Introducing Macc and Salford CVS
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Skill Givers Project Co-ordinator Job Pack
Contents Introducing Macc and Salford CVS Information specific to the post Job description Person specification
Introducing Macc and Salford CVS Thank you for your interest in applying for a job with Macc and Salford Community & Voluntary Services (Salford CVS). This is a partnership project and the post holder will be employed by Macc and based between the Macc and Salford CVS offices. We want applicants to be able to understand who we are as an organisations and also to be able to demonstrate how their skills and experience meet the requirements of the advertised role. We have provided you with information and guidance to help you through the process but should you have any difficulties please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] Please note that the Macc offices will be closed from 5pm on 22nd December 2017 to 9am on 2nd January 2018
Who we are and what we do Macc and Salford CVS are the city-wide infrastructure organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors in Manchester and Salford respectively; providing specialist information, advice, development support and opportunities for influence and
1 collaboration. We provide support for organisations to establish and develop including training for their staff, volunteers and trustees. Volunteer Centre Manchester and Volunteer Centre Salford provide support for individuals who want to volunteer and assistance for organisations developing volunteer programmes. Macc and Salford CVS have been delivering Volunteer Centre services in Manchester and Salford for many years and we both hold Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation Macc and Salford CVS operate within a wider framework in terms of our membership of NAVCA, NCVO and Social Enterprise UK nationally and our membership of 10GM and GMCVO at city-region level.
2 Macc was established in 1981 as an alliance of voluntary and community sector organisations; seeking to challenge inequalities in health and social care. Since that time, it has evolved to become a specialist development agency which works with voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations and subsequently the main support body for the city's VCSE sector. Originally established as an Industrial and Provident Society, Macc was re-incorporated as a Company Ltd by Guarantee in 2011 and a Registered Charity in 2012.
Macc’s purpose To encourage, support and develop voluntary and community groups and individuals to have a real influence over the places and communities in which they live.
Our beliefs Every individual and community has unique skills, talents, knowledge and insights that are important. Our collective skills, knowledge and lived experience uniquely equip us to do the work we do.
We value Being Supportive: providing mutual support and encouraging one another
Being Cooperative: facilitating positive change in society by working with people
Being Influential: harnessing people’s skills and building their confidence to shape and inform policy and practice Our strategic aims: Gathering information and ideas to support the voluntary and community sector in making sense of changing circumstances and emerging opportunities. Exploring and creating new ways of working to effect positive change that are informed by the experience and perspectives of others.
3 Salford CVS was established in 1973 as Salford Council for Voluntary Services and has been based in various office locations across Salford ever since.Originally operating as a co-operative, the structure began to change in 2001 when it had its first Co-ordinator, closely followed in 2002 with its first Chief Officer.The organisation was incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee in 1985 and registered as a Charity in 1988. In 2008 the organisation was renamed Salford Community and Voluntary Services.
Salford CVS Mission Statement: Making a Difference in Salford
Salford CVS Vision: A robust voluntary, community and social enterprise sector that meets the diverse needs and aspirations of the people of Salford Salford CVS Values MAKING A DIFFERENCE through: Passionate about the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise PASSION Sector INNOVATION Innovative in our approach QUALITY Quality at the heart of all our activities Stronger when we work cooperatively with others to achieve our COOPERATION vision DIVERSITY Celebrating diversity and promoting equality in Salford IMPACT Demonstrating impact and making a difference every time
Salford CVS: Strategic Priorities 2013 – 2018 THEME WORK STRANDS MONEY Grants Contracts Fundraising VOICE Representation Influencing Campaigning SHARE Resources Information Collaboration VOLUNTEER Governance Good Practice Direct Services COMMUNITY Poverty Inequality Welfare Reform IMPACT Compliance Quality Demonstrating Value
4 Information specific to the post Macc and Salford CVS are already collaborating via 10GM and the Greater Manchester Social Value Network so this partnership is the next logical step in an already strong working relationship. The post holder will spend part of the week based in Manchester, and part in Salford. The Skill Givers employer supported volunteering project is an exciting new development for us, we have secured funding for 3 years through Sport England and it is our intention to build the evidence over this period to sustain the project beyond this initial period.
Project Summary The project based in specific areas of Manchester and Salford will link small VCSE groups from disadvantaged areas and whose work involves physical activity / sport with local private sector business. The aim will be to increase micro / short term volunteering opportunities by developing an Employer Supported Volunteering (ESV) IT platform. What we want to achieve: Increase micro volunteering/short term volunteering opportunities that involve people with time barriers, and/or people who would be put off by the idea of ‘sports volunteering’ Replicable and effective technology based system that enables; groups to promote volunteering opportunities/needs, private sector organisations employees to easily access these, private sector employers to manage, monitor, measure and evidence their CSR activities. Increase private sector engagement with local VCSE groups working in disadvantaged areas. Increasing awareness from private sector businesses and their employees of the valuable role VCSE groups offering sport and physical activities play in deprived areas. Increase ongoing connections/partnerships between businesses and VCSE groups. Increase the morale, motivations and skills of the employees engaged in the project and therefore increase private sector buy-in. Increase longer-term volunteering for VCSE groups as a result of employees being given a ‘taster’ of the experience and benefits. Increase in strength and sustainability of VCSE groups through provision of capacity building support to develop new types of volunteering opportunities that address groups development needs and attract volunteers from businesses.
5 Skill Givers Project Co-ordinator Job Description
Salary: £26,539 per annum Hours: 35 hours per week (flexi-time system). Attendance at evening meetings may be required occasionally. Time off in lieu is available. Period of Contract: 3 years (subject to funding) Responsible to: Active Communities Manager (Macc) and project steering group Location: Co-located at Macc (Manchester city centre) and Salford CVS (Eccles)
Main purpose of the post To develop, co-ordinate and deliver a new Sport England funded employer supported volunteering (ESV) project in Manchester and Salford. The project will link Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise sector, sport and physical activity groups and organisations with businesses and employers, and will also involve working closely with employee volunteers and key partners (e.g Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce). This project is being delivered in partnership by Macc and Salford CVS. The postholder will be employed by Macc.
Business and Employer Engagement Developing strong links and working relationships with appropriate partners; to engage with businesses and employers, promote the project and encourage participation. Recruit and support the participation of businesses and employers in the project; by advocating for the benefits of Employer Supported Volunteering and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and highlighting the use of the Volunteer Engagement and Recruitment Application (VERA) as a platform to conduct business. Developing strong links and working relationships with businesses and employers to maximise employee participation in ‘quality’ ESV, and providing necessary support to people on the ‘employee volunteer journey’. Helping businesses and employers to understand the benefits of ESV, CSR and the concept of Social Value, so that they can fully assimilate and participate in the project. Organising and delivering presentations and workshops as appropriate to facilitate business and employer engagement.
Engaging and Supporting volunteer-involving organisations
6 Working with VCSE sector, sport and physical activity groups and organisations to develop ‘quality’ employer supported volunteering opportunities; that respond to needs and areas for development, and build capacity. Helping volunteer-involving organisations (VIO) to understand good practice in volunteering, and developing relevant policies and procedures (particularly in relation to ESV). Referring and signposting where appropriate to volunteer centres in Manchester and Salford, and the Macc Capacity Building Service or Salford CVS Development Team. Promoting a culture of creative thinking and new approaches to developing volunteering opportunities and involving volunteers with organisations in Manchester and Salford. To ensure you are able to demonstrate the positive impact of ESV as part of through a range of methods including testimonials, case studies, photographs/videos (community reporting) and effectively articulating the social value generated by the projects. Organising and delivering presentations and workshops as appropriate to facilitate business and employer engagement.
Supporting Employee ‘Volunteers’ To recruit, train, motivate and support employee volunteers before, during and post placement. This will include, face to face, online and/ or telephone contact. To ensure volunteer contributions are recognised and rewarded through a range of activities including annual volunteer celebration events, certificates of achievements and nominating volunteers for external awards (Spirit of Manchester, Heart of Salford etc). To develop appropriate pathways into longer term volunteering for participants.
Training package development and delivery Working alongside the Macc Training Co-ordinator to develop and deliver appropriate online, web based induction and ongoing training to support all aspects of the ESV programme and IT portal.
Information, marketing and promotion Present formal and informal information in accessible formats about the benefits of employer supported volunteering. Develop marketing materials to promote the work of the ESV project, and the achievements of previous placements. Ensure marketing material is available to a wide range of appropriate outlets, including social media and attend events to promote the project. To contribute to the production of Manchester Community Central and Salford CVS newsletters and e-bulletins and to ensure appropriate ESV project information is shared with relevant partners (e.g. GM Chamber).
Partnership working
7 Initiate, facilitate and develop the project steering group, ensuring the group receives regular reports on project progress. Seek appropriate opportunities to link private sector organisations and employers into the GM social value network. Work with partner organisations at a local and regional level to promote effective pathways for volunteers and share good practice. Monitoring and evaluation Record and monitor the impact of the work and provide verbal and written reports as required. Ensure the project complies with the requirements of the Sport England National Evaluation. Update and maintain CiViCRM and VERA databases accurately. Project sustainability and mainstreaming To work alongside the New Business Development Manager (Macc) and Project Steering Group to sustain and develop the service through income generation. To contribute to the development of a toolkit to share best practice and learning from the project. General To uphold and promote the purpose, beliefs and values of Macc and Salford CVS. To work collaboratively within the teams sharing general responsibility for o newsletters, bulletins, social media and online resources o Contact & casework databases o VCSE sector events and conferences o Macc’s annual Spirit of Manchester and Salford CVS’s annual Heart of Salford programmes celebrating the local voluntary, community and social enterprise sector’s work in each city o Responding to enquiries and administration To contribute to income generation and general fundraising, including providing charged for services on a consultancy basis where required. To undertake training as required. To work as a member of Macc and Salford CVS’s teams, and to contribute to the development of policy and good practice within Macc and Salford CVS’s. To work in accordance with Macc’s Equal Opportunities statement and other relevant policies. To be responsible for your own health & safety and that of our colleagues, in accordance with the Health & Safety at Work Act. To work in accordance with the Data Protection Act and Macc policies on Data Protection and Open Data. To carry out the above duties, and any other reasonable duties commensurate with the responsibilities of the post.
8 Skill Givers Project Co-ordinator Person Specification
The following skills knowledge and experience are relevant to this post. Your application should address each of these points and use examples from paid or unpaid work or personal experience. Skills & Aptitude Assessed by Excellent interpersonal skills including diplomacy and the ability to Application/ communicate clearly and successfully at a variety of levels. Interview Willingness and ability to work collaboratively, particularly the ability to build Application/ collaborative and trusting relationships with a range of colleagues in all Interview sectors. Excellent problem solving skills and an ability to think creatively. Application/ Interview The ability to understand complex information and communicate it in plain Application language in both accurate written and verbal reports. The ability to facilitate one to one sessions and group work Application/ Interview The ability and initiative to work in a systematic way, plan and organise your Application/ own workload and managing your time and performance to meet tight Interview deadlines. The ability to engage with people from a wide range of social, cultural and Application/ ethnic backgrounds. Interview A high standard of general I.T. skills including general office software, Application internet and social media and ability to be largely self-servicing in terms of administration . The ability to contribute to the staff team and the organisation’s overall Application/ effectiveness, by sharing skills, expertise and ideas Interview Willingness and ability to travel around Manchester and Salford Application
Willingness to undertake personal development and relevant training Application Knowledge Knowledge of Asset Based Community Development principles and practice Application/ Interview A good knowledge of the current influences and policy developments Application/ affecting volunteering, including significant knowledge of the good practice Interview and quality standards in volunteering Good knowledge and understanding of partnership working principles. Application/ Interview A good understanding of equalities legislation and solutions to overcome Application/ barriers to inclusion. Interview Experience Experience of delivering creative approaches to engaging individuals and Application organisations. 9 Experience of working with volunteers preferably in a voluntary and Application/ community setting. Specific experience of ESV would be an advantage but is Interview not essential. Experience of creating and developing volunteering opportunities Application/ Interview Experience of project and performance management systems Application/ Interview Experience of monitoring and evaluation of activities Application/ Interview Experience of engagement with private sector businesses. Application/ Interview Experience of working successfully at a strategic level with partners from Application/ different sectors Interview A good track record of working within or alongside voluntary and community Application/ organisations. Interview Experience in developing new initiatives and managing complex projects. Application/ Interview Inclusive Working Understanding and commitment to an outcome-focused, person-centred Application/ approach. Interview A demonstrable a commitment to equal opportunities for everyone Application/ Interview