Liturgy Committee Minutes

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Liturgy Committee Minutes


DATE: 01/07/13

Members Present: Fr. Gary, Darby H., Maxine K., Karen S., Leon S., Loretta C., Mary M.

Others Present: Loren Radermacher

Recent Celebrations/ Events:

 Mass of Thanksgiving (Fr. John Rutten): Fr. John has been contacted to reschedule date but nothing has been confirmed

 All Saints & All Souls Days:

o Disappointing attendance for Holy Day mass by the elementary RE students (only 2).

o Reminder to set the name labels for the candles in the order of their deaths – makes it much easier for Fr Gary to find them to light as the list of names is being read.

 Chicken/ Fish Fry at Big Stone Legion:

o Good attendance for the event, fellowship was great, not a lot of food leftover after 2 hours of steady serving,

o Had a medical emergency occur (EMT/ ambulance called), nurses in the crowd assisted with the patient until EMTs arrived

o Net Total = $1800.00

 40 Hours with Fr Geditz:

o Good attendance, entertaining and interesting speaker, had 14 hours of confessions

o Fr Gary has received many good comments about bringing in the various speakers on a monthly basis

o Fr Gary asked for suggestions for speakers at the next 40 Hours – some names given were: Fr Tscharkert, Fr Dominic, Fr Mike Griffin

 Advent 2012:

o Parishioners liked the purple wall hangings decorating the gathering space windows (added one panel of purple or pink as each week of Advent occurred)

 Christmas/ New Years: o Fr Gary appreciated the simplicity of the decorations in the church; many good comments about the ball ornaments as well as Jesus appearing to walk through the trees

o Standing room only in the gym at 5pm Christmas Eve mass; more people attended the midnight mass than last year; 9:30am Christmas morning mass was comfortably full

o Need to prepare a better projection screen for the gym for the overflow crowd, hard to see the projected view since the gym walls have been painted a darker color, need to focus more on the environment set up in the gym – make it more inviting and reverent.

o Luminaries (unlit) were placed along hallway, windows and stairs inside – unable to light them outside due to wind; parish members liked them inside so they could spend time reading the names, luminaries were lit and set outside on the front steps for New Years Eve.

Upcoming Celebrations/ Events:

 First Reconciliation (Jan 30, 2013): 16 students to participate, exposition of the Holy Eucharist will be held

 Ash Wednesday (Feb 13, 2013)

o Mass Times: 8:30am – School Mass; 12:10pm; 6pm – RE & Parish; 8pm – Revillo

 Lent 2013: (Begins February 13, 2013)

o Stations after Benediction every Friday of Lent

o Environment: Purple; Hang purple cloth in gathering space windows

o Lenten Penance Service: Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 7pm (with Fr Dave & Fr Paul)

o Music during Lent: Sing opening hymn but close mass with silence

o KC Fish Fry Fridays: (5-7pm)

. February 22; March 8; and March 22

 Palm Sunday (March 24, 2013):

o Remember to order palms

o Environment: . Red; palms, rocks, etc.

o Vigil (March 23, 2013): 5PM – same as last year; gather in the parish center (palms will be laid out on a table); everyone will process through school hallway (decorated as the streets of Jerusalem) to the church; choir members (spread throughout crowd) will lead the singing during the procession; move palms to gathering space for Sunday masses

 Soup & Stations (March 27, 2013):

o 5 – 6:45pm – Youth group will serve a soup meal in parish center

o 7pm – Living Stations will be presented by the youth group with confessions to follow

. Borrow the cross from Big Stone and the costumes from Rosen


o 5 Adult candidates and 1 second grader

 Server Training session – Fr Gary will arrange time to prep altar servers for the various masses

 Holy Thursday (March 28, 2013):

o Mass Times: 6pm – St Lawrence; 8pm – Revillo

o 6 chairs covered in white for washing of the feet, pitcher & basin located in the rectory basement; Fr Gary will select the 12 participants (RCIA candidates and sponsors)

o Environment: White; set up Last Supper table on gathering space stairs, simple floral arrangement in front of altar and a simple bouquet for parish center

o Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (till midnight) will take place following the mass in the parish center, Fr Gary will lead procession from church to the gym for adoration

o In parish center: set up chairs (Ken), the chapel tabernacle, 4 candles, kneeler

o Close off chapel – will not be used

o After mass: can prepare sanctuary for Good Friday

 Good Friday (March 29, 2013):

o Times: 3pm; Noon – Revillo

o Environment: Red; bare altar, cover crucifix in red (carefully), set base up for large wooden cross used for veneration (on baptismal side) o Eucharistic procession (Fr Gary and servers) from chapel with consecrated hosts for communion

 Tenebrae (March 29,2013):

o 7:30pm – Stations first, then Tenebrae service

o Bare altar, 8 candles, drum, dark - no lights on in church

o 2 ushers with flashlights to guide parishioners out

 Holy Saturday/ Easter Vigil (March 30, 2013):

o Mass Time: 8PM

o Reserved seating up front for RCIA candidates/ sponsors & families ( 6 candidates)

o Environment:

. Baptismal side – Holy water font & baptismal font, large wooden cross & base, Easter candle(new candle will be ordered – same size as this one because there is only one size candle that fits into our holder

. NOTE: Be aware when positioning all items on the baptismal side so as not to block the John the Baptist mural

. Holy Family side – Easter flowers

. Gathering space stairs – fountain with medium cross, flowers, rainbow cloth on windows

. Chairs: Have enough chairs for all altar servers and lectors in sanctuary

o Choir: Make sure to coordinate the singing of the Litany of Saints (use the same litany listed in the missal- last year the choir and the parish had different versions of the litany); Fr Gary will meet with the choir directors to discuss song choices for Easter

o Gather in the church parking lot near the gathering space entry to begin the mass

. Fire: Set up grill in parking lot; start fire before mass

. Candle procession: Individual candles for people to be lit by servers as we process into church

. Liturgy of the Word: 4 Old Testament readings, singing of the Gloria and bell ringing, Epistle, Gospel and Homily

. Baptismal Liturgy: One baptism of RCIA candidate to be performed  Blessing of baptismal font, Litany of the Saints, Renewal of Baptismal Promises – Sprinkling rite, Celebration of Reception, Confirmation of the 6 candidates

. Liturgy of the Eucharist

 Easter Sunday (March 31, 2013):

o Mass Times: 8am; 9:30am & 11:30am (Revillo)

o Prepare for overflow seating in the gym for 9:30 mass (same as last year)

 Confirmation (April 6, 2013)

o Mass Time: 5pm with Bishop Swain

o 46 to be confirmed (combination from 4 parishes-Milbank, Wilmot, Big Stone and Revillo); only confirmation students and their sponsors will have reserved seating

o Environment: Red; in the gathering space

o Add extra chairs to choir loft for parents

o Set up for overflow in the chapel

 First Communion (April 21, 2013)

o Mass Time: 2pm

o 16-17 children to receive First Communion

Other Business:

 Loren Radermacher: Music & Organ problems

o Can the choirs sing the Amen (three fold) rather than reciting it? Yes, they can.

o Choirs can choose any of the 3 Eucharistic Acclamations to sing at mass.

o The organ is having problems again. Problems occur sporadically and include: keys and paddles sticking, keys not always playing when hit. Can we get the organ person in to look at it again? Next Meeting: Monday April 8, 2013 at 5:30pm

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