgrimage! And all the better is it unto her grave: Death lies on her like an But one, poor one, one for the maid: The heavens do lour untimely frost poor and loving child, Your part in her you upon you for some ill; Upon the sweetest But one thing to rejoice could not keep from Move them no more by flower of all the field. and solace in, death, crossing their high will. And cruel death hath But heaven keeps his catch'd it from my sight! Nurse part in eternal life. The most you sought Exeunt CAPULET, O lamentable day! LADY CAPULET, Nurse was her promotion; LADY CAPULET For 'twas your heaven PARIS, and FRIAR O woe! O woful, woful, LAURENCE O woful time! she should be advanced: woful day! And weep ye now, First Musician CAPULET Most lamentable day, seeing she is advanced Faith, we may put up most woful day, Above the clouds, as Death, that hath ta'en That ever, ever, I did yet our pipes, and be gone. her hence to make me high as heaven itself? behold! O, in this love, you love Nurse wail, O day! O day! O day! O Ties up my tongue, and your child so ill, Honest goodfellows, ah, hateful day! That you run mad, will not let me speak. Never was seen so black put up, put up; seeing that she is well: For, well you know, this a day as this: She's not well married O woful day, O woful 227 is a pitiful case. PETER Faith, I know not what When but love's Then will I lay the to say. shadows are so rich in joy! Exit serving-creature's PETER dagger on First Musician O, I cry you mercy; you your pate. I will carry are the singer: I will say Enter BALTHASAR, Ay, by my troth, the no crotchets: I'll re you, for you. It is 'music with booted case may be amended. I'll fa you; do you note her silver sound,' me? News from Verona!-- Enter PETER because musicians have How now, Balthasar! no gold for sounding: PETER Dost thou not bring me First Musician 'Then music with her letters from the friar? Musicians, O, silver sound How doth my lady? Is musicians, 'Heart's ease, An you re us and fa us, With speedy help doth you note us. my father well? Heart's lend redress.' How fares my Juliet? ease:' O, an you will Second Musician that I ask again; have me live, play For nothing can be ill, if 'Heart's ease.' Pray you, put up your Exit dagger, and put out your she be well. wit. First Musician First Musician PETER What a pestilent knave BALTHASAR is this same! Why 'Heart's ease?' Then have at you with Then she is well, and Second Musician PETER my wit! I will dry-beat nothing can be ill: you Hang him, Jack! Come, Her body sleeps in O, musicians, because with an iron wit, and put we'll in here; tarry for Capel's monument, my heart itself plays up my iron dagger. the And her immortal part 'My Answer mourners, and stay with angels lives. heart is full of woe:' O, me like men: dinner. I saw her laid low in her play me some merry 'When griping grief the kindred's vault, dump, heart doth wound, And presently took post to comfort me. And doleful dumps the Exeunt to tell it you: mind oppress, Act 5, Scene 1 O, pardon me for Then music with her bringing these ill news, First Musician Mantua. A street. silver sound'-- Since you did leave it Not a dump we; 'tis no why 'silver sound'? why Enter ROMEO for my office, sir. time to play now. 'music with her silver ROMEO PETER sound'? What say you, If I may trust the ROMEO You will not, then? Simon Catling? flattering truth of sleep, Is it even so? then I defy First Musician My dreams presage you, stars! Musician some joyful news at No. Thou know'st my Marry, sir, because hand: lodging: get me ink and PETER silver hath a sweet My bosom's lord sits paper, I will then give it you sound. lightly in his throne; And hire post-horses; I soundly. And all this day an will hence to-night. PETER unaccustom'd spirit First Musician Pretty! What say you, Lifts me above the What will you give us? Hugh Rebeck? ground with cheerful BALTHASAR thoughts. PETER Second Musician I do beseech you, sir, I dreamt my lady came have patience: No money, on my faith, I say 'silver sound,' and found me dead-- Your looks are pale and but the gleek; because musicians Strange dream, that wild, and do import I will give you the sound for silver. gives a dead man leave Some misadventure. minstrel. PETER to think!-- And breathed such life Pretty too! What say with kisses in my lips, ROMEO First Musician you, James Soundpost? That I revived, and was Tush, thou art deceived: Then I will give you the Third Musician an emperor. Leave me, and do the serving-creature. Ah me! how sweet is thing I bid thee do. love itself possess'd, 228 Hast thou no letters to man must sell it me. My poverty, but not my associate me, me from the friar? As I remember, this will, consents. Here in this city visiting should be the house. ROMEO the sick, Being holiday, the And finding him, the BALTHASAR beggar's shop is shut. I pay thy poverty, and searchers of the town, No, my good lord. What, ho! apothecary! not thy will. Suspecting that we both were in a house ROMEO Apothecary Where the infectious No matter: get thee Enter Apothecary Put this in any liquid pestilence did reign, gone, Apothecary thing you will, Seal'd up the doors, and And hire those horses; And drink it off; and, if would not let us forth; Who calls so loud? I'll be with thee straight. you had the strength So that my speed to ROMEO Of twenty men, it would Mantua there was dispatch you straight. stay'd. Exit BALTHASAR Come hither, man. I see that thou art poor: Well, Juliet, I will lie Hold, there is forty ROMEO FRIAR LAURENCE with thee to-night. ducats: let me have Let's see for means: O There is thy gold, worse Who bare my letter, A dram of poison, such poison to men's souls, mischief, thou art swift soon-speeding gear then, to Romeo? To enter in the thoughts Doing more murders in As will disperse itself this loathsome world, FRIAR JOHN of desperate men! through all the veins I do remember an Than these poor I could not send it,--here That the life-weary compounds that thou apothecary,-- taker may fall dead it is again,-- And hereabouts he mayst not sell. Nor get a messenger to And that the trunk may I sell thee poison; thou dwells,--which late I be discharged of breath bring it thee, noted hast sold me none. So fearful were they of As violently as hasty Farewell: buy food, and In tatter'd weeds, with powder fired infection. overwhelming brows, get thyself in flesh. Doth hurry from the Come, cordial and not Culling of simples; fatal cannon's womb. meagre were his looks, poison, go with me FRIAR LAURENCE Sharp misery had worn To Juliet's grave; for Unhappy fortune! by him to the bones: Apothecary there must I use thee. my brotherhood, And in his needy shop a Such mortal drugs I The letter was not nice tortoise hung, have; but Mantua's law Exeunt but full of charge An alligator stuff'd, and Of dear import, and the Is death to any he that Act 5, Scene 2 other skins utters them. neglecting it Of ill-shaped fishes; and Friar Laurence's cell. May do much danger. about his shelves Friar John, go hence; A beggarly account of ROMEO Enter FRIAR JOHN Get me an iron crow, empty boxes, and bring it straight Art thou so bare and full FRIAR JOHN Green earthen pots, Unto my cell. of wretchedness, bladders and musty Holy Franciscan friar! And fear'st to die? seeds, brother, ho! famine is in thy cheeks, Remnants of packthread Enter FRIAR FRIAR JOHN Need and oppression and old cakes of roses, LAURENCE starveth in thine eyes, Brother, I'll go and Were thinly scatter'd, to Contempt and beggary FRIAR LAURENCE bring it thee. make up a show. hangs upon thy back; Exit Noting this penury, to This same should be the The world is not thy myself I said voice of Friar John. FRIAR LAURENCE friend nor the world's 'An if a man did need a Welcome from Mantua: law; Now must I to the poison now, what says Romeo? The world affords no monument alone; Whose sale is present Or, if his mind be writ, law to make thee rich; Within three hours will death in Mantua, give me his letter. Then be not poor, but fair Juliet wake: Here lives a caitiff break it, and take this. She will beshrew me wretch would sell it FRIAR JOHN much that Romeo him.' Hath had no notice of O, this same thought did Apothecary Going to find a bare- these accidents; but forerun my need; foot brother out But I will write again to And this same needy One of our order, to 229 Mantua, thee will keep are savage-wild, Stop thy unhallow'd toil, And keep her at my cell Nightly shall be to strew More fierce and more vile Montague! till Romeo come; thy grave and weep. inexorable far Can vengeance be Poor living corse, closed Than empty tigers or the pursued further than in a dead man's tomb! roaring sea. death? The Page whistles Condemned villain, I do The boy gives warning apprehend thee: Exit something doth BALTHASAR Obey, and go with me; Act 5, Scene 3 approach. I will be gone, sir, and for thou must die. A churchyard; in it a tomb What cursed foot not trouble you. belonging to the Capulets. wanders this way to- ROMEO night, ROMEO Enter PARIS, and his To cross my obsequies So shalt thou show me I must indeed; and Page bearing flowers and true love's rite? friendship. Take thou therefore came I hither. and a torch What with a torch! that: Good gentle youth, PARIS muffle me, night, Live, and be prosperous: tempt not a desperate awhile. and farewell, good man; Give me thy torch, boy: fellow. Fly hence, and leave hence, and stand aloof: me: think upon these Yet put it out, for I Retires gone; BALTHASAR would not be seen. Enter ROMEO and Let them affright thee. I Under yond yew-trees BALTHASAR, with a [Aside] For all this beseech thee, youth, lay thee all along, torch, mattock, &c same, I'll hide me Put not another sin upon Holding thine ear close hereabout: my head, ROMEO to the hollow ground; His looks I fear, and his By urging me to fury: So shall no foot upon Give me that mattock intents I doubt. O, be gone! the churchyard tread, and the wrenching iron. By heaven, I love thee Being loose, unfirm, Hold, take this letter; better than myself; Retires with digging up of early in the morning For I come hither arm'd graves, See thou deliver it to my ROMEO against myself: But thou shalt hear it: lord and father. Thou detestable maw, Stay not, be gone; live, whistle then to me, Give me the light: upon thou womb of death, and hereafter say, As signal that thou thy life, I charge thee, Gorged with the dearest A madman's mercy bade hear'st something Whate'er thou hear'st or morsel of the earth, thee run away. approach. seest, stand all aloof, Thus I enforce thy Give me those flowers. And do not interrupt me rotten jaws to open, Do as I bid thee, go. in my course. PARIS And, in despite, I'll Why I descend into this cram thee with more I do defy thy bed of death, PAGE food! conjurations, Is partly to behold my And apprehend thee for [Aside] I am almost lady's face; a felon here. afraid to stand alone But chiefly to take Opens the tomb Here in the churchyard; thence from her dead PARIS yet I will adventure. finger ROMEO A precious ring, a ring This is that banish'd Wilt thou provoke me? that I must use haughty Montague, Retires then have at thee, boy! In dear employment: That murder'd my love's PARIS therefore hence, be cousin, with which They fight Sweet flower, with gone: grief, PAGE But if thou, jealous, dost It is supposed, the fair flowers thy bridal bed I O Lord, they fight! I return to pry creature died; strew,-- will go call the watch. O woe! thy canopy is In what I further shall And here is come to do dust and stones;-- intend to do, some villanous shame Exit Which with sweet water By heaven, I will tear To the dead bodies: I PARIS thee joint by joint will apprehend him. nightly I will dew, O, I am slain! Or, wanting that, with And strew this hungry churchyard with thy tears distill'd by moans: Comes forward Falls The obsequies that I for limbs: The time and my intents 230 If thou be merciful, Tybalt, liest thou there Enter, at the other end his intents. Open the tomb, lay me in thy bloody sheet? of the churchyard, with Juliet. O, what more favour FRIAR LAURENCE, can I do to thee, with a lantern, crow, FRIAR LAURENCE Than with that hand that and spade Stay, then; I'll go alone. Dies cut thy youth in twain FRIAR LAURENCE Fear comes upon me: ROMEO To sunder his that was O, much I fear some ill thine enemy? Saint Francis be my In faith, I will. Let me unlucky thing. Forgive me, cousin! Ah, speed! how oft to-night peruse this face. dear Juliet, Have my old feet Mercutio's kinsman, Why art thou yet so stumbled at graves! BALTHASAR noble County Paris! fair? shall I believe Who's there? What said my man, As I did sleep under this That unsubstantial death when my betossed soul yew-tree here, is amorous, Did not attend him as BALTHASAR I dreamt my master and And that the lean we rode? I think another fought, abhorred monster keeps Here's one, a friend, and He told me Paris should And that my master Thee here in dark to be one that knows you have married Juliet: slew him. his paramour? well. Said he not so? or did I For fear of that, I still dream it so? FRIAR LAURENCE will stay with thee; FRIAR LAURENCE Or am I mad, hearing And never from this Bliss be upon you! Tell him talk of Juliet, Romeo! palace of dim night me, good my friend, To think it was so? O, Depart again: here, here What torch is yond, that Advances give me thy hand, will I remain vainly lends his light Alack, alack, what One writ with me in With worms that are thy To grubs and eyeless blood is this, which sour misfortune's book! chamber-maids; O, here skulls? as I discern, stains I'll bury thee in a Will I set up my It burneth in the Capel's The stony entrance of triumphant grave; everlasting rest, monument. this sepulchre? A grave? O no! a And shake the yoke of What mean these lantern, slaughter'd inauspicious stars masterless and gory youth, BALTHASAR From this world- swords For here lies Juliet, and wearied flesh. Eyes, It doth so, holy sir; and To lie discolour'd by her beauty makes look your last! there's my master, this place of peace? This vault a feasting Arms, take your last One that you love. presence full of light. embrace! and, lips, O Death, lie thou there, by you Enters the tomb a dead man interr'd. FRIAR LAURENCE The doors of breath, Romeo! O, pale! Who seal with a righteous Who is it? else? what, Paris too? Laying PARIS in the kiss BALTHASAR And steep'd in blood? tomb A dateless bargain to Ah, what an unkind engrossing death! Romeo. hour How oft when men are Come, bitter conduct, Is guilty of this at the point of death FRIAR LAURENCE come, unsavoury guide! lamentable chance! Have they been merry! How long hath he been Thou desperate pilot, The lady stirs. which their keepers call now at once run on there? A lightning before The dashing rocks thy BALTHASAR death: O, how may I sea-sick weary bark! JULIET wakes Call this a lightning? O Full half an hour. Here's to my love! JULIET my love! my wife! FRIAR LAURENCE Death, that hath suck'd O comfortable friar! the honey of thy breath, Drinks Go with me to the vault. where is my lord? Hath had no power yet I do remember well O true apothecary! BALTHASAR upon thy beauty: where I should be, Thy drugs are quick. Thou art not conquer'd; I dare not, sir And there I am. Where Thus with a kiss I die. beauty's ensign yet My master knows not is my Romeo? Is crimson in thy lips but I am gone hence; And fearfully did and in thy cheeks, Dies And death's pale flag is menace me with death, Noise within not advanced there. If I did stay to look on FRIAR LAURENCE 231 I hear some noise. Lady, This is thy sheath; Third Watchman Here is a friar, and come from that nest Here is a friar, that slaughter'd Romeo's Of death, contagion, and man; Stabs herself trembles, sighs and unnatural sleep: weeps: With instruments upon A greater power than we there rust, and let me We took this mattock them, fit to open can contradict die. and this spade from These dead men's Hath thwarted our him, tombs. intents. Come, come Falls on ROMEO's As he was coming from away. this churchyard side. Thy husband in thy body, and dies CAPULET bosom there lies dead; Enter Watch, with the O heavens! O wife, look And Paris too. Come, Page of PARIS First Watchman how our daughter I'll dispose of thee bleeds! PAGE A great suspicion: stay Among a sisterhood of the friar too. This dagger hath holy nuns: This is the place; there, mista'en--for, lo, his Stay not to question, for where the torch doth Enter the PRINCE and house the watch is coming; burn. Attendants Is empty on the back of Come, go, good Juliet, First Watchman PRINCE Montague,-- And it mis-sheathed in The ground is bloody; What misadventure is so my daughter's bosom! Noise again search about the early up, I dare no longer stay. churchyard: That calls our person Go, some of you, from our morning's rest? LADY CAPULET whoe'er you find attach. O me! this sight of JULIET Pitiful sight! here lies death is as a bell, the county slain, Enter CAPULET, LADY Go, get thee hence, for I CAPULET, and others That warns my old age will not away. And Juliet bleeding, to a sepulchre. warm, and newly dead, CAPULET Exit FRIAR Who here hath lain What should it be, that LAURENCE Enter MONTAGUE and these two days buried. they so shriek abroad? What's here? a cup, Go, tell the prince: run others LADY CAPULET closed in my true love's to the Capulets: PRINCE hand? Raise up the The people in the street Come, Montague; for Poison, I see, hath been Montagues: some others cry Romeo, thou art early up, his timeless end: search: Some Juliet, and some To see thy son and heir O churl! drunk all, and We see the ground Paris; and all run, more early down. left no friendly drop whereon these woes do With open outcry To help me after? I will lie; toward our monument. kiss thy lips; But the true ground of MONTAGUE Haply some poison yet all these piteous woes doth hang on them, We cannot without PRINCE Alas, my liege, my wife is dead to-night; To make die with a circumstance descry. What fear is this which Grief of my son's exile restorative. startles in our ears? hath stopp'd her breath: Re-enter some of the What further woe Kisses him Watch, with conspires against mine BALTHASAR First Watchman Thy lips are warm. age? Second Watchman Sovereign, here lies the County Paris slain; First Watchman Here's Romeo's man; we And Romeo dead; and found him in the Juliet, dead before, PRINCE [Within] Lead, boy: churchyard. Warm and new kill'd. which way? Look, and thou shalt First Watchman JULIET see. Hold him in safety, till PRINCE Yea, noise? then I'll be MONTAGUE the prince come hither. Search, seek, and know brief. O happy dagger! O thou untaught! what how this foul murder Re-enter others of the manners is in this? Snatching ROMEO's Watch, with FRIAR comes. dagger To press before thy LAURENCE First Watchman 232 father to a grave? You, to remove that But, as it seems, did This letter doth make siege of grief from her, violence on herself. good the friar's words, Betroth'd and would All this I know; and to Their course of love, the PRINCE have married her the marriage tidings of her death: Seal up the mouth of perforce Her nurse is privy: and, And here he writes that outrage for a while, To County Paris: then if aught in this he did buy a poison Till we can clear these comes she to me, Miscarried by my fault, Of a poor 'pothecary, ambiguities, And, with wild looks, let my old life and therewithal And know their spring, bid me devise some Be sacrificed, some Came to this vault to their head, their mean hour before his time, die, and lie with Juliet. true descent; To rid her from this Unto the rigour of Where be these And then will I be second marriage, severest law. enemies? Capulet! general of your woes, Or in my cell there Montague! And lead you even to would she kill herself. See, what a scourge is death: meantime Then gave I her, so PRINCE laid upon your hate, forbear, tutor'd by my art, We still have known That heaven finds And let mischance be A sleeping potion; thee for a holy man. means to kill your joys slave to patience. which so took effect Where's Romeo's man? with love. Bring forth the parties As I intended, for it what can he say in this? And I for winking at of suspicion. wrought on her your discords too The form of death: Have lost a brace of meantime I writ to BALTHASAR kinsmen: all are FRIAR LAURENCE Romeo, I brought my master punish'd. I am the greatest, able to That he should hither news of Juliet's death; do least, come as this dire night, And then in post he Yet most suspected, as To help to take her from came from Mantua the time and place her borrow'd grave, To this same place, to CAPULET Being the time the Doth make against me this same monument. O brother Montague, potion's force should of this direful murder; This letter he early bid give me thy hand: cease. And here I stand, both me give his father, This is my daughter's But he which bore my to impeach and purge And threatened me with jointure, for no more letter, Friar John, Myself condemned and death, going in the Can I demand. myself excused. Was stay'd by accident, vault, and yesternight I departed not and left Return'd my letter back. him there. MONTAGUE PRINCE Then all alone But I can give thee At the prefixed hour of Then say at once what more: her waking, PRINCE thou dost know in this. For I will raise her Came I to take her from Give me the letter; I will statue in pure gold; FRIAR LAURENCE her kindred's vault; look on it. That while Verona by I will be brief, for my Meaning to keep her Where is the county's that name is known, short date of breath closely at my cell, page, that raised the There shall no figure at Is not so long as is a Till I conveniently watch? such rate be set tedious tale. could send to Romeo: Sirrah, what made your As that of true and Romeo, there dead, was But when I came, some master in this place? faithful Juliet. husband to that Juliet; minute ere the time And she, there dead, Of her awaking, here PAGE CAPULET that Romeo's faithful untimely lay He came with flowers to As rich shall Romeo's wife: The noble Paris and true strew his lady's grave; by his lady's lie; I married them; and Romeo dead. And bid me stand aloof, Poor sacrifices of our their stol'n marriage-day She wakes; and I and so I did: enmity! Was Tybalt's dooms- entreated her come Anon comes one with day, whose untimely forth, light to ope the tomb; death And bear this work of And by and by my PRINCE heaven with patience: Banish'd the new-made master drew on him; A glooming peace this But then a noise did bridegroom from the And then I ran away to morning with it brings; scare me from the tomb; city, call the watch. The sun, for sorrow, And she, too desperate, For whom, and not for will not show his head: Tybalt, Juliet pined. would not go with me, PRINCE 233 Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things; Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished: For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.



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