Director, Assessment and Analytics
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Steven M. Culver
Director, Assessment and Analytics Office of Strategic Planning and Institutional Effectiveness North Carolina A & T State University 1020 E. Wendover, Suite 202 Greensboro, NC 27405 Phone: 336-285-4978 e-mail: [email protected]
1987 Virginia Tech: Ph.D., Educational Research and Evaluation
1981 Virginia Tech: M. A., English
1978 Ohio Northern University: B. A., English
2017 – Director, Assessment and Analytics, North Carolina A & T State University, Present Greensboro, NC
Provide direction for the planning, implementation, coordination, and continuous improvement of assessment activities across the University. Encourage and support the use of analytics and assessment results at all levels in strategic planning, decision-making, and other efforts aimed at improving institutional effectiveness.
2016 – 2017 Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness, Virginia Tech
Lead the Offices of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Assessment and Evaluation, and SACSCOC accreditation to strengthen data reporting and information sharing for external accountability purposes and for internal management decision-making; ensure compliance with all federal, state and local laws and university policies; integrate policies and processes into the larger academic goals, objectives, and strategies of the Provost and the university.
1 2014 – 2016 Assistant Provost for Assessment and Evaluation, Virginia Tech
Lead the Office of Assessment and Evaluation as a model organization for continuous improvement; lead the university’s efforts to measure and improve student learning outcomes by directing and developing effective implementation of assessment and evaluation systems that support academic programs and faculties; lead the development of academic and administrative program review processes; ensure compliance with all federal, state and local laws and university policies; integrate policies and processes into the larger academic goals, objectives, and strategies of the Provost and the university.
2013 - 2014 Interim Executive Director, Office of Assessment and Evaluation, Virginia Tech
Facilitate a culture of continuous improvement across the university by leading university efforts to measure and improve student learning, by coordinating an academic program review process, and by providing evaluation expertise to campus constituencies; inform decision-making by senior administrators; manage OAE budget; supervise professional staff and graduate students.
2010 - 2013 Senior Associate Director, Office of Assessment and Evaluation, Virginia Tech
Provide support to the office and to the director; assist faculty with departmental assessment processes; supervise OAE graduate students; manage the collection and analysis of assessment data, including the development and administration of university-wide surveys; respond to program requests for evaluation; provide evaluation expertise for grant writing efforts; manage multiple grant budgets and supervise grant activities.
2007 - 2010 Assistant Director, Office of Assessment and Evaluation, Virginia Tech
Provide support to the office and to the director; enhance the consistency and rigor of academic assessment processes; supervise OAE graduate students; develop and administer university-wide surveys; respond to program requests for evaluation; provide evaluation expertise for grant writing efforts.
1994 – 2007 Faculty member, School of Social Work, Waldron College of Health & Human Services, Radford University: Professor (2002-2007), Associate Professor (1997- 2002), Assistant Professor (1994-1997)
Teach undergraduate and master’s level courses in social science research, courses in undergraduate human behavior, social welfare policy, and introduction to social work; supervise independent studies; served as chair of the department
2 personnel committee (2004-2007); chaired departmental search committees; served on university-wide committees, including tenure and promotion committees and faculty grievance committee.
2003 – 2005 Chair, Institutional Review Board, Radford University
Conduct board meetings and execute agenda; promote discussion of research protocols as regards protections for human research participants; contribute to IRB member training and continuing education; ensure board review adheres to ethical standards outlined by federal and state regulations.
2004 - 2006 BSW Program Coordinator, School of Social Work, Radford University
Provide leadership for development, evaluation, and revision of curriculum and departmental policies related to the undergraduate major; chair undergraduate curriculum committee. Manage course scheduling, assignment of faculty, and review and coordinate resource needs with School Director.
2000 – 2001 Assistant Director, School of Social Work, Radford University
Support and encourage efforts toward the mission and goals of the School, the College, and the University; provide support and guidance to undergraduate and graduate coordinators in the development and implementation of program plans; advise school director regarding faculty, adjunct and graduate assistant office and space utilization; Assist with management of course scheduling/timetable, and coordinate course delivery across other departments.
1997 Interim Associate Director, Honors Program, Radford University
Provide leadership for development of sophomore and senior level honors seminar courses; meet with student advisory group; fill in for Director as needed.
1987 – 1994 Director, Student Assessment Programs, and Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Studies, College of Education & Human Development, Radford University
Create and develop new campus office to facilitate assessment processes in academic programs; provide policy guidance for assessment procedures and data collection in response to state and regional accreditation guidelines; act as liaison to State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) for assessment; develop effective and rigorous assessment data collection methods and analysis.
1987 Instructor, Department of Educational Research & Evaluation, College of Education, Virginia Tech
3 Teach introductory statistics courses to education graduate students.
1983 – 1987 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Educational Research & Evaluation, College of Education, Virginia Tech
Co-direct education statistics lab; provide research methodology guidance to faculty and graduate students in the College of Education.
1982 – 1983 Instructor, English Department, College of Arts & Sciences, Virginia Tech
Teach basic writing and freshman composition courses; serve on composition committee.
1981 Lecturer, Department of English, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso
Teach remedial writing and freshman composition courses; serve on departmental committees.
Editorial Positions
2016 – present Manuscript reviewer, European Journal of Engineering Education
2015 – present Manuscript reviewer, European Journal of Higher Education
2014 - present Manuscript Reviewer, Science and Engineering Ethics
2014 – present manuscript reviewer, European Journal of STEM Education
2012 – present Reviewer, The International HETL Review
2011 – present Member, International Journal of ePortfolio Review Board
2007 – present Member, Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory, & Practice Review Board
2006 – 2014 Member, American Journal of Health Behavior Review Board
2014 Manuscript Reviewer, Numeracy
4 2013 Guest Editor, European Journal of Higher Education, special issue on Riva Transatlantic Assessment Institute
2007 – 2009 Reviewer, Families in Society
2008 Advisory Editor, Handbook of Research on Assessment Technologies, Methods, and Applications in Higher Education (Ed., C. Schreiner), 2008.
2006 Reviewer, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering
2000 – 2002 Reviewer, Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work
2000 – 2001 Reviewer, Children and Youth Services Review
1992 – 1998 Member, Evaluation Practice Review Board
1992 – 1993 Reviewer, Educational Assessment
1991 Reviewer, American Educational Research Journal
1987 – 1993 Reviewer, Home Economics Research Journal
1984 – 1985 Reviewer, Journal of Vocational and Technical Education
Organizational Involvement
2017 Proposal reviewer, International Studies Special Interest Group, 2018 American Educational Research Association Conference
2017 Leadership team, North Carolina Assessment Council
2011 – 2013 Session Chair, European Educational Research Association Conference
2009 – 2012 Proposal Reviewer, Assessment in Higher Education Topic Interest Group, American Evaluation Association Conference
2008 Proposal Reviewer, Counseling and Human Development Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association Conference
2006 – 2007 Board Member, Harrison Museum of African American Culture (Roanoke, VA)
1996 – 2001 Proposal Reviewer, Education in the Professions Special Interest Group,
5 American Educational Research Association Conference
1994 – 1996 Member, Research and Instruction Committee, Gerontology Center, Warm Hearth, Inc. (Blacksburg, VA)
1993 Proposal Reviewer, National Council on Measurement in Education, Annual Meeting
1990 – 1992 Proposal Reviewer, Teaching and Teacher Education Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association Conference
1989 Session discussant, American Educational Research Association Conference
1988 – 1989 President, Virginia Assessment Group
Refereed Publications
Sanders, C., Welfare, L. E., Culver, S. (accepted). Career counseling in middle schools: A study of school counselor self-efficacy. The Professional Counselor.
Bodo, B., & Culver, S. M. (2017). Formative feedback to degree programs: The glass house of the assessment office. Assessment Update, 29, 2, 3-4, 14-15.
Love, T., Kreiser, N., Camargo, E., Grubbs, M., Kim, E. J., Burge, P. L., & Culver, S. M. (2015). STEM faculty experiences with students with disabilities at a land grant institution. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3(1), 27-38. DOI:10.11114/jets.v3il.xx
Shabaz, S., Culver, S. M., & Burge, P. L. (2014). College students’ perceptions of their core competencies: An institutional analysis of discipline and gender. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 1, 5. DOI: 10.14738/assrj.15.439
Culver, S. M., & Kniola, D. (2013). Beginning the assessment institute and building global networks. European Journal of Higher Education, 3(1), 1-9.
Culver, S. M., & Warfvinge, P. (2013). Assessment, accountability, and educational quality in the United States and Sweden. European Journal of Higher Education, 3(1), 10- 23.
Tendhar, C., Culver, S. M., & Burge, P. L. (2013). Validating the National Survey of Student
6 Engagement (NSSE) at a research-intensive university. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 1(1), 182-193.
Hall, M., Culver, S., & Burge, P. (2012). Faculty teaching practices as predictors of student satisfaction with general education curriculum. Journal of General Education, 61(4), 352-368.
Culver, S. M., Puri, I. K., Wokutch, R., & Lohani, V. (2012). Comparison of engagement with ethics between an engineering and a business program. Science and Engineering Ethics, 19(2), 585-597. DOI 10.1007/s11948-011-9346-3
Culver, S., Warfvinge, P., Grossman, C., & Puri, I. (2011). Evaluation of engineering double-degree programs in Sweden: Results of the Lund focus groups. European Journal of Higher Education, 1, 220-232.
Culver, S. M., Puri, I. K., Spinelli, G., DePauw, K. P., & Dooley, J. E. (2011). Collaborative dual-degree programs and value added for students: Lessons learned through the Evaluate-E project. Journal of Studies in International Education, 16, 40-61.
McConnell, K. D., Van Dyke, R., & Culver, S. (2011). Assessment as a driver of collegiality and cooperation in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Peer Review, 13 (2), 13-15.
Tison, E., Bateman, T., & Culver, S. M. (2011). Understanding the relationship between gender and engagement: A multi-level investigation. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 36(1), 27-49.
Culver, S. (2010). Educational quality, outcomes assessment, and policy change: The Virginia example. International Education, 40(1), 6-20.
Culver, S. (2010). Course grades, quality of student engagement, and students’ overall evaluation of instructor. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 22(3), 331-336.
Lutz, M., & Culver, S. M. (2010). The National Survey of Student Engagement: A university-level analysis. Tertiary Education and Management, 16(1), 35-44.
Duncan-Daston, R., & Culver, S. (2004). The disclosure of sensitive student information in social work field placements: When student confidentiality and the Code of Ethics collide. Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics, 2(2). [Online journal].
Douglas, N. E., & Culver, S. M. (2002). Personal development and social adjustment of African American male students at a predominantly white university. Dogwood Review of Educational Studies, 1(1). Atlanta: Emory University.
7 Phibbs-Wittmer, T., & Culver, S. M. (2001). Trauma and resilience among Bosnian refugee families: A critical review of the literature. The Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation, 2(2), 173-188.
Faulconer, L. A., Hodge, D. M., & Culver, S. M. (1999). Women’s disclosure of sexual abuse. Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss, 4(2), 163-178.
Culver, S. M., & Burge, P. L. (1997). Framing classroom practice within the Hestian paradigm. Canadian Home Economics Journal, 47(1), 109-114.
Culver, S. M., & Ridley, D. R. (1995). How to guarantee the failure of assessment at any institution by following 17 easy, proven rules. Assessment Update, 7(4), 3.
Culver, S., & Adams, C. (1994). The state of assessment at historically black colleges and universities. Assessment Update, 6(3), 10. [Also selected for publication in Higher Education Abstracts.]
Culver, S. M., & Balsamo, P. (1993). A survey of adult degree program alumni and current students at one university. Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 41(2), 23-44.
Culver, S. M. (1992). Enhancing our teacher education assessment efforts. Teacher Educators Journal, 13-22.
Culver, S. M. (1992). Radford University’s student outcomes assessment program. Adult Assessment Forum, 2(1), 12-13.
Culver, S. M., Balsamo, P., & Hicks, A. (1992). Assessment of the adult degree program at Radford University. Adult Assessment Forum, 2(3), 9.
Hanson, D., & Culver, S. M. (1991). Assessment partnership: Two-year and four-year college collaboration in student outcomes assessment. Virginia Community College Association Journal, 6(1), 18-19.
Burge, P. L., Stewart, , D. L., & Culver, S. M. (1991). Employees’ work satisfaction and stress. Journal of Vocational Home Economics Education, 9(1), 32-44.
Lasonen, J., Burge, P. L., & Culver, S. M. (1991). Finnish vocational teachers’ sex-role attitudes. Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, 8(1), 77-92.
Aper, J. P., Culver, S. M., & Hinkle, D. E. (1990). Coming to terms with the accountability versus improvement debate in assessment. Higher Education, 20, 471-483.
Culver, S. M. (1990). Putting sex into students’ writing: Sex equity in composition. Wisconsin English Journal, 32(3), 29-32.
8 Culver, S. M., Wolfle, L. M., & Cross, L. H. (1990). Testing a model of teacher satisfaction for blacks and for whites. American Educational Research Journal, 27(2), 323-349.
Tomchin, E. M., & Culver, S. M. (1990). Elementary teachers’ beliefs about who is responsible for learning. Thresholds in Education, 16(2), 9-10.
Culver, S. M., Burge, P. L., & Stewart, D. L. (1989). The reciprocal relationship between vocational teachers’ work and home satisfaction. Journal of Vocational Education Research, 14(3), 1-20.
Culver, S. M., & Burge, P. L. (1989). Vocational education: A pragmatic, economic approach to equity. Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, 6(1), 3-12.
Burge, P. L., & Culver, S. M. (1989). Examination of the reciprocal relationship between work and home satisfaction for home economics teachers. Home Economics Research Journal, 17(4), 337-350.
Culver, S. M. (1986). Pestalozzi’s influence on manual training in nineteenth-century Germany. Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, 2(2), 37-43.
Culver, S. M., & Burge, P. L. (1985). Expected occupational prestige of students in vocational programs nontraditional for their sex. Journal of Studies in Technical Careers, 7(4), 231- 240.
Culver, S. M. (1984). The compleat conference rulebook. Virginia English Bulletin, 34(1), 12- 13.
Book Chapters
Culver S. M. (2014). Effective higher education management through collaborative dual-degree programs. In S. Mukerji and P. Tripathi (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Transnational Higher Education Management (pp. 585 – 596). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Culver, S. M., & Van Dyke, R. (2009). Developing a receptive and faculty-focused environment for assessment. In. C. S. Schreiner (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Assessment Technologies, Methods, and Applications in Higher Education (pp. 337-347). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Culver, S. M, & Burge, P. L. (2004). Gender equity in vocational education in the United States: The unfinished agenda. In R. D. Lakes & P. Carter (Eds.), Globalizing education for work: Comparative perspectives on gender and the new economy (pp. 189-202. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
9 Culver, S. M., & Burge, P. L. (1996). Instrumentation: Measuring attitudes, needs, and abilities. In S. Redick (Ed.), Synthesis of research in family and consumer sciences education, 1985--1994 (pp. 35-47). Mission Hills, CA: Glencoe.
Culver, S. M., & Brown, E. B., Jr. (1996). Demonstrating student achievement in an honors program. In T. Banta (Ed.), Good practice in assessing higher education outcomes (pp. 163-166). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Culver, S. M. (1994). Developing cultural awareness: Pedagogical functions of writing. In J. Lasonen & H. Rousi (Eds.), Issues in human caring and cultural awareness in vocational teacher education, pp. 90-95. Jyvaskyla, Finland: Vocational Teacher Education College.
Culver, S. M., & Burge, P. L. (1994). Equity and empowerment in vocational education. In R. Lakes (Ed.), Critical education for work: Multidisciplinary approaches (pp. 51-66). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Burge, P. L., & Culver, S. M. (1990). Sexism, legislative power, and vocational education. In S. Gabriel & I. Smithson (Eds.), Gender in the classroom: Power and pedagogy (pp. 160- 175). Champaigne, IL: University of Illinois Press.
Culver, S. M. (1982). Sarah Jones: A teaching case study. In C. Carter (Ed.), Non-native and nonstandard dialect students: Classroom practices in teaching English (pp. 108-112). Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Book Reviews
Culver, S. M. (1995). Review of High stakes performance assessment: Perspectives on Kentucky’s education reform (Ed. T. Guskey). Evaluation Practice, 16(3), 279-281.
Culver, S. M. (1993). Review of Managing the professional development of teachers (Eds. L. Bell & C. Day). Evaluation Practice, 14(2), 169-171.
Culver, S. M., & Burge, P. L. (1991). Review of The effects of feminist approaches on research methodologies, Teaching women: Feminism and English studies, and Learning the hard way: Women’s oppression in men’s education. Signs, 16, 613-616.
Conference Presentations
Soledad, M., Grohs, J., Bhaduri, S., Doggett, J., Williams, J., & Culver, S. (2017, October). Leveraging institutional data to understand student perceptions about teaching in large engineering classes. Frontiers in Education conference, Indianapolis, IN.
10 Soledad, M., Grohs, J., Doggett, J., Culver, S., & Williams, J. (2017, June). Student perceptions of learning experiences in large mechanics classes: An analysis of student responses to course evaluation surveys. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference, Columbus, OH.
Soledad, M., Grohs, J., Williams, J., Culver, S., & Doggett, J. (2017, February). Leveraging institutional data for reflective teaching in large classes. Paper presented at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Blacksburg, VA.
Sharma, J., & Culver, S. (2017, February). Incorporating program evaluation in a higher education setting. Poster presentation at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Blacksburg, VA
Hall, M. R., & Culver, S. M. (2016, October). Improving the evaluation + design of academic program review. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Atlanta, GA.
Bodo, B., Hall, M. R., & Culver, S. M. (2016, October). One university’s process to align annual assessment reporting and academic program review. Paper presented at the Southern Association for Institutional Research (SAIR) Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC.
Smith, E., Bevan, D., Culver, S., & Wong, E. (2016, July). A cohort approach to graduate education: Attracting and retaining minorities in the biomedical and behavioral sciences. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Poultry Science Association, New Orleans, LA.
Culver, S. M., Warfvinge, P., Hall, M. R., Stack, M., & Burge, P. L. (2016, April). Evaluation as case study: Building a transatlantic partnership around quality assurance. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.
Sahbaz, S., Culver, S. M., & Burge, P. L. (2016, April). Student and faculty context effects on college students’ collaborative learning skills. Roundtable presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.
Biddle, K., Cook, R., Sharma, J., Bodo, B., & Culver, S. (2016, February). Accessible assessment: Making assessment user-friendly for faculty members. Poster presentation at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Blacksburg, VA.
Smith, E., Bevan, D. R., & Culver, S. (2015, July). Peer mentoring: A proven strategy for retaining and developing minority students interested in pursuing biomedical and agricultural sciences. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of
11 the Poultry Sciences Association, Louisville, KY.
Smith, E., Bevan, D. R., & Culver, S. (2015, July). An ombudsperson: A resource for making minorities welcome at a large land grant institution. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Poultry Sciences Association, Louisville, KY.
Wang, Y., Culver, S. M., & Burge, P. L. (2015, April). Influence of gender, disciplines, and social involvement on college students’ perceptions of employability skills. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Hall, M. R., & Culver, S. M. (2015, February). Expectations of entering freshmen at a research-extensive university: Implications for teaching and learning. Poster presentation at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Blacksburg, VA.
Cook, R. Mutcheson, B., & Culver, S. (2015, February). Student perceptions of their undergraduate experience: A qualitative review. Poster presentation at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Blacksburg, VA.
Brunton, K., & Culver, S. M. (2014, October). Evaluation and cross institutional collaborations. Roundtable presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO.
Smith, E., Bevan, D., McNabb, A., Culver, S., & DePauw, K. (2014, August). Attracting and retaining minorities in the biomedical sciences including genomics: A community-based approach to graduate education. Paper presented at the 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Vancouver, BC.
Smith, E., Diaz, A., Culver, S., Bevan, D., Wong, E., & McNabb, A. (2014, July). The diversity of scientific journeys: Getting into and succeeding in science. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Poultry Science Association, Corpus Christi, TX.
Knight, D. B., Brozina, S. C., & Culver, S. (2014, June). Technology in classrooms: How familiar are new college students with the pedagogy? Paper presented at the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN.
Sanders, C. B., Welfare, L. E., & Culver, S. M. (2014, April). Middle school counselors’ self- efficacy regarding career counseling. Roundtable presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Sahbaz, S., Culver, S., & Burge, P. (2014, February). Assessing the perceptions of college students’ skills and abilities. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Jacksonville, FL.
12 Hall, M., & Culver, S. M. (2013, November). Engaging faculty in assessment: The creation of an institution-specific survey of incoming freshmen. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Virginia Assessment Group, Roanoke, VA.
Culver, S. M., Hall, M., Stack, M., & Burge, P. L. (2013, October). Developing evaluation practitioners through coursework and experience in an assessment office: How it works at one research university. Panel presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Washington, DC.
Park, E., & Culver, S. M. (2013, June). Enhancing engineering ethics curriculum by analyzing students’ perceptions. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Atlanta, GA.
Warfvinge, P., & Culver, S. (2013, April). Accreditation and assessment in the U.S. and Sweden. Panel discussion at the Global E3 Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
Culver, S. (2013, March). The ethics of assessment: Generating good data while doing well by our students and faculty. Presentation at the Connections conference, Blacksburg, VA.
Culver, S. M. (2012, November). (Invited). The history of the Virginia Assessment Group. Keynote presentation at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Virginia Assessment Group, Richmond, VA.
Culver, S. M. (2012, September). Building capacity for assessment at your institution. Workshop conducted at the European Conference on Educational Research, Cadiz, Spain.
Culver, S. (2012, June). Assessment, accreditation, and educational quality in the U.S. Presentation at the Transatlantic Institute for Assessment in Higher Education, Riva San Vitale, Switzerland.
Culver, S., & Van Dyke, R. (2012, March). Building collaborative assessment at your institution. Presentation at the Connections 2012 conference, Blacksburg, VA.
Culver, S. M., Van Dyke, R., & Burge, P. L. (2011, September). The culture of assessment and assessment quality. Workshop conducted at the European Conference on Educational Research, Berlin.
Culver, S. M., & Lohani, V. (2011, June). Comparison of engagement with ethics between an engineering college and a business program. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Vancouver, Canada.
13 Hall, M., McConnell, K., Culver, S., & Burge, P. (2011, March). Giving voice through assessment: Student perceptions of the LEAP essential learning outcomes and general education curriculum at a research-extensive university. Poster presentation at the AAC&U conference, General Education and Assessment, Chicago, IL.
Culver, S. M., & Puri, I. K. (2011, February). The Evaluate-E project: A brief overview. Presentation at the National Science Foundation workshop, Investigating International Experiences in STEM Graduate Education and Beyond: From Anecdotal to Empirical Evidence, Washington, DC.
Hall, M., McConnell, K. D., Culver, S., & Burge, P. (2011, February). Student perceptions of faculty teaching practices in the general education curriculum at a research-extensive university. Poster presented at the 3rd Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
Culver, S. M., & Van Dyke, R. (2010, November). Conceptualizing the quality of assessment. Roundtable presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Evaluation Association, San Antonio, TX.
Mahajan, R. L., Lohani, V. K., Puri, I., Pitt, J., Culver, S., & Wokutch, R. (2010, November). Integrating ethical and societal considerations in emerging technologies in engineering education. Presentation at the International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada.
Culver, S. M., Burge, P., Bodenhorn, N., Creamer, E., & Hirt, J. (2010, August). Clarifying what we do through student outcomes assessment. Workshop conducted at the European Conference on Educational Research, Helsinki, Finland.
Culver, S. M., Lohani, V., & Puri, I. (2010, June). Engagement with ethics in a large engineering program: A status report. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Louisville, KY.
Bateman, T., Culver, S., Lohani, V., & Puri, I. (2010, February). Successes and pitfalls in the design of an initial assessment of student engineering ethics perceptions. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA.
Tison, E., & Culver, S. (2010, February). Examining one measure of student engagement. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA.
Burrows, T., & Culver, S. (2010, February). Quality qualitative research on a budget: Enhancing the rigor of qualitative research with little time or money. Roundtable presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA.
14 Culver, S. M., & Burge, P. L. (2009, October). Doing assessment, not just talking about it. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning, Philadelphia, PA.
Culver, S. M., & Wildman, T. (2009, April). Student engagement and faculty ratings. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Bateman, T., Tison, E., & Culver, S. (2009, February). Student engagement in higher education. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Sarasota, FL.
Lutz, M., & Culver, S. (2009, February). The National Survey of Student Engagement: A university-level analysis. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Sarasota, FL.
Tison, E., Bateman, T., Holmes, J., & Culver, S. (2008, May). Examination of the gender-engagement relationship. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Seattle, WA.
Culver, S. M., & Martin, C. A. (2005, November). Perceptions toward social workers and social work. Roundtable presentation at the Baccalaureate Program Directors’ (BPD) Meeting, Austin, TX.
Culver, S. M. (2005, January). Transcript analysis of BSW Completers. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, Miami, FL.
Douglas, N. E., Culver, S. M., & Burge, P. L. (2002, April). African American males negotiating learning and life at a predominantly White university. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Whittmer, T., Culver, S., & Burge, P. (2001, April). Educational implications for Bosnian refugees. Roundtable presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA.
Douglas, N. E., & Culver, S. (2001, February). Personal development and social adjustment of African American males at a predominantly white university. Paper presented at the Conference on Engaging Diversity: Education in the 21st Century, Atlanta, GA
National Science Foundation: A Longitudinal Study of the Dimensions of Disciplinary Culture
15 to Enhance Innovation and Retention among Engineering Students (2013 – 2017): $435,623. Principal Investigator: T. L. Martin. Serve as project evaluator.
National Science Foundation: Bridging the Gap between Engineers (2011 – 2015): $349,820. Principal Investigator: M. Edwards. Serve as evaluation consultant.
National Institutes of Health (NIH): VT post baccalaureate research program (2012 – 2013): $378,670. Principal Investigator: E. Wong. Serve as project evaluator.
National Institutes of Health (NIH): Virginia Tech Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (VT-IMSD) (2012 – 2013): $598,604. Principal Investigator: E. Smith. Serve as project evaluator.
Army Youth Science Cooperative Outreach Agreement: U. S. Army Outreach Educational Program (2010 – 2013): $17,200,000. Principal Investigators: M. Bernhard, A. Parlo. Wrote evaluation component and serve as project evaluator.
Scieneering: Learning, discovery, engagement at the intersections of science, engineering, and the law: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Undergraduate Science Education 2010 – core (2010 – 2014): $1,332,150. Principal Investigators: D. Wubah, J. Sible, E. Dolan, B. Watford. Wrote evaluation component and serve as project evaluator. National Science Foundation, Ethics Education in Science and Engineering Program: GILEE: Establishing a Graduate Interdisciplinary Liberal Engineering Ethics Curriculum (2008 – 2011): $298,000. Principal Investigators: I. K. Puri, V. K. Lohani, R. L. Mahajan, J. C. Pitt and R. E. Wokutch. Wrote evaluation component and served as project evaluator.
National Science Foundation: Broadening Opportunities for Nontraditional Graduate Students in Biomolecular Science (2009 – 2012): $506,373. Principal Investigators: C. Brewster and D. Dean. Wrote evaluation component and served as project evaluator.
National Science Foundation: Reinvigorating CS1 by enabling creative Web 2.0 programming (2009 – 2011): $150,071. Principal Investigators: G. Beck, S. Edwards and Steven Culver (also served as project evaluator).
U.S. Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, Washington, D.C.: EVALUATE–E: Examining VALUe Added in Transatlantic Exchanges in Engineering (2009 – 2011); Principal Investigators: I. K. Puri, K. DePauw, and J. Dooley. Developed evaluation process and served as project evaluator.
16 2016 Delivered Commencement Speech at Virginia Tech English Department Commencement Ceremony
2015 Completion of Virginia Tech’s year-long Executive Development Institute
2011 Co-recipient, XCaliber Award (2011) for Excellence in Creating and Applying Technologies on a large-scale team project, Virginia Tech
2003 Professor of the Year Award, Radford University BSW Social Work Club.
2002 Faculty Advisor for the Exemplary Performance Award, College of Graduate and Extended Education, Radford University
2001 Article (Whittmer & Culver, 2001) nominated for Society of Social Work Research Best Published Article Award in 2001
1999 Faculty Advisor for the Exemplary Performance Award, College of Graduate and Extended Education, Radford University
1995 Certificate of Recognition for Quality Research, Virginia Educational Research Association
1992 Award for Outstanding Scholarship on Teacher Education, Association of Colleges & Schools of Education in State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
1990 Outstanding Research Article Award, American Vocational Education Research Association
1986 – 1987 Cunningham Fellowship, Graduate School, Virginia Tech
1980 Certificate of Teaching Excellence, Virginia Tech
Conducted workshops and seminars for faculty and administrators in the areas of outcomes assessment, program evaluation, social science research methodologies, and gender equity.
17 2016 SACSCOC fall conference, 6-hour workshop on “Assessment Planning: Creating a Manageable, Effective, and Sustainable Program Assessment Plan”
2015 SACSCOC fall conference, 3-hour workshop on “Assessment Planning: Creating a Manageable, Effective, and Sustainable Program Assessment Plan”
2009 Florida State College, development and review of assessment processes
2000 University of Virginia, workshop on writing skills for students and faculty from seven colleges and universities at the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center (Abingdon, VA)
1997 Aquinas College (Grand Rapids, MI), day workshop on infusing gender in the curriculum
1994 Eastern Mennonite College, faculty workshop on effective assessment procedures
1994 Finnish Institute for Educational Research (Jyvaskyla, Finland), assist with national research projects and development of educational research policies
1993 Jyvaskyla Polytechnic (Jyvaskyla, Finland), faculty training in assessment procedures
1993 Association of Alabama College Music Administrators, workshop on outcomes- student assessment processes
1990 National Community College Center for Cooperative Education (Chicago, IL), faculty and administrator workshop on nonsexist communication
1990 U. S. Department of Education, workshop on evaluating articulation projects between two- and four-year schools, for Funds for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE)
1989 West Virginia Department of Education, K-12 teachers and administrators workshop on nonsexist communication and gender equity activities
Other related consulting activities
2011 Army Educational Outreach Program, poster judge for the Junior Science & Humanities Symposium National Championship
18 2000 Wadsworth Publishing Company, reviewer for research and statistics book manuscript
1997 Appalachian Educational Laboratory (Charleston, WV), wrote evaluation for project proposal
1995 Appalachian Educational Laboratory (Charleston, WV), reviewed monograph on educational service agencies in rural school districts
1993 Waste Policy Institute (Blacksburg, VA), reviewed education-related proposals
1991 State Council for Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV), reviewed institutional assessment reports of two- and four-year Virginia colleges and universitie