Wolpryse Het Tydens Gister Se Veiling, Katalogus
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On the 17th wool auction of the 2016/2017 season, the Cape Wools merino wool market indicator increased by 5,2% to close on 15454c per kg clean.
Average clean wool price indicators for good quality long fleece wool (MF4/MF5) with a tenstile strength of 35 (NKT) were as follows:
18 µ 17629 (+6,6%) 21 µ 14673 (+4,9%) 19 µ 16964 (+5,6%) 22 µ 14412 (+6,3%) 20 µ 15760 (+5,7%) 23 µ 14038 (+5,5%)
The main buyers on the sale were: G Modiano (3,808 bales), Lempriere South Africa (3,139 bales), Standard Wool (2,461 bales). Of the 11,870 bales offered 11,785 bales were declared sold (99%).
Highest prices achieved on the BKB auction were as follows: TOP 10 BKB PORT ELIZABETH Name Area Descr. AWEX Mic Clean NKT Price Type 1. Jaco Cloete Bdy Bk Steynsburg BMY MF4S.66 17.9µ 75.7% 39 14250c 2. Jaco Cloete Bdy Bk Steynsburg AMY MF4S.74 18.5µ 75.5% 47 14080c 3. Bdl Wyle JP Mulder Cradock BBH MWF4E.73 17.5µ 72.6% 36 13600c 4. JA Van Den Berg Murraysburg CMY MF4E.67 16.5µ 72.4% 44 13410c 5. Bdl Wyle JP Mulder Cradock AH MWF4S.94 16.7µ 73.0% 36 13330c 6. JA Van Den Berg Murraysburg BMY MF4E.71 17.3µ 71.1% 41 13010c 7. Soldaatkop Estates (Pty) Ltd Graaff-Reinet BFY MF4E.76 17.7µ 67.3% 44 12930c 8. Bdl Wyle JP Mulder Cradock AF MF4E.87 19.2µ 73.3% 42 12810c 9. DA Bellingan Despatch CM MF4E.71 18.4µ 70.2% 43 12780c 10. Sewefontein Boerdery Trust Burgersdorp BFY MF4E.66 18.0µ 67.4% 41 12600c
BKB Congratulate the above mentioned clients on their achievements.
The next auction for the new season catalogue P1816 will take place on 18 January 2017.
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Grahamstadweg 61 Grahamstown Rd, Noordeinde / North End, Port Elizabeth, 6001 Tel: 041 503 3111 Faks/Fax: 041 503 3113, epos / email: [email protected]
Direkteure/Directors: D C Louw (Voorsitter/Chairman), W Edmayr (Besturende/Managing), R J Smith (Bedryfs/Operational), K M Riga (Finansiële/Financial), E A Meyer, H C Staple, G E J Kingwill, H J Swart, FPR van Wyk, C Hobson
Maatskappysekretaris/Company Secretary: J Oosthuizen (Mev/Mrs)
BKB Beperk: 1998/012435/06
Geregistreer by die Raad vir Landbouprodukte-Agente in terme van Wet 12/1992 (Getrouheidsfondssertifkaatnr.79) Registered at the Agricultural Produce Agents Council in terms of Act 12/1992 (Fidelity Fund Certificate no 79)
Kontak BKB Bpk se Veselbemarking-afdeling vir verdere inligting. For further information contact the BKB Ltd Fibre Marketing Division. Tel: 041 503-3111 Fax: 041 503-3390 Internet Adres: www.bkb.co.za