Example of a Tiered Assignment
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Example of a tiered assignment
Adapted from: Differentiated Instruction in the Foreign language Classroom: meeting the Diverse Needs of All Learners – Toni Theisen
Yr 10 Language
Topic: Clothing
Goal: Students will demonstrate:
- Correct use of vocabulary and language structures related to clothing
- Ability to describe clothing in detail
- Ability to use vocabulary and structures related to currency
- Ability to suggest clothing items to others
- Ability to persuade and encourage
- Ability to compare and contrast
5UL.3 – Uses language by incorporating diverse structures and features to express own ideas
5UL.4 – Experiments with linguistic patterns and structures in language to convey information and to express own ideas
5.UL.7 – uses language with flexibility by incorporating new structures and features for effective communication
Background: Students have studied vocabulary related to clothing, descriptions, currency. They can identify and describe clothing and persuade and suggest using commands and conditional. Students have done a variety of informal tasks on this topic. They have also researched clothing and fashion in target country. This assignment is designed for the readiness level of my students.
Differentiation in Languages AISNSW Tier 1 assignment/task Your group works for a retail business training centre. Your task is to (Complex and abstract) write two role-play scenarios for students to use as practice when dealing with a variety of customers in a clothing store. For each scenario, write a practice conversation between a “challenging” customer and the shop assistant. These conversations would be used by the business training centre to practice appropriate interactions between customers and sales staff. The conversation should encourage and persuade. Submit a written copy of both conversations and be ready to present one role-play , without notes, as a model for the class
Tier 2 assignment/task Your group comprises the “Rules Committee” for a new department (Somewhat complex and store that will be opening soon. You have been assigned to write a concrete) small section of the staff training handbook that explains the department store’s dress code. Write a brief, general statement about the staff dress policy and then 12 rules discussing the do’s and don’ts of the store’s dress code. Describe the clothes that are acceptable or those that are not. Submit a copy of the descriptions and the dress regulations for publication in the store’s new training manual. Also create a poster with the 12 rules, and be ready to present it to the class. Tier 3 assignment/task You work for an ad agency whose job it is to create a mini catalogue (Very concrete) and a sales ad for a new department store in…. Using magazine/internet pictures or drawings create a mini-catalogue with 12 items of clothing. You decide on the theme, age or gender group. Describe each item using models from previous tasks. Price each item. Arrange the catalogue so that it is appealing to customers. Also create a magazine ad promoting at least 2 of these items. Be creative in your design, and be ready to present both the catalogue and the ad to the class.
Differentiation in Languages AISNSW