Kathy: My Name Is Kathy H
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English/Chinese Notes special. Keeping yourselves well, keeping Movie: Never Let Me Go yourselves healthy inside, is of paramount Written and edited by Linda Liao and Ai- importance. Have I made myself clear? ping Liu Students: Yes, Miss Emily.
Part 1 身為 Hailsham 的校長,Miss Emily 總是提醒(洗 Kathy: My name is Kathy H. I'm 28 years 腦)著,Hailsham 的學生必須懂得愛護自己的身 old. I've been a carer for nine years. And I'm 體,因為他們與眾不同,也暗示著他們未來成為 good at my job. My patients always do better 捐贈者的命運,所以她說 Students of Hailsham than expected and are hardly ever classified are special. as agitated, even if they're about to make a Paramount = foremost 首要的 donation. I'm not trying to boast, but I feel a Of + N.表示具有某種性質 great sense of pride in what we do. Carers of paramount importance 表示最重要的 and donors have achieved so much. That said, we aren't machines. In the end, it wears Part 3 you down. I suppose that's why I now spend (On the playing fields) most of my time not looking forwards but R: Look. Who's that with Miss Emily? looking back, to The Cottages and Hailsham, Do you think it's the new guardian? and what happened to us there. Me, Tommy, K: Miss Lucy. I think it must be. and Ruth. R: We haven't had a new guardian for ages. K: Catch it, Tommy. Kathy 當了九年的看護,她所照顧的病人需要捐 Miss Lucy: Why didn't Tommy get the ball? 贈器官,注意字詞搭配用 make a donation Ruth: Excuse me, Miss Lucy? Agitated = restless 急躁不安 Ms. L: Why didn't Tommy get the ball? 捐贈器官多次,整個人當然消耗磨損殆盡,所以 When it bounced over the fence, it couldn't Kathy 說 it wears you down. have been far from him. K: The fence is the boundary of the Part 2 Hailsham grounds. Miss Emily: Good morning, students. Girl: We don't go outside the boundary, Miss Students: Good morning, Miss Emily. Lucy. Ms. E: It has come to my attention that three R: It's too dangerous. burned cigarettes were discovered, Miss L: Dangerous? hidden behind a pot in the flower garden. I R: There was once a boy who had a big row know that on occasion students have seen with all his friends and then ran off beyond some of the caretakers and deliverymen the boundary. They found him, two days smoking cigarettes, but I must emphasize, later, in the woods. Tied to a tree. once again, that it is much, much worse for a Girl: With his hands and feet cut off. student of Hailsham to smoke cigarettes than Girl2: Dead. anyone else. Students of Hailsham are R: And there was the girl who climbed over the fence, by the front gate. And when she Boy: Looks like no one wants you, Tommy. tried to get back, she wasn't allowed. And (Tommy yelling) then she starved. Out there. Right by the Girl: What's he doing? gates. R: It's his own fault. If he learnt to keep his cool, they'd leave him alone. For ages 有點誇張的用法,表示很久的意思 T: I hate you! I hate you all! 新來的 Miss Lucy 好奇問為什麼 Tommy 不去撿 Girls: Kath... No, don't! 「彈出柵欄」的球,用 it bounced over the fence. K: You shouldn't have... 女孩們都知道因為那是 Hailsham 學校與真實世界 的邊界,她們是不允許「跨出邊界」的,如果違規, 這裡可能要強調 Tommy 身為複製人,也是有情 下場不是被綁在樹上至死,不然就是活活餓死等。 緒(情感表達)的障礙,因無法排解憤怒而打了自 己最好的朋友 Part 4 (In art class) Part 6 R: Tommy, what are you doing? What is it, (In Ms. Lucy’s office) exactly? Ms. L: Hello. Girl: I think it must be a dog. Is it a dog, K: Kathy. Kathy H. Tommy? Ms. L: Of course. Kathy H. Come in. So Boy: It can't be a dog. Its eyes are too small. what can I do for you? I think it must be a kind of rat. K: Well, I was wondering what you said to Girl: Yes, that's it. Tommy's drawn a rat. Tommy. Out on the playing fields. Tommy: It's not finished yet. Ms L: I see. Oh. So what did I say? I believe Boy: That's right. You haven't finished the I was trying to calm him down. Because he whiskers. seemed upset. He explained he was often Girl: Do you think Tommy's rat will be teased about sport and art, so I told him he selected for The Gallery? shouldn't get upset about these things. The T: It's not a rat. It's an elephant. other children are only teasing him to get a Teacher: Children, back to work. reaction. And if it happens that he's not particularly good at sport or art, well, that 這一段表示 Tommy 不擅長畫畫,同學圍觀時, doesn't matter. It's not so important. 總要批評或是取笑他。 Whiskers 鬍鬚,老鼠的鬍鬚 Miss Lucy 向 Kathy 解釋其他孩子們會嘲弄 The Gallery 畫廊,好的作品將會被 Madame Tommy 是想要他有所反應,其中兩個關鍵詞語 Marie-Claude 選入畫廊擺放 為 tease 嘲弄, get a reaction 得到反應。你越是有回 應,同學越是戲弄你而得到快感。 Part 5 Miss Lucy 認為即使不擅長運動或是美術似乎也 K: He's got his shirt on. His favorite polo 不那麼重要,「沒關係」的慣用語 ”that doesn’t shirt. matter.“ 或許 Miss Lucy 認為他們的命運終究是一 Girl: He really doesn't suspect a thing. 樣的:捐贈器官之後結束生命。 Inspect 檢閱 Part 7 Madame Marie-Claude 來到 Hailsham 要為她的畫 (Meal time) 廊選出優秀的作品,Hailsham 要禮遇這位貴賓, T: I'm not gonna get angry like that anymore. extend to her every courtesy K: Because of what Miss Lucy told you, Extend to 給予 courtesy 禮貌、好意 about being creative? Diligent in + N. / Ving 勤奮的 T: How do you know about that? Token 代幣 K: I'm nosey. She can't actually mean that 這裡的學生生活應該是規律乏味的,而令他們最 being creative isn't important, can she? I 感興奮的是二手貨拍賣的活動 mean, what about The Gallery? If being A bumper crop 指的是大豐收,比喻這次的二手貨 creative isn't important, then why have 市集的貨品應該是各式各樣,玲瑯滿目 a gallery at all? T: I don't know. Part 9 (In class) Gonna 即 going to,是口語的用法 Ms. L: The problem is you've been told and Nosey 好管閒事的,亦可為 nosy not told. That's what I've seen while I've 此段對話為後面揭曉畫廊真正用意埋下伏筆, been here. You've been told but none of you Kathy 很疑惑也不苟同 Miss Lucy 的說法,創意 really understand. So I've decided I'll talk to 並不重要,因為她認為畫廊的存在就顯示了創意 you in a way that you will understand. Do 的重要性。 you know what happens to children when they grow up? No, you don't, because Part 8 nobody knows. They might grow up to Ms. E: Good morning, students. become actors, move to America. Or they Students: Good morning, Miss Emily. might work in supermarkets. Or teach in Ms. E: There are several points of order schools. They might become sportsmen or today. The first is that our good friend, bus conductors or racing car drivers. They Madame Marie-Claude, is visiting us. She might do almost anything. But with you we will, as usual, be carefully inspecting your do know. None of you will go to America. artwork and poetry and selecting the very None of you will work in supermarkets. best pieces for inclusion in her Gallery. None of you will do anything except live the We will, of course, extend to her every life that has already been set out for you. You courtesy and make her feel most welcome. will become adults, but only briefly. Before Second point of order, a piece of good news you are old, before you are even middle- for all students who have been diligent in aged, collecting tokens. After studies tomorrow, you will start to donate your vital organs. there will be a sale. The delivery will arrive That's what you were created to do. And in the morning, and I was assured by the van sometime around your third or fourth driver that the boxes will contain a bumper donation, your short life will be complete. crop. You have to know who you are and what you are. It's the only way you'll lead decent lives. 不會受這樣的思想動搖,所以她重複說 I will not Bus conductor 公車車長 be coerced. And neither will Hailsham. Miss Lucy 向學生們解釋未來他們只會過著早已 Coerce 脅迫 被安排好的人生,與各行告業無緣。 學生長大後就會開始捐贈「重要器官」vital organ Part 11 一般的捐贈者在第三或四次的捐贈後,生命將終 (At the Cottages) 結,complete 結束的 K: We were moved from Hailsham at 18 and Miss Lucy 希望學生們能夠了解自己的身分與命 sent to various accommodations around the 運,唯有這樣,他們才懂得把握,活個像樣的人 country, to wait until we were old enough 生。 to start the donations. Tommy, Ruth and I Decent 像樣的、相當好的,如 a decent job; a were sent to a collection of farm buildings decent salary called The Cottages. During our stay there, we were told that some of us would be Part 10 permitted to volunteer as carers. But, apart Ms. E: There will be only one announcement from that, we'd be left largely to our own this morning, which is that Miss Lucy, who devices and even allowed to take day trips was guardian to the fourth-year students, is into the surrounding countryside. The no longer working at Hailsham. A Cottages were also our first contact replacement will be found for her, and in the with those who had not grown up at meantime her classes will be divided Hailsham. There were people from White between Miss Geraldine and myself. It is Mansion, Oakhill, Morningdale and other hard, is it not, to continue in the face of homes I'd never heard of. Everyone seemed deliberate subversion. There are those who wiser and more worldly than us. seek to thwart us, this is clear. And we are aware that the tide is not with forward 18 歲後大家便離開學校,分別被送往鄉鎮附近不 thinking. It never is. No, the tide is with the 同的住處,等待適宜的時機來捐贈器官 entrenched mindset. With values that are still Accommodation 住處、工作場所 unexamined. But I will not be coerced. I will 三位主角們被送往的地方叫做 The Cottages not be coerced. And neither will Hailsham. Cottage 原指農舍 期間他們可以自願申請擔任看護照顧捐贈者,作 Miss Lucy 告訴學生真相後被迫離開了學校,學 volunteer as carers 校並另找「替代她的人」,replacement 因為從沒接觸過外頭真實世界,所以 Kathy 才會 學校不允許任何人阻撓複製人捐贈器官,也擔心 覺得這裡每個人都比他們世故 more worldly 學生們受到動搖,所以灌輸學生,有人在惡意暗 中破壞、阻撓 Part 12 deliberate subversion 蓄意破壞(顛覆) (In the Dining Room) Thwart 阻撓 K: Ruth, why do you do that thing? Entrenched mindset 根深蒂固的思維 = Squeezing Tommy's shoulder. 最後 Miss Emily 也向大家精神喊話,Hailsham 絕 R: I'm allowed to touch Tommy, aren't I? K: It's the way you're touching him. You Come in. Join the fun. know what I mean. It's copied from that T: Didn't know you liked that sort of stuff. television show. K: You're very welcome to them after I've R: That's so not... finished. K: Don't tell me "that's so not true." All that T: Oh, no, it's just sex stuff. I expect I've behavior, that's not what people do out there, seen them all already anyway. Kathy, what in real life, if that's what you were thinking. are you looking for? R: So what? Look, it's no big deal. A lot of K: What do you mean? I'm just looking us do it. at dirty pictures. K: What you mean is Chrissie and Rod do it. T: What, just for kicks? R: Oh, Kathy. So that's what this is about. It K: I suppose you could say that, yes. must be really awful for you, surrounded by T: If it's just for kicks, then you don't do it all these couples. like that. You need to look at each picture K: I never said that. I just think it's daft. You more carefully. Nothing really happens if copy them, and they copy from a television you go that fast. show. K: How do you know what works for girls? R: I'm right, aren't I? You don't like the fact T: Kath, you're not looking for kicks. that Tommy and I are friends with Chrissie K: Here, give it to Ruth. See if it does and Rod, whereas you hardly speak to anything for her. anyone. K: No. You're not right. Hover 徘徊、停留 R: "So" not right? Sex stuff 關於性的東西 當 Tommy 問 Kathy 在色情雜誌裡找什麼時,為 這一段似乎透露出三角關係之間的心理糾結, 甚麼隨便快速翻閱?而 Kathy 只淡淡地說為了刺 Kathy 質問為什麼 Ruth 要模仿電視裡情侶的言行, 激與快感 for kicks 是 Kathy 擔心真實世界所產生的負面影響,還是 而 Tommy 知道 Kathy 其實是在找自己的真身 只是忌妒著 Ruth 得以和 Tommy 親密接觸。尤其 (Original) 在這些雙雙對對情侶身邊 surrounded by all these couples,Ruth 會這麼講也是因為自己內心深處其 Part 14 實是忌妒的,因為她知道 Tommy 與 Kathy 也愛 (In Kathy’s room) 著彼此。雖然 Kathy 嘴上說 it’s daft (It’s silly),但 R: Well, last weekend, they went up to a 卻可以感受到 Kathy 有點吃味,畢竟她始終喜歡 town on the Norfolk coast, and they think 著 Tommy they saw this person. K: What kind of person? Part 13 R: A lady working in an office. And... (In Kathy’s Room) K: What is it, Ruth? K: Hello, Tommy. R: But they thought this person was a T: Hello, Kath. Possible. For me. K: Well, don't just hover in the doorway. K: They found your Original? R: They aren't sure, obviously, but Rodney impossible. Someone's always listening in. said that the resemblance was really striking. So, someone was saying that some Hailsham K: Oh, my God. Ruth! students in the past have managed to get a R: I know. They want to drive me back up deferral. Apparently those Hailsham students there so that I can see for myself. Tommy could have their first donation put back by will come, but... three or even four years. As long as they K: Do you want me to come? qualified. (Ruth nods her head) Rod: If there was a boy and a girl, and they were in love with each other, really properly K: Ruth, of course. in love, and they could prove it, then they Rodney 和 Chrissie 在鎮上意外看見 Ruth 的 would be given a few years together before original 真身,this person 指的就是 Ruth 的真身 they began their donations. Possible 對複製人而言是有可能的真身人選 R: Where did you hear about this? 這個 Possible 與 Ruth 的相似度極高 the Rod: When we were at White Mansion. resemblance was really striking C: People there were always going on about 搭配 resemblance 的形容詞常用 striking this Hailsham couple. When the guy was only a few weeks from donation, he just Part 15 went to see someone. He applied, and (In a coffee shop) everything got sorted out. I suppose you Rod: I'll get sausage, egg and chips. would know about that sort of thing. Being T: Sausage, egg and chips, please. from Hailsham, you'd know how that R: Yes, sausage, egg and chips. sort of thing works. K: Sausage, egg and chips, me, too, please. C: Well, I suppose I'd better get sausage, Chrissie 與 Rodney 都聽說了在 Hailsham 有個傳言, egg and chips, too, then. 只要能「證明」是真心相愛的情侶便能申請「緩捐」。 Clerk: Five sausage, egg and chips. Drinks? Kathy, Ruth, Tommy 其實心裡都有數,緩捐可能 Rod: Five Cokes, please. 僅僅是個傳言,這也替後面 Tommy 與 Kathy 去 申請埋下伏筆。 從未接觸過外面世界的 Tommy, Ruth, Kathy 來到 Deferral(n.)與 put back(v.)都是延期的意思 鎮上的 coffee shop 卻不知點什麼,略有經驗的 Rodney 想得知緩捐需向「誰」申請,也就是他提 Rodney 便開口先點了 I’ll get sausage, eggs, and 到的 someone chips. 其他三人卻在思索片刻之後也點了一模一 Got sorted out 獲得解決,這邊指獲得緩捐許可 樣的東西,可見主角們對真實世界的陌生 Chips = fries 指的是薯條 Part 17 (Outside of the office) Part 16 Rod: It may be down here. Yeah. C: You know, there's something I've been That's it. wanting to talk to you lot about. The problem R: God, it must be her. is that back there at The Cottages it's Rod: Yeah, that's her. (At the beach) got to the bottom of it, what The Gallery was R: It's not her. I'm not her. for. Pictures, poetry and sculpture. Say K: No, you're not. something about yourself. That's the whole T: It was really close, though. point about art, isn't it? It says what's inside R: Oh, shut up, Tommy! It wasn't close. of you. It reveals your soul. It wasn't close at all. And I knew it wasn't K: Yeah. So? gonna be her before we even got here! It was T: Suppose for a second that the rumor is never gonna be her. They never, ever model true. That there is a special arrangement for us on people like that woman. Hailsham students, if they're in love. Well, K: Ruth, don't. there would have to be some kind of way to R: What? We all know it, we just never say decide if couples are telling the truth and not it. just lying to put off their donations. That's We are modeled on trash. Junkies, what The Gallery could be for. In The prostitutes, Gallery they have everything about us they winos, tramps. Convicts, maybe, as long as need to know. So if we say that we're in love, they aren't psychos. If you want to look they can look into our souls and they can see. for Possibles, if you want to do it properly, They'll know if it's real love or if it's just a look in the gutter. That's where we came lie. from. K: That's a strange idea, Tommy. K: Are you thinking of applying? With Ruth? 這裡似乎暗指複製人對自己真身身分認同的渴望, T: No. It wouldn't work. Ruth 親眼證實那酷似自己的女子並非自己的真身 K: Why? 以後,心裡感到恐懼、無助、憤怒,所以不願承認 T: Because you forget that you got lots of 地說他們僅會是那些人渣、毒蟲、妓女、酒鬼、蕩婦、 stuff into The Gallery over the years, and if I 罪犯的複製人。 applied they wouldn't have anything to go 注意詞語搭配用 model on on. Gutter = the poorest social conditions 貧民窟、惡劣 環境 obsessed about this rumor 很相信關於緩捐的謠言 Tommy 覺得他們從沒探究 The Gallery 的用意, Part 18 注意用法 get to the bottom of it (Kathy and Tommy walking in the woods) Tommy 試著將畫廊的存在合理化解釋,藝術可 T: Out here. Chrissie and Rod are pretty 以展現一個人的內在心靈,若學校要檢視情侶們 obsessed about this rumor, aren't they? 是否真心相愛,便可透過他們在畫廊的作品來判 K: About the deferrals? 斷。 T: Mmm. I was thinking about it again last Suppose 假設 night, and if this rumor's true it might explain a few things. Part 19 K: Such as? K: By the time Ruth and Tommy actually did T: Well, The Gallery, for instance. We never separate, my carer training had already begun. So I was hardly ever at The Cottages. Nurse: It's always better to wake at home, It had never occurred to me that our lives, isn't it? Is that someone you know? which had been so closely interwoven, could K: Yeah. Actually, we grew up together. unravel with such speed. If I'd known, maybe Nurse: Oh. I'd have kept tighter hold of them and not let K: How is she? unseen tides pull us apart. Once I began Nurse: Were you close? working with my donors, I didn't have much K: We haven't seen each other now for time to dwell on Tommy or Ruth. Eventually, almost 10 years. so many years had passed I came to think I Nurse: Well, Ruth isn't as strong as we would never see them again. Many carers would hope, at this stage. find themselves just going through the K: She's done two donations. motions, waiting for the day that they stop Nurse: She has. and become donors. But for the most part, K: You think she'll complete on the third? being a carer has suited me fine. I quite Nurse: I think she wants to complete. And, enjoy traveling across the country, shuttling as you know, when they want to complete, from center to center, hospital to hospital. they usually do.
Occur (+to) 想到,to 後面加人 身為看護,看見所照顧的捐贈者生命終結總是難 Unravel 拆散 過的,所以 Kathy 對這件事還未免疫 become Unseen tides 暗潮,指默默流逝的時間 immune to the completions Dwell on 懸念於/掛念某人 因為 Kathy 所照顧的捐贈者在手術中遇到一些 Shuttle 穿梭 Complications(指併發症),所以護士想要她簽放 棄證明 the release Part 20 Kathy 在醫院意外得知十年沒見的 Ruth 已做了兩 (In the hospital) 次的捐贈,而護士認為已飽受折磨的 Ruth 在下 K: I'd never say I've become immune 一次的捐贈便想終結自己的生命。 to the completions. But they are something I am able to live with. Part 21 Nurse: You're Hannah's carer, aren't you? R: I always knew you'd be a good carer. Your Hannah's carer? donors are very lucky. Look, I was lying K: Yes. awake last night and I suddenly had an idea Nurse: I'm sorry, it's always hard, but there that we'd take a trip together. were complications. K: Where to? K: You need me to sign the release? R: I hadn't much thought of where, just a Nurse: Please. trip. Nurse: Are you going to leave now? We can Although a place did spring to mind. One of quite easily provide you with a bed tonight if the boys on the other floor was talking about you've got a long drive. it. It's near the Kingsfield Recovery Center. K: I can be back home in under two hours. K: Is it the boat? The one left on the beach? R: You've heard about it, too? wasn't just because of the rumors about K: I heard. One of the carers who worked deferrals. It was because I was jealous. You there. had real love and I didn't, and I didn't want to R: And do you suppose, if we're driving be the one that was left alone. It's the worst all that way, that we could call in on thing I ever did. And now I want to put it Tommy? Told you I'd been keeping tabs on right. you. T: I don't know how you can do that, Ruth. K: Have you seen him? R: I can if you two get a deferral. R: No, not since The Cottages. K: It's too late for that, Ruth. Way too late. No, neither have I. It's stupid to even think about it. R: It isn't too late. Look, you'll see, both of Spring to mind 浮現在腦海 you. I wanted to do this trip because I had Keep tabs on 密切關注 something that I wanted to give you. It's 三人相約去了留有一艘廢棄的船的海邊,這會不 Madame's address. That's who you apply to. 會是暗示著他們心中有一絲逃脫的念頭呢?是不 That's who you have to go and see. 是他們也想過一個正常人的人生呢?而這艘擱淺 於美麗沙灘上的廢船就如同對美好望塵莫及的絕 Tommy 提到 Hailsham 的關閉,而所剩的寄宿學 望吧。 校就如同家禽飼養場 (battery farms) 毫無人性。然 而對複製人而言,時過境遷物換星移,他們的命 Part 22 運依然無法改變。 (Heading to the beach) Ruth 向 Kathy 與 Tommy 坦承過去她故意拆散他 T: I can't quite believe that I have you both 們,是因為忌妒他們的真愛。 here. Does it feel to you that we're back at 這些年一直不斷自我反省的 Ruth 試圖彌補 Kathy Hailsham again? Like no time has passed? 與 Tommy,給了她們 Madame Marie-Claude 的住 K: No, it doesn't. 址,希望她們去申請緩捐。 T: No, it doesn't at all, does it? It really Kathy 知道緩捐極有可能僅僅是謠言,現在彌補 doesn't at all. It's really weird. But a good 一切都太遲了,所以她才會說 Way too late. weird, I think. I don't suppose you both heard that Hailsham was closed? The only schools Part 23 left now, you hear they're like battery farms. (In Tommy’s sickroom) Like Morningdale. I'm sure that's an T: Well, thank you. I have never showed exaggeration, though. anyone them until now. They were my R: That's what we're supposed to be, isn't it? secret. I'd like you to forgive me. I don't expect you Just like you and those porno magazines. to. K: You remember that? K: Forgive you for what? T: Yeah. R: For keeping you and Tommy apart. K: Ruth said you didn't understand what I Should have been you two together, I always was doing. knew it. As far back as I can remember. It T: No, I don't think she understood what you were doing. She thought you were looking at T: We're in love. And it's true love. It's the dirty pictures in order to find out about verifiable. sex and to find out what you were missing Madame: Verifiable. I see. Go on. out on or something. I knew. I knew you T: Well, we'd heard about the deferrals. And were looking for your Original. we'd worked out the purpose of The Gallery. K: I used to have these huge urges to have Madame: Tell me the purpose. sex sometimes. And sometimes they'd be so T: To use our art from Hailsham to look into powerful, I just thought I'd do it with anyone. our souls, which would verify that we So I thought that had to tell me something. deserved a deferral. But the problem is I was Something about the kind of person I was a little bit mixed up back then and I didn't modeled on. It's stupid, but I guessed the really do any art, so you never took anything magazines would be the most likely place I'd of mine. I know, I know that that is my fault find her. and it is probably much too late, but I T: You know those urges are natural, don't brought some stuff with me today. This is a you? You know all of us had them. You book of stuff and... Other stuff here. Some of know that now, right? them I've done quite recently, and others were done several years ago, so there's a real Porno magazines 色情雜誌,pornography spread. You already have a load of stuff Kathy 訴說過去她會不時地突然對性有極強烈的 from Kath already. She got loads of stuff into 渴望 huge urges,以致於懷疑自己的真身是否與 The Gallery over the years, didn't... 此有關聯,而色情雜誌是最有可能找到自己真身 的地方。這裡也看出複製人一樣有七情六慾,一 Startle = Slightly shock 使某人驚嚇 樣有尋找自我的需求。 Verifiable = confirmable 可證實的 Tommy 向 Madame 與 Miss Emily 解釋自己已探究 Part 24 出畫廊的意義,學校是為了檢視學生們的內在心 (Ruth and Tommy to see the Madame) 靈,以證實他們是否相愛而值得給予緩捐的機會。 K: Madame? Sorry. We didn't mean to startle 過去在學校 Tommy 一直沒有好作品,所以這些 you. We were at Hailsham. I'm Kathy. 年他才持續創作,作品橫跨的時間範圍很廣 This is Tommy. We're not here to give you There’s a real spread. any trouble. Madame: From Hailsham? Part 25 T: We just came to talk to you. And I brought Madame: I'm sorry. I never know what to you some things. Some things you might like do. Ms. E: I'll take it from here. Thank you, for your Gallery. George. Kathy H and Tommy D. I remember Madame: Come inside. you both. Kathy, a bright girl, and so Madame: Please, wait here. creative. T: Look, it's Hailsham. Kathy, it's Hailsham. And Tommy, a big heart and terrible rages. K: That's exactly how I remember it. You have to understand, Hailsham was the Madame: Please, sit down. So... last place to consider the ethics of donation. We used your art to show what you were K: It's been two weeks since I lost him. I've capable of. To show that donor children been given my notice now. My first donation are all but human. But we were providing is in a month's time. I come here and imagine an answer to a question no one was asking. If that this is the spot where everything I've lost you ask people to return to darkness, the since my childhood has washed up. I tell days of lung cancer, breast cancer, motor myself if that were true, and I waited long neurone disease, they'll simply say no. We enough, then a tiny figure would appear on used to get two or three couples like you a the horizon across the field and gradually get year. Not so much these days. You're the first larger until I'd see it was Tommy. He'd wave for quite a while. and maybe call. I don't let the fantasy go T: To apply for a deferral? beyond that. I can't let it. I remind myself I K: There are no deferrals, Tommy. was lucky to have had any time with him at Madame: There are no deferrals. And there all. What I'm not sure about is if our lives never have been. have been so different from the lives of the Ms. E: We didn't have The Gallery in order people we save. We all complete. Maybe to look into your souls. We had The Gallery none of us really understand what we've to see if you had souls at all. Do you lived through or feel we've had enough time. understand? K: Yes. Wash up 結束 Madame: Your drawings are very good. If Kathy 最後想問的問題是: you want, I'll keep them. 複製人的人生與受贈者究竟有何不同?一樣是生 K: Thank you for talking to us. 命,一樣會終結。那麼,也可以說複製人也是人 Madame: You poor creatures. I wish I could 嗎?一個深刻的生命倫理問題,你認為呢? help you.
A big heart 寬容的心 Terrible rages 壞脾氣 在 Hailsham 對於複製人捐贈器官是沒有倫理道德 可言,讓他們創作只是為了要知道他們的能耐極 限;站在 Hailsham 學校立場來看,這些她們從小 看大的複製人小孩不能算是人類。 Miss Emily 坦白地說,畫廊的存在並不是如同 Tommy 所想要檢視學生們的靈魂,而是為了檢 視這些複製人們到底有沒有靈魂,說穿了,複製 人並沒有被當成真正的人類看待。 Poor creature 可憐的傢伙,用 creature 有種憐愛的 意思
Part 26