MARCH Ninth Project Coordination Committee (PCC9) Meeting Minutes
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MARCH Doc. 26
Coordinator 27 April 2011 [email protected] All
MARCH ninth project coordination committee (PCC9) meeting minutes
The first part of the ninth MARCH project coordination committee meeting was held in Heidelberg, 31 March - 1 April 2011, and then followed by en email session ending 11 April 2011.
The agenda is given in Annex 1 and the list of partner’s PCC representatives and other present at the meeting are listed in Annex 2. The Project Coordinator chaired the meeting.
1) Approval of agenda
Decision The agenda in Annex 1 was approved.
2) Modifications to the PDv7
There was a brief discussion about PDv7 Section 6 Budget and effort providing tables of effort per partner. There are negative numbers for LiveU for WP5 in 2010 and 2011. The figures are based on spreadsheet were previous years budget were not modified, a request by Celtic that the figures used in the passed are not changed in new versions. The, when reducing the totals the result become negative. Obviously, this cannot be like this in realty. It might be an issue for change.
Decision Not to change the PDv7 per date.
3) Approval of publications, deliverables, milestones
Approved publications K. Stordahl, "Mobile broadband subscription and traffic evolution", International Telecommunication Society, 18th Biennial Conference, 27-30 June 2010, Tokyo, Japan I. I. Vermesan, T. Palade, R. M. Colda, A. Moldovan, E. Puschita and C. Androne, “Capacity analyses for IEEE 802.11n narrowband and wideband channel modelling”, Acta Technica Napocensis – Electronics and Telecommunications, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 59-62, 2010, ISSN 1221-6542
Approved planned/submitted P. Kántor and J. Bitó, "Adaptive Link Assignment Applied in Case of Video Streaming in a Multilink Environment ", IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2011 Spring), Budapest, Hungary, 15-18 May 2011, accepted
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L. Csurgai-Horváth, E. Leitgeb and J. Turan, „Measurement Data for FSO and E-band Radio Propagation Modeling”, EuCAP 2011, Rome, Italy, 11-15 April 2011, accepted
4) Other
a) Second workshop Organise it together with another project.
Decision MARCH wants to arrange the next (final) workshop together with Easy Wireless 2 (EW2). Noam Amram will contact them.
b) MARCH ending At the end of the physical meeting LiveU raised the issue of demonstration showing god technology and good joint collaboration to potential users of the technology and to the participants at final review. This is very important to MARCH and the meeting in Heidelberg had to stop before any good conclusion could be drawn.
The following email was sent out after the meeting: I was pleased to learn about the very good outcome for the MARCH demo at the Celtic Event 2001. Very nice feed-back.
Right afterwards we had our 9th consortium meeting including PCC decisions taken as part of the consortium meeting. However, at the end of the meeting the “MARCH ending” was brought up by LiveU (Noam). The “MARCH ending” includes the rest of the project with workshop, demonstration, and the final review.
We ran out of time for completing the discussions. Ideally, a face-to-face meeting would be the best. Perhaps we should look for a telephone and network meeting, but it is probably satisfactory to use an email meeting procedure. Please let me know if you wish it discussed at a telephone/network meeting.
The MARCH ending includes meetings with travels:
• 24-26 May: CM10 and Workshop with demo • Late August/Early September: CM11 preparatory meeting • Second half of September: Final meeting/review with demo
A preparatory face-to-face meeting before the final meeting/review was suggested by LiveU (Noam).
When MARCH applied for a 4 month extension the plan was to enable participation at Svalbard excavations in August, as last year. This also dictated that the latest time for workshop with demo would be May, and that at the end in September a limited demo would satisfy for the reviewers. Now the Norwegian partners will not participate at Svalbard this year, and the ending timing can be discussed.
The points made by LiveU was that the demo performed at the review must be strong and also show that several partners collaborate and contribute largely to the same
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demo, and not as separated entities on their own. We have already planned for a good demo at the workshop.
What to be decided again by the PCC:
1) Assumptions The one-day workshop starts around 10 and ends around 17: high level before lunch and more details afterwards A good demo is included both for high level and in more details (stands) We do the workshop together with another project, i.e., Easy Wireless 2 Final meeting and review include a good demonstration A consortium meeting is necessary in May to maintain satisfactory progress
2) MARCH ending order Option 1 CM10 & Workshop with demo: May 24-26 in Oslo Final meeting & review with a demo (possibly less ambitious than the demo in Oslo): Second half September in Spain Option 2 CM10: two days in the period 24-26 May in Spain (if this is possible) Final meeting/review & Workshop: Second half September in Oslo Requirement: project officer and reviewer can attend the demo at the workshop or run the main demo twice (i.e., the reviewer day)
2) Preparatory meeting One day preparing for the final review: two-three weeks before the final meeting. Alternatively the day before the final/review meeting
For the PCC respond on Items 2 and 3 before 12 April at 16 CET (GMT+2). Item 2: Option 1 or Option 2 Item 3: Yes/No to a preparatory meeting. If yes, two-three weeks in advance or one day in advance before.
If there is no response I assume you have no opinion.
There were 9 responses, no response from Bitnet but informal views exchanged with Simula and WiNetworks/Ruggedcom. Regarding Option1 or Option 2 there were 5 in favour of Option 1 and 4 in favour of Option 2.
The Project Coordinator suggests Option 2 due to the following reasons: The main players with new MARCH technology for the full demo will be Lividi, LiveU and Ruggedcom and a network operator The partners Lividi, LiveU (, and Telenor) has to provide the technical solutions and networks at the full demo all wants Option 2 It is very important than we both provide a very good demo for the workshop audience and as well for the project officer and reviewer For Option 1 we cannot present the full demo for the project officer and the reviewers (they will not travel twice) We have to use the time until September, too many remaining work items need the remaining time to stop in May
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Decision MARCH ending a) 24-26 Mary: Consortium meeting in Spain, later confirmed Madrid b) Preparatory meeting in two phases: net-meeting two-three weeks before and then face- to face meeting the day before workshop& final review c) Second half of September: Final meeting with review, workshop, and full demo
4 MARCH Doc. 26 Annex 1 PCC9 Agenda
Draft PCC9Agenda 1) Approval of the agenda 2) Modifications to the PD 3) Approval of publications, deliverables, milestones 4) Other
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Annex 2 Participants Partner Participant Telenor Terje Tjelta Håkon Lønsethagen BME János Bitó Péter Horváth Bitnet Not present Telvent Not present TCLM Not present TUCN Tudor Palade Gravity Tamas Urbancsek Simula Audun Fosselie Hansen Lividi Hans Ole Rafaelsen WiNetworks/RuggedCom Peter Sheynkman LiveU Noam Amram Bezalel Finkelstien INDRA Not present