Mayor and Council of Federalsburg

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Mayor and Council of Federalsburg


The Mayor and Council of Federalsburg held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, July 1, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. in the Mayor and Council Meeting Room, 118 North Main Street, Federalsburg, Maryland. Those in attendance were Mayor Fluharty and Councilmembers Ballas, Happersett, Bee and Wheatley. Also in attendance were local citizenry and town staff.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fluharty who then lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.


The minutes for the month of June 2002 were approved as corrected by a vote of five to zero, with a motion by Councilmember Wheatley seconded by Councilmember Happersett.

A motion by Councilmember Bee seconded by Councilmember Happersett and unanimously passed by a vote of five to zero to change the minutes of the June 10th Urban Renewal Plan Public Hearing to read as follows: “Councilmember Bee felt this project would be ineffective without the Brick Row and Old Boat House properties.”


Mr. Hancock advised that he is checking into the cost of lighting for evening games at the new field in Chambers Park. He has talked to Ricky Breeding about grading and planting grass seed. He is also looking into getting special interest groups to assist with the development of the football field.

The Mayor and Council agreed to draft an agreement between Pop Warner and the Town for use of the grounds as a football field. Once the agreement has been drafted Mr. Hancock will be contacted for review. The agreement should be similar to that of the Little League.

Mr. Hancock will have more of an update at the August 5th Mayor and Council Regular Monthly Meeting.


Amber Glanden was not present for the Mayor and Council Meeting. Ms. Glanden had requested to be put on the agenda to discuss activities for teens.


Mrs. Hutson reported that she would have a completed copy of the proclamation for Mayor and Council approval at the August 5th meeting at which time the Mayor and Council could then sign and it would be presented at the National Night Out festivities on Tuesday, August 6th at the Federalsburg Marina. The proclamation would declare the town’s appreciation for the extensive and valuable contributions made for the safety, security, prosperity and happiness of the citizens of the Town of Federalsburg by all the emergency personnel.


Geese Population

Mr. Joe Glime advised that there is an abundance of geese in the downtown area. He wanted to know if the town had considered trying to remove them. There are problems keeping the Hike and Bike Trail clean because of the goose fecies. Some of the problem is that people are feeding the geese. Wendy Garner has a meeting with DNR and she will ask them about relocating the geese to the Idylwild Refuse Area. The Mayor and Council agreed to have Chief Nagel talk to those that are feeding the geese to work with the town to entice the geese out of the downtown area toward the VFW area. Wendy Garner will also place an article in the next newsletter.


Ms. Roberta Butler questioned why the marina lights are not lit in the evening hours near the basketball courts located at the marina. Steve Dyott advised the timer needs to be reset. When the electricity when off it through the timer off. The Police and Public Works personnel will adjust the timer and have it repaired as quickly as possible. The park closes at 11 p.m.and the lights will go off at 12 p.m.


Mr. Parks advised that he has gotten rid of his untagged vehicles that were located in his yard on Maple Avenue. Mr. Parks was cited for violations by the Code Enforcement Officer for untagged vehicles. He advised that he is also waiting to hear from someone about getting siding installed on his house. The Mayor and Council advised Mr. Parks to keep the code enforcement officer apprised of what he is doing to correct his violations.


Police Department

2 Chief Nagel presented the police report. Chief Nagel was advised to include the K-9 statistics in his reports. Chief Nagel advised the K-9 unit is working very well. The drug task force has used the unit several times and has been very successful.

Chief Nagel reported that the former K-9 unit “GERO” died of old age. Heather volunteered to pull together a memorial for the former K-9 police officer. Wendy Garner will put an article in the next newsletter and Heather Hutson will work on getting plague to hang in the police station.

The Police and Public Works Departments were thanked for their assistance during the Fourth of July Extravaganza.

Public Works Department

Steve Dyott reported that a sign has been placed at the pedestrian bridge located in the marina. The sign reads that vehicles weighing no more than 4,000 pounds can travel across the bridge. Until the bridge can be repaired, traffic over 4,000 pounds will be directed to travel by the pumping station until the bridge has been repaired. Steve requested direction from the Mayor and Council because he feels that if the other side of the marina is open for traffic vehicles will travel on the hike and bike trail and will destroy it. Therefore, the Mayor and Council agreed to open the fence up near the pump station for traffic over 4,000 pounds.

A motion by Councilmember Ballas seconded by Councilmember Happersett and passed by a vote of four to one, to leave the 4,000 pound weight limit sign at the pedestrian bridge at the marina and to install temporary signage and make a drive through path along the trail for vehicles that are over 4,000 pounds.

Steve also reported that a second cardboard recycling bin has been installed because there has been so much usage.

Main Street Manager

Wendy Garner gave her Main Street Manager Report. Some of the highlights of the report are as follows:

1. Members of the YMCA Founders Campaign toured the Pocomoke YMCA. A local commercial building has been offered and the Assessment has been completed; a decision should be made soon as to the feasibility of accepting this site. Pledge contributions to date are $92,450. The next Founders Campaign Committee meeting is scheduled for July 8th.

2. Caroline County Commissioners did restore the $9,000 back to their budget for a part-time tourism person.

3 3. Wendy met in Easton with other town representatives around the Eastern Shore to discuss the Main Street Program and revitalization efforts. The next meeting is planned for September 17, 2002.

4. Peninsula Dry Cleaners is now open in town and a number of the town employees attended the ribbon cutting.

5. A number of employees supported the groundbreaking for the next Habitat for Humanity house project on Park Avenue. Construction should begin in another week or two.

6. Federalsburg Heritage and Preservation Society meetings will now take place the second Sunday of each Month from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Town Hall. This organization is collecting artifacts/documentation on people, places, and events from Federalsburg’s past. A number of projects are planned including opening of a museum. They are beginning to raise funds by offering a 50/50 raffle to be drawn at the Anything Goes Day event.

7. Justin and Nikki Dorrell and their two sons were burned out of their home on American Corner Road on June 16th. Wendy distributed canisters around Town; picked up funds and deposited $184.50 on June 28th and collected six bags of clothing.

8. Wendy met with DNR to discuss the possibility of opening up space at the Gate Hole, building a bridge that would connect from our Greenway Trail as it is constructed behind Zion UMC to the trails in Idylwild WMA, and some type of brochure that would promote low-impact use of the Idylwild WMA for hikers, birdwatchers and others not familiar with the area. A second meeting has been scheduled for July 8th, 2002.

9. Wendy advised the Mayor and Council of the following upcoming events:

Vacation Bible School – July 22 – 26 at Union UMC. Cycle Across Maryland – July 23 – 24 at Colonel Richardson High School Anything Goes – July 27th in downtown for 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Planning and Zoning Update

Richard Colburn, Town Manager was instructed to talk to Cary Malkus, part-time Code Enforcement Officer, to determine whether or not he would be interested in also being the Zoning Administrator. He would then be able to write municipal infractions for Zoning violations.

A motion by Councilmember Ballas seconded by Councilmember Happersett and unanimously passed by a vote of five to zero to appoint Cary Malkus Zoning Administrator.

4 At the Planning and Zoning Commission regular monthly meeting the following was discussed:

1. Kevin Dorman presented a proposal to the Commission to construct a Concrete Ready Mix facility on his property in the Federalsburg Industrial Park.

2. The Commission accepted the Urban Renewal Plan that was presented by the Mayor and Council at the March 26, 2002 meeting. The Commission will forward the Urban Renewal Plan to the Maryland Office of Planning and the Caroline County Planning Office for their review and comments.

3. The Commission requested that the Mayor and Council appoint a Zoning Administrator to issue Municipal Infractions for violations to the Zoning Ordinance.

4. The Commission reviewed some wording changes for the Comprehensive Plan review that they are currently working on with Mark Gradcak from the Maryland Office of Planning. They also plan to contact Mr. Gradecak to find out where he is with the Comprehensive Plan corrections.

5. The Commission discussed the status of the Goal Post Restaurant and where they are with the permit process. The second floor area of this business is currently in operation without the proper approvals from the Building Inspector, Fire Marshall, or Health Department. A letter will be sent to the owners.

6. The Commission will begin working on definitions and a more user-friendly table of contents for the Zoning Ordinance.

7. The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 7 p.m.



The Mayor and Council agreed to hold a public hearing on Monday, August 5, 2002 at 7 p.m. in the Mayor and Council meeting room to hear public comment to amend Section 5 of the Town of Federalsburg Zoning Ordinance regarding the General Industrial District (ID-2).


The Mayor and Council received an invitation from Dale Mumford who invited all members of the Caroline County Municipal Association to attend the Caroline County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, July 2, 2002 to join them in reciting the “Pledge of Allegiance,” in support of “ONE NATION UNDER GOD”.


A motion by Councilmember Bee seconded by Councilmember Happersett and unanimously passed issuing an Special Events License to the Federalsburg Volunteer Fire Department at no charge for their Stine Amusement Show (Carnival) scheduled for Thursday, August 29th to Saturday, August 31, 2002 at the Federalsburg Marina.


The Mayor and Council scheduled a workshop for Monday, July 22, 2002 at 6 p.m. Councilmember Ballas will be unable to attend due to a prior engagement.


The Anything Goes Day Event has been scheduled for Saturday, July 27, 2002 and Jane Jordan, from WBOC, Channel 16 is scheduled to be the Grand Marshal.


Councilmember Bee recommended that a letter be sent to the VFW thanking them for putting up the flags around town.


The fishing tournament during the 4th of July Extravaganza was very successful. They had approximately 60 participants and they will hold the event again next year.


The Mayor and Council held an Executive Session prior to the regular meeting to discuss a personnel issue. . ADJOURNMENT

A motion by Councilmember Wheatley seconded by Councilmember Happersett and unanimously passed to adjourn at 8:58 p.m.

Submitted by,

Shirley A. DeShields Clerk


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