What Do World Powers Want the Qing Dynasty of China to Do

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What Do World Powers Want the Qing Dynasty of China to Do

What do world powers want the Qing Dynasty of China to do?

What do the Chinese want out of the European powers?

Why are Chinese citizens unhappy with the Qing Dynasty?

What war breaks out between 1839 and 1842?

What countries primarily fight in this war?

Why does the war start?

What do the British force upon the Chinese after winning the war?

What takes place between 1850 and 1864?

Who is the main force behind the rebel uprising?

Why is he forming the uprising?

Is the uprising considered a success or failure?

What are spheres of influence?

What country was not involved in the original carving up of China?

What does this country propose instead of the spheres of influence?

How do the other countries respond to this?

What were the pros and cons of this?

1 What begins in China in 1900?

Why were they called Boxers?

What two groups did the Boxers hate most?

What does their brutality lead to?

What are the end results of the rebellion?

Where does the Industrial Revolution begin?

When does the Industrial Revolution begin?

What is happening to agriculture during the revolution?

What is resulting from this?

What is coming about from this new wealth?

Describe the natural resource availability during the Industrial Revolution.

Describe British markets during the Industrial Revolution.

How was life inside a factory?

What are some examples of how it was so bad?

What does this lead to?

2 Describe the population and death rate of cities during the Industrial Revolution.

What group of people is moving to the cities?

Why is the poverty level increasing in cities?

France’s three classes are divided into groups known as what?

What did the third estate have to do that nobody else had to do?

Describe France’s economy just before the revolution?

Why is there economy like this?

What was the majority of French money spent on?

What did the King and the third estate do to try and solve their problems?

How did the King respond to this?

What did the French Revolutionaries do in 1789?

The revolutionaries issue what document?

Who were the French King and Queen just before the revolution?

What happened to them?

What period of time occurred shortly after the deaths of the King and Queen?

3 Why was this period of time necessary?

What period of time was supposed to follow?

Who was the face of the revolution?

What was his eventual fate?

What country had Napoleon been trying to conquer?

Did he ever succeed?


What do Napoleon and the United States negotiate for purchase?

How much did it cost?

Why did the French make this arrangement with the United States?

Napoleon invades what country in 1812?

What did this country do in response?

What does France eventually do?

What happens shortly after this?

Where is Napoleon exiled after this first attack?

4 How long had an African slave trade existed?

Trade between American, Europe and Africa roughly formed what shape?

What materials went from America to Europe?

What materials went from Europe to Africa?

What materials went from Africa to America?

The path between Africa and America was also known as what?

Why was it so dangerous?

Loading and placing Africans onto a ship was known as what?

Describe the differences between the two methods.

What two men explored the Congo region?

What country eventually takes over the Congo region?

Why was their control over the Congo important?

What is unusual regarding Ethiopia and European countries controlling Africa?

What canal was important to Egypt in 1869?

What does this canal allow to happen?

5 What European country will end up controlling Egypt?

What does Nationalism mean?

What was an example of it during WWI?

What does Industrialization mean?

What was an example of Land Disputes during WWI?

What were the two alliance groups leading up to World War I?

What countries were in what alliances?

What does Imperialism mean?

What was an example of imperialism during WWI?

What does Militarism mean?

What was an example of militarism during WWI?

What does trench warfare prove about military tactics?

Why are trenches dug during World War I?

What is the purpose of airplanes during World War I?

What were airships?

6 What was their major disadvantage?

What were the advantages of repeating guns?

How was this different from guns of previous wars?

What could gas warfare enable an army to do?

Why were submarines temporarily made illegal in warfare?

At the beginning of the war, whose side is America on?

Arthur Zimmerman of Germany sends a message to what country?

What did this message say?

What happened to this message?

What was the RMS Lusitania?

What eventually happened to it?

Why was America so upset about this?

What did Germany say about the Lusitania?

Was it true?

How was the Russian Revolution similar to the French Revolution?

7 Who comes to power in the new Soviet Union?

What is trench warfare doing to the speed of the war?

When the United States enters the war, describe the other countries?

What is the Mandate System?

What happens to the areas affected by the Mandate System?

What are reparations?

How do reparations apply to the end of World War I?

What do the reparations do to the German economy?

Woodrow Wilson has the idea for what organization?

What was the purpose of this organization?

England and France will join on what condition?

What does the United States ultimately do?

What officially ends World War I?

What does this force Germany to do?

What is Article 231?

8 What does it do?

President Wilson’s attempt to prevent a large war from happening again was called his what?


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